The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 21, 1901, Image 8

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    Did You Notice Those
Bike Shoes For. . .
S3 *
In our window ? They are
made of good , strong , can =
vas , with a solid leather sole.
flcCook , Nebraska
. .
tSgg ! 5ji * ip anje aspt sfgrxjp - v ft Jtjjcajjt j j *
Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $5,000 " *
* * c
00' * s.
Safe. Always reliable , turtle * , ask Druggist for
Gold metallic boxes , sealed with blue ribbon.
Tnke no other. Refuse dangeroutt substi-
tutionxand imitations. Buyof yourDrutjgist ,
or send -lc. in stamps for Particular * . Teati-
monlnlM and "Relief for failles , " in letter ,
by return 3IaIl. 10OOO Testimonials. Sold by
all Druggists.
3100 Madison Square , I'MILA. , PA.
Hentlon thin paper.
For relief and comfort in asthma Ballard'i
Horehound Syrup has no equal. Price 2 [
and 50 cts. A. McMillen.
Imitators have been many. Thoughtful
people have learned that true merit come :
only with the genuine Kocky Mountain Tea
made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35. Ask
your druggist.
"A few months ago food that late for break
fast would not remain on my stomach for hall
< in hour. I used one bottle of vour Kodo )
Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my break
fast and other meals with a relish and my
food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles. "
K. S. Pitts , Arlington , Texas. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure digests what you eat. McConnell &
Dyspeptics cannot be long lived because to
live requires nourishment. Food is not nour
ishment until it is digested. A disordered
stomach cannot digest lood , it must have as
sistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests all
kinds of food without aid from the stomach ,
al'owing it to rest and regain its natural func
tions. Its elements are exactly the same as
the natural digestive fluids and it simply
can't help but do you good. McConnell &
Only 50 Cents
Bv to make your baby strong and' '
h well. A fifty cent bottle of
Scott's Emulsion
will change a sickly baby to
' a plump , romping child.
Only one cent a day , think
i Of it. Its as nice ss cream.
Sent ! f > T a free sample , and try it.
SCOTT & BOWXE , Chemists.
) 405-415 1'earl Street , New York.
I joe. and $1.00 ; all druggists.
Fine rain and growing crops.
'Miss Mary Peters spent Sunday a ;
John Sly's.
J. H. Wade's entertained companj
from Danbury over Sunday.
Andrew Anderson's house was strucli
by lightning , last Friday night ; damages
There will be an ice cream social at
the Park school-house , June 22nd.
Everybody is cordially invited.
People in this community wonder what
the attraction over south is that Eoy
Barnes is seen traveling in that direction
so much lately.
Andrew Anderson and wife accom
panied by Ernest Hill , visited in Front
ier county , Sunday. A new home has
been found for the latter.
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB
UNE , % ve have made arrangements with the
Following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press . $ i oo j > i 50
Leslie's Weekly. . 4 oo 3 oo
Prairie Farmer . i oo 1 75
Chicago Inter-Ocean. i oo 1 35
Cincinnati Enquirer. . 100- 150
New-York Tribune. . . . I oo 1 25
Demorest's Magazine i oo 1 75
Toledo Blade . i oo 125
Nebraska Farmer - I oo 1 50
[ q wa Homestead . i oo i 45
Lincoln Journal . i oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture . I oo 150
STew-York World . i oo i 65
DmahaBee . I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine . I oo i So
5t. Louis Republic . I oo 175
vansas City Star . 25 115
STebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer . 50 125
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 I 15
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
§ Kay's Lung Balm
cures every kind of couch , la srippe , bronchitis ,
sore throat , croup , whooping cough , etc. Never
deranges the stomach. AtDruggists , 10 25c.
Sold by Lear and McMillen.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , NVorasku , Juno 11 ; 1901
Hoard of county conuni.ibioners mot iiur.sui
to adjournment : Present. Stephun Belles , D
\Vntorman tinil Maurice Itodily , coininiHsiont
nnd II. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes
previous inuutiiii ; rouii anil approved.
RosiRiiation of G. F. Kinghorn , sheriff , ro
and on motion accepted , and A. C. Cnibti
appointed to flll tlm vacancy.
Itoard commenced equalization of HK-e3iin <
and continued the same during the day.
On motion board adjourned tomeot.Tuuol-
1 )1.
Attest : R. A. GKKUN , County Clerk
McCook , Nebraska. Jnuo 12.1901
Hoard of county commissioners mot pursui
to adjournment. Proseut , Stephen Hellos ,
A. Waterman and Maurice Keddy , county co
missiomrs. and K. A. Greou , county clei
Minutes of previous meeting read and approvt
Hoard continued equalization of assessmc
during tli < > day.
On motion board adjourned to meet Juno 131
Attest : It. A. GKEB.V , County Clerk
McCook , Nebraska , June 13tli , 1901
Hoard of county commissioners mot pursua
to adjournment. Present , Stephen Holies , D.
Waterman and Maurice Reddy , county coiiim
piouurs , and It. A. Green , county clerk. Minut
of previous meeting read and approved.
Thu following ofliciul bond was examined ai
on motion approved : A. C. Crabtroe , sheriff.
The following claims were audited and allo
cd , and on motion clerk was instructed to drr
warrants on the general county fund , levy
11XX ) , in payment thereof as follows :
E. G. Cnin & Co. , lumber and coal $14
State Journal Co. , supplies
S. R. Smith , supplies for county sup't 4
Electric Light Co. , light for April and May ! i
John Green , watt-ring trees 2
Mrs. Jennie Hewer , board and care of pauper
M. J. Clark , transportation pauper 2
Dr. R. H. Campbell , medical attendance
j. W. Short , house rent for pauper 10
3. W. Short , mdse. for paupers 117
2. L. DeGroll' & Co. , sumo 5
William McCullum , same 24
Vlbert Guy , same 1C
Tames McAdams , same 23
J. A. Wilcox i Son , same 9
D. G. Coglizor , labor on court house per
contract 12 : !
3. G. Coglizer , same 2sO
3. G. Coglizor , same CO
5. W. Stilgobouer , Heaver & .V
. S. Modrell , Hex Elder 57
tV. K. Forsey , Coleman ) . "
T. J. Dhnmitt , Danbury fw
F. H. Wade , Driftwood 47 i
I. L. Hurtou , East Valley S3 :
li. M. Howard , Fritsch 57 i
I. Pickrall , Grant 45-
t. H. Nichols , Lebanon 00 i
icorge Hontley , North Valley 51 i
rred Leppor , Perry 5fi *
' . A. Endsley. Red Willow 50 ;
I. L. Green , Willow Grove 19:5 : (
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1900 , f
allows : - ' '
Illsworth Hillpot , bridce work 7 '
' . J. Gathercole , same 71
. W. Peters , same 12 ;
. Lawthers , same 11 J
aruett Lumber Co. , lumber 191 ]
Ibert Wagy , hauling lumber , 2 . "
oseph Junker , removing bridge 1 0
. Lord , hardware , 10 a
And on county road fund , levy of 1900 , as fo
> ws :
R. Pate , road work 52
' . K. Forsey , same 5 C
. H. Tubbs , same 50
Board continued equalization of asbessmeu
uring the day.
Ou motion board adjourned to meet June lltli
Attest : R. A. GKEEX , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , Juuo lltli , 1901.
Board of county commissioners met purauau
> adjournment. Present , Stephen Belles , D. A
"atermun and Maurice Rcddy , county commis
oners , and R. A. Greeu , county clerk. Mic
tes of previous meeting read and approved.
Hoard continued equalization of asses men
uring the day.
On motion board adjourned sine die.
Attest : R. A. GRECX , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , Juno 17th , 1901.
Hoard of county commissioners met in regula
ission. Present , Stephen Holies , D. A. Water
; an and Maurice Reddy , county commission
s , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and R. A
reen , county clerk. Minutes of proviou ;
eoting read and approved.
Bond of James R. Carroll , examined and or
otion approved.
Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro
iled , the sum of $75.00 was on motion appro <
iatcd from the general fund of the county tc
ifray the expenses of holding a teachers' iusti'
The following claims were audited and
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed tc
aw warrants on the county general fund , levy
1900 , in payment thereof us follows :
M. Osborn , drayage $1 2j
lia G. Yager , rent for pauper 6'M
E. Moore , board and care of paupers. . . 10 7S
A. Green , postage and express for the
; ounty ofllcers 41 43
A. Green , salary for 2nd quarter , 1901. . 0250
aphen Belles , services as commissioner. 30 SO
A. Waterman , same 30 00
lurico Reddy , same 35 20
Uid on county bridge fund , levy of 1900 , as
lows :
orge Younger , bridge work 5 00
) n further consideration of the equalization
assessments for the year 1901 , the board finds
it in order to make a just and equitable
iessmentitis necessary to add and deduct
tain per centages on the real estate in the
lowing precincts :
Jast Valley , add 20 per cent ; Indianola , add
er cent ; Lebanon , deduct 10 per cent.
? ho board having completed the equalization
assessment finds the total value of real and
sonal property as returned by the assessors
1 equalized by the board of equalization for
i year 1901 to be $1,253,710.73.
) u motion the levy of taxes for the year 1901
s made as follows :
unty General Fund , 9 mills.
unty Bridge Fund , 3.7 mills.
unty Road Fund , 2 mills.
diers' Relief Fund .3 mills.
How Grove Precinct , G mills.
rth Valley Precinct , 10 mills.
rtley Village Bond , 15 mills. ,
Cook City Bond , 5 mills.
:1 : Willow County Bond , 1 mill.
chool district bond levy for the year 1901 :
20 3 G
13 s U
5 Hi 12
10 20 s
0 24 7
tj 27 10
5 34 5
15 41 20
10 44. . . . . 10
10 49 5
12 51 10
S 55 20
10 5S 10
30 05 0
, 10 7t > " " ' r
6 S4 . ! . . . ! . .20
he estimate of the school board of the city
JcCook having been filed with the board o'f
nty commissioners "as by law directed" the
owing levies were made :
or the support of the schools , 25 mills.
iterest on bonded indebtedness and creating
iing fund , 10 mills.
n motion board adjourned to meet July 1st ,
ttest : R. A. GREEX , County Clerk.
Ruby Fletcher is home again.
The finest rain of the season , Tuesc
Oscar Lohr spent Sunday with
brother Ed in Beaver City.
Frank Vickrey was a busy clerk
Smith & Cochrau , last week.
S. W. Clark and wife were Indiaiv
visitors , Tuesday of this week.
Mayor Miller intends to have the 1
havior of our town the very best.
Curlee Bros , are painting the outsi
and inside of their store building.
A. Y. Lincoln returned from his fu
ing expedition with a fine repast of fit
James Finnegan has resigned his \
sitiou with the B. & M. and is at hoi
P. S. Clayton is rejoicing over the a
vent of a daughter into his home ai
Mrs. E. D. Blair , the W. C. T.i i
2halk talker , gave us a treat , Moud ;
Percy Catlett and Perry Ginther i.
tended the convention at Beaver Cit
last week.
Lymau Jennings has returned fro
tiis visit at Curtis ; he reports lots
rain there.
Mrs. Ellen Blackson reports a broki
A'ind-mill as a result of the heavy wim
) f this week.
Prof. Hendee will engage for the sin
ner in newspaper work. Again sticce
; o ye professor.
Mrs. M. E. Barger returned to h
ionic in Cambridge at the request i
> ur town board.
Rev. C. J. Johnson had a fine pap
jefore the district convention at Beav <
Jity , last week.
Harry Payne completed a telephoi
ine from town to the residence of E. ]
smith , this week.
There was a party of four that wei
ishing , stayed two days , and returne
vith seven pounds of fish.
Ed Curlee has been enjoying ( ? ) toot !
.che , tooth extraction and tooth grul
ting : still the .ache continues.
Rev. Crippeu preache.d the A. O. I
V. Floral sermon at Beaver City , la :
iunday , returning on Tuesday.
Will Lyman is putting up alfalfa ha
n his farm and Miss Pearl Lyman i
taying with her aunt while Will is awaj
The silver medal contest is bein
lanned for a date in the near future
tien the gold medal contest will con
lete the series.
Our town is pushing the preparation
) r Fourth celebration as rapidly as pos
ible. Everybody is talking about th
lerry-go-round that day.
There are quite a number of pupils o
istrict IS being set over into our distric
> r schooling. Why not take the distric
i and let us have the benefit of all th
ixes if we are to school their children
A new male quartette made its ap
earance , Monday night : Messrs
rank Hodgkin , J. A. Curlee , W. S
[ innich , A. B. Wilson composed thi
uartette and did very well , considering
le fact that it was their first effort am
i one can overcome stage fright with
it experience.
Read it in His Newspaper.
George Schaub , a well known German citi
n of New Lebanon , Ohio , is a constan
ader of the Dayton Volkszeitung. Hi
lows that this paper aims to advertise onlj
e best in its columns , and when he saw
lamberlain's Pain Balm advertised thereir
r lame back , he did not hesitate in buying c
ittle of it for his wife , who for eight weeks
d suffered with the most terrible pains in
r back and could get no relief. He says ;
ifter using the Pain Balm for a few days my
fe said to me , 'I feel as though born anew , '
d before using the entire contents of the
ttle the unbearable pains had entirely van-
led and she could again take up h r house-
Id duties. " He is very thankful and hopes
it all suffering likewise will hear of her
mderful recovery. This valuable liniment
for sale by McConnell & Berry , Drjggists.
Mrs. Will Sexson visited her parents
Box Elder over Sunday.
W. P. Elmer is circulating a petition
r appointment as postmaster at Indi-
Miss Anna Holland is home from
snver , where she has been teaching
Fohn Longnecker and son , Jake , and
ughters , Gaby and Katie , attended
3 convention at Beaver City , last week.
kV. P. Elmer , in company with W. O.
nd , made a flying trip to Eustis ,
under county , Sunday and Monday.
it is said to be a fact that there are
ung men in a precinct a few miles
rth-west of here who think more of
> young widows than they do of the
, veet-sixteen" girls ; how is it boys ?
. good rain on 14th and a shower on
i 17th made the countenances of the
mers brighten. Spring wheat that
s sown late is looking fine ; fall wheat
veedy and injured by dry weather ;
: in fair condition.
Iy little son had an attack of whooping
gh and was threatened with pneumonia ;
for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we
ild have had a serious time of it. It also
ed him from several severe attacks of
jp. H. J. STRICKFADEX , Editor World-
raid , Fair Haven , Wash. For sale by
Connell & Berry , Druggists.
Jacob Wescli was at Traer , Ivans
The junk man was in this vicin
Inst week.
The Sunday school at this place
progressing very nicely.
J. II. and J. G. Relph have resun
breaking on .34 since the rains.
H. II. Benjamin and family of ( ! er
were Banksville visitors , one day 1 ;
II. I. Peterson and diaries Few
were over in Gerver , part of this wee
cultivating corn.
Rev. J. W. Walker of McCook
preach at the school house , next Me
day evening , the 21th.
The recent rains have have put t
ground in fine shape for growing croj
and the prospect at present is ve
The annual school meeting promis
to be an interesting one in this distri
as there are two members of the boa
to be elected and considerable oth
business to be transacted.
How to Avoict Trouble.
Now is the time to provide yourself a ;
family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Col
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almt
certain to be needed before the summer
over , and if procured now may save you a ti
to town in the night or in your busiest seasc
It is everywhere admitted to be the most si
cessful medicine in use for bowel complain
both lor children and adults. No family c ;
afford to be without it. For sale by McCo
nell & Berry , Druggists.
Aside from the serious inconvenience ai
pain caused by piles , there is a tendency
listula and to cancer in the rectal regior
Piles should not be allowed to run on u
: hecked. Tabler's buckeye Pile Ointment
in infallible remedy. trice 50 cts. a bottl
.ubes 75 cts. A. McMillen.
A sallow , jaundiced skin is a symptom
iisordered liver , as it springs from bilia
) oisons retained in the blood , which destn
: nergy , cheerfulness , strength , vigor , hapi
less and life. Ilerbine will restore the nn
iral functions of the liver. Trice 50 cts. j
If the predisposition to worms in childrt
s not cured they may become emaciate
veakly and in danger of convulsions. Whitt
3ream Vermifuge is the most successful ar
> opular remedy. Price 25 cts. A. McMille
Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth , Va. , ovi
10 years of age suffered for years with a ba
ore on his face. Physicians could not he !
lim. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured hi ;
lermanently. McConnell & Berry.
If your sight is blurred with specks an
pots floating before your eyes , or you lin.\
tains on the right side under the ribs , the
our liver is deranged , and you need a fe
loses of Ilerbine to regulate it. Price 50 ct
L McMillen.
Jennie To have a round beautiful nee
niggle your head from side to side ; evei
ight take Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a shout
ut to a graceful form. 35c. Ask your dru <
Danger , disease and death follow neglee
f the bowels. Use DeWitt's Little Marl
lisers to regulate them and you will ad
ears to your life and life to your years. lias
3 take ; never gripe. McConnell & Berry.
Hardly a day passes , in families wlier
icre are children , in which Ballard's Snoi
.iniment is not needed. It quickly cures cut :
'ounds , bruises , burns and scalds. Price 2
nd 50 cts. A. McMillen
Eczema , saltrheum , tetter , chafing , ivy pois
ning and all skin tortures are quickly curei
y DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Thecertaii
ile cure. McConnell & Berry.
A surgical operation is not necessary t <
ire piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve save
! 1 that expense and never fails. Beware o
lunterfeits. McConnell & Berry.
Estimate of expeni-es for the current ycai
01. by the city council of the city of McCook
Resolved by the Mayor and City Council 01
10 City of McCook , Nebraska , that the follow
K be and the same hereby adopted as tin
timuto of expenses for said city of McCook
r the fiscal year commencing ; May 7th. 1HM :
> r salaries of ollicers , other than police. . $ 5UO.IA
aking , repairing , alleys , street ? and
cross walks . ( XX
> pay firemen and supplies . 30U.1A
jut for water troughs and street sprink-
li K- . . . . . . 1700.0C
ipplies , rent , claims and elections
ghting streets
terest on bond and sinking fund
Total . § 7400.0U
Hie entire revenues for the city for the year
ding May 0 , 1901 :
moral fund . $ 27i 12.1.
pupation fund . 21W > . ? i
liter fund . l .Vj.t l
metery fund . IK ! 7.
ght fund . 110/12
Total . 37WK.2H
Lho entire expense of the city for the year
iling May 6 , 1901 :
moral f und . $2. .42
cupation fund . 2IM7.97
liter fund . 21K1.43
metery fund . 2.(7.7r
re fund . > : !
ght fund . 1H1.41
Total. . . . . Su47i l
'assed and approved this first day of June ,
' ! , C. E. ELDKKD , Mayor.
SEAL. ] E. J. WILCOX , Clerk.
Lbbie Smith , David D. Smith. Leva Smith ,
itie Chenery , Delia Carringer , - Car-
iger , husband of Delia Carringer , whose first
me is unknown to plaintiff , as heirs at law
Devier J. Smith , deceased , defendants , will
ce notice that John E. Kelley has filed hU
tition in the District Court of Red Willow
unty , Nebraska , the object and prajer of
ich is to foreclose a lien for the delinquent
ces legally assessed and levied on lot number
en i7i in block number thirty ijjOi in theorig-
il town of McCook. in said county , for the
irs 1S91. 1S93 , lb % , 17. ! 1 ! ! . 1 99 , for which
: es said lot was sold to the said John E.
lley , by the treasurer ofaid county on riep-
nber 21lXOat ! private tax sale. There i ? now
3 plaintiff on said tax salt ; the sum of 29.12.
: h 20 per cent interest thereon from Septfm-
21 , 1900. and an attorney's fee equal to ten
cent of the amount of the decree entered
em , and plaintiff prays for a decree that th ;
endants be required to pay said sum or that
d premises be sold to satirfy the said amount
j for taxes. attorney's fees and the co t of
s action. You are required to answer said
; ition on or before Monday the loth day of
[ y A. D. , 1901.
-4ts JOHN E. KEI.I.ET. Plaintiff.
[ cCook , Nebraska , May 29 , iwa.
ENOVATOH , invigorates and renovates the
? temt purifies and enriches the Wood ; cures
; worst dyspepsia , constipation , headache ,
eranl kidneys. 25c and ? 1 , at druggists. Free
advice , sample and book.
Dr. B. J. Kay , Saratoga , N. Y.
Sold bv Lear and McMillen.
Call at McConnell & Berry's drug store ami
get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach ]
and Liver Tablets. They arc nn elegant
physic. They also improve the appetite ,
strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver
and boxvels. They are e.t y to take and pleas
ant in effect.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
rOmc'K-First National hank building , next
to City hull. Hoims-SW ; : ) to 12 ; 1 to t > ; 7 to U.
Night calls answered from ni-udonco ovur hank.
MRS. 8. E. GH1GGS ,
Hair dns.-Miig , shampooing anil * calp troat-
inetit given for the benefit of the hair. MamgH
treatment given , wrinkles removed anil all fact *
blemishes roinovi'il. 'I'hoiio No. tj. Upstair-i
Front over Opera House.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. p. O. Building *
of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar-
uiteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
3rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Faylor , assistant.
< Y Reliable Over McConnell -
Connell &
Graduate Dentist Berry's. . . .
S. D. McCLAIN , Prop.
| Plumber and
Iteam Fitter
\ Iron. Lead jand Sewer , Brass
I Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun. Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
Answered by the
Will make all trains , and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city.
'PHONE 36.
W. H. Ackerman , fr
McCook , Nebraska. 9
a {
o Save Money ?
ad in your name and address and got
r Catalogue of all kinds of Merirhan-
e at prices defying competition.
lly Illustrated Catalogue en t on
: eipt of 10 centri for postage.
r to 261 Dearborn Street , Chicago , 111.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison. Wis. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never sold
in bulk. Accept no substU
tute. Ask your druggist.