The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 04, 1902, Image 1

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Easter Sunday Observances
Easter Sunday 1902 in no special par
ticular was differently commemorated in
McCook than it has beon in years agonc
There were the UBUal special services in
the several churches of the city of a bo
fitting character which nttraeted large
audiences of regular and occasional wor
shipers to the greatest of all Christian
festivals The day was bright but the
air was brisk and crisp Incidentally the
millinary feature was not conspicuously
absent Following brief accounts of the
several services are appended
ThenttendanceofthoKnighta Templar
of St John commandery No 1G upon
the morning service gave it uncommon
interest and aided in filling the church
to overflowing Rev Grigsbys sermon
was able and pertinent and tho special
V music of the choir was appropriate and
joyous The service withal was impres
sive A score of Templars in full uni
form attended and gave a distinctive
color to the celebration which was fur
ther emphasized by floral decorations of
cut flowers potted plants etc in moat
attractive variety and beauty palms
Easter lilies and the like giving tho
seasonable effect most admired
Usual services in the morning with ap
propnato sermon and music and a lair
attendance The rostrum was tastefully
decorated with palms jonquils and other
cut and potted ferns and plants Tho
evening services consisted of an Easter
cantata which was given by the follow
ing singers with Miss Howe as director
and at the organ Sopranos Mrs L S
Watson Mrs R M Douglass Miss
RpcQif TCnswnrth Miss Lillian Roman
altos Miss Ida McCarl Miss Nellie
West Miss Ethel Oyster tenors S a
McLean J W Andrew Chester Rod
gers bases R L McCarl C F Hebor
inrl J Ci Sehohol Tlic cantata em
braced choruses quintette lady quar j
A J 1 I 1-4- A dun tiltfl iistl
leite maie quaiLUbitt iriu uuu uuu ouiu
work and greatly delighted a packed
house An appropriate Bible reading by
the pastor Rev Frank W Dean inter
spersed tho several numbers of the
St Patricks church was crowded at
the morning service when High Mass
was celebrated by Rev Loughrau who
also preached on the Resurrection
with force and feeling The rendition
of Concones Mass in F by a special choir
Mrs P F McKenna Miss Ida McCarl
S B McLean J G Sehobel with Miss
TTmvn dirfintinrr ind at the oreran was a
feature of this service which is always I
rru unfliivmr I
solemn ana imprussit xuu uauuumu
altar of the choir was given added charm
by a tasteful distribution of potted
plants palms cut flowers etc
Services of the day commenced with
the administration of the Holy Com
munion at 630 Special Easter services
were conducted by the lay reader at 11
In the evening the rector conducted
Easter services with special music and
an eloquent sermon on Tho Prince of
Life There were befiting floral deco
rations of the altar
There were the usual services in the
morning and an Easter service by the
children in tho evening before a full
house The evening program consisted
of music recitations etc and was very
entertainingly rendered The church
was prettily decorated with flowers and
plants palms and ferns
At a Ripe Old Age
Mrs J D Gerver of Gerver precinct
passed away last Saturday about noon
at a- ripe old age Deceased -was the
widow of the late J D Gerver an old
soldier and one of the early settlers of
Gerver precinct which bears his name
Funeral services were held in the Meth
odist church of our city Monday after
noon about two oclock conducted by
ex Presiding Elder Mason of the United
Brethren church after which burial was
made in Riverview cemetery The chil
dren of the deceased four sons survive
her have tho sypathy of neighbors and
Plant Beets My Farmer Friend
The Tribune wants to call the atten
tion of the divide farmers to tho matter
of planting sugar beets There is no
surer crop and its a cash crop at that
David Doveny produced last year on a
divide farm seven tons per acre and the
beets brought him SI per ton William
Byfield had much better results and it
will be remembered that last year was
an unfavorable one for all kinds of crops
We might add that both of these men
are planting larger acreages this spring
Go thou and do likewise
Kafir Corn Seed
It is a well known fajt that Kafir corn
seed is scarce next to impossible b get
but W T Coleman has been successful
in getting a few bushels of choice seed
Those contemplating planting any should
ouy the seed at once before the market
is exhausted
Joined the Benedicts
Scott Odell and Emma Cunningham
were united in marriage by- County
JudgeEldred last Saturday The young
couple at once went to keeping house in
the Odell residence over in West McCook
with the best wishes of their friends
Attention is directed to the card of
the Roval Highlanders which appears
in the fraternal society calendar column
this week Observe their meetings on
each second aud fourth Monday even
ings of each week in McConnell hall
Has your order a card in this directory
Dont buy poor hose when there is
frood hose in town I buy my hose di
rect from the manufacturers and get
fresh new hose with the guarantee right
on tho hose Prices are right
W T Coleman
Chiffon Allovers Lace Allovers Em
broidery Allovers in White BlackIvory
Butter and Ecru The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Emil Beal is a recent arrival from
Adams county
Miss Nell Gunn entertained tho Awl
Os Tuesday evoning
Wesley VanNortwick came down
from Eustis Tuesday on business
Rev L J Harrington of Orleans was
a Commercial guest Sunday night
Mrs C II Jacobs arrived home
Wednesday evening from Almena Kans
Mrs W B Mills is in Lincoln re
ceiving treatment from an occulist this
Mr and Mrs F B Nichols moved
into the city to reside Monday of this
County Judge Eldred attended dis
trict court in Hayes county fore part of
the week
Mrs A A Hackman is entertaining
her sister from Hastings Mrs J A
Van Schoik
George B Rittenhouse was ad
mitted to the bar in Chandler Okla
homa last week
John Roxby came up from Arapahoe
Saturday night to be with the Templars
on Easter Sunday
J A ONeil who has been making
his home in York Nebraska has gone to
Ghatsworth Illinois
Mrs Alice Cunningham late of tho
National hotel has returned to Cham
pion Chase county
Colonel and Mrs II P Sutton are
with the governor and staff in Kansas
City Mo this week
Mrs J J Curren and the children
went down to Mascot this morning on
a short visit to relatives
Mrs E II Shotwell arrived from
Chicago last Friday and is visiting her
daughter Mrs J D Hare
F D Burgess went over to Almena
Kansas Thursday morning to see tho
grandson and the rest of tho folks
Miss Jeanette M Dutton departed
on 2 Thursday morning for Lincoln
where she will remain for some time
Miss Gertrude Guthrie of Rocky
Ford Colorado is the guest of her aunt
Miss Mary Mugan who is still unwell
Miss Lillian Roman went down to
Lincoln on 2 Thursday morning to visit
the homefolks during the spring vacation
Miss Ida and Miss Blanche McCarl
will leave tonight on No 6 for Omaha
on a visit of a few days to Miss Vera
Mrs H G Phelps and children spent
a few days early in the week visiting
up in Hajes county near Highland
Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell went
down to Lincoln Sunday night and are
guests of- Mr and Mrs J B Meserve
this week
Mrs W D Beyrer and the children
returned on II Wednesday night from
their visit to Mrs S E Callen in Lyons
Mrs L W Stayner and two little
eirls went to Omaha Wednesday on No
12 Master Floyd going to Edgar for the
spring vacation
Mrs A P Ely who has been seri
ously ill at the home of her parents in
Red Cloud this week is much improved
at this writing
Miss C A Gorby went down to Nel
son Nebraska Saturday morning on 2
and has been spending this week visit
ing the homefolks
Mrs D A Lucas and young daugh
ter arrived home from Chicago Monday
The daughter is much improved with
bright prospect for complete recovery
P A Wells came out from South
Omaha last Friday night and was the
guest of his uncle and aunt Colonel and
Mrs W E Corwin on the ranch until
Tuesday of this week
Mrs F G Westland entertained the
members of high five club No 1 last
Friday evening Among the numerous
contestants for the first prize Mr O M
Knipple was successful in the drawing
Mrs Lottie Brewer drew the booby with
out a contest
Licenses to marry have been issued to
tho following couples since last week
Scott Odell and Emma Cunningham
both of McCook Married by the county
judge on the 29th
William B Broomfield and Bessie B
Henry D Kettering and Agnes G
Walters both of Danbury
Judgment was rendered on Saturday
against John Fiechtner for S12600 and
in favor of Sylvester Cordeal
Farm filings 1782260029 releases
2181467671 City filings 7 S2485
releases S S7605 Chattel filings 132
62791123 releases 26 3706975
Moritz Mohler of Box Elder has been
tardily declared insane and was on
Monday taken to the asvlum at Lincoln
L C Foster is a new carpenter in
C A Wards gang
Carpenter James Shepherd is still off
duty on account of sickness
Engines 63 a K4 and 209 a standard
are in tho shop for a overhauling Also
No 56 an Hi
Conrad Brumgord has been trans
ferred from the section to the blacksmith-shop
and is in Blues gang
The drivers of No 20S were loaded
onto a flat car yesterday for shipment
to Plattsmouth for a set of now axles
F T Blue and wife arrived home on
Tuesday night from Plattsmouth where
they were called by the death of Mrs
Blues sister
Full line of Washable Silk Ribbons
Lace and Embroidery Beadings Edg
ings and Insertions The Thompson D
G Co
The Unexpected Happens
Tuesdays city election was one of the
quietest ever held in McCook attracting
very little attention as but one ticket
was in the field A mere handf ull of
votes were cast in each ward 80 in the
first ward and 35 in the second But
just this lack of ioterestabd -failure t
voto on tho part of the Republican
majority offered the opposition an oppor
tunity for a little political finesse which
resulted in the defeat of Fred M Wash
burn the Republican nominee for coun
cilman in the first ward by a plurality
of seven votes Tho work of the opposi
tion was secret and quiet their nomi
nees name being unknown untU the
canvass of votes commenced It quickly
became apparent that Washburn was in
danger of defeat and the completion of
the canvass showed C J Ryan elected
by a plurality of seven votes His name
had been written on the ballots by those
who were posted on tho movement To
say that the result is a surprise and en
tirely unexpected is putting the case
mildly indeed It was undreamed of
and the idea laughed at The result
will have the effect in future city elec
tions in bringing out a fuller vote and
in securing more attention and interest
at the hands of tho Republican voters of
McCook It is not likely that they will
soon again be caught so fast asleep The
rest of the ticket was elected without
Charles E Eldred mayor
II P Waito councilman second ward
Charles I Hall clerk
Albert C Ebert treasurer
II H Berry police judge
C n Meeker engineer
A Campbell and G W Norris mem
bers board of education
A sure thing is a very uncertain and
dangerous thing in politics and opposi
tion is frequently a saving clause An
overwhelming majority has its disad
Died in the Hospital
Chiist Rasser a brakeman on the
South Park division of the Colorado
Southern died yesterday at St Lukes
hospital from injuries received in an ac
cident near the Alpine tunnel while on
a freight train running from Como to
Gunnison over the high line It was
during the severe storm of March 12
that Rasser whose duty it was to open
the big storm doors and keep the tunnel
free from snow had performed the work
and standing close to tho track With
out waiting for tho train to stop he at
tempted to seize the ladder of a box car
missed his hold and was thrown against
tho huge show wall lining the track
with such force as to bo hurled back
under the wheels Both legs were
crushed but Rasser managed to crawl
along the track onto the caboose platform
His death yesterday at St Lukes
occurred just as his father and mother
were hurrying with flowers to see him
Denver Times of March 31st
The remains went through McCook on
No 2 Tuesday morning for burial at
Cowles Deceased was formerly a Wes
tern division employe in the train service
John G Woolleys Lecture
Those who failed to hear John G
Wooley Wednesday night missed a
rare opportunity ana a superb address
He is one of the greatest word painters
on the rostrum today and his effort
Wednesday night was an inspiration to
all his hearers His tribute toAmerica
was grandly patriotic His arraignment
of the liquor traffic weak kneed Chris
tians dirty politics etc called forth his
most masterful and striking phraseology
His address was given the most eager
and closest attention and it deserved it
The audience was not large but fair
sized and most keenly appreciative
The ladies of the W C T U an
nounce that the sale of season tickets
has been unexpectedly large and that
the success of the Twentieth Century
Lecture Course is now absolutely as
sured upon which happy fact the ladies
are to be congratulated
The Indianola Maccabees
Among the leading Maccabee lodges
in the state of Nebraska in point of num
bers and enterprise is the Indianola
lodge which now numbers 135 members
At a session of the lodge Saturday night
28 new members were added to the lodge
at that place This meeting was at
tended by members from neighboring
town and surrounding country and
marked an epoch in the history of that
lodge McCook lodge was represented
by F D Burgess J W Selby and David
Deveny Refreshments followed the
work and the session was prolonged into
the small hours We congratulate our
hustling Maccabee friends in Indianola
Only Twenty Nine Complaints
McCook has always had an enviable
reputation as bein orderly and law-abiding
and the records of the police court
bear out the claim Police Judge Berry
with March 31st closed a year in that
office and the record of the year discloses
the fact that but 29 complaints have
been filed in that office during the entire
year Of tho 29 complaints 19 have been
for plain drunks and the other ten were
a scatteriug or slight misdemeanors
Desirable House For Sale
My house and two lots with barn
hedge fruit and shade trees corner of
Dakota and Manchester streets occu
pied bv H F Pndo Fine location Also
lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi
tion to McCook fronting park Apply
to Mrs H G Dixon
Kennett Square Pa
A little stock food a spring tonic for
your horses cattle hogs and chickens
costs but a few cents will be worth
dollars to you Try it
McConnell Berry
You will soon need some garden and
lawn tools some rubber hose new gaso
line stove or a refrigerator H P Waite
has a large stock of the best goods at
right prices
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
Brakeman Clark Hedges is on the
sick list
Kapko takes orders for suits for 15
and upwards
Fireman and Mrs Tom Orton left on
13 today for Denver
The clerks are tussling with tho pay
rolls and checks this week
W D Capps of the water service was
down from Akron Wednesday
Brakeman and Mrs A P Ely are par
ents of a 5 pound son this week
Conductor C J Snell and crew have
the pile driver between Akron and Wray
J R Ponce fell off of an engine first
of the week and put a head on him
Tom Orton a former Burlington fire
man has been down from Colorado all
Auditor W P Foreman was at head
quarters Tuesday evening checking up
the boys
Brakeman E L Meyers was at head
quarters Monday He making his homo
at Hendley
Engineer Alex McLean and Fireman
L F Swanson are back and running out
of McCook
S E Whiteley late of Alma has gone
to Merino Colorado to work for tho
Union Pacific
Roadmaster T A Wilburn of Red
Cloud was at headquarters Tuesday on
business official
Conductor Tim Foley is laying off on
account of tho illness of his sister-in-law
Miss Mary Mugan
Mrs Jos Kubicek and two children
are visiting at the old home at Red
Cloud this week
Way car No 15 is about ready to go
into commission after an overhauling in
the carpenter shop
Brakeman H E Donaldson has been
transferred to Asst Supt Harris juris
diction on the west end
Why not leave your order for suits
with a practical tailor Suits for 15
and upwards at Kapko s
Asst Supt Harris was down from
Denver Wednesday on business of im
portance at headquarters
Roadmaster J ARydelloftheOrleans
St Francis line was at headquarters
Tuesday with his pay rolls
Ernest Cordeal left the Burlington
service Monday and Tuesday evening
on 6 departed for Minnesota
C A McCarty of the carpenter shop
has uit and gone to Cook this state to
engage in farming this season
Conductor E F Caffrey has been
transferred from Oxford to McCook and
the family moved here this week
Conductor C E Pope returned home
yesterday morning from his business
trip to Colorado on mining matters
J G Dole departed on 3 Tuesday
night for Missoula Montana where he
expects to secure work as a machinist
Asst Supt D F McFarland was at
headquarters from Holyoke Colorado
Tuesday with pay rolls of his branch
Conductors W D Beyrer and Eph
Benjamjn arrived home on 1 Wednes
day from their meeting with the griev
ance committee in Chicago
Jack Ryan a brakeman fell from a
Burlington passenger car at Cheyenne
yesterday and sustained a broken arm
Mondays Denver Times
Conductor C O LeHew and Brake
men W M French and J J Laughlin
nave been given the run from Red Cloud
to Hastings and return daily
That considerable uneasiness exists in
railroad firemen circles of McCook is
quite evident on the surface and there
is some concern as to the result
The transfer of Conductor E F Caf
frey and crew from Oxford to McCook
was necessitated by the change in the
time card of last Sunday which took off
one run
Locomotive 45 is about ready to go
out on the road No 281 was out in the
yard yesterday afternoon being lim
bered up for the service after an over
The Tribune congratulates M E
Wells upon his promotion from Alliance
to Sheridan as foreman of the shop at
that place W C Lambert succeeds
Wells at Alliance
Fireman Carl Berry was let out of the
service Monday on the stated grounds
of being unsatisfactory a complaint
which is catching firemen just now in a
most fatal manner
Conductor A L Knowland and Brake
man J A Roark were in Minden part
of the week as witnesses in the case of
Grover C Pledger vs the Burlington
for damages for the loss of a foot
Mr and Mrs R L Knox are here
from Alliance on a visit He will return
to work in a day or two but Mrs Knox
will remain the guest of her parents
Mr and Mrs Ed Fitzgerald for a while
William Flinn machinists helper
went over to Cedar Bluffs Kansas Wed
nesday to attend the funeral of a neigh
bors son whose remains passed through
McCook from the west on 14 Tuesday
The bridge about four miles west of
Trenton was destroyed by fire Wednes
day morning delaying traffic slightly
No 12 was made up at this point A
special was sent with the bridge gang
and the lino was soon opened for traffic
L P Forsman helper in the black
smith shop left on Tuesday morning for
a short visit at home near Riverdale
Nebraska after which he will locate at
Fort Morgan Colorado Con Kildow
succeeds him as Blacksmith Fred Irwins
An effort was made to hold up No
13 last night about six miles from St
Joseph Mo The train was stopped
but the train robbers were not successful
in securing any booty from train or
passengers The train was over an hour
late in arriving here
MVfca SrfWuupp
Rubber Hose
Waite has tho best hose for tho monoy
For Sale
Good windmill pump and tank In
quire of F Traver at tho J M Hender
son property
Residence For Sale
Six rooms bath room closets etc
Write mo for prico and terms
H L Donovan McCook Neb
Noveltlesl Novelties
Timbole irons chafing dishes serving
dishes after dinner coffee five oclock
tea fruit and vegetable slicers and all
novelty utensils at Colemans hardware
Wall Paper and Paints
A McMillen wishes you to call and
examine his large assortment of wall
paper latest colorings and combina
tions Prices from 3c per roll up
Our remnants are out o sight as
to price
We have a large line of mixed paints
and stains Would call your attention
to our special enamel for inside decora
tions A McMillen
Travels in Handcuffs
M Bernstorff Schroder who claims to
be a Copenhagen Denmark reporter is
in tho city on his way to San Francisco
on his way around tho world which he
is to accomplish within a year from
August 28th 1901 without funds and in
handcuffs to win a wager of 10000
crowns Each 21 hours ho must be
handcuffed J 2 hours the key to open
the handcuffs being sent by mail from
place to place in advance
He will lecture in tho Menard opera
house tomorrow night and at the same
time give an exhibition of his musical
ability claiming to be the author of a
number of pieces of music
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Lough ran Pastor
Methodist Sunday school 10 a m
Preaching 11 Junior League 3 Ep
worth League 7 Preaching S Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening 8
L M Grigsby Pastor
Episcopal Services at St Albans
next Sunday Sunday school at 10
Matins and sermon by rector at 11
Even song and sermon at 8 solo by Miss
Scott singing by vested choir Litany
will be read on Friday evening at Q
You are invited to be present at li these
services R M Hardman Rector
Congregational Sunday school a t
10 Sacramental sermon at ll followed
by celebration of the Lords supper Y
P S C E at 7 Sermon at 8 subject
How Christians Get Power Prayer
meeting Wednesdav evening at 8 All
are welcome Frank W DEANPastor
Christian All friends of the Chris
tian church will be glad to know that
Elder C P Evans of Arapahoe will oc
cupy the pulpit of tho Christian church
next Lords Day in the morning at 11
and the evening at 730 with Bible
school at 10 Elder Evans was the first
minister employed by the church here
and has many friends who will gladly
welcome him on that day A cordial
invitation to all friends of the church is
hereby extended to come and hear him
on Sunday April 6th Committee
Baptist The Harp Evtihgelitit will
begin revival meetings at the Baptist
church Sunday morning All members
and friends of the church are requested
to lay other work aside for a while and
and join in a special effort in the Lords
work Rev Thompson is well named
the harp evangelist for ho certainly
has mastered the prince of musical in
struments He has an excellent harp
and when in his hands it preaches some
great sermons bringing conviction to
many a heart that could not bo reached
with words only Mr Thompson is the
possessor of a rich baritone voice is a
forcible speaker and is being used
mightily of the Lord Come every night
and bring some friend with you
George L White Pastor
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church hold its regular meeting at
the home of Mrs L R Hileman next
Thursday afternoon at 230 oclock
Quadruple Last Years Acreage
Already over 150 acres of land have
been contracted to plant sugar beets
this season This is more than four
times the acreage contracted last sea
son and is encouraging It ought to
have another cypher added
Grand Pythian Ball
Those holding invitations to the grand
ball next Monday evening by the
Knights of Pythias can secure tickets
from any member of the committee on
arrangements Messrs H H Tartsch
F A Pennell J R McCarl M Law
ritson J F Forbes
Something New
A poultry fence that is very close at
the bottom to hold small chickens and
keep out rats and woven looser at the
top just what everybody has been ask
ing for Call at W T Colemans and
see it
Paint will help the looks of your house
barn and fence as well as benefit it
10 worth of paint and 10 worth of work
will make your property 100 better and
it will sell quicker if you desire to sell
See W T Coleman and get prices on
the best
F C Corsets at 35c 50c 75 100
in Gauze or Coutil Money back after
four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
Forsale only by The Thompson DGCo
Best Indigo dyed Prints 5c a yard in
light and dark shades The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
TUirnvy BniWing Uitiver
New screen doors at Bullards
See that five ply hose ut Waitos
Sugar beet seod at W T Colemans
mmm m
Latest styles screen doors ut Bullarda
Call at Bullurds and seo those fancy
screon doors
Everything seasonable at Marshs
meat market
A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for
salo at this office
Audrey Tho latest popular book at
McConnell it Berrys
Quito nn addition to W C Bullards
residonco is under way
Best Table Oil Cloth 15c yard The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
All kinds of garden seeds millot and
Kafir corn at W T Colemans
Bullard will get you odd size window
and door screens on short notico
Now buggies arriving at W T Cole
mans He sells them right too
Tho Barnett Lumber Co sell white
and red cedar posts and barb wire
Best quality Apron Check Ginghams
5c yard- The Thompson J G Co
Cypress Tanks best on earth forsale
by Barnett Lumiiei Co
Our screens keep out the flies
Bullard tfc Co
For Sale A dwelling house on Me
Farland street Inquire of C A Ward
Handsome 4-1-inch Black Silk Grena
dine 1 The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Sugar beet hoes full slock of sugar
beet tools in stock and for sale by W
T Coleman
Black Silk LaceOverdrapery for
125 and 6135 yard The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Tip Harp Kvangelist every night in
the Baptist church First sermon on
next Sunday morning
See H P Waite for refrigerators gas
oline stoves rubber hose and all season
able goods in his line
The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of
G A R meet the first Saturday of
every month in Odd Fellows hall
AH kind- of garden rnd grass seeds for
sale All seeils fresh and in bulk
C J Ryan Manager
Wo have all kinds of window and door
screens at prices to suit
Bullard Co
We have a large line of farm and gar
den seeds Buy now while the assort
ment is full II P Waite
Flies will soon be here and you will
need screens See us before buying
4-4-4 ts B u ll a r d Co
Simpsons Silk finished Foulards in
handsome patterns and fast colors for 0c
yard The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Seo our Cypress Tanks and get our
prices It will pay you
Barnett Lumber Co
We are glad to show our screen doors
and are sure we can suit you
Bullard Co
Twenty five styles of New Dimities in
fast colors and dainty patterns at 0c per
yard The Thompson Dry Goods Co
If you intend sowing any millet seed
see W T Coleman at once He secured
a limited supply and it wont last long
New Appliques Galloons and Bands
for trimming in Lace Embroidery
Chiffon etc The Thompson D C Co
Our SoC Fancy Dress Ginghams are
offered in 25 styles Compare with 10e
ones seen elsewhere The Thompson D
G Co
When you are house cleaning remem
ber that we carry the best paints var
nishes and furniture polish
McConnell Berry
Our own make of Dress Skirts Fiftj
ready to wear To your measure at same
price 300 pieces of Dress Goods to se
lect from The Thompson D G Co
The Hadell Mercantile Cos millinery
opening drew a crowded house last
Friday evening An orchestra was a
feature and souvenirs were distributed
New Dress Goods in the fashionable
and desirable weaves of the season such
as Yigoreux Granites BroadclothsVen
etians Pebble Cheviots AlbatrossNun
Veilings etc etc The Thompson Dr
Goods Co
It is worth considerable to be able to
feel that you can depend upon th
quality of meats you order at the meat
market A child can get as good meat
at Marshs market as a grown person
and a phone order gets the best evr r
Blatchfords Calf Meal is the best sub
stitute for milk for calves yet discovered
The leading farmers in the land havr
been using it for the last two years It
has been recommended by tho Beatrix
Creamery Co and is a wonderful suc
cess Try a sack you will be pleased
with the result Sold at Colemans
hardware store
The past fifteen years have made won
derful ir provements in refrigerators and
gasoline stoves With careful study I
find there is nothing that compares with
or is equal to the Quick Meal in
simplicity and economy and the use of
oil The porcelain lined refrigerators are
the nicest- yet I have a good lino of
cheap ones as well If you will call at
mv store I will show you
W T Coleman
- -