The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 09, 1901, Image 2

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li 1
T M Pablltf hor
jhhh hHHw
Bishop John Mooro died at his home
in St Augustine surrounded by all the
priests of Florida
I M Piatt for forty years a leading
clothing merchant of Dubuque died on
a train near Warren 111 of apoplexy
George W Yenowine one of the best
known newspaper men In the west
died suddenly at Milwaukee Wis aged
Mrs Benjamin Harrison widow of
the late president and her daughter
Elizabeth are spending a season in the
Richard B Taylor aged 80 and Mrs
Margaret Houston aged 60 were mar
ried In Lincoln The couple met only
six months ago
Thirty four insurgents a majority of
them armed with rifles have been cap
tured by the First cavalry in the Ba
tanzas province P I
At Elko Nev a heavy shock of
earthquake was felt The vibrations
were from north to south and lasted
three or four minutes
At Fairmont W Va Fountain Gor
don a negro shot and killed Belle
Campbell and fatally wounded Mat
tie Simpson both white
The comptroller of the currency has
authorized the First National bank
of Alexandria S D to begin business
with a capital of 25000
Governor Savage of Nebraska has
granted requisition papers for Bridge
Allender who is being held in Holt
county on a charge of stealing horses
in Idaho
The state department has received a
message from Consul General Stowe at
Capetown stating that he will leave
there for the United States on a steam
er sailing August 7
Major Frank L Dodds judge advo
cate of the United States army at
Omaha arrived at army headquarters
to relieve Captain Erwin who has been
acting judge advocate
Mrs Carrie Nation in jail under
thirty days sentence and fine of 100
and 48 costs refused free pardon
from Governor Stanley because the
fine was not remitted
A forest fire in the province of Jet
land Sweden has assumed great pro
portions Three thousand troops have
been ordered to assist the men who
are combating the flames
Rear Admiral John Irwin retired
died at his residence at Washington
D C after an illness of several
months due to a complication of dis
eases He was 69 years old
The St Frances mill owned by the
Canada Paper company and its con
tents valued at a quarter of a million
dollars were totally destroyed by fire
at Windsor Ont The plant was well
Edward J Kelley commodore of the
Net Rochelle Yacht club who was to
have entertained Admiral Schley on
his yacht died suddenly at his cottage
on Premium Point of hemorrhage of
the lungs
El Verde Rio Oil company filed ar
ticles of incorporation at Ogden Utah
The paid up capital is 1500000 the
company owning nearly 3000 acres of
petroleum land in the heart of the
Green River Utah oil fields
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Yerkes has ruled that in ca3es of es
tates coming within the legacy tax law
the assessment of the government tax
must be made on the value of the es
tate on the day of the testators death
Acting Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General Conrad directed the establish
ment of a first postoffice on the island
of Guam It is located at Guam the
chief point on the island ranks as
fourth class and Antanasio Tarano
Perez has been appointed postmaster
Capt H N Royden of the Twenty
sixth infantry now at San Francisco
has been ordered to Omaha to relieve
First Lieutenant Berry from recruit
ing duty
The Philippine insular government
has saved 250000 by the passage of
an act virtually declaring the stone
quarries at Marivales in the Bataan
province public domain and authoriz
ing the utilizing of the stone in the
harbor improvement A Spanish com
pany claimed to have established title
to the quarries
The announcement is made that
Mark Bennett superintendent of the
press department of the Pan American
bureau of publicity a well known
newspaper man of Buffalo -will go to
St Louis for the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition company
The president has granted a pardon
to John F Johnson former president
of the State National bank of Logans
port Ind who was convicted of mis
appropriating funds of the bank and
other violations of the national bank
ins act
Miss M A Hawley Miss D D Bar
low and Miss Witherbee Baptist mis
sionaries who have just arrived from
Yokohama report that for the first
time in the history of Japan there ha3
recently been a great revival of all de
nominations In that country
Doceanor of Pekin Populace Horo Un
friendly as Troop3 Depart
Consist of Thick Urlck Walls Loopholcd
For Rifles Ministers Wish to Avoid
Irritating Chinese The Situation In
PEKIN Aug 5 American and Eu
ropean residents assert that the de
meanor of the Pekin populace is con
stantly becoming more unfriendly and
that as the allied troops depart the
Chinese resume their old habits of
jostling and cursing foreigners in the
The legation defenses are now ap
proaching completion Generally
speaking they consist of brick walls
from fifteen to twenty1 feet high and
from three to four feet thick loop
holed for rifles The ministers of the
powers ignored the plan for a uniform
system of defense submitted by the
generals and consequently the govern
ments are working independently It
is the policy oiLthe ministers to avoid
conspicuous work of defense lest
these should prove an irritant pro
voking instead of preventing hostil
ities Most of the engineers have rec
ommended stronger defenses than the
ministers will sanction Major Edgar
B Robertson of the Ninth infantry
who commands the United States lega
tion guard has written to Mr Rock
hill to protest against what he calls
the defenseless position of our lega
tion representing that it is exposed
to attack on four sides Mr Rockhill
has replied that it is not intended to
maintain a fortress but merely a wall
for protection against unexpected
mob violence The wall is made of
brick out of deference to Chinese
The French and Italians still re
main here The non fulfillment of the
agreement to evacuate public places
in a fortnight causes some inconveni
ence to the military authorities Only
the German barracks have been com
pleted The French barracks have
hardly been begun The troops are
grumbling over being compelled to
give up comfortable quarters and to
find temporary camps
Wilt Not Yield to San Francisco Employ
ers Association
er the local labor trouble is to be de
terminated or whether it is to be in
tended to other unions and possibly
to other coast cities will probably be
determined tomorrow afternoon The
directors of the Employers associa
tion are to meet then and decide on
their final position Should they de
cide to make no concessions the union
leaders assert that they -will issue or
ders for extreme measures Andrew
Furuseth secretary of the labor coun
cil said today
We have done everything in our
power to meet the employers half way
but through their attorney Mr Mich
ael they have expressed a desire to
treat with us only on one basis that
of the disruption cf labor unions in
San Francisco
One Train in St Tnnis Ulver
The first ore train over the new Stony
Brook cut off of the Eastern Minnesota
railroad went through the bridge over
the St Louis river just above Stony
Brook fifty two miles from here
Jerry OReilly head brakeman was
killed and four other trainmen were
badly hurt
The engine and sixteen cars went
through the bridge and are now in the
St Louis river The bridge was 300
feet long and forty feet above the
water It was built of timber
Ads Only in Friendship
Ex Senator J M Thurston of Nebras
ka said the published statement that
he had tendered his professional ser
vices to Admiral Schley is incorrect
As his warm friend and admirer
said the senator I wired him a mes
sage indicating my friendship and de
sire for his complete vindication but
nothing in the line of professional as
sistance was suggested or thought of
To Iearn Germanys Way
BERLIN Aug 5 A commission
from the French chamber has arrived
in Bremen for the purpose of study
ing Germanys canals and harbors
St lionis Gets Snio Relief
ST LOUIS Aug 5 Rain visited
St Louis for the first time since July
5 and although the fall was but
three fourths of an inch it appears to
precede further Prospects in
St Louis and vicinity are for con
tinued cloudy weather with a rising
temperature and a possibility of rain
The expected rop in temperature ar
rived today the maximum being but
79 degrees at 3 oclock p m or 16
degrees cooler than Saturday
Stato Has Escaped Devastation aud Will
Hnvo a Good Crop
OMAHA Aug 5 Hot winds and
dry weather of July have been suc
ceeded by a cooler atmosphere and the
backbone of the drouth has been brok
en by good local showers in sections
of Nebraska where they did the great
est good to suffering crops
Estimates on corn at this time are
unreliable but basing last years yield
at 210000000 Dushels on an acreage
of 8000000 with present indications
and favorable weather to follow it
seems fair to anticipate at least a
good half crop or an average of near
ly twelve and one half bushels an
acre Estimates at this time are sub
ject to change and the one given is
The reduced crop will be materially
changed by the corresponding higher
price to be realized by the amount
yielded It must be remembered that
the corn producing belt of Nebraska is
confined to the extreme eastern and
northeastern part of the state
The Nebraska wheat crop escaped
the drouth as it was out of danger be
fore the hot winds made their appear
ance The increased acreage together
with the excellent yield per acre as
sures a harvest in bushels in excess of
last year
Perhaps the crop which has been
damaged more than any other by the
drouth is the potato crop Districts
heretofore yielding from 200 to 250
bushels per acre report yields this year
of from ten to fifty bushels only
The hay crop in the range districts
west and northwest will be far in ex
cess of any past season
The oats crop will be light The
yield per acre will be nominal in some
districts not to exceed ten bushels
per acre
Excellent crop reports come from
the irrigated districts in the state
An Army of Rebels Defeated by the
CARACAS Venezuela Aug 5 The
Venezuelan government announces
that a force of invaders under General
Rangel Garbiras including twenty five
battalions of the Colombian army was
repulsed by the government troops and
compelled to fall back across the fron
tier after twenty eight hours fighting
July 28 and 29
It is officially asserted that the in
vaders lost 900 men the government
troops losing U00 The government
has sent reinforcements to the fron
Gen Grant in Vienna
LONDON Aug 5 The Vienna cor
respondent of the Times telegraphs at
length an interview he has had with
General Frederick D Grant of the
United States army who is now in
Vienna on his way from Russia where
he visited Princess Cantacuzene his
General Grant takes a hopeful view
of the speedy pacification of the Phil
ippines says the correspondent al
though there is no question in his
opinion that the humane principles
now governing the conduct of the mil
itary operations greatly increase the
difficulties of suppressing guerrilla
Husband and Wife Whipped
J Moore was aroused early this morn
ing by masked men who overpowered
him and his wife dragged them to an
orchard bound them to an apple tree
and gave them an unmerciful beating
After lying in an exhausted condi
tion more than two hours the victims
returned home where Dr Helton at
tended them
During the whipping the leaders
mask fell and he was recognized by
Moore who was warned under penalty
of death never to file a complaint
or disclose his identity
Inspector Closes a Bank
AUSTIN Tex Aug 5 Bank In
spector J M Logan today closed the
First National bank of this city Al
leged excessive loans are said to be
the cause of the inspectors action
The state of Texas -is said to have
about 75000 on deposit in the First
National Total deposits of the bank
are reported to be over 200000 No
official statement will be issued pend
ing the arrival of the chief inspector
With Letters From Steyn
KROONSTAD Orange River Colony
Aug 5 Two Beers came into the
British lines today under a flag of
truce with a letter from former Presi
dent Steyn
Invaders are Defeated
CARACAS Venezuela Aug 5 The
Venezuelan government announces
that a force of invaders under Gen
Rangel Garbiras including twenty five
battalions of the Colombian army was
repulsed by the government troops
and compelled to fall back across the
frontier after twenty eignt hours
fighting July 28 and 29
It is officially asserted that the in
vaders lost 900 men the government
troops losing 300
Danish Farmer Gets FIrt Award from
llurliusrton Itoad
OMAHA Neb Aug 5 Decisions in
the prize letter contests of the Bur
lington road for the best letters about
Nebraska have been made and the
prizes awarded Five hundred and
forty six letters were received in all
and twenty prizes ranging all the way
from a trip through tne Yellowstone
park valued at 100 to small cash
prizes of 5 each were awarded
The letter which won first prize was
from a Danish American farmer at
Aurora and is the more remarkable
from the fact that the writer deplored
his lack of knowledge of the language
He came to this country penniless
owing the money which he paid for
his steamer passage Today he is a
prosperous Nebraska farmer worth all
of 40000
Those who won prizes are
First Prize Paul Holm Hampton
Second Prize M W Miner York
Third Prize H H Shedd Ashland
Fourth Prize J II Wengert Juni
ata Neb
Fifth Prize A K Brower St Paul
Sixth Prize George D Carrington
jr Auburn Neb
Seventh Prize F D
ville Nez
Eighth Prize W H
Mills Wester
Wagner He-
Ninth Prize Rowlen Shepherd
Lushton Neb
Tenth Prize J W Wilson Oconto
Elevnth Prize Mrs D C McKil
lip Seward Neb
Twelfth Prize R W Story Pawnee
City Neb
Thirteenth Prize H P Best Ne
ligh Neb
Fourteenth Prize J A McRae Cen
tral City Nebv
Fifteenth Prise Andrew Warner
Harvard Neb
Sixteenth to Twentieth Prizes
Five prizes of 5 each S S Peters
Beatrice Neb Will M Maupin Om
aha Neb J E Storm Hyannis Neb
D A Gard Ord Neb Miss Mamie
Austin Humphreys Franklin Neb
Insane Over Crop Fears
LINCOLN Neb Aug 5 Suffering
under the hallucination that the drouth
of the past weeks was sent by the
divine hand as a punishment for some
grievous wrong which she had commit
ted Mrs Edith McLean wife of a far
mer a few miles north of McCook has
been committed to the hospital for
insane For many days she had feared
the destruction of crops on her hus
bands farm farm and Avhen she saw
the corn begin to shrivel up she lost
her reason
Physicians Certificates
LINCOLN Neb Aug 5 The State
Board of Health issued physicians
certificates to sixteen osteopaths and
twelve allopaths C W Abel of Ful
ton was refused a license because he
did not present a diploma from a med
ical school of required standing
Gold Find by Superior Jlen
SUPERIOR Neb Aug 5 An Idaho
paper reports a rich gold find in the
Goose Creek mountains near Oakley
made by a couple of Superior hunters
Henry Sparks and Bert Gosney Sam
ples of the ore assayed 85 per ton in
gold and 20 in copper
Hand Caught in Thresher
TABLE ROCK Neb Aug 5 Wil
liam Petrashek a Bohemian farmer
living three miles southeast of here
had his right hand caught in the cyl
inder of a thi eshing machine and bad
ly disfigured although it is thought
the hand will be saved
Three Win Farms
HUMBOLDT Neb Aug 5 Of the
sixty citizens of this city who regis
tered at El Reno last week but three
so far as known were successful in
the drawing They were S B Bobst
V Marek and Charles G Carter
Filley to Have a Bank
BEATRICE Neb Aug 5 The town
of Filley which has been without
banking facilities for some time is iO
have a new institution one which will
at once command the confidence of the
Superior Man in Wreck
SUPEROR Neb Aug 5 August G
Kline the Nebraskan reported injur
ed in the Rock Island wreck at Krem
lin Okl is a resident of this place
His hand was crushed
Liable for Poisoning Birds
LINCOLN Neb Aug 5 Persons
using paris green or other poisons for
the purpose of eradicating grasshop
pers and chinch bugs are exposing
themselves to prosecution says Game
Warden Simpkins Notice was receiv
ed from Dawson county that the use
of poisons by the farmers there was re
sulting in the wholesale death of birds
The game law provides a fine of 5
for every song or insectivorous bird
killed or injured
State Veterinarian Investigating Cattle
PENDER Neb Aug 3 Dr W A
Thomas state veterinarian -was called
to this place to inspect a herd of cattle
belonging to Fred Glister a prominent
German farmer living south of this J
place which is infected with a malady
which has so far caused six of his
feeders to drop dead in the feed yards
and others are affected Dr Thomas
after making a close examination pro
nounced the disease anthrax or splenic
apoplexy confirming the diagnosis
made by M M Parish the local veter
inary surgeon here A part of the herd
has since been inoculated against the
disease by the latter gentleman who
will inoculate the remainder as soon
as additional vaccine arrives from Chi
cago This is the only instance whero
this disease has shown itself in this
locality and every means will be
adopted to prevent its spreading if
possible Should it bo carried to the
herds grazing on the Indian reserva
tion located in this county it will
cause a large amount of loss for it is
pronounced to be a very contagious and
fatal malady
Those Who Lose Cattle Are Asked
Report Immediately
LINCOLN Neb Aug 3 To the
People of Nebraska The season for
less of cattle from sorghum poisoning
is approaching and the Nebraska ex
periment station authorities are anx
ious to investigate as many cases as
possiblo where deaths occur and in
some instances they will purchase and
turn animals on dangerous fields and
watch the symptoms of the disease
which causes the death of the animal
It is hoped that by holding an imme
diate post mortem the cause of death
may be determined Persons losing
animals pasturing on sorghum will
confer a favor on the experiment sta
tion by reporting deaths immediately
by wire or telephone at our expense
and every effort will be made to give
assistance or find the cause of death
E A BURNETT Director
Ansley Sues State Regents
LINCOLN Neb Aug 3 What is
believed to be the first suit ever insta
ted against the regents of the State
university has been filed in district
court The plaintiff is Prof C F Ans
ley at one time an instructor in Eng
lish He resigned his position to go
with Chancellor McLean to the Iowa
State university His resignation was
according to its own wording to take
effect at the end of the school year
1900 It was filed in June and accept
ed at once by the board of regents
Now Mr Ansley claims 250 salary he
asserts due him because the regents
had no right to accept the resignation
to take effect at once The action is in
the nature of a mandamus to compel
the regents to allow his claim
The Governor in Demand
LINCOLN Neb Aug 3 From all
parts of the state come invitations re
questing Governor Savage to speak at
old settlers picnics He has five invi
tations for August 15 He has disposed
of one by persuading Deputy Attorney
General Norris Brown to speak at Ver
don Governor Savage desired to go
to Pawnee City but remained to attend
an important meeting of the board of
health Several cases dealing with al
leged infractions of the medical laws
had to be decided
Grasshoppers Dying Off
LEXINGTON Neb Aug 3 The re
cent rains in Dawson county will ma
terially help the vegetation cf this vi
cinity The grasshopper fungus has
not been tried sufficiently to be of any
help to the destruction of the plague
In Keith county a swarm of black
grasshoppers landed and in a few days
a farmer reported that the resident
hoppers were dying by the bushel No
further trouble is feared from them
Capt McGintie Withdraws
LINCOLN Neb Aug 3 Captain
William S McGintie of Company E
First regiment Nebraska National
Guard has announced his intention of
withdrawing from the service and his
resignation has been accepted by the
adjutant general
Krnger is Coming Snre
LONDON Aug 3 I am informed
on good authority says the Brussels
correspondent of the Daily Mail tha
Mr Krugers visit to the United States
has been absolutely decided upon Ir
will take place probably about thp
middle of September and he will be
accompanied by Messrs Fischer Ves
sels and Wolmarans
Xobraskan Killed in Oklahoma
LINCOLN Neb Aug 3 Charles L
McCIain a resident of Lincoln until a
few weeks ago was killed in a wreck
on the Rock Island near Kremlin Okl
He was sitting on a step of a crowded
smoker at the time The car was hurl
ed from the track and a heavy truck
rinoned him to the ground He lay in
a prostrate position for over two hours
before relief reached him He was a
young man about 22 years old bom
1 ir Lincoln and graduated there
New Jlur for Corsets
A Manila exchange tells o an Amer
ican soldier who while stationed In
Bulacanr became enamored of a pretty
Filipino Wishing to show his affec
tion he purchased and sent to her a
complete outfit of American clothing
When next he called he found her ar
rayed in all the pretty things but she
had made ono radical mistake This
was with the corsets which had caused
her a great deal of worry beforo she
discovered what she took to be the
use for which they wero intended
Then she unlaced them and put on tho
two pieces as leggings
Says It Is a Dusliiess Proposition
A millionaire shoe manufacturer is
going to leave his palace homo and
occupy one of the plain cottages he is
building for his workingmen In the
model shoe manufacturing town ho is
constructing at Endicott N Y He
absolves himself from all philanthropic
measures and declares he is actuated
In securing ideal surroundings for his
laborers simply by the knowledge that
It will pay
Women Tr iincd us Sign Painters
Women sign painters in Berlin un
dergo a regular apprenticeship They
are first taught how to use the brush
and to mix paints Gymnastic trail
ing is a part of the course so that the
vomen may ascend scaffolding and
stand on ladders without losing their
nerve The female painters wear gray
lined frocks and caps and look mori
like hospital nurses than mistresses of
the brush
It Pays to Head Newspapers
Cox Wis Aug 5th Frank M Rus
sell of this place had Kidney Disease
so badly that he could not walk Ho
tried Doctors treatment and many
different remedies but was getting
worse He was very low
He read in a newspaper how Dodds
Kidney Pills were curing cases of Kid
ney Trouble Brights Disease and
Rheumatism and thought he would
try them Ho took two boxes and now
he is quite well He says
I can now work all day and not
feel tired Before using Dodds Kid
ney Pills I couldnt walk across the
Mr Russells is the most wonderful
case ever known in Chippewa County
This -new remedy Dodds Kidney
Pills is making some miraculous
cures in Wisconsin
Deaudrys Rich Find
James Beaudry a Minneapolis man
bought from a Russian in Halifax five
years go a curious rough stone of a
reddish hue Acting on a recent hint
he sent the stone to this city and
cutters here developed ten fine Si
berian rubies worth 75 per carat
Use the best Thats why they buy Red
Cross Ball Blue At loading grocers 5 conts
Enthusiasm will lead a man to do
things that common sense could not
drive him to attempt
PIsos Cure cannot be too highly spoken of no
a cough cure J W OUrien 322 Thiru Ave
N Minneapolis Minn Jan G 100Q
In India and Persia sheep are used
as beasts of burden
FiTS Permanency Cured oCtuoriiervontmeiartf
flrM duys i e of Dr Kline Uieat Nerve Hestorer
Send for FREE S9200 trial bottle awl treatise
im It H Kline Ltd 931 Arch St 1fc
Our vices are like our nails even
as we cut them they grow again
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
New York has now 60000 telephone
Halls Catarrh Cure
constitutional cure Price 75c
Ice melts at 32 degrees water boils
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 1C oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
3B6 BY TM ftfAKRSr F
Natures Priceless Remedy
It Cures Through the Pores
Rheumatism Seural
Qia Weak Back Sprains
Burns Sores and all Pain
OUcUlal druggist Mt
Irlie does not sell It send
us hi name and for jour
iroame we WU fcrnn
Send You a Tritn IlCCt
Address Dr OP Brown 9 8 Eway Newbureh2J5r
2ones He Pajs the Freight Binghaatcn X T
pfiTEKTS teFd
if LAWRENCE 315Uame Bull 1 nz Omaha Xe
HJ Cowgll Iiepresentattve Esfdat VashlnwD
D C 1S61 Useful Guide Boot oa Patents FKEE
SSSODOHT Tooth Powder
hen Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This Iaper
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