The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 09, 1901, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican County Convention
Tho Jtopublicana of Red Willow county are
horeby requested to send delegates to tlio Ro
imblican county convention to bo held lit In
dinnolu on Tuosdny Aiifjust 20 1901 tit 11
oclock it in for tho purpose of fcele ctiug 13
delegates to tho fitwto convention and placing in
nomination a county ticketas follows
One County Surveior
One County Coroner
Ono County Judge
Ono County Superintendent
One County Sheriff
One County Clerk
One County Treasurer
Ono County Cpmmissioner for the Third dis
trict and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before tho con
vention Tho various precincts aro entitled to
representation baf ed upon tho vote cast for
presidential electors at to tho last election
together with two delegates at large from each
precinct as follows
Alliance 5
Reaver -0
Box Elder 4
Coleman 1
Banbury 5
Driftwood 4
East Valley 7
Fritch 4
Gerver 4
Grant J
Indianola S
Lebanon b
Missouri Ridge 4
North Valley 3
Perry 4
RcinVillow 5
Tyrone 4
Valley Grange 3
Willow Grove
1st pre 1st ward 13
2d pre 1st ward VI
1st pro 2d ward 9
2d pre 2d waid9
And for tho purpose of selecting delegates to
this convention the committee recommends
that primary elections bo held in each precinct
on Friday August 1G 1901 at f uch hour and
place as the various precinct committeemen
may name C F Babcock
C B Grat Secretary Chairman
Alliance D L Beaman
Beaver Wm Hiersekorn
Bondville Charles Slcalla
Box Elder Mahloii Campbell
Coleman Wm Sharp
Danbury Frank Gockley
Driftwood C T Eller
East Valley Samuel Clark
Fritsch C M Goben
Gerver Frank Lofton
Grant Ira Peterson
Indianola Dr A W Hoy t
Lebanon H E Waugh
Missouri Ridge John B Fisher
North Talley A H McElroy
Perry Chas Harman
Red Willow Wm Soxson
Tyrone J C Moore
Valley Grange A DJohnston
First Ward 1st pro A Barnett
First Ward 2nd pro CBGray
Second Ward 1st pre F M Rathbun
Second Ward 2nd pre Rufus Carlton
There will be a Republican caucus of the elec
tors of First Precinct First Ward in the base
ment of Commercial hotel Friday evening Au
gust ICth 1901 at eight oclock for tho purpose
of electing thirteen delegates to the Republican
county convention to bo held in Indianola
Tuesday morning August 20th at eleven o
clock and for transacting such other business
as may como properly before the caucus
A Barxett Committeeman
There will bo a Republican caucus of the elec
tors of Second Precinct First Ward in tho
office of C F Babcock Friday evening Augutt
lGth 1901 at eight oclock for the purpose of
electing twelve delegates to tho Republican
county convention to bo held in Indianola
Tuesday morning August20th at eleven oclock
and for transacting such other business as may
come properly before tho caucus
C B Gray Committeeman
There will boa Republican caucus of the elec
tors of First Precinct Second Ward in the City
Hall Friday evening August lGth 1901 at eight
oclock for the purposo of electing nine dele
gates to the Republican county convention to
be held in Indianola Tuesday morning August
20th at eleven oclocK and for transacting such
other business as may comb properly before tho
caucus F M Rathbun Committeeman
There will be a Republican caucus of the elec
tors of Second Precinct Second Ward in H H
Berrys office Friday evening August lGth 1901
at eight oclock for the purpose of electing nine
delegates to the Republican county convention
to be held in Indianola Tuesday morning Au
gust 20 at eleven oclock and for transacting
such other business as may come properly before
tho caucus
Rcfus Carlton Committeeman
A caucus of the Republican voters of Drift
wood precinct will be held in the Frederick
school house August 16th six oclock p in to
elect five delegates to the Republican county
convention Indianola August 20th 1901 and to
transact any other proper business
C T Eller Committeeman
The Republican voters of Coleman precinct
will meet in the Coleman school house August
16th 1901 two oclock p m for the purpose of
electing four delegates to the Republican
county convention at Indianola August 20th
1901 and for the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before the caucus
William SHARr Committeeman
A Republican caucus for Bondville precinct
will bo held at J H Warflelds on Friday Au
gust 16th 1901 at 230 p m to select four dele
gates to the Republican county convention to
be held in Indianola Tuesday August 20th and
for tho transaction of such other business as
may come properly before the caucus
Charles Skalla Committeeman
Perry precinct Republicans will caucus in tho
district 63 school house Friday evening August
16th at 7 oclock for the purposo of selecting
four delegates to the Republican county conven
tion Indianola August 20th and for tho trans
action of such other proper business as may
come before tho caucus
C H Haeman Committeeman
The Republican voters of Grant precinct will
caucus in the Banksville school house on the
evening of Saturday August 17th at nine o
clock for tho purposo of selecting four dele
gates to the Republican county convention
Indianola August 20th and to transact such
other business as may properly como before the
caucus H I Peteeson Committeman
Republican State Convention
LiNCOLKXob July 19 1901 Tho republicans
of tho etato of Nebraska ure horeby culled to
meet in convention at tho auditorium in tho
city or Lincoln Neb on Wednesday August
28th 1001 at 2 oclock in tho aftornoon for tho
purposo of placing in nomination candidates
for following oillcos to bo voted for at tho
next general election to bo held in tho state of
Nobraska on November 5th 1901
Ono judge of tio supreme court two regents
qf the university of tho Btate of Nebraska and
for tho transaction of 6uch other business as
may regularly como before tho convention
Tho basis of representation of tbo several
countics in said convention shall bo tho vote
cast for Hon John F Nesbit for presidential
elector at tho regular election hold on Novem
ber Gth 1000 giving ono delegate for each 100
votes or major fraction thereof so cast for tho
said John F Nesbit and ono delegate at large
for each county Said apportionment entitles
tho several counties to tho following represen
tation in said convention
Adams 21 Johnson 10
Antelope 14
Banner 3
Blaino 2
Boone 10
BoxButto 8
Boyd 9
Kearnoy 12
Keith 3
KeyaPaha 5
Kimball 2
Knox 17
Lancaster 70
Brown 6 Lincoln 13
Buffalo 20
Burt 20
Butler 10
Cass 30
Logan 2
Loup 2
McPherson 2
Merrick 13
Cedar 13 Madison 22
Chase 4 Nance 12
Cherry 10 Nemaha 19
Cheyenne 8 Nuckolls 10
Clay 20 Otoo
Colfax 11
Cuming 15
Custor 22
Dakota 8
Dawes 7
Dawson 14 Polk
Deuel 5
Dixon 14
Pawnee 17
Perkins 3
Phelps 13
Pierce 10
Platte 17
Red Willow 13
Richardson 2G
Dodge 27 Rock G
Douglas 144 Saline 25
4 Sarpy 9
Fillmore 20 Saunders 24
Franklin 11 Scotts Bluff 5
Frontier 10 Soward 20
Furnas 14 Sheridan 7
42 Sherman G
4 Sioux G
Gosper 6 Stanton 9
Grant 2 Thajer 19
Greeley G
Hall 21
Hamilton 16
Harlan 10
Hayes 4
Thomas 2
Thurston 9
Valley 9
Washington 18
Wayne 13
Hitchcock 3 Webster 15
Holt 14 Wheeler 2
Hooker 1 York 23
Howard 10
Jeffersons 20 Total 1303
It is recommended that no proxies be allowed
in said convention but that the delegates pres
ent thereat from each county be permitted to
cast the full vote of the county represented bj
Notice is hereby given that each of the even
numbered senatorial districts in the state is to
select a member of the state committee to serve
for a term of two years
Signed H C Lixdsat
Chairman Republican State Committee
John T Mallalieu Secretary
There will bo a Republican caucus of tho electors-
of Valley Grange precinct in the Pickens
school houso Friday afternoon August 16th
1901 at three oclock for the purpose of elect
ing five delegates to tho Republican county con
vention to be held in Indianola Tuesday morn
ing August 20 at eleven oclock and for trans
acting such other business as may come prop
erly before the caucus
A D Johnston Committeeman
Since August first Jim Hill is plen
tifully in evidence in Burlington affairs
thank you
IT is easier to make a whistle out of a
pigs ear than to make a lasting hero
out of a public enibezzlerno matter how
royal a fellow he may be so the breth
ren of the press may as well desist first
as last
Secretary Wilson advises Nebraska
farmers to raise canaigre a plant used
in tanning hides The soil of the state
is suited to it and when the plant is
raised some enterprising men should
proceed to use it on the hides from
South Omahas packing houses There
is no reason why this should not be one
of the largest tanning centers in the
world Omaha Bee
The east whenever the question of
irrigation enterprises has been up in
congress has always fought favorable
action The representatives of that sec
tion have always held that if the west
wanted to irrigate it should not look
to the government for any assistance
it was all the government could do to
improve eastern harbors The pro
tracted drouth in certain sections this
year has opened the eyes of the east
to the fact that the raising of a crop
in the west is of as much conse
quence to the east as to the west It is
to be hoped the lesson may be effective
in rendering eastern congressmen more
reasonable in the future Omaha Bee
Conditions in Southwestern Nebras
ka it seems to The Tribune are not
such as to call forth mirth or to develop
and encourage facetice but call for good
hard thinking and the exercise of all the
reserve nerve and judgment left in the
sturdy people of this section The ques
tion of sustaining life and preserving
values and maintaining the integrity of
this land through the winter and until
the opportunity of another crop shall
come to fruition is not a problem for a
fiddling Nero or a buffoon The situa
tion is grave enough to demand the
most careful consideration and the most
patriotic action of all interested in main
taining the status of affairs in South
western Nebraska Stand to the rack or
give way to others
Swifts Premium hams and bacon at
the B M meat market
Choice veal at the B M meat
market Telephone 14
Congregational Sunday school at
io a m -Prayer-meeting on Wednesday
evening No morning or evening ser
vice W J Turner Pastor
Methodist Sunday-school- io a in
Junior League at 4 p in Epworth
League 7 Preaching at 11 a m and
8 p 111 L M GriGSUY Pastor
Christian Bible school at 10 a in
Endeavor 730 p m Prayer meeting
and Bible Study Wednesday evening
Communion service every Sunday morn-
Baptist Usual Sunday school ser
vices at- eleven and prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening at eight No
preaching services
Geo L White Pastor
Episcopal Ser ices during summer
Sunday school at 10 Evening prayer
and sermon every Sunday at 8 oclock
Sunday morning service also Friday
evening Litany discontinued until fur
ther notice Holy communion to be an
nounced Howard SToy Rector
The Dorcas Kensington will be held
at the home of Mrs W S Perry next
Thursday afternoon Mrs Oyster and
Mrs Rogers assisting
Elder W H White has departed for
Enid O T where he will erect his tent
and conduct services
Rev Gottlieb Essig has been visiting
in Loveland Colorado this week
district court
Transcript from Justice Berrys court
in case of State of Nebraska vs Philip
Blatt misdemeanor
Farm filings 1100 releases 3710
City filings 5375 releases 2470 92
Chattel filings 2410461 releases
Low Rates to Louisville
Special train for Knights Templar via
the Burlington
August 24 26 only 2860 to Louisville
Ky and return for Triennial Conclave
Knights Templar Rate open to the
Special train for the accommodation of
Knights Templar their families and
friends will leave Burlington Station
Omaha at 5 p m Saturday August
24th arriving Louisville 630 p m
August 25th Requests for reservations
of berths on this train should be made
Write for Knights Templar folder just
issued by the Burlington
Detailed information about rates
routes tickets etc 011 application to
nearest agent Burlington Route or by
addressing J Francis General Passenger
Agent Burlington Route Omaha 3ts
Yellowstone Park Closes Sept 1 5
Go now if you would see Yellowstone
Park before the season closes
No better time of year than this
Everything is at its best weather
roads and scenery
It takes 011I3 about ten days to
make the trip and by going in August
you can exchunge the heat ofa Nebraska
summer for the cool sweet air of the
Write to J Francis General Passen
ger Agent Burlington Route Cmaha
Neb for folder giving full information
about the park It contains a large map
of the park as well as a description of
the principal points of interest
Excursion rates daily ask your ticket
agent about them
The Prize Winners
The Nebraska prize letter contest an
nounced by the passenger department
of the Burlington December iSth 1900
was on July 31st decided and the win
ners announced The contest closed
May 31st 1901 and 546 letters had been
received up to that date The majority
of the letters are stated to have been so
excellent that the task of awarding the
prizes was not an easy one indeed in
some instances the contest was so close
that the letters were separately and care
fully examined by four competent per
sons It is the purpose to reproduce
most of the letters submitted in The
Corn Belt the agricultural monthly is
sued by the Burlington Route The
letters will appear within the next two
Yellowstone Park and Back
The Burlingtons Yellowstone Park ex
cursion which leaves Nebraska Kansas
and Colorado points Tuesday Aug 20th
will be back again on the morning of
the 29th
In other words the trip to and through
the park will take only about nine days
100 more than covers every expense of
the trip railroad fares sleeping cars
both ways meals en route hotels and
stage in the park
Write for booklet giving full informa
tion T Francis
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Neb
At the meat market of D C Marsh
you will find a very desirable combina
tion for the careful judicious buyer
the best quality at the most reasonable
Machine and cylinder oils at S M
Cochran Cos
Choice mutton at the B M
market Telephone14
wjAu3rr xjt I w
Mrs Vina Woods of McCook was tho
guest of Mrs J W Wray a part of last
Mrs A C Ebert has been up from
McCook part of tho week on a visit to
Mr and Mrs S E Solomon and
daughter were McCook visitors Tues
day afternoon
Frank Kose was on the sick list the
first of the week possibly a case of too
much base ball
Commissioner C G Crews attended a
3 days session of commissioners court
Thursday Friday and Saturday last
Mrs J A Kirk and children went up
to Denver Mondciy where they will
visit Mrs Kirks parents for a few weeks
Mrs F M Pfrimmer returned Mon
day morning from a two months visit to
Soutli Bend Indiana and a number of
Iowa points
James Ferrior foreman of the Culbert
son Ditch accompanied by his wife and
two daughters left for Denver Wednes
day on a short vacation
Taylor Wells returned Saturday from
Oklahoma and Kansas where he has
been the past three weeks watching tho
crowds and chances to catch on to some
thing valuable Taylor drew a blank
Mrs D L Shumaker and daughter
Isa departed Monday for Denver to
spend a month or two in the hope of
improving Mrs Shumakers health
Miss Isa will probably returned in a few
Sol Blum of Superior Neb is in town
assisting in closing up the business of
the estate of H Blum at this place
The hardware stock will be shipped to
the store at Superior and the imple
ments go to the store at Palisade
The Hitchcock county Republican
central committee met Wednesday at
Trenton and Wednesday August 21st
is the date fixed for the county conven
tion and Trenton the place The pri
maries to be held the day previous be
tween the hours of 4 and o p m
The Anti Saloon League met Sunday
evening in the Presbyterian church to
consider the best means to rid the village
of the dives and- places engaged in the
illicit sale of whiskey and beer The
Culbertson Gun Club and its manager
W G Vastine came in for a good share
of the roasts dished up to the no little
discomfiture of Mr Vastine who was
present Old Man Hunter assayed to
defend the whiskey seller but made a
dismal failure of it a fact which the
old fellow realized before he got through
The sentiment was so overwhelmingly
against Hunter and his intrusion into
the meeting that he closed his talk in
despair by challenging the temperance
people to meet him in the court house
Cool weather prevailing this week
Born To Mr and Mrs Quarters last
Friday a boy
Commissioner Billings is repairing the
streets since the rain
Ed Lister was in McCook Tuesday
on business at the court house
Albert Axtell left Monday for North
Platte to work in the hay fields for a
short time
Finley Scarrow and family left Tues
day for Eawlins Wyo where he in
tends to work during the coming winter
Word has been received from the boys
who left for Cherry county this state
about two weeks ago and they all re
port plenty of work and good wages
Mrs T E McDonald and her father
T C Crebbins left Thursday for a
months visit in the mountains Mrs
McDonald will step off at Pine
Colo where she has two sisters while
Mrs Crebbins will go to Ogden Utah
where he will visit a daughter at that
A good rain fell in and around this
place Tuesday evening and has fresh
ened things up nicely North of town
along Missouri Ridge about an inch of
rain fell here in town about one thiid
of an inch of rain south about an inch
and a half of rain is reported further on
southeast near Metcalfs ranch the
Sappy was reported to have about six
feet of running water after the rain
passed over It was quite a general
rain from this place on east extending a
little farther west than Cedar Bluffs
and one can hear now from most of the
farmers that we will get some corn
Lightning flashed all around during the
storm very promiscuously but no dam
age was done except that the prairie
grass was set on fire a time or two
southwest of town about two miles
XCSry of eggs or glue is K Ji JpJ v
ft strong and of delicious flavorfifi W nfllFrffCffTii JLt Hufel I
Come coffees are varnished witli fc SsisfeliP Ply i PSBfel
i J2o tijoii See
Any reason why a shopper should
doubt the evidence of his or her
senses There isnt any such reason
and thats why we ask you to come
and see for yourselves how well this
store is prepared to give you special
service and unequaled merchandise
at a great saving It is but a
4 Snftijife iPractice
4 777 r
H c o u o 111 If
To buy where you can secure the best
and most good for tne least money
Hence we urge you to try us on any
thing in the line of
jrif 3 o o d s
G rosertes iEtc
For we are here to sell goods and
please and satisfy our customers in
every particular especially in highness
of quality and lowness of price
I f V r V
AW L Vrf
T4aMv VI
Mother s f Ifr
a m
will do for every woman what it did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering
Mothers Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and clear intellect which in
turn are imparted to the child It relaxes
the muscles and allows them to expand It
relieves morning sicknecs and nervousness
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided and recovery is merely a matter of
a fev days
Druggists self Mothers Friend for St a bottle
The Bradfleld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga
Send for our free illustrated book
A Good Thing
German Syrup is the special prescription of
Dr A Boschee a celebrated German physi
cian and is acknowledged to be one of the
most fortunate discoveries in medicine It
quickly cures coughs colds and all lung trou
bles of the severest nature removing as it
does the cause of the affection and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy condition
It is not an experimental medicine but has
stood the test of years jjimg satisfaction in
every case which its rapidly increasing sale
every season confirms Two million bottles
sold annually Boschees German Syrup was
introduced in the United States in 16S and
is now sold in every town and village in the
civilized world Three doses will relieve any
ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Greens
Prize Almanac A McMilIen
In cases of cough or croup give the little
one One Minute Cough Cure 1 hen rest easy
and have no fear The child will be all right
in a little while It never fails Pleasant to
take always safe and sure and almost instan
taneous in effect McConnell Berry
Whites Cream Vermifuge not only effectu
ally expels worms but is unequaled as atonic
and is a certain and permanent cure for chills
and fever in children Price 25 cts A Mc
Produce just as good as cash
A 1 fajj
ti lV VZJ 13 u
a b
ff n a 5
v y a a s
t c - frA n
Xra tiv
feKi J0
Jz have four children With the firrt
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours and had to be placed under
the influence of chloroform I used three
bottles of Mothers Friend before our ksi
child came which
is a strong fat and
healthy boy doing
my housework up
to within two hours
of birth and suf
fered but a few hard
pams inis lini
ment is the grand
est remedy eve
J R Nod was McCook pilgrim
John Short was a visitor in McCook
Thursday on business
Luke Harden camo down from M
Cook Saturday on a visit to the hotn
County Judge Bihop wus down from
McCook Friday to attend the ftmera
of the late Mrs James Lfetheringtca
Dr W D Mackechnie took the Hail
ley girl wlio was so severely injure
about the head by a horse kick to
Denver this week for examination and
C B Hoag returned close of Ias t
week from his trip through the North
west with which he was greatly pleased
Charlie was a brief visitor in the red
standpipe town Monday
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Aug 7 1901
Mr HD Albers2 Mr Dan Bowlen
Conrad Burgett Miss A E Brown
MrsClaraEBrowen Mrs James Cox
Miss Ella Farrer S L Foster
Mrs Fred BJones Mr Warren Knight
Mr John Lewis
Mr Ika Iyightfoot
Mr C O Olswold
Frank Spaur 2
James Smith
MrCarter Lightfoot
Mrs Ida Moore
Edgar Pursel
Mrs Wm Shyie
H H Wyatt
Will Wood Miss Eloise Somerville
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmeli Postmaster
Trade with Loar
- n
r r 1
M u
tr i
Send 36 cents for
25 neatly written
visiting cards
Room 58 1529 Lawrence St
Denver - - Colorado