The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 25, 1902, Image 1

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Fund But Do Not Refund
A week from noxt Tuesday evening
or May 6th at eight oclock a mooting
of the members of the auditorium asso
ciation will bo held in tho oflice of C
II Meeker All societies or individuals
who have paid in any money are invited
to be represented or to be present in
The object of this meeting will bo to
take action about tho disposition of tho
funds which have been created for the
purpose of erecting an auditorium
There are two courses to bo pursued in
the matter One is to refund tho
money and the other is to fund tho samo
that is to have all the money already
paid in placed ina fund on interest
The Tribune believes the latter course
should bo followed and that the refund
ing of the money secured for the purpose
would bo unwise
The need of an auditorium is just as
urgent now as it was when the last
movement was inaugurated and The
Tribune does not believo that the pro
ject should be abandoned Quito a
number of hundred dollars in cash have
already been paid in or raised It should
bo promptly insisted that every dollar
be paid into the auditorium treasurer
who should be instructed to take a cer
tificate of deposit for tho total amouutj
m tno name oi tno auuiioriuni associa
tion at the prevailing rate paid by the
banks for funds on deposit This
fund should bo increased from time
to time by entertainment for this public
purpose Soon a very considerable sum
of cash would bo available and some
favorable season or opportune time by
public subscriptions subscriptions of
stock etc sufficient money can be secured
tobuildMcCookan adequate auditorium
The Tribune favors an auditorium
campaign involving enlistment until tho
end of the war until tho money to com
plete tho building has been secured If
it cannot bo done in one year and wo
are of the opinion such a course involves
too heavy a financial drain let a num
ber of years be devoted to the laudable
Hence dont refund money already
raised but by all means fund it and add
to the same as largely as possible yet
this year
112 Miles in 120 Minutes Up Grade
Since Engineer OConnell made his
fast run from Eckley to Wray last
March the engineers of the Burlington
road have been after his scalp and this
morning he lost it It was raised by
Engineer F W Bosworth who rolled
into the union depot with second section
No 3 with a grin on his face a yard
Bosworth held the throttle on freight
engine No 279 while Tom T Bosworth
a freight conductor gave him the high
ball at Akron 112 miles away The reg
ular leaving time at Akron is 350 a m
arriving in Denver at 7 a m This
morning they left Akron at 335 and ar
rived at 735 just one hour and ten
minutes late out of Akron and thirty
five minutes late into Denver
The run was made in exactly 120 min
utes two minutes faster than the famous
run of the Mahan special some years ago
The fastest time was made between
Fort Morgan and Corona 147 miles in
thirteen minutes The track is up grade
all the way from Akron until near Den
ver and when the fact is taken into con
sideration that trains slow down within
tho city limits the run is the most re
markable on record
I didnt know whether it was in the
279 or not said Engineer Bosworth as
he leaned out of the cab window smiling
broadly and receiving the congratula
tions of a host of railroad men but I
put the screws to her and she answered
like a thoroughbred The conditions
from Akron in are not favorable for a
fast run as there are some pretty heavy
grades but the old girl walked up
them like a swallow If I hadnt had to
slow down coming into the yards Ill bet
a months salary it would have been 112
miles in 112 minutes As it is I am sat
isfied and I reckon everyone concerned
will be
The train was made up of engine No
279 a freight chair and Pullman car
Denver Post of Monday
Brewer Niles Wedding
Monday evening April 21st at 830
J Fred Brewer and Mabel Gertrude
Niles were united in marriage under
happy circumstances Rev R M Hard
man rector of St Albans Episcopal
church performed the ceremony in the
presence of a company of relatives
neighbors and friends at the home of the
brides sister Mrs Lewis Casten in
South McCook A wedding supper fol
lowed the happy event They have
taken apartments in the city Both
bride and groom have grown to young
womanhood and young manhood in our
city and are well known and held in high
esteem by a large circle of friends May
their married life be happy and pros
Only one Thompson store in town
now To be found in the same building
pursuing the same approved methods
keeping in vital and sensitive touch
with the best markets asking patronage
upon tho ground of mutual advantage
The people pay our rent they pay our
freight they pay our advertising they
give us these things because we serve
them actively and reliably If it is
worthy and desirable and evidently rea
sonable in price you may be sure it came
from The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Adjoining the iwstollice One price
plain figures cash only
Its up to you whether you see the
newest thingsin wall paper or not If
you buv before seeing our lino youll re
gret it McConnell Berry
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
Hammocks large enough for two
McConnell Berry
Judge Norris was a Lincoln visitor
Friday last
Mrs C W Dewey is visiting her
folks at Danbury
Banker Robinson of Trenton was a
visitor Thursday
F I Fosg the Crete lawyer politician
was a McCook visitor Monday
Mrs W McK Nixon has joined her
husband in Saratoga Wyoming
Ben Strine is ablo to be out and
around now after quite an illness
Mrs W E Lee left first of tho week
to join her husband in Saratoga Wyo
II W Campbell of Soil Culture fame
from lloldrege was a city visitor- Sat
urday last
Miss Stella Norval left on 2 this
morning for Oklahoma City to join tho
family there
Mrs F G Westland went down to
Lincoln Wednesday morning to visit
relatives briefly
Mrs O D Kieth went down to Hast
ings Wednesday morning on a visit of
two or three days
Postmaster Ki aim ell is now doing
business under his new commission from
President Roosevelt
A E Petty departed on 6 Sunday
night for Broken Bow Nebraska where
he expects to locate
C II Boyle has been up in Brown
county most of the week on a land
deal arriving home today
Earl Vahue is home from Omaha
where he has been attending dental col
lege during the past winter
Mrs J E Kelley is better after a
painful illness of two or three weeks
with an affection of the throat
Mrs II II Miller arrived from
Denver Wednesday night on 11 on a
visit to her parents and sisters
J C Lenhart departed for Colorado
close of last week seeking a location
lie hasLongmont andLoveland in view
Mrs F M Kimmell went down to
Lincoln Wednesday morning on 2 and
will be a guest of her parents for a week
or two
Mrs J T Bryan and the children de
parted for Loveland Colorado Sunday
evening where Mr Bryan will join them
P A Williams of the Riverton Re
view was at headquarters Tuesday on
land business and perhaps politics inci
Mrs J G Schobel spent Saturday
and Sunday in Minden guest of her
parents Postmaster and Mrs L M
Copeland Mr Schobel visited the old
home Sunday
Miss Erninie Rathbun came up from
Oxford Saturday on 13 remaining over
Sunday guest of her parents Register
and Mrs F M Rathbun She is an
efficient teacher in the Oxford public
Frank Colfer is acquiring fame in
Omaha in addition to his scholastic ac
complishments as one of the star pitch
ers for the Creighton college base ball
team one of the swiftest teams at pres
ent in the Nebraska diamond
Dr W V Gage startled the natives
last week by appearing on the local
highways with an automobile propelled
by gasoline This is the first automo
bile in McCook and is perhaps the only
one owned in this section of Nebraska
Mrs II A Beale entertained the
members of High Five club No 1
Tuesday evening Mrs George R Sny
der won every game and the first prize
Competition for the booby was quite
active but Mrs Vina Wood was success
ful in the cutting
iliss C A Gorby received the- s ul intelligence
Tun day of the death of a sister that morning
in Kant as City She departed on No 14 that
same night for Superior where the funeral
occurred on Thursday All true hearts go out
to Miss Gorby in this sorrow
On Arbor Day Tuesday twenty four trees
were planted by tho pchool children Among
the number was one dedicated to and christened
McKinley Following is the
Morning Hymn School
Governor Savages Proclamation Vera Dwyer
History of Arbor Day Nellie Ryan
Life of J S Morton Jonn Rice
Objects and Advantages of Planting Tree
Lester Littel
Song School
Selections From the Vision of Sir Launfal
Lillian Roman
A Letter From J R Lowell Bessie Beam
Some Words on ArborDay From Mr Morton
Emma Perry
When the Green Gits Backs in the Trees
Clifford Browne
Song School
March Blanche McCarl
The music program rendered this morning at
the High school assembly was as follows
Morning Hymn School
Piano Solo Edna Waite
Vocal Solo Miss Howe
Piano Solo Luella Thompson
Vocal Solo Nina Doan
Piano Solo Miss Howe
March Bessie Peterson
Honest Abe Lincoln said forty years
ago You fool all the people
some of tue time ana some of tne people
all the time but you cant fool all the
people all the time Absolutely true
special sale or no special sale We in
vite your participation in our every day
benefit selling The most goods the
best goods the- lowest prices The
Thompson D G Co
The members of the Awl Os club hap
pily surprised a departing member Miss
Stella Norvalj last evening at tho home
of Mrs C E Pope sending Miss Stella
Oklahoma ward this morning with
pleasantest memories
Tho B Y P 17 gave a farewell party
last ovenimr at the home of Mrs C P
Walls in honor of L B Phillips clerk
in tho Commercial hotel who soon leaves
the city
Our lino of extra stylish and tasty
White Shirt Waists will delight you and
the prices astonish you for reasonable
ness 50c to 250 The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
pii mumiriMlw rm i
i Jv Q -
A Series of Robberies
The safe in D C Marshs meat
market was robbed of 195 in money and
two personal checks of 3 and 5 respec
tively last Thursday night The thief
was either familiar with the combina
tion or the safe was not locked A for
mer employe now in Indjanoln who knew
the combination was arrested on suspi
cion Friday but released for lack of
further evidence This is the second
theft from this place with an unsuccess
ful attempt between the robberies The
thief got 25 the first time There are
numerous suspicious circumstances
which may yet result in bringing to
justice the robber Robberies are rare
crimes in this section of Nebraska and it
is to be hoped that the daring rascal will
soon come to grief
Auditorium Association Meeting
The members of the auditorium com
mittee held a meeting in C H Meekers
office Tuesday and canvassed the mat
tor pretty thoroughly finally concluding
to call a meeting of the members of the
auditorium association to be held in
C II Meekers office at eight oclock in
the evening of Tuesday May Gth Rep
resentatives of organizations which have
paid in any money as well as individ
uals who have paid in money are invited
to be present Any further information
may be secured by inquiring of C II
Meeker or F A Pennell
Biggest of Them All
A mining proposition is now being
considered by quite a number of McCook
people which if it materializes will
make all the other numerous mining
transactions look very like seventeen
cents Thero are S500000 involved in
tho proposition under consideration At
a meeting held on Tuesday a large num
ber of shares were subscribed for and a
committee selected with power to go to
Colorado at earliest convenience to in
vestigate the mine and report to the stock
Twentieth Century Lecture Course
Dean Fordyce of the Wesleyan uni
versity will fill the next number in the
Twentieth Century Lecture Course
Lecture to be delivered in the Methodist
church Saturday evening April 26th
commencing at 8 oclock Admission
25 cents Season tickets for the remain
ing lectures of the course 75 cents
Tickets on sale at McConnell Berrys
drug store
The Beveridges on May 19th and 20th
No Special Sale
Best Apron Check Ginghams 5c yard
Best Indigo dyed Dress Prints 5c yard
Best Turkey Red figured prints 5c yard
Best Shirting prints 4c yd Best Car
pet Warp on spools 18c pound for white
and 20c pound for colors Best Table
Oil Cloth 15c yard including Plain and
Marbled White Simpsons Foulard
Prints 6c yard 10 colors Cotton Cov
erts 12nC yard No inferior goods in
stock at any price The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Minden to Have Baseball
Minden Neb April 19 Special
The Minden baseball association is now
organized with W J Fergurson secre
tary and L A Dasher manager They
have selected a good team for this year
The Minden ball park is one of the best
in the state and many good games are
expected to be played on it this year
The season will open about June 1
Taken to the Lincoln Asylum
The insanity board sat on the case of
Miss Sophia Rieschick at the Rieschick
farm a few miles west of McCook last
Saturday afternoon and declared her
insane Sheriff Crabtree took the un
fortunate young woman to Lincoln on
No 2 Tuesday morning Miss Anna
Rieschick accompanying the sister
Committee Meeting May 1st
Call has been issued for a meeting of
the Republican County Central com
mittee to be held in McCook May 1st
for the purpose of naming a date for
holding the county convention and the
transaction of such other business as
may properly come before the com
Happily Wedded Last Night
Earl S Spencer and Jessie Harris were
united in marriage last evening Elder
H H Berry offciating The ceremony
was performed at the home of Fred
Billings in the presence of a company of
relatives of the contracting parties A
wedding supper followed the ceremony
The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean
bears the reputation of being the best
weekly newspaper in the world We
have arranged specially to supply it and
this paper together for one year at the
low price of 140 for both
On Monday night at the Congrega
tional parsonage Rev Dean united in
marriage Mr Charles H Stewart a ris
ing youngattorney of Osmond and Miss
Veda Johnson of Cambridge They
left on No G for the east
A little stock food a spring tonic for
your horses cattle hogs and chickens
costs but a few cents will be worth
dollars to you Try it
McConnell Berry
You will soon need some garden and
lawn tools some rubber hose new gaso
line stove or a refrigerator II P Waite
has a large stock of the best goods at
right prices
While you are resting just clean up
the rubbish about your premises as re
quested by the city authorities Do it
right away It is not -pretty cleanly or
Now is the time to repair that walk or
to maue a new one There is nothing
better for the same money than paving
brick The Barnett Lumber Co sell
Bennett has them 1303
The coal shed at Brush is being en
No 3 ran in two sections Wednesday
Mrs George Wijletts was a Hastings
visitor Monday
Fred M Sanders returned to Lincoln
Wednesday of this week
Brakeman W W Prall is on tho re
lief with a crushed foot
P A Perry of Red Cloud had his
fingers pinched Wednesday
Brakeman C J Hall and wife are
visiting in Billings Montana
AtKapkes suits for 20 up Experi
enced tailor Fits guaranteed
Perry Majors is now employed in the
tool room of the machine shop
unier uierK ana Mrs W if cross vis
ited Lincoln relatives Sunday
The improvements on Conductor A P
Bonnos house are well under way
Mrs M O Stephenson left for Ober
lin yesterday morning on 2 on a visit
Operator H D Stewart visited his
sister in Lincoln Saturday and Sunday
Trainmaster Kenyon was in Lincoln
on new time card business last Friday
Brakeman and Mrs F S Curry visit
ed Benkelman relatives close of tho
Conductor and Mrs J J Curran left
on 6 Monday night for EldonIowa on
a visit
Brakeman C B Clark has gone to
Rocky Ford Colorado on a visit to his
Bert A Williams and family departed
on Wednesday morning for llolyoke
Mrs F F Neubauer went over to
Beaver City close of the week on a visit
to her mother
Engine 90 blew out a cylinder head
near Denver Sunday night delaying
No G about 2f hours
Mrs T A Erb and Anna May re
turned to Akron Wednesday on 11 after
a weeks visit in Denver
Dispatcher and Mrs L E Cann re
turned from their visit on the Kilpatrick
ranch near Imperial last night
Storekeeper and Mrs J C Barber ar
rived home Sunday night from spend
ing last week in Lincoln with relatives
Ileber Clough helper at Akron has
been transferred to Trenton Helper
John Murray from Trenton to Norton
General Superintendent Calvert evi
dently considers the Western division is
too swift Well she does hold about all
W A Collings has been transferred
to the companys service in Cheyenne
Wyoming for which point he left Wed
nesday morning
W H Williams who has been at Ex
celsior Springs Mo for treatment has
reported for duty and has been assigned
as day operator at Oxford
Conductor EF Caffrey has commenc
ed the construction of a residence for
himself on the lot just east of Frank
Reals dwelling on East Dodge
F L Berchell agent at Riverton has
been called east this week by death in
the family and Extra Agent A J Zint
is filling his place temporarily
Engineer and Mrs Thad Shepherd and
Engineer and Mrs L S Vierson of
Republican City went up to Denver last
Saturday on 13 on a short visit
Dispatcher and Mrs Will F Pate ac
companied his sister Mrs Etta Scudder
as far as Denver Tuesday on her way
Spokane Washington to locate
Brakeman G A Brooks of the Re
publican City Oberlin run is off duty
with a sprained ankle and W L Rey
nolds of McCook is relieving him
Supt and Mrs Fred S Harris of Ala
mosa Colorado passed through the city
last night on No G for Lincoln where
they were called by illness in the family
Pony Markham well known on the
Western division who has been in a
hospital in Denver for some time past is
just out of the hospital and about again
Night Operator A E Beitel of Yuma
has been transferred to Red Cloud in a
similar position C B Pfrimmer went
from Red Cloud to Culbertson as night
The new depot at Akron is well under
way It is being built east of the eat
ing house and and north of the track
and will be larger and better than the
structure burned
E N Steever late operator at Cul
bertson has been advanced to agent at
Luavale C E Paul late agent at Ina
vale has gone to Holyoke Colorado and
takena position in the Farmers and Mer
chants Banks
Mr and Mrs F M Ferree of Edgar
were guests of L W Stayner and
E E Stayner Monday and Tuesday on
their way home from spending the win
ter in Los Angeles Mrs Ferree is a sis
ter Of the Stayner brothers
There were two extra sections of No
5 Wednesday night carrying Russians
and their goods to Loveland Colorado
to work in the sugar beet fields There
were GOO of the Russians 13 carloads
with 13 cars of goods Four families
joined them at this place
EngineerAinsworth Monks coal house
was pretty badlv damaged by fire Tues
day afternoon The department quickly I
responded to the alarm and soon had
the small blace extinguished the dam
ace beinsr confined to the coal house
The fire probably was caused by hot
ashes combined with wind
Burlington operating officials are firm
in the belief that the Galesburg division
of the Q shows the highest efficiencv
attained in operating under standard
rules of any railroad or part of railroad j
on earth Thero the latest safety
ces are employed on a double track mam
line and the road is kept hot with pass
ing trains while the number of accidents
is small and steadily decreasing Lin
coln Journal
2 fl
Rubber Hose
Waito has tho best hose for tho money
Household Furniture for Sale
Bed room suit rockers dining room
table and chairs etc almost as good as
now Prices reasonable Call on Mrs
N E Smith
For Sale
Good windmill pump and tank In
quire of F Traver at the J M Hender
son property
Wall Paper and Paints
A McMillen wishes you to call and
examine his large assortment of wall
paper latest colorings and combina
tions Prices from 3c per roll up
Our remnants aro out o sight as
to price
Wo have a larce line of mixed nninta
and stains Would call your attention
to our special enamel for insido decora
tions A McMillen
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a in
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services at St Albans
Episcopal church Sunday Morning-
prayer and sermon II hven song and
sermon 8 Whosoever Will Let Them
Come R M Haroman Rector
Congregational Sunday school 10
a m Sermon 11 a m subject Tho
One Foundation Christian Endeavor
7 p m Sermon 8 p msubj ct Walk
Wednesday mid week conference and
prayer meeting All are welcome at
these meetings
Frank W Dean Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a
m Preaching 11 Junior League 330
Epworth League 7 Preaching S The
pulpit will be occupied in the morning
by the Rev Charles Fordyce A M
dean of the Nebraska Wesloan univer
sity subject The Neglected Factor in
Character Building Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening
L M Grigsry Pastor
Baptist Sunday school 915 a m
Preaching 11 a m and H p in Young
Peoples prayer meeting 715 p m
Church prayer meeting Wednesday at
S p m There will be baptismal services
Sunday morning and evening All who
have just begun the Christian life are
requested to meet at the church Satur
day evening at 8 oclock
Geo L White Pastor
Rev Hardman visited Max and Tien
ton this week Mrs Hardmau accom
panied him as far as Culbertson wbi rc
she will be the guest of Mrs Green wife
of Agent Green of that city until Thurs
district court
In the matter of the estate of W T
Stone leave to sell real estate
F M Colson vs Hubert Plousard on
note for 1067 Same vs George D
LeHew on account 515 Same vs
John W Underbill on account 8750
State of Nebraska vs Barton I fill
dismissed on motion of county attorney
Marriage licenses issued
James F Brewer and Mabel Gertrude
Niles both of McCook
Charles H Stewart of 0mond Ne
braska and Veda Johnson of Cam
bridge Married by Rev F W Dean at
the Congregational parsonage Monday
Earl S Spencer of McCook and Jessie
Harris of Danbury
A Spring Tonic
Every system however vigorous needs
a stimulant At this season of the year
the blood also needs purifying We be
lieve that there is nothing better for this
purpose than McConnell s Sarsaparilla
a preparation combining the best known
blood remedies We make it ourselves
We know it is pure We guarantee sat
isfaction Try a bottle
McConnell Berry
Did you say We have more than all
the other dealers put together and we
set the pace in prices
McConnell Berry
Window screens and screen doors
Barnett Lumber Co
See H P Waite for refrigerators gas
oline stoves rubber hose and all season
able goods in his- line
Seven shades of dainty Nuns Veilings
beautiful for Dresses and Waists and
Washable 20c a yard at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Are you going to paint your house
barn or fence Let us quote you prices
on the best paint on earth
McConnell Berry
Call and see ourpaing brick and let
us tell you how little it will cost jou to
build a new side walk with them
Barnett Lumber Co
A few remnants of Ja t ears stock of
wall paper enough for one room will be
closed out regardless of pric
McConnell Berry
Why dont you rai e your calves with
out milk Thousands of farmers are
doing it with Blatchfords calf meal It
rapidly matures the calf and prevents
scouring Try a sack of it at W T
Readers of the Chicago Weekly Inter
Ocean are piling up information and en
lightenment as to the news of all the
world which those who do not read it
cannot hope to acquire Why not avail
yourself of the specially low rate of 140
which we are able ty make for one years
subscription to both The Inter Ocean
and this paper Think it over
1303 at Bennetts
Try a 1303 at Bennetts
New screen doors at Milliards
Buy a 1303 Bennett sells them
Seo that five ply hoso at Waitow
Its a winner 1303 at Bennetts
Latest styles screen doors at Bullards
Paving brick for sale by tho Barnett
Lumber Co
Call at Bullards and see those fancy
screen doors
Everything seasonable at Marshs
meat market
I N Briggs painting and paper hang
ing Phono 251
A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for
sale at this office
BarnettLumberCo forwindowscreons
and screen doors
Audrey The latest popular book at
McConnell it Berrys
Mrs M M Delhunty has three tin
furnished rooms for rent
See the latest in porcelain lined refrig
erators at W T Colemans
Barnett Lumber Co for the Wheeler
adjustable window screens
Hullard will get you odd size window
and door screens on short notice
Our screens keep out the Hies
Bullard it Co
Tell your neighbor about that 1900
riding cultivator at W T Colemans
Wheeler adjustable window screens
Barnbtt Lumrbr C
For Sale A dwelling house on Me
Farland street Inquire of C A Ward
The Quick Meal gasoline stove has no
equal for convenience or as a saver of
Paper hanging for 20c a bolt I N
Briggs painter and paper hanger
Phone 251
James Cain is adding to his building
over on Lower Manchester to secure
more storage room
All kinds of garden and grass seeds for
sale All seeds fresh and in bulk
C J Ryan Manager
We have all kinds of window and door
screens at prices to suit
Bullard it Co
We have a large line of farm and gar
den seeds Buy now while the assort
ment is full II P Waite
Flies will soon be here and you will
need screens See us before buying
4-4-4 ts Bullard it Co
We are glad to show our screen doors
and are sure we can suit you
Bullard Co
Furniture polish varnish stains and
enamel everything for brightening up
the home McConnell it Berry
Alex Bergeron will be in McCook about
May 1st on his usual trip and solicits the
patronage of all who desire piano work
The assortment of screen doors and
window screens and screen door fixtures
at W T Colemans cannot be excelled
in this part of Nebraska
When you are house cleaning remem
ber that we carry the best paints var
nishes and furniture polish
McConnell Berri
May 10th and 20th the Beveridges will
give the fourth and fifth lectures in tin
Twentieth Century Lecture Course
Place will be announced later
Do the dandelions come up in your
lawn If so get a lawn weeder at W
T Colemans and you will be pleaM d
with its work They are cheap and just
the thing for the work
The fact that one of McCooks teach
ers expects to leave the state after tb
present term of school compelled the de
clination of an offer of a position earn
ing a salary of 30 a month
Those beautiful Embroidery Appli
ques and Lace Appliques Bands an
Galloons from 10c to 35c per yard ar
very active with us and should not h
overlooked by any shopper The Thoini
son Drv Goods Co
- It is worth considerable to bo able t
feel that you can depend upon t
quality of meats you order at the nr a
market A child can get as good mr -at
Marshs market as a grown per--and
a phone order gets the best e r
We guarantee to show you more ui
paper newer wall paper prettier
paper than you baveet erseenin
Remember that artistic colorings -
more than gaudy You will regret ii
you buy before seeing our line
McConnell Berry
Sometimes neighlors quarrel and h
hard feelings toward each other beta
a pesky old hen and her chicks will e r
lastingly keep scratching out thegani
when a few rods of that superior poultry
fence at W T Colemans would
the whole trouble Better invest nov
The first in f j v i d dance of the sur
occured in the city park on Wee
nesday evening The music was home
made and of the ragged sort with an
oratorical attach ment Ladies and gen
tlemen I I stand before you because it
i3 not convenient for me to be behind
you and at the same time appear before