The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 05, 1901, Image 8

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    Did You Notice Those
Shoes For . . .
In our window ? They are
made of good , strong , can
vas , with a solid leather sole. < §
* m
flcCook , Nebraska
sffli i' '
s ? / \ T in T T T \ T O T T / TJ " *
* ( LI 1 iLCi\U / ' Nl\ /
* *
OF MeCOOK , NEB. , t
a s H a
& > ? Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , § 5.000
a a a a B
- -zn = - DIRECTORS - - s-
jfle j&c. jilt > 3 . ? ljj ga.jiVrffiffjtgfc JiSc < flc jfiit jg
- -
Safe. Always reliable. I-ad I en , ask Druggist for
; ! d metallic boxes , sealed with blue ribbon.
Take no other. Refuse dnnRcroun Nubnti-
tutiononnd imitation ) * . Buyof yourDnig ist ,
or send -Ic. In stamps for Partlcnlarx , Testimonial
menial * and "Relief for I ailiei. " in letter ,
by return ? IaiI. 10.00O Testimonials. Sold by
all Druggists.
2 0 Madison Square , FHII < A. , PA.
Mention this paper.
Question Answered.
Yes , August Flower still has the largest sale
of any medicine in the civilized world. Your
mothers and grandmothers never thought of
using anything else for indigestion or bilious
ness. Doctors were scarce , and they seldom
heard of appendicitis , nervous prostration or
heart failure , etc. They used August Flower
to clean out the system and stop fermenlation
of undigested food , regulate the action of the
liver , stimulate the nervous and organic action
of the system , and that is all they took when
feeling dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doses of
Green's August Flower , in liquid form , to
make you satisfied there is nothing serious
the matter with you. Get Green's Prize
Almanac. A. McMillen.
"I wish to truthfully state to you and the
readers of these few lines that your Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure is without question , the best
and only cure for dyspepsia that I have ever
come in contact with and 1 have used many
of the other preparations. " John Beam , \Yest
Middlesex , Pa. No preparation equals Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure as it contains all the natural
digestants. It will digest all kinds of food
and can't help but do you good. McConnell
- & Berry.
Then the baby is most like
ly nervous , and fretful , and
doesn't gain in weight.
Scott's EoiaiSsIosi I
is the best food and medicine
for teething babies. They
gain from the start.
Send for a free sample.
SCOTT & BOW > 'E , Chemists , p
ICewYork. K
.09-415 Pearl Street ,
Does It Pay to Buy Cheap ?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all
right , but you \v nit somethinf ; that will relieve
and cure the more severe and dangerous re
sults of throat and lung trouble. What shall
you do ? Go to a warmer and more regular
climate ? Yes , if possible ; if not possible for
you , then in either case take the only remedy
that has been introduced in all civili/ed coun
tries with success in severe throat and lung
trouble , "Hoschee's German Syrup. " It not
only heals and stimulates the tissues to des
troy the germ disease , but allays inflammation ,
secures easy expectoration , gives a good
night's rest , and cures the patient. Try one
bottle. Recommended many years by all
druggists in the world. Get Green's Prize
Almanac. A. McMillen.
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure
for my present good health and my life. I
was treated in vain by doctors for lung trouble
following la grippe. I took One Minute
Cough Cure and recovered my health. " E. II.
\Vse , Madison , Ga. McConnel ! v : Berry.
When you want a modernup-to-date physic
try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They are easy to take and pleasant to effect.
Samples free at McConnell & Berry's drug
Estimate of expenses for the current year
1901. by the city council of the city of McCook ,
Resolved by the Mayor and City Council of
the City of McCook , Nebraska , that the follow
ing be and the same hereby is adopted as the
estimate of expenses for said city of McCook ,
for the fiscal year commencing May 7th , 1901 :
For salaries of oflicers , other than police. . ? , " > 00.00
Making , repairing , alleys , streets and
crosswalks 800.00
To pay firemen and supplies : ! 00.00
Rent for water troughs and street sprink
ling 1700.00
Supplies , rent , claims and elections IfeOO.OO
Lighting streets IMiO.OO
Interest on bond and sinking fund 1000.00
Total $7400.00
The entire revenues for the city for the year
ending May G , 1001 :
General fund $ 2512.1 : )
Occupation fund 2199.00
Water fund 1S5G.G4
Cemetery fund 203.75
Light fund 1160.12
Total $792.2G : !
The entire expense of the city for the year
ending May 6,1901 :
Seneral fund $2. > 4.42
Occupation fund 201)7.97 )
Water fund 2193.43
Cemetery fund 257.75
Firefund 2S7.63
Light fund 1141.41
Total $8472.61
Passed and approved this first day of June ,
1901. C. E. ELDRED , Mayor.
[ SEAL. ] E. J. WILCOX , Clerk.
cures every kind of cough , la prippe , bronchitis ,
sore throat , croup , whooping cough , etc. Never
deranges the stomach. At Druggists , 10&25c.
Sold by Lear and McMilleu.
1 lie Snine OM Story.
J A. KfiK rcl . ! AH exjifiience > imi.ii ! ii
tht whii-h hi- ! > i i5 > iMieil in aim ' -I iscr
neighbmh oil in the Uiiilfd St..Uut ! lui
been ( old and ic l ld by tli'iii .tn < l.s of o'lh r.-
lle sayJ- : "l.a -uiiunfi 1 an attack o
d-seiilcn nnd inirrlins-ed .1 b 'tile < f ( "ii.i'ii
berlain' * . ' olir , ' . lnjli-r.i .ind Di.irrlme Ucm-ti' '
which i used : iccoiding to directions : iml uill
enliielv Miitstiiciory result- . The tiou'ilc ' " : r
controlled much ( juicLcr Ih-in f"iiurr alinel.i
wlu-n I ued nthtri rfinn'es"lr ! \c'l\ i- ,
well kniuvn citi/.en- of llender-nn. N. C
For sale by McConnell & Berry. Druggists.
tV Witch Hazel S.IvehuM I-
applied to cuts , biirn and < .cdds
It soolhs.ind quickly beak the injmed pan
Thf > < are xvortlilrss cnunterfrit , be sure ti
gi-t He Witt's. McDonnell & Berry.
Hubert Bench hns been employed tc
teach an eight-months term of school ir
13ox Elder , coining school year.
Sim ; md Frank Cramer have been
putting tip a fine quality of alfalfa on
the II. T. church ranch , the past week
I. W. Spalding is absent in Lincoln
county fixing up his cattle ranch there ,
preparatory to moving his cattle to that
point for summer grazing.
Mrs. J. R. Brauscom has s o far
recovered from her late illness as to bo
able to return home from her daughter's ,
Mrs. Ward's.
The Checkers may celebrate the Fourth
this year in their native jungle , if they
so desire. A picnic will be ho held in
the grove ou the Wm. Doyle ranch.
His large barn will be utilized as a dance
hall iu the evening.
B. A. Kinzer , who went to Idaho a
couple of weeks ago , has se c u r e d
lucrative employment on a fruit ranch
in that state. He expects to remain
there until fall when he designs dispos
ing of his holdings here and moving to
You can never cure dyspepsia by dieting
v\liat - . ioJ necdi . ot I.u d
< -Ui ) > picniy > piup-
in > dige.-ted. I hen if ynur stomach will not
diges it K- del iMspepsia Care \\iii. Itcuii-
Ijuift all ol the n.itiii.ii digeMants hence must
di c.-t every class of fooii and so prepaie it
ilirft naluiecaii u-c it in nurislrng the body
and the \\.stei tissues , tlius yiving
lil > _ . lie ilth , siienglh ntiihition. puie bliod and
gc. . nl iu-altiiy appetite. McConntll iBerry. .
Kit iady't hleup too much ; exercise ;
don't e. it lats and sweets. 'I o lemice flesh
r.ipidlx take Kockv Mouiuam Tea. Acts di-
mi the fotiy lis.-ues. 350. Ask join
M. II. Cole cut his thirteen acres of
c , Wednesday.
Albert Smith was heading ive , first
days of the week.
II. Miller has bought the George
Rodenburg farm.
Harry Wales has been working in
McCook a few days.
A good many people from up here
spent the 4th in McCook.
M. H. Cole was on the market , Mon
day , with four loads of fat hogs.
W. M. Sharp went into his iO-acrerye
field with his binder on last Monday.
The report of New York city for July
2nd is , ' ' 200 deaths from heat. Horses
died by the hundreds. "
On the 4th Geo. Howell and the boys
got the start of the heat by getting to
McCook before eight o'clock.
H. B. Wales started his binder in his
rye field , Tuesday. He has fifty acres.
It is clear of weeds and will make some
excellent chop for horses or hogs.
Auntie skunk came up after her reg
ular mess of chickens and "got her foot
in it"trap ( ; and the next morning Roy
Coleman quieted her nerves with a Win
chester shot gun.
\ \ hen the quantity of food taken is too large
or the quality to rich , heartburn is likely to
follow , and especially if the digestion has
been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly
and of easily digested food. Masticate the
the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse be
tween meals and when you feel a fullness and
weight in the region of the stomach after eat
ing , indicating that you have eaten too much ,
take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided.
For sale by McConnell & Berry.
Summer complaint is unusua'ly ' prevalent
imong children this season. A well devel-
Dped case in the writer's family was cured last
iveek by the timely use of Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy one
jf the best patent medicines manufactured
ind which is always kept on hand at the home
jf ye scribe. This is not intended as a free
puff for the company , who do not advertise
tvith us , but to benefit little sufferers who may
lot be within easy access of a physician. No
family should be without a bottle of this med-
cine in the house , especially in the summer-
.ime. Lansincr , Iowa , Journal. For sale by
McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
The Best Liniment for Strains.
Mr. F. II. Wells , the merchant at Deer
L'ark , Long Island , N. Y. , says : "I always
ecommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the
) est liniment for strains. I used it last winter
or a severe lameness in the side , resulting
rom a strain , and was greatly pleased with
he quick relief and cure it effected. " For
; ale by McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
Imperfect digestion and assimilation pro-
luce disordered condition ot the system , which
jrow and are confirmed by neglect. Herbine
jives tone to the stomach , and cause good
ligestion. Price 50 cts. A. McMillen.
A Postmaster Writes.
"I wish to add my testimonial to the genuine
nerit of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. I have
ried many remedies but have lound your
iyrup Pepsin superior to all other laxatives
md stomach medicines. My wife and I both
ise it and know it does all that you claim for
t. Yours sincerely , C. O. KINNE.
Alma , Kans. . Dec 22 , IQGO.
iold by A. McMillen.
StBfKT U " K'T . JB5" * H 4ai | P
RENOVATOR invigorates and renovates the
system ; purifies and enriches the blood : cures
: hc worst dyspepsia , constipation , headache ,
ivcrand Uulneys. S5canrtI , utdrupgists. Free
. , . advice sain pie and booh.
* m Dr. B. J. KaSaratoga. . N.Y.
Sold by Lear and McMillen.
j 'I li-i c who Itvo on farms nr > - habitlo nimr
aci'ii'n ntnl ruts , burns and brunftthirli \ \ ear
r | . ! llv wlitn ttai ! . > r < r Sn > \ \ l.iiiiiU'-iit i
5 > " | : applied Price 2 ai.'l 50 ct * . A
McMil'en '
I-vour liver tired ? Doe' , it f.iil to do is
< lut\ ? If M > . do-i't ii-gK'ct n > cnll for iieln
\ ftw closes of llrrbine m.iv > .ive > ou a spel
> f sickness llrrhine is tin- only perf-ct live
wudicim * . It cures chills anil lever. Price 5
of. . A. McMillen
.Too Burton visited fnt-nds in Frontiei
county , Sunday.
A. Y. Lncon ! returned , lastSaturdny ,
from his trip north.
Alec Wheeler has a position with the
B. & M. at this place.
Fred Premer visited on Sunday in the
country with his father.
S W. Chrk sold a binder to Ike
Beesou and son , Saturday.
G. W. Rinvsom purchased a self-bind
er of J. W. Clouse , Monday.
Ida Bush was the winner of the medal
in the contest , Saturday night.
Miss DeMay of Danbury was over to
the Curlee-McCtillum wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Lohr visited and fished
up in Frontier county , last week
Fremont Teeters lost a calf , this week ,
with the black leg , it is supposed.
Robt. Boles of Arapahoe , was a guest
of his friends io our town , Saturday.
Ira Richie cut 00 acres of rye in three
lays , with his new self-binder , last week.
Harry Dole was here for the Curloo
McCullum wedding , Wednesday , rot lini
ng ou Friday to his work.
Arnold Wheeler has accepted a poi i-
; ion on a ranch near Crete and left for
: hal place , Saturday morning.
Miss Pearl Williams is some better
'rom her recent sick spell , but she Islet
lot ab.e to be around much yet.
Mr. Shultz from north oftowndeliv-
; red six wagon-loads of broom-corn to
> ur uopot for s-liippiug , last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker and family
spent Sunday with the latter's father ,
, Vm. Fox , \vlio lives in Frontier county.
Mrs. Dr. C. E. Williams entertained a
e\v friends , Friday evening , in honor of
ler son's departure for Crete , the next
Rev. C. G.Johnson was in a runaway ,
'riday night , as he was on his way to
: is appointment at Freedom. He was
ot injured , though it was a close call.
Otis Farrell was called to the bedside
f a sick brother in Kansas , last week :
riends have just received word that all
ope for recovery of the sick man is
Mrs. McKechnie , our alfable county
tip't , held a teachers' examination here ,
ist week : fifteen applicants availed
lemselves of the opportunity afforded
lem and took out certificates.
Stephen Etherton has a cancer on his
p that is causing him much sulfering ;
e has just begun to treat it with a
> medy furnished him by Samuel Bent-
: y and at all appearances it is destroy-
ig the cancer.
Burr Case came after ice for a social
> r Friday and on his return home the
ing-bolt broke spilling him to the
round and letting the team run away
ith the front wheels. Mr. Richmond
mght the team as it ran into his yard.
Mrs. T. A. Case received the sad in-
lligence that her brother living at
rafton was drowned , last week , while
ying to rescue his only son who was
so drowned. The entire community is
sympathy with her in this sad hour.
Wednesday , June 2(3 ( , 1901 , at 8:30 p.
. , at the residence of Z. T. McCullum ,
3v. Earnest Crippen married Edward
arlee and Bessie E. McCullum. There
3re present only relatives and the very
timate friends of the contracting
rties. Frank Vickrey was groom's
st man and Sadie Hamilton was
idesmaid. Miss Grace Curlee pre-
Jed at the organ , playing very sweetly
rough the ceremony , which was the
autiful ring ceremony. The organist
lyed a beautiful wedding march while
ngratulations were being given. The
ide was dressed in cream cashmere ,
mmed with cream applique and wore
corsage bouquet of white carnations ,
th white carnations in her hair.
iss Hamilton was dressed in white
aiity. The dining-room was decorated
th carnations and green foliage. The
pper served was dainty and refreshing ,
ing something entirely out of the line
the ordinary wedding suppers. The
ppy couple have gone to house-keep-
j in the Hathorn property in the east
rt of town. The groom is one of our
ing youn business men : while the
ide has been -one of the successful
ichers of Red Willlow county. Their
st of friends wish them prosperous
Vhat among human ills are more annoying
n piles ? 'Ihe afflictions that prevent active
: rcise are bad enough , bjt one that makes
in rest miserable is worse. Women are
eng its greatest martyrs. Tabler's Buckeye
e Ointment will cure the most obstinate
es. Price , 500 in bottle , tubes 75c. A.
Millen. _ _
f you want some "just as good" "I make it
self , " remedy , try an imitation Rocky
iuntain Tea. 'Twill make you sick and
: p you sick. Ask your druggist.
L bad complexion generally results from
ctive liver and bowels. In all such cases
Witt's Little Early Risers produce gratify-
results. McConnell & Berry.
uRh time may dig the Kravc of creed *
And dogmas wither in the god ,
Jly botil will keep the thought It ncec ! %
Its f.vtrielcs.s faith in God.
No matter how the world
Xorvhcre the march of bciencc
My trust in something more than man
Shall help IIILbcur life'vocs. .
Ella Wheeler Wile-ox in Woman's Hone Con
Almunlltion Into AVhlch Victims n
the llnlilt Iliive Fallen.
When lapses of memory becom
habitual , the person is properly en 1 lei
absentminded. The Chicago Tribun
relates the following absurdities hit
which some victims of this disensi
have fnllen :
A bridegroom of 24 hours left hi :
wife , strolled around to his mother-in
law's house anil askeil her If lie
daughter was at home. This cami
from force of habit. lie had been call
Ing there daily for some time , and I
probably occurred to him that he hu ;
not paid his usual visit.
A Chicago bank president Is unabl <
to account for three-quarters of ai
hour of his life. He went Into a res
taurant as usual and ordered his lunch
Nearly an hour later he found hlmsell
in his otlice chair and suddenly re
meinbercd the order.
lie vent back across the street and
asked if the luncheon was ready. The
clerk informed him that he liad eaten
paid the bill and gone away some 1.
minutes before , that he bad put his
hat on as he went out and that he
( the clerk ) had not noticed anything
peculiar in his actions.
The bank president congratulates
himself that he can be trusted to be
have like an ordinary mortal even
when he doesn't happen to have his
mind with him.
An editor of a daily paper has laid
[ ilmself open to unkind remarks by
trying to take up a collection in his
rifiice. Happening to want a small
coin , he turned to his fellow worker
and asked for a quarter.
"Ilaveif t jrot it , but hero's a dollar , "
; he man replied as he tossed it over.
The editor put the dollar in his pocket
iml immediately turned to a special
writer at the next desk and said :
"Miss - , could you lend me a quar-
ler ? " Then , seeing the man from
ivhom lie had got the dollar grin , lie
aided hastily : "Oh. never mind. I just
; ot a dollar from I'.rown. "
In analyzing his conduct he said
: hnt Brown's reply that lie did not
lave a quarter was apparently the
> nly part of the transaction that made
my impression upon him. But he is
mder suspicion in that office ant ! will
n-obably never be able to live it down.
Phey re Skewers For Xeedle.s ninl
GirnlTe Sincwo Kor Thread.
The skill of the Zulus of South Africa
ti sewing fur is a household word in
ioutli Africa , and some of the other
ribes compete with them. The needle
mployed is widely different from that
ised by the ordinary needlewomen. In
he first place , it has no eye : in the
econd , it is like a skewer , pointed at
lie end and thick at the other.
The thread is not of cotton , but is
iade of the sinews of various animals ,
lie best being made from the sinews
i the neck of a giraffe. It is stiff ,
lelastic , with a great tendency to
kink" and tangle itself up with any-
Siing near it. Before being used it is
teeped in hot water until it is quite
ift and is then beaten between two
niooth stones , which causes it to sep-
rate into filaments , which can thus be
btained of any length and thickness ,
bus the seamstress has a considera-
le amount of labor before she com-
icnces with the real work in hand.
Finally she squats on the grounder
or no native stands to work or do
aything else who ran possibly help
) and , taking her needle , bores two
sles in the edges of the rug or gar-
; ent on which she is working. The
iread is then pushed through with
te butt of the needle , drawn tight ,
id two more holes are made with
like result , the skewer progressing
; ry slowly , but fast enough for a
umtry where time is of no value
The skin upon which the seamstress
working is damped with water be-
re she commences , and as the damp
read and hide dry out they bring the
ork very closely together.
An old housewife in the country was
unoaniug her poverty to an unsyin-
tthetic husband.
"Things aiu't as they used ter be , "
e complained. "Why , I ain't got
lything like I used ter her. I ain't
t quilts enough ter go round the
ds , there's two of the best chairs
oken , an I ain't got no dress thet's
ally fit ter go ter meetin , an if I was
i' die ternight I wouldn't hev a cap
: be buried in. "
flic old man had stood the whining
long as he could.
'Blast it all , then , " he fiercely ejacu-
: ed. "why didn't yer die when yer
1 Lev a cap ? "
Fire ami Monqnitoen.
talian peasants living in swampy roms -
ms still follow the old custom of
hting fires for the purpose of purify-
j the air of malarial poison. As a
itter of fact , this is the worst thing
? y could do , as the Qre attracts mos-
itoes , which are now known to be
nsmitters of malarial fever.
it Feckforton , Cheshire , England , ia
be seen a very queer beehive. It is
the shape of a castle on an ele-
mt's back and is carved in atone.
rext to opium in power arc certain
ds of grasses , notable among which
lemp , which caues intoxicr.tion and
To : worm * fnnn tlic system give
rlie cliiM i-lniii , iioHitJinnj fn i nti'l WhiteT
Crcmi Vrrnnftigc' I lie refill will be the
worms \\ill di > ipp'-ir aii'l the child become
liealthv and Cheerful. I'rtc2 $ cts. A. Me
O. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
: First National birnlc building , next
to City Itnll. HOOKS SSB ) ti > IS : lto(5 ( ; 7 to l .
Night culls answori'd from rij-mluiicii ever bank.
Hair ( Iro.siiiK.jliainpooiu and i-calp truut-
inunt KIYOII for tlio immtlltnf tliu hair. MIISSUK
trimtnumt K ! von. wrinkles romnvttd and all face
blomishoa removed. 'Phono No. ( J.
Front ovorOpora House.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. p. O. Building : >
Cr ? Agent of Lincoln Land Cn. Office-
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work clone at our office is guar
anteed to be first classVe do all kinds of
Crown , 15ridge and 1'late Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
A Reliable ; c ! Over Me-
Connell &
Graduate Dentist Berry's. . . .
S. D. McCLAIN , Prop.
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron. Lead [ and Sewer Pipe , Brass
? Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
' Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
Ans\vered by the
Will make all trains , and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city.
'PHONE 36.
W. H. Ackerman ,
McCook , Nebraska.
! o You Want , , ,
o Save Money ?
> nd in your name and addres , and get
ir Catalogue of all kinds of Mi > -han
se at prices df > f\mg competition.
Jlly Illustrated Catalogue sfn t on
ceipt of 10 cents for postage.
T to 261 Dearborn Street , Chicago , 111.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison.Vls. . It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each packaze.
fr' .35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no substi
tute. Ask your druggist.