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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1902)
if V 4 J A -I agagf yjwwwir lUb Mr V y TWENTIETH YEAR Choked to Death Death invaded G C Budigs homo Monday afternoon in a most distressing and tragic manner and its victim was their two-year-old baby boy Charlie The mother was about her usual do mestic duties and an older daughter was looking after the baby which suddenly appeared to bo choking The mother was immediately summoned from her work She took up the child and rush forth for assistance to C G Coglizer Who was working on a building near by Ho did all he could to relieve the infant but without avail A post mortem examination Tuesday disclosed the fact that the baby had swallowed a large scrow which found lodgment in the windpipe and death Was inevitable and sudden Funeral services were conducted by Rev L M Grmsbv at the home Wed nesday afternoon after which the re mains of the dear one were interred in Longview cemetery The sympathy of this community goes out in largo and tender measure to Mr and Mrs Budig in this great sorrow that has has come to their hearts and home ho unexpectedly and tragically Must Not Use Stem Setting Watches Pueblo March 1 A very important order was today issued by the officials of tho Denver Rio Grande railroad by which all tho employes in tho operating department will bo forced to discard stem setting watches no matter how valuable tho time peace may be and accept the regulation watch which must past muster with tho official inspector The works of the watch must be up to a certain standard and bo set by a lever or key The officials of the company take the position that stem set watches are not reliable The order will effect engineers firemen yardmen switchmen conductors brake men and others Ail Informal Farewellt The ladies and friends of the Dorcas society gave an informal faiewell Wed nesday afternoon to Mrs W O Norval at the home of Mrs J A Gunn There was a short program of instrumental and vocal music and recitations in ad dition to the joyous social intercourse of the occasion Refreshments were also served and a token of esteem presented Mrs Norval Mr Norval and family expect to depart close of next week for Oklaho ma where he has taken land and will locate Shipped to New York City Mrs Giles died up in Hayes county Wednesday afternoon of consumption She and her husband were at one time missionaries in India He died there and his remains were brought to New York city for burial Services were held at the home yesterday afternoon after which the body was brought to McCook for shipment to Now York city to which point they were shipped this morning on No 2 The deceased had long been a sufferer and her demise was expected A Double Celebration Mrs J W Hupp gave a delightful high five card party last Saturday even ing to about twenty five guests in honor of the birthdavs of Mrs A Campbell and Mr Hupp It was a very happy affair in every detail and particular KfVi Afr rjamribftll and Mr Hudd were handsomely remembered by the guests of the evening An elaborate lunch was tastefully served A Sure Winner The man who saves on his present salary Are you saving Have you saved anything the past year If you hnye not commence now by taking five or ten shares of stock in the McCook Building Association which will be secured by gilt edged loans on McCook real estate Eighth Annual Ball Invitations are out for tho eighth an nual ball of C W Brouson lodge No 487 Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen to be given in Menards hall Monday evening March 17th K of P orches tra Tickets 81-00- Card of Thanks We are most truly grateful for every kindness and assistance in our bereave ment tho sudden death of our dear one and take this means of expressing our heartfelt thanks Mb and Mrs L S Watson Kafir Corn Seed It is a well known fajt that Kafir corn seed is scarce next to impossible to get but W T Coleman has been successful in getting a few bushels of choice seed Those contemplating plan ting any should buy the seed at once before the market is exhausted Remnants You cau buy some good and pretty wall paper remnants at McMillens drug store at cost and less We have a large line of new wall paper and more on the wav Come and get prices A McMillen D Cl Marsh would rather he right than president and he would rather be right in the meat business than in any thing else on earth You will find him II right all the time in all things con nected with the meat business Large lines of New Ginghams ties Lawns Batistes Swisses and other wash fabrics now showing at The Thompson D G Co Fir tanks made of 2 inch material the best on tho market at W C Bullards Call and let us show you ourFir tanks j and tiivo you prices before buying W C BUILARD For Sale Household goods W O Norval w MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs C E Pope visited Lincoln rela tives Sunday Miss Pearl Zint is clerking for N M Ayers Co Elmer E GocklEy moved up from Holbrook last week J B Coupe returned on 14 Tuesday night from Colorado W M Lewis went over to Iowa Wednesday on No 2 Mrs FG Westland visited Lincoln friends close of last week Miss Lulu Norval came down from Denver on No G Saturday night Mrs E E Stayner visited Hayes Center relatives close of last week A J Washhurn is here this week looking after hi business interests Mrs G P Roark visited her husband in tho hospital in Lincoln Sunday M A Hartigan tho Hastings lawyer came up on business Sunday night Mr and Mrs J H Grannis returned from Chicago on 5 Wednesday night Glenn Hupp returned to his univer sib work in Lincoln Sunday night on 6 E E Emmett the bank examiner came up from Arapahoe Saturday night D P Hasicins of Benkelman was a city business visitor Monday afternoon Miss Sara Lowman returned home Tuesday night from her trip east on business J Fred Zell has been down from Denver close of last week guest of Supt Campbell Mrs J D Hare and Max went down to Lincoln this morning to hear the famous Kubilek Rev J J Loughran and sister are now at home in tho parsonage of St Patricks church Miss Bertha Schorel was called to her homf at llildreth Tuesday morning by the illness of her mother Mrs G R Snyder and mother Mrs Sullivan went down to Lincoln last Friday on a visit to relatives Supt and Mrs Frank Harris were down from Denver last Saturday re turning home on No 3 that night Mrs W E Butler departed on 6 Tuesday night for Chicago being called there by the serious illness of a sister Mrs F D Burgess went over to Almena Kansas Wednesday morning on a visit to her daughter Mrs N B Bush A J Calvert of Seattle Washing ton recently returned from Alaska is here on a visit guest of his brother Charles Mrs Cyrus Stayner who has been visiting her sons here for a few week de parted for her home in Edgar this morning Miss Myrtle Meyer entertained the Awl Os Tuesday evening at the home of her sister Mrs C E Benedict over on Melvin street Mrs J E Snyder came up from Lincoln last week and has been the gust of her mother Mrs Wilson over on East Dennison street Bert Billings came down from Den ver Thursday morning on 2 and will assist his step father J P Notley in his work being a fine mechanic Mrs C C Calvert arrived in the city last Friday on No 1 from Lenora Kansas joining her husband here where they have gone to keeping house J M Kilpatrick came up from Beat rice Monday night on his way up to the ranch on the upper Frenchman Mrs Kilpatrick accompanied him Mrs A P Thomson entertained the members of tho city school teacher corps at dinner Friday evening Inst with characteristic elaborate hospitality T B Weeden late of the National hotel has returned to Cambridge and will open the Commercial hofel of that place for business about April 15th Mrs W BMills returned to Lincoln Monday morning to continue treatment for an ailing eye to be gone a week or ten days The member is improving Thomas Plummer has sold his farm near Hope up in Hayes county to a Mr Hamilton and he and his sister Mrs Laekfly have returned to tho par ental farm at Perry Rev J H Beitel of Franklin the Congregational district Sunday seh ol superintendent was in the city Tues day He went to Trenton and other points west from here Mr and Mrs T L Park passed tlnough the city Tuesday 6n No 1 for Hooper Colorado to be absent about three weeks Mrs Park is a sister of Mrs H A Beale of our city Joe Walters spent a few days here first of the week on his way to the ranch I in VnrfVi rnunfv nonr TTimvnfVin I n v UU J UVU - where he expects to spend some time looking after his stock interests W O Robinson of Trenton was in the city between trains close of last week on his way home from Iowa whither he had been called by the death of Mrs Robinsons father at Ames Mrs S L Moench of Durango Colo rado passed through McCook early in the week en route to Orleans where sho will visit the family until Mr Moench becomes settled in Pueblo Colorado where he will locate in business Mrs O M Knipple and Mrs J G Schobel entertained the No 1 high five club last Friday evening The boister ous strenuous weather reduced the at tendance considerably but not the pleas ure of tho evening Mrs Charlotte Brewer won the prize and Mr George R Snyder the booby Refreshments Rev Frank Dean the new Congre gational pastor arrived in the city last night from Red Cloud with his house hold goods and is busily engaged in settling himself in the parsonage He will preach both morning and evening next Sunday Mrs Dean will remain in Red Cloud over Sunday joining her husband here next week foWiTairAW TH M rffift r Bought by N M Ayers Co The ontiro stock of general merchan For Sale My residence on Manchester street second house north of the frame school house N J Johnson The Phillipson Bros estate will reach final settlement before J L White ref eree in bankruptcy in the U S district court at McCook Monday We under stand that there will be just about enough left out of the proceeds of said estate to pay attorney fees Cambridge Clarion F C Corsets make new friends every day They are friendly first in their approaches Money back after 1 weeks wear if dissatisfied with us is their standing proposition All shapes sizes and kinds Nearly 1000 to choose from The Thompson D G Co It is worth dollars to any one to feel confident that he will get just what he orders at the meat market Well thats just the satisfaction you are guaranteed atD C Marshs market Messrs Vahue Petty and Artz Thompson have sold their high-steppers to the trio of horse buyers who have been operating in the city lately Dress Skirts to your measure All wool ones from 8250 up 300 pieces of Dress Goods to select from The Thompson D G Co McCgok has pledged a thousand dol lars for base ball this season and the prospects are lovely for great ball this year Bargains in Wall Paper at Cones RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Ralph E Foo was up from Red Cloud dise of Artz Thompson together with j last Friday night 1XCreer waOTU IYlouaay Purcnasea L T Harding has been by N M Ayers Co and possession to tho TmBoral PPnv innn tnlrnn rVlsrs4nt nnnn IV VI A Vkll is an oklmerehantof Beaver City and was burned out in one of the recent fires in that burg He came into possession of the stock at a low figure and an nonces that he will close out everything at sacrifice see his advertisement else where in this issue N M Ayers is one of Nebraskas well known Masons being at this time grand senior warden of the order LATER Since the above was done into type representatives of Richardson Roberts Dry Goods Co principal creditors of Artz Thompson purchased the stock from N M Ayers Co paying it is stated 81500 over and above the 5000 it is stilted that Mr Ayers paid Messrs Artz t Thompson for the stock A gen tleman arrived from St Joseph yester day on 13 and an inventory is being taken of the goods on hand preliminary to offering them for sale Mr Ayers and clerk Mr Hardin de parted for Beaver City this morning It was a very profitable three days merchandising for Mr Ayers Dr Burnett is Convicted Chicago March 2 The jury in the case of Dr Orville S Burnett who has been on trial charged with the murder of Mrs Charlotte S Nichol of Nashville Tenn returned a verdict of guilty and recommended that Burnett be sent to tho penitentiary for fifteen years Burnetts attorneys will ask for a new trial tomorrow The verdict was a surprise as Judge Bakers instructions to the jury were considered favorable to the defendant Tho case was one of the most unusual that has ever been tried in tho Cook county criminal court Burnett who is a young dentist was charged with being accessory before and after the fact to the death of Mrs Nichol even though it was admitted by the prosecution that Mrs Nichol had commited suicide The state endeavored to establish the point that Burnett and Mrs Nichol agreed to commit suicide together and that the man weakened allowing the woman to go to her death alone Tho defense disputed that there had been any agreament between the two to end their lives together and asserted that Mrs Nichol had taken her own life while Burnett was lying intoxicated at her side The New Meat Market Sam A Moore is prepared to promptly fill all your wants in cold storage meats of all kinds He keeps the best the market affords and sells at the lowest possible figure for the quality He so licits your patronage In E B Odells store or call up phone 98 Satisfaction guaranteed Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postofiice March 1 1902 Prof Anderson Ed Brus E H Buckman Charlie Loath Thomas Melody Chas Miller Dr L Schriiber A G Showers C W Thomas When calling for these letters say they were advertised please F M Kimmell Postmaster Dont Borrow Money to build your house this spring until you have investigated the McCook Building Association plan Their method of payment is cheaper than any other See the Secretary for further information Wall Paper We would like to impress upon you the fact that we have never shown a larger prettier or cheaper stock of wall paper than this season It is useless to try to describe it Come and let us show you McConnell Berry Remnants You can buy some good and pretty wall paper remnants at McMillens drug store at cost and less We have a large line of new wall paper and more on the way Come and get prices A McMillen the Philippine service passed through McCook Wednesday night The troops were from Fort Crook near Omaha and comprised a battalion of Tenth infantry accompanied by the regimental head quarters and the battalion band J E Morrissey has received a call to take a position at division headquarters in McCook and consequently will turn the Beaver City station over to his suc cessor in a day or two Mr Morrissey is one of the companys most efficient and trustworthy employees and the promo tion is worthily bestowed During their stay of two and one half years in Beaver City Mr and Mrs Morrissey have made many friends Beaver City Tribune The case of Herman Kielbeck admin istrator of the Karl Bartenbeck estate against the B M railroad Co for damage will come up at the uext term of the district court for Red Willow county This action being one of sev eral is the result of a railroad accident at Holbrook Oct 10th 1900 when four persons were killed by a lone engine E B Perry is one of the attorneys for the plaintiff whose wife was one of the victims of the horrible accident Cam bridge Clarion Engineer M A Snyder recently turned in engine 117 which had made the remarkable record of running 95000 miles or a distance of nearly four times around the globe without overhauling In return he got 228 which is a racer and a pretty swift animal for this line In 97 when the Burlington made its remarkably long distance run from Chi cago to Denver with the Mayham spec ial 228 kicked up the dust between Akron and Denver and helped land the rich mining man in Denver five hours ahead of the schedule agreed upon Holyoke Republican F F Tomblin who has been station agent for the Burlington company at this point for four years has been pro moted to the Indianola office at an in creased salary Mr Tomblin has given excellent satisfaction to the patrons of this station always obliging and courte ous to all patrons Mr and Mrs jSrP I McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTYmBBRaSKa FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 7 1902 transferred Roy O Young helper at Hill Rose jhas been moved to Corona T L Bever operator at Blue Hill has been installed as agent at Hill Roso Henry Toohey helper at Norcatur Kansas has been transferred to Trenton Cyril E Childe student at Palisade has been moved to Norcatur as helper Conductor C E Pope visited his min ing property in Colorado close of last week Elmer Traver pieco work inspector in the back shop has been on the sick list this week Dispatcher T B Campbell is making some interior improvements to his Tesidence W L Hicks helper at Trenton has eeu transferred as night operator to Otis Colorado Brakeman E T Lunberry has moved down to Oxford and will run out of that placo in the future Conductor William Shinsel and wife returned home Tuesday night from their Grafton visit William Cassell has been quite ill this week and confined to his bed but is some bettor at this time James OConnell formerly on the transfer job at Oxford nights has been moved to Blue Hill as operator Fireman and Mrs Lambert Rodstrom have been visiting Holdrege relatives and friends since early last week S H Browington has been transferred from Oxford to Akron to hostle and Alex McLean from Akron to Oxford Conductor T E McCarl and crew of the ballast train spent Sunday at head quarters returning to Woodruff on Monday morning Agent L S Sage and family of Beat rice arrived in tho city on No 5 last Friday evening and were guests of Mrs W S Morlan over Sunday Auditor Foreman and Route Agent Blackburn of the Adams express com nany were in McCook over night Wed nesday pending the Imperial Indianola transfers Conductor V H Solliday is having a bedroom and a bathroom together with improvements added to tho convenience and comfort of his North Main avenue re3idence Edward Gresham and Matthew Farrell of the machine shop force departed on No 1 luesday for Sheridan Wyoming where they will locate if a job is to be had in their line William Randall came out fromOmaha Saturday nightand wasAgentThomsons guest over Sunday He and his wife and son returned to the states metrop olis Sunday night on No 6 PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS Thursday and Friday April 3 and 1 are the days set apart this year for tho spring vacation Geneva Fitch a member of tho 10th grade has been obliged temporarily to withdraw from school Miss Cassio Andrew teacher of tho Fourth B grade spout Saturday and Sunday at her home in Cambridge The McCook teachers will leave Sat urday morning on No 12 for Indianola where they are to attend a meeting of the county teachers association Mrs Belle Hedlund of the 0th grado is at Holdrege where sho is under a doctors care Mrs R M Douglass has charge of her room in her absence The Culbertson teachers Principal II G Moyers Mrs E E Locker Miss Pearle King and Miss Sarah Williams spent tho entire day Thursday visiting in tho McCook schools They had been granted a day for this purpose by their board and profitably and pleasantly employed their time seeing how the school work is conducted here The following was the music program rendered this morning at the High school assembly exercise Morning Hyinu School Piano bolo Claniici Stokes Vocal Solo Joio Shark iv Pinuo Solo Luolla ThoniHMiii Vocal Duet Millie and Hoo Elbert SB School March Blanche McCarl A number of high school pupils in terested in debating met Wednesday evening in tho east hiirh school room and organized a debating society to bo known as Tho McCook High School Debating Club A constitution was adopted and the following officers were elected President Charles Kelley Vice President Bessie Peterson Secre tary Bessie Bosworth Treasurer tfmma Perry Keargeut -at-arms George Camp bell A program committee composed of Lester Littel Lillio Campbell Ches ter Rodgers Willie Cullen and Bessie Peterson was appointed by the presi dent Saturday evening of each week was set apart as the time for holding tho meeting Two books The Nerve of Foley and Held for Orders which were received as a gift of remembrance from the author Frank II Spearman have been placed in the public school library These books attract considerable atten tion because of tho fact that tho author was at one time a member of our school board and also because they are rail road stories written from facts that the author chiefly gathered while a resident of our city and therefore have to do with many things which are familiar to us In the assembly room Monday morn ing it was voted to send a letter of thanks to Mr Spearman This was written and forwarded by a committee of five pupils one from each of the assemely room grades and suitably expresses the schools appreciation nf his Two train loads of soldiers bound for kindness CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Congregational Sunday sch ool at 10 Preaching at 11 Endeavor at 7 Preaching at S Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 All cordially invited Frank A Dean Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church next Sunday as follows Sun day school at 10 a m Morning prayer and sermon at 11 Even song and ser mon at 7 30 Holy communion immed iately after the morniug service II M IIardman Rector Methodist Sunday school 10 a m Preaching 11 Junior League 3 Ep worth League 7 Preaching S Revival meetings all uext w eek Preaching every evening at 8 and beginning Tuesday af ternoon each afternoon at 230 Evan gelist Aura Smith will assist the pastor His first service with us will be Monday evening March 10th L M Grigsry Pastor Regular meeting of the Dorcas society next Wednesday afternoon at Mrs Margaret Oysters home COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry have been issued as follows since our last report Harry T Kirby of Burwick Illinois and Marion J Ilale of Danbury Ne braska Edwin Turpin and Charlotte Bede both of Bartley Married by the county judge The following cases came up for ac tion this week and were disposed of thusly James Irwin for hunting on S G Goheens farm 85 and costs Allen C Clyde for selling liquor on Sunday Dismissed bv state Judgments were rendered in favor of Tomblin will be greatly missed from the i Richardson-Roberts-Byrne Co Richard social circles of our city We wish them good luck and pleasant surroundings in their new home Indianola gains an excellent agent who has an excellent wife and they should be excellently wel comed at their new home Imperial Republican A J Washburn has resigned his position as section foreman at this place and will go to Alaska in the near future in the interest of a mining company formed at McCook for the purpose of mining gold Jack as he was formerly known is one of the most popular sec tion foremen on the line and was a n especial favorite here We all regret his leaving but join in wishing him the greatest of success in his new field of labor Mrs Washburn will remain here for the next four months having rented the T Vencil residence Mr Washburns successor is Tone Mitchell of Arapahoe Holbrook cor Cambridge Clarion son Roberts Dry Goods Co and Bry and Brother CloakCo against Artz Thomp son in a sum aggregating about 810000 mortgage record Mortgage record for February Farm mortgages filed 229075 released 1 359S0 Town and city mortgages filed 63300 released S3732S1 Chattel mortgages filed S17197G4 re leased 1325393 Something New A poultry fence that is very close at the bottom to hold small chickens and keep out rats and woven looser at the top just what everybody has been ask ing for Call at W T Colemans and see it New Embroideries Laces Allovers Appliques Beadings Galloons Wash Ribbons etc etc at The Thompson D I G Co Library Building Univei r NUMBER 43 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS The Teihune 1 a year Cone has that book you want Cono soils tho Heath and Milligan Sugar beet seed at W T Colemans You need tho 20th Century Cyclopedia Sugar beet tools full stock at W T Colemans Audrey The latest McConnell Berrys popular book at Seo tho Wall Pajwr at Cones Drug Storo beforo you buy The McCook Athletic club smoker is bulletined for March 7th Found An inhaler Owner can havo same by calling at this office All kinds of garden seeds millet and Kafir corn at W T Colemans Remember tho Republican city caucus on Tuesday evening March 11th New buggies arriving at W T Cole mans lie mIIs them right too The Barnett Lumber Co sell white and red cedar posts and barb wire Choice alfalfa seed for sale F S Wilcox Alfalfa seed for sale at 350 150 and 5 per bushel S G Guheen Cypress Tanks best on earth forsale by Barnett LuMfiu Co Kafir com millet seed Also choice seed barley and oats F C JCelloo - For Sale- A good and tank Inquire of windmill V h Ti pump JAVER Geese are on the 4ing A number or flocks went over uslonday afternoon For Sale -A dwelling house on Mc Farland street Inquire of C A Ward The20thCenturyfycloptdiaisjusLout The best book out for useful knowledge Sugar beet hoes- full stock of sugar beet tools in stock and forsale by W T Coleman They do say that Pennell and Sutton have -nothing to say about a hunting expedition this week Go to Bullards to gut the best Fir tanks at prices to suit all set up ready for use on short pot e Sun Bonnets in large variety over 50 different styles patterns and colors Tho Thompson D G Co Now is the time to get that new tank all ready for use before your spring work begins Bullard has them The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies G A R meet tho first Saturday every month in Odd Fellows hall of of All kinds of garden and grass seeds for sale All seeds fresh and in bulk C J Ryan Manager Wanted A girl work Inquire of 1 28 2ts Mrs See our Cypress Tanks for general house- II M Tyler and prices it will pay you Barnett Lumber get our Co Spring house cleanings at hand If you want to trade some of your old pieces of furniture for new see Lud wick If you intend sowing any millet seed see W T Coleman at once He secured a limited supply and it wont last long If you are going to leave town and want to sell your household goods see Ludwick He will pay cash for all you have When you are house cleaning remem ber that we carry the best paints var nishes and furniture polish McConnell Berry New Dress Goods in Venetians Gran ites Broadcloths Barathea cloth Alba tross Nuns Veiling- Pebble Cheviots etc etc at The Thompson D G Co A little stock food a spring tonic for your horses cattle hogs and chickens costs but a few cents will be worth dollars to you Try it McConnell Berry In a word you will always find every thing seasonable usually kept in a first class meat market at D C Marshs Prompt courteous and accurate service all the time We have some desirable patterns of wall paper left over from our last years stock These we are selling at a great reduction If yon want a bargain come and see them quick as they will soon be gone McConnell Berry Best Carpet Warp lGc lb Best Apron Check Ginghams 5c yd Best Indigo Blue Prints 5c vd Best Turkev Red Prints 5c yd Be 1 Table Oil Cloth 15c yd Stout Unbleached Sheeting 3UC vd bv the bolt The Thompson D G Co There are many new and striking effects in tho new patterns of wall papers stripes and tapestries being largely in favor with a tendency toward extremely gaudy floral patterns Our stock contains everything that is new You will regret it if you buy before see ing it McConnell Bekby The most incisive and most keenly an alytical sketches of public men which have been prepared during the past two years have been those of William Allen White The humorous little episode between Mr White and Thomas C Piatt is still fresh in the public memory Mr Whites sketch for March appears in the Cosmopolitan and is on the late President Harrison It will be read with wide interest by both the oppo nents and friends of that statesman - -