The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 29, 1901, Image 2
s I F T i mmTvnmMivtdvfA MCOOK TEIBUNE F M KIMBCELI Pabllaher MoCOOK w NEBRASKA I BRIEF TEIEGRAIHS I The general missionary committee of the Methodist Episcopal church se lected Albany N Y for the place of next meeting Minister Conger will soon be the only foreign minister in Pekin -who -passed through the siege and-will-then become the doyen of the diplomatic corps William Hoeppner whose extra dition was requested by the United States government because of charges of defalcation and forgery against him sailed from Buenos Ayres Surgeon General Wyman of the marine hospital service received a cablo gram from Passed Assistant Surgeon Thomas at Liverpool say ing that city was officially declared free from the plague Congress will remove the duty on raw sugar within a year and the re fined product will sell at 3 cents a pound said W A Havemeyer Chi cago representative of the American Sugar Refining company The Buena Vista county grand jury sitting at Storm Lake Iowa indicted the two Greenville bank robbers for murder in the second degree During a fight with citizens the robbers shot and killed John Sundblad In spite of persistent and apparent ly well founded denials that there is any imminent danger of the popes de cease the air is full of speculation and apprehension indicating that his end is not considered far off President Roosevelt has issued an order amending the civil service reg ulations so as to return to the civil service a number of -civilian places in the war department excepted by executive order on May 29 1899 By a close vote the executive com mittee of the Confederate Union asso ciation decided to request that the dates of the United Confederate Vet erans union in Dallas Texas be changed from April 2 9and 30 and JUly 1 and 2 1902 to April 22 23 24 and 25 1902 It is reported that the Rogers Lo comotive Works at Paterson N J recently purchased by a syndicate will be enlarged There is said to be a scarcity of heavy draught locomo tives throughout the country and a constant demand for them from all the great freight lines Dr R S Linn of Boiroit who went to China as a surgeon in the volunteer army has sent home several cases of looted goods Among other things is a sacred yellow robs which Ste Linn thinks is possibly the only one sent to America He took it from the shoul der of a god in the sacred temple of Pekin The annual report of the commis sioner of internal revenue shows that the total receipts for the year ended June 30 1901 were 30G871669 or 11555561 in excess of the estimates about the same amount in excess of the receipts for the year ended Juno 30 1900 and 533000000 in excess of the receipts for 1899 Senator Hanna vice president of the McKinley Monument association said that he did cot approve the plan to use the surplus of 8000 in tfto hands of the Grand Army people to erect s bronze statue to McKinley in Cleveland He thinks these local monuments will detract from tho funds necessary for the national mon ument at Canton The United States supreme court granted leave to South Dakota to file its bill in the proceedings against the state of North Carolina to recover on bends of the Western Railroad company guaranteed by North Caro lina The Constantinople correspondent of the London Times and the New York Times says the British ambas sador to the porte the Rt Hon Sir Nicholas R OConor is energetically pressing the outstanding British claims Lizzie Allie wife of an employe of the steel -works and William White one of the water pipe foundrymen both colored were shot and killed at Pueblo Col by Robert Hicks a negro barber porter Jealpusy was the cause Patrick Powers one of the best known cut stone contractors in the United States died at St Joseph Mo Army officials wholly discredit the published story of the reported con spiracy to secure the independence cf Alaska Most of tne state of New York is now snow covered The German cruiser Falke and the training ship Stein have arrived at La Guayra -while the cruiser Veneta and the training ship Moltkeare is also in Venezuela waters The latest British war rumor is that Lord Roberts will resign Three Deweys are now on the navy Jists the admiral his cousin Lieut Theodore G Dewey and- Rupert C Dewey second lieutenant in the ma rine corps IER IffiS GUI AT ill NEED Secretary Hitchcock Declares Irrigation of Paramount Importance HE RECOMMENDS EARLY ACTION Conservation of Water Snpply and Recla mation of Arid Ianl8 Are the Vital Want of tho United States Oar Other Interests WASHINGTON Nov 25 The an nual report of Secretary Ethan Allen Hitchcock of the Interior department aws made public today It endorses the conclusions submitted by Commis sioner of Indian Affairs Jones regard ing the present Indian educational sys tem The secretary says The management of the Indian ser vice in the field and in the schools while satisfactory under existing con ditions is not deemed to be the best for the welfare of the Indians and different methods will hereafter be adopted This policy as hereinafter indicated contemplates requiring the working by Indian allottees able to do so of a fair portion of lands allotted them and the contributing by their industry to their own support of all not entirely disqualified by actual disabil ity physical or otherwise the discon tinuance of the issue of rations to those known and determined to be able to support themselves and the extension to the latter of every pos sible aid for their well being and en couragement the inauguration of in dustrial training in all schools where not now established so that such In dians of both sexes may be taught the trades or industries adapted to their circumstances The Income of the various In dian tribes from all sources during the year aggregated 5338880 a falling off of 260952 mostly due to the ex piration of treaty obligations In the future full leasing privileges will be confined to those whose disability or inability actually disqualifies them from working more than a small part of their allotments those conditions to be clearly shown all other allottees to be required to work at least forty acres of their allotment On the Question of reclamation of the arid region the secretary says The investigations which have been carried on demonstrate that there is no one question now before the peo ple of the United States of greater im portance than the conservation of the water supply and the reclamation of the arid lands of the west and their settlement by men who will actually build homes and create communities It is recommenced that construction at once be begun as follows The San Carlos storage reservoir re claiming 100000 acres or more of pub lic lana at an estimated cost of 1 040000 reservoirs in the Sierra Ne vada in California for reclaiming des ert lands in Nevada the division of St Mary river into tne headwaters of Milk river in Montana An appropri ation of 2o0000 is asked to carry on the hydrographic work of the peolog ical survey The report says that the act of June 3 1887 known as the timber and stone act if not repealed or radically amend ed will result ultimately in the com plete destruction of the timber on the unappropriated and unreserved public lands The time has arrived accord ing to the secretary when reservoirs must be built and managed as a part of a national system of water conser vation They cannot be successful it maintained however without a thor ough system of forest protection The introduction of practical forestry on the forest reserves has now begun The general policy as announced In an outline memorandum to the com missioner of the land office is that ad ditional forest reserves with bounda ries drawn to liberate the small amount of script should be created during this winter the good will of residents in the reserves should be gained forest fires guarded against and the resources of the reserves should be made available for the con servative use of the people Mrs Dole Critically 111 NEW YORK Nov 25 The body of little Emmeline Dale whose death in the receiving vault of a cemetery It will remain there until County Phy sician Converse issues a permit for its burial This will not take place before the chemical anl microscopic examination of the stomach has been completed by Dr Schultz of Cornell college and Dr E E Smith of New York e Distilling- Ship Aground MANILA Nov 25 The United States distilling ship Iris has been aground on a reef near Uilo for three days past The United States cruiser New York and the gunboat Yorktown have gone to her assistance Manilla Steamer Iot MANILA Nov 25 The local steamer Alerta with 200 passengers including some discharged American soldiers from Olongapo Subig bay to Manila is believed to have been lost WWWnfcipwMrMB Fnpii iin - -mi f I J JJiglj gg TROOPS CAPTURE A FORT Captain Law ton -Succeeds In Taking a Stronghold on a Clin MANILA P I Nov 25 Captain Edward P Lawtons company of the Nineteenth infantry has attacked and captured an Jnsurgent fort on Bohol Island south of Cebuvin the Vizayan group This fort -was surrounded on all sides by a precipice and the only en trance to the higher ground was guarded by a stockade with a line of entrenchments behind it Captain Lawton sent Sergeant McMahon and twenty men to climb the precipice and attack the fort in the rear Sergeant McMahons party accomplished their task after three hours climbing through the thick undergrowth of brush and vines that covered the al most perpendicular cliff They took the enemy by surprise and drove them from the fort As the insurgents escaped they had to pass the re mainder of Captain Lawtons company at a distance of 150 yards There the enemy suffered terrible losses The insurgents defended themselves with both cannon and rifles The can non were captured the smaller ones were removed while the larger ones were buried Captain Lawton in his regular report makes special mention for bravery of Sergeants List and Mc Mahon MORTON ON THE GROUT BILL Nehraskan is to Discuss This Measure Before Iilve Stock Congress CHICAGO Nov 25 The committee in charge of the arrangements for the fifth annual convention pf the Na tional Live Stock association which convenes in a four days session here December 3 makes public the pro gram Secretary Wilson will make an address and take part in the dis cussions Dr Salmon of the bureau of animal industry will also have a prominent part in the program 6Hon L G Powers chief statistican of the census office will be present and an nounce for the first time the result of the live stock census in 1900 Hon C A Prouty of the Interstate Com merce commission will talk on amend ments to the interstate commerce law The Grout bill will be discussed by Hon J Sterling Moiton of Nebraska The program provides for the discus sion of a number of important meas ures which the association may advo vate before congress TO f 0RM CENTRAL UNIONS Mew Organization Contemplated by Fed erated Unions NEW YORK Nov 25 It was an nounced at a recent meeting of the Federated union that a new body of central unions in the building trades has been formed which will take the place of the board of walking dele gates and the Building Trades coun cil The new central body will rep resent a membership of 65000 in the building trades It will have all of the building trades unions among its affiliated trades unions in its organi zation and it is said strikes will not be ordered until every honorable means of settlement has been ex hausted A motion was carried to call on all unions in the new body to affil iate themselves with the Central Fed erated union PARK ON THE BATTLtElELD Government Has Purchased Land East of Sautiaso SANTIAGO DE CUBA Nov 25 During his recent visit here General Wood bought for the government the principal portion of the San Juan bat tlefield including San Juan Hill the site of the block house and the bloody bend The track comprises 200 acres and cost 15000 It will be considered a United States reservation and the government intends to lay out a beau tiful park on the old battlefield Ivcadlng Citizens Indicted MODENA Utah Nov 25 The grand jury of Lincoln Nev which convened at Poloche last Thursday has returned indictments against sev enteen of the leading citizens of Fay Nev who it is alleged participated in the stringing up of George Ellis colored in an effort to make him con- caused the arrest of her mother on a J fess to numerous thefts that had charge of murder was today placed en place in that vicinity during the last few weeks All of the men in dieted are now in jail with the ex ception of Superintendent Gayford oi the Horseshoe Mining company Post master DeFries and H H Cooper whe were released on bonds The trial jury has already been summoned and the case will come up before District Judge Talbot tomorrow Crowley to Try Elsewhere CHICAGO Nov 25 By agreement of attorneys the hearing of the j tion for injunction to restrain Father Jerexpiah Crowley from entering the cathedral of the Holy Name or from worshipping there was continued by Judge Tuley until December 2 Fathei Crowley set up vigorous claim that nc court could deprive him of divine wor ship and desired time in which to prepare a reply Upon promises ha was allowed continuance frifwrsss WYM0RE WIFE SUES SALOONS Mm Jasper By era Alleges they Have Wrecked Her Husband BEATRICE Neb Nov 25 What promises to be one of the most sensa tional damage suits ever tried in Gage county was filed in the district court here by Mrs Jessie Byers of Wymore The suit is for 10000 and Is brought against John Pisar and Messrs Reeves Boyle Doeckl Swee nie Grimnyer and Noyes Woodruff saloonkeepers at Wymore and their bondsmen In her petition Mrs By ers who also acts in behalf of her minor child Margaret charges that her husband Jasper Byers has become a physical and mental wreck from drinking intoxicating liquor at the es tablishments of the above named de fendants during a period covering the last two years and which haB made him unfit to render his family the support required of him as a husband and father Tho petition also alleges that prior to the time he became a frequenter of saloons he was a good kind and loving husband of irre proachable character and provided for his family in ample manner Mrs Byers is a respected woman Mr Byers is an old resident of this coun ty and has held many positions of trust all of which he has discharged satisfactorily LEVIED ON HERD Of CATTLE Six Hundred Fat Bovines Seized for a Debt OMAHA Nov 25 Deputy United States Marshal Moore is in Holt coun ty where he has levied upon 690 head of fat cattle in a suit brought by the Omaha Cattle company against John H Dierks He telegraphs that he is loading the cattle and will ship them to Omaha In a petition filed in the federal pourt the plaintiff alleges that in Oc totber 1899 the defendants purchased a large herd of cattle from Becker Degan of South Omaha In order that the defendants might make the pur chase the plaintiff alleges that it loaned the defendants something like 60000 taking a chattel mortgage as security It is claimed that the condi tions of the mortgage have been vio lated hence the suit and the taking possession of the cattle Carves Bis Old Nelchbor ALMA Neb Nov 25 Riley Fimple and John Wing neighbors living near Woodruff Kan just across the state line from this place attempted to settle old scores in a primitive way Wing who was the heavier cf the two succeeded in knocking Fimple down across the barbed wire fence when Fimple in order to extricate himself therefrom used his pocket knife on Wing inflicting several se vere and dangerous wounds Publish Bismarcks ThoujrhtF BERLIN Nov 25 Two additional volumes of Prince Bismarcks Thoughts and Reminiscences are soon to be published The first vol ume will deal with Emperor William I and Bismarck while the second will include extracts from Bismarcks correspondence with princes and statesmen Attempted Child Stealing MCOOK Nov 25 Harry White a painter who formerly worked here but of late has been in Colorado was arrested in Indianola just as he was getting on the train with his little daughter charged with attempting child stealing Safe Iiock Ptops 15 Hi in ess FREMONT Neb Nov 25 A por tion of Dodge countys official busi ness was suspended for a time while efforts were being made to open the combination lock on County Clerk Murrells vault The lock was finally forced Farmers Holding Corn PAXTON Nov 25 On account of the scarcity some farmers here are refusing 50 cents a bushel for their corn Hay is quite plentiful and the shipping price so low that baling has almost entirely ceased Kscapes Death in Threher BEAVER CITY Neb Nov 25 Harvey Miggard fell upon the rapidly revolving cylinder of a threshing ma chine and anrrowly escaped death One arm was torn to shreds and he suffered terribly Hruek Killed on the Tracks KEARNEY Neb Nov 25 L Brucka sectionhand on the Union Pacific was instantly killed near the station at Watsons ranch west of the city Rebuilding Tire Swept District - BUTTE Neb Nov 25 One hun dred carpenters and laborers are busy building up the burnt district of Butte Substantial buildings are tak ing the plate of the dilapidated ones that burned The grade on the At kinson Northern is completed sis miles from the river and twelve miles from Butter The town is booming Lots on Main street are selling al from fifty to twenty dollars per front foot - -v TimrZ - THIRD NEBRASKA REGIMENT Adjutant Colby and Others Approve the 1lans LINCOLN Neb Nov 23 Adjutant General Colby and other military au thorities of the state are contem plating the organization of a third regiment of Nebraska National guard While the plan is yet in embryo it has received the endorsement of sev eral of tho highest officers of the guard and the general opinion of most of them is that it will soon be put into successful operation Under the new organization Omaha would bo given one battalion The metropolis now has three companies of militia but two of them are at tached to different regimentn and the third is an independent organiza tion It is proposed to group the three companies together in one reg iment and one battalion Thi3 reor ganization would give Omaha a major and it is not unlikely that the man chosen for the position will be Cap tain Eli Hodgins of Company G Sec ond regiment He ranks second among the captains of the suard Adjutant General Colby and Briga dier General Barry were in consulta tion and it is understood that they were considering the plans for reor ganization General Barry is quoted as having said that the battalion or ganization for Omaha at least would be effected GIVE EVERYBODY A CHANCE McKinley Monument Auxiliary Adopts a Method of Raising Money OMAHA Neb Nov 23 Evry teacher editor and postmaster in Ne braska will be asked to receive sub scriptions for the McKinley memo rial fund At their meeting here members of the Nebraska branch of the McKinley Memorial association decided to raise Nebraskas contribu tion to the monument fund by means of a popular subscription The money contributed by Nebras kans will be used in erecting monu ments to the late president both in Canton and Washington It is the purpose of the national association to erect a suitable memorial to his mem ory in Canton first and to use what money remains in the erection of a McKinley monument in Washington General Charles F Manderson pres ident of the Nebraska branch pre sided at the meeting The Nebraska plan for raising money will be made known to the public by means of cir culars which will be sent into all parts of the state E Rosewater sec retary of the Nebraska branch will mail these circulars to all the post masters teachers and editors in the state and an effort will be made to call the memorial movement to the attention of every person in the state ONE HUNDRED LIVES LOST Many Fatalities Ivnown to Have Resulted From Mine Disaster TELLURIDE Colo Nov 22 What is likely to prove the most disastrous accident that has ever occurred in a metallic mine in Colorado resulted to day from a fire which burned the buildings at the mouth of the Bullion tunnel through which the Smuggler Union is worked and which filled the mine with deadly gas and smoke It is impossible to give even an approxi mate estimate of the loss of life but it is believed that it will reach nearly if not Quite 100 Twenty two are known to have perished their bodies having been recovered Nebraska Art Association LINCOLN Neb Nov 23 The eighth annual exhibition of the Ne braska Art association will be held at the library December 26 to January 16 inclusive The pictures have been selected by Miss Florence Levy who was conected with the art department of the Pan American exposition Ex hibits will be confined to American artists Stte Teachers Convention LINCOLN Neb Nov 23 State Superintendent Fowler has begun the distribution of programs for the forthcoming annual meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers association which meets in this city the last days of December The officers of the association expect a larger attendance than last year Stockmen Organize THEDFORD Neb Nov 23 The stockmen of this county met at the court house here and organized a Stockmens Protective and Breeders association and have determined to pave a rocky way for the rustler in the future J H Edmisten was elec ted chairman and E D Roberts sec retary Claims of the State Fair LINCOLN Neb Nov 23 The board of managers of the State Board of Agriculture met and allowed sev eral claims arising from the recent state fair No definite figures havo been reported but it is believed by the board that the total expense of the fair will not exceed the available funds E L Vance of Pawnee City was elected delegate to the conven tion of the American Association of c Tho Shah Is a PimpuhottMV j Amateur photography is a tho rfhah of Persia and he has beoonw quite skillful in the use of the camera Ho baa a positive mania for ielng taken in every conceivable atUtude and dress and has even been photo graphed in bed Electricity for Steam Koads The Swedish government has under consideration tho substitution of elec tricity for steam on all the Swedish railraods the abundance of water power in the country not only roaking tho project feasible but folding out promise of a great saving For a flying enemy makes a silver bridge TIIE BEST UESUITS IN- STAKCHING can bo obtained only by using Deflance Starch besides pttinfr i oz more lor same money no cooking required Some mens minds are with useless memories cumbered ARE YOUR CIOT1IES FADED Use Red Cross Boll Blue and make then whito again Largo 2 oz packaged cents It avails little the unfortunate to be brave Mrs 1VinloW8 soothing1 Syrnp TorctaHdrea teottnc often tho gams nluslr flammatlos allay pamcurea wlndcoltc JBcaDOiue Cupid makes the love matches and cupidity is responsible for the other brands THOSE WIIO IIAVE TRIED IT will use no other Deflance Cold Water Starch has no equal in Quantity or Qual ity 16 oz for 10 cents Other brands contain only 12 oz The profundity of some shows in their ignorance people IdonotbelleYoPlsosCure for Consumption has an equal for coughs end colds John B Boyeh Trinity Springs Ind Fob 15 1800 Chronic kickers give the world manjr an upward boost WHY IT IS THE BEST Is because made by an entirely different process Deiiunce Starch Is unliko any other better and one third more for 10 cents A Womans prematurely gray hair is often the result of marrying a man to reform him Stops tho Cough and Works Oir the Cold Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets Price 25c Wise is the weather prophet who predicts both ways 10 to lO or a Change or Katie- To purchasers of starch Heretofore they have been paying 10 cents for 13 ounces of even much inferior goods to that turned out in Nebraska and known as Defiance starch Now how ever the up-to-date housewife who has an eye to money saving insists that her grocer shall give her Defiance It costs less and goes farther than any other starch made At your grocers Made by Magnetic Starch Co Omaha Neb When a friend asketb there is no tomorrow He who sows brambles must not go barefoot aiaaiii33iiiaiBiiBiMiBim9iiBiNiiiNiiiaiiia3ii9 e a WE HAVE HEARD OF 3T BEFORE There is no necessity for us to suffer psin and endure useless aecny There is a remedy for all aches and pains for Rheumatism Gcut Lumbago NeUralsia Sciatica Pleurisy Sore ness Stiffness Headache Backache Pains In the Limbs and Pains In the Feet that remedy is It never fails It acts like magic Instantaneous relief from pain always follows It has cured thousands cf cases which had been given up as incurable One trial vill convince any sufferer that St Jacobs Oil pnx onIalewI EVERYWH GET WET REr THE ORIGINAL SUCKE Imkm sSrTraited VaierprooL I aflord Trotectio compllte SP1 I saddle iae exnS to55 JSJS jufunugaaryseatrorriuer Siiirestrtt i Into a wulklnscoat ril ff converted 1 rantea waterproof Ixofc r JS5 VTOr IfycurdcalertioMthaveWo siav neasd vrito fcr cstaibgue H ttWSRaS0H Sola Bin East Cambntfnc Mae msi BtGmmtummJ e 2 S S1 9 5 S 9 X S 5 a a s X S 5 Conquers Pain 1 Price 25c and 50c SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN MEDICISE iamiiiiiHiMiMiMieiniMitimieiiiitiHiMiiaiiiMIHIat BSKEPMrKWW SIT WEATMEP CATAinmiPs pdpb t 1 AJT0WERC0d03TQNmvS AND awyrs VNIVERSALISM Fairs and Exposition in Chicago hXttiKuZJtt 1 eODsricr IJXl t VUCS r In A Wt i fl X a t ftr r ytf tTC vA t - -