The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 29, 1901, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
No state can be said to have an idea
educational system which does not prj
vide lor the education of the industi
classes The industrial classes jiiusj
have opportunities to fit themselves fox
the greatest efficiency in their chosen
work if the state does its whole duty
toward them The last few years have
seen great progress in industrial educa
tion Strange to say the opportunities
for farmers sons and daughters to
acquire an education fitting them suc
cessfully to solve the problems of farm
life have not been provided in quite a
number of states True there are agri
cultural colleges in most of the states
but before a student can be admitted to
these colleges he must have a high
school education and quite frequently
the student losses all taste for farm life
before he is prepared to edter Un
doubtedly there should be in every state
a school of agriculture to receive as
students the sons and daughters of
farmers who have completed eight grades
in the public schools Nebraska has es
tablished such a school in connection
with her state university In this school
are taught the following subjects
Algebra breeds botany chemistry
dairying economics English entomol
ogy field crops geometry histology
horticulture physiology shop work
stock judging and veterinary practice
The school is now in session but students
are still being received and it is hoped
that those who read this paragraph may
decideto avail themselves of its advan
tages this year
Modern Surgery Turpassed
While suffering from a bad case of piles I
consulted a physician wha advised me to try a
box of De Witts Witch Hazel Salve says G F
Carter Atlanta Ga I procured a box and
was entirely cured DeWitts Witch Hazel
j Salve is a sylendid cure for piles giving relies
instantly and I heartily recommend it to all
sufferers Surgery is unnecessary to cure piles
DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case
Cuts burns bruises nnd all other wounds are
also quickly cured by it Bewear of counter
feits McConnell Berry
The case of Walter N Rogers against
the Burlington road for damages because
of the death of a valuable bull which he
was shipping over the defendants road
to McCook from the state fair grounds
was not concluded yesterday Several
interesting points of law are involved
and the suit has been contested at every
step The company seeks to escape
liability because no freight was charged
for shipping the animal one way as is
the custom in hauling exhibits to the
state fair Wednesday mornings Lin
coln Journal
When you feel that life is hardly worth the
candle take a doso of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets They will cleanse your
stomach tone up your liver and regulate your
bowels making you feel like a new man for
sale by McConnell Berry druggists
Desirable Farm for Rent
A small farm to rent one and one half
miles from town 4 room frame house
frame barn for 6 horses chicken house
and other small buildings well and
windmill Just the place for raising
chickens pigs and a few cows and to
work in town Will rent on easy terms
Inquire at S M Cochrans Cos
Will the lady who fell in n swoon last Thurs
day in front of the postoflic call at our store
She suffers from biliousness Dr Caldwells
Syrup Pepsin will surely cure her Sold by A
Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you at
County court
Tnnaa icanorl oinno niir Incf rAnnrf
fiarry Blackson and Nora E May
both of McCook i
Hugh J Hines and Clementine M
Ploussard both of McCook
George E Frey and DoraL Archibald
both of McCook
Herbert E MacKain and Myrtle L
ronger both of
vjreurtra xnueuije ui ncumu uuu
Carrie Peters of Alpena Michigan
They were united in marriage by the
county judge November 26th
Following cases filed since our last
Mrs J C Lafferty vs S H Kennedy
Snyder Brewer vs James Eooney
George L Bunger vs Nettie Horn
back appeal
Hiram C Eider vs Isabella Helen
Floyd Jones equity
It May be Expensive
ft On Sunday November 24 1901 three
young men of the age of accountability
were out hunting with their rifles and in
passing the South McCook school house
took occasion to try theirxmarksmanship
on said building and sheds Just what
action the board of education will take
in this matter is undecided but the
statutes covering like cases is as follows
Sec 109 Chapter 14 That if any per
son shall willfully or maliciously destroy
or injure to any amount less than one
hundred dollars any personal property
of any description whatsoever or any
building or other structure of any kind
owned by another person every person
so offending shall be imprisoned in the
jail of the proper county not exceeding
thirty days and shall moreover be
fined in double the amount of the dam
age of the property injured or destroyed
Sec Ill Chapter 14 If any person
shall willfully and maliciously injure or
deface any church edifice school house
dwelling house or other building its
fixtures books or appurtenances or shall
commit any nuisance therein or shall
purposely and maliciously commit any
trespass upon the enclosed grounds
attached thereto or any fixtures placed
thereon or any enclosure or side walk
about the same such person shall be
fined in any sum not exceeding one
hundred dollars
The Tribune learns that the names
of the young men are known to the
Out of town for Thanksgiving Miss
Gorby to Nelson Miss Powers to
ton Miss Nellie West to Eed Cloud
Mrs Belle Hedlund to Holdrege Miss
Andrews to Cambridge
Miss Elizabeth Thomson and Mr
Thomas will go to Holdrege to take part
in the sessions of the South Western
Nebraska Teachers Association
The Thanksgiving season was observed
in all of the rooms Wednesday by ap
propriate exercises
Thousands of men and women suffer from
piles especially women with female weakness
have this suffering to contend with in addition
to their other pains Tablers Buckeye Pile
Ointment will quickly effect a cure Price 50
cents in bottles tubes 75 cents A McMillen
The largest assortment of steel ranges
at the lowest prices quality considered
also the steel cook stove in different pat
terns at S M Cochran Cos It will
pay you to look over their goods before
Astounding Discovery
From Coopersville Mich comes word of
a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting
liquid that when used before retiring by any one
troubled with a bad cough always ensues a good
nights rest It will soon cure the cough too
writes Mrs S Himelburger for three genera
tions our family have ured Dr Kings New Dis
covery for Consumption and never found its
equal for coughs and colds Its is an
iea nic saver wnen useu tor desoorate luntr
diseases Guaranteed bottles 50 cents and 1 at
McConnell Berrys
Infant mortality is something frightful Near
ly one quarter die before they reach one year
one third before they are five and one half be
fore they are fifteen The time use of Whites
Cream Vermifuge would save a majority of these
precious lives Price 25 cts A McMillen
Dust at Sea
Great quantities of dust collect on
the decks of vessels at sea no matter
if they are swept twice or thrice a day
Most of it too is found on sailing ves
sels Tha inference is that the sails
act as dust collectors- arresting the
particles which drift in the air
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The annual report of Secretary Hitch
cock of the interior department makes a
strong presentation of the claims of irri
gation ki the west He regards the for
estry question as a good second in impor
tance as a coordinate
The United States supreme court to
day reversed the decision of the court
below in favor of the state in the Kansas
City Stock company The case involved
the validity of the state law of Kansas
giving authority to fix rates charged at
the stock yards The opinion was
handed down by Justice Brewer
GovEitNOit VanSant of Minnesota has
determined to fight the great railway
combine as represented by the Northern
Securities companies to the last ditch
He has decided to call an extra session
of the legislature for the purpose of pro
viding 100000 for the legal battle He
says that should the legislature fail to
appropriate the amount asked he wi
use his own private fortune to car
the contest
u m
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When using baking
powdeit is always econ
omy to buy the Royal
Royal makes the finest
most wholesome and de
licious food
Catholic Mass at 8 a m High
mass at 1030 a m Sunday school at
230 p m Sermon and benediction at
730 p m Eev J Daly Pastor
Episcopal Sectors subject Sunday
730 p m first Sunday in Advent
The Grand Purpose of the Eedeemers
Advent Service at 11 a m Sunday
school at 10 a m Come
E M Hardman Eector
u nday school 10
a m Preaching 11 subject The
Church as an Institute of Humanity
Y P S C E 645 Preaching at 8
subject Bife Everlasting Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 8
W J Turner Pastor
Methodist Sunday School 10 a m
Preaching 11 Subject Jesus the
Man of Sorrows Junior League 3
Epworth League 6 30 Preaching 730
Subject Gods Love for aLost World
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at
730 L M Grigsby Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 945 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m B Y
P U 715 Miss Eva Burgess leader
This will be the monthly consecration
meeting and each member of the B Y
PUis pledged to be present and respond
to his name The annual roll call of the
church occurs Wednesday evening Dec
4th All members and their families
are invited to be present Supper will
be served at 7 oclock in the church
parlor This is the first large reunion
that the church has ever held
Presiding Elder W E Hardaway of
Holdrege occupied the Methodist pulpit
Sunday evening and on Monday held
the first quarterly conference here The
church enters the new year with much
of promise
Eev Grigsby is assisting the pastor
Eev MS Satchell in a revival at Spring
Creek Good meeting People con
verted at every service
Eev Pease of Alma was a city visitor
on business Tuesday
Must Stand Trial
The grand jury in the United States
district court has returned an indict
ment against E E Dutton of Lincoln
Dutton was arrested here and his pre
liminary was held before Commissioner
Marlay He earns his livelihood by
advertising throughout the papers that
he has a manual for teaching hypnotism
which he sells at stipulated prices
Some of his advertising matter is to
the effect that he is able to give treat
ment for diseases through mental forces
The specific charge on which he was
indicted was using the mails for the pur
pose of fraud in that he offered to teach
any person applying the means of per
forming miracles for 40 and that he
collected 10 from one or more persons
for treatment which he advertised free
Circulars which he has sent out to those
believing in him are made part of the
indictment Lincoln Journal
Eoy E Dutton was brought into fed
eral court today and gave bonds in the
sum of 2000 for his appearance to
answer to the charge of using the mails
to defraud Dutton is the young man
who operated a scheme whereby he
claimed he was possessed of great hyp
notic power and offered to give instruc
tions Wednesday mornings Lincoln
Great Luck of an Editor
For two j ears all efforts to cure eczema in
the palms of my hands failed writes Editor H
N Lester of Syracuse Kans then I was
wholly cured by Bucklens Arnica Salve Its
worlds best for eruptions sores and and all
skin diseases Only 25c at McConnell fc Berrys
A thousand things by it are done far better
than most tlungs do one We refer to Bocky
Mountain Tea make by Madison Medicine Co
35c Ask your druggist
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
E W Groves signature is on each box 25c
Notice to Subscribers
As fast as time and opportunity will
permit the publisher will send out notices
to the subscribers of The Tribune noti
fying them of their standing on the sub
scription book of the paper up to the
first of January 1902 It will be ex
pected that all who can will pay up
to that date We will be mindful of
the local conditions and will make no
effort to distress subscribers at home
It is however the purpose to collect
all subscriptions out of the state up to
that date and every proper effort will be
taken to accomplish that end
- The Publisher
When First Adopted liy the Pnlillo
Tluiy Seem io Have Jleeii Lttlixecl
Solely no Stm Protectore Once nn
Attribute of DlRiilty
In the early Christian churches a
large umbrella usually hung the
priest and it is said that Woni this
custom it became one of the attributes
of cardinals appointed from basilican
churches For years the doges of
Venice carried umbrellas Gf state and
in 12SS Tope Alexander III declared
that these should be surmounted by
golden statuettes of the annunciation
Michael Morosini was the first Vene
tian layman to carry an umbrella
which consisted of a small flat square
of green stuff over which was a cop
per spiral Soon after the umbrella
was adopted by fashionable Venetian
dames According to Coryats Crudi
ties Kill the Italian umbrella was
a small canopy and was made cf leath
er extended by a series of vooden
hoops He says umbrellas were used
by horsemen who resting the handles
en the thigh as they rode bore them
so that they should minister shadow
unto them for shelter against the
scorching sun
In the Harleian manuscripts now in
the British museum there is in manu
script No G03 a crude illustration
showing the figure of a yoeman hold-
ing an umbrella over his lord which
leads me to infer that umbrellas wero
known in England even in the early
Anglo Saxon period
Beck as quoted in the Drapers Dic
tionary asserts that at the time that
Stephen usurped the crown of England
twelfth century umbrellas were in
common use among the English The
first mention of the umbrella in Eng
lish literature is in Florios World of
Wonders 1398 where it is described
as a kind of round fan or shadowing
that they use to ride with in summer
in Italy a little shade
In IGoG an umbrella was exhibited in
the Museum Tradescantianum or
Collection of Rarities Preserved at
South Lambeth Near London by John
Tradescant which was known as
one of the wonders of the ark
In the church of Cartmell in Lanca
shire England there was preserved
until a few years ago an umbrella said
to be over 300 years old which was
used chiefly to protect the host
References to the umbrella are to be
found also in Blounts Glossographia
1G74 and rhillips New Worlde of
Words 1G7S In the first the refer
ence reads Umbrello a fashion of
round and broad fans wherewith the
Indians and from them our great ones
preserve themselves from the heat of
the sun and hence any little shadow
fan or other thing wherewith the wom
en guard their faces from the sun
The second runs Umbrello a screen
against the suns heat used chiefly by
the Spaniards among whom it is known
by the name quitasole
The imaginative Dean Swift in the
Tale of a Tub 1G9G depicts Jack an
ever resourceful type making use of a
parchment copy of his fathers will as
a nightcap when he went to bed and as
an umbrella in rainy weather Did
the worthy Hanway take his cue from
this or from Kersey according to whom
the umbrella was a broad fan or
screen commonly used by women to
shelter them from rain The last ref
erence made in 1709 is the first men
tion of it as a protector from the rain
Later Bailey who in his dictionary
1737 called it a parasol defined it as
a sort of small canopy to keep off the
Small light umbrellas came into
fashion among the ladies of the French
court in 1075 and these were carried
by attendants Richelet tells us that
they were made of oilcloth or leather
and had ribs of whalebone A century
later they found favor with the men
who carried red umbrellas with edges
fringed with gold lace
The precise date when Jonas Han
way who died in 1786 introduced the
umbrella into England is not recorded
in any of the encyclopedias I have at
hand but they all state that he was
popularly known as its introducer
With the Dutch as with the Indian
grandees the umbrella was first an at
tribute of dignity and well it might
be for the prices paid for them at The
Hague in IGoO ranged from 73 to 120
each The Dutch colonists who settlod
at the Cape of Good Hope were not
slow to insist on preserving the dignity
of the umbrella for Ryk van Tulbagh
governor of Cape Colony in 1732 en
acted that No one less in rank than
a junior merchant or those among the
citizens of equal rank and the wives
and daughters only of those who are or
have been members of any council
shall venture to use umbrellas and
those who are less in rank than mer
chants shall not enter the castle in fine
weather with an open umbrella
Frank H Vizetelly in New York
A Xoiiprolfcrs Opinion of Golf
Imagine a great fat creature who
ought to wear a turban and a long
black robe to hide his grossness whack
ing a little white ball for miles and
miles with a perfect surgery of instru
ments whacking it either with a baby
ish solemnity or a childish rage as
luck may have decided and inciden
tally training an innocent eyed little
boy to swear and be a tip hunting
loafer Thats golf H T W Wells
in Pearsons Magazine
To the Best of Her Knowledge
A lady was looking for her husband
and inquired anxiously of a housemaid
Do you happen to know anything of
your masters whereabouts
Im not sure mum replied the
careful domestic but I think theyre
in the wash Pathfinder
tt ni
a riffs
7jfl fc
Any reason why a shopper should
doubt the evidence of his or her
senses There isnt any such reason
and thats why we ask you to come
and see for yourselves how well this
store is prepared to give you special
service and unequaled merchandise
at a great saving It is but a
To buy where you can secure the best
and most good for the least money
Hence we urge you to try us on any
thing in the line of
For we are here to sell sroods and
please and satisfy our customers in
every particular especially in highness
of quality and lowness of price
Produce just as good as cash
The Childrens Friend
Youll have a cold this winter Maybe jou
have one now Your children will MiiTor too
For coughs croup bronchitis grip and other
winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure
never fails Acts promptly It is very pleasant
to the taste and perfectly harmless C B
George Winchester Ky writes Our little girl
was attacked witli croup late one night and was
so hoarse she could hardly speak We gave her
a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure It re
lieved her immediately and she went to sleep
When she awoke next morning she had no signs
of hoarsness or croup McConnell Berry
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
euro biliousness constipation and headache
They are easy to take and pleasant in effect
For sale by McConnell Berry druggists
Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail
i the little daughter of Mr J X Powell iumoea
on an inverted rake mado of ten penny nails
and thrust one nail entirely through her foot
and a second one half way through Chamber
lains Pain Balm was promptly applied and five
minutes later the pain had disappeared and no
more suffering was experienced In three days
the child was wearing her shoe as usual with
absolutely no discomfort Mr Powell is a well
known merchant of Fork land Va Pain Balm
is an antiseptic and heals such wounds without
maturation and in one third of the time required
by the usual treatment For sale by McConnell
fc Berry druggist
Brings attractiveness to listless unloveable
girls making them happy marriageable women
Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35c
Ask your druggist
It Stands
That a store making a specialty of
dealing in shoes can carry a better
and more varied stock than one
only making a side line of the
business They buy better grades
at less prices and give the benefit
of both price and knowledge to
their customers
We have just received a line of the
latest and newest styles in Ladies
welt soles Hens double deckers
and Misses heavy soles
Tfie JVJodef
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