The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 09, 1901, Image 5

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From frightful disficurement Mrs Nannie
Gallsaarol IjaGruigeGa applied Hucklens
Arnica ijnlve to great sores on her head and
faceand write sits quick work exceeded all her
hopes It works wonders in sores bruises
Skin eruption cuts burns scalds and piles
25c Cure guaranteed by McConnell Berry
Hv You Scon it
Wc keep Dr Cadwells Syrup Pepsin in
plain view but if you dont happen to see it
why ask for it The manufacturers guarantee
it to cure dvspepsia and all forms of stomach
troubles Sold by A McMiIlen
A free and easy expectoration is prodei
by a few doses of Ballards HorehoundSyrup
in all cases of hoarseness sore throat or dif
ficulty of breathing Price 25 and 56 cts A
Naro Always reliable indlcKaskDruBcIst for
JoI metallic boxes healed with blue ribbon
Take no oilier ItcfuHv danccroiiN Niibsl
lulionHMd Imiliillonx IJuyof yourDrusgiit
or send tc in stamps for IarlirulnrH Tcxti
monlalH and Keller for Eailich in letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2100 SIntlfNon Square lMIII PA
Mention thin pnper
What a Tale it Tells
If that mirror of yours shows a wretched
sallow complexion a jaundiced look moth
patches and blotches oif the skin its liver
trouble but Dr Kings New Lile pills regu
late the liver purily the blood give clear skin
rosy cheeks rich complexion Only 25c at
McConnell v Berrys drug store
No one knows the unbearable torture the
peculiar and agonizing pain caused by piles
unless they have suffered from them Many
believe them incurable This is a mistake
Proper treatment will cure them Tablers
Buckeye Pie ointment is an infallible cure
Price 50 cts in bottles tubes 75 cts A Mc
The beauty thief has come to stay
Unless you drive the pimples and black
heads away
Do this dont look like a fright
Take Rocky Mountain Tea tonight
Ask your druggist
Refunded JS
antce Dr Kays Renovator
to euro dvsnepsia consti
pation liver and kidneys Best tonic laxative
blood purhier known for all chronic diseases
renovates and invigorates the whole system and
cures very worst cases Get trial box at once
It not satisfied with it notify us wej will refund
money by return mail AVrite yout symptoms
for Free Medical Advice sample and proof 25
50c at druggists Dr 13 J Kay Saratoga NY
A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed
with a gallon of
makes 2 gallons of the veky best Paint
in the wokld
of yourpaint bill Is fab moke DritABiE than
PntE Wuite Lead and is absolutely not Poi
sonous Hammab Paint is made of the best Off
taint materials suck as all good painters use
and is ground THICK VEKY THICK No troublo to
mix any boy can do it It is the common sense
of House Paint No bettee paint can be made
at any co3t and is
hot to Crack Blistek Peel or Chip
Sold and guaranteed by
-1 Cr Kay
zr 7sCURES all Kidney
r mmmr
ackc etc At drug
gists or by mail
81 Free book ad-
Tice etc of Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y
Sold by Loar and McMilleu
This is an Advertisement
If you are looking for a laxative Dr Cald
wells Syrup Pepsin is IT The convenience
and mrit of this valuable remedy will be ex
plained to your satisfaction by A McMiIlen
If the action of your bowels is not easy and
regular serious complications must be the
final result DeWitts Little Early Risers will
remove this danger Safe pleasant and ef
fective McConnell Berry
James White kyantsville Ind says De
Witts Witch Ilazel Salve healed running
sores on both lejs He had suffered for six
years Doctors failed to help him Get De
Witts accept no mitation McConnell
An Acrolmtic Spider
A curious Instance of the ability of
an insect to successfully measure dis
tance was evidenced once while I was
traveling through northern Argentina
I first made the acquaintance of niyd
friend on the back veranda of a little
village tavern I was lying In a hatn
uiok About two feet from me was a
3 by Inch hand rail of wood support
ed by wooden balusters As I lay there
I noticed a ily alight on the top of the
wood While I watched him the fly
apparently turned into a spider I
could not believe my eyes but on
elorer Inspection I saw that a spider
Jumped from somewhere and alighted
on top of my fly
1 thought this -worth watching and
found that this was his method of
procedure A fly would alight on top
of the railing the spider would take In
the distance a a glance and would dis
appear down tLe side of the rail walk
along toward the lly but out of sight
until he reached the place on the side
of the rail at right angles to the posi
tion occupied by the fly when he last
saw It Then he would walk nearly
to the top of the rail and fasten his
web then walk down paying out sals
web as he went till ho was as far
from the place where he had fastened
his web as was the fly then one vig
orous leap the web swinging him
round In the arc of a circle and he
would alight on top of the fly
I have never seen one miss this
seemingly difficult leap except when
the fly left his position before the
spider had finished his preliminaries
E A Suverkrop in Scientific Ameri
ItlncU Sea Pecnllnrltien
The Black sea has peculiarities
which distinguish it from the Mediter
ranean Atlantic or Pacific The great
est ascertained depth is 1200 fathoms
A Surface current flows continually
from the Black sea into the Mediter
ranean through the Bosporus and
Dardanelles and an undercurrent of
salt water from the Mediterranean
into the Black sea This undercurrent
of water Is warm and sinks to the
bottom and in consequence of its great
density prevents vertical circulation
The result is that these deeper waters
are rendered stagnant They are satu
rated with sulphureted hydrogen and
consequently life is impossible In an
expedition in which Sir John Murray
took part the water brought up by
means of a water bottle from a depth
of 300 fathoms smelled exactly like rot
ten eggs No life therefore is possible
In the Black sea beyond a depth of
100 fathoms which is a striking con
trast to what happens in the open
ocean where there is an abundance of
animal life at that depth This brings
about another extraordinary condition
with reference to the deposits that in
all the deeper deposits there is an
abundant chemical precipitate of car
bonate of lime a condition not obtain
ing as far as is known in any other
Rotten Fish ns Pood
One of the national delicacies of
northern Russia is tresca an ap
palling dish consisting of codfisi
caught the previous summer and eaten
in an advanced stage of decomposi
tion Its odor alone is beyond words
its taste tl Avriter fortunately does
not know It is difficult to stay long
in the room with it and yet it is pre
ferred to fresh meat or fish both of
which are cheap and easily obtaina
ble in most villages and obviate the
trouble of drying and rotting which
dried tresca implies
The poor says Chancelour are
very innumerable and live most miser
ably for I have seen them eat the
pickle of hearing and other very stink
ing fish Nor the fish cannot be so
rotten but they will eat it and extoll
it to be more wholesome than other
fish or fresh meates In mine opinion
there is no such people under the sunne
for their hardness of liveing Gentle
mans Magazine
The Mystery of Itadinm
The substance called radium emits
radiations resembling the X rays with
out the application of work or energy
from external sources and without ap
preciable loss of weight This seems
to be inconsistent with the law of the
conservation of energy but the mys
tery is explained by the calculations
of M Becquerel which show that a
loss of weight so infinitesimal that in
a thousand million years it would
amount to no more than a milligram
would suffice to account for the ob
served effects According to this ex
planation the emanations from radium
consist of material particles But how
infinitely minute must those particles
Experience Versas Theory
Marcus Aurelius says the profess
or began that nothing happens to
anybody which he is not fitted by na
ture to bear
Oh thats rot replied the man who
had eloped at the age of 21 with a girl
whom he had known three weeks
Just tell Marc for me that he has an
other guess coming Chicago Times
A Candid Opinion
An old servant was asked by an art
ist what she thought of her masters
portrait which he was painting
She looked at it critically Ye might
have made him a trifle better looking
may be but if ye had yed ha spoilt
It Pick-Me-Up
Saved 10
Did you see Jones He was looking
for you
Yes I saw him but I managed
things so he didnt see me Chicago
Interference with digestion is a by
no means uncommon effect of excess
ive exercise and so far as training is
concerned It is one of the most de
6Js f4V
A zoort looking 5SiS
nurbeimu poor jooc
liif harness is the
worst kind of a com
Reduced one half with
pure soft water applied
frequently with dropper
or eye cup will remove
congestion and instantly
relieve pain and inflam
CAUTION 1 Avoid dangerous irri
tating Witch Hazel preparations rep
resented to be the same as PONDS
EXTRACT which easily sour and
Generally contain wood alcohol a
deadly poison
The President
of the American Federation of Labor Union
0215 says I am using your Dr Caldwell
Syrup Pepsin myself and in my family and
find if fines lots of onnd Vnnrs truly- fieri i
Campbell Clinton Iowa
Sold by A AlcMUIen
Harness Oil
orse a
Blotches and excresence which so often
bother people are simply efforts of nature tc
throw off impediments to the proper perform
ance of her duties llerbine will aid and
assist nature in her work and ensure a sniti
clear and beautiful entirely free from all im
perfections Price 0 cts A McMiIlen
What most people want is something mild
and gentle when in need of a physic Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the
bill to a dot Thev are easy to take and
pleasant in effect For sale by McConnell
J1 n lwr flin 1 f w ca nnrl
hoie lorc better but makes the I
U ther soft and pliable puts it in con- II
in tl 1 dition to last twice as long
fi 3 it oraitmrily would fv
rrxnili vll cvcrvuncrc iu caas u ilK
jlt t II sizes iaae by fil
fcv OIL CO m
There is so Much Hews
that even if it comes by telegraph we over
look some of it Isnt it a fact that you have
seen Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin advertised
several times and have neglected to try it
An ounce of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is as
good as a three weeks vacation Ask any
druggist or any one who has taken it Sold
by A McMiIlen
Where the digestion is good and the gen
eral powers of the system in a healthy state
worms can find no habitation in the human
body Whites Cream Vermifuge not only
destroyes every worm but corrects all derange
ments of the digestive organs Price 75 cts
A McMiIlen
Eruptions cuts burns scalds and sores of
all kinds quickly healed by DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve Certain cure for piles Beware
of counterfeits Be sure you get the original
DeWitts McConnell Berry
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ot
food ltgives instant relief and never
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pheasant to take
It cant help
but do you good
Prepared only by 13 0 DeWitt Co Chicago
The 1 bottle contains 2J times the 50c size
McConnell Berry Druggists
BmUfr Mi mi nimXilKK
flesh i
in summer
by taking
can be prevented r
Scotts EmuEsiosi
Itsas beneficial In summer as fc
n winter If you are weak or 5
run down it will build you up fr
Send for free sample l
o4i5 Pearl Street New York gf
50c and 100 all druggists C
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience ot readers of The Trih
ink we have made arrangements with the
ollowing newspapers and perodicals whereb
ve can supply them in combination with Thi
Tribune at the following very low prices
Detroit Free Press Si 00 1 5c
eslies Weekly 4 00 3 ot
rairie Farmer 1 00 1 7
hicago Inter Ocean I 00 135
Cincinnati Enquirer 1 00 I 5c
Tew York Tribune 1 00 1 2f
emorests Magazine 1 00 17
toledo Blade 100 1 2
Nebraska Farmer 100 15c
qwa Homestead 1 00 1 45
incoln Journal 100 175
Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 5c
ew York World 1 00 1 6f
JmahaBee 100 15c
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 1 Sc
it Louis Republic 1 co 175
vansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to Date Farmer 50 125
vansas City Journal weekly 25 1 15
Kansas City Journal daily 4 00 4 2c
We are prepared to fill orders for any othei
apers published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Neb
Ttvlce Iltintced
A former police sergeant of this dry
interests his friends occasionally with
reminiscences of his career on the
force One of his stories Is that of a
man who was hauged twice The okl
man had heebmo weary of life and de
termined to end Ills earthly existence
by hanging himself lie arose one
night after the other members of the
family had retired Procuring a rope
he fastened one end carefully around
his neck and the other to the stair rail
and then threw himself over the balus
His sons awakened at the usual hour
In the morning but upon starting down
stairs were horrified to see their old
father hanging at the end of a rope
They cut down the hotly and then has
tened to apprise the neighbors of the
tragedy Some of the neighbors being
great respecters of the law advised
the sons that in cutting down the body
before obtaining permission from the
police or coroner made them liable to
imprisonment in the penitentiary
Frightened by this information the
sous hurriedly returned home and ob
taining another rope fastened It about
the neck of their father and let the
body down in the position in which
they had found it
They then hunted up the police ser
geant and told him of the suicide of
their father When the police sergeant
reached the house he cut down the
body but was quite surprised to find
that there were two ridges around the
throat We asked for an explanation
The sons hesitated for a time but
finally confessed to the whole affair
Baltimore Sun
Freed by Witty ttetort
Few if any judges can be severe
with a prisoner who has made them
laugh Just why this should be so is a
problem for the psychologists but that
such is the case can be testified to by
any oue who has much to do with the
courts A case in point occurred not
long ago in Center street police court
An old darky had been arraigned on a
charge of shooting craps
Deed jedge I didnt shoot no
craps protested the prisoner
How about it officer asked the
I saw him with my own eyes said
the policeman
No no jedge still protested the
darky he didnt see me shootin no
craps I wasnt playin deed I
Now look here said the magis
trate which am I to believe The
officer swears positively he saw you
plaj ing and you swear equally as
positively that you were not What
am I to do
The prisoner evidently appreciated
the unfortunate position of the court
He scratched his head in perplexity
heaved a long sigh and said
Waal I dunno jedge we all has
our troubles
He was discharged New York Mail
and Express
When Cats Were Worshiped
A mummy cat is a very curious
thing Tons of these embalmed crea
tures were brought to England a few
years ago to be ground into bone ma
nure What an unromantic ending
after 4000 years mummification
Some of the cats were bound with
the ears standing erect others laid
fiat The cloths were still adhering
to the mummies though in one ship
load supposed to contain 1SO000 cats
very few really complete specimens
could he found
It is supposed that the cats were of
the species known as Felis maniculata
a kind formerly found in north Africa
aud probably tamed by the ancient
Egyptians from which we get our do
mesticated pussy
As early as 1G00 B C tablets record
ed that cats Avere kept in the Egyptian
temples as an object of worship
Fnst BoTvlInsr
Below is a story found in a recent
book Talks With the Old English
Cricketers which prompts the reflec
tion that there were giants in those
days of the old cricketers
A man who did a private business in
athletic requisites at his home in
Blackpool was one day approached by
a man who asked him if he kept a full
supply of cricket requisites
Certainly was the response
Then said the man gravely wrap
me up a bottle of arnica a paper of
court plaster and an arm sling I am
going to play in a cricket match this
afternoon against Jack Crossland
Keeping Ills Promises
Mrs Synnex When Tom asked me
to have him he promised me that my
lightest wish would always be law
with him
Mrs Sauer And of course that was
all the promise amounted to merely
empty words
Mrs Synnex No I wont say that
Tom always respects my lightest
wishes It is in matters of importance
where he is bound to have his own
way Boston Transcript
o Enforced the Rnles
Museum Attendant Youll plaze lave
your umbreller or cane at the door
Visitor Very proper regulation But
It happens I have neither
Attendant Then go and get wan
No one is allowed to enter unless he
laves his umbreller or cane at the door
You may read the card for yourself
sor London Tit Bits
The difference between a fort and a
fortress lies hi the fact that the former
is designed to contain solely the garri
son and their munitions while the lat
ter is often a city containing a large
number of noncombatants
Eggs as an article of diet were first
used by the Malaccans and when we
speak of Shanghai chickens - we but
mention an Asiatic name
Bfifc 3 WOMB a qg72
We have divided the greater part of our
wash dress goods into 3 lots comprising
Ginghams Lawns Swisses Dimities
Mercerized Stripes etc which we will
close out at the following extremely low
v 1
Cash Dress Goods
Shirt Waists Embroideries
Lot iQoods worth 7 8 to 10 cts
per yard sale price 51 2 cts
Lot 2Goods worth 12 1 2 15 and
18 cts per yd sale price 11 1 2
Lot3Qoods worth 20 22 1 2 and
30 cts per yd sale price 17 1 2
Ladies Shirt Waists worth 50c to 65c
sale price 30c All 75c 90c and 1
Waists 69c Ail 2 to 250 waists
i 75
1 Lot Silk and Satin Waists Marked
5 5 50 6 and 650 now 350
I Lot Embroideries at about half price
1 Jdaroi
A Business
uss isyis fyns qss8qQisq
Built of the Rocks
called wear fit style comfort
health and economy is a successful business
Selz Royal Blue S350 shoe for men is the
keystone of this success We would not risk
our reputation by praising this shoe unless the shoe de
served it Made by Selz Schwab Co Chicago the largest
manufacturers of good shoes in the world
In all the kinds and styles and leathers that are CZ Cf
desirable at a price that is reasonable sjj
For sale by C L DeGroff Co
This perfect cherry seeder docs not crush the cherry or cause any loss of juice A
practical machine for large small or California cherries The seed extracting knife
drives seed into one dish and actually throws the cherry into another The marks of the
knife can scarcely be seen on the seeded fruit Seeds from 20 to 30 quarts per hour
Ask your dealer for it If he cannot furnish we will send it anywhere in the U S
express prepaid on receipt of 1 For further information write to the manufacturers
The McCook Tribune
BM Meat Market
The Best o f Everything Kept
For Sale in i First
Class Market
Poultry of All Kinds Bought
3Markct now open and ready for
business Your patronage respectfully
Mrs S II Allport Johnstown Pa says
Our little girl almost strangled to death with
croup The doctors said she couldnt live
but she was instantly relieved by One Minute
Cough Cure McConnell Berry
McCook Transfer Line
J H DWYEE Proprietor
Special attention paid to
hauling furniture Leave orders
at either lumber yard
- f