Y h A F Hi v b v A v i VOXKM 7 h34 to 44 i SAMPLE j OIT CLOTU I 11EUE Ljfc No 210 SJEKVKNJttSISENHl ftliss k ottfittcin The Leading Mtf finer of MsQOofe Announces Her frail Opening To all ladies interested in the latest creations of flillinery Septenier 25 1901 ESSOINS Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ot food It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows you to eat all jhe food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach reliving all distress after eating Dietingunnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help but do you good Prepared only by E O TeWitt Co Chicago The U bottle contains SH times the 50c size McConnell Berry Druggists A Shocking Calamity Lately beiell a railroad laborer writes Dr -A Kellett of Williford Ark His foot was badly crushed but Bucklens Arnica SaKe quickly cured him It is simply wonderful for burns boils piles and all skin eruptions Its the worlds champion healer Cure guaran teed 25c Sold by McConnell Berry Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr Kings New Life Pills These pills change weakness into strength listlssness into energy brain fag into mental power Theyre wonderful in building up the health Only 25c per box Sold by Mc Connell Berry Have you a sense of fullness in the region of your stomach after eating If so you will be benefitted by using Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They also cure belching and sour stomach They regulate the bowels too Price 25 cents McConnell Berry Mothers write us that they have solved the problem of keeping their children well Give them kocky Mountain Tea each week A blessing to mother and child Ask your druggist PAGE 5 Of Our flex Fall Catalog MENS ALL WOOL CASSIMERE SUITS Exactly llko Sample 500 Coat and Vest 8375 Pants noc sold bepprute 250 for 2c Thats just what it amounts to when you order a suit of this splendid strictly all wool cassimere for 500 All youre out is the price and two cents for a postage stamp and youre in as good a suit of clothes as any man can buy outside of our store for 750 Thats straight talk and its straight work These suits are well made well lined with splendid Farmer Satin have good striped silesi sleeve lining- come in four button single breasted round cut sacks are in handsome dark Oxford grry exactly like the cloth sample and will wear like iron Dont delay your orders Such prices are made to sell goods quick xSemadmmi MILLIN - OPENING WEDNESDAY SEPT 25 1901 and rest of week Latest Ideas I o Patterns mm All Cordially Invited VANDERPDOL MRS E E SADDLERS OLD STAND A Good Thing German Syrup is the special prescription of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German physi cian and is acknowledged to be one ot the most fortunate discoveries in Medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and all lung troubles of the severest nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test for years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sales every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boschees German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1S68 and in now old in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Greens Prize Almanac A McMillen Henry Braydon Harris N C says I took medicine 20 years for asthma but one bottle of One Minute Cough Cure did me more good than anything else during that time Best cough cure McConnell Berry SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION George P Smith and Mrs Smith wife of George P Smith first name unknown to plain tiff Caretta M Wickersham and Mr Wicker sham whoso first name is nnknown to plaintiff defendants will take notice that John E Kel ler plaintiff has filed his petition in the Dist rict Court of Red Willow County Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a lion for the delinquent taxes legally assessed and levied against lots One Two Three Four Five and Six in Block No Two in the Third Addition to McCook Nebraska for the years 1895 1S96 1897 and 189S for which taxes said real estate was sold to the plaintiff by the treasurer of said County on September 21th 1900 at private tax sale having been previously offered at public sale and not sold for want of bidders and plaintiff having paid to said treasurer on September 24th 1900 the sum of 1610 and August 26th 1901 the subsequent delinquent for the year 1900 assessed and levied on said real estate the sum of 25S on which tax sale and subsequent payment of taxes there is now due plaintiff the sum of S2190 with interest thereon at the rate of 20 per cent per annum from Sep tember 1st 1901 and an attorneys fee equal to ten per cent of the amount of the decree entered herein which is a valid first lien against said real estate Plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay said sums or that said lieu be foreclosed and said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due for taxes attorneys feo and the costs of this ac tion You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 28th day of October 1901 Dated at McCook Nebraska September 20 1901 Join E Kelley Plaintiff BTado Its Ovrn Fnnernl Toilet There lire certain Insects that have Buch a respect for Mrs Grundy nnd are endowed with such nn Innate love of neatness and order that not even death or rather decapitation can pre vent them from making one grand final toilet which is clearly designed to give them a sedale and respectable appearance after death Dr Bullion a skilled entomologist discovered this remarkable fact Dur ing one of my recent horseback rides he says I frequently caught one of those large flics which annoy cattle and horses so much and I promptly got rid of it by crushing its head One day instead of throwing the mu tilated insect away I placed it on the back of my hand and indolently watch ed it For some seconds the Insect re mained molionless but then to my unbounded surprise it moved Its front legs forward to the place where the head should have been and after it had rubbed them nervously together apparently in anguish it began to brush its body and to smooth Its wings with its hind legs Under the gentle pressure of these limbs the body grad ually became extended and the ex tremity curved while the wings grad ually changed their natural position and left the upper part of the body exposed Meanwhile the hind legs continued to brush each other from time to tim Naturally I watched this extra ordinary sight with great interest and In order to see the Qnalc L took the Insect Into my study where It lived an entire day spending the time at the ungrateful task of making its own funeral toilet Couldnt Resist An eccentric clergyman In Cornwall had been much annoyed by the way the members of the congregation had of looking around to see late comers After enduring it for some time he said on entering the reading desk one day Brethren I regret to see that your attention is called away from your religious duties by your very natural desire to see who comes in behind you I propose henceforth to save you the trouble by naming each person who may come late He then began Dearly beloved but paused half way to interpolate Mr S with his wife and daughter Mr S looked rather surprised but the minister with perfect gravity re sumed Presently -he again paused Air C and William D The abashed congregation kept their eyes studiously bent on their books The service proceeded in the most or derly manner the parson interrupting himself every now and then to name some newcomer At last he said still with the same perfect gravity Mrs S in a new bonnet In a moment every feminine head in the congregation had turned around Millinery Trade Review A Mystery of the Sea One of the most curious finds ever made from the sea was that which came to the Azores in 1S5S The is land of Corvo was then in the posses sion of two runaway British sailors One morning there drifted ashore r craft which had evidently been frozen In the ice for a long time It was an ancient and battered brig without masts bulwark or- name but the hatches were on the cabin doors fast and the hulk was buoyant She had lit tle cargo and that consisted of skins and furs in prime condition No papers were found in the cabin but it was figured that she was a sealer or trader carrying a crew of 10 or 12 and that she had been pro visioned for a year The flour was spoiled but the beef was perfectly preserved She had been abandoned when frozen in an iceberg and drifted for years The date of the letter found In the forecastle showed that the brig had been abandoned nearly half a century before The two sailors got out the furs whidi eventually brought them 4000 and two barrels of beef and then set fireio the wreck No trace was ever found of its name or owners Just nn Ordinary Steak When in Hamburg we supposed we must do as the Hamburgers did so at our first meal there we asked for Hamburg steak said the woman Besides we wanted to see how that viand would taste upon Its native heath anyway But to all our requests couched in our best scholastic German the waiter shook his head Like many another prophet the Hamburg steak was apparently without honor in its own country At all events our waiter hadnt heard of it Oh well we said just bring us an ordinary beef steak But lo and behold when the meat was served there it was all chopped up and made into small cakes what Ameri cans call iti fact Hamburg steak To Hamburgers a Hamburg steak was an ordinary steak New York Sun A Good Scheme Mrs Younghusband Do you notice any difference in the milk dear Mr Younghusband I should say so This is a much better quality than we have been getting lately Mrs Younghusband Indeed it Is got It off a new man who said he would guarantee it to be perfectly pure So I uought enough to last for a couple of weeks A Boom The undertaker is very jolly this morning Yes Three hundred new doctors were graduated last night Harlem Life The man that talks about the news papers misquoting him is the man that hasnt any good excuse for getting quoted originally Chicago Journal When appetite prevails over reason the first step to make the glutton and drunkard is taken uaoq joaou onn qajqu spatii boo jo sontu ejunbs LWSZ SJOjomoiiJi oitjnbs OOOOD MI JJSoukooji pun Jistuoj uooMoa jsua ojo ujjoq -IS UJ0S3AV JO S0DJU0S04 VJ3UJIU oqj ssojj 11 1 lid 1 op BtinI uSnouo Asbb sqciix Mnsiuira n jo suuatu Aq Aba unsn oq u pqj oq p40Ai qo unH nauotoj 0 noA aiuq puuntn bia m Ajjboi o iiBAi noC os xojpioj tiojtiBdraof s4qnoj 4ABpo pjoavs s4joqtj jntA japan u3uibujo ub ioj suoqqfj qA dn j poj 1 j unq iusj josid anoA oouBaqraoaioj tfnjdsuS uoppns B qpu ajiw sjq pibs uiBiiUAV Jna 3b2S3A pnB aAvop o9 pirn joubjp oq raojj J9APA0J 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FALL GOODS Are coming in fast now day brings more new goods See our line of Each BOYS5 CLOTHING Before you buy school suits for the boys It will pay you to look A comparison is all we ask We have a good line of SCHOOL SHOES Try us Leave us your order for anything in the CROCERY Line Our stock is fresh and complete THE 4 wasfi j3ar3aiti s IF 1 W t G L DeGROFF CO l WW S9SlbShWSV We are going out of the grocery business as we need the room for our other lines which we will make more attractive than ever before ALL GROCERIES WILL GO at bedrock prices Come early and get first choice Nowjis the time for you to lay in your winter supply of canned fruit and vegetables ARIZ THOMPSON i Our Fall Display Correct Styles rrress MJiii ouet5ij ams y 4 The Newest Ideas and 4 Wednesday Sept 25th t MRS M M DELHUNTY X flcCookNebraska yt xoo Josh Westhafer of Loogootee Ind is a poor man but he says he would not be with out Chamberlains Pain Balm if it cost five dollars a bottle for it saved him from being a cripple No external application is equal to this liniment for stiff and swollen joints con tracted muscles stiff neck sprains and rheu matfc and muscular pains It has also cured numerous cases of partial paralysis It is for sale by McConnell BerrVf drupgists Geo W Lane Pewamo Mich writes Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best rem edy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever used For years I suffered from dys pepsia at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony I am com pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In recommendfng it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails Thus far I have never paid McCon nell Sc Berry Vs fl 4 1