The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 08, 1901, Image 1

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Death Claimed Her
Last Saturday morning Gladys
Hedges whose health has been frail for
several years passed into the spirit land
She had been growing weaker for two or
three weeks past with an affection of the
kidneys and stomach and at an early
hour Saturday morning the grim reaper
closed the book of life here on earth
Gladys was a mild mannered child of
8 weet ways and disposition much beloved
by her schoolmates and friends The
family has the tenderest sympathy of
many friends in this sorrow and
Gladys Hedges was born in Falls
City Nebraska July 19 1889 died in
McCook Nebraska November 2 1891
Deceased moved to McCook in March
1900 Funeral services were conducted
at the residence Sunday afternoon at
three oclock Rev L M Grigsby of the
Methodist church in charge Interment
in Longview cemetery
We heartily thank the kind friends
and neighbors who so generously ren
dered services and tendered sympathy
in our time of sorrow
Mr and Mks C A Hedges
Last Sunday morning in the National
hotel parlor Earl Murray and May Cun
ningham both of this city were united
in marriage by County Judge Bishop
The bride is the daughter of Mrs Alice
Cunningham lessee of the hotel and
the groom an employe of W L Zint
The young folks went down to Cambridge
on No 12 and visited a few days They
are now making their home at the
National hotel
Last Sunday morning at eight oclock
Oscar W Green of Holdrege and Bessie
B Davidson of Denver were united in
marriage in this city Rev L M Grigsby
of the Methodist church performing the
ceremony at the home of Elmer Bocock
The young people left for their home in
Holdrege on No 12 the same morning
mdowell thomas
William McDowell of Trenton and
Lizzie Thomas of Pelonica Illinois were
united in marriage Thursday evening
at the Baptist parsonage by the Rev
G L White The young couple left on
the evening train for Trenton a few
miles from which point he has a farm
A Former McCook Boy
The following item concerning a for
mer McCook lad will be read with interest
by those who remember him It is
taken from an Ashtabula Ohio news
paper Harry Chapin left Monday
evening for Harrisburg Pa where he
will enter at once upon the new duties
he is to assume in the civil engineeriug
corps of the Pennsylvania Steel company
Mr Chapin has been for some time
engaged in the Ashtabula bank as book
keeper a position he resigned to accept
one more to his fancy he having worked
considerable with County Engineer J S
Sill and thus gained a knowledge of
engineering that will prove of value to
him in his new position He expects to
be at home for the holidays
Killed by an Engine at Roggen
Peter Help a Finlander was struck
by a Burlington Missouri express train
at Roggen Colo and instantly killed
The dead man was an immigrant on his
way from Finland to Salt Lake City
with Julius Osterland The two men
were on the track when the flyer hove in
sight Osterland managed to leave the
track in time but Help was caught by
the engine Denver Times
Irene McBride Dead
The Tribune is pained to learn of the
death of Irene McBride daughter of
Rev D L McBride of Liberty this
state where the family is now located
Her death occurred on October 28th
The family has the sympathy of many
f riendffin this section of the state
It is a pleasure to learn that Rev Mc
Bride is doing well in his new location
where he is greatly liked bj his parish
Shandon Bells
an ideal toilet soap sold everywhere at
15c We had an opportunity to buy a
lot at a bargain our customers get the
benefit We sell it at 10c per cake
three for 25c McConnell Berry
Dont Miss This Chance
We have 50 patterns of wall paper for
one and two rooms that we are selling at
wholesale prices D W Loar
Horses cattle and all kinds of stock
will winter better if fed occasionally a
little condition powder or stock food
It will also save your feed Come and
get free book showing its advantages
McConnell Berry
If you want to pSiat you will be as
tonished and profited by getting prices
at S M Cochran Cos -
W O Bond was among the Indian-
olaites in town Wednesday
Miss Belle Odell went up to Denver
close of last week on a visit
Mrs M M Delhunty went up to
Alliance close of last week on a visit
Mrs H C Smith is visiting relatives
and friends in Micnigan City Indiana
Mrs George D Leach entertained
the Awl Os handsomely Tuesday even
Mrs W B Mills went down to Lin
coln Wednesday morning on a short
Mrs N B Bush arrived home Wed
nesday on lSjrom visiting Oberlin rela
Mayor Eldred made a flying trip to
Lincoln Wednesday returning home on
No 3
D T Welty of Cambridge was inter
ested in district court proceedings this
Mrs W R Starr arrived home fore
part of the week from a prolonged visit
in Ohio
Mrs A P Welles returned early in
the week from visiting her sister in
Mrs Robert Moore made her mother
Mrs Anthony Clark a visit in Oxford
this week
Mrs J B Meserve came up from
Lincoln Wednesday night on 3 on a
short visit
EBPerry Cambridges rising young
lawyer had business in district court
this week
Mrs A P Ely returned Wednesday
on 13 from visiting the homefolks in
Red Cloud
Mrs G W Starks has been down
from Denver this week visiting relatives
and friends
Mrs Mark Parks visited Mr and
Mrs Wiiliam Parks in Red Cloud close
of last week
Mrs J F Jernberg arrived home
last Sunday morning from a visit of a
week in Denver
M A Hartigan the well known Hast
ings lawyer had business in district
court here this week
J B Cumming was over from Lebanon
Monday on business in the countys
commercial headquarters
Mrs W H Bohnstedt children and
mother departed on No 1 Tuesday for
Denver to make that their home
C H Meeker departed on Saturday
night for Beatrice He also visited the
Norfolk beet sugar factory while absent
Lillian Roman and Ethel Pope re
turned home Monday night on 3 from
visiting relatives in Lincoln a few days
Mrs Ed Beyrer and the baby came
down from Denver Saturday night on 6
on a visit to McCook relatives and friends
I L Rodstrom who has been
in Holdrege since returning
from her sad trip to Illinois arrived in
the city on Wednesday of this week
Miss Erninie Rathbun who is teach
ing in the Oxford schools was guest of
her parents Register and Mrs F M
Rathbun Saturday and Sunday last
W C Bullard was out from Omaha
Friday and Saturday last on lumber
and coal business His young daughter
Josie who is rapidly blooming into at
tractive girlhood accompanied him
1 Herbert Hedges who was called up
from Falls City Nebraska Sunday to
the funeral of his sister is visiting the
family for a week or ten days He is
the efficient assistant postmaster at that
Mrs L R Hileman has been enjoy
ing a visit this week from her parents
Mr and Mrs Lee of Exeter They de
parted for California last night on No
3 to remain during the winter A cousin
from England accompanied them
Porter Maddox and family of Box
Elder departed Wednesday of this week
overland for Dolores Colorado which
is located in the south western part of
the Centennial state near the Utah line
They are old settlers of the county
Bernard Shelley went down to Hold
rege last Friday morning to attend
the funeral of his uncle Allison Shelley
at that place who was killed near Love
land Colorado Tuesday of last week
by being crushed by a heavy load of
stone falling upon him
r -
An Elaborate At Home
From two to six last Friday afternoon
Mrs H H Tartschand Mrs W V
Gage were at home to about fifty lady
friends at the home of the former where
genial hospitality wasvmost charmingly
dispensed during the afternoon by the
clever hostesses and assistants
The decorations of the home were In
red and white carnations ropes of smilax
made a pretty portiere effect
High Five and other games were
played Mrs James Hatfield won the
card game prize and Mrs T B Camp
bell the prize for outlining the best hen
on linen
Mrs F S Vahue and Mrs J M
Henderson Jr presided at the punch
bowl and Mesdames H A Beale F A
Pennell JeanetteMcCarland WB Mills
assisted in serving the dainty refresh
ments a three course luncheon
An interesting guessing particular
were the menus each item being inter
rogatively described in rhyme
Among the guests from out of town
were Mrs Samuel Patterson of Aarapa
hoe Mrs Nellie Guild of Omaha Miss
Edith Phelan of Alliance
Victory For Compound
The triumph of the Rio Grande West
ern locomotives over those of theDenver
Rio Grande and the Midland railways
in recent tests between Denver and
Pueblo was not so much a triumph of
the railways or of the crews asit was
a victory of the compound type of loco
motive over the simple type Upon the
conclusion of the tests President Jeffery
of the Denver Rio Grande gave an
order for forty locomotives of the com
pound type so great was the saving
shown by this style of engine If all
the Rio Grande locomotives were com
pound the coal bills would be reduced
1000000 a year according to the show
ing made The tests were made under
the direction of Charles H Quereau
assistant superintendent of motive power
of the Denver Rio Grande Lincoln
New Work Nearly Done
The practical completion of the Burl
ingtons new line to Cody from Toluca
lifts a burden from the construction de
partment of the Burlington The work
was begun early in the season and the
construction of the 120 miles has kept
busy a large force of men The rails
have been laid into Cody and train
service will be established in a few days
When the end of the steel was within
five miles of the city a long delay occur
red because it was necessary to build
two heavy bridges Now the energy of
construction department can be trans
ferred to the new connection being sur
veyed between Billings and Great Falls
Mont and to the improvements and
changes being made on the companys
Black Hills system Lincoln Journal
- county court
Licenses to wed issued since our
Earl Murray and May Cunningham
both of McCook married by county
judge November 3 1901
Oscar W Green of Holdrege and
Bessie B Davidson of Denver married
by Rev L M Grigsby at residence of
Elmer A Bocock November 3 1901
Michael Schrammell and Agnes Smith
both of Herndon Kansas married by
county judge November 4 1901
-Andrew F Lambert and Mabel F
Goben both of Indianola
Lloyd B Mahon of Tyrone and Laura
E Beeson of Bartley
Arthur C Widupand Emma J Dolph
both of Danbury
Farm mortgages filed 3880 released
6795 City mortgages filed 5070 re
leased 3597 Chattel mortgages filed
1802329 released 891518
Report to board of education for the
month ending November 1st 1901 all
grades McCook schools
Number of boys enrolled SIS
Number of girls enrolled- 382 730
Transferred 4
Withdrawn but not re entered 39 43
Present membership 6S7
Average daily attendance by boys 3216
Average daily attendance by girls 3564 678
Average number belonging 702
Per cent of attendance on enrollment 93
Per cent of attendance on number be-
longing 96
Not absent during month 446
Half days absent 1007
Casesof tardiness 41
Numberof persons tardy 29
Visit3by board 0
Visits by superintendent 4S
Visits by others 40
Half days teachers absent 13
It will get colder and Youll have to
hurry to get coal It wont be any
lower Let us know what you want and
well do the rest
Barnett Lumber Co
J V Neuman spent Sunday in Wy
Dick Irwin is manipulating the steam
hammer now
A R Dennis returned from Omaha
Tuesday on No 1
T F Crawford machinist has located
in Parsons Kansas
The tank on 191 hog has been placed
behind the 109 standard
Locomotive 316 is in the shop for an
overhauling 157 is just out
Brakeman E T Lunberry was recently
transferred here from Oxford
Robert Pope visited Oxford relatives
Sunday returning home on No 5
J A Rydell of Orleans was at head
quarters last Friday on business
Brakeman HR Childress has returned
from his trip to Rawlins Wyoming
Arthur Randel went to work in the
machine shop Monday as a helper
The 157 is ready for the Oxford Red
Cloud run on the fast freight Nos 63 64
Way car 25 is ready to go on the road
and 76 is in to have her sills reinforced
JW Chase machinist had a finger
of his right hand smashed Wednesday
Supt Campbell went down to Kansas
City Wednesday night on 6 on busi
Brakeman John Humphreys has gone
to Johnson this state for a few days on
Roadmaster T W Wilburn was up
from Red Cloud Friday last on pay roll
business -
Asst Supt D F McFarland was
down from Holyoke on pay roll matters
Friday last
Mrs C P Ball of Red Cloud was
the guest of Mrs L W Stayner Satur
and Sunday
The new larger and more complicated
locomotives are making schools of in
struction quite essential
Brakeman French and family from
McCook have moved into the Kiser pro
perty Oxford Standard
The coal books have been taken off
the engines and the engineers will fur
nish their own in the future
Conductor C W Bronson departed
on 6 Wednesday night for Chicago on
Burlington Relief business
Peter Help a passenger on No 1 was
struck and killed by No 6 Thursday of
last week at Roggen Colorado
Pay car is posted for No 5 on the
evening of the 15th and to go west at 7
on the following morning as a special
Engineer C N Batchellor of Fort
Worth Texas has been in the city this
week having a case before the district
Night Foreman Tom Biirge is laid up
for a while with a sprained ankle and
Brakeman G L Miller is filling his
place in the meantime
Agent and Mrs A P Thomson ar
rived home Wednesday night on 3 via
Lincoln from a visit of a week or two to
their son John in Missoula Montana
Frank Purvis came up from Oxford
last Friday noon and on Monday noon
departed for Ft Morgan Colorado
where he will be located for the present
We understand that the machine shops
at Richland Calif whither Knud Stang
land went were entirely destroyed by
fire the next day after Knud and his
bride arrived there
Conrad Wagner and Cdnrad Eckhart
are each building dwelling houses on
the lots formerly occupied by the Mc
Brayer livery barn Both are of the 21
foot square type
Guy Tomlinsdn stenographer in the
roadmasters office has been promoted
to the same position under J C Barber
store keeper with an increase of salary
to 60 per month Heres to you Guy
Foreman M E Wells of Alliance round
house left Wednesday for Colorado
Springs During his absence he will
have the remains of his father which are
buried at Colorado Springs moved to
LeRoy Iowa Alliance Grip
Switchman and Mrs C F Murphy of
Akron left on Tuesday for Chariton
Iowa where they were summoned by
the serious illness of a sister T D
Joy of this place has gone up to Akron
to relieve him in the yard at that place
Soft white hands and velvety skin
the result of using McConnells fragrant
For every purchase of a dollars worth
of goods you get a key to the money box
at The Cash Bargain Store
For clothing go to DeGroff Cos
Mrs T D Joy is visiting relatives in
Wray Colorado
J E Wilcox is now located in Rock
house Arkansas
C H Meeker returned home on 3
Wednesday nfght
Congregational Sunday school 10
a m Preaching 11 Y P S C E
645 Preaching 8 Prayer meoting on
Wednesday evening 8 Morning sub
ject The Gospel of Deeds Evening
subject The Friendship of Christ
W J Turner Pastor
Baptist Sunday school 945 a m
Preaching 11 a m and 8 p m B Y
P U 715 p m Prayer meeting Wed
nesday 8 p m There has been some
mimmderstanding about the hour for
prayer meeting it is and will continue
to be at 8 oclock
George L White Pastor
lukthodist csunaay scnooj iu a m
Preaching 11 subject Jesus at the
Door of the Human Heart Junior
League 3 Epworth League 630
Preaching 730 subject An Angel
that Helped a Preacher out of Jail
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
730 Please note the change in hour
for evening services
L M Grigsby Pastor
Episcopal Services noxt Sunday at
St Albaris Sunday school at 10 jj m
Morning prayer at 11 Evening prayer
and sermon at 730 by rector subject
The Religion Our Day Demands
Week day services Ladies guild
Thursday at the home of Mrs H H
Tartsch Sunshine club at 430 p m
Friday and evening prayer at 730
Come R H Hardman Rector
Rev Grigsby was an Arapahoe visitor
The Kings Daughters serve refresh
ments this Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs White
Preparation are being made to give a
musical literary entertainment in St
Patricks church at some early date
Rev W J Turner of the Congrega
tional church has been in Northwest
Nebraska since close of last week He
returned on 1 this noon
C O Blomquest is entertaining his
father from Gothenburg
- Mr and Mrs John Schlagel became
parents of a son Saturday last
Reuben Trowbridge was summoned
to Dixon Illinois Monday by the death
of his father
James Cinek left on Sunday evening
for Omaha where he will engage in the
hardware business The family will fol
low later
Mrs Catherine McLean arrived from
Alpena Michigan last week and she
and her son Stuart receiver in Supt
Campbells office are enjoying a trip to
Colorado Springs this week
Automatic Stoker Wins
An automatic locomotive stoker has
made its appearance on the Panhandle
and it bids fair to make the firemans
position a sinecure Despite the fact
that the contrivance is said to be prov
ing a success there is no talk of doing
without the services of firemen who will
be expected to take more part in the
running of the engines provided the fuel
is taken care of The company has
equipped engine No 319 with the device
The engine ran into Columbus recently
on time with its flues leaking after a
hard run and with its steam blowing off
During the entire trip the fireman had
toyed with the furniture of the cab in
order to keep busy It is stated that
although the engine had a hard load to
pull steam pressure was maintained at
the maximum every mile of the distance
The automatic stoker is operated by a
small engine supplied with steam from
the locomotive so that the engine may
be said to feed itself The coal is dis
tributed regularly over the entire grate
area and with the perfect evenness so
much sought after The use of the
stoker obviates the necessity of opening
the fire door and consequently there is
no cold air streaming onto the fire from
that source
For SaleCheap
A 7 room house with 8 acres of land
Will sell at very reasonable figure In
quire at PaDes Furniture Store
Why allow your hair to all come out
when by taking treatment for your scalp
at the Toilet Parlors you can save your
crowning glory and have a new growth
We have a good stockof stove boards
also the best blue steel pipe ever offered
to the people of this city
S M Cochran Co
See Porters photographs whether you
intend to sit or not Now is the best
time to sit for Christmas photographs
Harry M Porter north of postoffice
A Lakewood citron and three pounds
of granulated sugar for 25c at Artz
Thompsons Nothinfi finer for pre
serving purposes than citron
Jardinieres and Fern dishes the latest
at McMillens
gy7 JJ
Trade at Loars drug storo
Dr J D Hare telephone 168
Just call up telephone 32 and toll them
all about it
Wanted A Shepherd pup Inquire
at this office
Jardinieres and Fern dishes the latest
at McMillens
Stock tanks of all sizes at S M
ran Cos for sale cheap
If you dont see what you want ask
at D C Marshs meat market
For Sale Two houses in West
Cook Inquire of Thomas Burge
Nobody moots our prices on coal hods
and shovels S M Cochrajt Co
Completest line of legal blanks in Red
Willow county at The Tribune office
To make your faco and hands soft and
smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion
To make your faco and hands soft and
smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion
Two furnished rooms with board
Mrs B Rowell 1002 Madison street
a McMUlen has an elegant assort
ment of latest style lamps from 25c up
A McMillon has an elegant assort
ment of latest style lamps from 25c up
To rent Nice large front bed room
with or without board 308 Melvin st
The Holdrege Citizen announces the
presence of the steel range canvasser in
Phelps county
For rent Front room over the meat
market Inquire of D C Marsh for
terms and particulars
For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc
Cook Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge McCook Nebraska
D C Marsh invites your patronage
guaranteeing the best meats obtainable
of all kinds A t the old stand
The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of
G A R meet the first Saturday of
every month in Odd Fellows hall
Wanted A girl for general house
work Inquire at residence of H M
Tyler North Manchester street 2ts
Liquid Hickory fcSmoke just as good
as real smoke for curing meat
McConnell Berry
If you dont see what you are after
inquire at Marshs meat market They
have it and will take pleasure in show
ing you
Infant children of S C Dragoo of Ash
Creek and J J Scott of the South Side
were buried in Riverview cemetery on
Sunday afternoon
See Porters photographs whether you
intend to sit or not Now is the best
time to sit for Christmas photographs
Harry M Porter north of postoffice
Judicious buyers find Marshs meat
market to their liking for there is com
bined the best in quality with the most
reasonable in price They have ever
seasonable article in line too
There is no surer beginning for a home
than simple furnishing In simplicity
lie safety reason and art There is
nothing finer nor higher It is supreme
November Ladies Home Journal
We have in stock all the latest books
Eternal City Right of Way Dri
and I Blennerhassett Lazarre and
many other new issues
McConnell Berry
Cards are out announcing the approach
ing nuptials of Peter J Foxen and Bertha
M Townsend St Patricks church
Thursday morning November 14th nine
oclock At home after January 1 1902
E J Mitchell has two general sales in
the northeast part of the county listed
for next week Wednesday November
13th at Harry Shorts north of Bartley
and Thursday at Charlie Miziners north
east of Bartley Notice his card
We are receiving almost daily consign
ments of our Christmas stock We are
now ready to show many new thing3 in
pictures stationery wall plaques jardi
nieres plates and odd china pieces etc
Ask to see them
McConnell Berry
District court now in session will
likely continue during the coming week
The sittings were this morning trans
ferred from the district court clerks
office upstairs into the regular court
room where seats were improvised of
planks and limited heating facilities
See the Estate Oak heaters at S M
Cochran Cos They have seamless
bottoms no putty to fall out and let in
the air to keep the fire constantly burn
ing rapidly which is expensive waste of
fuel They can also be changed from
soft to hard coal Its the best stove for
the money ever invented
i r