The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 06, 1901, Image 1

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Cole Snyder
Wednesday evening the home of Mr
and -Mrs J A Snyder just north of the
city was the scene of a happy wedding
Promptly at eight oclock the bridal
party approached and took its station to
the music of a wedding march played by
Miss Dollie Archibald and Rev J A
Badcon of Cozad Nebraska performed
the ring ceremony in a graceful and
beautiful manner
The bride was arrayed in heavy white
satin with chiffon trimmings and long
veil carrying a large bouquet of white
Miss Eunice Goheen bridesmaid was
gowned in a white organdy with lace
trimmings and wore white carnations
Mr Will E Snyder brother of the
bride was groomsman
The bride is one of our most admira
ble and lovable daughters aud the groom
a popular and steady young man in the
engine service of the Burlington Both
have the very heartiest best wishes of a
large and loyal circle of friends
The ceremony and congratulations
over an elegant supper was daintily
served in three courses The table dec
orations were in white and green
The were the objects of many rich
and useful gifts
Mr and Mrs Cole left on No 6 the
same evening for Buffalo New York
and will visit the Atlantic coast before
returning home They willbe athome
to their friends after October 15th -at 910
McFarland street
Heres a prosperous and happy future
for them
Mlndens Meat Again
The game of base ball yesterday after
noon between the home team and the
Miuden club was in some respects one of
the moijt remarkable ever -played in this
section of Nebraska- Minden made six
runs threepf JjhSm in the second in
ning when aVrtunate hit bv Cardwell
over the wtyt fence with two men on
base5jrought in three scores The
thrpS runs by McCook were each home
runs Pitcher Jones being responsible
for two of them Of the total of nine
runs miide eight of them were earned
runs There were comparatively few
errors that of Cooley in the second in
ning being the only costly one and per
haps cost McCook the game Burneys
work at the bat was very indifferent but
tor the most part it was a superb game
and the home club put up a splendid
game It was McCooks misfortune not
to nave any one on the bases when the
three home runs were made and Mindens
fortune to have two men on bases when
the only home run they had was made
Minden McCook
McIieod3rd 1 Cooley 3rd 0
hodesshort 1 Reed 1st 0
Sioote catcher 1 Cone 2nd I
-Bliss pitcher 1 Gibbins short 0
Patterson 2nd 0 Heck catcher 0
Wagner right -0 Burney right 0
Ahlin middle 1 Dennis middle 0
Caldwell left 1 Garvey left 0
Peterson first 0 Jones pitcher 2
Minden 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 6
McCook 0 000100 11 3
Home runs McCook Jone3 2 Cone 1 Min
den Cardwoll 1
Struck out Minden Bliss 9 - McCook Jones 7
Errors Minden 2 McCook 3
Base hits Minden 9 McCook 6
Uases on balls McCook Jones 3 Minden
Bliss 1 -
Earned runs Minden 5 McCook 3
Umpire EJB Saddler
A Joyous Lawn Party
A very charming and delightful lawn
party was given by Mrs C B Sawyer
and Mrs W G Dutton in honor of Miss
Jeanette Dutton and Miss Kate Sawyer
at the home of the former last Friday
evening to which a numerous company
of young folks were invited The spa
cious lawn was rendered luminous at
tractive and comfortable by the liberal
use and clever disposition of Chinese
lanterns headlights settees -rugs sofa
pillows etc
Miss Lettie Knipple and Miss Lillian
Roman presided over the punch bowl
Mrs WB Mills added an appreciated
musical feature
Mrs- O M Knipple Mrs Lottie
Brewer and Mrs Albert McMillen as
sisted in serving the refreshments
For Sale Furniture
One oak book case 1 organ 1 black
walnut marble fop bed room set 1 black
walnut marble tqp center table 1 set
dining chairs 2 rocking chairs 1 bed
couch Axminster carpet and many other
things too numerous to mention Call
at the J E Kelley residence opposite
the Catholic church 0 G Vahue
- Not going to paper till spring You
will find it much cheaper now Come
amisee our bargains
t McConnelIj Berry
Pdch and dressy the new Fur Scarfs
Collarettes etc at The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Hazel Coleman joined the family at
Denver Wednesday
Mrs Harry GoBLEis visiting in
Forest Grove Missouri
Miss Flo Thompson has been down
from Denver this week
Mrs A B Wood went up to Denver
Sunday on 1 on a short visit
E A Sexson was an Indianola visitor
in the city Monday on business
H W Cole returned last Friday
night from his trip to Geneseo Illinois
Mrs Arthur Lyman was the guest of
Mrs I N Meyers of Oxford part of last
W L Zint returned Tuesda after
noon from a business social trip to
Dr J A Gunn was absent from the
city first of the week on business of
Rodburn and Florence Simmons
went into Omaha Wednesday morning
on a short visit
Mrs C E Pope went down to Oxford
Sunday night on 6 on a brief visit to
her sister Mrs Lee
James Hetherington was up from
Indianola Monday guest of County
Judge G S Bishop
Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell went
down to Lincoln Sunday night on G on
a visit to her parents
Mrs John Slatter and young son
arrived last Friday night from a long
absence in WiscDnsin
Mrs H P Sutton and Velma de
parted Wednesday morning for the
east on a lengthy visit
Mrs J M Trammell is entertaining
a sister who arrived from Maryland
Thursday of last week
Mrs W D Burnett went down to
Eed Cloud Tuesday of last week on a
visit to the family of E B Smith
Mrs P Starr departedWednes
day morning on 2 for Ohio on a pro
longed visit to the old home in Ohio
H B Shattuck is down from Hayes
Center managing affairs or J G Stokes
during his absence in Iowa and Missouri
W S Morlan and H B Sutton re
turned Monday night from their fish
ing excursion to Lake Ericson Wheeler
C H Tanner the erratic Stockville
barrister spent Saturday night and Sun
day in the city on his way to Yuma
Colorada on a visit
Mrs W A Middleton and two
daughters recently returned home from
a lengthy visit to relatives and friends
in Clarinda Iowa
Mrs L R Hileman and Miss Mae
who have been spending the summer at
the old Exeter home returned to the
city last Friday night
C A Leach is enjoying a few days
visiting the state fair at Lincoln and the
homefolks in Germantown He went
down on 6 Sunday night
Dr A P Welles returned home
last Friday night from spending a
number of weeks in the Great Lakes
region for the relief of hay fever
Miss Olive M Howe arrived in the
city Sunday and is making arrange
ments for a class in music She is mak
ing her home with Mrs U J Warren
vMrs George D Leach left on 6 Sun
day night for Germantown this state
on a visit to his home and folks She
spent Monday in Lincoln seeing the
Louis Suess was an east bound pas
senger Sunday night on 6 He will
visit the children near Crete and will
take in the state fair at Lincoln while
Mr and Mrs James Stokes departed
Sunday night on G for Hamburg Iowa
on a visit to relatives of a week or more
They will also visit relatives over the
line a short distance in Missouri
Mrs M A Hobson expects to have
her niece Mrs M D Newton remain
with her until about Christmas Mrs
Newtons husband is agent for the Ore
gon Short Line at Pocatello Idaho
R J Martin of Chicago an old time
Illinois friend of J A Wilcox and family
spent Saturday in the city on a social
visit He is a rural free delivery route
inspector of the Fourth district and a
very clever fellow withal
Miss Irma G Allen collector and
general worker for the Nebraska Child
rens Home society was out from
Omaha fore part of the week collecting
for the society on local subscriptions
which have been somewhat reduced by
removals from the city
Henderson Knowles
A happy nuptial event was consum
mated Wednesday evening in our neigh
boring village of Culbertson when Mr
Frank A Henderson of our city and
Miss Nellie Knowles of Culbertson were
united in the bonds of wedlock in the
presence of a goodly company of rela
tives and friends Rev 1 J Turner of
McCook performing the charming and
impressive ring ceremony
The ceremony was performed in the
Presbyterian church of that place at 8
oclock M T the father giving away
the bride Miss Pearl King was maid
of honor Miss Marietta Whemple
bridesmaid J A Bingham of McCook
groomsman Miss Madge Wells ring
bearer carrying the ring on a handsome
little cushion
The bridal party took position for the
ceremony to the music of Mendelssohns
Wedding March played by Robert
Knowles brother of the bride he also
played softly during the entire ceremony
The bride was prettily gowned in plain
white taffeta wore a long brides veil
and carried a bouquet of beautiful white
The guests were ushered by three
couples of young ladies and gentlemen
close friends of the contracting parties
After the ceremony the young couple
remained in the church a brief while
and received the warm congratulations
of many well wishing friends after
which the wedding party and a few
friends repaired to the home of the bride
and participated in a wedding supper of
the first magnitude
The pulpit end of the church was
completely banked with potted plants
cut flowers adding to the decorative
The young friends came down from
Culbertson Thursday morning and
have gone to housekeeping in the Hen
derson home of our city on North Madi
son street
Those present from McCook were
Mr and Mrs J M Henderson Sr Mr
and Mrs J M Henderson Jr Mr and
Mrs Frank Traver Rev W J Turner
and Mr John A Bingham
The Tribune adds its congratulatory
Vorth Coleman Drowned
The hearts of Mr and Mrs Will T
Coleman were terribly lacerated Tues
day by a brief telegram from Mr Sha
fer announcing the accidental drowning
of their son Worth who has been up in
that country for some time Mr Cole
man left for Wyoming Wednesday on 1
The affair is thus reported by the sheep
inspector of Wyoming
Leckie Wyoming Aug 31 1901
Mr Charles Coleman
McCook Nebraska
Dear sir I have some very sad news
to relate to you
Worth Coleman was drowned forty
miles north and west of here in a lake
that forms the head of the west fork of
Boulder creek on the 23rd inst
He was in the employ of Leonard
Sedgwick a Rock Springs sheep man
as camp mover It seems that he be
come lost from the outfit on the night of
the 22nd and the next morning he left
he left his pack horses at the opening on
the trail and started back on his saddle
horse to find the foreman and the
herder as he supposed they had been
out all night with nothing to eat
About a mile back he met another
outfit coming out of the mountains told
his story and went 09 That was the
last seen of him alive Thedake where
we found the body being about half a
mile distance
The foreman and the herder came
out to opening found their pack horses
and the next morning the saddle horse
came to them with the saddle blankets
soaked wet That was all they seemed
to think of When they had their
horses they came on to Lamareux
MTeadows a distance of 25 miles
Word came out to Leckie on the 28th
that the boy was lost and I with four
others started Dack to find him going
to the Meadows that night The herder
quit and joined us the next morning in
the search saying that he did not want
to work any longer for such an outfit
On the 30th we found the body in the
lake laying about 20 feet from the edge
in about IS feet of water We built a
raft and recovered the body and buried
it near the lake It seems he had tried
to go around a cliff of rock that projects
into the lake and in doing so got into
swimming water and became dislodged
from the horse
There were no marks on the body to
indicate anything but accidental drown
Please explain to your brother that if
he conies here I will give him all the
particulars I am at his service
A line to Pacific will reach me for 30
days Leckie is a postoffice 30 miles
from South Pass Pacific is a postoffice
12 miles from South Pass
Truly yours
Arthur H Sanderson
P S I have written all the particu
lars to Mr Shaffer at Hailey
New Neckwear collars fichus etc at
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Switchman C P Ball of Red Cloud
has joined his wife in Denver on a short
Yardmaster Peter Carty and family
are visiting in Denver and the moun
tains this week
Conductor J H Burns was sick part
of this week and Conductor Joe
berger made his runs
Engineer and Mrs F G Westland
moved into their pretty and cosy new
home last of this week
Brakeman C E Ryan is with Con
ductor Bonno vice J J Barry absent
in Iowa on a 30 days lay off
Conductor and Mrs W D Beyrer re
turned first of the week from their
Colorado visit of a few weeks
Conductor T F Enright and famiiy
left on Saturday last for Cripple Creek
Colorado on a visit of ten days
Mrs Steve Dwyer and Mrs P E
Potter will spend some time visiting in
Iowa in the neighborhood of Rock
Machinist F J Nickson departed on
Tuesday night for Atchison Kansas to
secure employment having resigned his
job here
Flagman C B Clark has taken a 10
days lay off and on Tuesday went to
Rocky Ford Colo on a visit to his
Brakemen H L Holder and M II
Griggs have been permanently trans
ferred to the Northern division and will
run out of Lincoln
G H Christ of R M S out of Oxford
got mixed up with mail catcher Monday
of last week and carried his hand in a
sling for several days as a result
Engineer William Francisco and bride
arrived from Colorado last Saturday
and have established the household deity
in his residence on North McFarland
Steve Finn arrived home Tuesday on
delayed No 1 fronxia visit to his old
home in Virginia Ills He visited briefly
in Chicago and other points Steve in
sists that the better half is coming on 77
There is a report in circulation that
Assistant Superintendent E Gillette of
Sheridan will shortly resign his position
at that place to accept the position of
assistant chief engineer of the Burling
ton lines west of the river Alliance
Elmer E Stoup who was an agent on
the Western division in earlier days and
who will be remembered by the older
men on the division has been appointed
trainmaster for the Mobile division of
the Southern Railway Co with head
quarters at Selma Alabama effective
September 1st
The Burlington has decided to make
use of acetylene gas in the headlights of
some of its locomotives on the Iowa
lines The inventor and manufacturer
of the latest and most improved style of
light is now at the Galesburg shops
equipping several of the big passenger
locomotives with the headlights
Broken Bow has a rumor that the
Burlingtons freight divisions at Seneca
and Ravenna are to be abolished and a
new division established at the Bow
This would make a division 192 miles
long from Lincoln to Broken Bow and
another 190 from Broken Bow to Al
liance The rumor was not denied at
Burlington headquarters this morning
but nothing definite could be learned
Tuesdays Bee
The Great Northern experienced the
greatest wreck in its history last Fri
day at Nyack 40 miles east of Kalis
pell Mont The wreck was caused by a
runaway freight train running into a
passenger train Over forty lives were
lost including Supt P L Downs and
son Fire completed the deadly work
consuming the dead and a number of
cars It was one of the most terrible
wrecks in the history of American rail
roading The superintendent was to
have become a vice president on Sep
tember 1st of the Spokane Falls and
Kootenai Valley roads
It is a matter of common belief in New
York railroad and financial circles that
James J Hill is backing Senator Clark
in his prospected road from Salt Lake
City to Los Angeles and that the Presi
dent of the Great Northern and field
manager of the Morgan Hill roads will
endeavor to connect the Burlington with
the San Pedro road and feed it with
transcontinental business for southern
California It is said the Harriman
interests and the Santa Fe people have
been unsuccessful in their efforts to
defeat the Hill Clark plans and that the
Clark road will be built and Mr Hill
enforce a Burlington alliance with it 1
The following is the assignment
teachers for the coming year
Celia A Gorby E W Washburn
high school Mary Powers eighth grade
Nellie West seventh grade Belle Hed
lund sixth grade Hannah Stangland
fourth grade
Cassie Andrews part of third A
and fourth B grades Mabel E Wil
cox second grade Ida E White first
Ella Leonard fifth grade Minnie
Rowell third grade Anna Anderson
first and second grades Elizabeth
Thomson and Edna Garrard the pre
paratory school
south mcook
Anna C Schobel first grado and pre
paratory class
To avoid confusion on Monday morn
ing the following suggestions to parents
are offered
Children just beginning or those hold
ing cards of admission to the first grade
and who reside south of the tracks
should go to the South McCook school
Children belonging to the first or
second grades who live in West McCook
or in the extreme west portion of the
city proper should present themselves
to their teacher in the west building
Other pupils of these two grades living
in the central and east paits of town
will attend school in the new -frame
building on the east side the second
grade in the north room down stairs and
the hrst grade in the south room A
proper redistribution will have to be
effected after school convenes Monday
All third grade pupils will first go to
their room the north one up stairs in
the west building and from their num
ber those living in the extreme east part
of town and who are members of the
A class will be selected during the
forenoon Monday to form one half of
Miss Andrews room in the new frame
11 fourth grade punils hould voport
to Miss Stangland in the east room down
stairs of the brick building Later in
the da a portion of the B class will
be removed to Miss Andrews room to
relieve the crowded condition sure to
exist in the regular fourth grade
All beginners living north of the
tracks or those holding cards to what
was the City Hall school go to Miss
Thomsons room the north one down
stairs in the West Ward building
The shorthand department will be a
feature of the school work this year as
in the past Those who are interested
will take notice that the classes will be
organized Monday night next
The regular teachers meeting occur
ring before the commencement of school
will be held Saturday afternoon at
four oclock in the assembly room of the
East Ward building
Is Now in the City
Miss Olive M Howe is now in the
city and engaged in making terms and
dates with pupils desiring musical in
struction she will be found at the home
of Mrs U J Warren and will com
mence next week with the work of
Miss Howe is a student of Liebling a
graduate of the New York Conservatory
of Music and has taught with success
large classes during the past few years
She comes to our city with high recom
mendations not only as a teacher but as
a performer of fine ability and is open to
engagements in this department
Miss Howe will give a piano recital
some time about the middle o f the
Cattle far Sale
Two loads of choice beef cows top of
200 head Price 3c 125 steers tops
of 200 head Price 8350 The above
stock is all thick fat tf
Wm E Echols Brush Colo
Dont Miss This Chance
We have 50 patterns of wall paper for
one and two rooms that we are selling at
wholesale- prices D W Loar
in wall paper a few choice patterns just
enough for one room very cheap
McConnell Berry
We today begin selling 10 yard cuts
of good stout unbleached sheeting for
37c The Thompson Dry Goods Co
New Petticoats New Wrappers New
Shirt Waists New Dressing Sacques at
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Where at Marshs What the best
meats of all kinds When all the time
Best Carpet Warp IGjc pound
Thompson Dry Goods Co
i -
For clothing go to DoGroff Cos
Just call up telephoned and tell them
all about itx
Public schools will open next Monday
for the fall term
For Sale Flour and feed business
Inquire at Tribune office
Pretty line of Merry-go-round at The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
If you dont see what you want ask
at D C Marshs meat market
For Sale Two houses in West Mc
Cook Inquire of Thomas Burgo
The school teachers have the key of
the municipality Heros to them
Handsome new Waistings from 10c to
50c The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Wednesdays rainfall amounted to 83
of an inch or 223 inches in five days
That north fence just erected at the
ball park will add another link to the
For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc
Cook Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge McCook Nebraska
Beautiful Meridian Cloth fG inches
wide for skirts and suits for 70c yd at
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
D C Marsh invites your patronage
guaranteeing the best meats obtainable
of all kinds A t the old stand
The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of
G A R meet the first Saturday of
every month in Odd Fellows hall
If you dont see what you are after
inquire at Marshs meat market They
havo it and will take pleasure in show
ing you
Dont forget that the McCookBuild
ing Association will open its 28thfseries
ui skjck mis montn jnow is tneitime
to subscribe for stock
You can spread out threo Izzer
Batts while one commonplace batt isffe
ing spread Price 10c The TKbirpson
Dry Goods Co Wf
-Any school teacher ihtjRef -Willow
maj feel at liberty to send5kE Tribune
news at any time of interrst 0 patrons
of the repectfve ustriet
A Bed Comfort made xif Izzer Cotton
Batts will outlast two that are filled
with the common batt PricelOc The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Dress Skirts made to your measure
from any dress goods in our stock 300
pieces to select from All wool ones
S250 and up The Thompson D G Co
Mrs Hattie Ensign announces that
she will do sewing by the day at reason
able prices She may be found at the
Methodist parsonage or will respond to
calls by mail
Its more inspiring to hear Uncle
Billie whistle Marching Through
Georgia after a fine shower than it i3
to read a whole column of Colonel Hot
stuffs Hot Blasts
Handsome Silkolene Bed Comforts
tacked with Saxonyfilled with six Izzer
Cotton Batts for 82J5 Select your own
patterns and leave your order The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
This is a good time to brighten up
your barns sheds and fences Our
asbestine fire proof paint costs only
one sixth the price of oil
McConnell Berry
The banks and shops observed Labor
day Monday but for the most part the
people were oblivious or at least unmind
ful of the fact and the day went by de
fault so far ns observance is concerned
Mrs E E Saddler has disposed of
her millinery and notions business to
Miss Jeanette Vanderpool of St Joseph
Missouri who will arrive in the city to
morrow to assume charge of the same at
the old stand
Hereafter all church announcements
not corrected to date will be omitted
only such appearing as have been so
corrected If the information is not of
sufficient value to merit being kept alive
by those directly interested it is not of
sufficient worth to us to devote the space
The rain last Friday night and Satur
day morning was one on the best if not
the best soakers of the year The local
gauge indicated a precipitation of 150
inches placing the soil in rare condition
for fall plowing and the sowing of fall
small grain of which there is a prospect
of a lanje sowing
We are informed that a number of
persons in this county will receive within
the next few days a bulletin from the
University of Nebraska School of Agri
culture We earnestly urge all such
persons to give this bulletin a careful
reading and advise those whose names
are not on the University mailing list to
write for the bulletin