The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 07, 1901, Image 8
/WV. . > S > A VW % VV * + * * ± M JUST OPENED-A New I SLine of Novelties in ! , . . _ . . . . , V - - - j- * - * * Jl < nvv < vrfVJ vA v y lJ A mrf - J < WA QUEENSWARB Olive Dishes , Spoon Trays , Vases , Fancy Plates , China 4-piece Sets , Decorated Glass Sets , Water Sets and many other useful articles too numerous to mention. We wish to call special attention to our line of _ Decorated Chamber Sets n m We show them in six styles and decora tions and tetter than all arc the extreme ly low prices. We have just the line of nice things you have been waiting lo see and we shall consider it a great favor to be allowed to show you this line Will You Come ? 4'4 ' * Ec j25 . nr < V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. fc # CITIZENS BANK Off MeCOOK , NEB. B Paid .Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000 f DIRECTORS L ' / . FRANKLIH , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD.ft - > Stj b -'Qt Imitators have been many. Thoughtful people have learned that true merit comes only with the genuine Kocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35. Ask your druggist. If your sight is blurred with specks and spots floating before your eyes , or you have pains on the right side under the ribs , then your liver is deranged , and you need a few doses of Herbine to regulate it. Price 50 cts. A.McMillen. Dyspeptics cannot be long lived because to live requires nourishment. Food is not nour ishment until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest food , it must have as sistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach , al'owing it to rest and regain its natural func tions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and it" simply can't help but do you good. McConnell & Berry. Persons have been known to gain a jsouaisS a d&y by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL SION. It is strange , but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound ; it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly , so that the patient is able ( o digest and absorb his ordinary food , which he could ! not do be fore , and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health ; if you have not got it you can get it by taking You will find it just as useful in summer a ? in winter , and if you arc thriving upon it don't stop because the weather is warm- 5oc. and ft.oo , all druggists. "SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York. A Nebraska Corespondent. The following startling item concern ing two people well known to many of our readers is taken from the Bee of the 4th instant. Both Dr. and JVIrs. Camp bell have frequently visited McCook , where and in which vicinity they have had investments' in real estate. The diyorce suit is a great surprise to all who know them here : NEW YORK , June 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) Judge Chester , in the supreme court , Brooklyn , today granted a post ponement of the trial of the suit for divorce brought by Mrs. Helen Campbell against her husband , Dr. Robert Camp bell. This is the case which Judge Russell , in the same court , last week , stopped so abruptly because the cores pendent , Cora Belle Durham , broke down on the stand and declared that she had committed perjury against the defen dant and had tried to entrap him so that his wife might obtain a decree. In court today , George Waldo , counsel for Mrs. Campbell , asked for an adjourn ment , saying that it was necessary for him to go to David City , Neb. , where acts of impropriety on the part of Mr. Campbell are alleged to have occurred. Mr. Waldo declared that the girl had been influenced by the defense and made to come east and change her testimony. He declared that he could establish this if he had time to go to David City. The postponement on this assertion was granted. The opposing counsel will also go to Nebraska. It Makes No Difference. Church & Marsh are treating their many new customers just the same as "the . " Same though they were not only. fine quality of meat , prompt service , and regular , reasonable prices at the old reliable shop , which is "here to stay" do you mind ? Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of cough , la grippe , bronchitis , sore throat , croup , whooping cough , etc. Never deranges the stomach. At Druggists , .10 & 25 < x SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BARTLEY. Will Cowles moved his family to Mc Cook , Monday. Fred Premor spent Sunday-out at fhe parental home. James Finnegau made a short visit al home , last week. Mrs. Wash. Knots visited with friends in town , last Saturday. Fred Premer has a position with the B. & M. through vacation. Wm. F. Miller has just put up a fine steel wind mill at his home. John Tate and bride are housekeeping in the Jack DeArmond cottage. W. D. Williams left for Oklahoma , last Wednesday , with Mr. Gartside. Pearl Lyman has returned to her home in the country to spend her vaca tion. Miss Nora May is down from Curtis for a short visit with friends and rela tives. Mrs. Mangus has gone back into the hotel , JMr. Hulvey going to Lebanon into a hotelthere. . William Gartside leaves , this week , for Oklahoma , where he is intending to make a new home. Ira Richie is breaking a fine team of Hamiltonian colts , they are going to make fine drivers. * Guy Curlee , who has been assisting the Barnett Lumber Co. at McCook , re turned home , Wednesday. Luther Dahardh returned from his western trip , last Friday , and was warmly welcomed by his many friends. Bartley's band was resuscitated and gave us some fine music Decoration day. The boys did themselves credit. Dr. Brown returned , Wednesday , from his trip through the west. He looks rested and refreshed by his trip. Mrs. A. B. Wilson entertained some of her many friends , the first of the week ; they report a pleasant time. The Children's day exercises at the Christian church , last Sunday night , were of a high order and largely attended A. W. Dean is enjoying a visit from his brother in Kansas and also a visit from his friend , Mr. Talcott , from Crete. Mrs. C. W. Hodgkin said good by to her sister , Mrs. E. Hann , last Friday. Mrs. Hann went to her home in Kansas. Judson Bush , who had a leg hurt , last fall , is still suffering with it and a sur gical operation is necessary before it can heal. heal.A A large number of our young people went to Dry Creek , Sunday evening , to attend the Epworth League exercises there. Fred Bentley has been suffering greatly from in barbwire blood-poison setting some - wire cuts on the knee. He is much better now. Mrs. M. Alley , the mother of our pop ular druggist , left on last Tuesday for an extended visit with her two daughters in California. Dr. J. E. Hathorn has been putting in a system of sewerage on his fine resi dence property. Otto Urber is doing the brick work for him. W. S. Minnich had a runaway last Tuesday , in which Prof. F. C. Hendee jumped from the wagon and is severely injured internally and still confined to his home. Mrs. Delia Mangus enjoyed a visit from D. Magus , her father-in-law , from Mayweed , the latter part of last week. Mr. Mangus used to be a resident of this town , so many old friends shook his hands. Decoration Day was a big day in Bart- ley ; ninety-sis teams , besides horse- backers and wheelmen , were in the procession that went to the cemetery. Kev. Howard E. Young delivered a fine oration in the afternoon. The A. O. U. "W. lodge will observe Memorial day next Sunday. Eev. Crip- pen is to preach the sermon in the morning and in the afternoon they will go to the cemetery and strew flowers , on the graves of the brethren. One of our young men wanted a gen tle team for Thursday of last week so traded with his father without the lat- ter's consent and the latter drove around all day like a sporty young man with a fast team , while the son well it was different with him to say the least. Read it in His Newspaper. George Schaub , a well known German citi zen of New Lebanon , Ohio , is a constant reader of the Dayton Volkszeitung. He knows that this paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns , and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back , he did not hesitate in buyinp a bottle of it for his wife , who for eight weeks [ had suffered with the most terrible pains in : her back and could pet no relief. He says : "After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me , 'I feel as though born anew , ' and before using the entire contents of the bottle the unbearable pains had entirely van ; ished and she could again take up her h'ouse- liold duties. " He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for sale by McConnell & Berry , Druggists. My little son had an attack of whooping cough and was threatened with pneumonia ; but for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we would have had a serious time of it. It also of saved him from several severe attacks of croup. H. J. STRICKFADEN , Editor World- Herald , Fair Haven , Wash. For sale by McConnell & Berry , Druggists. COLEMAN. Mrs. W. M. Sharp has about 250 young chicken ? . S. Snokes of Hayes county was in tin town , Wednesday. Levi and Eli Blair were in McCook with-pork , Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wales have been visiting relatives in Perkins countj , this state. On Tuesday , W. M. Sharp , D. Long , Bert and Harry Wales and M. H. Cole moved a house from section 27 down onto section 34. Mrs. Sadie Rowe of South Bend , Ind. , arrived here , Wednesday , on a visit to her brothers and sister , Levi , Eli and Miss Rose Bair. This is the first time they have met for a dozen years or more. J. Smithof Fulton county , Illinois , left there last Tuesday. In reference to crops there he said : "Pastures are very short on account of drouth. Oats are a failure entirely. Corn is showing the effects of the drouth. The largest is not four inches high and a good deal is not up yet. " On Monday afternoon a good portion of this township was visited by a soak' ing rain , filling the lister furrows full of water. On Tuesday we dug down on level ground and it was wet fully eight inches. There was some hail , but little damage so far as we have heard , aside from killing , or maiming for life , many 'hoppers. A sallow , jaundiced skin is a symptom of disordered liver , as it springs from biliary | poisons retained in the blood , which destroy energy , cheerfulness , strength , vigor , happi ness and life. Herbine will restore the nat ural functions of the liver. Price 50 cts. A. McMillen. INDIANOLA. Ex-Sheriff J. R. Neel visited the county seat , Tuesday , on business. S. R. Smith , A. L. Haley and Ed Sullivan were McCook pilgrims , Friday last. Mrs. W. R. Starr was down from Mc- Cook , Tuesday , on a short visit to old- time friends. S. R. Smith and A. C. Crabtree visited McCook Masonic brethren , Tuesday evening , their regular election night. Miss Hiil is just home from Denver , where she carried off the honors as a nurse in St. Lukes hospital of that city. A. J. A. Spafford , superintendent of our city schools , went up to McCook , Monday evening , on business bent meet ing State Sup't Fowler while there. Deputy Sheriff Crabtree , master of the Indianola lodge , A. F. & A. M. , went to Omaha , Tuesday night , to represent Indianola lodge in the grand lodge meet ing in the metropolis , this week. "A few months ago food that I ate for break fast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of vour Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my break fast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles. " NT S. Pitts , Arlington , Texas. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests what you eat. McConneli & Berry. SOUTH SIDE. Everybody is haying on the South Side. Frank Fitch arrived home , first of the week , from the state university. Mrs. C. H. Jacobs and daughter , Fay , left for Frontier county , Friday , on a few days' visit. On Friday , May 31st , FrancisM.Colfer closed his year of school in district 8 , and was very pleasantly surprised by a number of his friends and well-wishers about fifty in all who at an opportune time put in an appearance , carrying a most bountiful repast and good-cheer galore. Frank responded with one of those well-timed speeches he always has at hand on occasion. Frank does not 22 carry an excess of fur on his upper lip , but he has demonstrated his ability as successful teacher , as a better school has never been taught in district 8. He came to us and found the difficulties of an undisciplined school to contend with. He left the school well disciplined and the pupils well advanced in their studies. How to Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide yourself and Family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over-and if procured now may save you a trip to town in the night or in your busiest season. It is everywhere admitted to be the most suc cessful medicine _ in use for bowel complaints , both for children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by McCon nell & Berry , Druggists. > DRIFTWOOD. Frank Fitch returned home from col lege at Lincoln , first of the week. M. A. , I. H. , F. S. and F. E. Wasson from the Driftwood took in the show at McCook on Monday night. Mrs. Belle Massman of Iowa City , owa , is visiting at the home of her sis- er , Mrs. I. H. Wasson , on the South Side. P. H. Lambach , a former resident of his county , was down from Boulder , - ast week , visiting at the home of his sister , Mrs. I. H. Wassonc F. W. Lambach and family of Atwood , xansas , spent Saturday and Sunday visiting at the homes of I. "H. Wasson ind C. J. Suiter , returning home , first the week. For relief and comfort in asthma Ballard's lorehound Syrup has no equal. Price 25 and 50 cts. A. McMillen. Ecztmu , snltrlieum , tetter , chafing , ivy pois nning and nil skin tortures are quickly ctirec by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Thecertaii pile cure. McConnell & Herry. A surgical operation is not necessary t cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve save all that expense and never fails. Beware o counterfeits. McConnell & Berry. Jennie To have a round beautiful nee wiggle your head from side to side ; ever night take Rockv Mountain Tea. It's asher cut to a graceful form. 350. Ask your drug gist. Hardly a Hay passes , in families whcr there are children , in which Ballard's Sno\ Liniment ' is not needed. It quickly cures cuts wounds , bruises , burns and scalds. Price 2 and 50 cts. A. McMillen. Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth , Va.f eve 90 years of age suffered for years with a bac sore on his face. Physicians could not hel | him DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. McConnell & Berry. Danger , disease and death follow neglec of the bowois. Use DeWitt's Little Earlj Risers to regulate them and you will adc years to your life snd life to your years. Easy to take ; never gripe. McConnell & Berty. If the predisposition to worms in children is not cured they may become emaciated weakly and in dangerof convulsions. White1 ! Cream -Vermifuge is the most successful ane popular remedy. Price 25 cts. A. McMillen Aside from the serious inconvenience anc pain caused by piles , there is a tendency to fistula and to cancer in the rectal regions Piles should not be allowed to run on un checked. Tabler's Huckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible remedy , ' ' 'rice 50 cts. a bottle tubes 75 cts. A. McMillen. 'Estimate of expenses for the current year 1901. by the city council of the city qf McCook Nebraska. Resolved by the Mayor nnd City Council o the City of McCook , Nebraska , that the follow ing be and the same hereby is adopted as the estimate of expenses for said city of McCook for the fiscal year commencing May 7th , 1001 : For salaries of otiicerd , other tlmn police. . ? 500.0C Makiug , repairing , alleys , streets aud crosswalks SOO.W To pay firemen and supplies MJO.W Kent for water troughs and street sprink- linp 1700.00 Supplies , rent , chums and elections IbOO.Ol LightinR ftreots 1HXMX Interest on bond and sinking fund 1000.01 Total $7400.01 The entire revenues for the city for the year ending May 0.1901 : General fund . " § Occupation fund 2199.GO Water fund 1856.01 Cemetery f uud 203.75 Light fund 1100.12 Total $79CB.2(5 ( The entire expense of the city for the year ending May C , 1001 : General fund § 25. l.41. Occupation fuud 2K$7.97 ( $ Water fund 210IU : Cemetery fund 2.77.7 ! Fire fund 2S7.C5 ; Light fund 1111.41 Total SS472.01 Passed and approved this first day of Juno 1001. C. E. ELDHED , Mayor. [ SEAL. ! E. J. WILCOX , Clerk. CALL FOR BIDS FOR BUILDING FRAME SCHOOL HOUSES Notice is hereby given that the Board of Etlu cation of the C.ity of McCook , will receive sealet bids for the construction of a frame sclioo house to be constructed according to the pluus and specifications on file with the Secretary o ! said board , at his office. The successful bidder will bo required to give a bond in at least the sum of $2,000 , conditioned according to law for the faithful performance oi said contract. The Board reserves the right to reject any ant ail bid ? . All bids to bo endorsed "Bids for the erecting frame school house" and to bo filed with the Secretary on or before Monday , the lOtlr day o : June , 1901. 6-7-lt R. A. GREEX , Secretary. ORDINANCE NO. 93. _ An ordinance termed an annual appropriation bill. Appropriating sucli sums of money as are deemed necessary to defray all the necessary expenses and liabilities of the city of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , as shown by es timates heretofore made by said city , for the current year , and authorizing a tax to be levied during said fiscal year for the payment of the same. Be it ordained by the mayor and council oi the city of McCook : Section 1. That the following sums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities ol the said city qf McCook for the current fiscal year for the object and purposes stated herein : For Salaries of Officers $ 500.00 Making , Repairing , Alleys , Streets and Crosswalks . ' 809.00 To pay Firemen and Supplies 300.00 Rent for Water Troughs and Street Sprinkling. 1700.00 Supplies , Rent , Claims and Elections IbOO.OO Lighting Streets i : 0.00 Interest on Bond and Sinking Fund 1000.00 Section 2. That there be aud the same is hereby levied on the taxable property within the corporate limits of the said city of "McCook for the purpose of defraying the expenses afore said the following tax on said property namelv : General Fund 10 Mills. Water Fund 8 Mills. Electric Light Fund 5 Mills. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to law. Passed and approved this 1st day of June , 1901. C. E. ELDEED , Mayor. [ SEAL. ] E. J. WILCOX , City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. McCook , Nebraska , May 24th , 1901. Notice is hereby given that M. U. Clyde has iled in the city clerk's office his bond and peti tion for a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 8 , block , Original town , being in the First ward of the City of McCook , Nebraska , from May 1 , 1901 , to April 30,1002. 5-24-3ta M. U. CLYDE , Applicant. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at JlcCook , Nebaska , May 1 , 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the Register or Seceiver of United States Land Office at Mc Cook , Neb. , on Saturday , June 8 , 1901 , viz : James Ryan on H. E. No. 10963 for the south | east quarter of section 9 , township 4 , north , range 30 , west. He names the following wit- nnsses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land , viz : John N. Smith , Michael Coyle , Robert Moore , and Foseph L. Sanders , all of McCook , Nebraska. 5-3-5ts. F. M. RATHBUX , Register. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Abbie Smith , David D. Smith , Leva Smith , Matie Chenery , Delia Carringer , Car- ringer , husband of Delia Carringer , whose first name is unknown to plaintiff , as heirs at law f Devier J. Smith , deceased , defendants , will take notice that John E. Kelley has filed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow yOunty _ , Nebraska , the object and prayer of vhich is to foreclose a lien for the delinquent taxes legally assessed and levied on lot number seven (7) in block number thirty (30) in the orig inal town of McCook , in said countj- , for the years 1691 , 1S95 , 1S96 , 1897 , 1893 , 1S99. for which M taxes said lot was sold to the said John E. Kelley , by the treasurer of said county on Sep 1 tember 24,1900at private tax sale. There is now due plaintiff on said tax sale the sum of $29.12 , witli 20 per cent interest thereon from Septem ber 24,1900 , and an attorney's fee equal to ten b ( per cent of the amount of the decree entered herein , and plaintiff prays for a decree that the our defendants be required to pay said sum or that di said premises be sold to satisfy the said amount due for Jaxes , attorney's fees and the costs of tins action. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 13th day of July A. D. , 1901. 5-31-lts Jonx E. KELLET , Plaintiff. McCook , Nebraska , May 29,1901. 2BT RENOVATOR invigorates and renovates the system ; purifies and enriches the blood ; cures the worst dyspepsia , constipation , headache , liver and kielneys. 25c and 81 , at druggists. Free advice , sample anel book. Dr. B. J. ICay , Saratoga , N.Y. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. INI Call at McConncM & Hcrry's drug store ami T get a free sample of Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physic. They also improve the appetite , strengthen the digestion ami regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to lake an J pleas ant in effect. MC CON NELL'S BALSAM CURES COUGHS McCOOK STJEGICAL HOSPITAL , D. W. V. CAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. OFKICB First National bank building , next to City hall. HouRS-8:30 to 12 ; 1 to 0 ; 7 to 9. Night calls answered from renidonco oror bank. MRS. S , E. GRIGGS , TOILET PAltLOK Hair dressing , shampooing and scalp treat * tnont given for the benefit of the hair. treatment given , wrinkles removed and nil face blemishes removed. 'Phone No. 0. Upstair } Front over Opera House. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTSACTER McCooK , NEBRASKA. l&rAgent of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD. © DENTIST , o" All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. DR.J.B.FICKES : A Reliable Over McConnell - Connell & Graduate Dentist Berry's. . . . MpCOOK-- SET YOUR CAN OUT V McCOOK = TANK - LINE S. D. McCLAIN , Prop. F. D. BURGESS , Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron , lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains , and an- swer'all "calls to any part of the city. 'PHONE 36. W. H. Ackerman , jr MeCook , Nebraska. 1 You Want , , , To Save Money ? Send in your name and address and get Catalogue of all kinds of Merchan- lise at prices defying competition. Fully Illustrated Catalogue sent on eceipt of 10 cents for postage. KAHN , GREEN & BERGER , to 261 Dearborn Street , Chicago , III. CATALOGUE MAILED DURING JULY. DqN'T BE FOOLED ! Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison. Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no subsU tute. Ask your druggUt *