The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 29, 1901, Image 5

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W VfflW
No matter what you buy here in the way of
lumber satisfaction is part of the deal That
accounts for the pleased expression you see
on everybodys face who drives out of our
yard with lumber Even the dog looks satisfied-
And if the
mean satisfaction to you we can please you
We are particularly well fixed just now on shed and barn lumber
If you can use some of this you will be consulting your pocket
books best interests by getting it now
Last winter nn infant child of mine had
croup in a violent form eajs Elder John W
Bogors a- Christian Evangelist of Filloy Mo
I gave hor a few dosos of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy and in a short time all danger was past
and the child recovered This remedy not only
euros croup but when given as soon as the first
symptoms appear Avill prevent the attack It
contains no opium or other harmful substance
and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to
a baby as to an adult For salo by McConnell
fc Berry druggists
If jou have sore throat soreness across tho
back or side or your lungs feel sore or tender
or ou are threatened with diphtheria or pneu
monia apply Ballards Snow Liniment and use
Ballards Horehound Syrup A McMillon
Corning Ohio Nov 5th 1900
Pepsin Syrup Company
Monticello 111
While visiting in Taylorvillo 111 I came acros
your Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin Have used
two and one half bottles and it has done me
more good than all the medicine taken for two
years Please let me know if jou willksend mo
three or four bottles and what it will cost to
send it to Corning Perry countv Ohio and
oblige Mrs Sarah A McCeacken
Sold by A McMillen
Not a Dissenting Vote
A perfet laxative That is the unanimous ver
dict of tho people who use Dr Caldwells Syrup
Pepsin 50c and 100 sizes Sold by A McMillen
Brain Food Nonsense
We are going out of the grocery business
as we need the room for our- other lines
which we will make more attractive
than ever before r
at bedrock prices Come early and get
first choice Now is the time for you to
lay in your winter supply of canned
fruit and vegetables
Another ridiculous food fad has been branded
by the most competant authorities They havo
dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food
is needed for brain another for muscles and
still another for bonos A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the body but
it will sustain every other part Yet howover
good your food may be its nutriment is de
stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia You must
prepare for their appearance or prevent their
coming by taking regular doses of Greens
August Flower tho favorite medicine of tho
healthy millions A few doses aids digestion
stimulates tho liver to healthy action purifies
the blood and makes you feel buoyant and
vigorous You can getDrGG Greens reliablo
remedies at McConnell Berrys
Got Greens Special Almanac
To the Public
Allow me to say a few words in praiso of
Chamberlains Cough Remedy I had a very se
vory cough and cold and feared that I would
get pneumonia but after taking the second dose
of this medicine 1 felt hotter three bottles of it
cured my cold and the pains in my chest disap
peared entirely I am most respectfully yours
for health Ralph S Meyeks 61 Thirty seventh
St Wheeling W Va For salo by McConnell
Berry druggists
Id leave my happy home and cross the deep
blue sea
Rather than be without Charley and my Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
If s ihe way of the world B
H r Nobody spends money for the fun of rpading H
H Hgfl it Buyers of ready made clothing are usuauy jH
B tUEp keen as eagles after the dolfars worth and the mk
H HHEB ict of trade increase here proves intrinsic Hp
Sfl HBHSfifiB Hj
I WHT We win because we desorve to H
BS k9JT Bis type n tght emphasize low prices but we H
Iff SfH prefer to haiv you see the goods and compare
-v qualities Out Catalog contains samples of the
fSt cloth and you can take your time in the SI
B Your money back if youre not satisfied H
Sixty Years a Household Remedy
For Burns Cuts Sprains and
CAUTION Witch Hazel is not
PONDS EXTRACT Insist upon Genu
ine PONDS EXTRACT Gold only ia
scaled bottles buff wrappers
A Phystc h Te tifies
I Have taken Kodol Dj spepsia Cure and havo
never used anything in my life that did me tho
good that did says County Phsician Geo W
Scroggs of Hall county Ga Being a physician
I have prescribed it and havo found it to give
tho best results If the food jou eat remains
undigested in jour stomach it decajs thero and
poisons tho system You can prevent this by
dieting but that moans starvation Kydol Dys
pepsia Cure digests what you eat You need
suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation
The worst cases quickly cured Never fails
McConnell Borrv
Amanda Kowland is a visitor with her
daughter at Guthrie Center Iowa
W H Hartman and wife are enjoying
their Thanksgiving at Bapksville
Josh Rowland and wife were visitors
with his Grandpa Rowland Tuesday
The politicians dont seem to have as
much grip in their haDds since election
It is reported that Miss Adeline Relph
and Mr VanNortwick were married in
Denver recently
The Thanksgiving turkey is ready to
serve Prepare yourselves to do justice
to the dinner Later We did
EdLawthers was plowing Wednesday
Adeline Relph went to Denver Wed
nesday last
J H Relph was in McCook with a
hay Tuesday
W T Coleman was a business visitor
in this vicinity Tuesday
H I Peterson has been working for
John Calkins the past week
On account of not having a teacher
we have had no school for over a month
Spreads Like Wildfire
When things are the best thpy become the
best selling Abraham Hare Pleading drug
gist of Belleville O writes Electric Bitters
are the best selling bittters I have handled in 20
years You know whj Most diseases begin in
disorders of the stomach liver kidneys bowels
blood and nerves Electric Bitters tones up the
stomach regulates liver kidneys and bowels
purifies the blood strengthens the nerves hence
cures muleitudes of maladies It builds up the
entire system Puts new life and vigor into any
w eaksicklyrunddown man or woman Price 50
cents Sold by McConnell Berry druggists
R E Divine threshed cane seed one
day this week
Mr Louis of Iowa was in this town
ship Thursday
Miss Maud Coleman spent Thanks
giving with the home folks
J W Corner is putting in good licks
husking corn these fine days
Three gentlemen from Missouri were
looking over this township Thursday
M H Cole is through husking corn
He raised over four hundred bushels
this year
The neighbors to the number of about
thirty spent Thanksgiving with the fam
ily of Mr and Mrs H B Wales
Matt Droll set a trap for coyotes and
one got his foot in it and broke the
chain it was fastened by Harry and
Clarence Wales ran across it and killed
it with pitch forks
Women and Jewels
Jewels candy flowers man that is tho order
of womans preferences Jewels form a magnet
of mighty power to the average woman Even
the greatest of all jewels health is often ruined
in the strenuous efforts to make or save the
money to purchase them If a woman will risk
her health to get a coveted gem then let her
fortify herself against the insiduous consequen
ces of coughs colds and bronchial affections by
the regular use of Dr Boschees German Syrup
It will promptly arrest consumption in its early
stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial
tubes and drive the dread disease from the sj s
tem It is not a cure all but it is a certain cure
for coughs colds and all bronchial troubles
You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies
at McConnell Berry
Got Greens Special Almanac
The North Platte Valley
in Northwest Nebraska offers some won
derful good opportunities to the man or
woman with a little money to invest in
irrigated lands
Excellent irrigated land can be had
now for S12 to 15 an acre but it is plain
to those watching the development of
the North Platte valley that this low
price is just about to fade away
The farmers of this valley are now
reaping an abundant harvest Alfalfa
corn wheat and garden vegetables yield
good profits There are also good open
ings in the live stock business
If you are interested in the North
Platte Valley write for our booklet de
scribing it It is free
J Francis
G P A Burlington Route
Oinaha Neb
41 Head of Cattle
5 Head of Horses
Farm Machinery and Feed
Having disposed of my ranch live miles
west of JMcUook on main road to Cul
bertson I will sell at privato salo all the
the following described property Sale
commencing ---- -
Monday December 2 1901
and continuing until all the goods arc
aisposea 01
11 milk cows 11 2 year old heifers
and steers 13 yearlings 12 calves
3 work horses 1 colt and 1 pony
2 wagons 1 buggy corn binder
disc sulky plow harrows mower
rake seeder feed cutter 80 tons
Kafir corn cane and other feed
J H Meyer
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readers of The Tribune
wo have made arrangomonts with tho following
newspapors and periodicals whereby wo can sup
ply them in combination with The Tribune at
tho following vory low prices with
Detroit Free Prc s 1 00 1 M
Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00
Prairie Farmer 1 00 1 25
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 a5
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00 1 50
Now York Tribune 1 0J 1 25
Demorests Magazine 1 10 1 75
ToledoBIado 100 125
Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 ti
Iowa Homestead 1 X 125
Lincoln Journal 100 1 75
Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50
New York World 100 1 05
OmahaBeo 100 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 1 feO
St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75
Kansas City Star 25 115
Farm and Home 100 120
Word and Works 100 1 70
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Neb
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in
one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents
Never thought of such a
sign for a medicine did you
Veil its a good sign for
cotts Emulsion The body
as to be repaired like other
lings and Scotts Emulsion is
ie medicine that does it
These poor bodies wear out
rom worry from over work
rom disease They get thin
nd weak Some of the new
nes are not well made and
ill of the old ones are racked
rom long usage
Scotts Emulsion fixes all
dnds It does the work both
nside and out It makes soft
bones hard thin blood red
veak lungs strong hollow
places full Only the best ma
terials are used in the patching
the patches dont show
hrough the new glow of health
No one has to wait his turn
ifcu can do it yourself you
1 t
and the bottle
This picture represents
the Trade Mark of Scotts
EmuLion and is on the
w rapper of every bottle
Send for free sample
409 Ptiarl St New Voik
50c and 1 all druggists
Up Late Last Night
Then you dont feel just the best today Dr
Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is very effective for
sick headache billiousness or disordered stom
ach Sold by A McMillen
Forbnrnscnts bruises lacerations orinjuries
of any description Ballards Snow Liniment is
a sovereign remedy It never fails to do good
and so promptly that its wonderful curative
properties frequentlv create surprise Price 25
and 50 cents A McMillen
Safe Always reliable Ladies ask Druggist for
Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Refuse dangerous nubti
tutionsand imitations Buyof yonrDruggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi
monials and Relief for Iiadie In tetter
by return Slail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2100 Madison Square PHIIA PA
Mention this paper
JNo Better Values
Can be found in
than we are showing
This cut shows our No 353
Half rFitted Automobile forty
two inches long has inlaid
stitched velvet yoke front and
back One of the handsomest
productions of the season price
2250 We have them as low
as 800 for Autos
Our 27 inch length ranges
from 375 to 1500
Our assortment of Misses Coats is good
We have Ladies Capes in all grades
We have a few 1900 stylesgood values
which we are selling at half price
V fc
JL U immj jijuuj BiciMMBromaBgwwffBM bjmli 1 r mriTvFrrT Huntugnig wimfii
The Cortland
Howe Ventilator
ffRESl JRFR0rtL31UJ3Wz
Is The Peer
Of Them All
It embodies the perfect principles of Ventilation
and Circulation as illustrated in above cut in the
Only Form which has proved a Success Heats fresh
air from the outside of the house and carries out the
foul air from inside the house They are on exhibition
by and all information will be given by
S- M Coeiiran Co-