The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 18, 1902, Image 1

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The Fakir Goes to Work
M Bernsdorf Sehroedor tho Danish
journalist who started from Copenhagen
to go around tho world handcuffed has
quit his job Ho arrived in Denver last
Sunday resplendent in a blue uniform
trimmed with brass and flags the lapels
of his coat bearing tho proud announce
ment that ho was going around tho world
with his hands in chancery Ho started
out under tho auspices of the Folkets a
Danish newspaper Ho managed to get
as far as New York under tbo aforesaid
auspices and there ho struck a snag
The immigration authorities had their
hands full without worrying over young
men going around tho world handcuffed
and ho was sent to tho detention pen
From there however ho was rescued by
Sam Austin literary editor of the Police
Gazette fitted out with four georgeous
uniforms and sent on his way rejoicing
After experiencing more or less vicissi
tudes ho arrived in Denver as flat broke
as when he left home August 28th last
and hero tho icy hand and stony heart
showed him his finish
Ho threw up tho yob and got another
one He left yesterday afternoon for
Idge water this state where ho will pull
weeds dig murphys shuck corn and
otherwise perspire with sweat on the
twenty five acre truck farm of Tames
Truelson who came to his rescue and
offered him a home
His hands were sore from the irons
and a physician warned him to discard
them Denver Post
Developed Unmistakable Symptoms
The Triijunk learns that one of the
hogs owned by Isaac Shepherd of tho
Spring Creek neighborhood and which
was bitten by a mad dog a few weeks
ago at the end of eighteen days showed
unmistakable and violent symptoms of
hyprophobin and madly assailed the two
other hogs bitten by the nmd dog at the
same time and for prudential reasons
confined in the same pen Neighbors
were summoned to witness and corrobo
rate and then all three hog- were killed
and pen and contents consumed by fire
The loss to Mr Shepherd is 875 as the
three hogs averaged over 300 pounds
ach and composed his all in that line
He had three horses bitten at the same
time by the same dog but up to the
time of this writing no symptom of the
rabies have been noticed A child a
lew miles from this neighborhood was
bitten by what was thought to be an
other mad dog about this same time
but we have heard nothing further about
the matter save that the dog assailed
others and was finally killed with a
pitchfork Dogs in that neighborhood
are now7 killed on slight suspicion in fact
ft isnt safe to be a dog at all
Unless Supreme Court Interferes
Chicago April 12 Dr Orville S
Burnett tho dentist who failed to com
mit suicide with Mrs W S Nichol at
the Marlborough hotel where both had
agreed to die together must serve fifteen
years in tho penitentiary after sentence
to be pronounced May H unless the state
supreme court sets aside the rulings of
Judge Baker The court expressed the
hope that the case would be reviewed by
a higher tribunal declaring the conten
tions raised by the prosecution and the
defense were of an unusual character
The dentist and Mrs Nichol engaged
a room at tho Marlborough State and
Twenty second streets and the woman
died thereof morphine poisoning in com
pliance with an alleged agreement with
the man that they commit suicide A
scrawl in the womans handwriting veri
fying tho compact was found later and
while Burnett was in a stupor He had
swallowed much of the opiate
Mrs Burnett was in court today of
eriug consolation to her husband Mr
Xichol and thechildreu whom the woman
deserted so that she could spend her last
hours with Burnett are in Nashville
Arapahoes Ball Team
Special Dispatch to tho World Herald
Arapahoe April 13 At a meeting
held last night of business men and
fans a baseball association was organ
ized representing a thousand dollars by
the election of S M Patterson presi
dent Frank Ballamy secretary and treas
urer and C A Patton captain The
grounds and grandstand already the
best in Southwestern Nebraska will be
improved and while several of last years
team will be missed from the 1902 aggre
gation tho management promises there
will bo no deterioration in the Republi
can Valley champions as for twenty
years past Arapahoe proposes to retain
her position at the head of the baseball
McCook and Mindeu papers please
All of which reminds us that we heard
something about baseball in McCook
some time since
Kafir Corn seed
It is a well known fat that Kafir corn
seed is scarce next to impossible to get
but W T Coleman has been successful
in getting a few bushels of choice seed
Those contemplating planting any should
duv tho seed at once before the market
is exhausted
For Sale at a Low Figure
A large kitchen safe with cupboards
above and below and flour bin Price
j00 Inquire of Mrs MVTraver
Dont buy
iiood hose in town
hose when there is
I buy my hose di
irom the manufacturers
rect and get
fresh newhoso with the guarantee right
on the hose Prices are right
W T Coleman
Its up to you whether you see the
newest thingsin wall paper or not If
vou buy before seeing our line oull re
gret it McConnell Berry
Laco and Embroidery appliques and
galloons in large variety at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Best quality Apron Check Gingham 5c
per yard at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
m t
H C Clapp is enjoying a visit from
his parents
E G TuiioiK late with A McMillen
is now in Denver
Dr J A Gunn returned Sunday
from his trip east
J Press Israel of Lincoln was in the
city Wednesday evening
Miss Aimek Menard entertained the
Awl Os Tuesday evening
11 V Keves was up from Indianola
yesterday on business of the law
Mrs J W Chase departed Thurs
day morning for the east on a visit
L II Blackledge of Red Cloud had
business in tho metropolis last Saturday
Miss Stella Fuller who has been
visiting in Denver arrived homo oarly
in tho week
Mrs Walter Stokes came down from
Akron close of last week and is making
quite a visit here
R Q Stewart deputy revenue collec
tor Hastings was in town on official
business Tuesday
C L DeGroff has been up from
Nebraska City a day or two looking
after his interests here
Hiram C Rider has been down from
Denver part of the week looking after
business matters here
Frank J Morgan of Plattsmouth was
a city visitor Monday guest of his local
manager II II Tartsch
Geoucse Meyer has returned from
Canton Ohio where he has been work
ing for a number of months
I B Stuyker and family of near
Osburn have moved to Northbranch
Jewell county Kansas to live
Miss Grace Colvin who has been
here from California on quite a long visit
departed for home Tuesday night
M H Levy state organizer Nebraska
Retain Grocers and General Merchants
association was in the city Monday
Mrs F D Burgess who has been
making a lengthy visit in Almena Kan
sas returned home on J last Saturday
Mrs Edwin Ellis departed last night
on 0 for DesMoines Iowa to reside
with a married daughter Mrs Clarence
Mrs A P Bonno and the baby ar
rived home Tuesday on No 1 from Eau
Claire Wisconsin Mr Bonno met them
at Lincoln
Mr and Mrs J C Barijer of Mc-
Cook are visiting Mrs Barbers parents
Mr and Mrs David Tourtelot Wed
nesdays Lincoln Journal
Mrs Emerson Hanson arrived from
Bushnell Illinois last Sunday night
and will remain here Her mother and
son will arrive in a few weeks
Mrs F M Kimmell and Mrs C F
Babcock entertained High Five club No
1 last Friday evening Mr and Mrs
J G Schobel gallantly carried off both
Mrs W D Burnett visited Red
Cloud Saturday with homefolks es
pecially to see her sister Mrs AP Ely
who is gradually recovering from a severe
Rev and Mrs F W Dean Mrs L
R Hileman and Mrs F M Kimmell
represented the Congregational church
of this city in the association meeting at
Danbury Tuesday and Wednesday
Mr and Mrs J C Russell will de
part for California next Monday night
They have been in Nebraska part of the
winter visiting relatives and friends
They reside about 25 miles south of Los
Revs Mitchell and Axtell were in
the city Wednesday evening on their
wav home from attending the meeting
of the Republican Valley Association of
Congregational churches in Danbury
Tuesday and Wednesday
M J Arijott spent Tuesday in tho
city on his way home from Page Ne
braska where he was recently called by
the illness of his son-in-law Mr Stan
field who is now on the safe road to
recover from a severe attack of pneu
R D Austin a well known traveling
man who makes this point for a St Joe
dry goods house is ill with smallpox at
Blue Hill where he arrived on last Fri
day not feeling well Wednesday morn
ing of this week his case was pronounced
one of smallpox
Miss Mabel Bishop who taught a
very successful term of school in district
74 closed her school on April 10th The
count superintendent and a goodly
number of other visitors were highly en
tertained by an excellent program ren
dered by the pupils
Mrs Etta Scudder came up from
Hastings Tuesday evening and is the
guest of her brother Will T Pate who
went down to Hastings on 12 that morn
ing to meet her She is on her way tq
Spokane Washington whither she will
journey in a day or two
John C Stevens of Hastings arrived
in the city ou No 5 Sunday evening on j
his way to 1 uma Colorado as counsel
in the Blake vs Beale case He returned
here on 11 Wednesday He remained
here until No 1 Monday guest of his
sister Mrs Frank Kendlen
J N Purvis came out from Fremont
Nebraska Tuesday night spending Wed
nesday here on business and to greet his
many friends Wednesday night he
went up to Fort Morgan Colorado to
see his brother Frank Jap is looking
well and prospering all are pleased to
Mrs T G Rees arrived in the city
Tuesday of last week and remained here
with friends until over Sunday while
her husband attended the sessions of
the Masonic grand lodge in Omaha He
arrived in the city on Friday night and
remained over Sunday greeting his
many old time friends here Mr Rees
is now and has been for a number of
years since leaving McCook agent at
Farnam and the friends of the olden
times were pleased to note his excellent
health and vigor
City Council Meeting
Tho old city council met in its final
session Monday evening with full board
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Bills as follows wore allowed and war
rants ordered issued on proper funds
CBGray S 00 00
Ed Fitzgerald 50 00
John P Ekstedt 45 50
MEHorner 3 00
WRStarr 12 50
Fremont Tribune 5 22
HP Waite 1 75
Lincoln Land Co 425 00
McCook Electric Light Co 87
E J Wilcox
McCook Loan and Trust Co 75
McCook Republican 9
George Beck So allowed at
IMSmith 3
E H Doan 3
J R McCarl 3
Charles F Lehn 3
A A Hackman 3
F M Rathbun 3
M H Holmes 3
WH Harmon 3
L T Thorgrimson 3
FD Burgess 3
3 00
2 50
The board sitting as a canvassing board
canvassed the vote of tho last city elec
tion and declared tho result as given in
The Tribune of current week
Bonds of C I Hall clerk A C Ebert
treasurer H II Berry police judge
were duly approved
Tho new officials were then sworn in
and at ouce assumed their respective
W S Perry was elected president of
the new council
Mayor announced standing commit
tees as follows
Finance Waite and Perry
Ordinances Perry and Ryan
Cemoterv and Health Osborn and
Fire Waite and Ryan
Streets and Alleys Perry and Osborn
Lights Ryan and Osborn
W R Starr was appointed and con
firmed as city attorney C B Gray as
city marshal W T Clark as cemetery
sexton Mrs E M Easterday Mrs W
T Coleman and Mrs Max Anton mem
bers of cemetery committee
Petitions as follows were granted
M U Clyde for saloon license William
Lewis saloon license and billiard hall
license J II Bennett for billiard hall
and bowling alley licenses A A Hack
man for card room license
Petition was granted allowing the side
walk from the city hall west to McFar
land street to be repaired at residence
sidewalk dimensions five feet four
Intense Interest in Revival Meetings
Because of the great interest shown in
the revival meetings at the Baptist
church Rev Thompson has consented
to continue the meetings until Sunday
night and give his lecture entitled The
Devils Railroad Monday evening An
admission of 25c for adults and 10c for
children will be charged for this lecture
and the number of tickets will be limited
A large number have taken a stand
for Christ during these meetings Rev
Thompson preaches with great convict
ing power It is hard to resist the force
of his arguments lie is in earnest and
the people know it He is being loyally
supported in his efforts by the hearty
cooperation of the church and it is hoped
that still greater results are to follow
during tho few nights remaining
A Few Cases of Scarlet Fever
A few cases of scarlet fever have de
veloped in South McCook out of four
sick children in that neighborheod three
cases were found upon investigation by
the city authorities to be scarlet fever
And this reminds us that parents should
be more careful and call medical assist
ance in cases of that nature In the
cases in point there was gross carelessness
which may result in a considerable
spread of that disease among the child
ren of that neighborheod Parents and
doctors will remember that it is their
duty to promptly report such cases to
the city authorities under severe penalty
for failure so to do remembering that
quarantine and isolation are the chief
thing in such emergencies
Remains a Fixture
It will be a satisfaction to many to
know that The Modell Shoo Store is
to remain one of our business houses
This week F S Vahue purchased the
interest of his partner A E Petty and
will continue the business at the old
stand having already on his shelves a
large line of the latest goods on the
market in his line which he offers at
most reasonable figures
Over Half an Inch
The splendid drizzling rains of Sunday
and Monday gave a rainfall of over half
an inch at this point A slight shower
on Wednesday morning increased the
fall slightly The chief value of the rain
was not in the total amount but in its
steady soaking character
A little stock food a spring tonic for
your horses cattle hogs and chickens
costs but a few cents will be worth
dollars to you Try it
McConnell Berry
You will soon need some garden and
lawn cools some rubber hose new gaso
line stove or a refrigerator H P Waite
has a large stock of the best goods at
right prices
Now is the time to repair that walk or
to make a new one There is nothing
better for the same money than paving
brick The Barnett Lumber Co sell
Furniture polish varnish stains and
enamel everything for brightening up
the home McConnell Berry
Ten colors of Cotton Corsets now
shown at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Hammocks large enough for two
McConnell Berry
New buggies arriving at W T Cole
mans He sells them right too
- t - r
Brakeman W H Starks is quite ill
Bert Emberling of tho carpenter forco
is sick
M H Griggs arrived from Fincy Mo
first of the week
Mindens freight business for the first
week in April exceeded 1000
F C Scarborough is moving his fam
ily from Red Cloud to McCook
J E Lovell was up from Holdrege
Monday night coming up on No 5
Machinist J S Eaton quit his job
this week and will return to Denver to
J F Jernberg and force are laying a
new pipe line to tho oil houso and fior
tors car
Fireman II E MacKain has returned
from Oxford and is firing out of Mc
Cook now
Jack Powers of tho round house force
is visiting at tho farm over near Havana
Frontier county
Machinists Helper Holcomb quit
work this week and contemplates go
ing west to work
J E Lovell late clerk to the round
houso foreman at Holdrege departed
mid week for Idaho
Why not leave your order for suits
with a practical tailor Suits for 15
and upwards at Kapkes
The company is putting in a new
bridge just west of Franklin besides
making some track improvements
Fireman C A Marooney is spending
a week in Wiggins Colorado resting up
from his header from No 1 last week
George Burgess departed Thursday
morning on 2 for Almena Kansas to
take a position as student at that station
under Agent Bush
The company is arraging to extend its
yards at Minden The surveyors have
completed their work and graders will
shortly move there from Ileartwell
F T Blue of the flue department was
temporarily put out of commission
Tuesday by one of his elbows coming in
contact with the welding machine
The Denver Rio Grande has aban
doned the narrow guago track over
which it has been transferring its freight
between Pueblo and Denver Hereafter
transfers will be made at Salida and
The Denver Rio Grande until
further notice will not haul business or
private cars of other companies on its
fast trains except on a business basis
Such cars will have to be satisfied with
the slow and lighter trains
The Chicago division of the Burlington
has for the past two or three years been
satisfactorily conducted under the non-train-order
system which does away
with the dispatchers and operates on
the block system through the train
men enginemen and block signal tower
G H Phillips substitute postal clerk
on the Imperial run received a telegram
Monday morning announcing the death
of his father at Kenesaw after an illness
of a few davs Mr Phillips returned to
j Kenesaw Monday night on No 6 and
J A Bingham took out the Imperial
car Tuesday morning
General Passenger Agent Francis of
the Burlington has gone to St Joseph
where the passenger agents of tho west
ern divisions of the Burlington system
will meet today to lino up rates and dis
cuss the general policy to be pursued
duringthe summer The new time card
wiil also be discussed Tuesdays
No 14 Sunday night killed a man
named Nic DeTemple of Denver at
Franklin DeTemple jumped in front of
the train It is believed the man was
insane While in Red Cloud Sunday
he claimed that he had been robbed of
considerable money He was on his
way home from Altoona Pennsylvania
whither he went about a month ago to
bury his brother John
One of the most remarkable and clev
erly executed pieces of engineering work
ever performed in engineering took place
last Saturday at Pittsburg when the
two thousand ton bridgeof the Pittsburg
Fort Wayne Chicago railroad span
ning the Allegheny river between Tenth
and Eleventh streets was moved the
distance of about thirty feet to tempor
ary piers to make way for the new double
deck structure that is to take its place
The hugh mass of steel and wood was
moved without mishap The feat was
accomplished in less than two hours
The fastest time ever made by any
road west of the Missouri river in hand
ling stock was made by the Burlington
on a special sheep train from Denver
This train was made up of twenty two
double deck sheep cars It was turned
over to the Burlington at 7 p m by the
Colorado Southern railway having
been loaded at Fort Collins Colorado
The Burlington pulled out of Denver at
7 p m last Thursday and arrived at
the West Lincoln stock yards at 1220
p m Friday The cars were unloaded
and on feed and water at 1 oclock p m
making the run from Denver to West
Lincoln in eighteen hours including the
thirty minutes it took to unload the
train at the WestLincoln yards Lincoln
Journal Monday
Fireman C A Marooney fell off of
No 1 last Friday afternoon at the
whistling post Benkelman and escaped
with a slight sprain to one of his wrists
He had just put in a fire and opened the
gate between the engine and tender
when a sudden lurch of the engine threw
him headlong from the locomotive He
picked himself up and followed the train
into Benkelman thinks he would have
beaten the train in if the train had not
stirred up such a dust that he couldnt
tell which way the train was moving
It is said that the train was making
forty to fifty miles an hour when the
fireman made his hasty exit from the
machine and that he escaped a broken
neck is regarded as very lucky He
made the trip to Akron but a new fire
man was substituted at tnat point
Marooneys wrist was hurting him some
Rubber Hose
Waite has tho best hosofortho money
For Sale
Good windmill pump and tank In
quire of F Traver at the J M Hender
son property
Residence For Sale
Six rooms bath room closots etc
Write me for price and terms
H L Donovan McCook Neb
The Best Two Left
D C Benedict writes Only two of
tho young Jersey cows loft No mistake
can bo made in buying either of these as
thoy are tho best two had 1 11 2ts
Novelties Novelties
Timbole irons chafing dishes serving
dishes after dinner coffee five oclock
tea fruit and vegetable slicers and all
novelty utensils at Colemans hardware
Wall Paper and Paints
A McMillen wishes you to call and
examine his large assortment of wall
paper latest colorings and combina
tions Prices from 3c per roll up
Our remnants are out o sight as
to price
We have a large line of mixed paints
and stains Would call your attention
to our special enamel for inside decora
tions A McMillen
Best quality light ground Shirting
Prints fioc at The Thompson D G Co
Ladies Knit Knee Pants in regular
and extra sizes at The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
For Sale Good work horse Weight
1200 pounds D C Benedict Culbort
son Nebraska 4 1 l 2ts
An extra stout and fine unbleached
Muslin for 4lc per yard by the bolt
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 am Mass and sermon 1030 a in
Sunday school 230 p in Every Sun
day J J Lutein n Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 10
Preaching llsuljectGiving Chris
tian Endeavor 7 Mrs Dean leader
Preaching 8 subject Life of Peter
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at
8 All are welcome at these meetings
Frank W Dean Pastor
Episcopal Sunday at St Albans
Episeopai church Sunday school at 10
Morning prayer and sermon 11 Even
song and sermon 8 Singing by a vested
choir Miss Scott will sing a solo at the
evening service Vou are cordially in
vited to be present
R M Ha rdman Rector
Baptist Sunday school 045 a m
Preacning 11 a mby Harp Evangelist
B y P U 715 p m Mamie Franck
leader Preaching 8 p in by Rev
Geo II Thompson Lecture by the
Evangelist The Devils Railroad
Monday evening Revival meetings
every night
Dorcas Kensington will meet with
Mrs A Barnett and Mrs L R Hileman
at the home of Mrs Barnett on Thurs
day afternoon next
The members of St Albans were quite
liberally patronized last evening in
their social The sale of fancy articles
was satifactory and the enjoyment of the
fine program rendered complete
A Spring Tonic
Every sstem however vigorous needs
a stimulant At this season of the year
the blood also needs purifying Wo be
lieve that there is nothing better for this
purpose than McConnelPs Saraparilla
a preparation combining the best known
blood remedies We make it ourselves
Wo know it is pure We guarantee sat
isfaction Try a bottle
McConnell Berry
Did you say We have more than all
the other dealers put together and we
set the pace in prices
McConnell Berry
Window screens and screen doors
Barnett Lumber Co
Childrens Gauze Undershirts and
Drawers in all sizes at The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Ideal brand of Shirt Waists for sale
onlv by The Thomson Drv Goods Co
Price 50c to 8200
See H P Waite for refrigerators gas
oline stoves rubber hose and all season
able goods in line
Are you going to paint your house
barn or fence Let us quote you prices
on the best aint on earth
McConnell Berky
Call and see our paving brick and let
us tell you how little it will cost you to
build a new side walk with them
Barnett Lumber Co
A few remnants of last years stock of
wall paper enough for one room will be
closed out regardless of price
McConnell Berry
The G A R friends enjoyed a fair
patronage at their bean dinner and
supper yesterday The proceeds about
840 will go to defray Memorial day ex
F C Gauze Corsets from 3c to 81
including Dress Form and Corset Waists
Money back after four weeks wear if dis
satisfied For sale only by The Thomp
son Drv Goods Co
Paint will help the looks of your house
barn and fence as well as benefit it
810 worth of paint and 10 worth of work
will make your property 8100 better and
it will sell quicker if you desire to sell
See W T Coleman and Let prices on
33 1 the best
Now screen doors at BulIardH
See that five ply hose at Waites
Sugar beet seed at W T Colemans
Latest styles screen doors at Biillards
Paving brick for sale by tho Barnett
Lumber Co
Call at Bullards and see those fancy
screen doors
meat market
seasonable at Marshi
A few Hicks Almanacs for 1002 for
salo at this ollice
BamettLumber Co for window screens
and screen doors
Audrey The latest popular book at
McConnell it Berrys
Mrs M M Delhunty
furnished rooms for rent
has three tin
Barnett Lumber Co for the Wheeler
adjustable window sen ens
All kinds of garden seeds millet
Kafir corn at W T Colemans
Billiard will get you odd size yindow
and door screens on short notico
Our screens keep out the flies
Bollard Co
Best quality Indigo Blue Prints oc per
yard at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co
Wheeler adjustable window screens
Barnett Llmrki Co
For Sale A
Farland street
dwelling house on Me
Inquire of C A Ward
Sugar beet ho full
beet tooLs in stock and
T Coleman
t Hik of sugar
for sale by W
Tliomiw S Shirley of Frontier county
was taken to the penitentiary Monda
for horse stealing
Best quality Carpet Warp on spool
for while and 20c for colors Tin
Thompson Dry Goods Co
The lawn sprinkling season opened on
Tuesday the fifteenth Morning hour
are 7 to H evening 5 to 7
All kinds of garden and grass Feeds for
sale All seeds fresh and in bulk
C J Ryan Manager
We have all kinds of window and door
screens at prices to suit
Bulla iu Co
We have a large line
den seeds Buy now
merit is full
of farm and gar
while the assort-
II P Waite
Baby Carriages Baby Carriages
Spring line just in Get our prices
J II Ludwick
Flies will soon be here and you will
need screens See us before buying
4-4-4 ts Bullard Co
Best quality Table Oil Cloth including
Marble and Plain White for 15c per
yard at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co
We are glad to show our screen doors
and are sure we can suit you
Blllaid Co
If you intend sowing any millet seed
see W T Coleman at once JIo secured
a limited supply and it wont last long
Alex Bergeron will be in McCookabout
May 1st on his usual trip and solicits the
patronage of all who desire piano work
I A A Hackman has leased the Palare
hotel building and will conduct a to-
bacco store cigar factory and billiard-
ball therein
We are now showing the best lines of
Worsted and Wash Dress Goods in our
history Dress Skirts to your measure
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
When you are houe cleaning
j ber that we carry the best paints var
nishes and furniture polish
McConnell Berry
Robert Byers formerly of the Palace
hotel of this city will open the Byers in
Auburn Nebraska on the 25th of this
month with ball and banquet to which
invitations have been issued
This week the First National Bank
people have had a steel sheeting ceiling
of ornate design placed in their banking
room which will present a handsome
appearance after the paint artist has
had his inning
It is worth considerable to be able to
feel that you can depend upon the
quality of meats you order at the meat
market A child can get as good meat
at Marshs market as a grown person
and a phone order gets the best even
We guarantee to show you more wall
paper newer wall paper prettier wall
paper than you have ever seen in McCook
Remember that artistic colorings cost
more than gaudy lou will regret it if
you buy before seeing our line
McConnell Berry
Blatchfords Calf Meal is the best sub
stitute for milk for calves yet discovered
The leading farmers in the land hav
been using it for the last two years It
has been recommended by the Beatrice
Creamery Co and is a wonderful suc
cess Try a sack you will be pleased
with the result Sold at Colemans
hardware store
The past fifteen years have made won
derful improvements in refrigerators and
gasoline stoves With careful study I
find there is nothing that compares with
or is equal to the Quick Meal in
simplicity and economy and the use of
oil The porcelain lined refrigerators are
the nicest yet I have a good line of
cheap ones as well If you will call at
my store I will show you