Ijtt m m m 2 ll Sr 1WT1 VBHF 35n4 TCS 37 S The Rest Fits H m - ess jgfS fiM 39 Kg3 JS fettS 5Sm 1 he Lowest Prices Sgp rts B3i HT9 KSiJtt 5g S tSS r f t foSfj i me Lcirgesi luck 55 s aa jhss sa SB aS2 331 MSfo 3H 3G - Ml - 3T nee zm IKlS LVCIJ I Win uuaiouwwi n VwHiaivu 53 MS 1 AS- 2M ggp S3 S TH HJV H e5 EricCook NebraskaEr jjjsj lim iwbjc rrLM ndtmi MiwiMKUMCwngnrrmn - i nrtmim w ntimfiaWrar jSB JJt uffia jrftcjaSt jfi fi jS A- Tir vflx jfi ii All HtjV aftx JBiesj5sjbjt rfSc ate ra fftn tjig sj jtt je y hs ok yrcc xlJf9tv w t5 jcr jj 1ii1 u M Epe51 s 35 v FRANK LIN President a -la THfci TIZENS A C EBERT Cashier OF MeCOOK NEB a a a a f FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A 0 EBERT 31 if 5 WWFf C H WILLARD RHEUMATI8 BANK I B J jk Paid UpCapital 50000 Surplus S5000 EBB DIRECTORS r M That this malady which has steadily baflled tho skill of the brightest and most intol tijrent physicians should now bo so readily curable seems almost beyond realization but strange as it may appear to some all acknowledge its truth after a trial of PALMERS RHEUMA COH POUND tho great uric acid solvent THE BLOOD PURIFIER THAT PURIFIES It restores those bed ridden for years A Blood Purifier that acts Price JO cts McCook Nebraska - McCONNELL BERRY gir Kay 5s Ly ng cares every Wntl of cough la prippe bronchitis sre throat croup whoopins cough etc Never itemges the stomach At Drag grists 10 25a Sold by Lorir find McMilleu What among human ills are more annoying than piles The afflictions that prevent active exercise are bad enough bjt one that makes even rest miserable is worse Women are among its greatest martyrs fablers Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure the most obstinate cases Price 50c in bottle tubes 75c A McMillen KT iS ir 5 TINT 11 C T - -- i fsfSfKjzJ NATIONAL- S - jlt ixix tc VSVli iAiAMAAAI ooo - Authorized Capital 100yOOO Gapital and Surplus 60000 xo GEO HOOKNELL President B hi FREES V Pres FA PEN ff ELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director FRANK HARRIS Director 1 he Same Old Story J A Kelly relates an experience Minilar to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood in the United Stales and has been told and re told by thousands of others He says Last summer I had an attack of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other remedies Mr Kellv is a well known citizens of Henderson N C For sale by McCounell Merry Druggists I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health and mv life I was treated in vain by doctors for lung trouble following la grippe I took Jne Minute Cough Cure and recovered my health E 11 Vse Madison Oa McConnell Herry SOUTH SIDE Burtless Stephens have dissolved partnership Stephens is going east John Ilesterworth has his spring wheat in the shock It is the best lot of wheat in this neck of the woods Eoy Jacobs and Linford P Pitch came up from Lincoln to spend the Fourth and visit the homefolks Hav ing been working about seventeen hours per day for the past few weeks the boys felt they had earned a vacation and consequently remained few dajs return ing to Lincoln on the night of the 9th Heartburn When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality to rich heartburn is likely to follow and especially it the digestion has been weakened by constipation Eat slowly and of easily digested food Masticate the the food thoroughly Let six hours elapse be tween meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stomach after eat ing indicating that you have eaten too much take one of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided For sale by McConnell Beriy Fat lady Dont sleep too much exercise dont eat fats and sweets To reduce flesh rapidly take Rocky Mountain Tea Acts di rectly on tlie fatly tissues 35c Ask your druggists PROSPECT PARK Grasshoppers are very thick Johu Sly finished cutting his wheat and rye Tuesday Jesse ITalkins of Box Elder has been working for John Sly Some have to sleep out nights on ac count of tho intense heat Minta and Julia Sly spent the latter part of last week visiting John F Helms family at Red Willow A Good Tliimj German Syrup is the special prescription of Dr A lioschee a celebrated German physi cian and is acknowledged to be one of the most foitunrte di coveries in medicine It quicKiy cures cougns colds and all lung rou bles of the severest uatuie removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition It is not an experimenial medicine but has stood t ne test 01 years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually lioschees German Syup was introduced in the United States in 1S6S and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Greens Prize Almanac A McMillen Is your liver tired Does it fail to do its duty If so dont neglect its call foi help A few doses of Heroine may save you a spell of sickness Herbine is the only peifect liver medicine It cures chills and lever Price 50 cts A McMillen INDIANOLA Mrs A L Cochran of Bartley visited Indianola friends Sunday W H Wadsworth had business in countys capital Friday last A C Teel has been working insur ance etc in McCook and the west end part of the week Indianola Neb July 17 Capt John J Lamborn died at Santa Fe New Mexico today of hemorrhage of the lungs The deceased was cashier of the First National bank of this city from 1882 to 1893 and served one term in the legislature as representative from Red Willow county He was appointed re ceiver of the Bank of Wilcox when it failed reorganized the bank paid all the indebtedness and placed it on a sound basis He recruited company L Third Nebraska in 1898 and was elected captain He served seven months and was forced to resign on account of his health The remains will be brought to Indianola for interment Indianola cor Lincoln Journal Good Advice The most miserable beings- in the world are those suffering from dyspepsia and liver complaint More than seventy five per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects such as sour stomach sick headache habitual cos tiveness palpitation of the heart heart burn water brash gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach yellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste in your mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits etc Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Try it Get Greens Prize Al manac A McMillen Summer complaint is unusualy prevalent among children this season A well devel oped case in the writers family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy one of the best patent medicines manufactured and which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe This is not intended as a free puff for the company who do not advertise with us but to benefit little sufferers who may not be within easy access of a physician No family should be without a -bottle of this med icine in the house especially in the summer time Lansing Iowa Journal For sale by McConnell Berry Druggists Does It Pay to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous re sults of throat and lung trouble What shall you do Go to a warmer and more regular climate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized coun tries with success in severe throat and lung trouble Boschees German Syrup It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to des troy the germ disease but allays inflammation secures easy expectoration gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try one bottle Recommended many years by all druggists in the world Get Greens Prize Almanac A McMillen BARTLEY Threshing is beginning around us The Hamilton Hro aro at work in McCook U G Etherton was a McCook visitor Monday Perry Kennison is working for James McDowell John Short is assisting his brother in harvesting Miss Lillie Fox is the glad possessor of a new piano D L Wolf shipped a car of eattle to Omaha Monday Dr C E Williams will move his fam ily into town soon Our teachers aro rejoicing becaue the institute is over Miss Bessie Cox has returned to her home for the summer G W Richie Ira and John visited McCook last Friday Lawranco Wymore was a Denver vis itor one day last week George Rawson was a visitor in Curtis and vicinity last week Cyrus Cowles is serving his patrons in his own building again Mrs A L Cochran visited Sunday with friends at Indianoln Quite a party of our young people were in Cambridge Sunday Luther Daharsh will return to his western homo in a few days Harry Blackson will go to McCook where he will secure a position Smith Cochran made a fine ship ment of poultry this hist week Will Bentley of Edgar visited his father from Thursday till Monday Mr and Mrs I W Stevens of Free dom were visitors to our town Saturday E E Smith went to Omaha with a shipment of cattle the first of the week Miss Mildred Walkicgton was the guest of Miss Lela Fiddler last Thurs day Miss Lena Flint is being visited by her friend Miss Hartley who lives near McCook Floyd Cochran is nursing a fractured arm caused by falling irom nis norse recently Rev C Cf Johnson preached in Free dom Sunday night instead of the usual service here Miss Grace Curlee is drilling a chrous of forty children for singing at the Cold Medal contest Messrs F A Case and Harry Black son sold some young cattle to E E Smith Monday Fred Premer was seen making his way north Sunday morning He says he went to his fathers W W LoMasters wife and Master Roy spent Sunday with Philip Le Masters near Lebanon F C Alley our popular druggist is furnishing poison free to his farmer cus tomers to kill off the hoppers A L Cochran was unable to fill his customary place in the store Thursday of last week on account of sickness Mrs W D Williams and family en joyed the fresh air of the country at the home of Mr Robinson last Sunday There are a number of our townspeo ple who are feeling the long protracted heated term and are almost prostrated Miss May McMains had the misfor tune to step on a rusty nail which pen etrated her foot making a painful wound Quite a number of our farmer friends have been selling young pigs at exceed ingly low prices in order to market the brood sows Samuel Bentley has rented his farm to our enterprising young farmer Ira Richie Mr Bentley will make his home farther east for a time at least Quite a large party is being made up for Washington state the party contains some of the best families in the country around our town we are sorry to lose them The craw fishes changed the course of the spring at the home of Wm Miller our genial postmaster and on Monday he was compelled to return it to its old haunts Mrs Wm F Miller had a badly swol len eye Thursday of last week Dr Brown was consulted and pronounced it ervsipelas or of that nature She is better at present writing Mrs Joe Trissell was badly poisoned recently by coming in contact with poison oak while fishing then to allay the outward pain she was advised to eat some of it and a badly poisoned woman in the result DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve should be promptly applied to cuts burns and scalds It sooths and quickly heals the injured parr There are worthless counterfeits be sure to get DeWitts McConnell Berry If you want some just as good I make it myself remedy try an imitation Rocky Mountain Tea Twill make you sick and keep you sick Ask your druggist A bad complexion generally results from inactive liver and bowels In all such cases DeWitts Little Early Risers produce gratify ing results McConnell Berry The Teachers Institute The county teachers instituto held in Indianola last week will be remem bercd as tho most numerously attended one over held in Red Willow county The interest manifested was strong and tho instruction given excellent Tho following resolutions wore pre sen ted and adopted by tho teachers Whereas tho Red Willow county teachers have held their annual insti tute in Indianola during tho past week therefore losolvcd that wo as teachers tender our thanks to the school board for their courtesy in oxtending to us the use of their school building Resolved that we express our appre ciation of the faithful and efficient ser vices of the janitor in his care of tho building and his kind anticipation of and his provision for all those things which tend to add so much to the com fort of tho teachers Resolved that wo extend our sincoro thanks to the citizens for their kindness in entertaining us in their homes and for the interest manifested in the cause of education by their presenco with us Resolved that tho thanks of these teachers are hereby tendered to our in structors for the able manner in which they have instructed 113 and for the ben fit we feel we have received from them Resolved that our four year inti mate relationship with our worthy and esteemed superintendent makes it iiuuiiy oemiing mac we record our ap preciation of her and of the wisdom and ability which she has exercised in our behalf by her kind and energetic labors and for the duties fulfilled by her in so satisfactory a manner Resolved that since our relationship with her has been so pleasant and bene ficial to us we express and cherish our fond hope that this relationship may continue for another four years Mrs R YouNf 1 Or Smith C Committee Florence Johvstov Following is a list of those present Julia Sly Audrey Jones Mary Williams Mabel II art man Stasia Brady Anna Hammond Martha Batt rshall Laura Miller Laura McMillan Dora ohnson Bessie Undsley Mabel Kelley Ina Gainsby Sadie Kenyon Lucv Ieake Alta I lager Anna McDonnell Delia Andrews Susie Wallace Ida Donnelly Kthel Sheridan Mrs K S Dutcher Katie Vering Nora Bremer Claudia Hatcher Delia Toogood da Donnelly Jennie Coomes Bertha Smith Flora Quick Vivian Gossard Daisy Chinn Jo Happersett Anna Vering Bertha Ough Bertha Porter Edith Ogg James Finnegan Alma Wymore Percy Catlett Maud Vickrey Lena Flint Lila Hodgkins Bessie Cox Mr lleadley Pearl Hayes Louie Ruby Pearl Bell Mrs lleadley opha Brown A E Buck Sold b MCOOK Geo King Winona Jones Florence Johnston Josie Houlihan Lester Little Daisy Johnson Galetta Miller Jennie Hell Mable Bishop Mrs Brown Mary Peters Cora McAnnich INDIANOLA Ora Smith Stella Peake Teresa McDonnell Lottie Kennedy Grace Andrews Naomi Gialday Susie Collings Cairie ShumiKer E S Dutcher Lena Burt Rosa Stothard Nettie McCool Ellen Byrne Eva Phillips EfKe Teel Azula McDonald Austin Gamsby Emma Noe Maud Allen Anna Elsen Alice Dye Edith Allen Amy Teel Frank Moore HARTLEY Win McDowell Lora Beeson J A Forman Sadie Hamilton Nellie Daniels Mary Finnegan Mary Dietsch CAMHRIDCJE Delia Perdue Nellie Richardson liOX ELDER Florence Younger I ANBURY Mrs Young LEIiANON May Bartholomew Pearl Garrett Rena Hastings Birdie Davis Viola Devoe Hattie Weatherwax Miss Fair Maud Ruby Rose Minnear Cora Wyneth Dora Greenway Flora Nichols Bennie Thomas Maude Soverns Question Answered Yes xugust Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or bilious ness Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis nervous prostration or heart failure etc They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food regulate the action of the liver stimulate the nervous and organic action ol the system and that is all they took when feeiing dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few doses of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you Get Greens Prize Almanac A McMillen You can never cure dyspepsia by dieting What your body needs is plenty of food prop erly digested Then if your stomach will not digest it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will It con tains all of the natural digestants hence must digest every class of food and so prepare it that nature can use it in nurishing the body and replacing the wasted tissues thus giving life health strength ambition pure blood and good healthy appetite McConnell Berry EJESITCVATOR ats and renovatfs tho sistf m purifies and - iches thf blood currs tn worst dvspepsa rstipation headache liver an J UMnf vs i mdl it druggists Free advice sp lf jirnl hook Dr B J a Saratoga X Y Loar aud McMillen To eradicate worms from the system give the child plain nourishing food and Whites Cream Vermifuge The result nil be the worms will disappear and the H11M become healthy and cheerful Price jj cts A Mc Milieu McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL DWVCAOE McCook - - - Nebraska Omen First National bunk biilldlmr nnxt to City hnll HouuH itltnlJ I to 0 7 tot NiKlitcallH unswoivd from ronidunct ovir buck MRS 8 E GRIGGS TOILET PAItLOK llnir drcMinf uliiunimoinfr nml Fculp treat ment Rivt n for tho Ixinollt of tho hair Mnssairtt trautinout nivon wrinklt M rmnoved and nil fac blemisIioH removed Phone No J Upstairs Front over Opera House C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building T II P SUTTON McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW aud BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nkiiraska t37 Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office--Rear of First National bank J B BALLARD DENTIST O All dental work done at our ollice diiteed to be first class We do all kind Crown Bridge and Plate Work DR J 13 FICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist McCOOK - vw guar ds of Over Mc Connell 8c Berrys NEB - - SET YOUR CAN OUT THE - OIL - MAN IS - COMING X McCOOK - TANK LINE S D McCLAIN Prop 4 i i i F D Bukgess Pluanber and Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead Jand Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halhday Waupun Eclipse Windmills Baspmpnt nf thp Mpolcor f Phillips Building 9KW3 All Calls For The wiilj us Answered by the BLUE FRONT LI VERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska 9 sk z y jwjl ju r MjejgC - J jjji aorarfl Do You Want To Save Honey Send in your name and address and urt our Catalogue of all kinds of at prices defying competi t i n Fully Illustrated Catalogue sen ton receipt of 10 cents for KAHN GREEN BERGER 257 to 261 Dearborn Street Chicago 111 CATALOGUE MAILED DUHING JULY Dont Be Fooledi lOl IHCORPORATCO 112 Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medl cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never soli in bulk Accept no substi tute Ask your druggist S X