The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 28, 1902, Image 6

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    i S
i I I
Gwlns Valued Memento
Willam Gwin tho oolored messenger
tvbo has sorved thirteen secretaries of
Btato during the past thirty years car
ries a gold watch Inscribed Prom
William M Evarta to William Owln
February 1893
Yon Can Get Allous Foot Eaao Pros
Write to day to Allen S Olmsted Le-
RoyNYfora FREE sample of Allens
Foot Ease a powder It cures sweating
damp swollen aching feet Makes new
or tight shoes easy A certain cure for
Chilblains and Frost bites At all
druggists and shoe stores 25 cents
Few Rabies Casec
Dr Antonio Lagorio who has had
Buch remarkable success in his treat
ment of hydrophobia at his Pasteur
hospital in Chicago says that he had
personally examined 10000 patients
the vast majority of whom however
he has turned away as having been
bitten by Innocuous animals
Minus the Sporting Column
A well known London newspaper is
to try the experiment of leaving out
racing news of every kind and exclud
ing all betting quotations A great
many people will be sufficiently inter
osted to watch the effect on that Jour
nals daily circulation
Adam was the one and only man
created free and equal
Some Sensible Advice to W
men by Mrs E Sailer
Mrs Piukham When I
passed through what is known as
change of life I had two years suf
fering sudden heat and as quick
chills would pass over me my appetite
vas variable and I never could tell for
President German Relief Association
Los Angeles Cal
a day at a time how I would feel tho
next day Five bottles of Jjydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
changed all that my days became days
of health and I have enjoyed every day
j since now six years
We have used considerable of your
Vegetable Compound in our charitable
work as we find that to restore a poor
mother to health so she can support her
self and those dependent upon her if
such there be ia truer charity than to
give other aid You have my hearty
endorsement for you have proven
yourself a true friend to suffering
men Mrs E Sailer 756 Hill St
ios Angeles Cal 5000 forfeit if above tes
timonial is not genuine
JSo other person can give such
helpful advice to women who
are sick as can Mrs Pinkham
for no other has had such great
experience her address is liynn
Mass and her advice free if
you are sick write her you are
foolish if you dont
jjOjAiwvjtRaU ft I
Ite Only Incubator
Heats Evenly
Hegulates Perfectly
Hatches Surely
Agents wanted to rcpre
sentus In their own homes
Liberal commission No
The Only Incubator Co
the ooitebted fibber
Is the man who never has a failure in orops
gets splendid returns for hts labors and n3
iDest soemi ana reiig
jious advantages to
iBether with splendid
I climate and excollent
health These we give
jto the settlers on the
j lands of Western Can
jada which comprises
I the creat crain and
ranching lands of Manitoba Assniboia Alberta
and Saskatchewan Exceptional advantages
and low rates of fare are given to those desir
ous of inspecting the fall grant lands The
handsome forty page Atlas of Western Can
ada cent free to all applicants Apply to P
Pedley Superintendent Immigration Ottawa
Canada or to W V Bennett Canadian Gov
ernment Agent 801 New York Life Bldg
Omaha Neb
fffnf JGIAS
I lilllBV
i m - r cy
tiiutnrj Monr
Notice increase cf sales tails bclavi i
XBg3CS7M7Qg fair
1809S9S1S3 Pairs
IQOI IRRftMft Paiff
Buslnefs Uore Than DouUed in four rears
W L Douglas mnkes and sellsmore mens
3iXand330 shoes than anyother two man
ufacturers in the world
W Ii Douglas 5000 and 8350 shoes placed
aide by sido with 9500 and 600 shoes of
other makes aro found to be just as good
They will outwear two pairs of ordinary
300 and 350 shoos
Made of the best leathers Including Patent
Oorona Kid Corona Celt and National Kanaaroo
rut Ulor Enlat ui 4lwj Blwfc Hooks Vmi
W I Bouelaj8400 CHIC Eds line
oannot be e jcallea at any price
Mbocajhy mail SSoextrn Catalog ft ee
Senate Adopts Repeal of Revenues
Without Argument or Revision
What the Bill for Protection of the
President Provides
Impotrant measures were passed by
the senate yesterday the bill for the
repeal of tho war revenue taxes and
that for the protection of the presi
dent of tho United States The rev
enue bill was passed without division
and after only one short speech Mr
Tillman embraced the opportunity af
forded by the bills consideration to
protest against the repeal of the duty
of ten cents a pound upon tea The
bill for the protection of the presi
dent was under discussion during the
greater part of the session Mr Pat
terson of Colorado made an extended
speech in opposition to it and Mr
Fairbanks supported it All amend
ments to the measure were rejected
and it was passed by a vote of 52 to
The bill provides that any person
within the United States who shall
willfully and maliciously kill the pres
ident or any officer on whom the du
ties of president may devolve or any
sovereign of a foreign country or
shall attempt to kill any of the per
sons named shall suffer death that
any person who shall aid abet ad
vise or counsel the killing of any of
the persons named or shall conspire
to accomplish their death shall be
imprisoned not exceeding twenty
years that any person who shall
threaten to kill or advise or counsel
another to kill the president or any
official on whom the duties of presi
dent maj devolve shall be imprisoned
not exceeding ten years that any per
son who shall willfully aid in the
escape of any person guilty of any
of the offenses mentioned shall be
deemed an accomplice and shall be
punished as a principal
The secretary of war is directed to
detail from the regular army a guard
of officers and men to protect the
president without any unnecessary
display and the secretary is author
ized to make regulations as to the
dress arms and equipments of such
Fatal Accident on the Platte River
Near Schuyler
SCHUYLER Neb March 22 Mrs
Frank Ritna and her niece of Butler
county were drowned ill the Platte
river two miles south of this place
They were driving across the bridge in
the direction of this city when they
were met by another team at a place
on the bridge too narrow for the
teams to pass The womens team
and buggy were forced over the bridge
where the channel is the deepest and
occupants horses and buggy went
down At this writing the bodies have
not been recovered
Kansas Wheat Crop Saved
TOPEKA Kan March 22 A
eral heavy rain fell in Kansas last
night and in many places continued
throughout today The fall was es
pecially heavy in the wheat belt and it
is believed came in time to save the
crop from injury from drouth and high
Miners Reach Agreement
DES MOINES la March 22 The
miners and operators in session here
came to a practical agreement on all
matters relating to the mine wage
scale in Iowa and it is now believed
a strike will be averted and that the
scale will be adopted within a few
Hard Luck Pursues Dorsett
CRESCENT la March 22 While
chopping wood John Dorsett was se
verely cut by an axe The blade sank
up to the handle in the instep of his
left foot He has lost a great amount
of blood but his physician says the
foot can be saved
Merger Case Not Heard
NEW YORK March 22 There was
no hearing today in the suit of Peter
Power to prevent the operation of the
Northern Pacific railroad by the North
ern Securities company
River and Harbor Bill
house today passed the river and har
bor bill which has been under consid
eration throughout the week
Listing Creeks for Land
MUSKOGEE I T March 22 The
Dawes commission has just given out
that tho names of 4127 Creek Indians
and 523 Creek Freedmen who were
enlisted for enrollment by the Dawes
commission and forwarded to the sec
retary of the interior for his approval
have been approved by the secretary
and returned to the Dawes commis
sion There are yet about S000 names
to be approved The Creek treaty
was ratified May 25
Has a Successful Trial Between De
troit and Cleveland
CLEVELAND March 21 Failure
of tho first attempt to use wireless
telegraphy on the lakes has been fol
lowed by success on the second trial
The steamer City of Detroit was tow
ed to a slip near the lake front where
there were no Intervening masts or
buildings and the exporlments repeat
ed Only those making tho experi
ments and connected with the owner
ship of the system were on board
J V Toliff representative of the
originator of the system the latter be
ing at the station says that one of
the code words agreed upon had been
both aent to and received from De
troit He 3aid no attempt was made
to transmit messages but that the
transmission of the code word estab
lished the fact of communication and
that the experiments were successful
The success accomplished on the
second attempt is ascribed partly to
better weather conditions and partly
to a better adjustment of the appar
Former President of Honduras is Ar
rested on His Return
mingo Vasquez one time president
of Honduras has arrived in this city
He left here a few weeks ago on the
Chilean liner Tucapel to make a visit
to some Central American ports and
during the interim he has had a very
lively experience When the Tucapel
touched at Corinto Nicaragua he
was taken from the vessel by order
of President Zelaya and locked up in
jail He faced charges of sedition
and insurrection and on February 15
the government authorities released
him on his promise to leave the coun
try at the first opportunity
It is the ambition of Vasquez to
form one republic of the Central Amer
ican countries and he makes no secret
of it though he disclaims being a
Family and Distinguished French Am-
bassadors Arc Coming
WASHINGTON March 21 Ambas
sador Cambon in view of the favor
able action by congress on the joint
resolution looking to the proper dedi
cation of the Rochambeau statue has
been in consultation with Secretary
Hay regarding the details of the pro
gram The inadequacy of the appro
priation of 110000 threatens to cur
tail the original project which look
ed to a repetition of the splendid and
impressive ceremonies with the dedi
cation of the Yorktown monument
twenty years ago
Still a satisfactory beginning can
be made with the attendance of the
descendants of Rochambeau with a
distinguished representation of the
French government is already assur
ed The dedicatory ceremonies are
fixed for the latter part of May next
Surrender Negotiations
MANILA March 21 Gen Smith
in command in the island of Samav
cables that he met Guevara personally
March 24 and arranged the details
and length of the proposed armistice
to facilitate the collection of Guevaras
men with their rifles and their subse
quent surrender Up to the present
all communication between General
Smith and Guevara lias been by let
ter General Smith refuses to enter
into political matters but will offer
life liberty and protection to all who
take the oath of allegiance and assise
in the opening of the ports and the
restoration of normal conditions in
the island
Cecil Rhodes Much Better
CAPETOWN March 21 Cecil
Rhodes passed a better night He
slept niore than for some time past
Consequently there is a distinct im
provement in his condition today
Cecil Rhodes had a good sleep this
forenoon His physicians have prom
ised that if possible he shall sail for
England next week
Choked to Death
DES MOINES la March 21 Mrs
Elizabeth King 75 years old died sud
denly from suffcation While eating
she was choked from paralysis all
attempts to relieve her having failed
Nebraska Republican State Convention
LINCOLN Neb March 21 The re
publican nominating convention has
been called to meet in this city Wed
nesday June 18th
Fire in a Reform School
LEXINGTON Ky March 21 The
Bradley dormitory of the State School
of Reform near this city was de
stroyed by fire shortly after midnight
but all the inmates numbering 125
boys were saved The fire was dis
covered in the third story of the dor
mitory by the night watchman He
immediately notified Superintendent
Hoak who aroused the inmates and
srot them all safelv and without dis
order out of the building
They Declare in Favor of Cessation
of Hostilities and Strict Neutrality
by the United States Miscellaneous
Washington Matters
democratic members of the house at
a caucus held tonight unanimously
adopted resolutions declaring that
congress should express the sympathy
of the American people for the strug
gling Boer republics and pledging
themselves to use their utmost en
deavors to force the committees to
report resolutions expressive of such
sympathy if only that congress may
have an opportunity to act
Representative Hay of Virginia pre
sided at the caucus and Representa
tive Robertson of Louisiana acted as
secretary The attendance was large
There was no division of sentiment
as to the course to be taken the ques
tion presented being simply one of
choice between two resolutions one
offered by Mr Randall of Texas and
the other by Mr Sulzer of New York
The Sulzer resolution was as fol
Resolved by the democrats of the
house of representatives of the United
States of America in caucus assem
That we sympathize with the Boers
in their heroic struggle to maintain
their liberty and independence and
protest in the name of humanity and
civilization against the continuation of
a war which outrages the feelings of
all liberty loving people and that we
shal use our best efforts to have the
congress of the United States being
committeed to the principles of arbi
tration for the better settlement of
international dispute request the pres
ident to urge upon his majesty the
wisdom of adopting this policy for tha
purpose of stopping the awful atroci
ties now going on in South Africa and
that the government of the United
States should maintain a strict neu
trality between the contending forces
The Randall resolution was as fol
Resolved by the democratic mem
bers of the house of representatives
of the United States in caucus assem
bled That the congress of the United
States should by resolution express
the sympathy of the people of the
United States for the peoples of the
South African republics in their heroic
Btruggle to maintain their liberty and
Resolved That the congress should
In the spirit of amity and friendship
appeal to the British government in
the interest of humanity to accept ov
ertures for peace cease hostilities and
endeavor to bring about a just and
honorable settlement of existing dif
ferences to the end that peace may
be established
Resolved That the United States
should fairly and honorably maintain
a position of strict neutrality in this
contest between nations friendly to us
and see to it that the neutrality laws
are vigorously and impartially en
Resolved That we as democrats and
representatives of the people will use
our utmost endeavor to force the com
mittees now dominated by the repub
lican party having in their charge
resolutions similar to this to report
the same back to the house so that
the congress may give expression
thereon declaring the sentiments and
will of the American people
After some remarks by Mr Randall
Mr Sulzer and Mr Cochran of Mis
souri the Sulzer resolution was voted
down 32 to 35 and the Randall reso
lution was then unanimously adopted
-To Have the Bill Framed Ready for
Action Thursday
WASHINGTON March 20 Chair
man Payne of the ways and means
committee stated today that he would
frame the reciprocity treaty as decid
ed upon at the republican conference
last night during the day and would
introduce it probably tomorrow The
bill will have two sections The first
will give tho president authority to
negotiate a reciprocity agreement
with Cuba granting 20 per cent con
cessions on all goods The second sec
tion will cover the so called Sibley
amendment limiting the reciprocity
period to December 1 1903
Mr Payne has not yet decided when
the bill will be brought before the
committee in order to be reported to
the house
Evans Denies the Report
missioner of Pensions Evans was
shown a dispatch from Birmingham
Ala to the effect that a special from
Chattanooga Tenn states that close
personal friends there of Pension
Commissioner H Clay Evans claim to
have information that President Roose
velt will make him secretary of the
Interior There is absolutely no
foundation for the report said Com
missioner Evans
When He Left Manila Civil Govern
ment Had Been Established
General Otis again appeared before
tho senate committee on tho Philip
pines today When he left the Phil
ippines In May 1900 General Otis
said that the army had disposed of
all of Aguinaldos army quiet pre
vailed during the months of May and
June and hardly a shot was fired
It was safe to go to all parts of Lu
zon and other islands and a very
largo trade had been established A
civil government had been set up also
the supreme court and courts of first
instance In seven of the nineteen
provinces of Luzon
General Otis answering a question
by Senator Culberson said he never
trusted native officers because they
were cruel to their men He said
he could trust their loyalty but they
treated their captives with too much
cruelty They wero as bad as tho in
surgents said he
When he left the Philippines he
said the war was over had ceased
Answering a question by Senator Hale
General Otis said he saw no difficulty
in withdrawing a material number of
troops from tho islands The native
forces he declared to be very neces
sary and he said there was no peace
in Manila until the native police was
effected General Otis said that when
he left Manila ho apprehended fur
ther trouble because there was a cer
tain element which dominated the ig
norant classes The great majority
however wanted peace No armed
bands of any importance he said
were opopsed to the United States at
that time
Asked by Senator Hale where the
supplies money arms etc of the in
surgents came from General Otis said
they received 2500 rifles from Admir
al Dewey and they also received from
Hong Kong certain arms shipped
aboard an American vessel which
landed at Batangas They had re
ceived some arms from Japan and had
captured some from the Spaniards at
small garrisons which they attacked
Ho said that the merchants gave him
more trouble than the insurgents
The troops of the United States ho
said had treated the Filipinos with
the greatest kindness Every state
ment of harsh treatment he heard of
had been investigated In fact said
he we were laughed at by the Span
iards and European army officers fo
the humanity we exercised
Senate Committee Orders Favorable
Report on Bill
senate committee on finance today con
cluded the consideration of the bill
repealing the war revenue act and au
thorised a favorable report on it The
bill is greatly changed in phraseology
and it is announced that it will prob
ably not be in shape to be reported be
fore tomorrow
The bill as it will be reported re
moves all the taxes of the war revenue
act and the only changes made are
those of language making sure of this
Among other things made in the lan
guage of the bill is one affecting the
rate on tobacco at C cents per pound
The delay in reporting the bill is oc
casioned by threats on the part of the
senators to offer amendments to the
bill and the desire to avoid that pos
sibility Senator Foraker has said
that he would represent a provision
for Cuban reciprocity This it is
known would arouse long debate and
the republican members of the financo
committe are exerting themselves to
prevent the offering of the amendment
Democratic senators generally express
themselves as willing to allow an un
conditional repeal bill to pass without
Brother of Emperor William Reaches
His Fatherland in Safety
CUXHAVEN March 19 The re
turn of Admiral Prince Henry of Prus
sia to German soil was safely accom
plished this afternoon amid all the
pomp and circumstances with which
the princes imperial brother has seen
fit to mark the ending of Prince Hen
rys American mission
The same good fortune of freeoom
from untoward incidents which char
acterized the princes transatlantic
journey continued until the end and
the landing occurred during a period
of brilliaiil sunshine after an overcast
Governor Appeals for Aid
Governor Dockery today issued an
appeal to the people of the state for
aid for the farmers in the Ozark coun
try in the southeastern part of the
state who lost their crops in last
summers drouth What is done
says Governor Dockery must be done
quickly Seed for the spring crop is
most urgently needed and the Agricul
tural department has been requested
to furnish this
Persistent Joe Wheeler
Previous to appointing General
Joe Wheeler to a command In the
war with Spain President McKInleJ
consulted the late Senator Davis bf
Minnesota about the matter I tiling
it would bo a splendid appointment
said Mr Davis I am a living witness
of Joe Whelers grit and persistence
During th civil war he chased mc
like the devil through five states
Martha Washington Relics
Colonel Edwin A- Stevens the present-
ownor of Castle Point Hoboken
ono of the oldest houses in America
has among his collection of curios vls
itlne cards of Martha Washington
written by tho president a book of
Martha Washingtons with her own
name and the date of 1759 and a
piece of Mrs Washingtons red and
white brocade gown
Paris Electric Cops
A remarkable innovation is about
to be made in Paris The policemen
on night duty are to have electric
lights on various parts of their uni
forms and at the extremities of their
batons These will be worked by
pressing a waistcoat button and tho
object Is the regulation of the street
Dog Wise Congressman
Congressmen Beldler of Ohio Ru
pert of Now York and Shallenberger
of Nebraska are recognized authorities
on various breeds of dogs and tha
three are often together talking dog
Beldler runs to pointers setters and
fox terriers Rupert to St BernardA
and Shallenborger to mastiffs and St
Bernards Each is very proud of his
The Roosevelt One Hoss Shay
An old phaeton built for President
Roosevelts father sixty years ago and
in which the president frequently rod
when a boy has been painted up and
taken to Washington from Oyster bay
for the use of the White House chil
dren Tho vehicle is hand made both
as to iron and wood It is not too pret
ty to look at but very comfortable
and as good to day as ever
The Intellectual type of beauty is
heard but not seen
An old bachelor says that matrimony
and not Wisconsin is the badger
If a married man would know him
self he should get his wife to introduce
he does not have Defiance Starch you
may be sure he ia afraid to keep it until
his atock of 1L oz packages are sold De
fiance Starch Is not only better than any
other Cold Watr Starch but contains 11
oz to the packacc and mils for same
money as 12 oz brands
Some mens minds are
with useless memories
Use Red Cross Bull Blno and keep them
white as show All grocers 5c a puukugo
Wise is the weather prophet who
predicts loth ways
It will be a cold day when you find
a laundry starch anywhere near as
good as Defiance
If you would remain a favorite never
ask a favor
People buy Hamlins Wizard Oil be
cause they have learned by experience
that it cures pain of every kind
Many a womans popularity is due
to what she forgets to say
wont shake out or blow out by uslnjr
Defiance starch you obtain better results
than possible with any oth brand and
one third more for same money
If a man is a genius his neighbors
all say he is crazy
Uifr Industries TJullt np on Small Articles
Few people realize the wants and re
quirements of the eighty millions of peo
ple in the United States AVho would
think that it requires over a million dol
lars capital to carry on the package dyn
business in this country and that there
are twelve different factories in the Unit
ed States that manufacture package dye
One of the largest package dye factories
in the world is that of the Putnam Fade
less Dye Co Unionville Mo In this fac
tory alone over three million packages
are put up every year When you know
that each package colors from 3 to S
pounds of goods or that the output of
Putnam Fadeless Dye3 alone will color
from D to IS million pounds and that it
would require more than SCO cars to haul
this amount of dyed goods you will re
alize the magnitude of this seeminV
small business
t -
Use tho lest Thats why they buy Red
Cros Ball Blue At leading grocers 5 cents
Bargain Counter Attraction
Now a Chicago womans club has
declared for the purchase of the Pan-
ama canal This must be because of
the attraction always irresistible to
women in a marked down article
Mans Mission on Earth
Medical Book Freo
KnowThyseir Manual a book for men onlTient
Free postpaid sealed to eTcry male reader men
llonlng this paper 6c for postage The Science of
Life or Selfpraiervatloa the Gold Medal Prize
Treatise the best Medical Book of this or aar age
3T0 pp with ensrarlnes and prescriptions Elezant
Library Edition fall KlItONLY si paper corer
inferior abridged edition 23c GET THE BEST Ad
dress the Peabody Medical InsUtnte 4 Balflnch st
ppp Iteyere Housa BostonMass the oldest and best
in tcli country Write today for thess book- IceTa
to health and happlnes j Consultation la person or
by letter 0 to C Sunday 10 to 1
The Peabody Medical Institute baa maarlalti
tors but no equals Boston Herald -
Waea writing mention this paper
A substitute for and
superior to mtist
anyother plaster and win no SSS tZl
most delicate skin The nainniii the
curative qualities of tbtaarl3Hw1Snd
ful It vrtll stop the toothache at oder
relieve headache and MiaOca wJ aml
mend it as the best ad m
counter irritant known7iso ternaJ
remedy for pair in the Ch M tfil1
Plaints A trial1 rtf prolr ET
ioni ana it win be found to bnCi T
in the household Many lp iiIobJe
u auarujrsi itsnr nr i -
sendlny thi amount tonsfa 0I 3
we will send you a tube br V R F
snouia do accepted by the iimwiU i artlce
same earrlea ourJabel as othS unIcf s the
genuine CHBSEBROUQH Wo101
1 State Strenr rM
jisk urrv