The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 15, 1901, Image 1

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A Social Duct
Mesdames U J Warren V H Solli
day C E Pope and James Hatfield
were at home to about fifty lady
friends Wednesday afternoon entertain
ing the large company handsomely at
the homo of Mrs Warren
The ladies wore assisted by the mem
bers of the Entre Nous club
Chocolate and wafers were served early
in the afternoon in the dining room
Mesdames A L Knowland and F G
Westland presiding
The entertainment was of a musical
nature There was a love story with
blanks to be filled in by guests with
titles of songs Blank cards were pro
vided each guest and while Miss Olive
M Howe played eleven selections on the
piano the guests were given opportunity
to write down the titles of the selections
Three ladies drew for this prize Mrs
W S Perry winning the handsome
bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums tied
with white ribbon Mrs P F McKenna
and Miss Howe also sang acceptably and
Ruth Warren recited The Village Black
smith quite cleverly
A three course luncheon was served
Jater in the afternoon pink being the
predominating color A pretty feature
was the ice cream which was moulded
into form and color of pink roses and
served on natural rose leaves Guests
were seated in fours at tables by match
ing pictures which had been irregularly
separated into four parts
It was withal an affair of clever con
ception detail and realization
rsday afternoon the same ladies
were hostesses of a High Five party at
the Warren home in which some fifty
lady friends participated with much zest
White yellow and pink chrysanther
mums cut an potted together with a
profusion of smilax formed the tasteful
house decorations
As on Wednesday afternoon Mesdames
A L Knowland and F G Westland
served chocolate and wafers
Mesclames Frank Kendlen and E H
Doan won the first prizes bouquets of
chrysanthemums and Mrs Joseph Men
ard the booby prize a similar bouquet
A three course luncheon was served as
on the previous afternoon
Miss Olive M Howe presided at the
piano during the afternoon
Both occasions were most pleasurable
The house decorations were very taste
ful two rooms being in white and green
and a third in pink smilax in profusion
and cut and potted chrysanthemums
being artisticallly utilized
Musical Literary Entertainment
Next Monday evening November 18th
an enjoyable musical literary entertain
ment will be given in St Patricks Cath
olic church Numbers on the varied
programme will be given by the follow
ing well known musicians vocalists and
people of elocutionary talent Musicians
Miss Olive M Howe piano Mrs W B
Mills and Mrs Mabel Stranahan piano
G R Snyder clarionet W J McGillen
Jr violin Robert Fischer violin Vo
calistsMrs P F McKenna Miss
Mary J Scott Josie and Ella Sharkey
Messrs John and Joy Selby Fred and
James Irwin and F M Kimmell Miss
Howe Miss Scott and Thomas OCon
nell will be accompanists Mrs Jv M
Trammell will recite The singing will
embrace solos quartettes etc From the
list of those who will take part a fine
entertainment may be expected Tick
ets 25 cents
Shandon Bells
an ideal toilet soap sold everywhere at
15c We had an opportunity to buy a
lot at a bargain our customers get the
benefit We sell it at 10c per cake
three for 25c McConnell Berry
Dont Miss This Chance
We have 50 patterns of wall paper for
one and two rooms that we are selling at
wholesale prices D W Loar
Mrs A Mrs B you musnt miss
the Dorcas this afternoon theres com
fort tacking MrsB What cotton
is to be used Mrs A Those fine
Izzers from The TD G Cos to be
sure Mrs B Ill be there and
expect a jolly time
Horses cattle and all kinds of stock
will winter better if fed occasionally a
little condition powder or stock food
It will also save your feed Come and
get free book showing its advantages
McConnell Berry
Doctor to patient Get this prescrip
tion filled at once and purchase three of
those big bed comforts at The Thompson
D G Co they fill them with Izzer
Cotton Batts and youll be all right
inside of a Tveek
If you want to paint you will be as
tonished and profited by getting prices
atS M Cochran Cos
F S Vahue went east Tuesday
morning on business
Sherman Evans departed Tuesday
night for Rifle Colorado
J M Beardslee of lndianola was a
city visitor Saturday last
R H Trobridge returned on Tues
day from his Illinois trip
C S Quick of lndianola was in attend
ance upon court this week
W V Miller of Danbury was here
on business first of the week
Mrs M C Hoffman of Grant Neb
is a guest of Mrs N E Smith
Henry Moers was over from Ludell
Kansas Saturday on business
A G Keys has been up from Bartley
part of the week attending court
W C Randel of Red Willow had bus
iness in the county seat Saturday
General Sopt T E Calvert came
out as far as Republican Citytoday on 13
Rev William Hardcastle of Cam
bridge spent last night in the city vis
Mrs J E Kelley returned first of
the week from visiting Kirwin Kansas
State Senator E N Allen was up
from Arapahoe Wednesday night on
J W Dolan and H WvKeyes were
up from lndianola Thursday on conrt
Frank Carruth returned on 6 Sun
day night from his visit to the family
in Denver
J H Artz attended the funeral of
the late D L Bishop at Franklin
Mrs L Cann has been over from
Danbury part of the week guest of her
son L E Cann
H H Tartsch returned home on
Thursday night fiom visiting in Platts
niouth a few days
Mrs N McKechnie of Holdrege has
been the guest of Mrs C M Bailey
during the past week
Mrs Nancy Fahnestock arrived
home last Friday night from her visit
of several months in Illinois
Mrs A J Rittenhouse returned
Saturday night from spending some
time in Eustis on Maccabee business
Louis Suess visited the children near
Crete first of the week and took in
other Eastern Nebraska points while
S R Messner has been over from
the Beaver on court business since first
of last week returning home on Wed
Mrs M M Delhunty arrived home
Saturday night from visiting Alliance
relatives her visit being shortened some
what by the illness of her aged mother
Mrs Hodge and Mrs Guild who
have been guests of their sister Mrs A
P Thomson for several weeks departed
for their home in Omaha Monday morn
ing on No 12
Rev W J Turner presented his
resignation before the people of the
Congregational church Wednesday
evening and the same was reluctantly
accepted Rev Turner will go to Nor
folk early in December to accept the
pastorate there
Foxen Townsend
Thursday morning at nine oclock in
the presence of a large congregation of
relatives and friends in St Patricks
church Peter J Foxen and Bertha M
Townsend both of our city were united
in marriage Rev John Daly celebrating
the solemn elaborate and impressive
nuptial mass of the Roman church and
afterward characteristically and cleverly
expressing the good wishes of all for the
happiness and prosperity of the con
tracting parties
Mrs P F Kenna and Prof W J
McGillen Jr rendered solos during the
The handsome altar of the church was
a blaze of light and beauty rendered so
by the artistic hands of friends with a
profusion of candles and flowersand alto
gether the scene was beautiful and im
Mr and Mrs Foxen at once went to
housekeeping in quarters over The Bee
Hive store
The Tribune adds its congratulations
to those of their many friends and well
A large amount of commissioners
proceedings will oppear in - our next
issue Watch for it I4 will be offic
ially correct
Blows Top of Head Off
Franklin Neb Nov 11 Special
Never was this community so shocked
as today when C N Benedict son-in-law
of D L Bishop came to town for a
doctor and told of Mr Bishop commit
ting suicide He shot himself with a
shotgun in the forehead the charge com
ing out at the top of his head He was
at his farm about four miles northwest
of this place with his family
He has been acting yery strange the
past week and every care was taken
that he should not do some such act as
he did today His revolver and knives
were all hidden but the shotgun was
overlooked While Mrs Bishop Was pre
paring dinner and his daughter was en
tertaining him by playing on the piano
he quietly stepped into another room and
secured the gun The whole top of his
head was torn off and the brains scat
tered over the floor His wife and
daughter were alone at home with him
when the shooting occurred
Mr Bishop was a traveling salesman
for Nave McCord of St Joseph Mo
for the past fifteen years and has had
this territory all this time There is
probably no man on the road better
known in this section of the state than
Mr Bishop He was a successful sales
man and well liked Lincoln Journal
Mr Bishop was one of the best known
of the many traveling men who make
this point He has been in this terri
tory for ten or fifteen years making this
his headquarters and the home of him
self and wife at different times in late
Jt appears that he had been ill for
some time at his home on a farm near
Franklin before coming to McCook last
week His mental condition became
such close of last week at the Commer
cial hotel that it was deemed prudent
to summon Mrs Bishop from Franklin
from whence she arrived on last Friday
On Sunday morning they returned to
the farm near Franklin in the hope that
he might regain his mental poise there
with the family
The sad sequel however is told in the
special telegram to the Lincoln Journal
of Tuesday reproduced in full above
- Sickness and anxiety over personal
business affairs seem to be responsible
for his mental break down and self
destruction was the result of a disor
dered imagination that others sought
his life and that he could neither find
nor elude them
This community has been most pro
foundly shocked and pained by his sad
and tragic end and all true hearts go
out to the widow and daughter in their
terrible bereavement and sorrow which
come to many here with personal force
The funeral was held on Wednesday
burial being made at Franklin
Trials Before Juries
Quite a number of the important cases
were tried to juries during the present
sessions of district court
The matter of the state against George
Huston the more serious indictment
attempted rape was withdrawn and he
was allowed to plead guilty to the crime
of assault He may congratulate him
self in getting off so easily with a fine of
The case of the state against Phillip
Blatt misdemeanor resulted in his
The replevin suit of Shelley Rogers Co
vs Samuel Ball occupied a number of
days of the term in its hearing and was
closely contested The jury rendered a
verdict for the company The case in
volves a cattle deal and the decision
means a loss of about 82000 to Mr Ball
A Night Call
The fire department was summoned to
the residence of Dr H L Prevost on
North Main about eleven oclock Sun
da night by a slight fire in the weeds
and grass in the back part of the lot and
the prairie adjoining on the north The
flames were subdued without the depart
ments help however and with little or
Very Special
The Tribune goes to press after din
ner Fridays and in order that the ap
pearance of the paper may not be delayed
advertisers will please hand in copy for
changes in display advertisements not
later than Thursday noon which is also
the latest time when display advertise
ments may be withdrawn from the forms
ft will get colder and Youll have to
hurry to get coal It wont be any
lower Let us know what you want and
well do the rest
Barnett Lumber Co
Ladies Jackets from 325 to 12
capes 250 to 750 Misses and Child
rens 150 to 750 AVc save you 10 to
25 percent The Thompson D G Co
VFor clothing go to DeGroff Cos
- tTWv
The breaking of an equalizer brought
No 5 in an hour late Sunday evening
C E Paul agent at Inavale who
recently became a Benedict has returned
to duty -v
Brakeman C B Clark has taken a
lay off of ten days and gone to Denver
on a visit
Supt Campbell spent Wednesday and
Thursday in Denver His friend Fred
Zell accompanied him west
No 13 under the proposed new card
will be a bird and will throw dust over
all the St Louis Denver flyers
B F McFrland a former brakeman
passed through the city Sunday night
on hisway to Red Cloud from Denver
J W Chase machinist returned to
work on Wednesday morning after be
ing off duty a few days with an injured
Brakeman C L Grueli has been tem
porarily transferred to the Cheyenne
branch to relieve an injured man on that
Conductor C W Bronson arrived
home Wednesday night from his Chi
cago trip in discharge of voluntary relief
Ralph Cutler has been given a fur
lough which he will spend visiting the
the folks at Pana Illinois departing
close of present week
Supply Agent Josselyn of Omaha and
Storekeeper Guild of Plattsmouth came
in from the west on 2 Thursday morn
ing and went east on No 12
Agent L T Harding of Corona
raao nas be
N Stever f
I JJ I rc j T-
recently supplied for R
H Manson is filling his position
Brakeman T D Joy who has been
switching in Akron vice Switchman
Murphy who was called east recently
by illness has returned to headquarters
J G Schobel succeeds to Guy Tom
linsons position as clerk in the road
masters office Claude M Ward takes
the position of night caller and Claude
Cole f Boomington is the new
Agent Vetter of Otis Colorado is very
ill with typhoid fever Extra Agent
Bush has been filling the position tem
porarily but J L Reynolds will have
charge of the office untill Vetter recovers
and is able to resume work
James L Magee returned to work at
Culbertson Monday having fully recov
ered from his attack of typhoid fever
Charles B Pfrimmer has returned to
Red Cloud as night operator and H G
Stratton has gone onto the extra list
Trainmaster Kenyon was in Lincoln
Thursday helping arrange for the n6W
time card which will go into effect on
the 24th The new time card will re
duce the time of No 13 between St
Louis and Denver three hours making
that one of the swiftest trains between
the river and the mountains
No 2 was five hours late on Sunday
morning the result of a freight accident
Freight train No 304 was the offender
A truck on one of the cars broke down
a short distance west of Roggen Colo
rado The wrecker and crew had to be
sent from Denver and No 2 was laid out
five hours before the wreckage could be
cleared away and the track opened
A speed of 105 miles an hour has been
attained on an electric railway between
Marienfelde and Zossesn Germany
Engineers are even convinced that this
speed can be increased Running at
this rate the air pressure was found to
be equal to a wind force of twelve feet a
second a force which on the German
coast has only been registered once
namely in the hurricane of February
1 1894
Twelve new engines have arrived at
the B M yards during the past ten
days This road has now twenty five
engines of the class R type with two
firebox doors and the firebox wider than
the frame over the frailer wheel This
type of engine carries 200 pounds of
steam has piston valves with twenty by
twenty four inch cylinders The ma
chines weigh ninety tons in working
order A few of the new engines will
be used on the northern division and
the rest on the Wyoming and western
They are built expressly to burn Sheri
dan coal The B M is now using
acetylene gas headlights on two locomo
tives and finds that they give satisfac
tion Lincoln Journal
Soft white hands and velvety skin
the result of using McConnells fragrant
For every purchase of a dollars worth
of goods you get a key to the money box
at The Cash Bargain Store
Time Card
McCook Neb
No J Central Time 1110 p r
2 610 A M
12 900am
No 5 arrivos from east nt 8 p m
No 1 Mountain Time 1112 am
13 1010 AM
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 p m
No 175dopart8 600 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
Beats freo on through trains Tickots sold
and baggage checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis Genoral
Passenger Agent Omaha Nobraska
Machinist Reynolds is a new employe
Machinist Neuse has gone to Denver
H F Meyers is anew machinist this
Leo Hill has returned to the train
Way car 76 is undergoing extensive
A R Dennis has gone to work in the
store house
Slight wreck in east end of Akron
yards Wednesday night
J H Moore and E B Odell were
Denver visitors Wednesday
Paul Wetkavski is a new blacksmith
this week He is on tools at present
Elmer Traver was off a day or two
with an attack of tonsilitis this week
They do say that Sharkey made a
great run with delayed 2 Sunday
The newest engines are equipped with
the Westinghouse friction draft gear on
end of tank
Dispatcher and Mrs T B Campbell
visited his brother Joe at Yuma Colo
rado Sunday
Cyril E Childe who recently passed
the telegraphers examination has gone
to Trenton as night helper
Local Manager Heber of the Western
Union created haVoc among tho game in
the neighborhood of Cambridge yester
Locomotive 109 was out in the yard
Thursday afternoon being limbered
up The 194 is about ready to go out
of the shop
The track leading to the cinder pit has
been lowered two or three feet this
week making it much easier to load the
cinder cars now
Locomotive 225 will go into the shop
in place of 194 The 225 has made about
108000 miles since her last overhauling
a fine record and an uncommon one
Dennis Cullen has disposed of his
White Rocks and gone out of the chicken
business a fact that will not be re
gretted by the other White Rock breed
ers when the chichen show comes around
C E Jones who won fame for the
McCook baseball team last season and
who has been working in the blacksmith
shop quits work tonight and will re
turn to Hendley much to the regret of
all the boys in the shop
C T Watson is much perplexed in
deciding whether to resign his position
as car distributor or Sunday school
teacher or to retain both and hire a lay
man occasionally to give the subject of
car distribution proper expression
For SaleCheap
A 7 room house with 8 acres of land
Will sell at very reasonable figure In
quire at Pades Furniture Store
Why allow your hair to all come out
when by taking treatment for your scalp
at the Toilet Parlors you can save your
crowning glory and have a new growth
Seventh Grader Mamma what are
Izzers Mamma Ask your little sis
ter Little Sister Theyre those ex
tra fine Cotton Batts sold onlv bv The
Thompson Dry Goods Co price 10c
We have a good stock of stove boards
also the best blue steel pipe ever offered
to the people of this city
S M Cochran Co
See Porters photographs whether you
intend to sit or not Now is the best
time to sit for Christmas photographs
Harry M Porter north of postoffice
A Lakewood citron and three pounds
of granulated sugar for 25c at Artz
Thompsons Nothinfi finer for pre
serving purposes than citron
Buy your groceries of C L DeGroff
and Co 20 lbs granulated sugar for SI
Jardinieres and Fern dishes the latest
at McMillens
Trade atLoars drug store
Dr J D Hare telophone 168
Just call up telephonol2 and toll thorn
all about it
Wanted A Shepherd pup Inquire
at this office
Jardinieres and Fern dishes the latest
at McMillens
Stock tanks of all sizes at S M Coch
ran Cos for sale cheap
If you dont see what you want aslr
at D C Marshs meat market
For Sale Two houses in West Mc
Cook Inquire of Thomas Burge
Nobody meets our prices on coal hods
and shovels S M Cochran Co
Complotest line of legal blanks in Red
Willow county jit The Tribune office
To make your face and hands soft and
smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion
To make your face and hands soft and
smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion
Two furnished rooms with board
Mrs C B Rowoll 1002 Madison street
A McMillen has an elegant assort
ment of latest style lamps from 25c up
A McMillen has an elegant assort
ment of latest style lamps from 2oc up
To rent Nice large front bed room
with or without board 308 Melvin st
For rent Front room over tho meat-
market Inquire of D C Marsh for
terms and particulars
Each of the three political parties will
have a representative on the new board
of county commissioners
For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc
Cook Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge McCook Nebraska
D C Marsh invites your patronage
guaranteeing the best meats obtainable
of all kinds At the old stand
The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of
G A R meet the first Saturday of
every month in Odd Fellows hall
Liquid Hickory Smoke just as good
as real smoke for curing meat
McDonnell Berry -
Lost A solid gold cuff button on
high school grounds Finder will be
rewarded by returning same to this
If you dont see what you are after
inquire at Marshs meat market They
have it and will take pleasure in show
ing you
These be ragged times The musical
ear had scarce become resigned to rag
time when the raglan assaulted the
artistic eye
See Porters photographs whether you
intend to sit or not Now is the best
time to sit for Christmas photographs
Harry M Porter north of postoffice
All wool Dress Skirts 250 and up
our own make 50 on the rods to choose
from To your own measure at same
price The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Judicious buyers find Marshs meat
market to their liking for there is com
bined the best in quality with the most
reasonable in price They have ever
seasonable article in line too
We have in stock all the latest books
Eternal City Right of Way Dri
and I Blennerhassett Lazarre and
many other new issues
McConnell Berry
The Republican Valley District Poul
try association will hold its fifth annual
chicken show the closing days of Decem
ber and opening days of January of
which something more definite in -the
near future
Cresceus the king of trotters and
George H Ketcham owner and driver
passed throught McCook Monday on
the way to Denver where he will make
an effort next Saturday to lower his
record of 202 at Overland Park
We are receiving almost daily consign
ments of our Christmas stock We are
now ready to show many new things in
pictures stationery wall plaques jardi
nieres plates and odd china pieces etc
Ask to see them
McConnell Berry
Bright Furs that stay bright soft
fluffy dressy Furs that keep so Sable
Monkey Krimmer Persian Lamb Chin-
chilla Astrakhan Bear Stone Marten
Electric Seal and their combinations
in Scarfs Muffs and Collarettes at all
prices from 1 to 7 50 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
See the Estate Oak heaters at S M
Cochran Cos They have seamless
bottoms no putty to fall out and let in
the air to keep the fire constantly burn
ing rapidly which is expensive waste of
fuel They can also be changed from
soft to hard coaL Its the best stove foe
the money ever invented