The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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m r i
Will Repair Building
In due course of time D Kendall and
wife will occupy their old home overtop
West Dennison street A recent citi
zens meeting determined that the money
derived from the late benefit band con
cert be devoted to repairing their store
and dwelling which was badly damaged
a few months since by fire
Mrs L J Burtless who has n mort
gage for 150 on the place agrees to
leave the old folks in undisturbed pos
session during their lifetime and in case
of destruction or damage during their
lifetime to apply the insurance in renew
ing the building Insurance and taxes
will be looked after by Mrs Burtless
This provides the old folks with a
J nome for the re3t of their dnys and they
tsxprcaa cuuuucuvd uiut tuoj win uo uuio
to take care of themselves after they are
again installed in their old home and
place of business
A Barnett C H Boyle and C E
Eldred compose the committee having
in charge the carrying out of the details
A Correction
Dear sir A report is in circulation
to the effect that in a lecture on Veracity
last month at the University of Chicago
I taught that under certain circum
stances lying is justifiable This report
is absolutely false and without founda
tion Some careless reporter musthave
ascribed to mo a view which I mentioned
onlv to refute it In the lecture re
ferred to I maintained with all logic and
warmth at my command that lying is
never justifiable under any circum
stances of for any purpose whatever
No other idea of my meaning could have
occurred to attentive listener
Will you be good enough to publish
this correction Yours
E Benj Andrews Chancellor
Universitv of Nebraska
Lincoln Sept 21 1901
Will Plant Large Acreage
It is an encouraging fact that the
Farmers who planted sugar beets this
season have practically all signified their
purpose to plant an increased acreage
next season The sugar beet industry
may well be encouraged by all interested
In the development of this section of
the state
The South Platte country will doubt
less eventually have a beet sugar factory
perhaps just as soon as a sufficient
acreage of beets can be secured to pro
vide the product for a factory and
McCook must be on hand when that
time comes
Street Names of the City
By request we give the names of the
several streets of the city Beginning
with Railroad street on the south and
going north the streets are named as
-follows all commencing with D
Dennison Dodge Douglass Dearborn
Dakota Dolan Dudley Denver Dover
and Donavan From east to west the
street names begin with M as follows
Melvin Monmouth Monroe Madison
Marshall Main Manchester McFar
land McDowell
Jurors For November Term
Following are the jurors for the No
vember term 1901 District court
J B Rozell Jackson Teeters James
McClung Jr George Fowler William
Enyeart Charles Blair E B Lister
Ira Kennedy Charles Nichols Samuel
Messner D H Polk Samuel Hoagland
Daniel Doyle George Fisher Elmer
Rowell E W Hendricks Silas Vander
Toort M E Horner W S Guyer Eus
ticeHigh J P Notley Jesse Welborn
Farrell George Muntz
Base Ball Benefit Ball
A grand ball for the benefit of the
base ball association will be held in the
opera house next Thursday evening
Tickets S100 The Pythian orchestra
will furnish the music The association
is a little short on funds to clear up all
the indebtedness of this season and hopes
in this way to secure the needful As
the opening dance event of the season it
will be a hummer
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Oct 8th 1901
C C Bickel Jr V W Binderup
Rose Railey Mae Sharpe
John Stausbie C E Stewart
Jas Turner
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kisimell Postmaster
Rev George to Wed
Invitations are out announcing the
marriage of Rev George W Sheafor
formerly of our city but now of Dead
wood South Dakota and Miss Anna
Wilson Crawford of Manistee Michigan
The wedding will occur at the home of
the bride on the evening of next Friday
October 18th at 8 oclock They will
be at home in Deadwood in due time
September Mortgage Record
Farm mortgages filed S 5385 95
Farm mortgages released 5852 31
City mortgages filed 3843 30
City mortgages released 2182 00
Chattel mortgages filed 18251 81
Chattel mortgages released 28233 86
Dont Miss This Chance
We have 50 patterns of wall paper for
one and two rooms that we are selling at
wholesale prices D W Loar
For Sale
Lot of very nice furniture and carpets
New W H Johnston
We have a good stock of stove boards
also the best blue steel pipe ever offered
to thevpeople of this city
S M Cochran Co
Keep out the cold replace that
broken window pane All sizes at
McConnell Berrys
The next session of the teachers as
sociation of the county will be held in
liebanon on Saturday October 26th
Mrs H M Finity was a Lincoln
visitor last week
Charles A Traver went down to
Lincoln last week
RevG L White was called to Blair
Nebraska Monday
Rev and Mrs Hardman arrived in
the city last night
Art Thomas has gone to Oxford to
work in a barber shop
J H Artz arrived home from St
Joseph early in the week
D C Benedict of Culbertson was
down to market Saturday
John Kummer is down from Grand
Island this week on business
Mrs M A Hobson is entertaining
her sister Mrs M E Wilson
Mrs H P Sutton entertained the
Au Faits Wednesday afternoon
Mies Minnie Rowell entertained the
the Awl Os Tuesday evening
Mrs D C Marsh arrived home Sat
urday on 13 from a visit to Superior
this state
Mrs Ray P Vahue returned on
Tuesday from her visit of several weeks
in Michigan
Larry McEntee was up from the
farm near Indianola Saturday guest of
James McAdams
Mrs John Heggenberger was the
guest of Mrs 1 N Meyers of Oxford
close of last week
Miss Sadie Hill of Bellwood Nebras
ka a graduate of the state university is
a guest of Miss Edna Dixon
Mrs William Lewis is entertaining
two nieces from Villisca Iowa Mrs JD
Farlin and Miss Abbie Gourley
Mrs E H Doan returned last Fri
day night from Denver where she has
been for a number of weeks for her
Mesdames Hodge and Guild came out
from Omaha Wednesday night and
will be guests of their sister Mrs A P
Mrs G D Leach assisted by Mes
dames U J Warren and V H Solliday
entertained the Dorcas Kensington
Tuesday afternoon
C C Northrup will leave Monday
for St Louis to enter the auditing de
partment of one of the railroads having
headquarters in that city
Peter Rheinheimer was down from
Osburn first of the week receiving med
ical attention for a poisoned hand which
was injured by barbed wire
Mr and Mrs C E Canfield of
Harvard have been the guests of their
oldtime friends Mr and Mrs W S
Perry since close of last week
George H Tillett of Atwood Kans
has leased the Commercial barn of J E
Kelley and will be here with his family
in about ten days He will put in a
complete new livery outfit
Mrs LRoy Allen departed Thurs
day noon on 1 for Covina California
She will visit a few days with Denver
friends en route The Godspeeds of a
host of dear friends in our city accom
pany her to her new home
Dr J B Ballard and family de
pal ted today for their new home in
Nebraska City where he will continue
the practice of his profession The doc
tor has been a resident of the valley for
the past fifteen years and many friends
regret his removal He has however
the general wish that his new home may
prove a prosperous and happy one The
ladies of the Dorcas society Thursday
presented Mrs Ballard with a pretty cut
glass bonbon dish as a mark of their
high regard and as a momento of her
membership and service
Following report for the month end
ing October 4th has been made to the
board of education by the superintend
Number of boys enrolled 311
Number of girls enrolled 367 72S
Transferred 5
Withdrawn but not re entered 28 33
Present memberkip 695
Average daily attendance by boys 308
Average daily attendance by girls 339 667
Average number belonging 690
Per cent of attendance on enrollment 92
Per cent of attendance on number be
longing 97
Not absent during month 462
Half days absence 72
Casesof tardiness 27
Number of persons tardy 24
Visits by board 0
Visits by superintendent r9
Visits by others 3
Half days teacher was absent 14
There are several deserving high school
boys who desire to work for their board
and room in whole or in part in order
that they may keep themselves in school
through the winter If any one has
work in the office or in the store or do
ing chores around the house it would
be well to communicate the fact to the
superintendent Knowledge of helpers
desired by the hour will also be gladly
Republican Cancus
The Republicans of Willow Grove
precinct are hereby called to meet in H
H Berrys office Monday evening Octo
ber 11th at 8 oclock for the purpose of
placing in nomination the following
precinct officers
One assessor
Two justices of the peace
Two constables
Two road overseers
and transact any other business that
may properly come before the caucus
A Barnett
W T Coleman I
V i
C B Gray J
0m il ly J JI
Jardinieres new shapes new colors
McConnell Berry
An Atchison man is said to be heart
broken over his daughters choice of a
husband but how often do you hear any
sympathy expressed for fathers in such
a case The people pay so much atten
tion to what is called love that a fathers
objections are regarded by the romantic
as stubbornness and selfishness
Unanimously for Merging
At the special meeting of McCook
lodge No 1 Star of Jupiter last Satur
day night it was unanimously decided
by the members to transfer to them
selves from the Star of Jupiter to the
Bankers Union Life Insurance of the
World whose supreme officers are
located in Omaha
The offer of the Bankers Union covers
all who are now members of No 1 in
good standing Reexamination will be
required and assessments will be required
on present age The Bankers Union
will protect the insurance of all who
desire to continue their insurance on the
basis of assessments on present age and
reexamination so that no one need lose
his insurance Blanks will be provided
each member in duo time and the trans
fer will be completed as rapidly as
applications are made and examinations
The Tribune believes that under the
circumstances this is a very favorable
Apply to J A Wilcox treasurer for
your application for membership
Dr J A Gunn local examiner will
be home about the 18th and it is hoped
to be able to forward all applications to
Omaha by the first of November
Any further information can be se
cured by application to Treasurer Wil
cox Dennis Cullen President
A Big Lot for the Money
A newspaper every Tuesday and every
Friday of each week from now until
January 1 1903 together with the West
ern Poultry News a whole year and all
for a dollar is what is offered by the
Semi Weekly State Journal published
at Lincoln It is the biggest bunch of
good reading matter ever offered by this
great state paper and the prediction is
made that it will result in introducing
The State Journal to thousands of new
homes The Journal is a newspaper giv
ing its readers all the telegraphic news
of the world interesting special corres
pondence from Washington about Ne
braskas senators and congressmen and
all the items of interest from the state
capital making it particularly a paper
for Nebraskans If you can find a dollar
about the house this is the place to
spend it Its markets twice a week are
worth what is asked for all of it You
get the news fresh from the wires when
you get The Semi Weekly Journal
Childs Narrow Escape
George Gertzy a 5-year-old boy of
narrowly escaped death
through the recklessness of playmates
A number of children were playing on
the railroad tracks when one of the
younger companions pushed Gertzy be
fore a Burlington Missouri switch
engine The boy was knocked off the
track receiving a slight concussion of
the brain and other injuries Police
Surgeon Miller says the injuries are not
serious Denver Times
The lad was struck by the engine of
No 6 Tuesday afternoon and when
picked up by the crew was thought to
be quite badly injured
Winter Refrigerator Schedule
The officials of the traffic and operat
ing departments of the Burlington had
a conference at the Burlington depot
yesterday to arrange the refrigerator
schedule for the winter Refrigerator
cars are carried on local freight trains
on certain days of the week to accom
modate shippers from the smaller sta
tions This schedule is arranged twice
a year for the benefit of the roads pat
rons and its arrangement requires a
conference of officials in the departments
most interested Todays Journal
Plants lor Arid Lands
Sumner Lathrop a wealthy New
Yorker who travels extensively and
sends the agricultural department many
rare plants and other foreign agricultural
products and David Fairchild a special
agent of the department of agriculture
will leave shortly on another trip to the
Orient and other parts of the world in
search of rare foreign grains legumes
grasses and other plants for use in this
country particularly those adaptable
for growing in the arid region in whose
development Secretary Wilson is spec
ially interested
October 24th the Opening
The Fortnightly Dancing club reor
ganized last night for the season The
conditions are the same as last year
Residents of city must take out S5 mem
berships and non residents must be
recommended by members single dance
tickets for non residents SI The open
ing dance will be held on the 24th New
officers will be chosen tonight
Shandon Bells
an ideal toilet soap sold everywhere at
15c We had an opportunity to buy a
lot at a bargain our customers get the
benefit We sell it at 10c per cake
three for 25c McConnell Berry
10 yds good stout sheeting for 37c 10
yds Fine Cambric Muslin 85c Best
Indigo Blue Prints 5c Best Apron
Check Gingham 3 5c Best Table Oil
Cloth 15c Mens Knit Jersey Over
shirts warm and good 25c each Good
Dress styles of Outings 5c yd The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
See the Estate Oak heaters at S M
Cochran Cos They have seamless
bottoms no putty to fall out and let in
the air to keep the fire constantly burn
ing rapidly which is expensive waste of
fuel They can also be changed from
soft to hard coal Its the best stove for
the money ever invented
The average mans idea of being wick
ed is to put up his money to see a show
in which a girl with a loose robe and a
gold paper band on her forehead is ad
vertised as an Oriental Queen
Some new perfumes delightful odors
Let us show them to you
McConnell Berry
The 285 is being fitted with a set of
new flues
Supt Campbell was a Lincoln visitor
Will Meyer ha3 been listed with the
sick part of the week
Fireman R C Cole has been off duty
this week- with an injury to his hand
Engine 71 was up from Oxford last
week for repairs
Brakeman J F Laughlin is laying off
with a sprained back
Brakeman A H Washburn is visiting
in Holdrege a few days
A brother of Mark Hullhorst has gone
to work in the storehouse
Brakeman F E Lunborry is spending
a short vacation in Denver
Art Henderson has gone to work in the
shop as a machinists helper
Engineer Neeling was up from Oxford
last week with 83 for repairs
Archie Tyler went to work in the machine-shop
first of the week
Operator Ed Lohi was up from Beaver
City last week at headquarters
Whats the matter of playing base
ball on some other day than Sunday
Engineer Montanye was up from the
branch with 161 for repairs yesterday
Fireman and Mrs F E Whitney are
parents of a son born last week Thurs
Brakeman D F Shaw and wife re
turned from Pawnee City first of the
Engineer Jack Cook was up from
Oxford last week on business at head
Auditor Curry of Omaha was out
checking up the receivers and others
this week
Locomotives 194 and 232 are just in
for overhauling and 86 and 301 are ready
for the road
Conductor T H Malen and Brakeman
A H Washburn are laying off a few
days on business
Engineer Charles Starr was down from
Denver where he is running a switch
engine Wednesday
James Egan -and Machinist Burdick
were called to Oxford close of last week
on some slight repairs
Conductor Steve Dwyer returned from
his vacation and took charge of the bal
last train first of the week
Mr Blood general inspector of dining-cars
on the Q was out on the West
ern division close of last week
CE Jones blacksmiths helper is
off duty with a sore eye caused by a
piece of heated metal flying into it
John Krieger is building an addition
and making extensive improvements to
his dwelling on corner of Railroad and
Madison streets
The ballast train and crew will lay
over here now until further orders in
stead of at Oxford as has been the case
for a year or more
It is reported that Chief Clerk W H
Johnston contemplates moving to the
state of Washington and developing with
the great northwest
TheB M foot ball lads are trying to
arrange games with Oberlin and Alliance
and hope to succeed soon as they are
anxious to show their metal on the field
of conflict
Mark Hullhorst is absent to take in
the football game at Mieneapolis Min
nesota between the football teams of
the Nebraska and Minnesota universi
ties Saturday
C P Olson general supt of build
ings and bridges and W S Perry supt
of the Western division in the same de
partment were over the division last
week on a special tour of inspection
Car Distributer C T Watson has
commenced the erection of a commo
dious dwelling on North Main avenue
this week It will be 28 feet square and
will be a very cosy and convenient home
L H Stayner is spending a few days
in Omaha and Edgar his wife being at
the latter point on a visit They will be
at home first of next week Stuart B
McLean is at his desk in the meanwhile
The committee appointed by the Cen
tral Western Passenger association and
the Trunk Line association one year ago
has unanimously reported that all passes
should be abolished even to the courtesy
passes of one president of a road to an
other The action will be reported to
the association for ratification
A railroad engine is now nearing com
pletion in the North Pacific Coast Rail
road companys machine shops at
Sausalito California which has the
engineers and firemens cabs out in
front instead of in the rear of the boiler
thus affording the men in the cab an
unobstructed view of the track ahead
The blacksmiths and mechanical crerks
played a game of base ball Sunday in
which Macks Colts were victorious by a
score of 15 to 5 The boilermakers and
the rip trackers also played a game the
same day but the same was not com
pleted on account of a misunderstand
ing When the game closed the rip
trackers had 4 runs to 3 for the boiler
makers They do say that Bert Irwins
feet were also an impediment to the fin
ishing of the latter game At any rate
he couldnt find the ball with them
Arthur B Smith assistant general
passenger agent of the Burlington lines
under J Francis has resigned and on
November 1st will take charge of a new
Bostoncompany which will manufacture
pneumatic vehicle tires and other rub
ber goods Chief Clerk J E Bucking
ham will likely succeed him and the
chief clerkship will be filled from the
clerical force Mr Smith has been with
the Burlington for twenty years Going
from the engineering department to the
chief clerkship in General Supt Cal
verts office and from there to Omaha as
chief clerk to J Francis being made
assistant in 1890
Catholic Mass at 8 ocleck a m
High mass at 1030 a m Sunday school
at 230 p m Sermon and benediction at
730 p m Rev T Daly Pastor
Baptist There will be no preaching
at the Baptist church Sunday morning
or evening C C Calvert will load the
prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
The pastor is absent attending the ses
sions of the Nebraska Baptist State
convention in Blair this week
G L White Pastor
Congregational Sunday school a t
10 a m Preaching at 11 P S C E
at 6 45 Preaching at 8 Prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening at 8 Morn
ing subject Salvation Through Fellow
ship Evening subject The Making
of an American Jacob A Riis Sev
eral speakers with take part and a inter
esting meeting is promised
W J Turner Pastor
Episcopal At St Albans Sunday at
11 a m sermon by Rev Hardman sub
ject Transfieruratinn TTnlv mm
munion celebrated immfidiatolv nffcorrhn
sermon Every communicant requested
io do present Jivemng prayer and ser
mon at 8 p m subject Bible vs
Science Come Guild meeting at the
rectory on Thursday afternoon October
17th at 230 oclock
R M Hardman Rector
Methodist There will be religious
services at all the usual hours beginning
with Sunday school at 10 a m At 11
a m ill be held the Rally Day
servic of the Sunday school This will
be a service of recitations and songs and
the Sunday school gives a special invita
tion to the members of the church and
congregation Epworth League devo
tional meeting at 7 Instead of the
regular preaching at 8 p m there will
be a musicale This service will be
devotional and religious The day prom
ises to be one of interest and value to all
who attend L M Grigsry Pastor
That Street Car Conversation
Fragmentary reports of a recent con
versation to which a few neighbors and
myself were parties do mo great injus
tice seeming to rank me among sympa
thizers with anarchy Nothing could be
more absurd No man alive abominates
anarchy in every form more heartily than
I perhaps few have done more with
arms or with pen to repress anarchy I
myself have nothing to keep back but
as parts of the conversation referred to
might be thought to compromise the
other parties I will not detail it without
permission Suffice it to say that all
urged opposition to anarchy I as earn
estly as the rest only our methods
I respectfully request you to give this
statement such publicity as you can
E Benj Andrews Chancellor
University of Nebraska
Lincoln Sept 24 1901
The McKinley Postal Cards
The postoffice department has decided
to place the late President McKinleys
head on the new issue of postal cards
that will appear shortly after December
1st next The design as explained by
Acting Postmaster General Madden
includes the year of birth and year of
death immediately at the left and right
respectfully of the name McKinley
which will be directly under the head
Above the head will be the words Series
of 1901 and above that One cent
Jerseys For Sale
A thorough bred Jersey cow and a
thorough bred Jersey bull a little over
two years old Inquire of R B
Daia McUooK xMebraska
Ladies fleece lined ribbed union suits
at 35c 50c 65c 1 to 175 Childrens
Union Suits 25c 30c 50c 65c Warm
fleece lined shirts and drawers for boys
and girls from 18c to 45c Infants warm
fleece lined shirts 15c to 50c Fine soft
all wool buckskin underwear for child
ren 40c and up The Thompson D G Co
The Cortland Howe Ventilator is the
nearest perfection of any heating stove
now in the American market and S M
Cochran Co are its locat proppets
Dont neglect seeing this wonderful
heater if you are contemplating buying
a heater this fall
Bright dressy stylish Fur Collar
ettes Scarfs and Muffs in Sable Stone
Marten Astrakhan Monkey Krimmer
Persian Lamb Bear Chinchilla and
Electric Seal from 125 to 750 at The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
The largest assortment of steel ranges
at the lowest prices quality considered
also the steel cook stove in different pat
terns at S M Cochran Cos It will
pay you to look over their goods before
A representative of the guarantee
company which made Treasurers
Thompsons bond was in the city first
of the week and reported everything in
the county treasurers office O K you
Bed Comforts made of Izzer Cotton
Batts are soft fluffy warm durable and
satisfactory We sell the Batts at 10c
each We make the Comforts at 165
and up The Thompson Dry Goods Co
We are almost giving away remnants
in wall paper enough for one room
We must make room for our new stock
McConnell Berry
The culture of sugar beets is the big
gest surest and most profitable thing
in sight for South western Nebraska
Pushit along
For every purchase of a dollars worth
of goods you get a key to the money box
at The Cash Bargain Store
If you want to paint you will be as
tonished and profited by getting prices
at S M Cochran Cos
Soft white hands and velvety skin
the result of using McConnells fragrant
Trado at Loars drug store
Dr J D Hare telephone 168
For clothing go to DeGroff Cos
Just call up telephone 3 2 and tell them
all about it
F C Kellogg is building a hay barn
over near the creamery
Stock tanks of all sizes at S M Coch
ran Cos for sale cheap
If you dont see what you want ask
at D C Marshs meat market
For Sale Two houses in West Mc
Cook Inquire of Thomas Burgo
Nobody meets our prices on coal hods
and shovels S M Cochran Co
Two furnished rooms with board
Mrs C B Rowell 1002 Madison street
Choice seed wheat for sale at the old
Cinek feed store East Dennison street
A key to the money box with overy
dollar purchase atC L DeGroff Cos
To rent Nice largo front bed room
with or without board 308 Melvin st
Infants warm interlined coats short
and long from 75c to 2 at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
For Sale A Majestic range nearly
new Will sell cheap Call at Waites
hardware store
For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc
Cook Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge McCook Nebraska
D C Marsh invites your patronage
guaranteeing the best meats obtainable
of all kinds At the old stand
The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of
G A R meet the first Saturday of
every month in Odd Fellows hall
If you dont see what you are after
inquire at Marshs meat market They
have it and will take pleasure in show
ing you
Some of the new lids would cover
an average volcanos crater They are
dreams in the feminine gender and
nightmares in the masculine See
A son weighing 11J4 pounds was born
to Mr and Mrs H Stone last Satur
day Both mother and son have since
been very ill but are now improving
Thursdays of each week the children
of all widows who are unable to pay for
the same can secure a hair cut at my
barber shop free William Zint Pro
Alliance is tackling a life insurance
proposition The company is styled the
Guarantee Fund Life Association
and is organized after the similitude of
the Bankers of Des Moines
Judicious buyers find Marshs meat
market to their liking for there is com
bined the best in quality with the most
reasonable in price They have every
seasonable article in line too
Half box back yoke pattern Ladies
Jackets 27 inches long seamless should
ers in all wool Kersey for 875 makes
one of the swell wraps of the season
For sale by The Thompson D G Co
The sugar beet growers sent in another
consignment of beets Monday It is
thought this will be the last analysis
this season and that instruction to
commence pulling beets will come in a
week or so
Jachin Dabbashet is the name of a
small religious publication edited and
published by Rev N F Kletzing for
merly of this county at North Ontario
California It is published for the
promotion of Christianity holiness and
missionary work
Dr H L Prevost having bought the
practice of Dr J B Ballard will be pre
pared to do all kinds of dental work at
Dr Ballards old office after the 15th of
October Dr Prevost is one of the best
men in his profession and will guarantee
to give you satisfaction in all lines of his
H W Campbell the soil culture man
has been consulting with Senator Millard
in the hopes of securing his assistance in
his efforts to have government establish
a station in Nebraska where his plan for
conserving the moisture can be thor
oughly tested The Nebraska railways
are supporting Campbells theories
Agricultural information is needed in
Nebraska that the states resources may
be fully developed All boys and girls
who have completed the course of study
in the country schools may enter the
School of Agriculture at the University
of Nebraska The farmers of our coun
try should write to the University for
full information concerning this school
A reputable citizen of this place ob
served twenty bojs in one company
recently between the ages of eight and
twelve years indulging in cigarette
smoking What an appalling state of
affairs All of which indicates that it
requires more than a legal enactment to
prohibit even cigarette smoking by
minor children who ought to be subject
to parental correction and sway
The October magazine number of The
Outlook is particularly strong in fine
portraits Among the full page portraits
are those of President and Mrs Roose
velt the Duke and Duchess of York
Seth Low the fusion candidate for
mayor of New York three Episcopal
dignitaries Bishops Clark and Nichols
and Dr Dixj printed in connection with
an artinlfi on the preat Triennial Con
vention of the Episcopal churchy M
Waldeck Kousseau the prime minister
of France and Bishop Whipple who
died last month 3 a year The Out
look Company 287 Fourth Avenue
New York
hi A
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