The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 23, 1901, Image 5
i iA - WMWiaWMIWUMilJllMI IlilMiW 1o Save Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs Nannie Gallegarof LaGrangeGa applied Bucklens Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and faceand write sits quick work exceeded all her hopes It works wonders in sores bruises Skin eruptions cuts burns scalds and piles 25c Cure guaranteed by McConnell Berry druggists Have You Seen it We keep Dr Cadwells Syrup Pepsin in plain view but if you dont happen to see it why ask for it The manufacturers guarantee it to cure dyspepsia and all forms of stomach troubles Sold by A McMillen Blotches and excresences which so often bother people are simply efforts of nature to throw off impediments to the proper perform ance of her duties Herbine will aid and assist nature in her work and ensure a sicm clear and beautiful entirely free from all im perfections Price 50 cts A McMillen CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS MON Safe Always reliable Indies ask Druggist for CHICHESTERS ENGLISH in Bed and Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon - Take no other Refuse danjjerous Imitations Buy of your Druggist or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi monials and Relief for Indies n letter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 8100 Madison Square MIIIA HA Mention this paper What a Tale it Tells If that mirror of yours shows a wretched sallow complexion a jaundiced look moth patches and blotches on the skin its liver troube but Dr Kings New Lite pills regu late the liver purify the blood give clear skin rosy cheeks rich complexion Only 25c at McConnell Berrys drug store No one knows the unbearable torture the peculiar and agonizing pain caused by piles unless they have suffered from them- Many believe them incurable This is a mistake Proper treatment will cure them Tablets Buckeye Pie ointment is an infallible cure Price 50 cts in bottles tubes 75 cts A Mc Millen The beauty thief has come to stay Unless you drive the pimples and black heads away Do this dont look like a fright Take Rocky Mountain Tea tonight Ask your druggist A Refunded 1 anteeDrKays Renovator nation liver and kidneys Best tonic laxative Blood purifier known for all chronic diseases renovates and invigorates the whole system and worst cases Get trial box at once cures very If not satisfied with it notify us we will refund money by return mail Write your symptoms for Free MedicalAdvicesampleandproof2o BOc at druggists Dr B J Kay Saratoga NY SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS K 1 nr KTe t Si Kidneycursu TjCTJRES all Kidney ache etcAtdruR irists or br mail 81 Free dook vice etc ot Dr B J Kay Saratoga x SoldbyLoar and McMillen 03 110 GHVQWIS Q epBM pszin Buna n uonrcott eti ptrtns o lujiidajil CjiODd no poipoq Xaci SJnS jo npnjc Avau oi Btu auioo socU v jorjita auui2iia rr irrjo JJ ST Il J t A VI l ft uro rox i O on n VTir nr niB pjai ioo c vu ai 3 n t 1- u anil acC - uzz its w 4L Mi Public Sale On Tuesday September 3 1901 at 9 oclock a m at my farm 24 miles north and yz mile east of Culbertson Neb I will sell the following described farm machinery and stock I threshing machine 2 riding plows 2 walking plows 1 one horse drill 2 discs 1 spring wagon 4 sets double harness 1 set single harness 1 good saddle set of blacksmith tools 1 binder 1 header 1 riding lister 1 walking lister 4 cultiva tors 3 farm wagons 1 road wagon 1 mower and several other articles 23 head of cattle and S work horses weigh from iooo to 1500 A quantity of feed Free lunch at noon TERMS Sums under to cash Sums over 10 9 months time at 10 per cent interest good bankable notes required Five per cent discount for cash John H Eisenach H H BERRY Auctioneer Low Rates to Lincoln Nebraska State Fair September 2 to 6 the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Lincoln at half rates plus 50 cents for admission to state fair This will be the big show 13000 has been spent this year in permanent improvements on the fair grounds All entries except speed free 30000 in cash premiums Ask nearest agent Burlington Route for further information 2ts At the meat market of D C Marsh you will find a very desirable combina tion for the careful judicious buyer the best quality at the most reasonable price Machine and cylinder oils at S M Cochran Cos Trade with Loar JL In both dress goods and suit departments SUIT DEPARTMENT All our 3 skirts in golf and street wear the latest stylesgo in this sale at 195 All other lines in skirts at same reduction All our 750 and 600 Suits Eaton Jacket Styles in Blue Gray and Brown go at 495 All our ten dollar suits Eaton Jackets with military front in Blue only go at 695 An all wool blue mixed Homespun Jacket satin lined and black velvet collar Skirt full flare with best of lining Regular 15 all sizes go at 1095 Our suits of aIIwool Venetian cloths elab orately trimmed with satin stitched straps with Eaton jacket grey only regular price 15 go at 1095 r31ack pebble cheviot suits jackets lined with Taffeta silk made in Eaton and coat styles and skirt made in the latest style regular price 15 now they go at 1123 Su its made of alIwool cheviot serge new dip in front and back full flaring skirt and trimmed with stitched straps of taf fetta jacket heavy taffeta lined regular price 24 now 17 95 OWING TO THE GREAT SUCCESS we had in our Special Red Letter and Mid Summer Clearance Sale this week we will continue to give you the AME PRICES ONE WEEK IViORE BLACK DRESS GOODS At 20c wool serge 36 inches wide worth 40 At 30c 36 At 45c 44 AFTER WORK OR EKERCJSEl PONDS EXTRACT Soothes Tired Muscles Removes Soreness and StiffnesSi Dont take the weak watery Witch Hazel preparations represented to be the same as PONDS EXTRACT which easily sour and generally con- tarn wood aiconoi a aeuuiy yuisuu k ti At 87C 38 At82jc 44 At 65c wool mohair 44 inches At 98c 44 A free and easy expectoration is produced by a few doses of Ballards Horehound Syrup in all cases of hoarseness sore throat or dif ficulty of breathing Price 25 and 50 cts A McMillen In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure Then rest easy and have no fear The child will be all right in a little while It never fails Pleasant to take always safe and sure and almost instan taneous in effect McConnell Berry - - 1 TtenidTcfWmZ 11 ifciM I mi II IHn 11 1 1 it t i At 45c alwooI Henrietta 40 in wide worth ti it tt tt tt tt tt 50 75 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 125 At 68c wool figured mohair 38 in wide worth 90 At 68c camels hair 38 in wide 90 At72cwool momie cloth 46 100 At 98c alIwool heavy cheviot 54 123 At 123 extra 54 148 We also have a large line of fancy dress and skirt patterns as well as our entire line of plain and fancy dress goods which we will give the same remarkably deep cut in prices as the above We do this to make room for our mammoth fall and winter lines that we will have in stock for the early fall trade Remember the Ladies Tailoring department which we have recently added Everything is up-to-date in this department and you are sure There is so Much News that even if it comes by telegraph we over look some of it Isnt it a fact that you have seen Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin advertised several times and have neglected to try it An ounce of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is as good as a three weeks vacation Ask any druggist or any one who has taken it Sold by A McMillen If the action of your bowels is not easy and regular serious complications must be the final result DeWitts Little Early Risers will remove this danger Safe pleasant and ef fective McConnell Berry jj to be pleased as well as suited5 ARTZ THOMPBON Plans for Greater Consolidation Not only will all the important traffic agencies of the Burlington Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads be consolidated and the traffic affairs of the three roads placed in charge of a traffic director but the Hill syndicate has engaged experts to make an ex haustive examination of the Burlingtons affairs says a Chicago paper The ob ject is to learn any opportunity for further retrenchment in operating ex penses and fixed charges The prelimi nary statement of the earnings of the Burlington for the fiscal year ending June 30 showed that the road failed to earn the 8 per cent necessary to meet the new bond issues It is the desire of the Hill syndicate that the deficit be made up by the institution of economy of a far reaching nature in both operat ing expenses and carges While no of ficial announcement has yet been made as regards the traffic director for the three roads it is generally understood that Darius Miller vice president of the Great Northern has been selected for the place It is also understood that Mr Miller will be elected second vice presi dent of the Burlington and will move to Chicago Lincoln Journal This Is Your Chance In order to introduce it into your home the Semi Weekly State Journal will be mailed from now until January 1 1902 for only twenty five cents This will give you a paper every Tuesday and Fri day and will be almost as good as a daily It will give you all the markets which just now is a valuable feature worth to every farmer many times the cost of the paper The Journal is printed at the state capital and is more of a state paper than any of its competitors It prints the news of the world fresh from special wires in its own office and prints it twice a week while it is fresh and doesnt charge you any more for it than does the old fashioned weekly Send your quar ter to The State Journal Lincoln Neb Move Into New Quarters The general supply department of the Burlington has been installed in com modious quarters on the third floor of the headquarters building This de partment has been located at Platts mouth ever since the Burlington came into existence but a policy of concen tration brought it here W Josselyn general supply agent C Barber the chief clerk and seven other clerks com prise the working force Omaha Bee Cylinder Oil If you are looking for a good and re liable cylinder oil no use to go any far ther than S M Cochran Co Thej have it r A YOUNO LADYS LIFE SAVED At Panama Colomblu by Chnmbor lulns Colic Cholorn nnd Dlur rhoen Remedy Dr Chas II Utter a prominent physician of Panama Colombia in a recent letter states Last March 1 had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age who had a very bad attack of dysentery Everytliinj prescribed for her proved ineffectual and she was crow inn worse every hour Her parents were sure she would die She had become so weak that she could not turn over in bed hat to dd at this critical moment was a study for me but I thought of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy and as a last resort prescribed it Theniost wonderful result was effected Within eight hours she was feeling much better inside of three days fhe was upon her feet and at the end oi one week was entirely well For sale bv McConnell Berry Druggists A Good Thing German Syrup is the special prescription of Dr A lioschee a celebrated German physi cian and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and ail lung trou bles of the severest nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Uoschees German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868 and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 7 cts Get Greens Prize Almanac A McMillen Dont be satisfied with temporary relief from indigestion Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely removes this complaint It relieves permanently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest Diet ing wont rest the stomach Mature receives supplies from the food we eat The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dys pepsia Cure which digests what you eat and cant help but do you good McConnell cfe Berry - Where the digestion is good and the gen eral powers of the system in a healthy state worms can find no habitation in the hjman body Whites Cream Vermifuge not only destroyes every worm but corrects all derange ments of the digestive organs Price 75 cts A p Kodol yspepsia irure Digests what you eat This preparation emit mm all of the dlgcstants and digests nil kinds ot food It gives fnstutit relief and never fails to cure It allows vmi to eat alL the food you want Tho most sensitive stomachs can take It By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gason the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take If cant heBp but do you good Prepared only by E O DeWitt Co Chicago Thul bottle contains 24 times the 50c size McConnell Berry Druggists McCook Transfer Line J H DWYER Proprietor jggPSpeeinl attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orderH at either lumber yard wtssws Vtwtw Vferyv OSITIVELY THE LAST CALL Our Ladies Shirt Waists and Summer Skirts will be sold regardless of cost They will not last long Come early 25c will buy a serviceable and stylish waist the same as usually sold at 50c to 75c Better ones at 37J4 to 1874 Wash dress goods cut again Goods which sold earlier in the season for 12 to 18c now 9c B Goods which sold at 20c to 30c early now only 15c jTELEj e u 8S 97 1 B- argain to re 7 L DeGROFF CO V afev wfcl s ssi mm itti fcVM Before the Eyes of the World we paint the merits of the Sole of Honor Selz Royal Blue S550 Shoe In the shoe is the best of work and leather and back of it is the name of Selz Selz means perfection and stands for satis faction In all such kinds and styles P and leathers as are right at one price x- m V Selz Schwab Co Chlcafco the largest nannfactsrsrs of good shoes in the world make this good shoe far msn For sale by C L DeGroff Co r