i d & The Best Fits The Lowest Prices The Largest Stock * s7C Every Pair Guaranteed and Replaced ! f Defective flcCook , Nebraska i i i yMiuil h MK Bun HIM I ii ii I I MM ir il liniFi nrvirT MII lyirmTl iin am 11 * < V. FRANKUN. PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT. CASHIER. I f fa ii ii " \ T Y ' " B4 \ | K ri 1iv ilA ( OF MeCOOK , NEB. I fy . m m m m m I l > 4 Paid Up Capital § Surplus § \ , 50,000. , 5,000 F # 4 - = 5 DIRECTORS = - = = = = 7. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , W. B. WOLFE , C. H. WILLARD IlECAPITULATION , showing the amount on hand December 31 , 1900 , the collections since made , warrants redeemed , and amount remaining on hand at the close of the thirtieth day of June , 1901 , in each and all of the several funds and accounts of O. L. Thompson , Treasurer of Red Willow County , Nebraska , to gether with the total amounts of the several items stated. Summer complaint is unusua'ly prevalent arnon ? children this season. A well devel oped case in the writer's family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy one of the be > t patent medicines manufactured and which is always kept on hand al the home of ye scribe. This is not intended as a free puff for the company , who do not advertise with us , but to benefit little sufferers who may not be within easy access of a physician. No family should be without a bottle of this med icine in the house , especially in the summer- lime. Lansing , Iowa. Journal. For sale by McConnell & Uerry , Druggists. Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dvspep : > ia and liver complaint. More than seventy-five per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects , such as sour stomach , sick headache , habitual cos- tiveness. palpitation of the heart , heart-burn , water-brnsh , gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach , yellow skin , coated tongue and disagreeable taste in your mouth , coining up of food after eating , low spirits. etc. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's Prize Al manac. A. McMillen. T lie Sjime Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates an excellence Miiiii.tr I ft th.it vvhu.Ii h.is li.ippcited in alni'i.st t-verv 1 iiLighhoihiKvl in the United Suites and ! i.s heen told and re told liy thousands of uilirr * llesa\s : "Last summer I hail an attack of dysentery "lid iMirchnsed n l > "tlle of ( ham lierl.un's < oln , ( 'holn.i and Dinrrho" Kviiudv i whuh 1 used .iccoiding to diieclions and xviiii cntnelv s tiilactoiy results. The trouble \\si- 1 controlled much quicker than f'iriiirr nllac'1- ' ' \ili-iil used oilier lemedies " Mr Ke'lv ' is i ! 'well ' known citizens of Henderson , N. C. j I 1 For sale by McConnell & Merry. Druggists. * i i lr\\ ill's \Vitch Ha/el Snhe "liould ! > - i I promptly applied to cuts , burns and sc.ilds. ' It Booths nnd quickly heals the injured p.tr' . I'hfie ire worthless counterfeit * , be ure to get DeWiti's. Mc < "ouuell & Herry. PROSPECT PARK. j Newman Barnes is working for Joh uSl\ . ' Mabel Hartman will start for Iowa. | July loth. O. L. Thompson was out to visit the home people , Tuesday. A number of our young ladies wont to Indianola to attend institute this week. Mrs. W. N. Cratty will not be at homo as soon as was expected by her friends. Harry Wade and Eugene Dunham are very busv heading their grain. Rev. J. W. Walker called on his many friends in this vicinity , one cav * last week. J. A. Schmit/ commenced cutting John Sly'rf 200 ai-re field of small grain , Mondn > . Minta Sly visited Mrs. A. E. Ashcraft and the Thompson fa7iiily , one day I he fore part of the week. Some of the young people of this sec tion attended the Christian church at McCook , Sunday night last. Preaching by Rev. W. J. Turner of MrCool : , at the Fiederick school house , Juh 1-lih . ' in tfie - , at .i afternoon. j He.irtburn. j U hen ( he quantity of food taken is too laige or the quality touch , heaitbtmi KS likely to ( ollnu , and especi.dly if the tligt-slion has httn ueak.-ned ! > y constipation , hat hl. > , xl > ami ill easily digested lood Ala U-ale the ih food tiioioughly. 1 et six Imuib H.ipse h-- tueen uicaKaud when Vuil letl a fuiincss .ind ( wt i ht in the region ol the stt.nnch after e.'t ' ing , indicating that you ha\e eaten too much , take one ol Chamberlain's Stomach and Lui-r I'nl.iets . .ni the hearthuin nia > lie . Kc > r sale by McConnell < S : Mciry. I'.U l.uly Don't blt-ej ) too nuii.li ; exercise ; don't eat Ints ami sweets. To leduce llesh rapidh take lockMountain Tea. Acts dj. if th MM the f.it'v tissues ; 5c Ask ollr INOIANULA. II. W. Keye.s had business in tht the county's capital , Tue = diy. ; L. J. Holland had business in tlu court-house , McCook. Tues-dav. Sheriff Crabtree w a s in McCook , Mondav , on business of his ollice. Mrs. G. S. JJishop has been down from McCook , part of the week , ijuest of Mr. and Mrs. James Jletherington. Mrs. Ernest Holmes returned , this re week , to Xew i'ork city , wheie her hus fr band is employed on the magazine frhi ' ' " 'Success. Messrs. M. G. Shackelton. Joseph te Harrison and C. B. Hoag contemplate i er trip to the northwest , prospecting , visit ah ing Washington and Idaho. A Good Thing. th German S > rup is the special prescription ol fa. Dr. A. Moschee , a celebrated German physi cian , and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in medicine , ll quickly cures coughs , colds and all lung trou bles of the severest nature , removing , as it C does , the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. an It is not an experimental medicine , but has br stood the test of years , giving satisfaction in every case , \ \ hich its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles H sold annually. Uoschee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in iS6S , and da is now sold in every town and village in the He civili/ed world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 7 = ; cts. Get Green's gr Prize Almanac. A. McMillen. What among human ills are more annoying au than piles ? 1 he afflictions that prevent active Fo exercise are bad enough , bjt one that makes even rest miserable is worse. Women are spi amongitsgreatest martyrs , labler's Muckeye Fo Pile Ointment will cure the most obstinate cases. Price , soc in bottle , tubes 75c. A. McMillen. wh Is your liver tired ? Does it fail to do its duty ? If so , don't neglect its call for help. Ot A few doses of Herbine may save you a spell Fr of sickness. Herbine is the only perfect liver medicine. It cures chills and lever. Price 50 obi cts. A. McMillen. cai : KENCVATOH mi isoratesand renovates the ilrt system purifles and enriches the blond : cures noi the \Cbrst dyspepsia , constipation headache , livt-run i ki'imn.s. racandfrl , utdrujitjists. Free advice sample and book Ur. B. J. ia\ , Saratoga , X Y hoi Cri Sold bv Lear aud McMilleu. ' 'E ' i Does It Pay to Buy Cheap' ' ind A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right , but you want something that \ \ ill relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous re sults of throat and lung trouble. \ \ hat shall Me you do ? Go to a warmer and more regular ind climate ? Yes , if possible ; if not possible for ' you , then in either case take the only remedy : 'or that has been introduced in all civih/ed coun ha' tries with success in severe throat and lung the ; trouble , "Hoschee's German Syrup. " It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to des : ut troy the germ disease , but allays inflammation , secures easy expectoration , gives a good night's rest , and cures the patient. Try one MB bottle. Recommended many > ears by all druggists in the world. Get Green's Prize jut Almanac. A. McMillen. Mr "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure tie : for my present good health and my life. I the ; was treated in vain by doctors for lung trouble following la grippe. I took One Minute bet Cough Cure and recovered my health " E. II. Wise ; Madison , Ga. McConnel ! 5 : If my a 5s Lung Bal m Mo : eep idr CS > . . cures ovcrv kind or cnu 'h. la grippe , bronchitis , sore throat , croup , iv hoopias : cough etc. Never A deranges the stomacu. At Druggists , lO&'JSc nai Sold by Lonr and McMillen. De ng I BAHTUEV. Our in 'rcliaul-s are selling lots of bind ing twine. Prof. Hcrtdi-e is still in Omaha busy at nc'vspaper work. Will and Jas. Hamilton wore McCook visitor ? , Tuesday. * Roy Kenedy helped on the Inter- Ocean , last week , W. S. Minnich was a Dry Cteek vis itor \ \ , last Sunday. Mrs. E. Chute was a business visitor at Arapahoe , Monday. Harry BKickson spent the Fourth in C irtis , with his best girl. A.W.Lincoln left for Frontier county , Monday , wheie he will shock rye. Mrs. A. M. Wilson entertained a lot of friends from Indiauola the Fourth. Miss Rosa StottarJ of Indianola has been the guest of Nora Premer for a few da\s. Mrs. Mabel Bryan of Arapahoe visited over Sunday with her friends at the depot. R. A. Cooper of Holbrook visited friends in Baitiey and vicinity , last week. Bessie COY visited Indianola , last Sunday - day evening , lettirt ing home the same night. : Miss Grace Uiown enjoyed a visit from her friend Ethel Payne of Arapahoe , over ' the Fourth. B. Conway of Culbettson was a busi ness visitor in our town , Friday and Sat in day of last week. Frank Premer took Nora Premer to Indianola to attend the teachers' insti tute , the first of the week. Robt. Leisly , wife and mother left for San Francisco , last Saturday , hoping to benefit Robert's health. Mrs. Earnest B. Crippeii and her two sons Guidon and Vincent weie visiting Irieuds in Arapahoe. Sunday. Heber Vickrey was a home visitor & from the Fourth until Sunday evening , when he returned to Imperial. Mrs J * . S. Clayton has lecovered suf ficiently so that her mother left for her eastern home , Friday morning. The many friends of Miss Pearl Wil liams aic glad to see her out on the streets again alter her i ecu-tit sickness. . ! i Henry Burton can scarcely find time < to eat or sleep , these days , because of of the disabled wind mills and empty wells. ot Rev. Crippeu ami K. C. Fiddler both had very sick horses , Friday night. C. C. The horses recovered after severe suli'er- ( \ Stephen Etherton has succeeded in J. removing part of that painful cancer J.A. A.O. from his lip : Dr. Jluthorn [ is waiting on O. him. A. Li Miss Mary Dietsch is attending the teachers' ; institute at Indianola. Sev- „ St eral other teachers from our town are St also up there , this week. D. D.Mr Mr Townsman Sam Clark is a busy man , MrJ these hot days , between the duties of the fol farm and those of the store , still he is C. not losing much flesh by it. I < Ed Price's married daughter of Mc He Cook came home , Saturday morning , and in the afternoon drove up there and nth brought home her household effects. A very pleasant party was made for Heber < Vickrey by his mother , last Friday ( hi day evening. It was one of those de Red lightful times that every one present so ofCoi greatly , enjoys. 3tim now Hon. Tobey is a fine speaker and the ilef audience greatly enjoyed his oration the sail laver Fourth. Surely no pleasanter time was or spent in the county than here last pro Co Fourth. Froi iiK Albert Listen died at Rome , Kans. , Joi on tvhere he was at work , and his brother , the ; Dtis Farrel , brought the body home , D Friday ; : Rev. Crippen conducting suit- ible services at the grave. Mrs. Agler of Shannon City , Iowa , arne in , Wednesday , bringing her chil- , Iren , for a visit with her father's family , jorth of town. This is the first visit ionic she has made in three years. P Our M. E. brethren held a twilight- , J jour service , Sunday evening. Rev. f 3rippen gave a beautiful resume of 1 'Esther's life and its lessons. " It was I pleasant 1 variation from the ordinary I was attended by a full house. „ GuyCurlee was out to CharleyKirsch'-N Monday , setting up a new 12-foot binder ( Ed Curlee was busy setting up one Clarence Bush. These hot winds lave hurried up the harvesting so that if here is demand for machines a great to ismg it with. icss. hea Word was received here that Miss teart to c Mayme Hodgkin , formerly of this place , of i novv of Farnam , was married to a live of t . Walker of that place. Congratula- fee ! ions : and best wishes are the order of ither day. Her many friends wish them Gre nake oth a prosperous life. the Aln AlnV you \\ant some "just as good" "I make it V \ Vhat nyself ; , " remedy , try an imitation Rocky fountain Tea. 'Twill make you sick and erly you sick. Ask your druggist. iigest < tain digs bad complexion generally results from that nactive liver and bowels. In all such cases and 3eWitt's Little Early Risers produce gratify- life. results. McConnell & Berry. oed Corntnlssionors' M < -f'o"k-Vehraska. Jnlj I ! ' < > ! . Hoard of found c'tnnmnsjonors met i 'i to adjournment : I'resent. Stephen Itollx- 1 > \ \Vatenn.m and Muuricu Heddx. co-mni-i inner * and U A. Ore-en. count } clerk. Mi nil. s of previous meet inir rend and approved. Tlii > board on motion commenced tin * exumt nation of tin * accounts of O. L. Thompson counttrt'ii" ) ir. r. and continiii'd thetmme dur ing tlidm. . On motion th ho.trd adjourned to meet July -'ml. mil. Atti > t : It. A. ( ! IKIN. : Count v Ch'rk MrCook. N'ebr.iska. Julj 2nd. HUM. Ilo.inl of connU commissioner-'mit pursuant to adjoiiriirniMit : Present , Stophou Holies- ) . \ . \Viitnrinan aud Miiurico Ki-diU , commissioners- , and H. A. ( ireen. count } clerk. Minn toof pre vious moisting read and approved. 'l'li lx > ard having inadia careful nxaminu- tion of the accounts of O. L. Thompson , county treasurer , llnds the following to he it true and correct -tatmin-nt of all mor. ty.s- received and dis-hur-cd ) i In him asmch treasurer from Janu- ar.x Nt to June uOth. 111)1 , hoth inclus-itu. in the snverul funds- and the amount on hand June : ith ) , 11KI1. at the close of hu-iniiH- ' . ( Sen statenuint elsHuliL-ro. ) Ho.ird commenced thu uxamination of the accounts of K. A. ( Jreoii. county clerk , and continued - tinued tlin same diirint : the < la\ . On motion hoard adjourned to meet July 3rd , 19UI Attest : It. A. ( rKKiv. Countj Clerk. McCook. N'ohr.iska , Jiilylinl , 1'JOl. Ho.ird of count } conimN.sioiinr-i met pursuant . to ndjournmnnt. Present , Stephen Holies , D. A. W.iterman and Maurice Iie.ddcomiiiissionor , W. I * Starr , coinitx attonmx , anil It. A. ( Jreeu , , rountv clerk. Minuter of pre\ion meetiiiK re.id and approved. The lin.inl having made a direful ttxamina- tiou of the fee honk of O. L. Thompson , county treasurer , llnd that ho has received a- > fees from J.iniinrx 1st to June :9 : > th , 11KI1 , hoth inclu-ii\e : A * commissions $ IC".69 ( As ini-cellaneons fees . I71.R : > Total . . > I20.H ( ! ( ) Tin * Ho.ird II.IVI'IIL : niade a careful examina tion of the accountof H. A. ( ireen , count } clerk , lind that ho his received as fee from Jami.tr ) l-t to June : Xth. ) I'.MII , hoth inchishe , JVU7.10. The Ho.ird liaviiif , ' made a careful examina tion of the accounts of ( I. C. llo.itinaii , clerk of the District Com t , find that hu lirer recei\ed as fe from Janil.ir.1st . to June : tlHli. 1KI1 ! , hoth in \ , > "L"yt.C : ( . The lio.ird liaxin madi1 a careful examina tion ( of HID accounts of ( J S. Ii.-ln ! > i > . count } jlidfro , lind th.it he has r.-cened a- fees from Jannar ) 1st to Juno : ! 0tli. I1MI1. hoth inclusive , . : ! . -U. In the matter of the certilicat.- J. W. Dntcher. president of the Red Willow Count ) Agricultural socict } . the Ho.ird lind that said certificate in all respects conforms to law. On motion count ) clerk u.is ordered to drau a warra'it on the counU general fund , levi of 100J , in fainrof J. W. Butcher , piosident of s.u'd focietj , for the sum of . ! 12.7. . . On motion W. H. Smith uas appointed a memher of the s ildii r ' n-lief commi ? ion. The roUouin claimITC audited and al- > ued , and on motion cleik u.is instructed to draw warrants on the count ) ceneral fund , le\ ) lf ) l. in pi\ment thereof as follows : I'.ide ' A , Son , collin for ThomasScott. . > : C > IK ) State Journal Co. , supplies. . 20 Ml Ir.i Harrison.removinghuildiiiKand fence 7 00 ' ( J. Conlizor. work on court linuuo . lii .V ) . G. Cowlizer. work on court house par contract. . : ! 77 IX ) i. C. Boatman , ( State vs.Triniiitt ] ) insane 7 N ) \v. V. Ga e , fame. * > tx > . K. Kelle ) . same 3W . C. Crahtree. uame . . . . I III . E. Stra\er , s.-ime. 3 to . H. Hell , same . 3 ID Lillian M. Welhorn. sal.ir ) aud expenses 2nd quarter of l ) l 2U 2. . . It. Starr , salar ) 2nd < iuarter. . . . 21X1 ( XI StepheuHolle-.inoueyadvanced andlahor ( i 'J. > Stephen Holies , services as commissioner 33 H ) . A. Waterman , same . . : t ! W Maurice Roddy , tamo. . . 31 41 And on count ) bridge fund , levy of 1'JOl , .is follows : . W. Peters , bridge work. . . . § 3 ( X ) And on county road fund , levy of UOl ua fol lows : Hen Ltlo , road \vork , ( assigned to Wilcox Soul . . $3 On motion Hoard adjourned to meet August , HOI. Attest : It. A. GIIIS , Count } Clerk. Notice ib hereby Kiveii that In virtue of a chattel inortKaKu. dated March 7th , 1'JOl , ami ilul\ filed in the ollice of the County Clerk of Willow County , Nebraska , on the "ith daj July. ItKJl. executed bj A. C. Hice to S. M. Cochran & Co. . to secure the pajment of the of sixteen dollars , anil upon which there is duo the sum of twelve dollars and thirtv cents , with interest at ten per cent , froin dat'1 , lefault having been made in the pajinent of sum , and no suit or other proceedings at ha\mg been instituted to recover "aid debt unj part thereof ; therefore I will tell the property therein described , viz : One Luster ook-Stove , No. h-2D. at public auction , .it the 'ront door of S. M. Cochran A. Co.'s Store. Build on Dennison Street in the City of Jountj > f Red Willow , and State of Nebraska , Saturdaj. the : ird daj of ViiRH'-t. ISiOl , at hour of two o'clock i > . in. , on said IH\ . S. M. foe IIRAN A. C'D. , Dated , Julj 9th , r.KJl. i * you knew how SCOTT'S „ SMULSION would build you \ up , if.crease your wdghr , | strengthen your weak trroat anc iup. s and put you m con- cliilofi for next v/sr.ier , you p would begin to take : ' . r.o\y , H SCOTT & BOVVNE'Chemises , $3 40- ; 5 Ttil . - > Lrt I , Tstv \ o . K5 si c ft1 i TI BO " " ' mi ' * i < : N Question Aris\vered. Ve , August Po\\er ! still has the largest -ale any medicine in the civilized world. Your nothers and grandmothers never thought ui an > thing ehe for indigestion or bihou- > - . Doctors were scarce , and they seldom teard of appendicitis , nervous prostration or failure , etc. 1 hey used August Flouer nr clean out the svstem and stop fermentation i-f undigested food , regulate the action of the - . stimulate the nervous and organic action ' the system , and that is all they tool-- when eeiing dull and bad with headaches and aches. You only need a few doses of Jreen's August ! lower , m liquid form , to you satisfied there is nothing serious 5r matter with you. Get Green's Pn/e Umanac. A. McMillen. You can never cure dyspepsia by dieting your body needs is plenty of food prop- digested. Then if your stomach will not it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will. It con- all of the natural digestants hence must igest every class of food and so prepare it nature can use it in nurishing the body replacing the wasted tissues , thus gi % ing health , strength ambition , pure blood and healthy appetite. McConnd ! 6 : Berry. To era-iic.it.-worms from the -vstemi Cf the child i Km. ii.mus.hini ; food and Uliite- . LILMIII Vciinifui- I'he rtsull will he tin- u.Miixudl disnppfnr mid the-child br ome he.ithx ami cliffiful. Pni" 2 $ it , A. Me Milieu McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL. L ) . W. V.CAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. Omi-K-FirU N'ational hunk hiiililim , ' . null to City hull. HoL'KS : : ) tn 12 : 1 to tj ; 7 to ! . Night calls ainwored from rijiidoncn over hank. MRS. S. K. GRIGGS , TOILET PARLOR Hair dru.s-in * ? . liniiiMMiiiiK and t-culp treat- inontKiit'n for tliu Iwnplltof tlnj liair. Mas-taK" treatment Ktvi'ii , vvriukh' * removed and all fuc bit-minims removed. 'IMiono No. ti. Upstair * Front ovurOpttra Hon rt. C. H. BOYLE , ATTOKXKY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building : II. P. SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK , NEBRASKA JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER , NKHKASKA. Jy Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Olhce-- Kearof l'"irs.t National bank. J. B. BALLARD , Q DENTIST. O All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be lirst-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and PlateWork. . DR.J.B. A Reliable Over Mc Connell & Graduate Dentist Berry's McCOUK NEB. SET YOUR CAN OUT THE - OIL - MAN IS - COMING McCOOK = TANK = LINE S. D. McCLAIN , Prop. F. D. BURGESS , Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. Lead Jand Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains , and an swer all calls to any part of the city. 'PHONE 36. W. H. Ackerman , McCook , Nebraska. Too Won B uu aw Uil I 3 oey ? inour nam antl a Mn-s and Catalo ru - of all kiidff - ff Mrrha - at pri ( . " , d - \inty cornpKi t K r. 'ully Illus-trated Cataloj'uf seat < , - eceipt of 10 cents for jxista . KAHN , GREEN & BERGER , to 261 Dearborn Street , Chicago , 111. CATALOGUE MAILED DURING JULY DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. . Madison , Wis. | t keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. f Price , 35 cents. Never .sold in bulk. Accept no substl- iconpon Tto i eta tute. Ask your druggist. : / j