The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 22, 1901, Image 2
IM if T llVOOK TRIBUNE r M KIMMELL Publisher MoCOOK NEBRASKA I BRIEF TELEGRAMS Fifty Indians on the San Carlos reservation went to work under the supervision of the agency farmer on the federal roads Partial returns from every county in Alabama indicate that the new consti tution has been ratified by nearly thir ty thousand votes The Nlcaraguan government raised and formally saluted the British flag in compliment to the birthday anni versary of King Edward VII A plan has been introduced to form an order of nurses in this country in memory of McKinley like the Victoria Order of Nurses in England j Emil Japp the 2-year-old son of Will Japp a farmer living near Blair Neb died of suffocation caused by a bee flying down his throat At Cassopolis Mich the Grand Trunk station cash drawer was re lieved of 1700 by robbers who held the agent at the point of a revolver Owners of asphalt minea at Ravia I T nave received an order from Ger many for 10000 tons of asphalt de livered at Galveston Tex for ex port Professor Henry M Howe of the school of mines of Columbia univer sity has been elected an honorary member of the Russian Technical so ciety As a result of a fire in Thomas county West Virginia 200 families are homeless Sixty two buildings were destroyed including the postofflce and several stores The members of the American In stitute of Mining and Engineers were received by President Diaz at Chap ultepec Ambassador Clayton made the presentation J For fraudulent use of the mails in the conduct of a matrimonial bureau Charles L Miller and MrsN C Col lins of Kansas City were sentenced to a year and one day in prison The survey for the extension cf the Blackwell Enid Southwestern rail way has been completed from Black well Okl to Coffeyville Kan This line will be owned by the Frisco The municipal elections at Barce lona Spain were attended by blood shed and expitement Revolver shots were exchanged and one person was killed and forty others were wounded Uncle Eben Lancaster is the old est voter in Maine He has lived un der every president except Washing ton He cast his first vote for James Monroe and has voted for every pres ident since Department Commander Martin Nor ton of the Kansas G A R has started a movement to raise a fund to be used in erecting a monument to the mem ory of Mother Bickerdyke the famous old army nurse Several delegates who attended the recent Protestant Episcopal convention in San Francisco have publicly crit icized the lavish manner in which J Pierpont Morgan entertained his brother delegates there Near Marionville Mo Mrs George Justice locked her two small chil dren in the house and went a consid erable distance for water When she returned the house was in flames The children were cremated It is now remembered that in De cember 1898 the president of the United States and the governor of Alabama were entertained socially atj Tuskegee Ala by Mr and Mrs Book er T Washington The New Orleans Picayune said at the time No white hosts or hostesses could have been more courteous in attending to and more thoughtful in forestalling every want of their guests than were these refined and educated Africans Judge Moore of the Eighth judicial district South Dakota has granted a divorce to Mrs Sophie Harrison East man a sister of Mayor Harrison of Chicago from Barrett Eastman a well known journalist Work will soon be resumed on the construction of the largest gun in the world at the United States arsenal at Watervelt It is a breech loader antf the mechanism will be so adjusted that a child can operat and fire it It will carry a projectile twenty om miles Navy department financiers say tho cost of investigating Captain Tilleys jag at Samoa will not exceed s25000 The Nicaraguan presidential elec tion has passed off peacefully Gen eral Santas Zelaya has been re elected president by a large vote The report of sixty cases of small pox in Long Pine Neb is a prevarica tion pure and simple President Zelaya of Nicaragua has purchased from Germany the special service vessel Arminus which will be used as a cruiser Emperor William has acceded to the oft repeated request of Count Paul von Hatzfeldt Wildenburg the German ambassador to Great Britain that he be allowed to retire from the diplo matic service on the ground of ill isaltiu IHT TEEN IN AM Izizr czts ia Samar Prefer to Live to Tight Another Day SKTEEN BGL0MEN ARE LEFT DEAD JClnth Infantry SaJTera Loss of Tiro Killed v nnd One Hart Hartmaus xnents Are Given Praise Kout of Four Hundred Rebels in Tits MANILA Nov 18 Company E of the Ninth infantry under Captain F H Shoeffel was attacked by fifty bolomen and several insurgents arm ed with rifles at a point six miles from Tarangan in the island of Sa mar The insurgents tried to rush the Americans but failing to accom plish their purpose they quickly broke and scattered The men of the Ninth lost a corporal and a scout killed and one private was wounded Sixteen of the bolomen were killed while the riflemen escaped Ten Hotchkiss rapid fire guns will be sent to the southern islands for operations in the mountains Capt Herman Hall of the Twenty first in fantry has been scouting for several days in Batangas province He had four separate engagements with the Insurgents there Judging from the firing on these occasions Captain Hall estimates the force of each -band of the rebels at from thirty to fifty They made no attempt to charge Captain Halls party Captain Halls scout resulted in the capture of one insurgent offi cer and 50000 pounds of rice General Sumner commander of the district of southen Luzon highly praises Captain Hartman and his troop of the First cavalry who last Wednesday morning attacked 400 in surgents entrenched in the rifle pits at Buan Batangas province and routed them General Sumner says the blow then administered by Cap tain Hartman is themost severe the insurgents have suffered since he General Sumner assumed command of his district Owing to the fact that the United States transports Sheriuan Waldron and Hancock all met with accidents in the inland seas of Japan and the returning party of visiting congress men is consequently now delayed in the latter country the transport Thomas which arrived at Manila November 12 will be immediately dispatched to Japan General Chaffee opposes United States transports in future passing through the inland seas The Filipino priest Deposy has been sentenced by court martial to the penalty of death for the murder of certain of his countrymen who favored the Americans Out of re spect however to the condemned mans calling and the religious body to which he belonged and most un worthily represented General Chaffee has commuted his sentence to twenty years imprisonment General Chaffee desires it to be un derstood that the leniency exercised in the case cannot be taken as a Tjreoadent and no person in the islands can be permitted to plead his office however sacred and exalted as a protection against crime No Credence for the Story SEATTLE Wash Nov 18 No credence is given here to the story of the alleged discovery at Skagway Alaska of a conspiracy to overrun the Canadian government in Alaska United States Marshal Shoupe who is credited with having come here to communicate with the United States government regarding the mat ter is said to have come only for the purpose of bringing some United States prisoners who had been sen tenced to terms in the penitentiary at McNeills island He returned north yesterday Mother of Senator Teller Bead CHICAGO 111 Nov 18 Mrs Char lotte M Teller mother of United States Senator of Colorado died at her home in Morrison 111 tonight Mrs Teller was 93 years of age but was possessed of her faculties until the hour of her death She belonged to the Chapin family of Massachusetts Earthquake in New Zealand WELLINGTON N Z Nov 18 An earthquake in Cantoobury district has devastated the township of Cheviot Many people have been injured The best way to make both ends meet is to pursue a straight career Itloodshed Around Kegrout CONSTANTINOPLE Nov 18 Con flicts resulting in much bloodshed are reported between Mussulmans and Christians at Beyrout Similar re ports have been received from Soutari and Albania Succeeds Hallt Rufat Pasha CONSTANTINOPLE Nov 18 Said Pasha former grand vizier has been appointed grand vizier in succession to the late Halil Rifat Pasha 4 - c j SfMV iv w MANY HANDS TAKE CENSUS Increased Force Needed to Have Reports Bendy on Time WASHINGTON Nov 18 The an nual report of Hon W R Merriam director of the censuBi was made pub lic Saturday by the secretary of the Interior to whom it is addressed Speaking of the prospect of meeting the legal requirements for the comple tion of the four principal reports by July 1 1902 Mr Merriam says The work of tabulating the returns and results of the field work of the enumerators and special agents of the twelfth census has progressed with reasonable celerity The law provides that the four principal reports shall bo placed in the hands of the public by July 1 1902 and this requirement has rendered it absolutely necessary i to maintain a clerical force adequate to complete the work within the pre scribed period The statisticians made estimates of the time needed to finish the particular branch assigned to each of them ALL NATIONS ASKED TO COME Rules for Exhibitors nt St I onio Exp sitlon Will Soon Be Issued ST LOUIS Mo Nov 18 Rules and regulations which will govern exhibi tions and concessionaires at the St Louis exposition have been taken ur in detail and discussed by the execu tive committee of the company A majority of the rules have been agreed upon and the remainder will be ap proved within the next two weeks Ase soon as the entire list is approved several hundred thousand copies will be printed in different languages and distributed through the entire civilized world Plans for a mammoth live stock ex hibit have also been discussed by the executive committee Assurances have been received from many of the lead ing live stock organizations of the United States that they will duplicate any sum which the Worlds fair will offer in cash prizes for the exhibit ARBUCKLES WIN OUT Higher Court Decides Their Glazed Coffee is Not Impure TOLEDO O Nov 18 Judge Pugs ley in the common pleas court today handed down a decision in the now famous case in which a local grocer was arrested at the instance of the state pure food commissioner on the ground that he was selling a certain brand of glazed coffee turned out by the Arbuckle company the commis sioner claiming that the glazing was a violation of the pure food law In a lower court the commissioner won but Judge Pugsley reversed the decision and administered a rebuke to the lower court It was claimed by the Arbuckles that the sugar trust is back of the prosecution BRONZE STATUE TO MKINLEY Citizens of Cleveland Propose to Erect Memorial CLEVELAND Nov 18 If the prop osition made by the committee of 100 citizens to the finance committee of the recent Grand Army encampment is carried out a surplus of 8000 collected for that occasion will be used to erect a bronze statue of heroic size to the late President McKinley in the public square the center of the business portion of the city Thus far the matter has received the endorse ment of most of the men connected with the Grand army encampment and there is little doubt of the memorial soon becoming a reality Our Influence Grows in Corea SAN FRANCISCO Nov 18 Dr Horace M Allen United States min ister to Corea who has arrived here enroute to his former home in To ledo is quoted as saying that Amer ican influence is on the increase in Corea and that American capital is being invested in large amounts in the development of the countrys re sources No less than eighty Amer icans of large means he says are at present engaged in developing mines building railroads and furthering other big enterprises Lnst Touches to the Exposition CHARLESTON S C Nov 18 On Sunday December 1 the exposi tion will open here with a religious service in which all denominations will take part The musical program will be rendered under the direction of Mme Bardt The formal opening of the exposition will take place on Monday December 2 Chauncey M Depew of New York will deliver the principal oration and President Roosevelt will start the wheels mov ing by wire Shipper Hold u Session BALTIMORE Nov 18 An event of unusual interest to naval architects and ship builders will be the reunion and dinner of the Progressive Order of Draughtsmen in this city Thanks giving evening Naval architects from the ship yards and schools of that profession along the Atlantic coast from Bath Me to Richmond Va will take part Admirals Melville and Hichborn and other naval officers will be present - -V ypMifcuji y 1 1 Ji tj ix 1 ywg e MAY TEST LAWS LEGALITY Right to Sell JJutterlno Questioned at Xromoiit FREMONT Neb Nov 18 An inter esting question has been raised by a Fremont groceryman in regard to the sale of butterine State Food sloner S C Bassett of Gibbon was in tho city and took the groceryman to task for disposing of that article with out a state license The latter Imme diately produced a Jcderal license and asserted that he was carrying on his business under that in a manner ac cording to law Food Commissioner Bassett told the dealer that ho would have to tako out a license undr the slate laws also or be amenable to the penalties The groceryman said that he would do so providing Armours and Cudahys packing plants a Omaha were also required to obey the law Tho chief difference between the fed eral and state pure food laws is that the former permits the sale of colored butterine when properly labeled -while the latter prohibits it altogether The local dealer denies that he has ever sold butterine instead of butter but de clares his business is entirely open and above board If people call for butter they get it while if they desire the butterine at the cheaper price he sells it to them AS TO NATIONAL LEGISLATION Measures that Senator Dietrich of Ne braska Will Push OMAHA Nov 18 On matters of na tional legislation Senator Dietrich pro poses to push a bill making the carna tion the national flower The carna tion is a mighty fine flower he said vari colored and ornamental and a fa vorite in all sections To make it the national emblem will be a fitting trib ute to tho martyred piesident William McKinley whose favorite flower it was The senator will also lend his aid to the project of western irrigation un der the direction of the federal gov ernment I believe at this session he said we can make at least a start along the line of leasing government lands and applying the proceeds to the construction of irrigation reservoirs OMAHA f EDERALBUiLDING Permision Asked to Proceed With Ita Construction OMAHA Neb Nov 18 Superin tendent of Construction Murdock of the Omaha federal building has writ ten to the supervising architect at Washington for permission to resume work on the annex of that building pending a settlement of the negotia tions now in progress between that office and Senator Millard regarding the change in the plans which the senator suggested some time ago At the present time a few men are em ployed in straightening up work which was begun some time ago but the superintendent is of the opinion that a full force can be worked upon the north and south wings on work which must be done the completion of which will not interfere with the con struction of the western corridor upon any plan which may be adopted Election Expenses LINCOLN Neb Nov 18 A num ber of election expense statements were filed with the secretary of state Conrad Hollenbeck defeated candi date for the office of supreme judge admits that he is out 100 having do nated voluntarily 50 to the demo cratic state committee and an equal amount to the populist committee E C Calkins successful candidate for regent went back 5 which he gave to the local campaign committee Eleventh judicial district spent 9050 for the honors of the office Tests Cowboys Endurance ALLIANCE Neb Nov 18 Ed Loomis an employe of the Spade ranch was brought to an Alliance hospital nearly dead He had been thrown from a horse both bones of one of his legs being broken and was so exposed to the cold that when found he was too exhausted to speak He had crawled four miles To Tap the Klver LINCOLN Neb Nov 18 John Mc Donald of Benkleman has filed an ap plication with tho secretary of the state board of irrigation asking that he be allowed to tap the south fork of the Republican river in order to secure water for a ditch two miles long to run on to his farm Sixty New Cells LINCOLN Neb Nov 18 The State Board of Public Lands and Buildings will meet here soon to award a con tract for sixty new cells at the state penitentiary Suffrages Elect Officers LINCOLN Neb Nov 18 At the session of the convention of suffragists the following officers were elected Mrs Clara A Young of Broken Bow was re elected president Mrs Aman da Marble of Table Rock was again chosen vice president The associa tion re elected Miss Nelly Taylor of Mrs Ida L Denny of Lincoln record ing secretary Mrs J A Dempster of Omaha was the successful candidate for treasurer MMWrlMW MAY RAISE PREMIUM RATE Btuto OOlcluls Seek a Method to Invest More School funds LINCOLN Neb Nov 13 The scarcity of securities of the kind avail able under the law for tho invest ment of the permanent educational fiinds of the state has caused the State Board of Educational Lands and Funds to consider raising tho usual premium rate which has been paid by Treasurer Stuefer State warrants which draw interest at the rato of 5 per cent are being bought for the permanent fund at a premium of one half of 1 per cent and the premium usually paid for county bonds is of a size that will leave the state a rev enue of at least 3 per cent These rates are governed largely by competi tion There are innumerable bidders for both state warrants and county bonds and oftentimes the state loses a big bunch of securities through the higher bidding of outside persons Former Treasurer Meserve frequently paid as high as 1 per cent for state warrants and when the rate of in terest was 5 per cent the premium sometimes was 2 per cent THE LAND LEASING TOUR Everywhere There Is Good Demand nnd the Bidding Spirited LINCOLN Neb Nov 16 Land Commissioner Follmer and Deputy Eaton have returned from their sec ond land leasing tour in southern Ne braska and next week they will be gin the holding of auctions in the northwestern part of the state We have held auctions in nearly all counties in the two southern tiers west of Clay and Nuckolls counties and have leased approximately 25000 acres of land said Mr Eaton Every where there has been a good demand and the bidding has gone consider ably higher than we expected The farmers in the territory we have vis ited are well satisfied with the pros pects and are enlarging their farms wherever they can find vacant land conveniently situated The bonuses offered vary in different sections but are unusually high considering the lo cal crop damage of the last summer Next Monday we begin tho leasing of land in the extreme western and northern part of the state and from there we will work eastward into the Elkhorn valley country NEBRASKAS BUfTALO EXHIBIT A Handsome Balance After AH Expenses Are Paid LINCOLN Neb Nov 1G There will be a balance of approximately 2000 left in the treasury after all expenses of our exhibit at Buffalo are paid said E L Vance Nebraska commissioner in charge of the states exhibit at the Pan American exposi tion Mr Vance was in Lincoln clos ing up the affairs of the commission preparatory to paying the last of the bills outstanding I cant give exact figures but I believe the total expenses of the com mission and exhibit including salar ies will not be over 8000 We have conducted cur work economically and are confident that we gave the best possible display for the amount ex pended Aside from a few of the showcases practically all of the ex hibit was disposed of at Buffalo Sod and Log School Houses LINCOLN Neb Nov 16 The at tention of Superintendent Fowler was called to an article which recently appeared in an Omaha newspaper and which was said to be a description of the only log school house in Nebraska This structure according to the story is on Bellevue island but will soon be torn away to make room for a more pretentions building In a vol ume soon to be issued Mr Fowler will describe 112 other log school houses in this state and 505 in the same territory that are made of sod Unrclars Tnvade Cozad COZAD Neb Nov 16 Three rob beries took place here The general store of Banks Eoff was broken into and about 500 worth of goods taken consisting of overcoats and clothing The meat market of H Burnes was also looted and consider able meat and provisions taken also the flour and feed store of J H Dar ner was entered and some flour and potatoes taken State Rank of Nemaha LINCOLN Neb Nov 16 Secre tary Royse has issued a charter to the State bank of Nemaha Nemaha county It is capitalized for 5000 and the incorporators are William Campbell Frederick E Allen and El mer E Allen Cattle Interest in Dawson County LINCOLN Neb Nov 1G We nev pr had so many cattle in Dawson county as at the present time said Senator Owens to a reporter Stock is being shipped in for the winter and the shipments to market are very light We have an abundance of rough feed in Dawson county and are able to take care of lots of stock that s canot be wintered in other places Alfalfa and buffalo grass produced j good crops j I - PRINOESS VIROQUA M D Endorses tydia E VeffctaMo Compound Alter Following Its Kccord For Xeais Dear Mrs EnncirAM Hcolttis the greatest boon bestowed onliniOT ity and therefore anything that con restore lost health is a blessing I consider Itfdltt E Pinlclmm s Ycg elaMo Compound as a blessing to State and Nation It cures her moth and makes them ers and daughters veu ana strong I HP F v m vvdBrHKii viT JPW Jmrnmbmi 0 TEINCESS YIBOQUA Practicing Physician and Lcctnrer For fifteen years I have noted the effect of your Vegetable Compound in curing special diseases of women I know of nothing superior lor ovarian trouble barrenness and it has prevented hundreds of dangerous operations -where physicians churned it was the only chance to get well Ulceration and inflammation of tho womb has been cured in two or three weeks through its use and as I find it I unhesitat purely an herbal remedy ingly give it my highest endorsement Fraternally yours Db P VlBOQJCA Lansing Mich fBOOO forfeit If above Ut tlmontaJ la not genuine If you are ill do not hesitate to get a liottlc of Xydia E PJ1 hams Vegetable Compound at once and Avrito to Mrs Pfc iiam at iynn Mass for special advice j it is entirely free 4xSSSSS2xS W 1 IL mJ m J fe f H ntlJIHJIfl 4 EL- 0 fLJP V w s s Advertising Department Liiiby McNeill Libby CHICAGO wr w rv5vNyx stir IPsk q jvJ5tS8r wrwtw AJMA AYAY nx ffr j I V Tk J Myour dealer I docanot have them rlt rnr it II 31 S AW YrfR df Ve filvV USl NO GUESS NEEDED When you weigh on a Jones sou Lb Scale PRICE 8 OO FULL PARTICULARS JONES IIE PAYS TIE FBHGHTO B1SGHAMTON N Y Containing thirtv two new maps tlished expressly for us by the largest X map and atlas publishers in America is Sjust out It is complete to March 1st g S 1901 Indexed and gives new maps of X - S China South Africa the Philippines Cuba Porto Rico and is of as much practical use es any atlas published We mail it to any address for Ovc 2 ccnt stamps Address THE WORLDS GREATEST CATERERS t 34SSHSJ584 SEAFARING MEN KNOW THE VALUE OF WEJ qHBBjBEBBIBBsj 3 Wm0 OILED CL0T3ING IT WILL KEEP YOU DRY IN THB WETTEST WEATHER LCOK FOR ABOVETOADE KARS UN OALC tVEKTWntHt TATAinrtllFS FDFF 5H0WING PULL HttE OF GARMENTS AND HATS AdiUWER CO B05TONMA55 -25 lawyirs Slickers aJPriers Excelnior Brand Snita mentB Jn the world amde irom the beat ma tL iSSSli aanted waterproof Mad VNIVERSALISM S--4 rEsISTmDEtheXloMJhohart7nlw btnscniBE Mm rr im YEUSAUST 1CBUSHISO HOUSE 63 Dexrfeorn St S iitfSX25 I t Z2ZZZ1S11 J vmuiis ri iwum Mummer uo Tension Bureau SS vr in civii war J5 HiUndicat iuS olatimaUyaimS Vr 7 2 qiwk relief and caroawoKt caies Book of testimonials and 10 D1YS treatment FREE nHn CREEV3 805SBoTEJUUcUC HANDSOME AMERICAN LADY i entlr an EooU honest huband AddreasEKlE S Market SLChJcalu Khcn Answering Advertisements KistUjt Mention This Taper W N U OAIAHA No 47 X901 HBb f n v u A f n t ctir - -V Sv jseetufimiX