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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1902)
i ii ft It H t u k TWENTIETH YEAR Agreed on Basis of Assessment Assessors from the several precincts of Redwillow county met in the city on Tuesday and agreed iiKii the basis of assessment for 1902 For some reasons however the county clerk was instructed to withhold from the nowspapers the items and figures agreed upon and hence theimportant and vital part of the meet ing cannot be reported as has been the custom in the past Every precinct in the county was represented Alliance William Stewart Indianola Beaver Clifford Naden Danbury Bondville Henry N Colling Indi anola Box Elder J A Modrell Box Elder Coleman W K Forsoy MeCook Danbury Thomas Dimmitt Dan bury Driftwood E C Goehring MeCook East Valley S W Clark Bartley Fritsch L M Howard Indianola Gerver Alex Ellis MeCook Grant W II Benjnmin Banksvillo Indinnola Henry Cnvbtree Indianola Lebanon C II Nichols Lebanon Missouri Ridge P D Brooks Bartley North Valley -Frank Tigard Lebanon Perry Fred Lepper MeCook Red willow T A Endsley MeCook Tyrone Leonard Shippee Lebanon Valley Gramre Jolm Hanimell Mc i Cook Willow Grove John E Kelley Me Cook A Splendid Success The social event of the week and in deed one of the most auspicious of the winter was the ball and banquet of the B of R T Monday evening A crowded opera house full of people from city division a n d neighboring towns re sponded to the invitations sent out and a rare time was had by all The hall was handsomely decorated in red blue and white headlights lanterns and so forth being added to the general color scheme and effect making the hall appear quite attractive The Pythian orchestra made music of its best vintage and was irresistible The banquet was spread at the B M eating house and was a very super ior gastronomic production a credit to the chef and i joy to the banqueters The affair withal was a large and gratifying success in every particular and highly creditable to the trainmen Baby Goheen Dead Monday morning about seven oclock after a brief illness Mr and Mrs C W Goheens baby boy of about five weeks of age a promising little bud was trans planted in the Fathers heavenly garden leaving sad hearts and a desolate earthly home Services were held at the home the old Maxwell farm on Tuesday morn ing by Rev L M Grigsby of the Meth odist church which many deeply sym pathetic friends from country and city attended burial in Riverview cemetery of this city following The young par ents have the tenderest sympathy of many hearts St Patricks Day Services St Patricks day services held in St Patricks Catholic church last Sunday evening attracted a full house and af forded a profitable and enjoyable even ing to all present Rev Loughrans ad dress was an able one on the patron saint of the church and was keenly ap preciated Besides there was a musical program appropriate to the occasion Mrs P F McKenna W J McGillin Mamie Sharkey Thomas OConnell and MillieElbertbeingamong the performers Fraternal Insurance Order Cards Attention is directed to the card of the Maccabee lodge appearing in this weeks issue announcing dates of regular twice-a-month meetings of the order and giv ing the names of some of the present officers of the local lodge This card will be convenient for reference to local members and to visitintr brethren and establishes a precedent which may well be followed by other fraternal orders in the city with profit Junior Dorcas Good Time Social The young friends of the Junior Dorcas society held a Good Time social in name and in fact at the home of F W Bos worth last Friday evening Social amusement was furnished by a variety of guessing games of much interest The refreshment feature was also enjoy able and the affair withal was a happy one Desirable House For Sale My house and two lots with barn hedge fruit and shade trees corner of Dakota and Manchester streets occu pied by II F Pade Fine location Also lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi tion to MeCook fronting park Apply to Mrs H G Dixon Kennett Square Pa A Sure Winner The man who saves on his present salary Are you saving Have you saved anything the past year If you have not commence now by taking five or ten shares of stock in the MeCook Building Association which will be secured by gilt edged loans on MeCook real estate Remnants You can buy some good and pretty wall pa per remnants at McMillens drug store at cost and ks We have a large line of new wall paper and more on the wav Come and get prices A McMillen Fifty Dress Skirts of our own make ready to wear To your measure at same prices All Wool ones from 250 up The Thompson Dry Goods Co Always reliable always dependable what you buy at Marshs meat market Mrs Delhuntys millinery opening is one of tomorrows attractions The Tribunes advertising friends are occupying front seats just now Only ono plunk The Tribtne MOVEMENTS OF THE Mrs S E Griggs was PEOPLE an Indianola visitor Thursday Mrs C M Bailey is entertaining a niece Miss Davis Lloyd Green of Bartley was a city visitor over Sunday Misses Doan entertained the Awl Os on Tuesday evening W T Caleman and family are visit ing relatives in Yale Iowa Dr A P Welles was called to Haigler professionally Saturday last J W Dolan of Indianola had busi ness in the capital city last Saturday Mrs W A DeMay of Danbury was a visitor of the county capital Saturday Mrs E A Bocock was a passenger for Holdrege Thursday morning on 12 11 W Kkyes of Indianola had busi ness in tho valleys metropolis Saturday Harry M Porter arrived home close of past week from an absence of about a week Caleb Clother was down from the Hayes county ranch near Marengo Thursday B B Gillespie was up from Repub lican City over Sunday guest of the McCarl boys Mrs S M Snyder of Cheyenne Wyoming is the guest of Mrs Herman Pade tins week W C Bullard was out from Omaha Saturday looking after his lumber in terests in this city Jacob Wagner and family departed this week for Grand Island Nebraska where they will locate S C John is here this week from Anita Iowa looking after business matters and will remain A C Hipple and mother of Parkston S D have been in the city part of the week looking over the country Mrs A D Green of Holdrege has been the guest of her daughter Mrs H C Brown of our city this week Mr and Mrs Ralph Haggard were up from Lincoln Sunday returning to the state capital on G that night Mr McGlaughlin a recent arrival from near Palisade is building himself a dwelling on North Manchester street Mrs J B Meserve came up from Lincoln Monday evening on No 5 and is the guest of her daughter Mrs F M Kimmell Peter Rheinheimer of near Osburn Frontier county has moved onto his place in this county over southwest of the city M A Hartigan of Hastings and J L White referee in bankruptcy of Curtis were here on business last Friday Mrs Ami C Teel who has been here part of the past two or three weeks on Royal Neighbors business left on Tues day morning Mrs H E Durham was over from Hays City Kansas close of last and first of this week looking after some property interests here J L McBrien deputy state superin tendent of public instruction was here over Sunday while up the valley on ed ucational matters Mrs L M Copeland came up from Minden last Friday and has been the guest f her daughter Mrs J G Schobel of our teacher corps this week E S Wood who lived here some four teen years ago came out from Syracuse Nebraska Tuesday to look after his land interests northeast of Culbertson J M Kilpatrick of Beatrice went up the Imperial line Wednesday morning on business connected with the great Kilpatrick ranch interests on the Upper Frenchman E B Perry the Cambridge lawyer had business in the valleys finest last Saturday He came up on 5 Friday evening and returned home on 12 Sun day morning Mr and Mrs David Magner took their departure Thursday on 3 for Denver where they will make their future home Heres success and con tentment to them J II Bayston of the Stockville Faber was in the city a few hours Tuesday evening to get No b for Lincoln to at tend the meeting of Central committee the Populist State Mayor C E Eldred has commenced extensive improvements and a large ad dition to his North Main avenue resi dence which will place it among our cosiest and most convenient homes A G Keys of Bartley was the guest of his son C W of the Bullard yard last Saturday He expects before many weeks to move to the eastern part of the state where he has relatives and in terests John R Roxby came up from the farm near Arapahoe Sunday night on some business returning home on 12 Wednesday morning He contemplates being up with the Sir Knights Easter morning W F Wallace in the early days cashier of the Citizens bank has again been a beneficiary of the favorable turn of the wheel of fortune having recently been elevated to the important and re munerative position of secretary of Kops Brothers Piano Co of New York city Mr and Mrs W ONorval and Miss Lillie took their departure Tuesday morning for Oklahoma City Oklahoma Miss Stella will follow later The well wishes of many friends accompany them They were among McCooks earliest set tlers and there are many regrets at their departure Mrs George D Leach very charm ingly entertained a small company of lady friends for Mrs U J Warren Wed nesday afternoon Refreshments were very daintily served during the after noon Mrs Warren and Ruth will leave for their new home in Fort Morgan Colorado Thursday of next week I i i PH11 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Ray McCarl had business in Lincoln yesterday Mrs M Lawritson was a Lincoln visitor yesterday Mils R B Simmons made a visit to Lincoln this week Miss Winnie Pjiillippi went down to Fairmont Neb this morning on 12 on a visit Lewis II Bash for a short time with John Grannis has gone to Richmond Missouri Miss Clara LeIIew has gone to Rich land Wisconsin and will be employed in her uncles bank Dr W V Gage contemplates the erection of an office residence building opposite the postoffice this spring Dr R E Campbell who has been in the city for a few weeks departed on 12 Thursday morning for Buffalo N Y Mrs L S Sage of Beatrice came up on 5 Wednesday evening and is visiting her sister Mrs W SMorlan a few days Mr and Mrs Trudeau of Missoula Mont arrived in the city on Wednesday oveniug and are the guests of Mrs Vina Wood Mrs S E Griggs is enjoying a visit from her aged mother who at 81 years of ago made the trip here alone from California Fred McIntosh of Gilman Illinois arrived in the city on No 3 Wednesday and is guest of his brothers-in-law the Wilcox brothers Mr and Mrs W S Morlan enter tained the Alphabet high five club last night Mrs H P Sutton won the hon ors and Mrs H A Beale the booby Mr and Mrs II C Clapp received their goods this week and have gone to housekeeping in L W Stayners new dwelling opposite the Congregational church Mrs W R Starr and Mrs James Hatfield entertained high five club No 1 last Friday evening at the home of the former The first and second prizes were won by Mrs G R Snyder and H A Beale Mrs Snyder cutting for first with Mrs F G Westland II P Sutton and James Hatfield B C Bowman and family departed Tuesday morning for their new home in Lexington this state They will visit a few days with her parents at Bartley on the way Barton goes to Lexington to enter the employ of a large breeder of fine sheep and being a born stock lover The Tribune expects him to give his employer complete satisfaction and to do himself credit in his new home ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Frank Hannan was sick and off duty yesterday John Grovert has gone to work on the rip track Switch engine 171 is up from Holdrege for slight repairs Ed Gresham returned from Montana Wednesday night George Schmidt is building a dwelling in East MeCook A J Fallert and wife sojourned Sun day in Fort Morgan Colorado A second section of No 3 tonightand two or three extra freights today Walter Leach visited the homefolks in Germantown this state this week A G Goth has returned home from his Bellevue visit and has gone to work Mrs F T Blue was called to Platts mouth Wednesday night by the illness of her brother Four ditching cars and eight dump boxes are in from the Cheyenne branch for an everhauling John Schauerman had a finger cut off yesterday by the rip saw His hand was badly mangled also G W Hartman is back in his old po sition as foreman of the bridge gang at MeCook under Perry Brakeman F N Engstrom resigned from the service this week and went to Denver Wednesday Machinist Thomas Mclnery A B Henderson Frank Nash and Helper Graves all quit pay day J G Schobel went down to Cam bridge this morning to sing in the choir at the Mousel funeral Engines 384 and 90 went out of the machine shop this week The 384 is now in the round house for finishing touches Engine 369 of the R2 class is in the round house to have her cylinders and postons bored out and other light re pairs made Engineer B J Sharkey is rejoicing in another addition to his already inter esting family A child was born to Engineer and Mrs J V OConnell Monday but was too frail for earthly existence Mrs OConnell is not so well Locomotives 116 45 and 284 are down on their wheels and will shortly make room in the back shop for other engines needing thorough overhauling G W Rhodes asst general supt presided over the joint sessions and T E Calvert general supt over the supt section of the great meeting this week in Denver Supt Campbell Trainmaster Kenyon and Master Mechanic Archibald have been in Denver the latter part of the week attending the superintendents and master mechanics meeting of the Burlington Roy Kleven was chosen for the honor ary position of expert telegraph operator for the great meeting of Burlington su perintendents and master mechanics in the Brown Palace hotel Denver this week Roy has the distinction of being one of the silkiest operators on the Burl ington system Residence For Sale Six rooms bath room closets etc Write me for price and terms H L Donovan MeCook Neb RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Ira Dye is off duty with a baseball finger Conductor T E McCarl was at homo over Sunday Ed Montanye was up from Oxford Wednesday Dispatcher and Mrs W F Pate spent Tuesday in Minden Way car 129 is in the carpenter shop for an overhauling Brakeman II P Henckle is slowly recovering from his illness F J Rolfe moved into his new home the Magner dwelling yesterday CH Taj lor has been transferred from Edison Nebraska to Dresden Kansas A Beitel night operator at Brush Colorado is on the sick list this week Brakeman and Mrs II J Hines vent down to Hastings Wednesday on 12 on a visit Engineer S V Ives and Fireman G A Eckman were up from Oxford over Sunday II D Stewart and James Stangland were Wray Colorado visitors on Sun day last Brakeman C R Liggett has gone to Red Cloud and Brakeman C L Smith to Oxford Dispatcher W B Mills has been quite sick for a week past but is mending at this writing Mrs Steve Dwyer and children will join her husband Conductor Dwyer in Denver next week Brakeman F D Barney has been called to Lincoln this week by the illness of his mother R G Miller helper at Akron stood tho telegraph examinations terrors this week at headquarters Brakeman G P Roark is back from the sanitarium at Lincoln and is able to be about on the street some F C Scarborough has come up to MeCook and is succeeded by C R Liggett as switchman at Red Cloud Mr and Mrs Reynolds of Republican City are in the city this week guests of their daughter Mrs George Denton Emerson Hanson claim agent de parted on 0 Tuesday night for Bushnell Illinois on a visit to the wife and son Business has been some better this week A second section of No 3 and several extra freights being among the indications Brakeman C W Dewey has reentered the freight service He and wife moved into the Birdsall dwelling this week and have gone to housekeeping Foreman Frank Traver of the boiler makers nnd his wife are the happy and proud parents of their first born a ten pound daughter born on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Marsland came up from Lincoln Wednesday evening on No 5 and returned home on 12 following morning They were guests of Agent and Mrs A P Thomson General Manager Holdrege went through MeCook Wednesday night on No 3 for Denver to attend the superin tendents and master mechanics meet ing in that city close of this week Fireman Walter E Butler has sent in his time check and retired from the service and the city presumably joining Mrs Butler in Chicago whither she was recently called by illness of her sister Saturday afternoon a car of furniture of freight 63 en route from Wymore to Red Cloud was discovered to be on fire between Hubbell and Chester and the same with contents was entirely con sumed Frank J Rolfe of C A Wards car penter force has purchased the Dave Magner residence on North Manchester The consideration is Sl500 Mr Magner expects to move to Denver in the near future Student Louis Matthis has been in stalled as messenger at Oberlin Edwin Rich messenger at Oberlin has been transferred to Norton as helper Heber Clough has been transferred to Akron as helper from Norton General Manager F A Delano of the Q went through MeCook Tuesday night on 3 in his special car No 98 for Denver The sleeper Byron the same night car ried a number of superintendents and master mechanics to attend the Denver meeting Wednesday Friday Dispatcher L E Cann whose long illness has been a source of deep concern and much solicitude is now convalescing and well on the way to complete rehabi litation to the great relief and joy of his host of friends He has reached the chicken-pot-pie dietary stage in his mind Burlington train hauled by engine No 301 broke the run record between Syd ney Nebraska and Denver last Satur day The 165 miles were covered in 165 minutes The schedule time for this trip is four hours and forty five minutes but the train was ten hours late at Syd ney because of waiting for connection at Alliance and Conductor Ryan said to cut it loose Engineer Hamilton was at the throttle Omaha Bee The tower house to be used in operat ing the switches and crossings northwest of the Burlington round house is now under construction It will be built on a concrete foundation A new round trip rate to Washington and Oregon has been announced Tickets will be on sale the first and third Tuesdays of March and April and the fare will equal one full fare plus 2 A J btern has been appointed foreman of the car re pairing and wrecking gang at Alliance Mr Stern has been foreman of the coach cleaning gang in this city for the Burl ington for several years The Rock Island motive power department is ex perimenting with the use of oil for fuel on its engines in the south The com pany has several producing oil proper ties near Granite Oklahoma and it is understood that it will in time arrange to feed the oil to its engines on the south ern lines Lincoln Journal Ifl Lit D tilt McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 2l 1902 Rubber Hose Waite has the best hosofortho money Superior Seed Potatoes We have on hand a supply of Early Ohio Seed Potatoes at 81 X a bushel C L DeGrofk k Co Choice Cow For Sale A young Jersey cow fresh Choice of sovoral of fine breeding all gentle D C Benedict Culbertson Neb Novelties Novelties Timbole irons ehafinir dishes dishes after dinner coffee five oclock tea fruit and vegetable slicers and all novelty utensils at Colemans hardware store Remnants You can buy some good and pretty wall paper remnants at McMillens drug store at cost and less Wo have a largo lino of new wall paper and more on the way Come and get prices A McMillen Notice From Monday March 21 to Saturday March 19 a special discount of 10 per cent on all carpets One of the finest lines ever shown in the city All cotton ingrains cotton and wool ingrains an extra lino of all wool ingrains Tapestry Brussels Body Brussels Axininsters Velvets If you are wanting carpets this spring we invite you to see the line J II Ludwick Our Second Annual Wall Paper Exhibit will be made in Menards Opera House on Monday and Tuesday March 21th and 25th We promise a display of wall decorations such as was never before seen in South Western Nebraska Every pattern displayed will be from our own stock and ou will be surprised at the variety and extent of the line we carry Every one is cordially invited to come to our exhibit and see what we have to offer Bear in mind that it places you under no obligation to buy wall paper Our only desire is to show you what we have and give you ideas in wall decora tion that will be of value to you at some future time Respy McConnell it Berry F C Summer Corsets from 25c to 100 short medium and Jong including Dress Form and Corset Waists all in gauze Money back after four weeks wear if dissatisfied For sale only by he Thompson Dry Goods Co Are you going to leave town Have you any furniture or stoves to sell See Ludwick He will give you highest cash price Handsome line of Novelty Dress Ging hams 8e yard Best apron checks 5c The Thompson Dry Goods Co Lace and Embroidery Gallon and Band Trimmings in large variety at The Thompson Dry Goods Co The members of the G A R and La dies Circle will serve a bean dinner and supper on election day Headquarters for Sun Bonnets The Thompson Dry Goods Co Bargains in Wall Paper at Cones See the carpets at Ludwicks CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 Preaching at 11 Epworth League at 7 Preaching at 8 There will be preach ing services at 3 in the afternoon in place of the Junior League meeting L M Grigsby Pastor Congregational Sunday school 10 Preaching at 11 subject Launch Out Christian Endeavor at 7 Preaching at 8 subject -Your Friend Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 topic The Message From the Cross Frank A Dean Pastor Episcopal Services at St Albans Sunday Sunday school at 10 C W Barnes supt Holy communion will be celebrated immediately after 11 oclock sermon Rev Hardmans subject What Think Ye of Christ Even song and sermon at 8 evening subject Bible vs Intellectual Life Strangers cordially invited to be present and to take part in all these services Singing by a vested choir R M Hardman Rector Rev R M Hardman will hold ser vices in Benkelman at 8 oclock Monday evening and will be in Stratton on Tuesday Mrs W R Starr and Mrs C F Babcock will entertain the Dorcas Ken sington at the home of Mrs Starr next Thursday afternoon March 27th Something- New A poultry fence that is very close at the bottom to hold small chickens and keep out rats and woven looser at the top just what everybody has been ask ing for Call at W T Colemans and see it New Dress Goods Bara theas Venetians Granites etc New Wash Good Batistes Lawns Dimities Ginghams Swiss etc etc at The Thompson Dry Goods Co Did you know that for one time from Monday to Saturday March 24th to 29th you can buy carpets right in Me Cook See Ludwicks line between those dates Ladies Childrens and Mens Gauze Underwear Knit Knee Pants for ladies misses and children The Thompson Dry Goods Co Handsome styles of Drop Stitch and Lace Hose for ladies and children The Thompson Dry Goods Co IT r Irnry TUdg I- f NUMBER 45- MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS See that five ply hose at WrUoh Sugar beet seed at W T Colemans Tho postoflico at Mascot lias been resumed Everything seasonable at Marshs meat market A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for sale at this office Marion a few miles west of Dnnbury is to have an elevator Audrey latest popular book at McConnell it Berrys E J Mitchell auctioneer Phones Oflico 17 residence 55 Best Indigo Blue Prints 5c yard The Thorn pson Dry Goods Co Observe now professional card of Dr A P Welles in this issue Best Table Oil Cloth 15c a yard The Thompson Dry Goods Co The display of perfumery at Cones is attracting much attention All kinds of garden seeds millet and Kafir corn at W T Colemans Alexandra 28 inch Foulards 32Joo at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co New buggies arriving at W T Cole mans He sells them right too Quite a number of real estate trans fers these strenuous stirring days The Harnett Lumber Co sell white and red cedar posts and barb wire Early Ohio Seed Potatoes at C L DeGroff Cos Per bushel 100 Choice alfalfa seed for sale F S Wilcox Cypress Tanks best on earth for sale by Harnett Lumber Co Kafir corn millet seed Also choice seed barlev and oats F C ICellog Simpsons Silk Finished Cotton Fou ards lie at The Thompson Dry Goods Co For Sale A dwelling house on Me Fnrland street Inquire of C A Ward The street commissioner has had the gutters and culverts cleaned for the spring rains Sugar beet hoes full stock of sugar beet tools in stock and for sale by W T Coleman Every one is stopping at Cones drug store to see the line of exquisite per fumes from California See II P Waite for refrigerators gas oline stoves rubber hose and all season able goods in his line It is just as well for the stability of our population perhaps that pay day only comes once a month The MeCook Circle No 33 Ladies of G A R meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall All kinds of garden and grass seeds for sale All seeds fresh and in bulk C J Ryan Manager Alfalfa seed for sale at 8100 150 and 500 per bushel Also alfala hay 14 2 S G Goheen MeCook Neb We have a large line of farm and gar den seeds Buy now while the assort ment is full II P Waite See our Cypress Tanks and get our prices It will pay you Barnett Lumber Co MeCook and Redwillow county and in fact all Southwestern Nebraska are experiencing many changes this spring If you intend sowing any millet seed see W T Coleman at once He secured a limited supply and it wont last long Monday morning was unusually cold for a March morning Local thermomc ters indicated from four above to four below zero A postoffice has finally been established at Centerpoint Frontier county with J A McMains proprietor of the store at that place as postmaster When you are house cleaning remem ber that we carry the best paints var nishes and furniture polish McConnell Berry You will soon need some garden and lawn tools some rubber hose new gaso line stove or a refrigerator II P Waite has a large stock of the best goods at right prices A little stock food a spring tonic for your horses cattle hogs and chickens costs but a few cents will be worth dollars to you Try it McConnell iz Berry It is worth considerable to be able to feel that you can depend upon tin quality of meats you order at the meat market A child can get as good meat- at Marshs market as a grown person and a phone order gets the best ever time The city marshal and assistants have been clearing the streets and areawavs of the accumulations of Russian thistles paper and general debris blown in by the fierce winds of late The areaway are regular catch alls in windy weather and in a notewoithy measure are a menace from fire Blatchfords Calf Meal is the best sub stitute for milk for calves yet discovered The leading farmers in the land have been using it for the last two years It has been recommended by the Beatrice Creamery Co and is a wonderful suc cess Try a sack you will be pleased with the result Sold at Colemani hardware store