By F. M. KIMMELL. . OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co. Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance Call tor Committee Meeting. The Republican County Central Com mittee is hereby notified to meet in McCook on Saturday , July 2Oth , at 2 o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of calling the county convention und transacting any other business that may come be fore the meeting. C. lf. BAHCOCK , Chairman. C. B. GRAY , Secretary. short of a Republican su preme judge will batisfy the people of Nebraska , this fall. Just remember this. TUB decisive manner in which the old line or Gold Democrats cleaned up friend Bryan and his followers in Ohio must be anything but reassuring to our Populist brethren. ON July ist ten boys and a man were killed by lightning under a pier , where they had fled from the rain , in Chicago. On July 4th a man and his wife and three chilitren were killed by lightning at Mc- Keesport after having taken shelter under a tree. Science and experience both say emphatically that when caught out in a thunderstorm the safest place is in the open. IT now transpires that Comity Treas urer A. B. Norlin of Kearney county robbed himself and that his injuries were self-inflicted. He confesses that the shortage of about $10,000 is his fault and the futile attempt to burn the court house his crime. After his confession and arrest $5,775 was dug up in a corn field at his home and returned to the county. It is the strange history of a passingstrange critneNorlin isa young man who has enjoyed the boundless con fidence of the people of aiinden and of Kearney county. He was deputy post master of aiinden during Cleveland's first term. He served as deputy county treasurer for seven and a half years. Was'serving his first term as treasurer. He has been an active church , Sunday- school and temperance worker , besides being prominent in Knight of Pythias circles and he has handled the funds of the local camp of Royal Highlanders. A sister of his is a successful teacher in the aiinden public schools. In view of these facts his compounded crimes make a mysterious chapter in criminology. The closing chapter of the affair was b enacted , Wednesday , when Norlin was sentenced to hard labor in the peniten J tiary for six years and to pay a fine of a $5,400. He was taken to Lincoln on a Thursday morning. a Proud of the New Machine. TJ TV Engine No. 31 , the newest product of V the Havelock shops , returned yesterday M ( Tuesday ) afternoon from a trip over the a road in front of a local freight train. T The big machine is being broken in for Ta service and when thoroughly tested will F be placed in the passenger service out of Fa Lincoln. The 31 is one of the prettiest v machines yet turned out of the local \t shops and the engineuien have been admiring \ SE miring the good points ever since it was received. It is said to be prettier , more shapely and compactly built , and of finer finish than the others. One of the many peculiarities about it is the shape ly form of the counter balance weights on the drivers. It differs from most of d the six drivers in service in that each m driver carries a flange. The next engine , $5al 33 , it is said , will also be retained for al service on the Northern division Lin coln Journal. m 01 COURT-HOUSE NEWS. 15 COUNTY COURT. al Licenses to wed have been issued as follows since our last report : Roland W. Wyrick of Holdrege , Neb. , and Mae C. Cooper of Indiauola. Walter Acox and Elsie Jay , both of ru McCook. Married by County Judge cibi Bishop on July nth. bi DISTRICT COURT. Following filings have been made in court since last report : The State of Nebraska vs. Charles H. Oman ; misdemeanor. ' A. C. Bice vs. Samuel M. Cochran ; ap i. peal from justice court. COTe George Pronger vs. A. Suyder et al. ; To [ attachment. th : Mr. Arbuckle , a New York millionaire , beAi has a new scheme to spread comfort Ai among the poor people of the metropolis T ; during the heated term. He has put ce : two big sailing vessels into commission dr as floating hotels. They are fitted up with bunks and a liberal commissary de partment for the accommodation of sev eral hundred people. Every evening at half past six o'clock the ships will be taken in tow by a tug and escorted out into the open sea , where they will re main prowling around in search of cool weather until 6 o'clock next morning. The idea is to make the fare so light that people of small means will be able to go out every night and get a refreshing sleep and two nourishing meals. On Saturday night the ships will go out for a long run up or down the coast , not re turning until Monday morning. Lincoln Journal. Choice mutton at the B. & M. meat market , Telephone 14. Death to Grasshoppers. SiHcial Dispatch to thu World-Herald. NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , July 4. An in teresting experiment connected with the grasshopper plague is now in progress in this vicinity. Congressman Neville having learned that the government had secured culture tubes of thegrasshopper fungus , a disease which has b en used with success in South Africa in exterminating this pest , and was propagating the same for dis tribution in localities afflicted with grass hoppers , wrote the department having charge of the matter requesting that some be sent him. In response he received three tubes ol the fungus , with full directions as to its use and the method of reproducing the fungus. He distributed these to three represen tative and interested citizens , E. M. Garrison risen , south of the South Platte rivf-r , II. F. Seeberger , at Hershey , between the rivers , and A. L. McNeil , north ol the North Platte river. Those gentlemen all agreed to use the fungus as directed and report results. Mr. Garrison reports he is convinced that the fungus is sure death to grass hoppers , as he succeeded in ridding not less than three bushels of them with the contents of the tube given him , and that , too , under unfavorable climate condi tions , as it was extremely hot and dry , while the best results are obtained in \vet weather. To reproduce the fungus the dead grasshoppers are deposited in a hole in the ground , a layer at a time , and sprinkled with water as each layer is added , then cover with a board or tin and allow to remain three or four days , or until the fungus or mold appears upon them , then taken out , dried and ground into meal. This meal can then be distributed to inoculate the swarms in other localities. A small quantity of it put into a glass or cup of tepid water and kept in a warm place Irom twenty-four to forty-eight hours until the fungus forms in it is then used by applying it to the bodies of live grasshoppers and letting them loose again to infect the swarm and by putting it on vegetation where they are feeding. Par ties desiring the fungus should xvrite to either of the three gentlemen to whom Mr. Neville gave the tubes received from the government , as the suppl3' is limited at headquarters and they have no more to send here. P. Walsh of our city is in receipt of a tube or two of the fungus and will give it a trial here , of which we hope tore- port early and gratifying success. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice , July 8 , 1901 : Alexander & Co. W. S. Clark John < Corley John T. Doyle Mrs. : Delia Davis Mr. Collie Earsom Maud : Fox Mr. jay Fox Mr. : John Huffman Harry Kingbey T. C. Kelley Fred Lawson Jennie Libby Mrs. Maud Moor Willie Neunian M. S. O'Leary (2) ( ) Miss Anna Powl (2) ( Jack Pravinage Mr. : John Perrine (2) ( ) Jack Reyher T. A. Rowland Fred A. Smegder Mat : Schilz Alice Snyder F. N. Skiles (2) ( A. S. Simouds Mr. ; Dallas Schlegel Ernest Woodruff Willis Wescot When calling for these letters , please say they were advertised. F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster. To Parties Interested. I am now the sole owner of what is known as the James Doyle Jack. The season now being over persons desiring < to breed to him will be per mitted to do so on the following terms : $8:00 : to insure sucking colt at my stable Box Elder. In bunches of five or more mares I will meet them at either Indianola or McCook will take the Jack to any farm within ; miles of Box Elder on same terms as above. A. W. CAMPBELL , c Box Elder , Neb. liC To Union Men. c Smoke the "Vivo " Cigar" made and run by union cigar makers. The finest cigar in the United States. Yon can buy them at the following places : J. H. BENNETT'S. " ] D. W. LOAR'S. I Take A. C. CLYDE'S. W. M. ' no tl LEWIS' . VV 111. JL/C\V1O I tlV J. C. KNOX'S. I other. V A. McMiLLEN's. J tl "Economic Aspects of Reciprocit } ' , " omprising two lectures delivered by ohu P. Young , before the College of he University of California , has just jeen issued in document form by The American Protective Tariff League. Pwo copies sent to any address for three ents. Ask for Document No. 49. Ad- Iress , American Protective Tariff league , 135 West 23d Street , New York. L P C THE CASH MARKET. C CN CE B. & M. Meat Market N T MAGNER & WALSH , Props. IcC The Best N of Everything Kept o For Sale in a First- c Class Market. SIK N Poultry of All Kinds Bought. K now open and ready for K business. Your patronage respectfully solicited P ! Will Return to Boston. Kev. J. W. JJickey of St. Patrick's church has announced the severance of his connection with McCook and its missions and his early return July 22nd to the arch-diocese of Boston , for which ho was ordained. He will return to his native city to receive an appoint ment as pastor in that diocese , from which lie was permitted to come to McCook , November 'Jrd , 1SOO , seeking a more congenial climate for his impaired health. His sister , Miss Marie Ilickey , will accompany him ; and with them will go the kindliest wishes of his par ishioners and of many friends without the Catholic church. Rev. Ilickey , during the almost eleven years of his pastorate here , lias been an active and zealous priest and a short resume of his services may bo of interest to his parishioners and others : Coming to McCook from St. Vincent's parish , South Boston , November , : ? rd , 1890 , he at once commenced repairs on church and additions to its furnish- ings. v > 00 was spent on a handsome new altar , and $400 for statues : all other requisite appointments to carry out the the required services of the church were gradually supplied. In 1892 a Sunday-school library of 2.10 volumes was placed in the church. In May , 189.3 , the small parsonage was doubly enlarged at a cost of $1,100. The same year , a new entrance was pro vided the church , and aside-walk and iron-railing fence completed. In 1S94 , a bell was placed in the tower. It weighs 1,400 pounds , was cast at Menealy foundry , Troy , New York , and is the heaviest bell between Omaha and Denver. After appropriate services , the bell was placed in position in November , 189i. la the spring of 1897 , by an arrange ment with the city of McCook and at an expense of S150 , water was piped to Calvary cemetery ; the avenues were graded and trees to the value of ยง 10 were planted for the ornamentation of the cemetery. The lots north of the church were be ing yearly sold for taxes , when Father Ilickey took charge of the parish. However , at much expense of time and money , these lots were freed from all debt , and clear and unconditioned titles secured from the Lincoln Land Co. , and the property rendered available for school purposes. In June , 1897 , the church was again renovated , within and without , at a cost of 8400. A new cross replaced the olden on the tower ; the interior was newly papered 1 : a new floor was laid and other minor improvements deemed necessary were made. The mission of McCook includes all territory as far west as the Colorado state line : and ia Trenton , Hitchcock county , a beautiful little church edifice was erected in 1897 , and notwithstanding - ing the many reverses of the following years , the church is entirely without debt , which is the case of all church property of McCook and its missions. In the first years of Father Hickey's ministry , Frontier and Hayes counties were both included in McCook's admin istration. In Frontier county a church was dedicated to St. Ann and completed n 1893 without encumbrance. The Sacred Heart parish in Hayes county , a Bohemian settlement , was advanced by a thorough renovation o f their little church , and it is also free of debt. In the spring of 1S91 , through the solicitation of Rev. Hickey , S200 was distributed by Messrs. Frank Spearman ind Joseph Cordeal to those in need , ir respective of creed. The same year one carload of corn and wheat was distrib uted to the farmers of Frontier and Hayes counties. In Hitchcock county , the same year , provisions , coal , with a carload of wheat and corn , were distributed - , uted to the needy , irrespective of church faith. ludeed , throughout his entire ministry energy and ability have characterized his administration of the affairs of Mc Cook and its missions , and Rev. Hickey can now resume work in his home diocese in Boston with the satisfaction p of having been an ellicient servant of the cross here. The County Teachers. The teachers' institute in Inclianola , tt this week , is being largely attended.c We have to acknowledge the receipt , % this morning , of a list of those in at- , tendance , but the lateness of its receipt P makes its publication impossible , this an week , we much regret. ef In Tribune Clubbing List. tl For convenience ot readers of THE TRIE 2d , UNE , ve have made arrangements with the tLl following newspapers and perodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : ? PUBLICATION. PRICE. WITH TRIBUNE Detroit Free Press Si oo gi 50 Leslie's Weekly. 4 oo 3 oo ' : " oo 175 oo 135 Cincinnati Enquirer. . . oo 150 New-York Tribune oo 125 66 Demorest's Magazine. oo 175 'ei Toledo Blade oo 125 Nebraska Farmer oo 150 Iowa Homestead oo 145 Lincoln Journal. oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture. oo 150 ch New-York World. oo 165 cues Omaha Bee i oo i 50 sst Cosmopolitan Magpzine i oo I ao . Louis Republic i oo 175 Kansas City Star 25 i 15 d Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer to - 50 125 Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15 ] Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo d 20 UE \Ve are prepared to fill orders for any other than papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb. my HOW QUAILS HIDE. Although the Mnn Could Xot See the Bird the Pup \Vn Ut Iit. We are all more or less iucliuvd to dispute the unusual incidents reported by obscrvaut brother sportmeu and if persuaded will excuse the bigotry shown by saying , " 1 never saw any such thing. " The claim has been made that a quail will lay a dend leaf over its back when "laying close" in the woods , and this I have always thought an appropriate extract from a pretty fairy tale and pitied any one who could be gulled by such : i very transparent fable. One day while hunting quail si covey flushed wild and scattered in the woods. My companion took the old dog and I the pup , and we proceeded to beat up the cover. The first point the pup made was at the foot of a small tree , where the trees stood thick , but where the ground was stony and was covered only with thin patches of dead leaves. Taking the direction of the dog's eyes . , I passed close by his head and , brushing by the tree ai the foot of which he stood , walked on 10 or 15 feet , but flushed nothing. Going back to the dog , I carefully took the direction of his eyes and lookIng - Ing closely discovered sitting between the roots of the tree within a span of my foot the bird , and lying well over its back was a large dead oak leaf placed in such a manner as to convince me beyond all shadow of a doubt that the bird had placed it there. My reputation for veracity is fairly good , but I wish that pup could also make a statement in this case , for he and I were the only witnesses of this , to me , strange and interesting inci dent. P. S. We got the bird. Lewis Hop kins in Forest and Stream. 'THE MAN WITH THE ADZE. " Hotv the IJtitcher'H Chopping Block la Kept Smooth ami Neat. A constructive rather than a destruc tive force implied by the name is "the man with the adze , " who is sometimes seen by early comers to the meat mar kets. aiost persons have doubtless observ ed the large blocks upon which butch ers trim their steaks and chops. The top of the block is usually as smooth as glass , but the constant chopping of meat thereon roughens the surface eventually. The general idea seems to be that the butcher keeps his block smooth by meivly sawing oil the rough j section. Such , however , is not the case. Specialism has even entered here. The man who makes a business of J ' smoothing the butchers' blocks appears at . the meat markets onrly in the morn- j ing before the customers arrive. He 1 rolls the big block to the sidewalk , j then mounts to the top of it. adze in hand. Bringing it down swiftly from a vertical position above his head , the blade is made to pass between his legs , skimming the surface of the block with great dexterity. I At each stroke a tuin layer of the i rough wood is removod. The operation is continued sufficient * to satisfy the butcher's tequirements. Some three hours are ordinarily consumed in the operation , and at the end of that time "the man with the adze" finds himself richer by SI. New York Times. Photoa Tlint Would Pay. Everybody is trying to make money quickly nowadays , and photographers , amateur and expert , form a goodly per centage of the total included in "every body. " Here are a few subjects that would fetch very high prices : A house being struck by lightning. We have photos of lightning flashes , but no picture of the kind which shows fl flash actually striking a house. Two trains in collision. Photos of wrecked trains are common enough , but a snap sbot at tbe very occurrence of the smash remains unrecorded. The crew of a lifeboat in the act of rescuing the sailors of a sinking ship in ] a fierce storm. A negative of an Atlantic liner bat ting ; with an ocean tempest. If you could take a snap shot of this subject from the deck of another liner it would be worth a good sum. A photograph of a sprightly earth quake in Japan or some other country which is troubled in this way. It would be well to hang up your camera and make it work automatically , as earthquakes are not to be played with. Such a picture would be jumped at. A Ltiy Suffg-estlon. On the last night of a series of "pro tracted meetings" in the Methodist church | of a little southern California village 1 the visiting eyangelist was making a special effort to obtain a showing of anxious souls. He had preached ! his best sermon and reached emotional fervor that he had seldom equaled. Out nobody responded to his ' invitation. They sang a hymn , and ' then : the evangelist rose again and call- ' upon the congregation to "enlist for the service of the Lord. " j A battle scarred , wooden legged vet- 2ran who had dropped into the back [ eul watched the proceedings with in- Lerest. For the third time the perspir ing evangelist ro < = e and asked. "Is ihere no one willing to enlist in tin- Lord's armyV" ! Then response came from the back | seat , "Draft 'em , parson ; hang it , draft ' em ! " Nntnre'a Crotvnlng : Work. As for the woman , she found the hief wonders of creation not in tbe julminating vertebrate , but in the low- orders of life. "The jellyfish , for instance ! " exclaim- the woman. "How was It ever got jell so beautifully ? " Now , the others thought they could T understand her awe , although none of hem , as It transpired , had ever put up preserves. Detroit Journal. Me Any reason why a shopper should doubt the evidence of his or her senses ? There isn't any such reason ; and that's why we ask you to come and see for yourselves how well this store is prepared to give you special service and unequaled merchandise at a great saving. It is but a < JKS ? G O n O Ifi To buy where you can secure the best and most good for ttte least money. Hence we urge you to try us on any = thing in the line ofFer For we are here to sell goods and please and satisfy our customers in every particular , especially in highness of quality and lowness of price. J O if g / ; I > 9& * - McCOOK , a A Produce just as good as cash. \ rf rfvytftf i WI W l IWi W s j y H/y&kf , iSJISIr ' ' sfsv " # " VW"V .1X1 ws- OOP Authorized Capital , $100,000. * Capital and Surplus , $60OOO G 0. HQCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. F. A. PEKttELL , Cash. LOUIS THORGRIMSON , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. i m The "Sole of Honor. ' Look for the bhie mark on the sole. It is a guar antee of quality and is put there to show our pyde and confidence m this gocd shoe. In all good kinds of leather and in all the stylish grand \ - and sensible shapes at the one price , B A men's good shoe made by Selz , Schwab & Co. , Chicago , the largest manufacturers of good shoes in the world" For sale by C. L. DeGroff & Co. / That tin * malady which ha < = steadily battled the skill of the brichte-t and mo = ? t iut.- ! lisent phjsicians should now be so readily Durable seems almo-t bejond realization but strange as it to some , all maj apiiear acknowledge its trutli after a trial of PALMER'S RHEUMA COHPOUND the great uric acid solvent PHE BLOOD PURIFIER THAT PURIFIES It restores those bed-ridden for years. A Blood Purifier that acts. Price , M cts. IcCook , Nebraska , . . . . McCONNELL & BERRY.