Vv i fl ak XsXSXsrfa I NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINES i Last week of the special prices on underwear but we still have a few good numbers at these unheardof prices See the above goods in our window see if we do as we advertise see if you are not paying too much for your goods McCook Neb OF McCOOK NEB B Paid Up Capital 50000 DIRECTORS i Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 oiio GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pres F A PENHELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director m s i S Not selling below cost But selling good goods at right prices all the time Here are a few items that might inter est you if you care to save money 8 bars Swifts Pride laundry soap - - 25c 9 bars Graham Bros celebrated Witch Hazel toilet soap ------ 25c 15 dozen clothes pins ----- 25c 1 good broom made from bright new corn - 25c 2 lbs new crop English Walnuts for - - 25c 2 lbs fresh peanut candy for - - 25c Mens extra heavy blue flnl overshirts worth 2 135 Mens heavy artic overshoes now go at - 95c i HE BEE HIVE 1 MS 3S ft i V FRANKLIN President i i Jm tJSx iTS i dBa bEk 7c jaffii jflr rftx iKr ft- i Kt aUtaffla ztiv jKkjKusKcjSi h till uSit sfk j xS2g vi Hi vVi 8 JW K JOaIiiIiH V 5J 1tJ0tt 3 W iUi - d tiSIVfrlV 1 f A C EBERT Cashier f f f h UiibiNb tAiivI h flh Surplus 5 ooo r 1 eosutriiu w e mfrri nun a frfrt r linn w fa - W B WOLFE C H WILLARD Jfi igry Jty Jm jhi hji igngrjjt jp7jmnpiymji Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ot food It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows you to eat all 4he food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have heen curefl after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take If cant help but do you good Prepared only by E 0 DeWittCo Chicago The SI bottle contains 255 times the 50c size McConnell Berry Druggists McCook Transfer Line J H DWYER Proprietor gSlHSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave ordere at either lumber yard Does It Pay to Buy Cheap A clioup romeily for coughs and colds is all right hut you want something that will rilievo and euro tho more hjvjm and dangerous rwults of throat and lung trouble What shall you do Go to a warmer and moro regular cliumtu Yos if possible if not invisible for you then in oitlior case take tho only romedy thut has been introduced in all civilized countries with Hucces in severe throat and lung troubles Bo cheos Gorman Syrup It not only heals and stimu lates tho tissues to destroy tho gonn disease but allays inflammation causes easy expectora tion give a good nights rest and cures tho patient Try mm bottle Recommended many years by all druggists in tho world Gut Greens Prize Almanac CULBERTSON Rev J M Stuart is in Imperial this week Alex Love is visiting friends in Hayes Center Henn Luhmun is in McCook on busi ness this week George G Eisenhart was seen in Mc Cook Saturday Mrs S E Solomon visited friends in T en ton Monday Miss Marriett Wimple was n McCook visitor Wednesday T A Smith returned from his visit to Bloomington Saturday morning S E Solomon has been appointed postmaster to succeed J W Cole Tom Plumer of Hayes Center was do ing business in this city Saturday Win Dregmac of Fort Morgan is visiting friends in this place this week S E Solomon of the Beatrice Cream ery Company is doing business in Stock ville this week Jim Murphy and Jack Pember of Trenton attended the dance at this place Saturday night Ed Blum of Palisade has been a city visitor quite frequently lately Wonder what the attraction is The Dime social held at the home of Mrs Solomon Saturday night was a success in every respect Uncle Josh opera house Culbert son local talent Saturday evening January 25th price 20 cents The club dance was well attended Saturday night and good order was had thioughout the evening Quite a number of young people from McCook attended the dance here Satur day night Come to Uncle Josh January 23th laugh and grow fat A dollars worth of fun for two dimes Dont miss this roaring farce comedy The Eastern Star surprised the Ma sons at their- lodge room Wednesday evening and a very enjoyable evening was spt nt by all present A pleasant surprise was given on Mr E E Locker Wednesday evening by his pupils The oung folks seemed to think it was the best time they had ever had Miss Marriett Wimple made her final trip to Stratton- Friday as she has given up her class in music as she in tends to study herself under Miss Howe of McCook Miss Viola Ferrier entertained her Sunday school class Wednesday even ing The usual games were indulged in and all had a good time Dainty re freshments were served and all repaired to their homes at a late hour The Beatrice blood hounds and keeper were sent for Friday noon and came in on No 3 Friday night to trace the party that broke in D L Shoemakers store Thursday night The dogs traced him to the stock yards where it is alleged that he had taken the train west but no further trace of him could be found The amount of theft was 12 in cash some cigars tobacco and shoes Quite a number of people spent Friday night in watching the hounds Question Answered Yes August Flower still has the largest salo of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or bilious ness Doctors were scarce and thoy soldom nearu oi appenuicins nervous prostration or heart failure etc They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food regulate tho action of the liver stimulate the nervous and organtic action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few doaes of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you Get Greens Prize Almanac BARTLEY Charlie Liston was visiting here last week E E Smith shipped a car of hogs to Denver Saturday last Pap Crosby has been on the sick list most of the time this week Mr Etherton father of Editor Ether ton is in very poor health Rev Mayfield is holding a revival meeting at the Dry Creek M E church Mrs John Rozell and daughters were transacting business in Bartley this week Dr J M Brown shipped a fine of Chester white pigs to Sutton pair braska last baturday The marriage of Mrs D O Mangus to Jack DeArmond at Crete Nebraska last week was no snrprise to us Gary Dole and Fred Abbott were Sunday visitors in our city the guests of Frank Vickrev a former classmate of Mr Abbotts Several parties saw the meteor Tues day evening others heard the sound and saw the flash but supposed it was thunder and lightning Joe Burton returned from Whitman county Washington last week glad to get back to Nebraska which he thinks is a better place than Washington Charlie Rawsom is moving to his farm south of town which he recently pur chased of J W Dolan of Indianola Charlie had thought of moving to Wash ington but concluded to remain in Nebraska Finds Way to Live Long The startling announcement of a discovery that will surely lengthen life is made by Editor O H Downey of Churubusco Ind I wish to stato he writes that Dr Kings New Discov ery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have evqr known for coughs colds and grip Its invaluable to people with weak lungs Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread pneumonia or consumption Its relief is instant and cure certain McConnell Berry guarantee every 50c and 100 bottle and give trial bottles free Dr Caldwells breath Sold by Syrup Pepsin sweetens V McMillen the i i i ak V2EE lite BUM FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 MriJRSTAIP TO THEENiUREm i POM EX Mfc jij3ij tfr rtlKjJSn DS TRACT For Burns Sprains Wounds Brui ses or tny oon oi rain Used Internally and Externally CAUTION Avoid tho weak watery Witch Hazel preparations represented to bo the same as PONDS EX TRACT which easily sour and often contain wood alcohol an irritant ex ternally and taken internally a poison v2SSEE33K M A Profitable Investmenr I wni troubled for about sovon years witli my stoumnli and in bed half my timo says T Detnick Somorville Ind I spoilt about SI XX and UHTur could net anything to help nu until I tried Kodol Dypopsia Cure I havo taken a few bottles and am entirely well You dont live by what you oat but by what you digest and assimilate If your stomach doesnt digest your food you an really starving Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does the stomachs work by digest ing the food You dont have to diet Eat all you want Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles McConuolI Berry Twas a False Alarm I have ued your Dr Caldwells Sjrup Pepsin nud can truthfully recommendit Some four years ago doctors told roe that Iliad Brights Disease I was laid up throe months and noth ing I used helped mo and no food would stay on my stomach I u ed one bottle of your Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin and food would stay on in and I craved something to eat 1 got well There was no Brights Diseasoabout me It was a falso rumor Ever sinco I havo recommended Dr Caldwells Sjrup Pepsin to friends and strangers It N just splendid I have full confidence in it Geo F Benedict ft IV King St Decatur 111 Sold by A McMillen Cut this out and takeittoMcConnelhfc Berrys drugstore and get a free sample of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physic Tlii j also cure disorders of the stomach and headache ilkA li fel lin jijj All Calls For The tin s ou W H Acker man McCook Nebraska r 0 r t1 W nsPWr5irleTF Wll Some time ago my daughter caught a s evcre cold She complained of paius in her chest and had a bad cough I gave bor Chamberlains Cough Remedy according to directions and in two days she wai well and able to go to school I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and havo never known it to fail says James Preudergast merchant Anna to Ray Jamaica We t India Islands The pains in the chest indicated an approaching attack of pneumonia which in this instance was un t doubtedly warded off by Chamberlains Cough Remedy It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia Sold by McConnell Rerry druggists New Century Comfort Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bucklens Arnica Salve It kills pain from burns scalds cuts bruises conquers ulcers and fever sores cures eruptions salt rheum boils and felons removes corns and warts Rest Pile cure on earth Only 23c at McConnell Berrys drug store The worst after effects of influenza arise from deranged functions of the liver Clear the blood at once with Herbine for it will strengthen the liver to withdraw from circulation tho biliary poisons Price aOcents A McMillen Personal The lady who had to leave the donation party the other night before it was over will please call at our drug store and get a bottle of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin Sho has indigestion or she would not have taken sick and if she had taken Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin she would not have had indigestion In 50c and 1 bottles at A McMillens If troubled with a weak digestion belching sour stomach or if you feel dull after eating try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25 cents Samples free at McConnell Rerrj s drug store CHCBESTERS OSL1SH PEHIf YBOYAl PILL iSi aSSSf3 tadles ask Ilrucgist for CHICHESTEK S ISXGIISH in Reel and Oold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Refuse d ingeroux Kiihsti tutionwaml imltnUonw Uuyof your Druggist or send in stamps for Particulars Testi monial and Reller for Lariicit in letter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials bold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 8100 mad 1 son Square PHILA PA Mention this paper Thia signature is on every box of tho genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day Time Card McCook Neb flli main mm kasi iikimut No ti CVntrul Time 11 10 v m 2 - am 12 3a si No 5 arrive from cimtnt h p in MAIN MSB WKST DKPIHT No 1 Mountain Time 11 sl a m i 1110 M ii 82i m IMIMSKIAI LINK No 175 arriivM Mountain Time r10 r si No 175 departs 7lAM Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars peats free on through train Ticket sold and baggngo checked to any point in tho United Statesor Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Francis Genoral Paasenger Agent Omaha Nebraska Child Worth Millions My child is worth millious to mo says Mrs Mary Bin of HarnSburg Pa yet I should havo lost her bj croup had I not purchased a bottle of Ono Minuto Cough Cure One Minute Cough Cure is a suro cure for coughs croup and throat and lung troubles An absolutely safe cough cure which acts immediately Tho young est child can take it with eutire safety Tho little ones like tho taste aud remember how often it helped them Every family should have a bottle of One Minuto Cough Cure handy At this season especially it may be needed sud denly McConnell Horry What would you think of your grocery man if he sold j ou sand for sugar What do you think of a druggist who offers you a substitute for tho Madison Medicine Cos Rocky Mountain Tea McConnell Berry Let us speak of a man as wo find him And censure only what we can see Kememboring that no man can bo perfect Unless he uses Rocky Mountain Tea McConnell fc Berry To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxatiso Bromo Quiniun Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each bos 2Tc Tablers Ruckeye Pile Ointment is tho only reined for blind bleeding or protruding pile I indorsed by phiMcinn icuresthe most obstinate cases Price fiU cents in bottle Tubes 75 cents A McMillen What you doin neighbor Helping Rill Whats Hill doinV Holpin MaudyV Whats Mandy doin Helping mother Whats mother doin Taking Rocky Mountain Tea Sensible family McConnell Harry NOTICE TO LAND OWNKRS To GeorgH R Morgan and Train Wheeler aud to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at a point ou section line at the south end of bridge about t rod- north of the quarter section line running east and we t said s etiou line between the N K i Section 1 and the N W Ji Section 17 Town one in Range twenty soien thence m a Miiithcawtorly course about MI rod to a point about Is of said section line thence in a sou tha terly course about lH rods to a point K rods east of the south west corner of the northwest quarter of section thence south about rods thence in a southwesterly course about 15 rods to intersect the section line roail between sections 17 and Is Town one Rangu 27 has reported in favor of the establishment thereof as follows Commencing 2s chains north of the S W cor ner Sec 17 Town I Range 27 West thence N 1S 15 E I chains thence N J JV W chains aud fs links thence north 2ijJ E I chains and 25 links N 2t W Iti chains and H links to a point 17 chains and 50 links of the N W corner Sec 17 Town 1 Range 27 west and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in tho county clerks ollice on or before noon of the Itli day of March 1002 or said road will be established without reference thereto 12 274 ts R A Gbkex County Clerk Ry O R Rittenhouse Deputy SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Sophia E Burgess is plaintiff aud Clifford E Dunham and Mr- Dunham etal are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at at the east door of the court hou e in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 20th day of January 1902 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit Lots No IS and 4 in section No 1 in Township 1 north Range west Gth P M Dated this 20th day of December UKJl A C Ckautkck Sheriff J E Kelley Attorney SHERIFFS SALE Ry virtue of an order of sale issued from tin district court of Reil Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Lewis A Hulburt is plaintiff and J E Cochran Mary LCochran etal are defendants- to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for ca di at the east door of the court house in McCook Red Willow r flw f I fr I iltitwr I 1902 at the hour of one oclock p in the fol lowing described real estate to wit South l2 of lot 11 and north half of lot No 10 in block No 10 original town mow citj of McCook Dated this 20th day of December 1101 A C Crahtkee Sheriff J E Kelley Attorney ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Redwillow county At a county court held at the county court room in and for -aid county January 2nd 1W2 Present C E Eld red county judg In tho matter of the estate of AndrcdC Black deceased On reading and filing the petition of Lovina M Black praying that the administration of said estate he granted to her as administratrix Ordered that January ISth A D 102 at one oclock p in is assigned for hearing said peti tion when all persons interested in -aid matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and showcau e why tho prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per ons in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The McCook Tribune a weekly news paper printed in said county for three succes sive weeks priro to said day of hearing seal C E Eldred County Judge ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Redwillow county ss At a county court held at the countv court room in and for said county Jan 6th A D l Present C E Eldred countv judge In the matter of the estate of John II Sly deceased On reading and filing the petition of Ella Slv praying that the instrument filed on the sixth day of January Virl and purporting to be the Ia t will and testament of said deceased may v provea approved probated allowed and re corded as the la t will and te tamentof the aid John H Slv deceased and that the execution of said instrument may be committed and the administration of said e tate ma Ix granted to Ella Sly as executratrix Ordered that Januarv 2 i A D lf02 at one oclock p m is assigned for hearing -aid peti tion when all int reted in said matter may appear at a county court to Ik held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of aid itetition and tbt hearinir thereof he irivpn to nil imr nns inter ested in snifl mnttpr TiMllitltirr n enrir rf this order in The McCook Tribune a wei klv newspaper printed in -aid county for three suc cessive weeks prior to aid dav of hearing seal 1 10 CEEldhed County Judge ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES The following is the e timate of expenses made for the jear 1002 by the county at their meeting held January 14th KHI2 County General Fund 12 000 County Bridge Fund 0 000 County Road Fund Ofj Soldiers Relief Fund 70 Willow Grove Precinct 2 OuO Bartley Village Bond VX McCook City Bond 2 COU North Valley Precinct 1 OCO School District Bonds f OCO MOlts Attest EJ Wilcox County Clerk Hogfoi Dyspepsia Our Digests what you eat Heads Should Nover Ache Never endure this trouble Uwi at once the remedy thut topped it for Mrs N A Webster of A Ladv Came into our store aud aid I am going to take Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin funny cold It kept us free all last winterfrom evers kind of cold It is a great remedy and a orfcct laxa tive Sold bv A McMillen California Breakfast Food rfp rcv tf W ef V ttW it - W 11 P SUTTON PIcCOOK SB 7 i 7 i 7 EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb A Shave Hair Ciii Sham poonui thing in m lino in an nrti tu uiiiiiht Jive a -all and trial JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA STcCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr W VCACE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next to City hall Hours H0 to 12 1 to 7 to 9 Night calls answered from residence over bank DR J 13 FICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Dental College OverJasMcAdarns Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Buildine JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska tSTAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER McCook Neb Goes Anywhere Sales of Thorough-bred Stock a Specialty F D Bltkgess 001 a osr and Steam Filler I McCOOK NEBR 2 iron ead and 5eer P oe 3 ass Goods Pumps an Bo er Trmm ngs Agent xor Hall da Waopun fcc pse Windmills Basement of the Building BsaaNXsjEs1 Don T iHConponAi iD iea 3N2yBN2S7s3V 2ZS4 Be itooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA JVTade only by iMadison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no substl tute Ask your druggist Winnie Vn who write Dr Kings New Life Pills wholly cured mo of sick headaches I had suffered from for two yenrs Cure headache constipation hilliousuoss UTo at McConnell Berrys drug store PorsoiH who load a life ofexo otre aro subject to rheumati iui nenralgia and lumbago will llnda valuable remedy in Ballards Snow Lini ment it will banish pains and milsluo inflam mation Price and U A McMillen V WHBATOSB 0 rfi rrirrffT wS Ir Breakfast FIRST QlUUTt dPURE WHEAT If you want a good food for your child ren try Vheatose It Is easily and quickly prepared and very healthful Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit All reliable grocers have it