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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1901)
K - s sr IV v K fTi TWENTIETH YEAR Fatal Accident The sad duty devolves upon us of re cording the accidental death of a youth who recently came among us though his folks were former residents of this vicinity Daniel Jerome Kinghorn was killed Thursday August 22d 1901 by falling under the cars of the construction train on the new North Western road just west of Buda 111 He had been em ployed as water boy since last Monday and returning from south of O W Masons orchard to get more water he rode on his fathers engine Ho slipped in some manner from the steps and two empty dirt cars passed over his body causing intornal injuries from which he died just after he was carried to the nearby home of his sister Mrs Jerome Brainard Daniel Kinghorn was born near Box Elder Neb September 13th 1885 and was therefore nearly sixteen years of age He has been here about two months coming with his mother to join Mr Kinghorn who came in May to run one ot theN W engines He was a boy of good disposition and had many friends among his associates He was a church member and a dutiful son Besides his father and mother there are left to mourn his untimely death two brothers J R Kinghorn of Greeley Colo Fred Kinghorn of Mc Cook Neb and three sisters Mrs Etta Brainard and Mrs Agnes Sweet of this place and Mrs Lou Haulein of McCook Neb Two sisters who died a number of years ago are buried in the Sheffield cemetery and in this family lot the remains of the youth were laid to rest after a funeral service at J E Brainards conducted by Eev Moore pastor of the Congregational church Mr Kinghorn and family desire to express their appieciation and gratitude for the kindness and sympathy of the neighbors and his fellow workmen toward them in this hour of affliction Buda I11 Plain Dealer Round House Wins The boys from two departments of the railroad service last Friday afternoon kept the talent guessing The Clerks and Round House were the combatants It was a nine inning con test and the Round House was the victor Those engaged were CLERKS 1OSITIOSS BOUND HOUSE Pate catcher Powers Mills pitcher Lucas Cann first Mangless Stewart second Caster Forbes right Yost Cutler left Wentz Kleven short Burnett Heber third McManigal McLean center Meyer SCORE BT INNINGS Round House 3 112 3 0 13 14 Clerks 0 12 4 2 0 0 1 010 The County Fair The management of the county fair has decided to hold the annual exhibi tion ox the agricultural society this fall as usual and bills are now out announc ing the dates September 17 18 19 20 Liberal premiums are announced in all the classes and the races will not be neglected It is the purpose to make the best and most out of a not very at tractive or encouraging situation and to this end The Tribune hopes the society may be upheld by the attendance and interest of the people of the county and that the very best showing possible may be made in each and every department In a word Stand up for Red Willow county For Sale Furniture One oak book case 1 organ 1 black walnut marble top bed room set 1 black walnut marble top center table 1 set dining chairs 2 rocking chairs 1 bed couch Axminster carpet and many other things too numerous to mention Call at the J E Kelley residence opposite the Catholic church O G Vahue Machine Oils S M Cochran Co have it in best qualities and at very reasonable prices They can fill your order promptly for any oil you may want What Not going to paper till spring You will find it much cheaper now Come and see our bargains McConnell Berry In Black Dress Goods we are showing Venetians Broadcloths Meridian Cloth Pierolas Albatross Serges Brillian tines Florentines Wide Wales Henri ettas etc etc Prices range from 150 down to 18c a yard Full line of colors and fancies The Thompson Dry Goods Co One price plain figures cash only Where at Marshs What the best meats of all kinds When all the time Loars motto Pure drugs and low prices MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Frank Purvis was up from Oxford today on a brief visit E J Wilcox went down to Cambridge Wednesday to take in the reunion Mrs Joseph Kubicek visited Red Cloud relatives and friends last week Mrs Mary Mullen was summoned to Illinois by the illness of a sister Tuesday Mrs J F Ken yon returned Satur day night from a visit to Iowa relatives Mrs H A Beale went up to Denver last Friday night to visit her sister Miss Sara Cool - Hazel Coleman came downfrom Denver Tuesday morning onf on a visit of two weeks E E Coleman arrived inthe city on 3 Tuesday night on a visit to his child ren Harry and Mabel J W Robinson the AOUW grand deputy has been in the city this week on Workman business Edith Coleman returned oj if Mon day night from a resicace of some time in Pawnee Oklahoma Glenn Carruth came down from Colorado Sunday morning on 2 on a short visit to relatives here W S Morlan and H P Sutton left Monday night for Lake Ericson Wheeler county on a fishing expedition Dr J A Gunn arrived home Sun day night from his business visit to Joplin Mo in mining business Miss Sara Lowman will arrive home Sunday from the east where she has been making seasonable purchases August Hagge and Henry S Ferrier of the Grand Island beet sugar factory were here on business last Friday Mrs G W Willetts and the child ren returned home last Friday night from spending a few weeks in the moun tains Miss Mollie Ryan has been in charge of the millinery store during Mrs M M Delhuntys absence making fall pur chases George Kilecara left Wednesday for Omaha on a visit to a sister he has not seen for several years He will be gone about two weeks Miss Minnie Rowell who has been absent in Boulder and other Colorado points during the heated season arrived home Sunday night on 6 Mrs H P Sutton and son Robert returned home Saturday night last on 3 from Omaha where a minor operation was performed on Roberts throat George Hennings of South Omaha is in the city this week and may decide to locate here He lived here a number of years in the early days of the city Mrs A C Reeve and daughter Miss Fern came up from Holdrege last Thurs day evening and have been the guests of Mr and Mrs F L Palmer this week Supt G H Thomas came up from Harvard Monday on 1 and is devoting himself to getting affairs in shape for the opening of the fall term of public schools Monday September 9th Harry Campbell departed latter part of last week for Pittsburg Penna where he expects to become a student in the Carnegie technical school to study electric and mechanical engineering Mrs C A Dixon and Miss Edna arrived home Sunday morning last from Long Beach Calif where they spent part of the summer enjoying the delights of that charming seaside resort W E Hart returned Monday on 2 from Centralia Wash where he has been living and engaged in the cigar business for several months The cli mate made him rheumatic and he will remain here Mrs N E Fahnestock departed on 2 Sunday morning for Wanda 111 where she expects to spend the fall and winter with a married daughter Her son C L accompanied her as far as Omaha returning home on No 3 same night Register and Mrs F M Rathbun spent most of the week in Omaha and Lincoln They went down to Omaha Monday and from there went to Lincoln to attend the Republican state conven tion to which he was a delegate from this county Mr and Mrs J E Brainard started Thursday morning on the six oclock train for a trip to the Pan American exposition but the news of the sad ac cident which befell Mrs Brainards brother Dan Kinghorn but a few hours after their departure reached them in Chicago and they returned on the 615 train in the evening Buda 111 Plain Dealer tajfti 1 nwr Keep on Winning1 Reports from the base ball boys in the field are very encouraging Since our last report the following games have been played FRIDAY KENE3AW This game was decidedly one sided resulting in McCooks favor by a score of 13 to 2 Strike outs Jerrett 14 Hits Off Jerrett 4 off Kenesaw XI Home run Radcliff SATURDAY HAVELOCK This is one of the best games played by the boys this year and is referred to by a Lincoln Journal reporter in the following language JONES PHENOMENAL PITCHING The McCook baseball team came to Lincoln yesterday in charge of Man ager H H Tartsch The players went on to Havelock and defeated the team at place by a score of 7 to 4 The feature of the game was the phenomenal work of Pitcher Jones in the box for the Mc Cook team A successful tour the past week has put the McCook players in good spirits They won four out of six games played the last four being played and won at Kearney Hastings Kenesaw and Havelock Monday they played at Minden and on Tuesday and Wednes day at Kearney winning one and losing one game at the latter place The team will go home this morning but will start out again playing at Superior Monday and Tuesday Wednesday at Almena Kan and Thursday Friday and Saturday in a tournament at Norton Kan Sundays Lincoln Journal Batteries McCook Jones and Heck Have lock Morrison and Johnson Hits McCook 11 Havelock 7 Strike outs By Jones 8 by Morrison6 SUPERIOR DEFEATS MCOOK Superior Neb Aug 26 Special Superior defeated McCook today in an interesting and hard fought game Superior 0 0 0 0 4 12 1 8 McCook 0 0020000 13 Hits Superior 7 McCook 7 Errors Superior 2 McCook 6 Batteries Teel and Fulmer Powers and Pickard Umpire Johnson The McCook team will play here again tomorrow Lincoln Journal TUESDAY SUPERIOR This was a shut out for McCook the score being 6 to 0 It was an errorless game and the result is simply attrib uted to the fact that McCook could not hit Case who is a coming pitcher The fielding of Tell and Fulmer were aiso features of this game Hits McCook 2 Superior 8 WEDNESDAY EDGAR This game was in the nature of a pic nic for the boys a day of recreation be fore the serious business of the tourna ment Everybody sprinted till weary Score McCook 21 Edgar 16 Batter ies McCook Cone and Heck Edgar Weiser and Ward SHUT OUT MINNEAPOLIS Thursday at Norton Kansas was played the first game between McCook and Minneapolis in the three days tournament in which a purse of 300 has been hung up 175 to go to winner and 125 to loser McCook won this game hands down SCORE BY INNINGS McCook 2 00 1130 0 1 8 Minneapolis 0 0 0 00000 0 0 GAME DETAILS Batteries McCook Jerrett and Heck Min neapolis Shopp and Brown Hits Off Shopp 13 of Jerrett 6 Errors McCook 1 Minneapolis 3 Strike outs Jerrett 14 Shopp 4 Umpire Smith of Norton They do say that Minden stole Sat urdays game from the Indians William Zint of the board of directors of the base ball association was with the boys all through last weeks trip C C Northrup secretary of the board of directors of the baseball association was with the boys in their triumphant tour last week coining home on 1 Sun day from Lincoln He is with the team this week Minden Saturday defeated the Has kell Indians in a score of 7 to 6 It was a sensational game of eleven innings and home runs The same clubs met on Monday in Minden and the Indians were defeated by a score of 12 to 1 J R McCarl A W Berry S B Mc Lean E H Gresham C I Hall George and Bruce Campbell were among the McCookites who witnessed the victory over the Havelock team at Havelock last Saturday They all returned home Sunday on 1 Seven to ten ounces of mill sweepings from the floor of a cotton mill consti tute the averageeotton batt No proper size Cant be spread out without pull ing into holes Not so the Izzer All virtues combined constitute its claim upon your patronage Price 10c The Thompson Dry Goods Co RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Frank Colfer returned Tuesday morn ing from the Northwest Engine 75 is just recently out of the shops after an overhauling G L Miller and wife spent a part of the week in Eckley Colorado Switchman and Mrs M A VanHorn were Imperial visitors Monday Engine 41 went into the machine shop Wednesday for an overhauling C G Franklin is back from Denver and running one of the switch engines in the McCook yard Tho depot at Eckley Colorado was struck by lightning Monday and de stroyed by the resultant fire Conductors Bronson and Pope had two of the Templar specials from the west for Louisville Friday and Satur day last Fred Zell came down from Denver Sunday night on 6 returning west on 3 the same night in company with Supt Campbell Engineer William Francisco was mar ried in Denver close of last week and has been enjoying his honeymoon in the mountains Freight train 150 and the slag train were in collision Tuesday morning at Otis Colorado with considerable dam age no one seriously injured Conductor and Mrs V H Solliday and Miss Millie Slaby arrived home Tuesday on No 1 from their visit to Terre Haute Indiana Chicago etc Brakeman G F Kinghorn returned Wednesday night from Buda Illinois whither he was summoned last week by the sad accidental death of a younger brother Nine engine crews have been set back in Denver Engineers G W Starks Alex McLean and C G Frank lin are among those temporarily set back tofiring rs Chauucey Knodle wife of the aght at Palisade spent Monday night in the city on her way home from the east going up the Imperial on 175 Tuesday morning Roy Dixon came down from Denver Monday morning on 2 and is making the family here a short visit Roy has been laying off for a week or so on account of carbuncles The Aurora freight last Friday even ing just leaving Hastings ran over and instantly killed an intoxicated tramp The wheels severed his head from his body Name unknown Brakeman G F Kinghorn was sum moned to Buda 111 Friday last by the accidental death of his youngest brother an account of whose death and burial will be found elsewhere in this issue Another heavy test of the respective merits of English and American locomo tives on the railroads at Kingston Ja maica resulted in a great victory for the latter which drew 126 tons over the heaviest part of the line in seven minutes under scheduled time The English lo comotive completely failed to make even regular time Spotters on the Union Pacific are us ing kodaks in securing evidence against those who infringe upon the No Drink order of General Manager Dickinson Three spotters were caught taking snap shots Friday last in a North Platte sa loon and a rough house ensued dur ing which the spotters were painfully pummeled and the kodaks demolished Leslie Graves of McCook was here this week visiting with his mother and sister He took along with him to Mc Cook a relic of the Spanish American war which he made when he was in the Third Nebraska regiment It is a belt covered with buttons worn by Spanish officers and soldiers Some are of gold and others of silver and the collection cost considerable money Red Cloud Chief Mrs J C Birdsell and sister of Deadwood will leave shortly to visit relatives at Buffalo N Y and also take in the Pan American exposition Bernard Phelan left this morning for Englewood where he will enter the rail road service as assistant with an engi neering corps now working in the Black Hills J Snyder of Arapahoe Wm Fox and L R Wood of Indianola C E Dry of Funk and H L Pfeiffer of Moorefield have been employed as sec tion foremen on the B H Ft P road Alliance Grip Remnants in wall paper a few choice patterns just enough for one room very cheap McConnell Berry Have Porter photograph the baby North of post office McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 30 1901 City Matters Council met in regular session Mon day evening all present Following bills were allowed and war rants ordered issued Barnett Lumber Co 59052 W CBulIardCo 225 F M Kimmell 3270 C W Barnes 1480 W A Brown 1105 McCook Electric Light Co 8500 T J Bryan 300 R B Carlton 300 Harry Walters 300 Walter Leach 300 C A Leach 300 II H Tartsch 300 A L Brigner 300 W C Chlanda 200 E A Jeffers 300 A F Clark 300 J H Dwyer 450 allowed 300 R J Predmore 4 allowed 350 J W Spiker 4 allowed 350 Bill of McCoy Bowen for 9 al lowed at 8 Bill of Julius Kunert for 25 damages for killing his dog was rejected Tho question of enforcing license against non resident laundries was laid over until next meeting By motion the sum of 100 was trans ferred from the general to tho fire fund By motion the mayor was authorizo to make arrangements with H P Sutton for band concerts in the City park dur ing the month of Soptember at a price not to exceed one hundred dollars Councilmen Perry and Osborn aye Moore and Coleman no Mayor Eldred voted aye Adjourned A Distributing Point McCook will shortly become a distrib uting point for tho Standard Oil Co which is now making arrangements to provide facilities at this point for that purpose Two large iron tanks 16 feet long and 10 feet deep will be mounted on piers along side the railroad track near where the McCook Tank Line now has its warehouse besides these tanks which will hold about five carloads of oil a building will be erected 16x24 feet in dimensions in which will be installed the pumps and other apparatus con nected with the plant Points as far east as Bartley west as Stratton south as Danbury north as Palisade will be provided with oil from this point An immense wagon requiring four horses will be put on the road for this purpose and S D McClain will be in charge The McCook local wagon will be run by his son George McClain Concerts in September The Tribune is pleased to note that the city council has taken the prelimi nary steps to secure some concerts by the Brigade band in the City park dur ing the month of September The sum limit is 100 and wo have confidence in our people to believe that the people of the city will consider the money well spent All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and by the same token a little musical inspiration these dull depressing times will doubtless be ap preciated by all and will come as a wel come relief and profitable diversion Public Sale On Saturday afternoon at one oclock August 31st I will sell at public sale on the streets of McCook several head of horses consisting of brood mares geld ings and colts Terms cash J H Owens For Sale A stock of general merchandise with store building lot and dwelling with barn attached will sell cheap if sold at once Make inquiries at Uiamonds Cash Store 220 West Dennison street McCook Neb 125 buys a gallon of good outside or inside paint Good black roof paint very cheap McConnell Berry PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS The fall term of the McCook public schools will begin on Monday morning September ninth Some of the teachers are still without boarding places and persons having such accommodations should communi cate the fact to the superintendent There is a demand by pupils for places to work for board during the coming term of school Persons willing to take pupils under these conditions should write or see the superintendent The superintendent will be at his office in the East Ward building Thurs day and Friday September 5th and 6th to meet and classify new irregular or de ficient pupils All text book3 loaned for the summer should be returned to the office on these days when the cash de posits will be refunded til T If NUMBER ie MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS For clothing go to DoGrotr Coa Porters new gallery is north of tho postoffico Try that new cigar in tin foil at Bennetts Dont forgot that Loar wants your drug trade Just call up telephoned and toll them all about it Shop Smoker 5c cigar at Bennetts cigar store Bennotts Shop Smoker is the best 5c cigar in McCook photographs at Porters North of postoflice For Sale Flour and feed business Inquire at Tribune office See the photographs that Porter takes North of postoflice If you dont see what you want ask at D C Marshs meat market For Sale Two houses in West Mc Cook Inquire of Thomas Burge For Rent Front room over the meat market Call on D C Marsh for terms Tho Straight Front is the newest in corsets You will find them at DeGroH Cos Born Friday Aug Kith to Mr and Mrs Hugh Sweet a girl Uuda 111 Plain Dealer For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc Cook Inquire of or write to Thomas Burge McCook Nebraska Wanted A place to work for board and attend school this winter by a boy Inquire at Tribune oflice D C Marsh invites your patronage guaranteeing the best moats obtainable of all kinds At the old stand The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of G A R meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall If you dont see what you are after inquire at Marshs meat market They have it and will take pleasure in show ing you New Shirt Waists new Dressing Sacques new Petticoats new Dress Goods etc now showing at The Thomp son Dry Goods Co s Dont forget that the McCook Build ing Association will open its 28th series of stock this month Now is the time to subscribe for stock Dress Skirts to your measure from any Dress Goods in stock 300 pieces to se lect from Worsted ones from 2 50 up The Thompson Dry Goods Co Mr McTaggart of Tyrone precinct pleaded guilty to assault on Dan Farrell Thursday before Squire LeHew and was fined 1 and costs of suit by the justice Lost A calf weighing about 300 pounds Calf is red in color with white spot on forehead Suitable reward for return or information leading to the recovery When The Bee Hive puts the knife into the leather they cut down the price on shoes so low that is cheaper to wear shoes than to go barefoot See the special for this week Word Tuesday afternoon from the Box Elder neighborhood announced the severe illness of J II Stephens who while apparently in usual health was taken quite ill after dinner For Sale 160 acres described as the northeast quarter of section 34 town 4 range 29 in Red Willow county Bar gain J F Stepina 532 West 18th street Chicago Illinois This is a good time to brighten up your barns sheds and fences Our asbestine fire proof paint costs only one sixth the price of oil McConnell Berry The Mulnix Axtell stabbing affray will be aired in Justice Lellews court tomorrow Mulnix we understand is the defendant in the case and Axtell proprietor of a billiard hall complaining witness Both parties are from Danbury Its a pleasure to sell the F C Cor sets They give uniform satisfaction to the wearer Manufacturers guaranty is this Money back after four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied The little Corset Girdle is a great favorite light comfortable and fashionable For sale only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co -4 The success of the Epworth League social Wednesday night was somewhat marred by the severe windstorm that came up just about the time prepara tions were about complete for holding the social in the City park It was found necessary to hold the social in the Meth odist church and the promoters were satisfied under the circumstances to be able to meet the expense account r J H