H U 4 h iimimf WE ARE r Swi QQ faster 3iitts Delay no longer but call at once and select the suit you want IbaJi t tes uits WE HAVE THEM FROM 5 to 25 No better line nor more reasonable pri ces to be found any where Notice our line of 1000 suits They are well tail ored have good lin ings and fit well We warrant each suit to give satisfac tion Colors Black Brown Blue Castor Gray and Red 1 Just received a new line of Mens and Boys Clothing A comparison is all we ask We can help you save money THE was ft araatu tore GOING All 500 including Florsheims patent leather and enamels All 400 shoes including all makes and kinds All 350 shoes including all makes and kinds hand sewed All 300 shoes - All 250 shoes including the noted Richardson seamless All 200 and 175 shoes - NOT A nlli jaaeuWiim 7 L DeGROFF GO WW 1mr5 Ti T3l 111 ii uiu II 11 1 lf S MAIN LINE EAST DEPAET No 0 Central Time 1110 pm 2 GrA m 12 920aM No 5 arrives from east at S p in main line west depart Xol Mountain Time 11 J A M 111 pm 13 825 A M IMPERIAL LINE No 170 arrives Mountain Time 540 p m No 175 departs 700am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska NORTH COLEMAN A good rain fell Sunday night Arthur Shepherd and family who went to Oregon two years since are expected back in a week or so R Trapahagan has bought another place about nine miles north of his home place and will move thereon shortly The boys will farm the home place and keep bach this summer Rocky Mountain Tea taken now will keep the whole family well If it fails bring it back and get your cash 35 cents McConnoll Berry To allay pain subdue inflammation heal foul sores and ulcers the most satisfactory results are obtained by using Ballards Snow Liniment Price 25 cents and 50 cents A McMillen Have you a cough A dose of Ballards hound Syrup will relieve it 50 cents A McMillen Price 25 cents and epsia Digests what you eat IM II 2 6BKrv r M bats teil PMRFUMR ropy California Weve just received from California a fresh newv Easter line of Riegers Per fumes and we want you to come and see them There is nothing quite so appropriate for Easter re membrances to your very dear friends as a bit of choice perfumery from California where the flowers grew Lon Cone Bro McCook Nchr OUT RE 3 75 300 265 225 185 125 MlM McCook Neb liiBli OF FOR COLEMAN R J Truphagnn is sowing spring wheat Theres a good time coming by and by Wish it would hurry M H Cole was in McCook Monday with eighteen fat hogs Bert Wales is working the Nichlas farm this year Jle a out fifty acres of fall wheat J W Corner Bert Wales and Roy Coleman were all in McCook Monday with hogs Roy Coleman has received a diploma from the county superintendent for not being absent or tardy during the past term of school in Dist 5S BANKSVILLE II I Peterson is breaking prairie on section 13 The high wind of Wednesday caused many things to move to other localities Mrs Amanda Rowland has been very sick the past week but is better at this writing W H Benjamin had bu iness in McCook Monday Abram Peters and John Rowland on Tuesday John Wesch is building a house south of the state Jine in Kansas and will take up his abode thore in the near future We had a line rain Sunday the estimated fall being J1 inches which has been a great boon to the mall grain crop and has started the grass in fine shape MARION Mr Spouer is still very sick Whooping cough is raging in this part of the county Alfalfa fields are looking green since the rain and farmers are busy with spring work Martin Nilsson E B Stilgebouer and Henry Kettering were Oberlin visitors Tuesday Miss Ola Steele is helping Mrs C VanPelt of Cedar Bluffs Kansas with her house work Clifford Naden and Ed Crabtree of Danbury were Marion visitors Tuesday inspecting the telephone No siuging this week as the young people are busy preparing for the play at Danbury entitled Out in the Street by Shiloh home talent TYRONE School will be out in two weeks Rev Miller did not reach his appointment last Sunday George Shafer is back on the home place and will farm it this summer John Walton has gone to Montana where he has a job on a large ranch Len Davis has gone cast to Pawnee county where he will farm this summer J E Tupper and family have moved from here to their old home Woodbine Iowa J C Moore wife and child were spilled out of their buggy Friday near the church and though not seriom ly hurt were badly bruised They had a neighbors team whoso harness was coupled out too long letting the tongue down DANBURY A fine rain Sunday Pearl Haj es visited the homefolks Saturday and Sunday D A Waterman and Brnce Cummings of Lebanon were Danbury callers Monday F C Headier principal of our school went over to Cambridge Friday evening returning Sunday Otto Puelz has commenced a much needed addition to his farm house in the shape of a kitchen Mrs Edith Cantril wife of Agent Cantril of Kanona Kansas is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity this week T E McDonald is having his dwelling on Lower Main street repaired and repapered Mr Cribben is doing the work Miss Eva Phillips visited her uncle and aunt Mr and Mr J L Sareent on Saturday and Sunday returning to her school at Dodges on Sunday afternoon Brnce Cummings A C WiLon and Charles Skaila met at Danbury Monday afternoon and went out to appraise the road on the east of W A Miiiaieare place Changes in the Weather Mean slight spells of headache or affect your appetite Irregularities in eating cause dyspep sia Take Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin and feel cood regardless of these elements or habits Sold by A McMillen Vf 3 iSi if 1 j jj BUSINESS aTTjcvc COST OR VALUE IS NOT TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION We mean what we say we are closing out our entire stock to quit business and must sell This is not trading stock shipped in but it is the best stock of shoes in Western Nebraska made by the most reliable shoe makers on earth all fresh up-to-date Goods flany of them are advanced spring styles just arrived Do not delay but come It will pay you even if you live 75 miles away If you are not in need of them at present buy them and lay them aside Money earned is money saved and we will save you forty to fifty per cent rHESE PRICES PlVlllHWlllffWMI1lltffTVWrwmffroi CASH All 150 shoes All other mens and ladies shoes Boys and girls 200 latest styles and shapes Boys and girls 150 latest styles and shapes Boys and girls 125 latest styles and shapes Others Et juauEicaaoca3ngnanMjnmimjimii BtiMmjeicaapaattcinatxgwamnM INDIAN0LA Roa Streff has been on the sick list the last few days Everjone is rejoicing over the fine rtin that fell last Sumday Mrs J W Dolan and Clarissa were McCook visitors Monday Mr and Mrs Ca ner drove up to the county seat Saturday B B Duckworth is out to his farm on the Medicine this week Alta Hager visited friends and relatives in Cambridge Saturday and Sunday Grace Andrews closed a successful term of school in the Wyrick district Friday Chloe Ongh came home Saturday morning from Hitchcock county where she was teaching Delia Andrews closed a successful six months term of school in the Downs district Monday This is the banner town for the sale of hog- Tuesday buyers paid from filO to 6 20 for good hogs During one of our gentle we tern zephyrs the smokestack of the flour mill blew down dam aging it beyond repair Mrs Clara Brown who has been visiting here the past week returned to her home in Hern don Kansas last Saturday morning The ladies of the M E church will hold their annual Easter supper and sale in the Penke building from 6 to 10 Saturday March 23th 1S02 Flora Quick and Mrs H W Kejes went up to McCook on No 5 Sunday evening to be in attendance at Miss Lowmans millinery op ening Monday Mr and Mrs Hardesty and children returned home Saturday morning from Bloomington where they were called by the various illners of Mrs Hardestys sister The Iudianola Dramatic companv presented the comedy entitled The Three Hats to a medium sized audience Friday evening The play was presented in a pleasing manner and was appreciated by all present A rare treat is in store for our people next Saturday evening Major Hendershot and -on of the Rappahannock band assisted by local talent will give an entertaiument in the opera house Admission 15 cents and 25 cents The literary society of the Indianola high school will give an entertainment in the school house this evening The que tion Ke plved That Immigration is Detrimental to the Uniteu States will be debated during the evening Admission to the entertainment 10 cents REDWILL0W J C Suiter raised a now Aermoter windmill last week John Crocker sold his farm to one of the Voge brothers Maynard has sold his farm so wo are informed Will Sexson and family moved in with his father until he get- his hou e pia tercd It is reported that the Had ley place just west of the fair grounds has been sold for 1000 Suiter and Martz will plant a good acreage of sugar beets on L J Holland land this spring The rain of one inrh Saturday night and Sunday was a great thiiisr on the fall crop of thi section Will Sexson has been confined to tiis houae with a hard attack of the grip but able to be out again It N reported that the Peter and Gabe Hanson land in west Redwillow has changed hand- and is owned by a man named Smith The G A R cave E A Sexson a on the evening of the 10th Ov ters and pie were served and all had a good time GERVER Mrs Alex Elli- was quite last week Ray Benjamin was at hi- brother Als Tuesday Wasnt that rain a beauty Pretty tough on stock that had to rustle though The indications are that there will be a mailer acreace of corn planted this jear than lat The recent rain gave come people the break ing fever as there were plows running Mr and Mrs J B Ro hong stopped at Al Benjamins Tuesday on their way home from their son Lafayettes over in Kansas The Milk Maids have advertisements out for a basket social at the new church at Cedar Bluffs Proceeds for the benefit of the church Our road overseer Charlie Wilhelm with J F Richardson and Abe Loring did the people a good turn Monday by tiring the road justeast of the school house u r -1 J mooooes jxpftf iiKyxiaijarorancBaBaa zagyar j t jr n r xs lurzmzjemExmruyTitnm u un tiJMJtr yyji i ONLY M SXXJ 99 t 1 120 r 95 j so to 75 fc - K tttitm iPOwwrMiin nfni Havinpr a Run on Chamberlninii Cough Remedy Between the hour- of even oclock a in nij closing time at night on January 25th llnjl AJ Clark druggist Glade Springs Virginia sola twelve bottles of ChamberlainN Cough Il mixfe He says I never handled a medicine that soH better or gave better satisfaction to my custo mers flus remedy has been in general us la Virginia for many years and the people tlw are well acquainted with its excellent qualities Many or thein havo testified to tho reinarkab cures which it has affected Whea you m ed a good reliable medicine for a cough or cold r attack of the grip u e Chamberlains Const Remedy and yon are rortain to be more that pleased with the quick cure which it affords For sale by McConnell A Berry druggist Question Answered Yes August Flower still has Hits largest safe of any medicino in the civiliziil world Ycr mothers and grandmothers never thought ci using anything else for indigestion or bilkvi ness Doctors were scarce and they seldoet heard of appeiidiciti nervous prostration or heart failure etc They used August Flowtr to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food regulate tho action of tJi liver stimulate the nervous and organtic acta of the system and that is all they took viiuxt feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few doses of Greea August Flower in liquid form to make yoo satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with j ou Get Greens Prize Almanac Lockjaw From Cobwebs Cobweb- put on a cut lately gave a woinas lockjaw Millions know that tho best thing ta put on a cut is BucklenV Arnica Salve tho ife fallible healer of wounds ulcers sores slria eruptions burns scaJja anr piu it cure3 nr no pay Onjy 2Tc at McConnell and Berry r drug store Chronic Diarrhoea Mr C B Wingfield of Fair flay Mis oori who suffered from chronic dysentary for thirtj fie year- sayS Chamberlain Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did his more good than any other medicine he had ever used For salt by McConnell Berry druggist To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinian Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each boz 2k Much pain and nneasiness is caused by pile sparing neither ago nor sex Tkblers Bucket Pile ointment cures the most obstinate cases Price 0c in bottles tnbs re A McMillen If onr child is cro s or it is no doucs troubled with worms White Cream Vermi fuge will remove the worms and its tonic effeei restore its natural cheerfulness Price 21 cents A McMillen if isflt fee Cooks Fault II Isnt jFosr grocers Faelt that the bulk coiiee yon just purchased turns one to be differ ent f rum the nack i nil bought before Conec purchased m bulk is sure to ary The sealed package in which LION COFFEE is sold insures uniform flavor and strength X also keeps the coffee fresh awl insures absolute purity -