The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 19, 1901, Image 1

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Plan to Pension Employes
Chicago 111 July 13 Officers of the
Burlington road are considering a plan
for the pensioning of their conipans
employes No definite system has been
adopted and consideration of the subject
has not passed the preliminary stage but
that the corporation will adopt some soit
of a way for providing for aged and dis
abled men after the manner of the Illi
nois Central Pensylvania Northwestern
and other roads is quite certain
Charles E Perkins chairman of the
board of directors ami formerly president
of the road has taken the question up
aud it is understood that President
Harris and other txecutive officials to
gether with many of the directors favor
the idea It is not known on just what
lines the Burlington pension will be
carried out but it is likely that it will
be a combination of the present success
ful relief department of that system
with the pension rules of other roads
With the Burlington three big trans
portation systems are now considering
pension plans The other two are the
Milwaukee St Paul and the Pullman
Car compan The Milwaukee St
Paul plan will undoubtedly be finally
considered at the annual meeting of the
directors of that corporation in Milwau
kee in September The scheme of the
officers of the latter road is a blending
of the pension and the relief departments
and differs from the rules of other lines
in that the fund will be provided by the
emplojes the compunj guaranteeing
deficits that may exist in the treasurj
at the end of every year
Many local railroad officers are of the
-opinion that the pent ion system now in
use on several of the roads will be im
proved upon There is a minority opin
ion that pensions ought to be awarded
only to employes who had received a
-salary under 3000 a year This would
cut out a majority of the officers of the
Tathvays Those who favor this say that
men who receive 3000 or over a year
with a fair tenure should save enough
money to be independent at an age
able to the corporation
A Family Affair
Squire Berry adjudicated a little
family difficulty between brothers-in-law
T C Kelley and Abram Peters Wed
nesday Kelley was the complaining
witness Peters being charged with using
language tending to provoke and assault
The defendant was found not guilty and
the complaining witness was taxed with
the costs amounting to about 45
McCook vs Indianola
The game between the home club and
the Indianola boys Monday resulted in
another victory for the home team
The score was close 12 to 11 The
visitors gave the locals a hard and close
fight and victory only came in the last
Wall Paper
We have a few remnants left from the
finest stock of wall paper ever shown in
Southwestern Nebraska enough for one
room of each pattern These we will
-close out at astonishingly low prices
See them before they are gone
McConnell Berry
Machine Oils
S M Cochran Co have it in best
qualities and at very reasonable prices
They can fill your order promptly for
any oil you may want
A Dollar and a Half
buys a gallon of good outside or inside
paint roof paint and barn paint much
McConnell Berry
Izzer Izzer whos got the Izzer
Hammocks all styles and prices at
Choice veal at the B M meat
market Telephone 14
Swifts Premium hams and bacon at
the B M meat market
At night ring the door bell at Loars
store and the clerk will do the rest
One of the miracles of the century is
the fashionable womans capacity for
uncomplaining suffering
The old saw Thicker than hops
has a clearer local application changed
to Thicker than hoppers
A F Moore has sold his house and
lot 9 block 12 First addition to John
Brenning for about 80000 and his
house and lots 5 and 6 block 1 Second
addition to Sarah M Reynolds for 600
McCooks secoud nine went down to
Oxford Wednesday to wipe up the
earth with the Kid aggregation down
there but they didnt The other fel
lows made 19 scores while our lads were
laboriously piling up 10 Our boys held
them down in fine form until the 8th
and gthinnings when they went up in
the air bad and Oxford lads won out
in a canter
C C Northrup was a Kenesaw vis
itor Sunday
Mrs Mabel Carpbnthr is visiting
in McCook aud vicinity
G B Colvin of Arapahoe was in the
city Wednesday on business
Mrs D J Nichols is visiting in the
city guest of Mrs Patrick Walsh
Mrs E C McKay is visiting in Wall
Street Boulder county Colorado
Mrs R M Douglass witnessed the
Arapahoe game today in Arapahoe
Mike Hogan returned Sunday morn
ing on 3 from his trip to Oklahoma
Max Hark who is suffering an attack
of fever is reported some better today
Mrs E G Bohanan of Lincoln is
visiting her sister Mrs W D Burnett
Mrs John Shepherd and Miss Delon
have gone to Denver to spend a number
of weeks
Editor and Postmaster Hahn was
down from Wauneta last Friday on
F K Miller was up from Holdrege
Tuesday looking after some pa3 day
Elmer Rcwell is down from the
ranch in Dundy county this week guest
of the home folks
Carson Hildreth the Bloomington
real estate man was in the city Thurs
day on business
Mrs R A Hagberg went down to
Holdrege Wednesday morning on a
visit of a few days
L C DOLE arrived home Sunday
night on 3 from a short vacation in
Eastern Nebraska
C W Keys has resigued his position
with the Barnett Lumber Co aud will
remove from our city
Mrs J C STEVENS of Hastings has
been s guest of Mrs James Rooney at
where their services are no longer valu 1 the Palmer house this week
Dr Pauley is looking after the Burl
ington Voluntary Relief affairs during
the absence of Dr Fahnestock
S A Goheen is up from Belvidere
visiting the homefolks for his health
His daughter accompanied him
Frank Dauchy an extensive ranch
man from over near Stockville was
in the city Thursday on business
W J Walters came down from
Denver Sunday on a brief visit to the
family returning west on 1 Thursday
A G Williams of The Tribune
force spent Sunday and Monday at his
home in Stockville on a business visit
County Judge Pyle and Attorney
J A Williams were over from Stockville
on legal business Saturday of last week
Mrs V H Solliday and Miss Millie
Slaby returned Sunday morning from
their visit to Denver and the mountains
Dr C L Fahnestock and Dr J B
Fickes went down to St Louis last
Friday night on 14 and will be absent
all this week
Miss Josephine Mullen and Miss
Pearl Zint who have been spending a
few weeks in the mountains returned
home on 6 Saturday night
Mrs E M Cox entertained her sister
Mrs Kelley of Oxford close of last and
first of this week Mrs Kelley departed
Wednesday for Lincoln her future
I home
Mrs Mary Mullen departed Wed
nesday for Sheridan Wyoming on a
visit of some leugth to her daughter
Mrs Felix Kennedy and son W E
Misses Kate Mullen and Julia
Ryan will leave for Buffalo New York
Tuesday of next week on a visit Jto the
Pan American exposition The Halligan
sisters of Sutton will join them down the
line and become members of the expo
sition party
Mr James a brother-in-law of Frank
Ratliff arrived from Kirksville Mo
last Friday Her visited here briefly
while eu route to Greeley Colorado
He reports conditions in his part of Mis
souri as being worse than her Pastures
burned up wells dry crops destroyed
and stock a drug on the market no rain
since the middle of April
Mrs A C Marsh of the South Side
was very much astonished last Friday
afternoon to see her nephew Oscar D
Stewart of Grand Junction Colorado
whom she had not seen for a number of
years He reached McCook at eleven
oclock Friday morning He was on
his way home from Atchison Kansas
where on Wednesday evening July 10th
he attended the wedding of his brother
A H Stewart He remained here until
Saturday night when he departed for
Denver and Grand Junction
Say Anton
Mr Walter E Sayers and Miss Eliza
beth L Anton were united in marriage
Monday evening July 15th 1901 at 830
oclock at the home of the brides par
ents Mr and Max Anton 407 Marshall
street The ring ceremony wjvs per
formed by Rev L M Grigsby of the
Methodist church and was witnessed by
a considerable company of relatives and
The wedding march was played by
Mr Henry LeConte of Denver Colorado
After the ceremony tables were spread
and refreshments were served the guests
The bride was very prettily gowned in
white silk decorated with white roses
The groom was dressed in plain black
The bride has grown to young woman
hood in our city aud is well known and
much beloved by all The groom stands
well in the railroad service and is much
respected and highly regarded by many
friends and well wishers
The young friends were quite hand
somely remembered with pretty and rich
The affair was a very happy one and
an enjoyable event to all
Tuesday evening the young couple
departed for Des Moines Iowa on an
extended visit
Heres to their happiness and success
The Haskill Indians
The Haskill Indians have been given
two dates to play base ball in McCook
July 31 and Aug 1 The natives know
how to manipulate the sphere and wil
low and the most interesting game of
the season may be expected The home
club is playing winning ba l all the time
and is being reinforced aud strengthened
as occasion offers
Madame Gossip seems to be about the
only one in this section who is superior
to the weather She is working over
time as usual and doesnt seem to have
the slightest idea of going on a strike or
taking a mid summer vacation The
glib aud giddy old girl is made of very
responsible leather and never allows
circumstances or stress of weather o
interfere with opportunity or business
Not on your store teeth does she
The flunk of the funny man of the
Comfort last issue was quite unex
pected we might say quite unbecoming
Having disregarded and disobeyed a
wise and truthful friend for eleven years
it were the better part of valor for the
facetious colonel to take his medicine
like a man rather than to squeal so
scandalously and in his paroxisms see
the cars of aid with their varied winter
Take your scissors and cut out the
large Special Announcement of The
Thompson Dry Goods Co on another
page and be governed thereby in all
purchases in that line while their sale
proceeds The newest and most season
able goods are there offered at less than
factory cost in many instances and the
opportunity is certainly worth taking
advantage of
Monday W L Zint took possession
of the Bates barber shop Main street
MR Bates having disposed of the same
expecting to leave for Council Bluffs
Iowa some time next week O W
Dixon of the parent shop is in charge
Mr Bates has been a successful and pop
ular barber and his many friends regret
his action and approaching removal
A Bartley lady has just discovered to
her cost that more poison internally
is not a specific for external poisoning
from poison oak It is possible you
remember to get too much of a good
thing even
If you feel the need of economizing
upon your purchases we recommend the
opportunity offered by The Thompson
Dry Goods Co See their large Special
Announcement on the 2nd page
The potato beetle now doing business
in this couutry appear to belong to or to
be related to Mephitis Americana to
conclude from the odor arising from the
H T Church shipped a car of horses
from this place to market Thursday
morning They were good sized animals
and in prime condition and flesh
Hornback Buugers are in partner
ship in the bakery and restauraut busi
ness on the west side of South Main
Wall paper paints and oils at lowest
prices A McMillen
Mrs A F Moore expects to leave
this week to join her husband and the
rest of the children in Ohio
Henry Lehman Culbertson was a
was a Commercial guests Sunday and
Taylor Wells same place Tuesday
Miss Maggie Cullen and Frank
Cullen will be home from Omaha to
morrow night Miss Maggie to remain
some time for her health and Frank to
be here over Sunday
Mr and Mrs Ed Ellis arrived home
Sunday night from their trip to Iowa
William Cropp J A Roark and H
Ellison were up from Oxford Saturday
Auditor W P Foreman was at head
quarters Wednesday on business of his
Mr and Mrs L W Stayner arrived
home Sunday from their visit to Des
Moines Iowa
Miss Reberta Kidder was up from
Oxford close of last week guest of Miss
Verna Newkirk
Agent and Mrs W L Brown departed
Thursday morning for his new position
at Herndon Kansas
G W Hartman and family took their
departure Tuesday for their new home
in Eckley Colorado
J G Inglis and family returned this
week from their visit to Canada cover
ing a number of weeks
Mr and Mrs J F Jernberg went up
to Denver Sunday night on a visit ac
companied by their niece
Chief Dispatcher Forbes family re
turned last Friday evening from visit
ing her parents in Arapahoe
Conductor William Shinsel and crew
were at headquarters over Sunday com
ing in on Saturday afternoon
Conductor E M Cox and family are
now living in their latel purchased
home the Starbuck dwelling
Brakeman W W Webster returned
Monday from a visit of two or three
weeks in Pennsylvania and the Pan
RHManson of the freight house force
was on the sick list close of last and
early part of this week but is now at his
desk as usual
The telegraph repair gang on Tuesday
morning moved its headquarters to
Culbertson on the way to Denver repair
ing the line
The plastering gang has the head
quarters building in its muddy hands
just now and looks as though a mud
cyclone had struck it
Pitcher Jones is the latest addition to
Mack Hughes blacksmith force Mack
thinks that the blacksmiths can easily
take care of all comers now
Agent and Mrs C S Kuodle of Pali
sade Nebraska are the happy and
proud parents of a son born on last
Saturday July 13th They call him
Chauncey Jr
The B M railroad is preparing to
sink an eight inch well at Ravenna to
procure pure water for its engines It is
expected that the well will be at least
1000 feet at which depth a flow is ex
It is rumored that Daniel S Lamont
will assume the presidency of the North
ern Pacific railroad August 1st by grace
Jim Hill of the Great Northern whose
antipathy to Mellin has been evident
for years Grover is no doubt on the
list for an annual
Engineer C K Coleman wife and
two children and Miss Marie Mansfield
departed Tuesday night for Denver to
spend a few weeks there and at other
Colorado points especially for Mrs
Colemans health which has been great
ly impaired by the continued hot weather
A resolution has been adopted by lines
in the western passenger association in
favor of the selection of P S Eustis gen
eral passenger agent of the Chicago
Burlington Quincy Railroad company
as chairman of the executive committee
of the association This is the govern
ing board of the western passenger as
sociation and it likewise directs all its
financial affairs holding sessions a t
Chicago headquarters at frequent inter
vals Mr Eustis has his headquarters
in Chicago and he is well qualified in
every way to fill the chairmanship with
eminent satisfaction to all interested
July 15th a number of changes took
place among the officials at Western
division headquurters C T Watson
who for years has been local manager
for the Western Union Telegraph Co
was on that date promoted to car dis
tributer for the Western division C F
Heber was advanced to the manage
ment of the Western Union business at
this place Agent Stewart of Naponee
fell heir to the clerkship at headquarters
made vacant by the advancement of Mr
Heber Another change was the ap
pointment of Operator W L Brown to
to the agency at Herndon Kansas a
good shipping point over on the St
Francis All of the men effected are
old tried and true employes of the com
pany and are well deserving of the pro
motion received The Tribune con
gratulates one and all
r1 t
New Management
J E Kelley retired from the lease and
management of the Commercial house
this week and George Beck of the Na
tional succeeded him buying the fur
niture and assuming the lease Mr Beck
took charge of the well known hostelrie
Wednesday morning and with the able
assistance of Mrs Beck will doubtless
make a success of the venture T J
Devitt will remain as clerk under the
new management
Mr Beck has disposed of his lease and
furniture in National hotel to Mrs Cun
ningham of Rushville this state who is
assisted in the management by Mr
Overtree of Imperial an experienced
hotel man
Mr Kelley aud family will continue to
make their home at the hotel
J G Stokes delivery wagon collapsed
Tuesday at W F Everists just as the
corner was being made at a good rate of
speed Conductor Fred Washburn was
pulling on the ribbons and Conductor
Walter Cox aud Brakeman William
Tomlinson were holding down the rear
end while Clarence Stokes and another
lad were interested passengers The
manner in which the men children gro
ceries and equipment were rolled in the
dust was a source of side splitting amuse
ment to all spectators and victims as
well The horse was promptly caught
by an eye witness and the damage was
fortunately small No one was hurt
Alfalfa and Kaffir Corn
Topeka Kas July 15 F D Coburu
secretary of the State Board of Agricul
ture does not share in the general opin
ion of the ruin that will come to Kansas
as a result of the present dry spell The
damage to hay and corn has been serious
but the deficiency he says will be nearly
made up by the great crops of Kaffir
corn aud alfalfa that have been raised
Mr Coburu state that there are over
900000 acres of Kaffir corn and alfalfa
in the state which have not been mater
ially affected by dry weather
The Colonels Disagree
Colonel Walter E Corwin takes issue
with Colonel Mitchell about the produc
tiveness of this country Colonel Corwin
plucked four coons off of a tree one
night two coons the next night and
the coon season is hardly open yet on the
colonels ranch over on the raging Dry
Creek Besides Colonel Corwins gar
den is the pride of two hemispheres and
the joy of the neighborhood Aint fit
for nuthin but injuns prairie dogs and
rattle snax huh
Cylinder Oil
If you are looking for a good and re
liable cylinder oil no use to go any far
ther than S M Cochran Co They
have it
Enough wall paper to cover an ordi
nary room sideceiling and border com
plete from one dollar up
McConnell Berry
Machine and cylinder oils at S
Cochran Cos
Weather just the same as last week
perhaps more so
Mike Hogan doesnt think Oklahoma
has any edge on this country
Hammocks prices from seventy five
cents up at McConnell Berry s
The state of Washington will fall heir
to some of our emigration this fall
A good rain would be a great blessing
if it does no more than change the
topic of conversation
Will some kind disinterested friend
inform Colonel Mitchell that he can
move to Missouri if he wants to He
dont have to stay and damn the country
After carefully testing over a consider
able territory Supt Meeker has com
menced a new well a few hundred feet
south of the present nest of wells now
furnishing our city water supply
Master Carroll Fitch was the object of
a very happy surprise Thursday after
noon About twenty of his young
friends participated in the joyous affair
of which ice cream and cake galore were
the not-least-to-be-desired feature
The next trust to astonish the earth
it is quietly hinted will be the amalga
mation of Colonel Mitchells Ananias
Society with Uncle Billies Society of
Cheerful Liars The only thing in the
way at present seems to be who shall
be it in the new trust
John Moore son of Mrs A Y Moore
sister or Mrs R B Archibald died at
Akron Colorado Wednesday morning
at about 4 oclock The deceased his
mother and Mrs Archibald were accom
panying him to Colorado for relief from
consumption going west on 1 Tuesday
The remains were forwarded to his home
in Laporte Iowa Wednesday night on
6 being accompanied by the bereaved
and sorrowful mother
Fight the hoppers
Kaffir corn and alfalfa
Alfalfa will be alfalfa this year
Izzer Izzer whos got the Izzer
Watch Loars window each week
For clothing go to DeGroff Cos
taken on subscription without
Just call up telephone 12 and tell them
all about it
Hammocks all styles and prices at
Fresh fish at the 11 M meat market
Telephone 14
Dont fail to see Loars line of wall
paper before you buy
Juicy beefsteuk at the B M meat
market Telephone 14
Loars line of wall paper was fine last
year but it is simply grand this
If you dont know what you want ask
at D C Marshs meat market
Prairie hoy is already selling for 7 a
ton and the tendency is upward
Wall paper paints and oils at lowest
Prices A McMillen
For SaIjE Good second hand piano
for 25 W F Lawson
Where at Marshs What the best
meats of all kinds When all the time
You will be sorry if you fail to see
Loars line of wall paper before you buy
Rethemeyer Bros make delicious ice
cream any time for any event Try
The Straight Front is the newest in
corsets You will find them at DeGroff
What does Colonel Mitchell know
about hell orthodox o r heterodox
A new sidewalk has been laid along
the south side of the Commercial hotel
this week
For Sale Belgian hires Call on or
address Schell Kimmell for prices and
Zint has added a fan to the comforts
of his barber shop It is operated by a
water motor
More power fans are being operated in
McCook this year than during any pre
vious season
Wanted Experienced girl for gen
eral housework Good wages Inquire
at this office
For Sale A vacant lot in West
McCook Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge McCook Neb
Indianola and Bartley are both fur
nishing quite large emigrant parties for
the state of Washington
D C Marsh invites your patronage
guaranteeing the best meats obtainable
of all kinds At the old stand
The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of
G A R meet the first Saturday of
every month in Odd Fellows hall
If you dont see what you are after
inquire at Marshs meat market They
have it and will take pleasure in show
ing you
Colonel Mitchell to be consistent will
doubtless take cow chips on subscrip
tion as soon as they are ripe and ready
for winter fuel
The hot weather and crops are the ab
sorbing questions of conversation with
the question of feed for stock looming
up in serious proportions
Our dollar and a half hammock is a
corker We have them at all prices
75 cents up
McConnell Berrv
At the meat market of D C Marsh
you will find a very desirable combina
tion for the careful judicious buyer
the best quality at the most reasonable
The assessed valuation of Red Willow
county in 1900 was 121924699 in 1901
126371073 Nebraskas igor valua
tion is 174432000 or 2685000 more
than in 1900
John Hatfield is one of the serene aud
stalwart optimists a member of the
Old Guard but the question of feed
for his Herefords this coming fall and
winter is giving him some concern
The partnership between II T Church
and D C Marsh in the meat market
business was on last Friday dissolved
since which time Mr Marsh has been
conducting the business alone at the old
While we are advertising many desir
able remnants in wall paper at a very low
price our stock is still the most complete
we have ever shown at this season of the
year Prices you know are lower than
they have ever been before
McConnell Berry