m ig 1 i il 1 ZitoV M twci p pARr m fjMr Wca isS tge 3 iHw S i w WfPLA S3 58 - ti r x P i ne dcsi rus s m wrw ssS m - ssb isri I Ha I niurpcf PirAc siS 6SS ffi BBS IMS 38 ISg ES2 ma ms i ne Lare est stock ses ffiS wm m - - ss f - W H j ggg Every Pair Guaranteed and Replaced gf H -If Defective H m THE 13 1JV wSS r Mphiflr wKi -- -- - ---- j - s SS H NATIONAL Nvw - orx n Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 o6 GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros FA PEN NELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director FRANK HARRIS Director 2333 toTSs rankvjM V3lf H Paid Up Capital 50000 Their Secret is Out All Sedieville Ky was curious to learn the cause of the vast improvement in the health -of Mrs S P Whittaker who had for a long time endured untold suffering from a chronic bronchial trouble Its all due to Dr Kings New Discovery writes her husband It completely cured her and also cured our little grand daughter of a severe attack of whoop ing cough It positively cures coughs colds la grippe bronchitis all throat and lung troublei Guaranteed bottles 50c and Si 00 Trial bottle free at McConnell Berrys drug store Helps young larles to withstand the shock o sudden proposals thats what Rocky Mountain Tea has done 35c Made by Madison Medicine Co Ask your druggist Or Kays Lung Balm cures every kind of cousrh la prippe bronchitis sore throat croup -whooping cough etc Never deranges the stomach AtDrupgists 1025c Sold by Loar and McMillen SiiliSS i iHxjfiiijaSiuffltHk5J35ificjnQ rffc aV affe ite aShc aSHcaffigjaSht n8ir aOr 0k sSc yBa J V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBERT Cashier I CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB ft If- burplus 5000 DI RECTORS P FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD 1 ivt Jft Vftr cAr iAriJViArAriAriflrTifVifiriArtflr lrir fV i 3grjay fij grjyi igr ftuya ft jyjL ji ip 0 iVAVVWWVtAAWVVNA ll 4FIRST t PDF 51 MEDICAL ADVICE Writeus r raHSa all your symptoms Renovatingtho system is the only safe and sure method of cur Tng all Chronic Diseases Dr Kays Renovator is the only perfectsystem renovator Free sam ples and book Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y Sold by Loar and McMillen P T Thomas Sumterville Ala I was suf fering from dyspepsia when I commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I took sev eral bottles and can digest anything Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation con taining all the natural digestive fluids It gives weak stomachs entire rest restoring their natural condition McConnell Eerry If a dealer asks you to take something said to be just as good as Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co ask him if he makes more money Ask your druggist Herbine is well adapted to the cure of fevers of all kinds because it thoroughly cleanses the stomach and bowels of all bilious humors and expels all impure secretions of the body Price 50 cts A McMillen BOX ELDER Mrs J II Stephens is still on tho sick list Anna Clark spent Sunday with Eliza Johnson S E Moore has gone to Bluehill to hunt a location Hot weather is still the rage People are still looking for rain Miss Ida Modrell spent Sunday with Miss Florence Younger Miss Bertha Wolfe entertained her sister Mrs McDonnld Sunday Dick Brower has returned to his wife and children after a long absence Fred Satchell made his usual trip north Sunday You are O K Fred Roy Creasman Vanie and Glenn Modrell will soon be leaving this neigh borhood to hunt a better farming place in the east Boys there are but a few of you left you had better direct your attention to the young ladies instead of the widows Miss Ida Modrell entertained her many friends Wednesday eveting ice cream ana cake were served Those present were Bertha Wolfe Florence Younger Gertie Moore Stasia Brady Eliza Johnson Emma Ward Lucy Miller Maud Wilson Rosa Brady Nellie Stephens Mollie Stephens Ruby Carter Let us call again John Brady Frank Miller Tom Edwards Fred Range Chas Mundy Fred Satchell George Henderson George Mohler Roy Creasman Jinks Spaulding Vanie Modrell Jesse Younger Lonesome A Gcest BOX ELDER NO 2 Box Elder is still alive and keeping abreast of the times Uncle Si Moore has gone to Blue Hill to look after his town property there Dick Brower our hustling merchant arrived from Chicago Saturday lie reports t if times are good in the east The Methodist people of Box Elder charge will have their fourth quarterly meeting next Sunday and Monday at the Quick church P E Hardaway will be present and a good time is expected The church and parsonajre at this place were treated to a new coat of paint this week which helps the looks of Box Elder very much Stephen Bolles our county commissioner was at the head of the enterprise John Miller living two miles north west of Box Elder is thinking seriously of moving to Friend Nebraska We hate to see the old settlers leaving us Mr Miller has been a resident of Red Willow county for almost a score of years and our neighbors will lose a good citi zen when he goes Astounded the Editor Editor S A Brown of Bennettsville S C was once immensely surprised Through long suffering from dyspepsia he writes my wife was greatly run down She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from her stomach but she tried Electric Bit ters which helped her at once and after using four bottles she is entirely well can eat any thing Its a grand tonic and its gentle laxa tive qualities are splendid for torpid liver For indigestion loss of appetite stomach and liver trouble its a positive guaranteed cure Only 50c at McConnell Berrys COLEMAN Fred Cyriacks is working in McCook Harry Wales is working for Deacon Mori an A fine rain fell in this precinct Tues day afternoon There was preaching at Zion Hill on Tuesday evening H W Bixler had business in Hayes county one day last week Li Merrill of Jb ulton county 111 is here on a visit of a few days It rained in this township Thursday afternoon for one and a half hours Lumber was brought out Tuesday J for a new school House in district 74 It will be 18x24 feet in size M H Cole is having roasting ears out of his field corn and says he will have two or three hundred bushels of corn The Coleman school house was well filled last Sunday afternoon to hear Rev Li M Grigsby of McCook preach Hope he will come again Uncle William is grubbing up some peach trees that died two years ago Some are five to six inches in diameter These he saves for posts balance are cut for wood Mrs J F McMullen of Jamestown Indiana arrived Wednesday on Xo 5 and will spend some time visiting her old ngighbors Mr and Mrs Shelton who came here in February last D Long has fifty acres of corn in shock M H Cole is cutting and bind ing corn Fred Lepper is cutting and binding fifty acres of corn for H B Wales Charles Wales is cutting and binding corn The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets when nec essary and you will never have that severe punishment inflicted upon you Price 25 cts For sale by McConnell Berry BARTLEY Percy Catlett is in Omaha John Wolf put up a wind mill Mon day T A Case went to Missouri the first of tho week Maud Hodgkin of Farnam is visiting relatives here x Artie Stevens has left for school this coming year in Iowa Mrs Mary Hodgkin has her addition to her house enclosed Alma Wymoro will teach in the Bur ton district this year Frank Premer John Premer and John Arbogast are at work for the B M Wm Wight and family spent Sunday with his father-in-law Samuel Premer Heber Vickrey came homo from Im perial tospend Sunday with tho home folks Smith Brown of Cambridge was the guest of friends here Saturday and Sunday Edith Ogg lady friends Sunday was entertaining young from Cambridge over A goodly number went from here to see the Indians defeat the McCook base ball team Mr and Mrs Stephen Etherton en joyed a visit last week from a son living neai Cambridge Rev Ernest B Crippen is taking a vacation and is at present at the Ep worth League assembly C V Vickrey came home from San Francisco last Thursday and left Mon day for his work in the east Bessie Walkington was the guest of Lelia Fiddler and her many other friends here the fore part of the week A crew of fifty two men are here ball asting and otherwise improving the rail road track they will remain a month Several parties who were going to the Plattee river to work in the hay fields received word that work would not war rant their coming Roy Kennedy did not go to the moun tains as the railroad company withdrew its offer so he visited friends here Satur day and took in the contest in the evening The gold medal contest last Saturday night was a fine entertainment the best of its kind we have had for many a day Miss Minnie Wolf won the medal The judges were Mrs Morgan of Free dom Mrs Wood I W Stevens of Free dom Rev Crippen made the presenta tion speech Miss Pearl Curlee was a good second and deserves to be men tioned Miss Grace Curlee had a well- drilled chorus of childrens voices and a young ladies glee club that gave some fine selections Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska August 6 1901 Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment Present Stephen Bolles DA Waterman and Maurice Reddy commissioners W B Starr county attorney and R A Green county clerk Minutes of previous meeting read and approved On motion the following appointments were made to fill vacancies W X Cratty overseer road district number 5 John W Brown 13 The following official bonds were examined and on motion approved William H Smith momber Soldiers Relief Commission WN Cratty overseer road district number 35 On motion there was 50 transferred from the Bridge to the Road fund The following claims wore examined and on motion rejected A M Benjamin filling old wells 72 25 C F Elliott same G5 00 F M Kimmell printing notices for same 32 00 The following claims were audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 1901 in payment thereof as follows Vahue Petty shots for paupers 3 00 Mateiia uoraon House rent of pauper claim 19 20 alld 12 CO W C Bullard fc Co coal for paupers 10 50 same 3 50 Smith fc Cochran mdse for paupers 16 28 William McCallum same 17 25 A McMillen same 34 55 A Guy same 16 00 J E Moore maintaining paupers 17 50 S W Clark merchandise 5 70 H PWaite merchandise 11 50 Lincoln Land Co lawn and water tax 22 50 R M Osborn labor and drayage 6 75 John Green watering trees 6 00 McCook Electric Light Co light for June and July 4 37 J S Phillips printing and supplies S 75 SRSmith same 4 10 F M Kimmell same 19 60 C W Barnes same 19 00 E J Mitchell same 13 75 G C Boatman fees State vs Boone insane 0 25 W V Gage same 8 00 J E Kelley same 3 00 A C Crabtree same 14 00 G C Boatman fees State vs McClaiu insane 7 70 W V Gage same 8 00 J E Kelley same 3 00 A C Crabtree same 16 07 A C Crabtree board and care of prison ers 136 00 Stephen Bolles ticket and meals for pauper 2 57 Stephen Bolles services as commissioner 27 Q D A Waterman tanle 36 00 Maurice Reddy same 23 20 And on county bridge fund levy of 1901 as follows W C Bullrrd Co lumber 42 65 Barnett Lumber Co same 131 31 S M Cochran ifc Co hardware 6 05 H Gale bridgowork 6 00 Stephen Bolles same 2 50 And on county road fund levy of 1901 as fol lows Austin Western Co scrapers 42 00 D A Waterman freight on scrapers 6 63 J un motion board adjourned to meet Septem ber3rd 1901 Attest R A Gbeen County Clerk The Birds Early Mornlnff Appeal Children do you hur 111 sinuinff SiiighiR to you shifting sweat Do jou lmrkou with what tlndiiofs Wo tho onrly dawn do moot With what joyoumoss we hnstuti To buar up tho frofeh now duy Oli uwnkvn all yo slumbruM Join us in cur rouuilolay Cnmo i nut mid note tho dowdrojn Spnrklintf Ixnil each leaf and bliulu See tliH shroud 4 tho fairy builder linn on btiih boforo thoy fndo Comu yo tint and join our Eer tho bright red tints of morn Glow the East with warmer sunlight And tho broader day bo born All earths children who will liston Litm to our early note In tho oft swent morning hour llurstiiig gladly from woo throats Will refine to harm one feather Or to tuko one little lifo For in love not Iintn Ho bids us Oerflow with melody rifo List we tell you children rinding That wo lovo you every son And wo ask you dears to aid us To a life of poiicn oach one You should teach us that mens children Will not harm but mark our stay With all freedom in your citios Tonch us this dean day by duy Then well come and sing each morning At your window or your door And well toll you of tho wonders Iu each birdie life een more And by shielding us from evil Which woro sure youll over do You will know how much wo lovo you In our small freo way wont you God in lovo gave oach his nature And He also gave him food And Ho spreads His board with plenty If twere rightly understood And ho Join wit my creatures You are all inj children all And the wise should aid tho weaker To secure his bounty small By Xodie Dont be satisfied with temporary relief from indigestion Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely removes this complaint It relieves permanently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest Diet ing wont rest the stomach Nature receives supplies from the food we eat The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dys pepsia Cure which digests what you eat and cant help but do you good McConnell Berry O O Buck Beirne Ark says I was troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitts Little Early Risers Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint I recommend them McConnell Berry Ballards Snow Liniment gives instant relief in cases of bleeding burns bruises scalds cuts etc Price 25 ami 50 cts A McMillen STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION or the McCook Co Operative Building and Savings Association of McCook Xeb on tho 50th day of June 1001 ASSETS First mortgage loans tX li7 00 Stock loans I17 JO Real estato 101121 Oah 1 j71 m Delinquent interest and dues tj w Expenses lSo 2J Tax sulo certilica to ril 05 Interest on matured stock 70 00 Totul 720 47 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up 27 018 19 Reserve fund 1613 46 Undivided profits 850 87 Duo shareholder ou incomplete loan- 2 XX 10 Other liabilities 369 21 Premiums unearned 9V 71 Total 33 729 17 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30 1601 RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1 1900 915 20 Dues 0 275 00 Interest 2 317 22 Loans repaid 2 817 93 Finos and membership 99 09 Real estato 237 21 Tax certificates 158 24 Sundries 5 75 Total 15 26 54 EXIEXDITUKES Loans s tf Expenses 518 6 Stock redeemed 14 68 Cash on hand 1 371 60 Matured stock 4 500 00 Interest on matured stock 267 03 Real estate s 22 Tax certificates 127 50 Total 15 826 51 State of Nebraska Red Willow county 33 I F A Pennell Secretary of tho above named Association do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condition of said Association is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief F A Pennell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of July 1001 J R McCael Approved Notary Public T B Campbell F M Kimmell VDirectort J J Gaekard RENOVATOR invigorates and renovates the system purifies and enriches the blood cures the worst dyspepsia constipation headache liver and kidneys 25c and 1 at druggists Free aaviee sample and book Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y nEi0MT0 Sold bv Loar aud McMillen A YOUNG LADYS LIFE SAVED At Panama Colombia by Chamber Iains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy Dr Chas H Utter a prominent physician of Panama Colombia in a recent letter states Last March I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age who had a very bad attack of dysentery Everything prescribed for her ineffectual and proved she was grow ing worse every hour Her parents were sure she would die She had become so weak that she could not turn over in bed What to do at this critical moment was a study for me but I thought of Chamberlains Colic Chnlpm ana uiarrnoea Kemeay and as a last resort prescribed it The most onderful result was effected Within eight hours she was feeling much better inside of three days she was upon her feet and at the end of one week was entirely well For sale bv McConnell i Berry Druggists A Cure for Cholera Infantum Last May says Mrs Curtis Baker of Bookwalter Ohio an infant child of our neighbors was suffering from cholera infan tum The doctor had given up all hopes of recovery I took a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv to thp house telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions In two days time the child had fully recovered and is now nearly two years since a vigorous healthy girl I have recommended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any single instance For sale by McConnell Berry Druggists Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy has a world wide reputation for its cures It never fails and is pleasant and sale to take For sale by McConnell Berry Druggists Good Atlvlco The most miserable beings in the world ire those suffering from dyspepsia and liver complaint More than seventy five per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and llier effects such ns sour stomach sick headache habitual cos tiveness palpitation of the heart heart bum water brash gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach yellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste in your mouth coming up oT food after eating low spirits etc Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Trv it Get Greens Irize Al inanac A McMillen McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL DWVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office Firet National bank building next to City hall Houns SS to 12 ItoO 7 to 9 Night calls answered from rosidoncn over bunk MRS S E GRIGGS TOILET PAKLOK Hair dresaing shampooing and ocnlp treat ment gi von for tho banoflt of tho hair Mnswago treatmont given wrinkles removed und all fnce blemishes removed Phone No 15 Iltvutntr Front ovor Opera House C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p O Building H P SUTTON MCCOOK v JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska J3 Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office--Rear of First National bank J B BALLARD DENTIST a All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first class We do all kinds of Crown Bridge and Tlate Work DKJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist THE - OIL - MAN IS - COMING r Over Mc Connell Berrys NEB SET YOUR CAN OUT 1 n McCOOK - TANK - LINE S D McCLAIN Prop vm F D BUKGESS All Calls For The lumber and team Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Eclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska rage ayrJVV ago Wtti Jdusl Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Do You Want To Save Monev tsena in your name and address and get our uatalojjue of all kinds of Merchan dise at prices defying competition Fully Illustrated Catalogue sent on receipt of 10 cents for postage KAHN GREEN BERGER 257 to 261 Dearborn Street Chicago CATALOGUE MAILED DURING JULY inconpoflATzoiaaa 111 Dowt Be FooLPm lake the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Madi only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sSld In bulk Accept no aubstl tute Ask your druggbt r A f