The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 28, 1901, Image 8

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    You-Notice Those
Bike Shoes For . . .
L/tS. /
In our window ? They are
made of good , strong , can
vas , with a solid leather sole.
, c3h ilfcuffiuSffitaffltsfie jftt jSiejBt vCfcr xfflk tAic afk ij B .jflizjifflr
'Vg ? Tspr-jtsiw : ijjt JUJJT jjf rijyujcSijjr i rrr { n pr > Qie jjj ag
B a II
4 Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , § 5,000 |
a B B *
afo. Always rrliable. tndicn , aak DrugRist for
Gold metallic boxes , sealed with blue ribbon.
TnUe no other. KefuNe danccrou * nnbHti-
tutionnnnU imitations. Buyof your Druggist ,
or send 4c. in stamps for Particular * . Tenti-
moninlit and " Relief for Ia dic % . " in later ,
by return Mail. IOOOO Testimonials. Sold by
all UruRijists.
2100 Madison .Square , PHIIiA. , PA.
Mention thin paper.
For relief and comfort in asthma hallard's
Horehoand Syrup has no equal. Price 25
and 50 cts. A. McMillen.
Imitators have been many. Thoughtful
people have learned that true merit comes
only with the genuine Kocky Mountain Tea
made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35. Ask
your druggist. _
"A few months ago food that late for break-
last would not remain on my stomach for half
an hour. I used one bottle of vour Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my break
fast and other meals with a relish and my
food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles. "
IN. S. Pitts , Arlington , Texas. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure digests what you eat. McConnell &
1 Berry.
Dyspeptics cannot be long lived because to
.live requires nourishment. Food is not nour
ishment until it is digested. A disordered
StomaCh cannot digest lood , it must have as
sistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests all
kinds of food without aid from the stomach ,
al'owing it to rest and regain its natural func
tions. Its elements are exactly the same as
the natural digestive fluids and it simply
can't help but do you good. McConnell & :
to make yorrr baby strong and &
\velL A fifty cent bottle of |
* , 5 JT" i *
* i * " fJ'iX'W" 'T * v" V Jsj $ i tf ( OlC
will change a sickly baby tea
a platnp , rozzping child.
Only one csnt a day , think
of it. Its as r.cs ss cream.
Send for a itce s niijle , and tr > - it.
SCOTT ii EGY/XIi. Chemists ,
409-415 Pearl P ! reel , JJew York.
5OC. and $1.00 ; all druggists.
Swiped Semalltitz.
Max Semalititz , a saloonuian of Pueblo ,
Colo. , came down from Denver , Tues
day evening on No. 14 , and as per tele
graphic instructions from Sheriff J. I/ .
Beaman of Pueblo and the chief of police
of Denver was promptly arrested by
Night Policeman Fitzgerald. Sheriff
Beaman arrived iu the city on 6 , Wed
nesday night , and left on 3 , the same
night , for Pueblo with his prisoner , who
agreed to go without the usual requisition.
It is charged that Semalitilz secured
money from a Pueblo brewing company
with which to cash some pay-checks and
that he vamoosed with the money.
Hence the anxiety of the Pueblo people
to get in touch with Maxy. Semalititz
had in his possession when arrested here
$204 48 in Colorado Iron aud Fuel Co.
pay-checks and $37.10 in cash. He had
a ticket from Pueblo to St. Louis , but
got on board No. 14 at Barr , a fact which
Conductor C. E. Pope thought peculiar
and which he noted , so when the train
reached here and he was asked if there
was such a man on board he had no dif
ficulty in locating the fellow at once.
The rumor that Max was simply trying
to run away from his name is doubtless
without foundation.
It Makes No Difference.
Church & Marsh are treating their
many new customers just the same as
though they were not "the only. " Same
fine quality of meat , prompt service ,
and regular , reasonable prices at the old
reliable shop , which is "here to stay"
do you mind ?
Yearlings For Sale.
Fine bunches of yearling heifers and
yearling steers for sale. Call at the
meat-market for particulars. Stock may
be seen near the city.
Fred Eiler , sup't of construction on
the West Iowa division of the Q , has
resigned , and will be succeeded byj. C.
Shehan , sup't buildings and bridges ,
Galesburg , 111.
Short anil Sour.
There had been si small bank failure ,
mid the bank hail gone Into the hands
of a receiver. The receiver had proved
to be dishonest and had absconded
with what remained of the funds of
the Institution. Expert detectives ,
however , were on his track , and he was
run to cartli In a mountain town and
taken hack to the scene of liIsH.uancial
It was after midnight when the de
tectives arrived with their prisoner ,
and Mr. Means , the principal deposit
or In the hank and therefore the prin
cipal loser , was awakened at his home
and informed by telephone of the cap
He expressed his gratification and
went back to bed.
Shortly afterward he was aroused to
receive another telephone message to
the same effect from a different source.
"Thanks , " he said , "but I had heard
of It already. Good night ! "
And again he sought his couch.
About 2 o'clock he was awakened a
third time. The telephone bell was
In no gentle frame of mind he an
swered It.
"Hello ! " he said.
"Hello ! " responded a voice through
the telephone. "Is this Mr. Means ? "
"Yes. What do you want ? "
"Mr. Means , this Is Deputy Sheriff
Jones. We've caught that runaway re
ceiver. Is there anything you'd like to
have me do personally In the matter ? "
"Yes ! " roared Mr. Means. "Hang up
the receiver ! "
And he was not disturbed again.
Youth's Companion.
Mnrlc Twain anil the Serpent's Tooth.
Mark Twain's daughter. Miss Clara
L. Clemens , in entering upon her career
as a concert singer , had a long con
ference with a manager. Many mat
ters were discussed , plans made and
details settled. Miss Clemens dictating
lier own ideas. The young singer , who
liad experienced considerable difficulty
in obtaining parental consent to a pub
lic career , showed her earnestness by
the businesslike manner in which she
looked into affairs.
When matters had been fully consid
ered and the manager was about to
leave , Miss Clemens said , with the
arge determination that small bodies
not infrequently possess :
"I wish it distinctly understood that
my father's name is not to be men
tioned at all in connection with my
singing in public. "
Mark Twain , who had been sitting
In the room during the interview , in
which , however , he had taken no part ,
looked up quizzically and said , with
a twinkle in his eyes :
"You see what it is to have a thank
less child. " Saturday Evening Post.
Did They ?
There is nothing much more dis
tressing than an unfinished story. A
number of people in a London drawing
room were conversing about capital
punishment when a lady remarked :
"How strange it must seem to be
sentenced to death ! "
"Not so very , very strange. I assure
you. I was myself once condemned
to death in Africa , " said a returned
African explorer.
"Indeed ! " exclaimed the lady. "And
were you did they"
"Did they what , madame ? "
"Why , did they execute you , you
know ? " Exchange.
When Corks Float Cprlght.
A cork which is longer than It is
broad , which is the case with all ordi
nary corks , floats upon its side , so to
speak. How can we make it float
upon its head ?
Place one on end upon a table and
around it place six others. Seize them
all together and plunge them under wa
ter so as to wet them completely. Then
remove your hand gently and let them
take their own position in the water ,
when you will find that they will stand
upright , as if supporting one another.
This is because the water that pene
trates the cork will make them cling
Railroading In Ireland.
A somewhat nervous English tourist
vouches for tlie genuineness of the fol
lowing incident of Irish traveling : The
train arrived some 20 minutes late at
a small station , and the engine driver
inquired of the station master , "Did
the express go by yet , TiinY" "It did
not , " was the answer. There was indecision - r
decision on the part of the engine driv
er for a moment when he cheerfully
exclaimed , "Ah , well ; we must chance
it ! " as he blew the whistle aud started
off on the single line. London Outlook ,
Boiled Water In Ancient Times.
Now that the use of boiled drinking
water has become common , it is inter
esting to be reminded that a similar
method of guarding against disease
was practiced in ancient times. Herod
otus tells bow Cyrus had his drinking
water boiled and carried in silver ves
sels , and Pliny the elder relates that
C (
Nero had water boiled and afterward
cooled for drinking by placing it in
glass flasks surrounded with snow.
Laureate Nonsense.
Tennyson is said to have been fond
of foolish fun , that ever delightful sort
of fun which is not wit , but nonsense. cial
One day , at Burlington House , he cc
asked the guests a conundrum which
be had just made :
"Who are the greatest women in the
world ? " ct
The answer was :
"Miss Ouri , the Misses Ippi and Sara
Gossa. "
Very Grave.
Twiddle I read last night of a man
who was buried alive so that he might
know what the sensation is like.
Twaddle DorTt you think that was a
very grave thing to do ? Ohio State
Jos. Trissull is badly poisoned by
poison ivy.
JI. L. Burton is driving a line two-
seated surrey.
Miss Pearl Williams was on { ho sick
list , this week.
Ed Curlco and Bessie McCullum were
married , Wednesday.
The Masons had a very pleasant ban
quet , Monday night.
Etta Mann spent Sunday with her
parents at Dry Creek.
Win. Lyman is back again at his old
post as clerk in Jones' store.
Gary Dole of McCook was guest of
Frank Vickrey over Sunday.
Fremont Teeter bought a fine Buck
eye cultivator , last Saturday.
Percy Catlett returned homo from
Beaver City , Thursday evening.
Miss Grace Curlee returned home
from her teaching , last Saturday night.
G. W. Richie purchased a now water
tank for his ranch , last Saturday morn
Willie Rymer , after fourteen months
sickness , is again on our streets and is
strong and hearty.
F. A. Hodgkin is on the sjck-list.
The long continued nervous strain has
brought him very near nervous pros
Mr. Gordon , our genial mail carrier
between here aud , Stockville moved into
the Jennings property vacated by Will
Isaac Foreman came in , last Friday ,
for a lew days' vsit ; with his brother ,
John , returning to his work , Sunday
Alma Wymore was surprised by a
number of her young friends coming in ,
Saturday evening , to celebrate her birth
day anniversary.
II. L. Burton has more well work than
he can attend to with his dray work.
He has secured Joe Burton to operate
the dray for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uently and Miss
Edith Ogg attended the Brown-Ilapper-
sett wedding , last week , in Indianola.
They rej ort a fine time.
Some traveling painter did some fine
sign painting in our town this week.
F. C. Alley and Curlee had some signs
put on their respective stores.
Our boys played the Indianola base
ball team at Indianola , last Saturday ,
and beat them : they are justly proud
of their victory. The score was 1C to 24.
Mrs. Mary Hodgkin has had a fine
crop of strawberries on her lot : finer
berries were never grown. By the way
Mrs. Hodgkins makes a success of rais
ing small fruit of all kinds.
There is quite a good deal of sickness
amongst the calves in the country and
many of the f aimers are vaccinating
their calves. E. E. Smith handles the
vaccine for them and reports it a success
so far as tried.
D. L. Wolf and Lyman Jennings ex
changed the heads of their respective
icrds of hogs , last Saturday ; as both
ire breeders of fine Poland swine this
vas a great saving of expense to both
Breeders in introducing new blood into
; heir herds.
At the annual school meeting Mrs. J.
V. Curlee and Mrs. R. C. Catlett suc-
iceded themselves in the election. W.S.
lamilton and W. V. Vickrey were
sleeted to fill vacancies caused by W. S.
jartside's and S. Bentley's resignation.
Perry Kennison came very near a seri-
uis accident , one day lasc week ; while
iding his wheel the handle-bars came
oose running him into the ditch and
ausing him to make a somerset or two ;
iroke the pedal oil and generally bruised
iim all up.
y <
Read , it in His Newspaper. trK
George Schaub , a well known German citi- K
en of New Lebanon , Ohio , is a constant ttdi
; ader of the Dayton Volkszeitung. lie div
news that this paper aims to advertise only vb (
ic best in its columns , and when he saw P
! hamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein h (
sr lame back , he did not hesitate in buying a
ottle of it for his wife , who for eight weeks di
ad suffered with the most terrible pains in tli
er back and could get no relief. He says :
After using the Pain Balm for a few days my
ife said to me , 'I feel as though born anew , '
nd before using the entire contents of the
Dttle the unbearable pains had entirely van-
hed and she could again take up h ° r house-
old duties. " lie is very thankful and hopes
lat all suffering likewise will hear of her br
onderful recovery. This valuable liniment he
for sale by McConnell & Berry , Drjggists. th
My little son had an attack of whooping vl !
> ugh and was threatened with pneumonia ; tli
it for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we
ould have had a serious time of it. It also ov
.ved him from several severe attacks of St !
oup. H. J. STRICKFADEN , Editor \Vord- ! br
erald , Fair Haven , Wash. For sale by nuwi
cConnell & Berry , Druggists. wi
A surgical operation is not necessary to
ire piles. DeWitt's Witch I lazel Salve saves in
1 that expense and never fails. Beware of lie
lunterfeits. McConnell & Berry. fell !
Jennie To have a round beautiful neck
iggle your head from side to side ; every tin
Kht take Kocky Mountain Tea. It's a short an
t to a graceful form. c. Ask your drug- tie
rT anI
SK CVATOR i'lvipnrafs and renovate the
stem : purifies and enriches the hlooa ; euros
ic \-ir .t dyspepsia , cnr'-tip.ition. headai-he.
'kMners. rSrnntlfI. : it'iru i--s.
- . . . \r 'it.'i 'v
DB. J. Ka . : - Y. [ _
L * j - Egg H * , % ii& ir r& HP
Sold bv Lear and McMillen.
Mrs. E. E. Mngco of Fairmont , this
siate , was the ucstof Indianola friends ,
Sheriff A. 0. Orabtrco and H. B.
Duckworth were county-seat visitors ,
Reid jMcKenna was down from the
county capital , Tuesday , on a short visit
to friends.
John R. Neel attended the celebration
of Memorial Day by the Odd Fellows in
McCook , Sunday afternoon.
Operator and Mrs. Will Brown came
down from McCook , Sunday morning ,
on a short visit to her parents and family.
Robert Welborn of Los Angeles , Calif. ,
and Floyd Welborn of Denver , Colo. ,
who have been briefly visiting the homo
folks , left for the west , Sunday night
on 5 , taking No. . ' } at McCook for Denver.
The boys are employed by the Colorado
Iron and Fuel Co. , on handsome salaries.
How to Avoid Trouble.
Now is the time to provide yourself and
family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost
certain to be needed before the summer is
over , and if procured now may save you a trip
to town in the night or in your busiest season.
It is everywhere admitted to be the most suc
cessful medicine in use for bowel complaints ,
both for children and adults. No family can
afford to be without it. For sale by McCon
nell & Berry , Druggists.
Aside from the serious inconvenience and
pain caused by piles , there is a tendency to
fistula and to cancer in the rectal regions.
I'iles should not be allowed to run on un
checked. Tabler's Muckeye Pile Ointment is
an infallible remedy. ? rice 50 cts. a bottle ,
tubes 75 cts. A. McMillen.
A sallow , jaundiced skin is a symptom of
disordered liver , as it springs from biliary
poisons retained in the blood , which destroy
energy , cheerfulness , strength , vigor , happi
ness and life. Herbine will restore tiie nat
ural functions of the liver. Price 50 cts. A.
If the predisposition to worms in children
is not cured they may become emaciated ,
weakly and in danger of convulsions. White's
Cream Vermifuge is the most successful and
popular remedy. Price 25 cts. A. McMillen.
Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth , Va. , over
QO years of age buffered for years with a bad
sore on his face. Physicians could not help
him. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him
permanently. McConnell & Berry.
If your sight is blurred with specks and
spots floating before your eyes , or you have
pains on the right side under the ribs , then
your liver is deranged , and you need a few
[ loses of Herbine to regulate it. Price 50 cts.
A. McMillen.
Danger , disease and death follow neglect
of the bowels. Use DeWitt's Little Early
Risers to regulate them and you will add
yeais to your life and life to your years. Easy
to take ; never gripe. McConnell & Berry.
Hardly a day passes , in families where
there are childien , in which Hallard's Snow
Liniment is not needed. It quickly cures cuts ,
ivounds , bruises , burns and scalds. Price 25
and 50 cts. A. McMillen
Ec/ema , saltrheuin , tetter , chafing , ivy pois
oning and all skin tortures are quickly cured
> y DeWitt's Witch Ha/el Salve. The certain
rile cure. McConnell & Berry.
Estimate of _ expenses for the current year
901 , by the city council of the city of McCook ,
Resolved by the Mayor and City Council of
he City of McCook. Nebraska , that the follow-
UK be and the same hereby is adopted as the
istimate of expenses for said city of McC'ook ,
or the fiscal year commencing May 7th , 19U1 :
for salaries of ollicer.-i , other than police. . . 500.X ( )
ilaking. repairing , alleys , streets and
cross \yalks SOO.M )
! 'o pay firemen aud supplies ; W.VU )
Jent for water troughs aud street bpriiik-
liiiB 1700.00
inpplies , rent , claims and elections IMJO.OO
.lighting streets ] : ; OU.X ( )
nterest on bond aud sinking fund. . . . 11)00.00 )
Total $7400.00
The entire revenue * for the city for the year
nding May G , 1901 :
ieneral fund $ 2.il2.15
iccnpation fund 2199.CO
iTater fund lH. >
'emetery ' fund 2tK5.7.'i
light fund 11WU2
Total & < Kr > .2S
The entire expense of the city for the year
ading May 6,1901 :
oneral fund SJ.Vil.42
ccupation fund 207.9T :
r'ater fund 21'j : { . W
emetery fund 2. 7.7."i
ire fund ' " . ( KS
ight fund 1141.41
Total $ & 472.til
Passed and approved this lirst day of June ,
< J1. C. K. KLDKED , .Mayor.
[ SEAL. ] E. J. WILCOX , Clerk.
Abbie Smith , David D. Smith , Leva Smith ,
atie Clienery , Delhi Carringer. Car-
riger , husband of Delia Carringer , whose fir t
ime is unknown to plaintiff , as heirs at law
: Devier J. Smith , deceased , defendant-- , will
ike notice that John E. Kelley has filed his
3tition in the District Court of Hed Willow
Dimty , Nebraska , the object and prayer of
Inch is to foreclose a lien for the delinquent
; xes legally assessed Jiml levied on Jot number
ven (7) ( ) in block number thirty CiOi in theorig-
al town of McCook , in said county , for the
iars 1.S91 , l&r , 1J > 9G , 1&97 , 1MH , lt > 99 , for which
xes said lot was sold to the said John E.
alley , by the treasurer of paid county on Sep-
mber 2t,19/0at ( / private tax sale. There is now
le plaintiff on said tax sale the sum of $29.12 ,
itli 20 per cent interest thereon- from Septem-
ir 24,1900. and an attorney's fee equal to ten
T cent of the amount of the decree entered
irein , and plaintiff prays for a decree that the
fendants be required to pay said Mim or that
id premises bo sold to satisfy the 'aid amount
10 for _'s _ fees and the co ts of
is action. You are required to answer said
tition on or before Monday the 13th day of
ily A. D. , 1901.
: i-lts JOHN E. KKLLET. Plaintiff.
McCook , Nebraska , May 29,1901.
In ordinance prohibiting the standing and
eeding of Jacks and Stallions within two
ndred yards of any bu-ini , or dwelling
use in the City of McCook , and prohibiting
a parading of the same for show upon the
blic streets of the City 9f McCook , and pro-
ling a penalty for the violation of the = ame.
) e it ordained bv the Mayor and Council of
} City of McCook. Nebra-ka :
Jec. 1 That it shall be unlawful for any
ner or owners of any Jack or Stallion to
ind the same or keep nch Jack or Stallion for
? eding purposes within two hundred yards of
y place of business or auy dwelling hnir-u
thin said city , at any time in the jear.
> ec. 2 That it shall be unlawful for any
r'on or persons , their agentor einplojne to
.d any Jack or Stallion owned by them , or
their possession , upon and through the pub-
streets for the purpo-e of exhibiting and
> wing the same to the public.
! ec. 'A Any person or per-on = violating any of
above provisions of this ordinance , shall be
ilty of a misdemeanor , and upon conviction
reef , shall be fined iu any -um not to exceed
y dollars and be liable for cotof pro'-ecn-
n. aud that he shall stand committed until
: h fine and costs are paid , 25
'ec. ' 4 This ordinance shall be iu force from
1 afteritpasageapproval and publication ,
'a sed and approved June 'Jlth. Wl.
SEAL ) C. E. ELDEEU. Mayor.
\ViLCrcs. . Clerk.
r. law's Liursg BaSm
m * ft O
rf > 3 PVTV fcirul of poujrh. la ? rppp , 1 > ronchiti = .
r throat , croup , whooping cough , ftc. Never
anses the stomach. At Drug-gists ,
Sold by Lear ami McMillen.
Call at McConnell & Merry's drugstore and r
get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. They arc nil elegant
physic. They also improve tlic appetite ,
strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver
and bowels. ' 1 hey are easy to take and pleas
ant in effect.
D. W. V. GAGE ,
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
OFFICB First National hank- building , imxt
to City hall. JIouitM 8 IO to 12 ; ltol > ; 7to ! .
Night culls nnsworud from nj.-mloneo ever bank.
MRS. 8 , E. GRIGGS ,
Hair ( ironside. HhampooiiiK anil scalp treatment -
mont Riven for thu bontifltof the liair. n
truutnumt Riven , wrinkle * mnmviMl and all fact *
hlumibliori romovud. 'I'liono No. * 3. Upstair- )
Front ever Opera
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. p. o. Building :
jar-Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office--
Rear of First National hank.
All dental \york done at our office is jniar-
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and 1'late Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
A. Reliable ? Over Mc
Connell &
Graduate Dentist Berry's. . . .
S. D. McCLAIN , Prop.
b F. D. BURGESS , &
I Plonker and I
Steam Fitter
J Iron. Lead { and Sewer Pipe , Brass
i Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
. Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
tjtkJ *
All Calls For The
Answered by the
Will make all trains , and answer - *
swer all calls to any &
part of the city.
'PHONE 36.
W. H. Ackerman. * *
MeCook , Ne
o You Want , \
o Save Money ?
nd in your name and arldre- and g"t
r Catalo ju - uf all kinds of M rchan-
e at price < defying comp < ; ti t i o n.
illy Illustrated Catalogue sent on
: eipt of 10 cents for postage.
r to 261 Dearborn Street , Chicago , 111.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison
Medicine -
. cine Co. , Madison , Wis. It
1 Oceeps you well. Our trade
mar * cut on each package.
Pri" . 35 cents. Never sold
- * = - - in bulk. Accept no substl.
3npo ATioi aa tutc. Ask your druggist. '