The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 14, 1902, Image 4
Jfij f if nori iijamiwmijjwiy fit lltlook pkp P M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Refl Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Tjiruk is i rumor that McCook is to havo a Democratic newspaper At least a moveinont to that end is said to be on foot Thk methods of the jury iixor and tho anarchist are vastly different lut the damage to the state is equally damn able in each instance Thk city ticket placed in nomination by tho Republicans of McCook in their city caucus of Tuesday night is a highly creditablo one and will of course be elected by a decisive plurality if not without opposition From top to bot tom both municipal and school the ticket is composed of representative men of ubility and mi st of them are experi enced and seasoned officers who havo shown their elliciency and dependable ness is oflicial life For tho ensuing year McCooks city and school affairs will continue in good hands Northern grown seeds 2 cts per package at the Bee Hive flodrell Stephens Wedding- Wednesday evening Millard S Mod rell and Nellio L Stephens both of J3ox Elder were married in the Methodist parsonage at Box Elder by Rev Satchell in tho presenco of a company of relatives and close friends of the young couple After tho ceremony a fine supper was served at the home of the brides par ents Mr and Mrs J II Stephens in which a goodly cdmpanv of relatives and friends participated The wedding feast was also enlivened by music and a joy ous social time Tho young friends are among Box Elders most estimable and popular young people They left for their new home in Iowa last evening taking with them thekindlhst wishes of a host of well wishing friends Did you hear any one say the Bee Hive had quit handling seeds Receives Hogs on Mondays D C Marsh wishes to announce that in the future he will receive hogs on Monday of each week This arrange ment will be in the interest of the farm ers as by confining himself to receiving hogs on one day he will not be put to the expense of feeding them until he has secured enough to make a shipment He will be able to pay better prices under this new arrangement We dont ask only 2c per package for seeds as the Bee Hive McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning iCorn S GO Wheat 65 Oats 60 Ryo 55 Hogs 5X4 Eggs 10 Butter 17 Its a fact Garden seed at 2c a package at the Bee Hive Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice March 10 1902 MrWikton Anderson J W Burno Mr Orvil Burtch Mrs Frank Cornell A Caeysaell Mr Tom Hugh Mrs Frank Jones Mr F C Phillips When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M KiMJiELL Postmaster Thin is all right if you are too fat and all wrong if too thin already Fat enough for your habit is healthy a little more or less is no great harm Too fat consult a doctor too thin persistently thi no matter what cause take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil There are many causes of get ting too thin they all come under these two heads over work and under digestion Stop over work if you can but whether you can or not take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil to balance yourselt with your work You cant live on it true but by it you can Theres a limit however yc ull pay for it Scott s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for cant eat unless it comes of your doing no work you cant long be well and strong without some sort of activity The genuine has this picture on it take no otner If you have not tried it send for Free sample its a- JJtjl greeabie taste will i Jf surprise you S Chemists 409 pearl Street New York If lloF 60c and 100 all druggists The Visit of the Prince The day for March could not have been finer Tho sky was blue Tho sun shone brightly The smoko which usu ally hangs like a pall over the city had been blown away bo a fresh breeze from the lake It was nearly two oclock Princo Henry had arrived the evening before He had been met at tho train by the mayor by a delegation of aldermen and by representatives of tho citys social and business world Tho dingy station had been swept and hung with flags and bunting against his coming A crimson carpet had been laid through tho train shed and up the iron stairway to tho street The kindly gloom hid the squalid environs of Canal street and the river district The princo his suite and his hosts entered carriages Preceded by a detachment of cavalry at full gallop the carriages surrounded by mounted secret service men dashed down the gaily dec orated boulevard between a double row of tho kaisers former subjects each of whom bore a torch flaming red fire and came to a halt before tho auditorium A multitude of curious spectators greeted his highness with ringing shouts to which he responded with a quick mili tary salute Various forms of amusement had been devised for tho entertainment of tho royal guest a banquet a choral service and concert i ball and on the morning of this day an inspection of the fire department a visit to a merchantile house a trip to a bank a drive through the business section and now ho was about to leave Chicago probably for ever From our high position we could see the length of the street Two hours before the time set for his passage de tails of police had been stationed at short intervals along the curb of the streets through which the drive was to be made A crowd had gathered along the route The glitter of a helmet far awav first caught the eye Then we saw a number of carriages and galloping horsemen rap idly approaching Presently we heard the clatter of hoofs upon tho cobble stones In a moment he had flashed by us A wave of cheers followed him and died away in the distance as the carriage passed from view Those who had time to observe in that thrilling instant saw a tall dark young man with bearded face in an admirals uniform and cap He sat erect and acknowledge tho com pliment that was paid him with a swift but graceful gesture His visit was al most wholly a society event The people took slight part in the demonstration of welcome What a spectacle to behold in this democracy where in the sacred docu ment by which we proclaimed to the nations our independence it is declared that all men are created free and equal all the machinery of government nation al state and municipal stopped to do honor to a prince of the blood royal What though he be the son of a line of kings brother of the emperor of Ger meny nephew of the king of England grandson of Victoria herself who is he that we should pay him homage What is he after all but a man What has he more than millions of other men done to merit the reward of our hospi tality Our ancestry isit not as ancient and probably as honorable as his And aside from this we do not believe in this country in honoring a man not for what his father before him was but for what he himself is To crown with wreathes of laurel heroes of battle that were comprehen sible This is not In honoring the brave we do honor to ourselves but this this is false it is sham shallowest pre tense dishonesty Where is the gain Why did we put ourselves to such worry and trouble For we have been sorely troubled ever since this royal visitor was announced We had no precedents to guide us No one of his rank had come to us before Thero were almost insuperable difficul ties to overcome It was whispered that the prince had in his gift rich presents of jewelry and even orders of the Eed Eagle to bestow and these were shrewd ly coveted But even had these been given as it was thought they might be their intrinsic worth as compared with the cost to the recipients would have been insignificantly small And why should the touch of a prince even though he be a brother to the emperor add value to a bit of ribbon or to a band of gold What merit is in the service if it is per formed in expectation of recompense What pleasure is in the enjojment of a favor undeserved What vanity is this It was no act of mercy no charita ble deed this reception of the prince It was no duty owed or if a duty then payment should not have been expected Perhaps it was a hope cherished that royalty might flatter by playing host some day However we are told it is not the man whom we honored Henry represented the kaiser and Wilhelm is the state It was the empire to which we opened our doors and our purses for everywhere the cost of things was counted The purest fiction romantic fiction a fairy tale which we would persuade ourselves to believe In these days of parliments in these days of almost universal suf frage the people or the politicians are the rulers even in monarchical Ger many whose decrees the king must see obeyed To one who loves his liberty there would seem to be no greater mis fortune than to be born a king no more terrible form of bondage than kingship Shorn of the power but the insignia remains It matters not that the attribute of sovereignty be not divine Our own president on the occasions of his visits to use arouses our deepest interest and enthusiasm We deck our streets with the national colors We declare a holi day and go forth in our best clothes to meet him He is a creature of our mak ing We reverence not the man but the thing or rather the idea for which he stands It is well that we should it is well that sentiment is potential The Vicfi of Nagging Clouds the happiness of the home but a nag ging woman often needs help She may bo so nervous and run down in health that trifles annoy her If she is melancholy excitable troubled with loss of appetite headache sleep lesness constipation or fainting and dizzy spells she needs Electricc Bitters the most wonderful remedy forailing women Thousands of sufferers from female troubles nervous troubles backache and weak kidneys have used it and become healthy and happy Try it 50c McConnell Berry guarantee satisfaction If your child is cross or peevish it is no doubt troubled with worms Whites Cream Vermi fuge will remove tho worms and its tonic effect restore its natural cheerfulness Price 23 cents A McMillen 4 mM3tmkw 1 li VJSSi K H Cwsaa I BakiflQ Powder Most healthful eaveoer in the world Goes farther ROYAl DAKINO POWDER CO NEW YORK CULBERTS0N T A Smith was a visitor in the city last Tursday Elmer M Reynolds drove down to McCook Saturday Prof O V P Stout of Lincoln was a city visitor Sunday Harvey Kearns spent Sunday with friends in this place Geo G Eisenhart and sons Eugene and Francis drove to Trenton Saturday Guy Lewis of McCook visited Sun day with his friend E E Locker of this place Mr and Mrs Earl Barger of near McCook visited friends in this burg Sunday A series of revival meetings will begin in the Coleman school house Sunday evening S E Solomon of the Beatrice Cream ery Co is doing business in Cambridge this week Prof William Williams of the Benkel man schools visited parents and friends here Sunday Henry McDurmont and family moved on the Charlie Crews farm the latter part of last week C A Tucker of Pawnee City is shak ing hands with friends and acquaintances of this place this week Geo G Eisenhart went down to El wood Monday morning to attend court He returned Wednesday evening Rev T E Ash by of Stratton who has been assisting in revival meetings held here returned to his home Saturday night Mrs Elmer Besack and children re turned to their home in Brush Colo Thursday night after a brief visit with her sister Mrs J A Kirk The Presbyterian ladies will give a social Saturday evening under the bank Cold supper and a good time Everybody is cordially invited to bo present Supper 23 cents Rev Aura Smith the evangelist completed his labors here Sundav night and departed Monday morning on No 12 for McCook where he will engage in a series of meetings His work here was attended with consider able success Culbertson has now in its possession a traveling library It will be here three months everyone has the privilege of enjoying the books while here C A Parish has charge of them and the sooner you go the better chance youll have of a good choice The Epworth League was reorganized at the M E church Monday evening and the following officers were elected President Sara Williams 1st Vice Pres Viola Ferrier 2nd Vice Pies Myrtle Love 3rd Vice Pres Maud Reynolds 4th Vice Pres Feme Solomon Secy Harry L Lehman Treas Cecile Bald win The first devotional meeting will be held bunday evening All are in vited to attend The juniors will meet on Saturday afternoon to organize Miss Viola Ferrier in charge Would Smash the Club If members of tho Hay Fever association would use Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption the club would go to pieces for it always cures this malady and asthma the kind that baffles the doctors it wholly drives from the system Thousands of onco hopeless suffer ers from consumption pneumonia bronchitis owe their lives to it It conquers grip saves little ones from croup ar J whooping cough and is positively guaranteed for all throat and lung troubles TiOc 100 Trial bottles free at Mc- Connell Berrys BANKSVILLE Some of August Weschs children have the mumps- H I Peterson was sowing some alfalfa fir t of the week Quito a number are busy sowing soring srrain and making garden The grass has started in fine shape and past ures will soon be ready for stock Mis Pearl Hays pent Saturday and Sunday with her sister ia Danbury precinct Mr Simpson was in this vicinity Monday looking after the interests of the Deering Harvester Co Are you going to send away this year and pay more for seeds than the Bee Hive is selling them for Headache often results from a disordered con dition of the stomach and constipation of the bowel A dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure the headache Sold by McConnell it Berry BOX ELDER J S Doyle is absent in Omaha where he has gone to purchase a stallion Miss Bertha Wolfewho had the misfortune to fall from her pony and sprain an ankle is slow ly recovering George Younger and A T Wilson are each putting in quito an acreage of spring wheat on their respective farms Bain Kinzer is busily engaged in putting in a big garden on his newly acquired real estate on Willow known as the Porter farm James Spanlding Sr returned tho latter part of last week from a visit to his daughter in Ce dar Rapids Iowa He reports much snow in that locality Millard Modrell and Nellie Stephens were uni ted in marriage at the Methodist parsonage on Wednesday evening Their host of friends wish them much happiness in their now relation Simeon Cramer has moved to the Osvog farm over in Frontier county and Mr Osvog left on Mondav last by rail with his stock and imple ments for Southeast Dakota where he wilLfarm the coming season CHICHESTERS ENGLISH NNYHOYAL PILL Safe Always reliable Ladle ask Druggist for VIIICIIKSTKirM WWLISII in Krd and Golil metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Tnltu no other ItefiiH dangerou subitl tutionnaml imitation iiuyof your Druggist or aend In stnmpi for Parlirulan Toxtl nionlalM and Itellef Tor baillei inrffer by return Hall 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 3100 Muilixoii Square 1M5IIA PI Mrrtlnn tM paper PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS Report to Board of Education for half month ending March 7 1902 of all grades of McCook schools G II Thomas superintendent Number of boys enrolled i Number of girls enrolled MX 711 Transferred i Withdrawn but not re entered 12 17 Present membership iiti7 Average daily attendance by boys i00 Average dail attendance by girls Stl 010 Average number belonging 670 Per cent of attendant on enrollment bJ Per cent of attendance on number be longing ill NotnbM nt during half month t l Half days absent 1187 Cases of tardiness 27 Number of person tardy 20 Visits by suMriutenlent 11 Visits by othors 09 Half days teacher was absent 10 James- Bradj formerly of district -II N a new pupil in the eighth grade A base ball game played Tuesday evening be tween the sixth and seventh grades resulted in a defeat for tho sixth by a scoro of IS to 0 At the meeting of the Debating Satur day owning Miss Bessie Bosworth tendered her resignation as secretary and Clifford Brown was appointed to fill the vacancy The meeting of the debating club Saturday night was well attended and an intensely inter eating discussion took place The question was Resolved That tho Nicaragua Route Should bo Chosen for the Isthmus Canal John Rico LosW Littel Willie Ciillen Clifford Brown anil Darvio Burnett supported tho allirmatho while Chester Rodgers George Campbell Roy Rolfe Willie Middlcton and Edward Byfield ui heltl tho negative Many strong arguments were brought forward by each side for or against tho Nicaragua and the Panama route but tho judges Mr Washburn Miss Ethel Pol and Miss Lillian Roman decided that tho af firmative had a little the better case During the deliberation of the judges a highly appre ciated piano solo was rendered by Miss Blanche MeCarl The club adjourned to meet Saturday evening to debate the merits of the Chinese Exclusion Act Surgeons Knife Not Needed Surgery is no longer necessary to cure piles DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases at onco removing the necessity for dangerous painful and expensive operations For scalds cuts burns wounds bruises sores and skin diseases it is unequalled Bewaro of counter McConnell fc Berry Revoke A C Clydes License The city fathers were regularly in session Monday evening transacting an amount of routine business and some of an unusual sort Following bills were allowed C B Grav SCO 00 Ed Fitzgerald oO 00 John P Ekstedt 19 7i3 McCook Electric Light Co S7 40 C E Eldred 18 75 E J Wilcox -25 00 W S Perrv 12 00 R M Osborn 12 50 W T Coleman 12 50 SAMoore 12 50 Barnett Lumber Co i 515 A resolution was passed revoking A C Clydes saloon license Judges and clerks of election were chosen as follows First ward E H Doan J R MeCarl and I M Smith judges J G Schobel and C F Lehn clerks Second ward F M Rathbun M II Holmes and W II Harmon judges L T Thorgrimson and F D Burgess clerks Question Answered Yes August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or bilious ness Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis- nervous prostration or heart failure etc Thej used August Flower to clean out the sj stem and stop fermentation of undige ted food regulato tho action of the liver stimulate the nervous and organtic action of the system nod that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches und other aches You only need a few does of Green August Flower in liquid form to make jon satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with yon Get Greens Prize Almanac COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Millard S Modrell and Nellie L Stephens both of Box Elder were licensed to wed Suit for assault with intent to kill has been tiled against Luther Bush by Jacob Kern Call and let us show you ourFir tanks and give you prices before buying W C Bullakd Chronic Diarrhoea Mr C B Wingfield of Fair Play Missouri who suffered from chronic djsentary for thirty flvo years says Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did him more good than any other medicine he had ever used For sale by McConnell Berry druggists The Kelly Public Sale Bills are out for the T C Kelly public sale which will be held at his farm 17 miles southwest of McCook and 11 miles northeast of Herndon Kansas on Tues day March 20th 1902 beginning at ten oclock Sale will embrace stock farm implements etc The terms of sale are are as usual Free lunch at noon H H Berrv auctioneer Much pain and uneasiness is caused by piles sparing neither age nor sex Tablers Buckeye Pile ointment cures the mot obstinate caes Price 30c in bottles tubes 75c A McMillen We sat at the table together She cat a shy glance at me She certainly looked like in angel Oh Charley Plea e order me Rockj Moun tain Tea McConnell A Berry Kafir Corn Seed It is a well known fa it that Kafir corn seed is scarce next to impossible to get but W T Coleman has been successful in getting a few bushels of choice seed Those contemplating planting any should buy the seed at once before the market is exhausted To allay pain subdue inflammation heal foul sores and ulcers the most satisfactory results are obtained by uing Ballards Snow Liniment Price J5 cents and 30 cents A McMillen You can feel cheerful and happy only when jou are well If ou feel out of sorts take Herbine it will brace you up Price 30 cent- A McMillen Burn B OR JlMJSER DRESS until you have seen our beautiful line Come early before the assort ment is broken We have the finest line of Bed Spreads ever introduced in McCook and our Lace Curtain stock is most complete Dont forget Honest John when looking for any thing in Dry Goods Shoes Carpets or A Womans Word of Praise Neosho Falls Kansas Nov 13 100 Pepsin Sjrup Company Monticello Illinois Dear Sirs For almost fifteen ears I suffered from indigestion and lact winter I thought 1 would die when my doctor Dr A J Lieurance of this place advised me to try Dr Caldwells Sjrup Pepsin which I did and two bottles cured me It not only relieved me but it cured me so that 1 have not been troubled since If any one should offer me 30 for the good Syrup Pep in has done me I would not think of taking it No one can take your medicine without be ing convinced of its more than wonderful cures I recommend it to all my friend- a- a laxative and stomach remedy Your with gratitude J Moko s Sold bj A McMillen m1 jfT I EVERYTHING JS NOW READY f And we are prepared to show you the finest line of Dress Goods Silks Grenadines Merserized Linens and anything else in Dry Goods or No tions always at the lowest price Our New Percales are here and our stock of summer goods is complete so Y UY YOOR SHIRT WAIST A 5 OROHRRTRft 4 A A I T IT PDA V AT TO S f J JQ UlVillN 1 iO McCOOK NEBRASKA f Phone No 16 feoooo oooK i iiiiiiiniiiniiTnmii i w Printer Greatley Surprised I fiSB - T niwrwns much siirnrisid in im life as f was with the results of using Chamber lin Pain Balm Hwirj T Crook pressman of the Asheville N C Gazette I contracted a severe case of rheumatism early last winter by getting my feet wet I tried seral things for it without benefit One day while looking over the Gazette I noticed that Iain Halm was pos itively guaranteed to cure rheiimati m bought a bottle of it and before using two thirds of it my rheumatism had taken its light and J have not had a rheumatic pain since Sold by McConnell Berrv druggist1 GERVER Chas Olmsted took to himself a lielpmiet Sunday Blanche Umsted visited visited at Al Benja mins Sunday Dr Nichols was- called to Geo Tuttles the other night to attend his wife Joe Dodge and Henrj Goodenberger are put ting in good licks on the new church There will be music in the air now as Herman Borndt has got his daughters an organ We understand that Harry Richardson is go ing to move down under the Meeker ditch Mrs Roshong and Mrs- Edith Tirrill and little girls viaited at Mrs Al Benjamins Friday Frank Lofton and Joe Dodge attended M V lodge Saturday night and took their fraus along Frank Lofton was compelled to borrow water from Uncle Jimmie Lawther last week as his well gave out The friends of Harry Benjamin will be glad to hear that they got to Dawtou county all right Friday WHE ATOSGii Breakfast i1 4fr If you want a good food for your child ren try Wheatose It is easily and quickly prepared and very healthful Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit All reliable grocers have it California Breakfast Food yrismf This signature is on every bos of the genuine Laxative BromoQtiinine Tablets tho remedy that cures a cold in one day r in Glass of Wnicr Put a hmdfiii of 7 coffi f I i giisbof wash olf look at it mhII i it Ik to drink i ipij Pffcisss M 8Bijgti krasTrriaSS JSJ the same test It leaves the water orient and clear because vsjusl pure coffee TheFpalertpackacMn nrog uniform quality ami reslmt JSS K 1 1 8 I If a Woman St fcf 2SKJ6 I FOR SALEHouse 8 rooms with bath room and modern improve ments Best location Enquire of S Cordeal Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 23 cents C9S 8 wants to put out a fire she doesnt heap on oil and wood She throws on waterknovngthat waterquenches fire When a woman wants to get vell from diseases peculiar to her sex she should not add fuel to the fire already burning her life away She should not take worthless drugs and potions composed of harmful narcot ics and opiates They do not check the disease they do not cure it they simply add fuel to the fire oracfiela s Female Regulator should be taken by every woman or girl who has th slightest suspicion of any or tne ail ments which af flict women They will simply be wasting time until they take it SvjWS e KttJKator is jj stren gtheni n - tonic which gets at tne roots of the disease and cures the cause It does not dru the pam it eradicates ir It stc ps falUng of the womb leurtrrhea inflammation and periodical suffering ir regu at scanty or painful ircnst uaton and by doing a 1 h s drives awav the huir ed and one aches and pains wmch dram health and beauty happiness and good temper from many a woman s life It is the one remeov above all others which e ery woman should know about and use SlOO per bottle at any drus store 6rV iakvpS Send for our free illustrated book The Bradfield Regulator Co Atlanta Ga i 8 o r J