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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1901)
J rf IS I Two Statements TH I v - Ffe IftcGnk frikt By F M KIMMBLL -OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance ChnirmanLindsay The significance of our victory is that the political senti ment of Nebraska which exhibited a decided change last fall is firmly rooted in republican principles The people are satisfied with existing conditions and excellent work on the part of the repub lican county and jrccinct organizations in getting out the vote combine to ac- count for the triumph of the republican ticket It is gratifying to notice that in al most every county in the state we made a marked gain in county officers The plurality for Sedgwick Calkins and Ernst will not fall below that of McKinley in 1900 and may reach 10000 or more Charles Q DeFrance chairman of the populist state central committee said last evening Congratulations are due the republicans because of the result in ithe state We concede the election of Sedgwick by a plurality anywhere be tween three and five thousand The Journals election returns this morning indicated the result accurately While we have not returns from a sufficient number of counties to base an estimate -upon yet we think the fusion vote will fall twenty thousand short of the vote given Judge Holcomb in 1899 when he ran against Judge Reese We think Judge Sedgwicks total vote will be about the same as that given Judge Reese For an off year Republicans have fared pretty well I thank you every where It seems to be the definite and fixed determination of the people of Nebraska to stay redeemed Li Hung Chang the Bismark of China and one of the great men of the century died in Pekin Wednesday morning Your Uncle Steve Bolles used his corn knife in Bpx Elder precinct to some purpose Charlie Harman got but eight votes there Revenge is sweet but Charlie Harman insists that he doesnt remember much about the elec tion Tuesday But he has a pretty dis tinct recollection of the snowstorm of that date It was almosjt a clean sweep in Red Willow county After January the county officers will all be Uepublicans and the boar of county commissioners solidly Populist The way Seth Low and his fusion friends twisted the tail of the Tammany tiger in Greater New York Tuesdayis a joy and satisfaction to all lovers of municipal government of the good and clean sort Abas Tammany vN npitafiL y are likely to bo nsed for glazing coffee If you knew you would bo sure to demand Lion which is never contaminated with any clazingof any sort either eggs or glue just pure fresh strong fragrant coffee The sealed package insures uni form quality and freshness ec The best quality of Apron Check Ginghams per yard 5C gC The best quality of Indigo Blue Dress Prints per yard 5 -ILL Good stout yard wide un bleached 0 2 sheeting by the bolt only per T yard - 372 qc Very pretty dark styles in substantial 0 Outing Flannels Others at 7c 8c and 10c 5C IOC Heavy Eiderdown Cot flannels fleeced on both sides only IOC yOC The popular Meridian Cloth 56 inches J wide suitable for Jacket suits Golf skirts etc Colors black brown grey green red navy blue bright blue JQC IOC Venetians Granites Pebble Cheviots Broadcloths Crepons Pierolas Poplins Serges Brilliantines Plaids Mixtures over 300 pieces Dress Goods from 10c per yard to I25 The North Platte Valley in Northwest Nebraska offers some won derful good opportunities to the man or woman with a little money to invest in irrigated lands Excellent irrigated land can be had now for 12 to 15 an acre but it is plain to those watching the development of the North Platte valley that this low price is just about to fade away The farmers of this valley are now reaping an abundant harvest Alfalfa corn wheat and garden vegetables yield good profits There are also good open ings in the live stock business If you aro interested in the North Platte Valley write for our booklet de scribiner it It is free J Francis G P A Burlington Route Omaha Neb The Southwestern Nebraska Educa tional association will meet at Holdrege during the Thanksgiving vacation There will be a high school declamatory contest Thursday evening November 28th three gold medals will be awarded Special programs are being prepared for the principals and superintendents the graded school teachers and the county school teachers There will be two and perhaps three lectures also some of the leading eduators of the state will be present It is the desire of the officers to make this much the best meeting on record in Southwestern Nebraska The programs will be out in a few days Desirable Farm for Rent A small farm to rent one and one half miles from town 4 room frame house frame barn for 6 horses chicken house and other small buildings well and windmill Just the place for raising chickens pigs and a few cows and to work in town Will rent on easy terms Inquire afrS M Cochrans Cos Up Late Last Night Then you dont feel just the best today Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is very effective for sick headache billiousness or disordered stom ach Sold by A McMillen DANBURY White frost has prevailed during the past week Republicans were victorious here as well as elsewhere in the election Tues day TGeo M Smith left Wednesday for Eastern Kansas where he will visit a brotherfor a week or so Chauncey Messner went down with a load of stock to Kansas City and will re main there for a time in the employment of Harrington Firebaugh commission dealers as stenographer Miss Emma Dolph and Mr Widup were married Wednesday evening at the home of the brides parents J E Dolph by Judge Hethcote at 8 p m Upwards of forty friends and relatives were present to witness the ceremony and many valuable presents were given them Supper was served at 830 The United States ernment Rep Royal Bakin stronger better than ort shows Powder to purer any other The largest assortment of steel ranges at the lowest prices quality considered also the steel cook stove in different pat terns at S M Cochran Cos It wiH pay you to look over their goods before buying J Jicky and King Dodo the very newest things in perfumes be up-to-date and try them McConnell Berry top the It is a sad thing to see fine ruit trees spoiled by the blight foil can always tell them from he rest They never do well Itcrwards but stay small and ickly It is worse to see a blight strike children Good health is the natural right of children But some of them dont get n - - i 1 tin m i meir rignts vvniie rne rest grow big and strong one stays mall and weak Scotts Emulsion can stop that blight There is no reason why such a child should small Scotts Emulsion 3 a medicine with lots of strength in it the kind of strength that makes things grow Scotts Emulsion makes children grow makes them cat r akes them sleep makes them lay Give the weak child a hance Scotts Emulsion will make it catch up with the rest This picture represent the Trade Maik of Scotts Emulsion and is on the wrapper of ever bottle Send for free sampb SCOTT BOWNE 409 Pearl St New York 50c and i all druggists t 2C Fur Scarfs 8125 up Fur Collar D ettes2up Fur Muffs 81 up Singly or in sets Krimmer Bear Persian Lamb Chinchilla Monkey Astrakhan Stone Marten and Electric Seal prices8125to 75 3 25 Ladies Jackets from 325 to- 12 Ladies Capes from 250 to 750 Misses Jacktes 8250 to 5 Childrens Eeefers and Eaglans 150 to 4 Styles the - latest prices the lowest pI2 AOC Bed Blankets in Cotton at 40c 50c 65c 65c 81 1158125 and 165 In woo from 265 to 550 All per pair 550 I65 Our own make of Bed Comforts 6ft wide 7 ft long 11 yds cloth 6 big Cotton Batts well tacked and hemmed from 165 to 25O 2QQ Mens heavy Blanket lined Ulster y rubber between rolled into one cloth like a Mackintosh big storm collar etc warranted proof against wind rain and cold for - 299 No THOMPSON DRY C Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAHT DEPART V Central Timo ll10p jf oiua M 12 900 am No 5 arrives from east at 8 n in main line west depakt No li Mountain Timo 1112 am 3 1110pm lf 1010am IMFKBIAL LINK No 176 arrives Mountain Time 510 v m No 175 departs 000am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on thr6ugh trains Tickots Bold and baggago checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxativo Bromo Quinino Tablets All druggists refund the monoy if it fails to cure E W Grovos signature is on each box 25c Great Railroad Expansion The Pennsylvania railroad alone will spend 15000000 i n adding 15000 pressed steel freight cars to its rolling stock within a year The New York New Haven Hartford road has ordered thirty locomotives and 1000 freight cars and the Denver Rio Grande company has ordered forty locomotives and 2000 freight cars The wooden freight car will soon be an obsolete feature in rail road equipment The steel freight car costs about the same as the wooden one but it costs less for repairs and lasts much longer It will carry 110000 pounds of ore or 104000 pounds of coal 24000 pounds more than the best wooden car New York World Personal Will the lady who fell in a swoon last Thurs day in front of the postoflic call at our store She suffers from biliousness Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin will surely cure her Sold by A McMillen Q Directorate a Secret Chicago Nov 6 Stockholders of the Chicago Burlington Quincy railroad the old Illinois corporation met here today in a protracted session Direc tors were elected but their names were not made public as it was said changes were likely to be made November 14 to which date the meeting was postponed The post gives presumptive reasons for the postponement as a desire to await the settlement of points at issue between J J Hill and E H Harriman Great Luck of an Editor For two years all efforts to cure eczema in the palms of my hands failed writes Editor H N Lester of Syracuse Kans then I was wholly cured by Bucklens Arnica Salve Its worlds best for eruption sores and and all skin disease Only 25c at McConnell Berrys Rural Mail Delivery The development of the rural free de livery system has reached a point that makes its general establishment through out the country a question of only a few years The superintendent predicts that within five years it will be in operation over an area of 1000000 square miles which will include practically all the inhabited territory of the United States This means the introduction a new and potent factor in American social life Indianapolis Journal Constipation means the accumulation of waste matter that should bo discharged daily and unless this is done the foul matter is absorbed and poisons the system Use Herbine to bring about regularity of the bowels Price 50 cts A McMillen Thousands of men and women suffer from piles especially women with female weakness have this suffering to contend with in addition to their other pains Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment will quickly effect a cure Price 50 ents in bottles tubes 75 cents A McMillen 4W Ic Mens Grey Covert Cloth short coat of similiar quality for only 175 8 EC Boys Blanket lined duck coats q with brass butoons for 5 IOC Heavy Cotton flannell gloves 10c each or 3 for 25C 3 cr Ladies fleece lined Union Suits for 35c UDUCiO uooyvi UvHJ px lu ill IU Childrens 25c 35c 50c yytnrt This signature is on every bor of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day 35C j ec Ladies fleece lined Hose 15c pair a or two pairs for 25C Others at 25c 25C Ladies Black wool Hose Fine Cashmere at 10c 25C IOC Izzer Cotton Batts weigh most unroll and open out almost like cloth closely compacted yet soft and fluff once used always used Price IOC OD 9M fisfl i fcrfSdt Listes - te4 iM f Oil SO All wool Dress Skirts of our own careful and excellent make r from 250 up to 750 7Kp Baby Coats of Eiderdown at n 75c 125 150 175 and 3 S C ens Heavy fleece lined un- q o derwear shirts or drawers OoC Others up to 2 each 50C Ladies Shirt Waists in Outings in Flannelettes in Savoy -Flannels in French Flannells in Mercerized Materials in blacks and colors from 50c to 82 Silk n WaistsatSlto U IOC Childrens Undershirts and Pants and Drawers in 3 lines fleece lined half wool and all wool in all sizes Also a few special and odd kinds Prices from 0 10c to O 4 C JESSE J iq E i3 If hrJT ee onest t ii mm J JS5j 1 V f W t tUt 3 mZZ SyiiMr llxBl Hb C O It O fit I J flOT Mrrrii Any reason why a shopper should doubt the evidence of his or her senses There isnt any such reason and thats why we ask you to come and see for yourselves how well this store is prepared to give you special service and unequaled merchandise at a great saving It is but a hupLz jPracitce To buy where you can secure the best and most good for the least money Hence we urge you to try us on any thing in the line of rocries tetc For we are here to sell goods and please and satisfy our customers in every particular especially in highness of quality and lowness of price NEB Produce just as good as cash Astounding Discovery From Coopersville Mich comes word of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by any one troubled with a bad cough always ensues a good nights rest It will hoon cure the cough too writes Mrs S Himelburger for three genera tions our family have ured Dr Kings Now Dis covery for Consumption and never found its equal for coughs and colds Its is an unrival ed life saver when used for desperate lung diseases Guaranteed bottles 50 cents and 1 at McConnell Berrys A very good woman will occasionally add a few gallons in telling how much fruit she put up The Childrens Friend Youll have a cold this winter Maybe you have ono now Your children will suffer too For coughs croup bronchitis grip and other winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure never fails Acts promptly It is very pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless C B George Winchester Ky writes Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she could hardly speak We gavo her a few doses of Ono Minute Cough Cure It re lieved her immediately and she went to sleeD J When she awoke next morning she had no signs I of hoarsness or croup McConnell Berry Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail The little daughter of He J N Powell jumped on an inverted rake made of ten penny nails and thrust ono nail entirely through her foot and a second one half way through Chamber Iains Pain Balm was promptly applied and five minutes later the pain had disappeared and no more suffering was experienced In three days the child was wearing her shoe as usual with absolutely no discomfort Mr Powell is a well known merchant of Forklnnd Va Pain Balm is an antiseptic and heals such wounds without maturation and in one third of the time required by the usual treatment For sale by McConnell Berry druggist A man went to the poor farm in Atchison not so very long ago who had raisod and educated nine props for his declining years To the Public Allow mo to say a few words in praise of Chamberlains Cough Bemedy I had a very se very cough and cold and feared that I would get pneumonia bnt after taking the second dose of this medicine 1 felt better three bottles of it cured my cold and the pains in my chest disap peared entirely I am most respectfully yonra for health Ralph S Meyees U Thirty seventh St Wheeling W Va For sale by McConnell Berry druggists COMPANY Pushing November Sale Bound to flaintain the lead that the year thus far shows over 1900 Bent upon making it still larger as the end of the year approaches The following items will show how we are doing it 25C vFafcSlatrs Saxony Ice Wool Shetland Floss 25c to 150 15c fancies Best quality table oil cloth in wniie wmte marble and plain 15c 35C We havte early 700 of the celebrated F C corsets in stock All shapes and JY back after 1 weeks wear J if dissatisfied 3oc to Jsj 5C iarns of all kinds Domestic Saxony Imported Saxony Spanish varns Knir trag Worsteds Shetland Floss and Zephyrs Price per skein 5c to 25 C 25c MensKnit Jersey Overshirts with lace fronts worth 45c 25 oc 200 pairs Mens Fine Worsted Pants at cleir mg Pnces SG for 475 5 ones for ones for 27o vo io 1000 other items at trade compelling prices Our stock is now in the most satisfactory condition for supplying your needs No skimiw undersized ill shaped garments of any kind in stock You spend much time and labor getting your moneybe equally careful ami 7C4tuoiiviijg iki ojjtuunig it yvc auiiciL vour LrclUc THE THOMPSON DRY COODsTa V rwy s b rvss ixv V JF r st o U r r