DANBURY. P f Mitchell Voting shipped n car load ( hogs to St. Joseph Wednesday morninf .Rev. Forbes of McCook was over an preached a very interesting sermon D * * the M. E. church , last Sunday night. 'V' ' ' The alfalfa hay nien of this place hav ' worked to much disadvantage durin i last week on account of the much rai \ ' fall. iv II. D. Kettering nnd Marion Waltei [ &f expects soon to start on n touring tri down through Oklahoma , and will b gone n month or so. A negro comedy company showed i iw the town opern hall , last Wednesda night , to quite a large audience : th show wus n very good one of its hint nnd fared well financially. Special Adjuster Lawler of the Farn : ers nnd Merchants Insurance Co. c Lincoln was here nnd ndjusted th losses of A. P. Kedfern nnd II. A. Bui Tuesdny , which occurred some tw weeks ngo by n wind storm. Mr. Rec fern hnd his barn slightly moved off th foundation , nnd Bull's loss wns a grnr nry nnd corn crib which wns nlmos completely torn down by the wind. Another hnil storm visited the sectio nnd country north nnd enst of town , Ins Monday , nt about the hour of 5 p. m , nnd laid waste to hnlf of the growin crops in its path. The cloud nppearei in the north-west , Into in the nfternoor only a small cloud nt first , but gntherei very fnst nnd took n south-easterly direc tion , following the same territory as tw years ago on the 25th of this month \ ns it hnppened but very little wind nc compnnied the storm , nnd the hail fel nlmost straight down , thick nnd large n hen's eggs , stripping the wheat nnd con almost to the ground. Many of th fnrmers north of town were insurei ngainst hnil and their loss will not be si heavy. The corn is smnll yet nnd wil come out where it wns not washed ou or covered up by the heavy wnterfal that followed. Another good rain fell Tuesdny night , which wns the most gen ernl rnin in this section since the middl of April. From half to an inch of wate fell , and the ground now is iu excellen growing condition ; the corn nnd when hnve made a wonderful growth the Inst week. Refunded. \ \ an tee Dr. Kay' s Reno vatoi to cure dyspepsia , const ! pation , liver and kidneys. Best tonic , laxative blood purilier lnown for all chronic diseases renovates and invigorates tne whole system ant cures very worst cases. Get trial box at once II not satisfied with it notify us , we will refum money by return mail. Write your symptoms for Free Medical Advice , sample and proof. 25 i 50c at druggists. Dr. B.J.Kay , Saratoga , N.Y SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of makes 2 gallons of the VERT BEST PAINT in the WORLD of yonrpaint bill. Is FAR MORE DURABLE than PCKE VviiiTE LEAD nnd is ABSOLUTELY NOT POI SONOUS. HAMMAR PAIXT is made of the BEST OB PAIKT MATERIALS such as all good painters use , and is ground TUIOK , VERY THICK. No trouble to mix. any boy can do it. It is the COMMON SENSE OF HOUSE PAINT. No BETTER paint can be made at ANY coat , and is KOT TO CRACK , BLISTER , PEEI. or CHIP. r. HA3IMAR PAINT CO. , St. Louis , 2Io. I" Sold and guaranteed by / fjffi. | S. M. COCHRAN & CO r S McCOOK , NEB. Zft&fi. Utt. ROTH EKBERG & SCHJLOSS DiSTRiBUTORS. KANSAS CITY. MO , rice , etc. , of Dr. B. J. Kay , Saratoga , N. Y , X. Sold by Lear and McMillen. Pythian Memorial Day. No special day of the Pythian year i more closely observed than Memorii Day ; indeed among the fraternnls , tli Pythians are the institutors of thi charming and touching custom of dec < rating the graves of departed brethren- ; and in its proper observance' , McCoo lodge takes no second place among tli lodges of the state. And so the beaut ful exercises of last Sunday afternoo were but typical und characteristic c order and lodge. At two o'clock , the members of M < Cook lodge assembled in their castl hall and headed by the Nebraska Brigad band , K. of P. , proceeded to the Cor gregational church , where they wer addressed by Rev. and Sir Knight W. j Turner , who used as the basis of his n marks "Fraternity. " A male quartett led iu the music of the occasion. Th attendaucs of Knights was large , wit quite a sprinkling of others not men bers of the order. The decorations were strikingly prett } though not elaborate. The order colon red , yellow and blue , in streamers wer draped from the center of the organ a' cove and festooned over the chancel rail a sword , a hemlet and shields , palm : potted plants and cut flowers in profus beauty composed the very attractiv e fleet. After the brief services iu the church the Knights marched to the city limits where conveyances carried them to th several burial grounds , where the grave of departed Knights were lavishly decc rated in the use of the impressive ritual istic service of the order , and in th presence of quite a number of spectators In Longview cemetery floral offering ind the distinctive myrtle were strew ; upon the graves of Samuel Fisk , Swa : 2. Nelson and John M. Stranahau. Ii Riverview that of John B. McCabe wa similarly remembered ; besides the grave of departed members of families o Knights in both cemeteries. From the cemeteries the Knights returned s turned to their castle hall and disbanded having performed well a tender duty t the dead. No deaths occurred in McCook lodg luring the past year. Excursion Rates to Eastern Cities These rates will interest you. They are as low as will be in effect a my time this summer : DETROIT July 5 , 6 and 7 , $29 90 fo the round trip. CINCINNATI July 4 , 5 and 6 , $29.1 , to Cincinnati and return. MILWAUKEE July 20 , 21 and22$25.2 , for the round trip. CHICAGO July 23 , 24 , and 25 , $23.11 for the round trip. I < ow rates daily to the Pan-Auiericai Exposition at Buffalo. Ask the ticke igent about them. J. FRANCIS , General Passenger Agent Dmaha , Neb. 6-14-413. Not Going West This Summer ? Haven't you heard about the low rate to Colorado and Utah offered by thi Burlington Route ? They are the lowest ever made so lov that it is almost cheaper to take advau tage of them than it is to stay at home In effect all summer long from thi irst of June until the middle of Septem ber. ber.See See the local agent or , if you prefer write to J. Francis , General Passenge \gent , Omaha , Neb. , enclosing will pour letter six cents in stamps for "Col jrado , " a 72-page book , handsome ! ] llustraled and full of interesting infer nation about the cool resorts in thi Mountains. 5-24-613. United States * Pension Koll. On June 30 , 1898 , the pension rolU 3f the United States contained 993,714 names. Forty-three thousand were Jropped during the fiscal year 34,34 because of death and 8,841 because ol remarriage. On the other hand , 40,991 new claims were allowed , so that the aumber of pensions stood on June 3C last at 991,519. The decrease in ex penditure during the year was muct more marked , the total falling from 5144,651,000 in 1897-98 to $138,253,000 IE 1898-99. This last is the smallest sum Jlsbursed since the new conditions created by the dependent act have had to be faced , and reasonable assurance 3f a further natural shrinkage in the innual expenditures is to be found in the fact that ยง 3,000,000 less were paid sut last year than three years ago , svhen the list of pensioners was fullj 21,000 shorter than it is today. HOTV slight an addition to pension burdens the war with Spain will make may be guessed from the statement that , al though 16,98(5 ( claims have been filed for disabilities incurred in that briel contest , only 295 have so far been passed on favorably. Altogether , the Dutlook for a diminished pension ac count has greatly improved. Captured a Big : Turtle. From the Milford , Mass.- , News : William Morey and Albert Barton , while fishing at Popolatic , captured what is considered the largest turtle that has ever been taken from the wa ter in this vicinity. They pulled the turtle to the surface of the water with in ordinary fish hook and line and as soon as he showed his head two bullets were discharged from a revolver into the same , which stunned it so that it rolled over , when the two fishermen sedzed its tall and pulled it into their boat and brought it to town , where it waa weighed. It tipped the scales at Sfty-three pounds. Two Frenchmen purchased it for ? 1.50 , which was con sidered but one-half its value. THE DEADLY COBRA. Hovr Venomous Creatnrc In Handle Ity Hindoo Siiulic Charmer * . The creatures were on the defensive but not one of them attempted t strike at the master , who sat serencl In front of them , so long as he di nothing to annoy them. Kullau talkc to them as if they were his desires friends. After a time one or the othc of thorn would lower its head , colhips Its li'vi'l and begin to try to wriggl av. V.'hr-reupon Kullan would giv it . - ; MUM ! little rap on the tail wit his stick and bring it instantly to ai tontion again. Whether this man po ; scssed any special magic over these C ( bras or whether the description give below of Ijow he could handle and pla with them was simply due to his metl od I cannot say. He himself repudiz ted the idea of magic and asserted po Itively that any one who had the nee essary nerve and dexterity could d exactly the same. He used no reed instrument or im sic of any kind to propitiate the rer tiles. He would simply squat on hi haunches in front of them , and , afte they had been hissing and swayin ; their uplifted heads backward and foi ward for a few minutes , he raised hi hands above their heads and slowl ; made them descend till they rested 01 the snakes' heads. He then stroke them gently , speaking all the time ii the most endearing Hindoostane terms. The serpents appeared spell bound. They made no effort to reseu the liberty , but remained quite still with heads uplifted , and seemed rathe to enjoy it. Presently his hands woul < descend down the necks about thre inches below the heads , his finger would close loosely around the necks and he would lift them off the grouni and place them on his shoulders. Th looseness of the grip appeared to b < the main secret. The snakes , being ii no way hurt , would then slowly craw through his fingers and wind them selves round his neck , his shoulder and his arms. They appeared to real ize that no harm was to bo done them and they made no effort to resen the handling. lie would pick then gently off one arm and place them 01 the other and , in fact , stroke them am pet them as if they had been a pai ; of harmless worms. Cornhill. A TIGRESS WITH A GRUDGE She GetH Fnrlonn nt Sight of a Keep er Who Once Bent Her. There is a lean tigress in the Centra park menagerie who spends a part o the day beating her head against th < Iron bars of her cage in a vain attemp to spring upon one of the keepers Ordinarily the animal is quiet enough [ t is only when this keeper passe : that she ceases to be a purring cat am becomes a fiend incarnate. The othei tuorniug the tigress was in an extreme ly bad temper. When her fancied en einy stuck a mop in through the bars to clean her cage , she sprang at him growling in thunderous bass. Nearly everybody in the crowd stepped bacl Involuntarily. The keeper placed ai Iron bar in the cage at the great cat'i Feet and went on with his work , whih the animal snarled in impotent rag < and drew back her upper lip over twc learning white fangs. "She doesn't seem to be fond of you , ' ventured a bystander. "No , there isn't much love lost be tween us , " replied the keeper. "Hei tantrums show that animals treasure grudges just like people. That tigress : ame here eight years ago. A day 01 two after she arrived I had to punisl icr , and she has never got over it 3he watches me all day out of the cor aer of her eye , and every time I gc y the cage she makes a jump. I sup lose she thinks she'll get me some ; irne. If she does , I might as well saj joodby. " While the man talked the tigress ooked at him with hate plainly stamp ; d on her face. When he went away , me watched him until he was lost tc riew. Then she resumed her nervous : ramp , tramp. New York Mail and Bxpress. Profits In Fractions of Cents. It is most astonishing that trade n these days is making its enormous irofits in the fractions of a cent. In me of the cities of the country there vas a bank president who gave his nillions for philanthropic purposes , During his life , even on the days when le was almost too infirm to walk , he vould trudge sadly and brokenly tc lis home. One day a man met him on : he street and said : "Why don't you take the street car ? " He instantly replied , "My deai 'riend , do you appreciate the fact that i hundred dollars would have to work lalf a. week to pay that fare ? " And yet he gave two .millions to a ibrary and another million to a hos- ) ital. That is the spirit of modern noney making. On the one hand it sets the millions through the fractions > f cents , and with the other it spends : he millions without regard to deci- nals. Saturday Evening Post. Squares of Consecutive Numbers. Squares of consecutive numbers , as ) , 1 , 2 , 3. 4 , etc. . may be formed by the imple rule : To the square of the pro- : eding number add the preceding num- ) er and the number itself. Thus : 02 = 0 lz = 0-fO-fl = l 22 = l-H-f2 = 4 3 = = 4-f2--3 = 9 4 = = 9-f3-H = 16 The algebraic proof is : New York Sun. Our first regular factory for manu- 'acturing glass was established at [ temple , N. H. , in 1780 and was oper- ited by imported German glassmakers. When you forget there are others , rou are nearing a burned bridge. Knew AH a heir Tricks. "Gentlemen , " said Frederick the Great , "I am entirely dissatisfied with the cavalry. The regiments are com pletely out of hand ; there is no ac curacy , no order ; the men ride like tailors. I beg that this may not occur again anil that each of you will pay more ettentioii to his duty , but I know how things go on. You think I nm not up to your dodges , but I know them all and will recapitulate thet : > . "When the. season for riding drill comes on , the captain sends for the sergeant major and says : 'I have an appointment this morning at . Tell the first lieutenant to take the rides. ' So the sergeant major goes to the senior subaltern and gives him the message , and the latter says : 'What ! The captain will be away ? Then I am off limiting. Tell the second lieutenant to take the men. ' And thi second lieu tenant , who is probably still in bed , says : 'What , both of them away ? Then I will stay where I am. I was up till 3 this morning at a dance. Tell the cornet I am ill and he must take the rides. ' Finally the cornet remarks : 'Lookhere , sergeant major , what is the good of my standing out there in the cold ? You know all about it much better than I do. You go and take them , ' and so it goes , and what must be the end 'of it all ? What can I hope to do with such cavalry before the en emy ? " "History of Frederick the Great. " By Klaln Strength. Mr. Jowdors looked gloomily at the letter to which he had just painfully affixed his ( signature and then cast a dubious glance at his wife. "Do you want to just run this over before I send it to son James ? " ho in quired , and when Mrs. Jowders shook her head he hastily folded the sheet , which bore the marks of hours of toil , and thrust it into an envelope , which he sealed with trembling expedition and then leaned back in his chair with an air of relief. "I was afeared you'd want to read it , and then most likely 'twould be all to do over again , mother , like the last one , " he said , "but I'm glad James wrote he didn't mind a word misspell ed here and there. There's some things I can do , but I never could seem to get a good purchase on the system of spell ing , some way. "As I view it , " continued Mr. Jew ders , "there's some words you can spell by the looks and some you can spell by the sound. Them I can most gen'ally manage , but when * you come to spelling by jedgment and main strength my chances are about as slim as they make 'em. " St. Louis Repub lic. Verdi and Bismarck on Titles. The composer Verdi was offered a title of nobility by King Victor Em manuel. It was intended that he should be created Marquis or Cerate de Bus- seto , after the estate upon which he lived. The composer refused the offer energetically. He considered that Verdi was somebody and that the Marquis de Busseto would be nobody. Even Bismarck was unable to parry a blow of this character. When the young emperor broke with him , he conferred upon him the title .of Duke of Lauenbourg. Bismarck received the parchment with this exclamation : "A pretty name ! It will bo handy for traveling incognito. " Some days after a parcel arrived'at Varziii bearing the address "Mme. la Duchesse de Lauenbourg. " Bismarck , to whom it was delivered , being then at table , arose and , offering the letter to his wife , remarked iron ically : "Duchess , enchanted to make your acquaintance ! " Where He Shone. A Thespian who spent several years trying to get beyond "the carriage awaits milord" station in first class Broadway productions was induced by his brother to join him in the dairy business in the City of Mexico. While on a business trip to this city recently buying new machinery and appliances Cor his prosperous Mexican creameries he met one of his former companions \vho was still struggling for an oppor tunity to "say lines. " An exchange of confidences revealed the fact that the former actor was now making a snug fortune in the milk business , and his Crieud , the persevering player , remark ed : "You're all right , Billy. You could never have shone in a theatrical way , but you arc a star in a milky way. " Xew York Sun. The Word Gazette. The word "gazette" is from the name af an old Venetian coin worth about sne-half cent of our money. The name is applied to newspapers because it \vas the sum charged for reading the tirst written journals that made their appearance in luoO. After the paper was read it Avas handed back to the jwner , who charged the next comer a gazette for taking a peep at it. h Rohea of Stntc. Every robcinaker in London always keeps some of the most expensive robes of state those of a registrar , for instance ready and lends them out svhen officials have to use them at any ; reat ceremony. Many a peer , when lis portrait is to be added to the family picture gallery , has obtained the crim son and ermine from his tailor for a small consideration. Why She Discarded Him. "Don't despair , Edward , even if fa- : her does say you'll be young enough : o marry five years from now. " "Oh , I don't care for myself , but how ibout you ? " Philadelphia Times. Pu.sllagr. "But ze foot of ze bed , " the bewil- ' lered Frenchman said , "it ees not on1 end of ze laig ! " New York Commer- , : ial Advertiser. ? f THESE WARM DAYS REMIND YOU OF fH S 1 I Summer Corsets , Summer Shirt Waists , Summer Underwear &c Our stock in these lines K is complete. Call and | ; see - THE . . . . ore C7. L. DeGROFF & CO. Don't get side-tracked in business. Dull ness sometimes passes for death. Men will brains reach the goal. Rocky Mountain Te : puts pray matter into one's head. 35c. Asl your druggist. "The Doctors told me my cough was incur able. One Minute Cough Cure made me : well man. " Norris Silver , North Stratford N. II. Because you've not found relief for i stubborn cough , don't despair , One MinuU Cough Cure has < -ired thousands and it wil cure you. Safe and sure. McConnell& Berry You may as well expect to run a steam en gine without water as to find an active , ener getic man with a torpid liver and you ma : know that his liver is torpid when he does no relish his food or feels dull and languid afte ; eating , often has headache and sometime : dizziness. A few doses of Chamberlain' : Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore hi : liver to its normal functions , renew his vitality improve his digestion and make him feel hkt a new man. Price , 25 cents. Sample free a McConnell's & Berry's drug store. . . he has a hard enough time. Every thing that the expectant mother can do to help her child she should do. One of the greatest blessings she can give him is health , but to do this , she must have health her self. She should use every means to improve her physical condition. She should , by ail means , supply herself with ' 3 3ff ff ri through the crisis e n s i 1 y and q.iSckly. It is a 1-ninc-nt which ii- < -s strength and viator to the muscles. Com mon sense will show you that the stronger the m IT s c 1 e s are , which bear the strain , the less pain there will he. A woman living in Fort Wayne , Ind. , says : "Mother's Friend"did wonders for me. Praise God for your liniment. " Read this from Hunel , Cal. " Mother's Friend is a blessing to all women who undergo nature's ordeal of childbirth. " Get Mother's Friend at the drug store. 51 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Ga. Write for our free illustrated book , " Before Baby is , Horn. " MEDICAL ADVICE. Writcus all your symptoms. Renovating the system is the only safe and sure method of curIng - Ing all Chronic Diseases. Dr. Kay's Renovator is the only pertectsystem renovator. Free sam ples and book Dr. B. J. Kay , Saratoga N. Y. Sold by'Loar and McMillen. The bilious , tired , nervous mm cnnn < ' M.L cessfully compete with his healthy rival. ! > ' Witt's Little Karly Ki er < - the famous pills f.r constipation will remove the cau--e i.i y < ur troubles. McConnell \ IStr-y. There's no reflection so v , no Sight so charming ss the mellow gJow that comes from Wax Gsts Prepared-a laacy to harmonize round ugn r < room , drawing bed rj : r ii 1 & B H Digests what you eat It artificially digests the food and aid : ? Nature in str n lbening a d roeon- atructing the exnausted digest ! ; a or gans. It is the latest discovered d : j ? - duti id tonic. No other prepunitic a virpproach it in efficiency. It m- 1 ly relieves and permanently cures jepsid , Indigestion , HeartLtrj , _ i ; ulenee , Sour Stomach , ls'iupa , SICK Headache. Gastraigia Cramp -and all other results of imperfect dijre-tiun. Price 30c. undjl. Lare size contains 2H tin s Preoarcd by E. C. DeV/lTr A CO. . Cfclcccjo. McConnell & Berry. Druggists. McCook Transfer Lin o J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. J3H3pecial attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard.