m ii UN rr1 H d f M FRANKLIN i i ttHmmemriaeam IP il l5r3 m TT TS n T Ti T7 ft TT TT1 S3 THE COLD WAVE i5 Will be here soon and we have got in ahead with a full supply of STOVE BOARDS STOVE OIL CLOTH PIPE ELBOWS FIRST - rflcCook Nebraska SSIiilMlHrtliEsSl MmiyraifmminiiTwiiiiiiMjiMimMnBF c THK ITIZENS OF MeCOOK NEB 9 Paid Up Capital Ssoooo DIRECTORS W B Surplus 5000 WFMcFARLAND A C WOLFE C H WILLARD Z NATIONAL 3 5 2S20 EBERT I BANK 4 Authorized Capital 1009000 Capital and Surplus 60000 ciX GEO H0CRNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director FRANK HARRIS Director DAMPERS BRUSHES m BLACKING HOOKS POKERS COAL PAILS OIL CLOTH BINDING JWJ2 You will also find a full supply of all the cooking utensils used on and off the stove in the most convenient sizes and prices We make a study of your wants Will you favor us with a call M Us i m HH tfinzjzjtx xKcifit Oua Ox iKr tilt a Ai tffia aeafiuJti r3 rffe tb VSgj ffi stsrasft ajjc yr Briynxy j tfpraxgra tfr i i j paCiqjK xijii V FRANKLIN President A C EEERT Cashier JLs JL jl jl i A S 23ljBilj Mi JSit 3BtjdisfiaibcST tAjtAi jgh jgySi jjGr affix jljcjS L e zt C The McCook Tribune ITS ONLY ioo A YEAR tvi3 -43 43vtil vx T s r ROMRBOUCH BROS Proprietors Omaha No- 1MLL TKJlil M nclay bent Z Scores oi new Muclenis will lmmi i hi iiepter t rl Al f if- -ii fi r the opetiinfr OF KushiessEns lit Sliortlitnd Typcwritirr Tcleraphv Pen Tina in i t Ar iil NTA eqntpmpiitF tlte let teailn o O fapiT Printing OfliCP Cints Ltterav - ili J IV Grrcv prstrni Fu foi 5ln AVrie pji iiu - tiKlKAl lVKnirrtAI ION Over 1000 lat xoin Itnnl f jpni - jjiace j liiiiulrrd of student in pititiou cacli en iiiil lut tr HATAilKitK -free to any address Write HOJUtKOlTHM iU hi BOX ELDER Bain Kinzorhas returned homo A party is thenoxt thing on tho program No preaching nt Box Elder last Sunday A great many of tho farmers nro sowing u lnrg acreage of smull grain D P Browor our nasby expects to soon leavo for tho cast per wugou Josso Yonncors hand is doing nicely consid ering the ugly way in which it was mangled Rev C W Satchel 1 and wife are attending an nual conference nt North Platte Tho weather is suggestive of approaching winter mornings and evenings especially Mrs Henry Winand Is back in old Nebraska again Shu scorns to think thore is no place like the west Bertha Wolfe entertained the Lonesomos last Sunday to thoir great enjoyment playing croquet in the rain Winter Reading on the Farm Lonjr evenings aro here again and naturally ono thinkn of a good fnmily agricultural wt okly because it regular visits are welcomed by the wholo family The Twentieth Century Farmer is out of the rnt in which most agricultural papers travel This is true particularly of the pplendld illus trations from photograph taken by their own artists and SDecial articles bv the best known and ino t practical men in every branch of agri culture Mich as NJ Harris secretary of the Iowa Seed Corn Breeders Association If W Campbell the authority on soil culture James Atkinson of the Iowa experiment station at Ames Iowa Frank Q Carpeuter famous for his letters of travel C R Tiiomas tccrrtary Amorican Hereford Breeders association Dr A T Peters Nebraska experiment stntion 12 F Stephens presidont Nebraska Horticultural societv Womans Department conducted bv Mrs Nellie Hawks Friend Nebraska J J Edgfrton of the Iowa Experiment Station will answer all questions relating to live stock matters This is a weekly agricultural family paper in which tho fanners wife is particularly inter ested on nccount of the pages devoted to her particular interests In fact there is no paper puoiisuea euuor in tno east or west that meets to well the want of tho western farmers and stock raisers and thir familio If you do not gt it send 10 cents for a ton weeks trial subscription to Tho Twentieth Cen tury Fanner 2051 Famam street Omaha Neb and you will have an opportunity to become ac quainted with it A dollar will bring it for a whole year SIIERIFFS SALE By virtue of auordi rof sale issued from the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Frank liageman James Li liambaru and Sanford B Ladd as trustees aro plaintiff and Howard M Gardnor Elva A Gardtier his wife et al are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public s ale and sell to the high est bidder for cujh at the east door of tho court house in McCook Red Willow county Nebras ka on tho 28th day of Occobor 1001 at the hour of one oclock p in tho following described real estate to wit Tho south west quarter of tho north east quarter north wet quarter of the south east quarter and the south half of the south east quarter of section thirty two in town ship four north ringo twenty six west of the Gth P M Dated this 27th day of September 1001 A C Crabtkhk Sheriff Pulsifior Alexander attornoys SHERIFFS SALE Bv virtue of an Order of Salo issued from tho uistrict Uourt of Jted Willow County ora ka under a decree in an actfou wherein The Nebraska Loan and Trust Company John X Clark Uecoiver is plaintiff and Sterling P Hart Rosalie V Hartet al aro defendant- to me directed and delivered I shall olfer at pub lic alo and sell to tho highest bidder for cash at the oar t door of the court house in McCook Red Willow County Nebraska ou the 14th day or October 1001 at tho hour of one oclock P M tho following described real estate to wit lio boutli Jast quarter HI of Section ouo zij and the North half Y of the South- ve t quarterly and the West half V of the North West quarter 4 of oeetiou twenty two 22 all in townhiu three fi north of Range twenty nine 29 west of the Gth P M Dated tins 155th day of September 1901 A C Chabtkee Sheriff J E Kelley Attorney SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION George P Smith and Mrs Smith wife of George P Smith first name unknown to plain tiff Unretta M Wickersliam aud Mr Wicker sham whose flr3t name unknown to plaintiff defendants will take notice that John E Kel ler plaintiff has filed his petition in the Dist rict Court of Red Willow County Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a lien for the delinquent taxes local I v a sessed and levied against lots One Two Three Four I Five and Six in Block No Two in tho Third Addition to McCook Nebraska for the years 1895 1S90 1S97 and 1898 for which taxes said real e tate was sold to the plaintiff by tho treasurer of said Couuty on September 21th 1900 at private tax sale having been previously offered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders aud plaintiff having paid to said treasurer on September 24th 1900 tho sum of 1010 and Augn t 20th 1901 the subsequent delinquent for the year 1900 assessed and levied on said real estate the sum of 258 on which tax sale and subsequent payment of taxes there is now due plaintiff the sum of 2190 with interest thereon at tho rate of 20 per cent per annum from Sep tember 1st 1901 and an attorneys fpo equal to ten percent of tho amount of tho decree entered herein which is a valid first lien against said real etate Plaintiff pravs for a decree that the defendants be required to pay said sums or that said lien be foreclosed and said premises be sold to satisfy tho amount found due for taxes attorneys fee and the costs of this ac tion You are required to answer said petition on or before Mouday the 28th day of October 1901 Dated at McCook Nebraska September x iwiu jonx ej kei ley Plaintiff WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS of charac ter and good reputation in each state one in this county required to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing Salary 1800 weekly with expenses additional all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head office Horse and carriage furnished when necessary Refer ences Enclose self addresed stamped envel ope Manager 310 Caxton Building Chicago McCook Transfer Line J H DWYER Proprietor hauling Special attention paid to furniture Leave order at either lumber yard Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds oi food It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows vou to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it Bj its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured alter everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on au iciicvtuy an uistressaicer eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take Sf cant help but do you good Prepared only by E O De Witt Co Chicago Too 51 bottle contains 2H times the 50c size McConnell Berry Druggists swno 18 o sw 18 nwpn 18 lot i is lot 4 u BW so -18 one 10 oso 10 wno 10 o nw 10 w nw 10 ne no 20 w sw 20 no 21 n nw 22 sw 551 eex 2 a 23 2 a of se 21 wsw 21 nw 25 wni 27 onw 27 o sw 27 wno 28 onw 28 w nw 28 o no 20 w nw 20 swsw 20 nw sw 20 sa sw a s so X nosw x n so X s ne Hi o nw u lot 1 2 o ne n so ne w no o nw w nw ES Win 511 551 St ci 555 - n sw 22 sw 25 uwse 25 wco 22 C 12 1 85 1 85 12 25 21 CO 27 01 21 05 lotl lot 51 0 70 51 550 7 27 7 04 00 7 82 7 27 5114 5188 IlttJ 4 11 4 11 4 510 4 5iG 14 20 12 20 it 56 11 05 24 82 11 00 20 78 27 92 25 52 1 01 1 01 55 88 5188 7 70 Willow Grovo Prect Township a Range 20 nw 1 no t lot 55 4 55 s nw 4 o no 1 so i nw 0 sw 0 nw 7 w ne 8 w so 8 sw 8 no 10 nw JO nw 11 sw 11 w se 12 nw 12 nw ij sw in ne 15 n nw 17 s nw 17 sw 17 ne 18 nw 18 se 18 no 21 so 21 5 92 4 87 07 07 1 05 1 05 0 44 25 45 25 415 25 45 5 90 90 7 80 0 75 9 75 750 i 5 cl 4 74 4 74 9 48 7 IK 7 550 55 90 t oo 12 18 11 05 28 155 11 87 20 02 25 45 Com at se cor sw sec I ft to leg lot 7 lot8 so sw sw so cor 21 JIU HO sw nw 21 aw sw 21 nwnw 21 lotl 2rt lot 1 a lot 51 21 22 AIM lot 4 20 85 lot 5 525 i 78 I lot 0 20 14 511 lot 7 20 w nw 20 wsw 20 lots 20 no 27 so as i e 23 all esw 28 lying n M 20 47 Com nt pt S8 ft n 75t w of pt on sec lino Mii ft n of so cor sec SQ-5-20 th n 1507 ft n 75 w 51 ft s 15W7 s ilPoJlft 2 50 Com at pt 051 ft n of so cor so sec th w m ft s 15155 ft o 5550 ft n 1505 ft 1 50 Com HM3 ft n of cor stouo of sec cor sec 11 at pt on sec linn of sec 20aud50ths8G5ft n 75 w 500 ft n 805 s 7ieS00fttolKg4 08 Com pt 051 n of sec cor of sec 29 M 551 nnd 512 ou sec lino th n 75 w 500 ft n 100 ft s 75o 500 ft son sec lino 100 51 5l 51 il All lot 9 and 10 trnct to L C wolf55 07 Comntse cor so so wl5ch74 Iks n 4 chs74 Iks o 1 ch 7ilksn27ch25 Iks to river etc otc 90 a 2 21 All so so and lot 0 sec not contained in above 1 98 Com on bank Rep river nfc nw rnr lnfc 0 sec -2-29 th s 1455 ch II 4llil ell o 051 ch to rivor bank th nw to bog IS All lot 7 sec 52--29 ex 5 a to Dillon and tract to Barnes 11 92 Com at pt 515 feet of center tec 52-5-29 th n 1118 ft w 455 ft sw along rivor bauk to nt due w of beg th o to bee 11 12 Com S81 ft n of so cor lot 9 sec th w IS21 ft to hank river 2129 th w CO rds n 40 L B rds e 00 rds s 40 rds s to beg i 51 I o nw ox 3 a in nw 1 vo Srlio J4Iotl 5 i A 7 50 20 10 I 0 Sli I i I lot 1 5 55 55 Dutcher samo 55 00 Baumbach same S A Speer same claim 2150 alld at W N Crattv samo claim SO alld at Fred Larson same claim 69 alld at G 41 48 1 58 I IIS OOOOOOO0OOOOO0OO0OO 148 W Joo7 A i i If you are going to build a house 9 10 48 y EQl X 11 ii or a barn or a granary or if you 10 A A 21 00 7J7 w j jji K are only going to make a few needed A 55 21 JL J 5 1 P repairs about the place let us tell X ff lv I ak C ff 01 2 4 14 7 80 4 45 not in 21 li 251 8 41 2 OS Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska Oct 5th 1901 Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment Present Stephen Bolles D A Waterman aud Maurice Roddy commissioners R Starr county attorney and R A Green county clerk Minutes of previous meeting read and approved Ofiicial bond of S H Stilgebouer over eer road district No 41 examined and on motion approved The following claims were audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho couuty general fund levy of 1901 in payment thereof as follows G W Short Iioum rant for pauper 8 00 G W Short md o for pauper 20 U btate Journal Co supplies 107 50 John Green watering trees 1 50 R A Green compiling tax Hat for 1901 479 72 Stephen Bolles money advanced 7 40 Stephen Bolles services as commissioner 12 00 D A Waterman same 12 00 Maurice Reddy same 11 20 And on county bridge fund levy of 1901 as follows John Adams hauling piling tOO Daniel Reeves same 4 00 Charles Lbert samo and bridge work 7 50 George Younger bridge work 0 00 0 75 15 00 4 50 800 j a oiiL irc same ciaim oii an l at ij Barnett Lumber Co lumber 171 523 And on county road fund lovy of 1901 as follows A L Overman filling washout 5 00 Jas Bergiu same 2 50 Wm Bergin same 2 50 W K For ey grading same 5 00 Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro vided the board on motion selected the follow ing named persons to draw a jury for the Novem ber term of district court 1901 Alliance Jackson Teeters W A Stewart J E Rishol Beaver Wm Hiersekorn W A Minniear samuei Aiessner Bondvillo Charles Skalla W P Burns Box Elder James Doyle Daniel Doyle Coleman Lewis Carothers Danbury E B Lister H W Naden Driftwood J M Hammond East Valley Isaac Beeson George Muntz William Enveart Kritsch Charles Barber Samuel Hoagland Gervor A V Olmstead Grant George Fowler Indianola James Farroll Jesse Wolborn James McClung Jr J B Rozell Silas Vander voort Lebanon Charles Waterman Eustis High Charles Nichols Missouri Ridge Georgo Fisher North Valloy Joseph Walkiugton T W Robinson Perry C H Harmau Ed Flitaraft Red Willow A C Black Ira Neel Tyrone Charles Blair James Horton Valley Grange J E Logue Ira Kennedy Willow Grovo M E Horner M H Holmes J H Artz J P Notloy W T Shophord J T Devitt F C Kellog W S Guyer T J Pate T J Smith D H Polk E W Hendrick Elmer Rowoll S G Dulaney George E Thompson J H Grannis J J Garrard H P Waite N J Johnson J H Yarger In the matter of the bids for tho construction of tho rivor bridge south of Bartloy tho bid of the Hamilton Brothers of Bartley being tho best bid was on motion accepted and contract for the faithful performance of said work entered into and contract filed with the clerk On motion board adjourned to meet Novem ber 12th 1901 Attest R A Geeen Clerk LEGAL NOTICE The Nebraska fc Kansas Farm Loan Company and Matio G Wood Defendants will take notice That on the 28th day of September 1901 plaintiff herein filed his petition acrainst said defendants in the district court of Red Willow county the object and prayer of which are to forecloso a certain tax sale certificate and lien for taxes duly assessed and levied upon the north west quarter of section thirty three in township two north of ranse thirty west pur chased at private tax sale paying to said treas urer of Red Willow county for the same the sum of4GS7 and subsequent taxes in the sum of 1195 that there is now due upon said tax sale certificate and lien the sum of TS2 and inter est from the date of purchase of said certificate and plaintiff prays for a decreo that the said defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of November 1901 Dated September 2Sth 1901 SAMUEL C KING Plaintiff Br W E Stark His Attorney LEGAL NOTICE To Josephine Emil non resident defendant Vou are hereby notified that on the 25th day of September 1901 John Murphy plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska apainst said defend ant the object and prayer of which are to pro cure a judgment against the defendant upon a foreign judgment rendered against said defend ant in the Court of Common Pleas for Phila delphia county State of Pennsylvania on the 5th of September1901for the sum of 6127 and subject certain real estate owned by defendant by attachment proceedings to the payment of tho same for which sum with interest from the 5th day of Septem ber 1901 plaintiff prays for a judgment that the defendant bo required to pay the same or that the premises attached under said proceeding may be sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required to answer said petition on or Deiore tne 4tn nay of November 1901 Dated this 25th day of Septemcer 1901 t9 74 Johx Muephv Plaintiff By W R Starr his attorney 7 you the cost of the lumber O If we fail to show you an S tage in buying from us you will be X f ICllif nothing out If we can save you 9 I some money you will be just that A i If you take the trouble to look Jt 9 around a bit you will probably be Jr X I If j M Qllf better able to appreciate our mean- I S ing when we say that we have the jt J most complete assortment to select jr JlllllST i from and that our Prices are the V A I lowest when quality is considered X Barnett Lumber X X loll IS s Company BANKSVILLE William Sigwiug tho thresher was a visitor Tuesday Joseph Kennedy was a Banksvillo business caller Monday The Republican caucus for the nomination of precinct ollicors mot on Monday nigut Commit- time in making tho nominations j HARMONY VALLEY Mrs Stono is quite sick Mrs John Burtless is very sick Mrs Goldtraps mother and bister from Red Cloud are here on a visit Linford R Fitch came up from Lincoln closo of last week returning Sunday evening Please notice That black calf no longer reigns supreme the black dog has usurped its place W G Dutton had a sevoroattack of LaGrippe Monday night from which ho is gradually re covering Will Little and Frank Cain have returned from their Canada trip and are very much J piea eu witn tno country and they talk of re turning there to settle in tho near future Ernest Markwad and several others whom wo shall miss very much are talking of accompany- iiig them Josie An Atchison man died lately leavincr a small potato patch and his children aro now classed among the towns heirs and hriresres s iris W A i13 - jv Jru m r jvj j Myd mBkdmm Wf it w BSMBFiELB1 fjJ Send for V Wi n ser iajC f r yn feirale troubles and weakness aid from irregiilar or painful men ses ought not to lose hope if K doctors eannnt b sicians are so M u -1 UUSV VILLI ULlIUr diseases that they do not un derstand fully the peculiar ail ments and the delicate organism of voinan Wnat tne sunerer ougnt to do is to a fair trial to gi e 3 whicn is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing who devoted his whole life to the studv of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our mcthn ers wives and daughters It is made of soothing- healing strengthening herbs and vegetables which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses Leu corrhcea Failing of the Womb Nerv ousness Headache and Backache In fairness to herself and to Brad fields Female Regulator every suffering woman ought to give it a trial A large i bottle will do a wuuuenui amount or good sola dv druggists nicely - Ixni cr tbe inject The Bradfield regulator Co Atlanta Ga C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building H P SUTTON McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska SZr Agent of Lincoln Land Co door north of Commercial hotel McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL D W V CAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next teemau JU 1 Ieterson calling the mooting to to City hall Hooks 8550 to 12 ltoO 7 to 9 uruur nuro wore uiiio voters prescutaim mere tiiguncans answoreu lrom residence over bank was a iiveiy although overy jryiiiiiig was uoiio in good spirit tvt i t TTAT7 T it uenjamin was Peterson secretary charman and II LIJ j 1 A Reliable Graduate Dentist McCOOK - vv w river m Over Mc Connell Berrys CONEN2rsSSBaSSSi F D BUKGESS NEB SET YOUR CAN OUT THE - OIL - MAN IS - COMING McCOOK TANK - LINE s d Mcclain Prop 1 Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Eclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building i3SSNvarvJffsENJTvWNl rtfVr AJVV WrTAili ifh Jjf All Calls For The i WttlJ Answered by the us BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 an- J W H Ackerman ij McCook Nebraska To Save Money Send in your name and address and set our Catalogue of all kinds of j Wnatu catalogue sent receipt of 10 cents for postage KAHN GREEN BERGER 25r to 261 Dearborn Street Chicago wut MAILED DURIWn JULy oTBEFooIiBi SaTsKSv Till- - INCORPORATCOHia fne Co Alarfii r WMaJVji w f iVAff rt on ni uc senuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Mute only by Al V VOU t In balkf SS ever 3rf4 H i