The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 22, 1901, Image 1

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SarfffiSHaaar -T
A Great Success
The musical literary entertainment in
the Catholic church Monday pvening
November 18th was a three fold success
from an artistic standpoint from its
social aspect and in the light of the box
office receipts The church was crowded
to its utmost capacity and the large
audience was warmly appreciative
The program was quite lengthy and
there was a tacit understanding that
there would be no encores but the insist
ence of the audience brought an Ave
Maria from Mr Snyder and some witty
remarks from Rev Daley in addition to
ti his eloquent recitation of Father Ryans
grand poem on the death of his brother
in the civil war
The excellent program as acceptably
rendered was as follows
Piano solo RiBolIottu Miss Howe
Sodb Swanoo Rivor Ella Sharkey
Piano ana violin duot Serenade
Messrs Fischer and OConnell
Song Jerusalem Miss Scott
Recitation Legend of the Organ
Mrs Trammel
Song The Day is Done Mr Kimmoll
Piano and violin duot Dancla III
Prof McQillen and Miss Howe
Song The Song For Mo Josio Sharkey
Song quartette Whippoorwill
Messrs Solbys and Irwins
Song To All Eternity Mrs McKenna
Piano duet Mesdames Strauahan and Mills
Clarinet solo Traviata CavatinaMr Snyder
Recitation Rev Daley
On behalf of his parishioners and of
himself Rev Daley was warm and sin
cere in his expression of thanks to the
fine audience present and to all who
added their share in the common suc
cess achieved
It was a most enjoyable informal
The modestdecorations were in patri
otic colors
An Informal Reception
The members of the Congregational
church tendered Rev and Mrs W J
Turner an enjoyable informal reception
in the church Wednesday evening the
friends and members of the church at
tending in goodly number and uniting
in making the occasion a joyous one and
-worthy remembrance by the pastor and
There was a short but meritorious
program which was rendered informally
during the evening It consisted of a
piano solo by Miss Olive M Howe piano
duets by Mesdames W B Mills and
Mabel Stranahan recitation by Ruth
Warren vocal duet by Misses Nina Doan
and Olive M Howe song by Velma
Sutton reading by Mrs F W Bosworth
song by F M Kimmell
Light refreshments were served in the
church parlor
The auditorium was rendered cheerful
and attractive by decorations of flags
ferns and cut and potted flowers
Dewey Dolph
The marriage of Charles W Dewey of
this place and Rena Dolph of Danbury
was performed by Rev W J Turner of
the Congregational church in the Palmer
house parlor last Sunday evening a
small company of friends witnessing the
ceremony and tendering congratulations
The bride is a daughter of Joseph Dolph
an old resident of the Beaver near Dan
bury The groom is in the train service
at this place Monday morning they
went ever to the Dolph farm near Dan
bury on a short visit to her people
Masonic School of Instruction
Grand Custodian Robert French will
meet with the brethren of McCook and
vicinity Friday and Saturday Novem
ber 29th and 30th in a school of instruc
tion Sessions will be held mornings
afternoons and evenings It is a grand
treat to hear Bob French and the breth
ren will doubtless take advantage of the
opportunity to be under his instruction
and inspiration during his sojourn here
Shandon Bells
an ideal toilet soap sold everywhere at
15c We had an opportunity to buy a
lot at a bargain our customers get the
benefit We sell it at 10c per cake
three for 25c McConnell Berry
Dont Miss This Chance
We have 50 patterns of wall paper for
one and two rooms that weare selling at
wholesale prices D W Loar
For Sale Cheap
7 room house with 8 acres of land
Will sell at very reasonable figure In
quire at Pades Furniture Store
Horses cattle and all kinds of stock
will winter better if fed occasionally a
little condition powder or stock food
It will also save your feed Come and
get free book showing its advantages
McConnell Berry
Messrs Vahuo Petty held the win
ning number 3S in the drawing for C
F Babcocks team and carriage The
boys have one of the handsomest turn
outs in Southwestern Nebraska
- - -
- -- -
Charles H Welchlin has gone to
Luton Iowa
Mjss Nettie Dutton has returned
home from Lincoln
Mrs Arthur Lyman visited in Oxford
and Alma last week
W O Bond was up from Indianola
Thursday on business
U J Warren spent part of the week
in Omaha on business
F S Vahue returned first of the
week from his eastern business visit
Mrs Lambert Rodstrom came up
from Holdrege close of last week
Miss Hazel Hare is attending the
conservatory of music at the state
Mrs H C Smith returned home last
Friday night from her visit to Michigan
City Indiana
Mrs Arthur Lyman has been enter
taining her friend Mrs Lucy Myers of
Oxford this week
Judge Norris has been absent in
Trenton this week holding district court
for Hitchcock county
Mr and Mrs W E Babcock of Cam
bridge were guests of Mr and Mrs C
F Babcock last Friday
Mrs M A Feeny and grand daughter
Cecil are up from Hastings this week
guests of Mrs P F McKenna
Mrs Belle Hedlund visited Hold
rege friends early days of last week re
turning home on Wednesday night
J B Coupe is up from Falls City
on a visit guest of C J OBrien He
formerly in the meat market business
Mr and Mrs W George Sheppard
are now located in Cambridge where he
has charge of the band and has opened
a jewelry store
Mrs Frank Harris and two of the
younger children Edith and Robert are
spending the winter in California with
relatives They left Denver Wednesday
of last week
Mrs D K Gise of Joliet 111 was
the guest of her niece Mrs Elmer
Rowell close of last week From here
Mrs Gise went to Max Dundy county
to visit relatives
Licenses to marry issued since our last
John Malleck and Agnes Colling
both of Indianola married by Rev An
thony Lutz on the 18th
Charles W Dewey of McCook and
Rena Dolph of Danbury
State of Nebraska vs Otto Fresede
assault and battery trial by jury Sat
urday defendant found not guily
Archdeacon Co vs Curlee Bros to
recover money alleged to have been paid
by mistake trial to jury Friday ver
for defendants
On Sale
Ten yards goodstout unbleached sheet
ing for 37c Best Table Oil Cloth 15c
Best Apron Check Ginghams 5c
Best Indigo Blue Prints 5c Full bolts
of unbleached muslin 3oC per yard
Fur Collarettes 2 to 750 Fur scarfs
125 to 5 Muffs 1 to 5 Ladies
Coats 325 to 12 Capes 250 to 750
Childrens Reefers and Raglans 150 to
5 Izzer Cotton Batts 10c Best Car
pet Warp 16Jc pound Mens heavy
fleeced Undershirts 38c Mens Knit
Jersey Overshirts with laced front 25c
Boys grey cloth Coats with blanket lin
ing corduroy collar and brass buttons
81 Mens Mackintoshes with cape 175
and several hundred other items at
strictly cash pricesat The Thompson Dry
Goods Co postoffice block One price
plain figures cash only
For Sale or Exchange
160 acres well improved near McCook
Redwillow county Neb known as the
Spalding farm the southwest quarter
of section 31 township 4 north range
29 west of the 6th P M Mortgage
700 Make me an offer Joseph Lynch
owner 509 Douglas street Sioux City
Iowa 2ts
Why allow your hair to all come out
when by taking treatment for your scalp
at the Toilet Parlors you can save your
crowning glory and have a new growth
The biscuit-and-honey social by the
EpworthLeague in the Methodist church
Tuesday evening attracted a goodly
company and liberal patronage There
was a musical literary program and a
good social time in the bargain not to
mention the biscuit and honey
If you want to paint you will be as
tonished and profited by getting prices
at S M Cochran Cos
S W Nebraska Educational Association
The next session of the Southwestern
Nebraska Educational association will
be held in Holdrege Nebraska Novem
ber 28th 30th A strong program has
been arranged by dint of hard and per
sistent labor and a large attendance is
expected and a profitable meeting of the
association is assured
State Supt Fowler will be present
throughout the session being on the
program for three or four papers or
Supt of City Schools G H Thomas
of our city has an address on The Intel
lectual Elements of Reading Saturday
at 130 p m Miss Elizabeth Thomson
of our primary schools will conduct the
Round Table at Saturday mornings
Friday evening Newton W Preston
will deliver a lecture on John Ruskin
Mrs J W Babcock of Cambridge will
on Saturday afternoon speak to the
question What Can the Patrons Do to
Advance the Interests of the School
A declamatory contest -is among the
attractions of the sessions Doubtless
there is much of entertainment and
profit in store for all who will attend
The authorities of the Burlington have
granted a one and one third fare for the
round trip to the meeting of the South
western Nebraska Educational Associa
tion at Holdrege Dates of sale Nov 27
28 29 good to return December 1
A Pythian Revival
McCook Pythians enjoyed quite an in
spiriting revival Wednesday evening
There was a goodly turnout of the mem
ship present and a rare social time was
had After the regular busin ss of the
evening had been disposed of an oyster
supper with trimmings was spread in
the castle hall and duly considered by
the brethren A smoker followed the
refreshments at which there was a flow
of soul here fraternity the real thing
was at its best Talks reminiscent and
present and forecasts of the future were
felicitously indulged in This feature
of the evening developed the existence of
a superb esprit de corps among the
Rev Turner who will in early Decem
be remove from our city was present
later in the evening and voiced some
touching and appropriate remarks The
sir knights will miss him greatly
At the meeting on next Wednesday
evening the regular annual election of
officers will be held and a full attend
ance of the membership is desired
Kidnapped His Own Child
George White who formerly followed
the painters trade here was before Judge
Bishop yesterday charged with kidnap
ing his own child a girl about 12 years
old His wife and two children live in
Indianola the boy is about 9 years
old White went from here to Long
mont July a year ago He recently re
turned to Indianola and attempted to
take the girl with him to Longmont
He was arrested at this place on his way
west with the child He was placed
under 100 bonds with his own recog
nizance to appear at the February term
of district court The girl was restored
to her mother
White states that he wants to secure a
divorce from his wife who wishes to
live with him
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Nov 18 1901
MissJuliaCorlette T Crab tree
Mrs Lena Cutter Mr Geo Greehyer
James A Hess Mrs Kate Hill
Pearl Jennings Mr James Lawless
Miss Minnie Nicholson Mr Weber
Chas Volbrecht Esq Mr Daniel Wood
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A Thanksgiving Shoot
Julius Kunert is arranging for a
Thanksgiving shoot of live pigeons and
blue rocks See bills for particulars
He will pay highest market price for
live birds
The American Furrier says A gar
ment or piece of fur is valuable in direct
proportion to its lustre its softness the
weight and pliability of the pelt and of
course the workmanship and style
Furs should be bought of experienced
and reliable dealers and not because of
cheap prices as such purchases are the
most expensive in the long run We
indorse the above as directly in line with
our observation Our offerings include
Collarettes Scarfs and Muffs in Astra
khan Stone Marten Monkey Krimmer
Persian Lamb Bear Chinchilla Elec
tric Seal Sable and the combinations at
from 750 to 1 each We solicit inspec
tion The Thompson Dry Goods Co
It will get colder and Youll have to
hurry to get coal It wont be any
lower Let us know what you want and
well do the rest
Barnett Lumber Co
C L Smith and W E Reed have
gone to Pueblo Colorado
Brakeman G F Kinghorn has gone
to Grand Junction Colorado
A young fireman was born to Fireman
and Mrs Newton Smith Sunday
J V Neumann machinist returned to
Wymore last Friday night on 14
Byron Spaulding of Oxford is a new
blacksmiths helper this week
D M Taylor is switching in the
Pueblo yards of the Denver Rio Grande
Agent Lawritson of Holbrook enter
tained his father of our city last week
R R Cutler left on Wednesday even
ing for Pana 111 on a visit to the home
Lee Hill is switching in the Oxford
yard this week vice Switchman Hum
Fred Wagner of Arapahoe has gone to
Alliance expecting to enter the train
service there
Robert Neuse machinist who went to
Denver a week or so ago for the folks
has decided to remain there
Brakeman C B Clark who has been
visiting his parents in Rocky Ford
Colorado returned to duty Sunday
Foreman and Mrs F C Fuller are
entertaining their daughter Mrs
Samuel Picard of Havelock this week
Youll have to hurry is the slogan
since the noon hour has been reduced to
a half an hour This lets the men out
at five thirty
Switchman Hill of the Akron yard
went to Illinois Sunday on a 30 days
lay off and Brakeman E L Meyers is
filling the position meanwhile
A new fire has been placed in the
blacksmith shop this week and Barney
Buss is the chief engineer of the same
This makes nine fires including the rip
track fire
Fireman C L Smith who has secured
a job asswitchman at Pueblo Colorado
came in from the west Sunday night
to close up matters here and retire from
locomotive service
Herbert Hedges deputy postmaster
of Falls City who has been visiting his
parents Mr and Mrs C A Hedges for
a few weeks departed for Falls City
Tuesday evening on 14
The Oxford Standard says that The
B M football team with Vic Ive3 as
center rush challenges any team in the
community Our B M boys ought
to take a fall out of them
Fred S Harris D R G assistant
supt at Pueblo Colorado together with
Mrs Harris and daughter spent Satur
day in the city guest of her parents
Mr and Mrs Joseph Menard He was
here on business
Prince Yonhoho Yanamoto a Japanese
nobleman relative of Marquis Ito wants
to know how to build locomotives and
has entered the Pennsylvania railroad
shops at Altoona Pa as an apprentice
After the days work is done the prince
parades the streets followed by two ser
vants in livery
The meeting of the Rocky Mountain
Railway club in Denver last Saturday
evening was of exceptional interest and
attracted a large attendance from over
the Burlington The paper for discus
sion was Boiler Washing With Cold
Water The topical discussion Notes
on the Convention by A L Hum
phreys S M P of the C S railway
Assistant Supt G W Rhodes of the
Burlington told of his recent observa
tions in England
Burlington men yesterday expressed
satisfaction at the news from New York
that George B Harris had been again
named president of the Burlington by
the new board of directors which is ad
mitted to be a queer mixture of Union
Pacific Northern Pacific Burlington
men While there has been no alarm
felt at Lincoln that Mr Harris would be
displaced yet the report of his election
removed one of the unpleasant possibili
ties the new combination suggested
Wednesdays Lincoln Journal
E J Mitchell of McCook has recently
been brought into prominence as an
auctioneer His specialties are the sell
ing of stock and general farm sales
During the past few years Mr Mitchell
has made a careful study of the auction
business attending large sales at Omaha
and other cities bringing him in close
touch with the best men in the auction
ring WilsonviIleNebReview Nov 15
Fire last Sunday aweek caused a loss
of 500 in vestments and furniture in the
Cambridge Catholic church
Soft white hands and velvety skin
the result of using McConnells fragrant
41 y iw
Way car 76 is about ready for the
Engineer Vic Ives was up from Ox
ford Thursday
Locomotive 1035 is undergoing repairs
in the round house
Conductors F A Stark and F M
Washburn are on the sick list this week
Way car 104 is in the carpenter shop
for a new cupola and other light repairs
Fast freight 77 came in as a double
header yesterday afternoon with 41
Operator R R Cutler finally got off
for Pana Illinois Wednesday night on
No 6
Switchman and Mrs Worth Humph
reys have gone to Ottumwa Iowa on a
Agent Vetter returned to his post of
duty this morning at Otis after a brief
Extra Agent J A Davis is relieving
Agent Carter at Atwood who is off on a
Brakeman Emil Henckle is flagging
vice C W Dewey off on his honey
moon this week
Newton McMillen of Holdrege was
the guest of his cousin Newton Smith
early days of week past
Auditor C H Sampson was out from
Omaha Monday and Tuesday checking
up the boys at this place
No 71 Vic Ives mill from Oxford is
in the round house awaiting a general
overhauling in the shops
E E White formerly of the McCook
station force has been transferred to the
Wyoming force as operator
Brakeman W L Reynolds resigned on
Saturday last from the train service and
has gone into business in Holbrook
The platform west of the oil house has
beem greatly increased this week being
built of heavy timbers for heavy work
Brakeman C R Liggett was down at
headquarters from the Cheyenne line
Wednesday returning the same night
J L Reynolds who has been relieving
Agent Vetter at Otis Colorado has
gone to Ayr Neb to temporarily relieve
H L Cooley
Helper Heber Clough of Norton Kan
sas has gone to Chicago to see a brother
who is reported fatally injured John
Dimmick is relieving him
Day Operator W H Williams of Ox
ford who was sick early in the week
has returned to duty He was relieved
by Extra Agent N B Bush
A new iron house is in prospect It
will likely be just north of the flue
house and it will be a great convenience
to the blacksmith shop people
F G Miller of the bureau of for
estry Washington D C who has been
in the city a few days departed for the
national capital Wednesday night
Switchman G L Miller lost the end
of the big finger of his right hand Sat
urday last and Brakeman H R Child
ress is switching in the local yard in his
place for the present
After staving off the inevitable for
years the McCook shops so it is gener
ally understood in the shops is to come
to piece work commencing with the
first of the coming month
It is announced -that the Burlington
will build a large new freight house in
Omaha and Lincoln hopes to be favored
with a considerable addition to her
depot and headquarters building
Foreman W F Ackerman of the Alli
ance machine shop returned home last
Saturday from a visit here He has
been appointed assistant general piece
work inspector effective December 1st
His jurisdiction will extend over the
entire B M system He will remove
from Alliance
A new time card will go into effect on
Sunday The only change in the time
of the passenger trains at this place is in
No 13 which will arrive at 920 a m
instead of at 11 This will get that
train into Denver at 315 p m or three
full hours earlier than at present and
will be one of the fastest trains in Amer
ica Nos 5 and 12 will go as far west as
Wray Colorado instead of stopping here
We have a good stock of stove boards
also the best blue steel pipe ever offered
to the people of this city
S M Cochran Co
See Porters photographs whether you
intend to sit or not Now is the best
time to sit for Christmas photographs
Harry M Porter north of postoffice
Hogans Alley was a ripsnorting
farce but it drew like a mustard plaster
Jardinieres and Fern dishes the latest
at McMillens
For clothing go to DeGroff Cos
Adopt the cash system
Trade at Loars drug store
The O E S is taking on a now lease
of life
Dr J D Hare office phono 37 resi
dence 168
Just call up telephonoI2 and toll them
all about it
Jardinieres and Fern dishes the latest
at McMillens
The P E O society contemplates or
ganizing in our city
Remember the Thanksgiving shoot of
live birds and blue rocks
Stock tanks of all sizes at S M Coch
ran Cos for SBfle cheap
Just received A carload of S B coal
at the Barnett lumber yard
If you dont see what you want ask
at D C Marshs meat market
For Sale Two houses in West Mc
Cook Inquire of Thomas Burgo
Rag carpets woven 10 and 12lc
Mrs Hickerson south of brick yard
Nobody meets our prices on coal hods
and shovels S M Cochran Co
Completest lino of legal blanks in Red
Willow county at The Tribune office
rTo make your face and hands soft and
smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion
To make your face and hands soft and
smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion
Buy your groceries of C L DeGroff
and Co 20 lbs granulated sugar for 1
A McMillen has an elegant assort
ment of latest style lamps from 25c up
Good well improved farm for rent
Inquire of W O Norval McCook Neb
A McMillen has an elegant assort
ment of latest style lamps from 25c up
The new city ordinances in pamphlet
form are now off press and ready for
J W Underhill is building a large
addition to his residence over on south
McDowell street
For rent Front room over the meat
market Inquire of D C Marsh for
terms and particulars
For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc
Ccok Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge McCook Nebraska
D C Marsh invites your patronage
guaranteeing the best meats obtainable
of all kinds At the old stand
The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of
G A R meet the first Saturday of
every month in Odd Fellows hall
Liquid Hickory Smoke just as good
as real smoke for curing meat
McConnell Berry
If you dont see what you are after
jnquire at Marshs meat market They
have it and will take pleasure in show
ing you
For Sale A secretary and book case
combined Will sell at very reasonable
figure Can be seen at Porters studio
just north of the postoffice
A Lakewood citron and three pounds
of granulated sugar for 25c at Artz
Thompsons Nothinfi finer for pre
serving purposes than citron
See Porters photographs whether you
intend to sit or not Now is the best
time to sit for Christmas photographs
Harry M Porter north of postoffice
Jicky and King Dodo the very
newest things in perfumes be up-to-date
and try them
McConnell Berry
Judicious buyers find Marshs meat
market to their liking for there is com
bined the best in quality with the most
reasonable in price They have ever
seasonable article in line too
We have in stock all the latest books
Eternal City Right of Way Dri
and I Blennerhassett Lazarre and
many other new issues
McConnell Berry
The American Boy has jumped
boldly into the first class as a magazine
for boys The November number is an
especially fine number Sprague Pub
Co Detroit Mich Subscription 100
per year
We are receiving almost daily consign
ments of our Christmas stock We are
now ready to show many new things in
pictures stationery wall plaques jardi
nieres plates and odd china pieces etc
Ask to see them
McConnell Berry
See the Estate Oak heaters at S M
Cochran Cos They have seamless
bottoms no putty to fall out and let in
the air to keep the fire constantly burn
ing rapidly which is expensive waste of
fuel They can also be changed from
soft to hard coal Its the best stove for
the money ever invented