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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1902)
V I i i I I im K i r r TWENTIETH TEAR A Valentine Party Miss Elizabeth Thomson and Miss Ella Leonard entertained tho Awl Os club and invited gentlemen friends in all a company of about sixty guests last Friday at tho Thomson residence in a very happy style The home was elabo rately decorated numerous sources of amusement were provided refreshments were served and every detail of social pleasure was met in full measure The decorations were appropriate to the occasion Scarlet hearts dotted the laco curtains all over tho house wreaths of smilax festooned the windows and door ways and valentines were every where in tasteful and attractive evidence A varied amusement program was provided Outline hearts a trio of them were suspended in an archway and tho guests exercised their skill at them with bow and arrows some win ning single blessedness other imminent orange blossoms Pictures of authors adorned the wall and Miss Nina Doan and Mr Knud Stangland were equally successful in guessing their names butj in the nut eating contest which decided tho draw Mr Knud was an easy winner Conversational games added to tho evenings interest and diversion Refreshments were served on small tables on which lunch cloths of white crepe paper wore spread with scarlet hearts for plate doilies giving a pretty effect Tho B Y P U gave a valentine social it the home of Mrs S A Moore last Friday evening of delightful particulars There were about sixty young people present and it was a joyous event to all Miss Lillie McClain gave a delightful valentine party last Friday evening to a company of young friends Taffy pull Was a feature of the evening Charley Kelley entertained a number Df young friends Friday evening last A Quiet Home Wedding Wednesday evening at the home of Conductor and Mrs II A Beale Rev L M Grigsby solemnized the nuptials of Mr Thomas L Park of Lincoln Ne braska and Miss Sarah M Cool of Cor dova Illinois The wedding was a quiet home affair A wedding supper followed the ceremony The happy couple departed on No 3 the same ev ening for the west on a short wedding trip Mr Park is a young attorney and is connected with the M Rumely Co of LaPorte Ind which has extensive busi ness connections in the western states He is a stranger to the most of our readers but the bride is well known to many McCook friends being a sister of Mrs H A Beale having vis ited in our city on several occasions and af considerable length and being recog nized as a young lady of culture gentle refinement and of accomplishments Mrs Park has been making her home in Denver for some time The Tribune adds its cordial well wishes Joint Maccabee Rally The L O T M and K O T M and friends indulged in a joint rally in Odd Fellows hall Tuesday evening of suc cessful proportions There was a good attendance of members and friends and tho evening was worth while in every respect Tho program presented included reci tations by Mrs F W Bosworth and Mrs J A Gunn there were vocal solos by Miss Olive MHowe F D Burgess and John W Selby and a humorous se lection by J F Forbes Appropriate addresses were delivered by Miss EllaL Mark state commander of the Lady Maccabees and by F N Dopkins state commander of the Knights Following the program was an infor mal social period in which all took part and a lunch closed an enjoyable incident in Maccabee circles Fractured a Rib Etc While engaged at work on the steam dome of an engine in the machine shop Monday afternoon D Woodruff had the misfortune to fall from the engine to the floor onto a pile of iron fracturing one rib bruising his hip and generally shak ing him up quite badly Mr Woodruff is a brother-in-law of E D Reed who played with the McCook baseball team last season His injuries are not consid ered serious - Kafir Corn Seed It is a well known fact that Kafir corn seed is scarce next to impossible to get but W T Coleman has been successful in getting a few bushels of choice seed Those contemplating planting any should jauy the seed at once before the market is exhausted After two years experience wiih as bestos firo proof water paint we believe satisfactory results and is the it brings cheapest paint on the market McConnell Berry MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE M H Griggs is in Finoy Missouri C W Barnes was a Lincoln visitor Saturday F M Woody of Indianola moved up to McCook last week J H Hupp was in Omaha early in thr week- on business B M Frees of Chicago has been in the city part of the week Ollie Murray is up from Cambridge helping his brother Earl F A Pennell went to Omaha Wed nesday night on business S M Cochran went to Michigan first of the week on a land trade R Q Stewart internal revenue collector was in the city Tuesday John A Furr an oldtime resident of the Ash Creek section is hero on a visit Mrs J E Kelley went to Kearney on 2 this morning on a visit to a friend S D McClain was a pilgrim to the Boulder Colorado oil field close of last week Frank Carruth went up to Denver on 3 Wednesday night to visit the family Cari Velte left on Tuesday for Arapahoe to take chare of the Barnett yard there Mrs Cyrus Stayner came in from Edgar Monday night and is the guest of her sons Mis Mamie Sharkey returned home close of last week from her long stay in Philadelphia Dr R E Campbell of Buffalo New York is looking over this familiar land scape this week Mr and Mrs CTWatson will spend Sunday with Mr and Mrs Russeil Mc Millen in Tecumseh Henry S Fkrrar manager of Grand Island factory of the American Beet Sugar Co is in the city A G Keys of Bartley was a business visitor Tuesday guest of his son C W Keys Bullards manager Mrs V H Solliday returned home last Friday night from a visit in Denver to her sister Mrs J E Beyrer W H Carr night man at the electric light plant has gone to Aurora Nebras ka He is succeeded by Charles Sexton Mrs G P Roark is visiting in Akron while her husband is undergoing treat ment in the hospital or sanitarium in Lincoln Mrs Nellie Moore of McCook for merly Miss Nellie Clark of Red Cloud is visiting with friends in the city Red Cloud Argus 14th A A Maley has opened up a stock next door west of this office that he brought down from McCook a few days ago Republican City Democrat Mrs W B Mills wTent into Omaha Tuesday morning on No 2 to consult an occulist concerning one of her eyes which has been bothering her lately Mr and Mrs J II Grannis returned home on 13 Sunday morning from their trip east to buy goods Rend his new advertisement in th is issue for particulars Mrs Tourtelot of Lincoln who has been here on a visit to her daughter Mrs James C Barber and at Boulder Colorado departed for home on 12 Sat urday morning last Mrs E Y Cornell mother of Ex Mayor D T Cornell who has been spending several weeks with her daughter Mrs Fred Palmer at McCook returned to Holdrege last Monday Holdrege Progress C E Werner has been up from Glen loch Kansas for a week or two and when he returns to Anderson county his brother-in-law and sister Mr and Mrs Al Osburn will accompany him and make their home there Dave Magner returned home Tues day night from Denver where he has been for several weeks undergoing an operation for a floating Kidney He ap pears to be better and is gradually in creasing in strength His friends all hope for his return to complete health A Sure Winner The man who saves on his present salary Are you saving Have you saved anything the past year If you have not commence now by taking five or ten shares of stock in the McCook Building Association which will be secured by gilt edged loans on McCook real estate Fir tanks made of 2 inch material the best on the market at W C Bullards Mrs T B Campbell and Mrs C H Boyle will entertain the Dorcas Ken sington at Mrs Campbells Thursday Feb 27 at 230 oclocK i McCook Has It Too Tho oil excitement in Colorado has renewed tho feeling in McCook that oil can bo found in this vicinity and there is talk of attempting to organize and raise funds with which to sink a well for experimental purposes The supposed indications secured in the well at the pump house a few years since are re membered and quoted This well was only sunk a few hundred feet To arrive at anything conclusive however it would be necessary to go down many hundreds of feet at no small cost It would seem to The Tribune that no such serious undertaking should be gone into without consulting expert advice and going over the reasonable showing carefully and intelligently not withstanding the fact that it is known that oil like gold is found where it is Died of Heart Failure John Porter a young man of 19 years died near Box Elder Monday ev ening about five oclock of heart failure He was working with two other young men and suddenly fell to the ground and expired He had been working out in Colorado with G II Harrison during the early part of the winter The re mains were shipped to Eustis Nebraska Thursday morning A sister of the de ceased lives there Cypress Tanks It is a well known fact that Cypress lumber gives the best Tanks If you intend to buy a Tank soon call and in spect our new supply and compare them with those made from any other kind of lumber and you will be convinced of the superiority of the Cypress Tanks And although they are worth more we are selling them as low as any other kind Barnett Lumber Co Three and Trimmings It cost Tom Hayden three dollars and trimmings this week for indulging in a fight with Frank Nash on a public street Sunday morning Nash returned to Oberlin Kansas before papers were served on him to appear in Squire Berrys court and tell him how it happened Whiskey seems to have been at the bot tom of the affair That Washington Dinner As will be seen from the menu which appeared in last weeks Tribune the ladies of the Methodist church have ar ranged to spread their usual feast on Washington birthday in the Coleman building first door south of Pades furniture-store Make your plans to eat dinner with them and supper too if possible The New Meat Market Sam A Moore is prepared to promptly fill all your wants in cold storage meats of all kinds He keeps the best the market affords and sells at the lowest possiDie ngure ior tne quality tie so licits your patronage In E B Odells store or call up phone 98 Satisfaction guaranteed WantedCorrespondence More correspondence from Indianola Lebanon Danbury Bartley in fact from all over Redwillow county Write the publishers for particulars We want the county news and are willing to do the right thing to get it Dont Borrow Money to build your house this spring until you have investigated the McCook Building Association plan Their method of payment is cheaper than any other See the Secretary for further information A Record Breaker The month of January was a record breaker for the A O U W in Nebraska in the matter of adding new members Over 800 new members were added At the present rate the 1000 mark will be exceeded in February Lost Wednesday afternoon a silver chain bracelet Finder please leave at Tribune office T111 1 i i uuuwicK uuys nouse iurnisnings in i pieces or your whole house Highest cash price always rules Ludwick is making low rate on bulky goods to make room for spring goods Dressers Folding Beds Sideboards etc at low prices for 30 days They expect to have a postoffice at Center Point Frontier county in the near future with J A McMains as postmaster Center Point is about five miles east and a mile or two south of Quick City Marshal C B Gray and Night Policeman Fitzgerald are credited with the possession of a pair of 825000 blood hounds which arrived in the city the first of the week They are objects of much curosity and trepidation For Sale or Trade My residence on North Madison St W O Norval RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Brakeman W H Stark is sick Conductor Eph Benjamin has car 115 while Conductor E M Cox is off duty March first a new style train book for use of freight conductors will come into use morning on 12 in his private car 10 on business Master Mechanic Archibald was a Lincoln visitor Saturday on business of tho road Switchman J E OConnor has taken a vacation of thirty days and is visiting in St Louis Conductor E M Cox has been off duty part of tho week on account of illness in the family D Spencer has moved from Holbrook to Holdrege and will work for the Burl ington at that point Trainmaster Kenyon was in Omaha Monday on business at headquarters returning home on 3 Conductor L F Watson expects to leave for Lafayette Indiana close of this week on a visit home Brakeman L A Hurlburt has taken a leave of thirty days and gone to Salt Lake City Utah on a visit Brakeman and Mrs Neal Beeler ar rived home Wednesday night on 3 from spending a week in Chicago Dispatcher and Mrs T B Campbell went up to Trenton Tuesday to be absent a day or two on a visit The Northern division has 14000 tons of ice stored for next season with lots of ice piled up in the yards for early sum mer use Switchman F E Kidder of Oxford who has been laid up for the past two months with rheumatism has taken a leave of absence and gone to Chicago for treatment Brakeman D F Shaw arrived home Monday from Ilolyoke Colorado where he has been spending some time with a brother who has been suffering with a badly smashed hand The Burlington still have one party of surveyors in the field working on the proposed connection with the Great Northern between Billings and Great Falls Montana Bert Rubber Neck one of Nick Kes licks steady boarders has been bumped and gone to McCook He was escorted to the depot by several young ladies expects to return soon Oxford Stand ard Dwyer bumped Kiser Kiser bumped Gruwell Gruwell bumped Donelson and Gruwell was bumbed by Olmsted Gru well and Donelson were bumped so hard that they landed in McCook Oxford Standard The Santa Fe andLRock Island man agements now require that engines being R L Tinker of C A Wards carpenter force departed on Monday night for Canon City Colorado where he has been offered a job in Rio Grande services The family will remain here for the present at least Heres wishing Dick a fat job and a long term of service Officials of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy railroad are considering the advisability of building a railroad 140 miles in length from Quincy 111 south east via Pittsfield White Hall and Vir den to Pana making connection with the Big Four road and at the same time reaching the great coal fields of Illinois Journal H F Ruger has been appointed freight and nassencer asrent of the Burl- I ington at Butte Mont vice P Daniels resigned H A Brandt has been ap pointed traveling freight and passenger agent at Helena vice Ruger promoted Mr Ruger was formerly soliciting freight agent from headquarters of the Burling ton in this city Journal Test3 which officials of the Illinois CVntral say are highly satisfactory have been made in telephoning from trains by using the telegraph wires The tests have resulted in the belief that when the company installs its two wire telephone system it will be possible to telephone from a train to every office on the entire system Connection is made with the wires by hooking a rod over the line the former having connection with a receiver in the engine cab and the telephone cur rent being grounded through the engine by means of individual conductors The advantage of telephoning from trains in cases of emergency is great Journal J m Another Pythian Anniversary McCook Pythianism as to its social gastronomic and post prandial sides had an adoquate expression Wednesday evening in its commemoration of the founding of the order by Major Rath bone In tho earlier hours of the evenincr the bupt Uamphell went east Thursday ivnignts their ladies and frionds as- sembled in the castle hall over McCon noll Berrys store to the number of about sixty Cards croKinolo and social intercourse furnished amusemont until the arrival of the hour for tho banquot when all repaired to tho Palmer house whero was spread by Sir Knight Roonoy a superb banquet with overy attractive accessory and served with all taste and promptness It was very creditable to Host Rooney his chef and assistants and highly satisfactory to the Knights their friends and guests The banquet over there followed a feast of reason aud a flow of soul with J F Forbes as toastniaster Chancellor Commander J A Bing ham gave conclusive reasons for Why We Celebrate in the opening toast In a quite unexpected and inimitable bit of drollery W B Mills explained or rather didnt explain Why 1 Belong J R McCarl in characteristic colors depicted The Lesson of Friendship to be found in Pythianism F M Kimmell a charter member became mildly reminiscent in n spend ing to The Boys of 42 J R Carrotliers of the Royal High landers spoke to Pythian Progress in enthusiastic term of a growth of over half a million in 33 years Emerson I lanson briefly responded to For the Good of the Order regular attendance and personal interest being specially urged Dr W V Gage grew poetic and soared in flights oratorical inspeaKingto Our Pythian Sisters the final toast which was cleverly introduced by Toast master Forbes The 3Sth anniversary celebration was in every essential particular creditable and enjoyable The castle hall was handsomely deco rated each official station being espec ially favored in the use of tho Pythian colors and emblems Rev Grigsby Will Remain A letter from Bishop Warren Tues day morning brought an order for Rev L M Grigsby to remain at his present post of duty in charge of the McCook pastorate of the Methodist church the order authorizing his removal to take charge of the Iliff Methodist church of Salt Lake City Utah being rescinded Close of last week when it became known that the bishop had ordered the removal of Rev Grigsby to Salt Lake City his parishioners and friends here prepared a petition which was numer ously signed and forwarded to the bishop praying that Rev Grigsby be allowed to remain here Library Uuiliilnu Lhiir Sk Iv JP W l McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 21 1902 NUMBER 41 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Cone has all tho latest books Cypress Tanks Barnott Lumber Co Sugar beet seed at W T Colemans Cypress Tanks Barnett Lumber Co Some great bargains in Wall Paper at Conos Sugar beet tools full stock at W T Colemans Tako your prescriptions to Lon Cone Brother All kinds of garden seeds millet and Kafir corn at W T Colemans Now buggies arriviug at W T Cole mans He sells them nVhf f To mako your face and hands soft and smooth uso McMillans Cream Lotion Cypress Tanks tho best for sale by Barn kit Lumukr Co Alfalfa seed for salo at 350 S Jno and S5 per bushel S G Goheen Kafir corn millet seed Also choice seed barley and oats F C KELLon To mako your face and hands soft and smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion Cypress Tanks the best for salo b Harnett Lumber Co Embroidery appliques Un beautiful new designs at Tho Thompson D G Co See those fine Hair and Clothes Brushes at Lon Cone Brothers drug store Spring is coming Sun Bonnets are herein great variety The Thompson D G Co Sugar beet hoes full stock of sugar beet tools - in stock and for sale by V T Coleman New Ginghams in great varieties of patterns- at 8o and 12 c yd at The Thompson D G Co Go to Bullards to get the best Fir tanks at prices to suit all set up read for use on short notice When you want fresh bread call the Union bakery Close attention orders Phone 57 2ts ClT o1 fVFnrh inrl linnnn n1 fTI f Tribune congratulates the members and friends of the McCook church upon the happy outcome and wishes Rev Grigsbv drawn over their roads must have their l larger success in his service here drivers connected claiming that un connected drivers of the new heavy engines pound and weaken the track The Woodmen Organize On Monday night last Edward Walsh General Deputy for Nebraska of the Woodmen of the World organized a camp of that large and powerful frater nal insurance order in this city with 25 charter members The camp starts under very favorable circumstances and its future seems bright and prosperous We welcome this addition to our list of fraternal societies and shall do what we may to promote its interests Its offi cers are Consul Commander J B Ir win Adviser Lieutenant A L Over man Banker F A Irwin Clerk Allen H Tirrill Physician Dr C L Fahn estock Escort C M Drake Sentry R M Irwin Watchman Arthur Tirrill Managers J O Holcomb Theo Bryan J Spickelmier Rev- Rev Loughran Appointed J J Loughran of Minden has been appointed to the pastorate of St PatricKs Catholic church of our city and will celebrate the usual Masses next Sunday morning at S and 1030 Rev Loughran leaves a host of friends at Minden and McCook Catholics are to be congratulated upon his assuming charge of St Patricks parish Something New A poultry fence that is very close at the bottom to hold small chickens and keep out rats and wovan looser at the top just what everybody has been ask ing for Call at W T Colemans and see it Cottage for Rent A six room cottage on North Madison street Inquire of Frank Traver Eight commercial men came in on No 1 Tuesday registering at the Commer cial hotel McCook has ever been a prime favorite with the knights of the grip at to Now is tho time to get that new tank all ready for use before your spring work begins Bullard has them The McCook Circle No Ladies of G A R meet the first Rntnrrlnv nf every month in Odd Fellows hall Exclusive Single Dress Patterns in Vigoreux in Barathea cloth in Broad cloths at The Thompson D G Co Call and let us show you ourFir tanks and give you prices before buying W C Bullard New Embroideries in Swiss NainsooK and Cambric Edgings and Inserting- and Readings at The Thompson DGCo If you intend sowing any millet seed see W T Coleman at once He secured xms petition had the de- a limited sunnlv and it nf i New Dimities New Lawns and Bat istes New White Goods and new Cur tain Stuffs at The Thompson D G Co House cleaning is near at hand If you want to take any of your old ture to Ludwick for some new pieces see line at once McConnell Berry are showing a new line of those popular steel beaded and leather chatelain bags some new things that will interest the ladies Dr FicKes the dentist has issued the accompanyingsupplement He deserves credit for his endeavor to promote dental education of the public We maKe Dress SKirts from any Dress Goods in our stocK All wool ones from o iou up m stocK ready to J o your measure at the The Thompson D G Co same wear price Dont forget that we give your money back if satisfactory results are not ob tainable by using Dr Hess egg produc ers chicken remedies and stock foods McConnell Berry In a word will you always find every thing seasonable usually kept in a first class meat market at D C Marshs Prompt courteous and accurate service all the time It is worth dollars to any one to feel confident that he will get just what he orders at the meat market Well thats just the satisfaction you are guaranteed at D C Marshs market D C Marsh would rather be right than president and he would rather be right in the meat business than in anj -thing else on earth You will find him all right all the time in all things con nected with the meat business Our line of wall paper is Tyou know- always the largest but this year we have had to add shelf new room to accommo date our immense stock -Come-to us for novelties Come to us for the latest McConnell Berry H