Fr DAN sf j A Jpls rt4 A Congressmans Letter Hon H W Ogden Congressman from Louisiana in a letter written at Washington D C says the following of Peruna the national catarrh remedy i I can conscientiously recommend your Peruna as a fine tonic and ail around good medicine to those who are in need of a catarrh remedy It has been commended to me by people who have used it as a remedy par- ticularly effective in the cure of K catarrh For those who need a good catarrh medicine I know of nothing better H W Ogden C r The Treat Catarrh In Spring sprinir is the time to catarrh Cold wet often retards a cure treat winter weather of catarrh If a pWEATHERWI5 iOTMERWISE jLj WHTDSfrTYeUKEAK WWM SIICKE1 NCK oa YtUOtV m wzp dry BEWARE OF IMITATIONS LOOK FOR A50VE TRADE MARK V CATALOGUES FREE Showing Full Line of Garments and Hats I A TOWER SO BOSTON WA5S IBEHS Beardless Barley li prodigally prolibc yield ing InftOl for Mr Wells Orleans Co New Tori 109 tmiacls pir aort Docs veil ererTWfcere That paya SOth Century Oats The oat marTcI producing from 00 to 300 bus per aors Solcera Oats are war rant to produce great fields The U 3 -Ac Dept ealli them the Ttrj btil f jinnx paya Throe Eared Corn JC0 to 50 tras per acre ll extremely proStable at pres ent prlecaof coin Solrera aceds produce ererywhere Marvel Wheat yielded la S3 State lutyear orer lObm par acre TT alto hare thooelebrated MuocD ronIWacntwhlehjieldd on our farms S bus per acre That pay SpeltZ Greatest cereal food on etrth SO baa grain and 4 toaa raaratSaeat hay per acre That para Victoria Rape mazes it possible to grow bogs sheep and oattle at a ooi tor tut lo a lb Uarl outly proliSe does well cterywhera That poya Bromus Inermls lloit wonderful grass of the century Products 6 tens of hay and lots and lots of putting oeuaes per aera Grows wherever soil is 1 found Solcera seed Is warranted That pays 81000 for 10c We wish you to try our I rrreat farra seeds nenca offer to send 10 farm seed samples containing Thousand nudad Sale Tcoslnte Base Alfklfa Soelu eta fully worth mriJiotA retastarl loaether witlt L ear greatoatalogftr log postage cat 7PB S MAGIC CRUSHED SHELLS Best on earth Bell otl5 per 200 lb bag f370 lOrOW MU3 eov m avw hen Answering Advertisements Kindly vl Hention This Taper W N U Omaha NO 131902 Best Cough Syrup Taste Good Use g SAYS is an Excellent Spring Catarrh Remedy I am as Well as Ever JIDSMi - - - wHNHHaiiSra HON DAN A GROSVENOR OFiTHE FAMOUS OHIO FAMILY Hon Dan A Grosvenor Deputy Auditor for the War Department in a letter written from Washington D C says Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from one bottle of Peruna One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now as well as ever Besides being one of the very best spring tonics it Is an excellent catarrh remedy- DAN A GROSVENOR In a recent letter he says consider Peruna realty more meritorious than I did when I wrote you last I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the country asking me if my certificate Is genuine I Invariably answer yes -Dan A Grosvenor course of Peruna is taken during the early spring months the cure will be prompt and permanent There can be no failures if Peruna is taken intelligently during the fayorable weather of spring As a systemic catarrh remedy Pe runa eradicates catarrh from the sys tem wherever it may be located It cures catarrh of the stomach or bowels with the same certainty as catarrh of the head If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory-results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio When a bee loses its temper look out for a stinging retort SALZERS LIGHTNING CABBAGE This is the earliest cabbapre in the -world and a regular gold mine to the market gardener and farmer stiBJaBP By the way there is lots of money to be made on ear liest cabbage beets peas radishes cucumbers and the like For ICo and this Notice the John A Salzer Seed Co LaCrosse Wis -will send you their mammoth catalog ana isoitmas of nower ana vegetable seeds Market gardeners catalog 2c postage w N tj When a girls education is complete her diploma Is a marriage license Many School Children Are Sickly Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Chil dren used by Mother Gray a nurse in Childrens Home New York cure Fever ishness Headache Stomach Troubles Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms At all druggists25c Sample mailed ireei Address Allen S Olmsted LeKoy NY Chronic kickers give the world many an upward boost If You Want Cbromoi Buy inferior goods and the dealers will throw them But if you want De fiance Starch go to your grocer and he will sell you a 16 ounae package for ten cents The only premium that goes with it is the merits and quanti ty At your grocers Made by Mag netic Starch Co Omaha Neb None other just as good The best way to make both ends meet is to pursue a straight career aBALANCElcraPTILBUffl SttcaCiTXlSji WetworK Hi iWSHKUbXfLI M a HoUHhI Vt A ft J ijBr has no terror for the man who wears SAWYERS EXCELSIOR BRAND Suits and Slickers Warranted waterproof Get the gcnulce Lookforlrade mark If your dealer dorsn t hae tbcra Trite Tor catalogue to II M SAWYER i SON soie atira East Cambrldse Mass ALL OaCBT FOR J10EB THAW HALF A CENTOa h EYES ABO EYELIDS Prlca 2B Cents All Dragglsta WBIQQTS LNDUN YEOETABLEPILL CO Ntwoxfc lrlThompsonj Eye Waitr THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from South Omaha and Kansas City SOlTH OMAHA Cattle There was not a heavy run of j cattle and as packers were all anxious for supplies the market on desirable grades of killers was active and steady to stronff all around It only took a com paratively shoit time to dispose of prac tically everything oh sale A fair propor tion of the offerings consisted of beef steers but there were none too many to meet the requirements of the trade Buy ers were all out early and anything nt all desirable sold without much trouble at good strong prices The cow market con tinued active and strong on the better grades and as high as I3C0 was paid for good stuff In view of the liberal demand and the light offerings of good stuff everything answering to that description was soon disposed of Buyers were call ing the market at the high point of the season The medium kinds of cows and heifers as well as the canners did not show much change Bulls veal calves and stags showing quality all sold well at fully steady prices but the common kinds were neglected and no more than steady There was quite a demand from the country for stockers and feeders and yard traders succeeded in disposing of the bulk of the cattle they had on hand Hogs There was a heavy run of hogs and in fact receipts were the heaviest of the week to date Other markets were quoted lower and as a result prices at this point took a drop of afflOc It was an uneven market so that sales were made all the way from nearly steady to a dime lower The quality of the offerings as a whole was good Trading was fair ly active at the decline so that the bulk of the offerings was disposed of in good season Good weight hogs sold largely from 020 to 040 Medium weights went mostly from 010 to 020 and lightweights sold from 010 down Sheep There were not as many sheep and lambs on sale as arrived yesterday and the quality was nothing extra The market so far as the better grades were concerned was fairly active and Just about steady When it came to the less desirable kinds the market was not as lively and in some cases sellers thought they were unable to get as good prices as were paid yesterday for the same grades Feeders continued in light supply and the demand was fully as large so there is no change in the market to note KANSAS CITY Cattle Market steady to a shade lower to a shade higher choice export and dressed beef steers G30G70 good to fair 300025 stockers and feeders 325 525 western fed steers 520600 Texas and Indian steers 450SC00 Texas cows 370j450 native cows 325I323 heifers 3755010 canners 2303323 bulls 325 450 calves 450fiGO0 Hogs Market steady to 3c lower top 055 bulk of sales 010045 heavy 040 055 mixed 020050 light 5G5025 pigs 510553 Sheep and Lambs Market steady na tive lambs 623SG50 western lambs 620 fjG40 native wethers 525tf560 western wethers 530550 yearlings 5GOGOO ewes 465S20 culls and feedeis J300 500 TO END SCHLEY CONTROVERSY House Committee Concurs with the Presidents Conclusions WASHINGTON March 22 The house committee on naval affairs by a vote of 7 to 4 today adopted a reso lution concurring in the conclusions of President Roosevelt as to terminating the agitation of the Schley controver sy and indefinitely postponing all bills and reseolutions on the subject The report of the subcommittee as adopted gives all the various resolutions which have been introduced and says Your subcommittee to whom was referred several bills and resolutions introduced in relation to Rear Admiral Winfield Scott Schley has had the same under consideration and presents the following report thereon The unfortunate controversy in connection with the Santiago cam paign has attracted wide public atten tion and has been the subject of four official inquiries and investigations viz By President McKinley by the United States court of claims by the navy court of inquiry asked for by Admiral Schley and by President Roosevelt on appeal from the finding of the naval court of inquiry President Roosevelt concluded his finding in the following words In concluding their report the members of the court of inquiry Admirals Dew ey Benham and Ramsay united in saying that they recommended that no further action be had in the matter With this recommendation I most heartily concur There is no excuse whatever from either side for any fur ther agitation of this unhappy con troversy To keep it alive would merely do damage to the navy and to the country Your subcommittee having in view the interest of the American navy and of all concurs in the conclusions expressed in the words of President Roosevelt above quoted We therefore recommend that fur ther consideration of said bills and resolutions be indefinitely postponed and that no further action be taken thereon Admiral Sustodido de Mello who headed the revolt of the Brazilian navy in 1893 is dead at Lisbon Are Split Over Shot Firers DES MOINES la March 22 At the close of the conference between the miners and operators of Iowa the operators departed for their respec tive homes necessitating adjournment of the joint conference until Monday While minor details are being adjust ed both sides apparently recognize that each discussion on the shot firing question operates to separate them more widely than ever and that a strike seems probable mr i imiiiih i i VHKe3ttK J Nurses Experience Medical men say that a good nurse in a difficult case is better than med icine but when we can get a good nurse and good medicine the patient stands a much better chance of re covery The few words of advice given below by nurse Eliza King are well worthy the attention of all readers I have constantly used St Jacobs Oil in the various situations I have occupied as nurse and have invariably found it excellent in all cases requiring outward application such as sprains bruises rheumatic affections neuralgia etc In cases of pleurisy it is an excellent remedy well rubbed in I can strongly recommend it after several years use and experience It should be in every household Sister Carolina St Andrews Hospital writes I have found St Jacobs Oil a most efficacious remedy in gout also in sprains and bruises Indeed we cannot say too much in its praise and our doctor is ordering it constantly An American Girl Miss Mary Williams Montgomery on whom has been conferred the de gree of doctor of philology cum laude by the University of Berlin is the daughter of an American missionary to the Armenians and she was born twenty seven years ago at Marash in Asia Minor As a child she came to America being finally graduated at Wellesley colege After two years spent in the East she went to Berlin where she has studied during six sea sons The profundity of some people shows in their Ignorance PIsoa Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medloine for coughs and colds N W Sauukl Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1900 When a small boy finds out what worries his mother he always does it WHEN VOU BUY STARCH buy Deflanco and get the best 16 oz for 10 cents Once used always used Distance of manner does not lend enchantment to a young mans view of a pretty girl Storekeepers report that the extra quantity together with the superior quality of Defiance Starch makes It next to impossible to sell auy other brand Not all eloquent sermons are preached in pulpits Dealers say that as soon as a custo mer tries Defiance Starch It is im possible to sell them any other cold water starch It can be used cold or boiled Suspicion treason and scandal are the devils trio What is the mc of employing1 some one to do your dyeing for you If you use PUTNAM FADELESS DYES you can do it just as well as a professional Sold by druggists 10c per package Some people live off their wits and some live off the lack of wit in other people Dont Trlflo With Ithciimatlsni Use MATT J JOHNSONS COSS Cures quickly safely and permanently If you are fixed for life the insurance companies will fix you for death If you dont get the biggest and best its your own fault Defiance Starcli is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it In quality or quantity 1AUNDRY PURPOSES ONIY SSSX NxefeV NEB EXACT SIZE OF IO CENT PACKAGE 72 PACKAGES IN A CASE 5 iii i n1 1 f 25 on d Md iiftl Wf 4r i ir iKir iH y rjfajfl AO WW fi rf J j flfj AW aa1V h df Kg pw H 5T0Nfls 3 18 WHAT YOU CAN SAVE Wo tnako all kinds of scales CirrUgts tad i Alio B B Pumps a 12oz pack- r 10 cents when very best starch One -third To the Dealers GO SLOW In placing orders for 12 oz Laundry Starch You wont be able to sell 12 ounces for a 10 cents while your com petitor offers 10 ounces for the same money DEFIANCE STARCH IS THE BIGGEST THE BEST COLD WATER STARCH MADE No Chromes no Prem iums but a better starch and one third more of it than is contained in any other package for the price Having adopted every idea in the manufacture of starch which modern invention has made possi ble we offer Defiance Starch with every confi dence of giving satisfac tion Customers are be coming more and more dissatisfied with the prev alent custom of getting 5c worth of starch and 5c worth of some useless thing when they want 10c worth of starch We give no premiums with Defiance Starch relying on Quality and Quan tity as the most satis factory method of getting business You take no chances in pushing this article we give an absolute guarantee with every package sold and authorize dealers to take back any starch that a customer claims to be unsatisfactory in any way We have made arrangements to advertise it thoroughly and you must have it ORDER FROM YOUR JOBBER If you cannot get It from bin write us MANUFACTURED BY TIC STARCH MFG CO OMAHA NEB and Windmills rum Beckman Bros deomoines iowa NEW DISCOVERY ulvrn quick rolluf and cure wont canes nooK or toitimoniaia una iu imth treatment VUKK SB II II tJSEIiVS HOXH lot K AlUcU ds OKUHOMAggSg CLAIMS for Solo Reno 0 T A Tire blTO ftlwaja beco tavoriy JB kntnvn tcr UmJt peed JurabUJtj an4 H V cl simytldty t R wbo tryerteH j flk jw M wiOjoUxf Ljff 1111 whan jrtns Know thai Q ivj n l J f are lha bt V f 3nd IW CaUlof I lj G O J TIRE CO Indlaaapolh hi Asa tuhn d G J TIRES br Motor Bkria A rrWVi f AL ABASH N E 5kit E2 1 t Tho Only Durable Wall Coating KSK t T Kalsomines are temporary rot rub off and scale inated by wall paper j Write us and see how helpful we can be at no cost to you T in getting beautiful and healthful homes Address Alabastine Co Department d Grand Rapids Rch j mmmmmmn mama CARTRIDGES IN ALL CALIBERS from 22 to 50 loaded with either Black or Smokeless Powder always give entire satisfaction They are made and loaded in a modern manner by exact machinery operated by skilled experts THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD ALWAYS ASK FOR THEM aMMittt WMnlvnmSSWSiWmlUKKlim j i wxto3Eimfex88kiiiif Dont let your grocer sell age of laundry starch f c you can get 16 oz of the made for the same more STARCH for the Has No Equal TRADS DEFIANCE W if I UALii OUANTf 5t m MARK Ial r r REQUIRES NO COOKING PREPARED FDR