The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 20, 1901, Image 5

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There are few ailments so uncomfortable as
piles but they can easily be cured by using
Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment Belief follows
its uso and any one suffering from piles can not
afford to neglect to give it a trial Price 50
cents in bottles tubes 75 cents A McMillen
Milk AttraoM llseao Germs
Place a jag of milk near fish for a
few hours and there will be a fishy
flavor about it In this same way that
milk is susceptible to odors so it at
tracts disease germs diphtheria tp
phoid fever etc are often contracted
In this manner This is not always
due to carelessness for these bacilli
arc in the very air we breathe The
only true safeguard when contagious
disease is about to sterilize the milk
A Million Voices
Could hardly express the thanks of Homer
Hall of West Point Iowa Listen why A
severe cold had settled on his lungs causing a
most obstinate cough Several physicians said
ho had consumption but could not help him
When all thought he was doomed ho began to
use Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption
and writes it completely cured mo and saved
my life I now weigh 227 lbs It is positively
guaranteed for coughs colds and lung troubles
Price 50 cents and 100 Trial bottles free at
McConnell Berrys
sce a Postal Card
l s fesJ Afs Adfe atr I
nv address it like the name
cm our mail sack sign it and
post it and by return mail
well send you one of our-
mCTlW fe JT w iff
No matter what you buy here in the way of
lumber satisfaction is part of the deal That
accounts for the pleased expression you see
on everybodys face who drives out of our
yard with lumber Even the dog looks sat
isfied And if the
mean satisfaction to you we can please you
We are particularly well fixed just now on shed and barn lumber
If you can use some of this you will be consulting your pocket
books best interests by getting it now
y of eggs or glue is t
used in roasting fffla
Saved at Graves Brink
I know I would long ago have boon In my
gravo writes Mrs S SI Neweom Decatur
Alabama if it had not been for Electric
Bitters I suffered untold agony from the worst
forms of indigestion waterbrash stomach and
bowel dyspepsia But this excellent incdicino
did mo a world of good Since using it I can
eat heartily and have gained 35 pounde For
indigestion loss of appetite stomach liver and
kidney troubles Electric Bitters are a positive
guaranteed cure Only 50c at McConnell fc
Berrys drug store
Home for Families of Bandits
Not actuated by remorse but 07 pure
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of
outlaws has concluded to devote all
his money to the maintenance of a
home for the orphans and widows of
men he has run to earth in particular
and of criminals of the great South
west in general Jim Jenkins now of
Kansas Is now 65 years old and has
spent forty years as a scout and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers In this
way he has made about 50000 Among
the distinguished outlaws he has
chased were Jesse James and his broth
er Bob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill
Cook while he was the leader of the
band that caught Cherokee Bill in
In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas
Jenkins was shot eight times He esti
mates his bag of bad men at about 150
The homfc which is being built on a
5000 acre farm owned by Jenkins
near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20
000 Buffalo Express
In biliousness Herbine by expelling from the
body the excess of bile and acids improves the
assimilative processes purifies the blood and
tones up and strengthens tho entire system
Price 50 cents A McMillen
Cuptd Amlmshocl
Mr Slowgait about to propose
time 11 p m I am about to say
tonzething Miss Chillington that I
should have said some time ago Look
into my eyes and tell me if you can
not guess what it is Miss Chilling
ton suppressing a yawn You look
as sleepy as I feel so I guess you must
be going to say good night Chica
go News
The Pride of Heroes
Many soldiors in tho last war wrote to say
that for scratches bruises cuts wounds corns
sore feet and stiff joints Bucklens Arnica Salve
is the best in the world Same for burns scalds
boils ulcers skin eruptions and piles It cures
or no pay Only 25 cents at McConnell Berrys
drug store
DepreJatlons of Tor s f 00 tea
Citiztas 01 Mciuoiien and adjoining
counties of Texas are in a state of ter
ror because of the depredations of
coyotes which are killing scores of
cattle Worse than that the slinking
brutes are spreading hydrophobia
anr ng the stock A man living in Til
den was bitten by an infected colt and
died in a few days Ways and means
of getting rid of the pests are being
Used bv ladies of fashion all over tho world
Its without doubt the greatest beautifier ever
offered tho American woman 35c Made only
by Madison Medicine Co Ask your druggist
Mistakes STado at the Mint
John Erhard of Philadelphia has a
coin datd 1891 which has a hea I on
either 3ido showing that mistakes are
nsde en -it the mint Every fin
ished coin passes through the hands ef
a great many expires and there is
tle chance of an irjperfec piece escap
ing this scrutiny There are sail to
be many of theia in circulation how
ever No particular value is attached
to the coins outside oi their rarity aa
An Evangelists Story
I suffered for years with a bronchial or lung
trouble and tried various remedies but did not
obtain permanent relief until I commenced
using One Minute Cough Cure writes Bev
James Kirkman evangelist of Belle Biver 111
I have no hesitation in recommending it to all
sufferers from maladies of this kind One
Minute Cough Cure affords immediate relief for
coughs colds and all kinds of throat and lung
troubles For croup it is unequalled Absolutely
safe Very pleasant -to take never fails and is
really a favorite with the children They like it
McConnell Berry
Ko VQSKiag3
jNJ fun
Fail and Winter Catalogs
Weve two kinds one about mens clotlies the
oilier about womens clotlies Which do you want
afaetKm I
Z L4
wm - t rr V ri
11 is an couae uuru coutu vr
strong djvi of deJJoun 3avor
Sonic cotfcfi re vaiVrCil whhtjc
a cc 1- cortmgor ejjo tfiue m1
other c jujjj noMous substances
Ti c Kr l pccHio Iuhsw uniform
in iiif riil fbinntc
Much news froze too solid for use
J fl Relph is putting in some of his
time hauling the children to school
B W Benjamin faced the storm on
the 16th making the trip to McCook
The cold snap let up on tho in
stant It has been the longest period
of tho kind known or remembered by
the writer since living in Nebraska It
lasted about fifteen days and the lowest
register of the thermometer noted here
was 14 degrees below zero The mail
carrier failed to come on tho 14th but
came on the 16th a colder and stormier
day than the 14th
Dont Do It
Do not take Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin
unless you have constipation indigestion sick
headache or some other form of stomach trouble
such as dyspepsia biliousness or heartburn for
these are what it is guaranteed to cure Sold
by A McMillen
Have you a cold A dope of Ballards Hore
hound Syrup at bed time will remove it Price
25 cts and 50 cts A McMillen
Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is ploasant to
take It is a pleasant laxative Sold by A
This week has been the coldest of the
season the thermometer has been around
the zero mark most of the time
Seven cars of cattle and hogs were
shipped from here Wednesday on the
morning stock train to Kansas City
Mr and Mrs J H Wicks left Wed
nesday for Eustis this state where Mr
Wicks will take charge of an elevator
Ice on the creek is frozen to a depth
of about four and five inches and skat
ing has afforded much pleasure during
the past week for the first time since
Mr and Krs W J Stilgebouer re
turned home Monday from Modesto
California where they have been spend
ing the last three months on account of
Mrs Stilgebouers health
Soren Simonsens team became fright
ened at the incoming train the other day
while loading up a load of coal and suc
ceeded in getting away from him They
however did not go fa until they were
caught thus doing but very little dam
J E Dolph went down Wednesday
morning to Kansas City with stock and
will remain there a short time to have
an operation performed on his knee in
which there are two eight penny wire
nails he will have taken out These
nails were put there several years ago
while undergoing an operation at the
Hot Springs Arkansas to hold the knee
joint together
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Sophia E
Burgess is plaintiff and Clifford E Dunham
and Mrs Dnnham et al are defendants to me
directed and delivered I shall offer at public
sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at
at tho east door of the court house in McCook
Red Willow county Nebraska on the 20th day
of January 1902 at the hour of one oclock p
m tho following described real estate to wit
Lots No 3 and 4 in section No 1 in Township
1 north Range 20 west 6th P M
Dated this 20th day otDecember 1901
A C Ceabteee Sheriff
J E Kelley Attorney
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of roudors of Tub Tribune
wo have made arrangements with tho following
newspapors and periodicals whoroby wo can sup
ply them in combination with Tub Tbibunk nt
tho following very low prices
vnorjcATiox i mcu
Detroit Free Pross 1 00
Leslies Weekly 4 00
PrairioFannor vl 00
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00
Now York Tribuno 1 00
Demorcsts Magazine 1 00
Toledo Blade 1 00
Nebraska Farmer 1 00
Iowa Homestead 1 00
Lincoln Journal j 1 00
Campbells Soil Culture 1 00
New York World 1 00
Omaha Beo 1 00
Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 00
St Louis Republic 100
Kansas City Star 25
Form and Home 1 00
Word and Works 100
1 50
1 25
1 sr
1 50
1 25
1 75
1 25
1 05
1 25
1 75
1 CO
1 65
1 50
1 to
1 75
1 15
1 20
1 70
Wo are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tribunb McCook Nob
Recommendation of a Well Known
Chicago Physician
I uso nnd prescribo Chamberlains Cough
Remedy for almost all obstinate constricted
coughs with direct results I proscribe it to
children of all ages Am glad to rocommend it
to all in need and seoking roliof from colds nnd
coughs and bronchial afflictions It is non
narcotic and safo in tho hands of tho most un
professional A universal panacea for all man
kind Mks Mapt B Melendy M D Ph D
Chicago 111 This remedy is for salo by Mc
Connell Berry druggists
A Good Cough Medicine
From tho Gazette Toowooinba Australia
I find Chamborlaius Cough Remedy an excel
lent medicine I have been suffering from a
severe cough for the last two months and it
has effected a cure I have great pleas uro in
recommending it W C Wockner This is
the opinion of one of our oldest and most re
spected residents and has been voluntarily given
in good faith that others may try the remedy
and be benefitted as was Mr Wockner This
remedy is sold by McConnell Berry druggists
Gone Bros Druggists
-Successors to D W Loar
MnanMnBaHHHBMini V f
We are prepared to furnish anything in
the drug line at lowest prices and are ready
at all times to render you prompt and
courteous service
Call and see us and become acquainted
We shall be pleased to meet you all and
s C
unanuaoKBxn f
merit your patronage c i
First Door North of First National Bank SS
McCook Nebraska
The disposition of children largely depends
upon health If they are troubled with worms
they will be irritable cross feverish and perhaps
seriously sick Whites Cream Vermifuge is a
worm expeller and tonic to make them healthy
and cheerful Price 25 cents A McMillen
Citizens Bank of HcCook
Charter No 276
Incorporated at McCook in the state of Ne
braska at tho close of business December 10
Loans and discounts 150611 38
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 2363 23
Stocks securities judgments claims
etc 1452 33
Revenue stamps etc 405 00
Other real estate 9294 71
Current expends and taxes paid 2912 S9
Checks and other cash items 1086 07
Due from national state and private
banks and bankers 6618 26
Cash Specie 3706 75
Bills 6884 00
Dimes nickels and cents 315 84
Total cash on hand 10996 59
Total 185650 46
Capital stock paid in 50000 00
Surplus fund 5000 00
Undivided profits 8146 01
Individual deposits subject
to check 12384 37
Demand certificates of de---
posit 2S2S8 33
Time certificates of deposit 20250 00
Cashiers checks outstand
ing 13630 19
Due to state and private -
banks and bankers 17951 51 122504 45
Total 185650 46
State of Nebraska County of Red Willow
I A C Ebert cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is correct and a true copy of the report
made to the state banking board
Attest A C Ebert
W B Wolfe Director
V Franklin Director
Subscribed and sworn to before me the ISth
day of December 19C1
seal H H Behey Notary Public
Commission expires Oct 8 1907
By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Lewis A
Hulburt is plaintiff and J E Cochran Mary
LCochran et al are defendants to me directed
and delivered I shall offer at public salo and
sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east
door of the court house in McCook Red Willow
county Nebraska on the 20th day of January
1902 at the hour of one oclock p m tho fol
lowing described real estate to wit South H
of lot Hand north half of lot No 10 in block
No 19 original town now city of SIcCook
Dated this 20th day of December 1901
A C Ceabteee Sheriff
J E Kelley Attorney
l mF
9StLrtbSi0 V
Call on us for We Are
Cloaks Prepared to
Clothing Give You Good
Dress Goods Values in
Shoes Every
Groceries etc Department
A J Snoll wanted to attend a party but was
afraid to do so on account of pains in his
stomach which ho feared would grow worse
Ho says I was telling my troubles to a lady
friend who said Chamberlains Colic Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy will put you in con
dition for the party I bought a bottle and
take pleasure in stating that two doses cured
mo and enabled me to have a good time at tho
party Mr Snell is a resident of Summer Hill
N Y This remedy is for salo by McConnell
Berry druggists
Susan The pimples sores and blackheads are
danger signals Take Rocky Mountain youll
give a farewell reception to your troubles 35c
Ask your druggist
Foils a Deadly Attack
My wife wa3 so ill that good phsicinns were
unable to help her writes M M Austin of
Winchester Indiana but was completely cured
by Dr Kings New Life Pills They work won
ders in stomach and liver troubles Curo con
stipation sick headache 25 cents at McConnell
Rerrys drug store
In sluggish liver Herbine by its beneficial
action upon the biliary tracts renders the bile
moro fluid and brings tho liver into a sound
healthy condition thereby banishing tho sense
of drowsiness lethargy and the general feeling
of apathy which arise from disorders of the liver
Price 50 cents A McMillen
C all nri raa
We have just received a car of fancy
Greeley potatoes and although prices
have advanced will for a few days
sell at alow price j
Since adopting the cash system we have made
reductions on all of our goods where it is possi
ble Below we give a few of our many bargains
Best kerosine oil - 20c
7 bars White Russian Silver Leaf or
Diamond C soap - 25c
8 bars Sea Foam soap - 25c
Ralston Pancake Flour 10c
3 cans Gilman corn fine goods 25c
i2c can fruit - 10c
ioc can fruit - - - - 9c
Best California canned fruit 19c
White Beans new crop per lb - 5c
Yeast Foam 4c
75c wooden wash tubs only 45c
80c galvinized was tubs 70c
Axle Grease per box 5c
Try our Yale Coffee The best and
cheapest coffee in town Reduced
price of sugar cured meats and lard
We want to close out dishes and tinware and
will sell all goods so cheap that it will not pay
you to buy in Denver or Hastings
- McCook Nebraska