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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1901)
Fl jftcffiaok By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER , _ _ a Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co , Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance COMMON courtesy is a gracious act sc rare ns to be priceless , when it ought to be quite current coin. SAFE expansion carries with it the idea of a great-souled and large-hearted people ple , a people intelligent and truly free and independent , a liberty-loving and liberty-giving people. A RECENT ruling curtails the sphere and efficiency of the U. S. money-order system. Commencing with June ist , money-orders are only payable at office of remitter or payee , the instructions issued not long since , giving money- orders the practical efficiency of a draft , having been revoked. This may be the law in the case , but it is a regrettable blow at the enlargement of the sphere of action of the money-order depart ment and a backward step where advance ment was t& have been hoped for. We know of no adequate reason why the U. S. money-order should not "be placed on the highest scale of e fficiency conven ience and cost of the gilt-edged draft , and "hope to see the system duly expand to that-point. Died Under the Knife. Berry Enyeart of near Bartley died in a hospital in Omaha , Monday , after an operation bad been performed on him for cancer of the stomach. The remains were shipped here for burial , which took place on Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock , from the residence of deceased's sister , Mrs. Vance McManigal , services at the residence being conducted by Rev. I , . M. Grigsby of the Methodist church. Interment was made in River- view cemetery. [ ASHBERRY LINCOLN ENYEART was born in Wabash county , Indiana , Octo ber 25th , 1860 ; died in Omaha , Nebraska , .Monday , June 3rd , 1901. Moving to Red Willow county in 1879 , he was united in marriage with Olive Thomas in 1882. Nine children were born to them-eight surviving. ] The widow and her eight helpless little ones are left without insurance , illy pre pared to make a livelihood on the farm , and have the deepest sympathy of all hearts. Why -not naye,9l bars of Stiver Leaf for2& ; cents at the Bee Hive. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice , May 31 , 1901 Mr. Roscoe H. Bell , Mrs. Julia Watson , Mr. Jessie Bolt , John Brown , Mrs. M. E. Box , J. T. Fitzjurld , Mrs. Ciltiia Grover , Mr. Roy House , Henrie Moseman , Miss Edna B.Moore , Mr. William Nelius , Miss Lena Steinet , M. M.Seer , Mr.Sydney Strange , W. O. Scott , % Win. Schaffer , C. E. Birdsall , A. Schmidt , Miss Ottilia Waggner. In calling for these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KIMMELL , Postmaster. The Bee Hive is giving 9 bars of Silver Leaf soap for 25 cents. Cheap Trip to Chicago. Via Burlington Route. One fare plus $2 for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 12 , 13 , 14 and 15. Return limit September 15. Additional information about rates , tickets and train service may be secured from nearest agent , B. & M. R. R. R. 2ts. J. FRANCIS. General Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , Omaha , Neb. Twenty-five cents buys 9 bars of Silver Leaf soap at the Bee Hive. To Union Men. Smoke the "Vivo Cigar" made and run by union cigar makers. The finest cigar in the United States. Yon can buy them at the following places : J. H. BENNETT'S. D. W. LOAR'S. Take A. C. CLYDE'S. W. M. LEWIS' . no J. C. KNOX'S. other. A. MCMILLEN'S. Paints ! Paints ! A good paint for $1.25 per gallon. The Lincoln , guaranteed for three years , is better. The "Asbestine" water paint kept in stock. Call , we can save you money on paints. A. McMiLLEN. Yearlings For Sale. Fine bunches of yearling heifers and yearling steers for sale. Call at the meat-market for particulars. Stock may be seen near-the city. CHURCH & MARSH. Asbestine water-proof paint , one-sixth the price of oil , MCCONNELL & BERRY. SALS Majestic Range , nearly new , very cheap. See Mrs. Douglas , opera-house block. The Straight Front is the newest in corsets. You will find them at DeGroff &Co.'e , - - - ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. JOHN T. HOLMES went to Denver , firs ! of the week. MRS. MITCHELL YOUNG was over froir Danbury , Monday , on a visit. ALBERT BERRY and Frank Colfei were Denver visitors , Monday. Miss KITTIE STRANGLAND arrivec home from Lincoln , last night on 3. L. R. HILEMAN and family have gem to Exeter to be at the old home for a few months. MRS. A. E. CRAWFORD is here from East Las Vegas , N. M. , on a visit to rel atives. MRS. C. A. DIXON aud Miss Edna de part , today , for California , to be gone until August. MRS. F. G. WESTLAND and Lillian Roman are home from their visit to Galesburg , 111. DAVE MAGNER came up from Hold- rege , Monday night on 5 , and is at home , part of the week. MRS. J. F. FORBES witnessed the mar riage of Miss Mary Canu in Danbury , Wednesday of this week. Miss NELLIE SMITH has gone to work at the cashier and book-keeper's desk in S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. MRS. HANNAH HOLMES and daughter came in from Omaha , Wednesday night on 3 , and are guests of Melvin. J. E. KELLEY was a Lincoln visitor , close of last and first of this week , re turning home on 3 , Monday night. MRS. OL'MSTEAD of Hastings , sister of Miss Genevieve Feeney , is in the city and guest in Conductor P. F. McKenua's home. MRS. ANNA GOLFER entertained the Priscillas aud Au Faits , Wednesday af ternoon , in a charming and hospitable manner. Miss PEARL ZINT entertained the young ladies of the "Awl-O's" club and a company of young gentlemen friends , handsomely , Tuesday evening. MRS. F. S. WILCOX gave a delightful at home , Tuesday afternoon , to a com pany of lady friends , to meet Mrs. Henrietta Fowler of Englewood , 111. MRS. C. E. POPE was in Oxford , yes terday , between 12 and 5. She reports tier sister , Mrs. Lee , as improving from ivhat has been .considered a fatal illness. W. K. FOWLER of Lincoln , state su perintendent of public instruction , was n the city , Monday evening , a few lours , on his way east. He is out in .his section of the state attending county ustitutes. The state superintendent is i young man , who left the superintend ency of the Blair public schools to go nto the state work , in which he 13 giv- ng a good account of himself. For Sale. I wish to dispose of my property be- : ore moving to Chicago. 111. , where I ; xpect to make my home. The proper- : y consists of a 5-ioom home and one ot on Madison street , 2 blocks from the lepot. The home'is in good repair , has veil and pump and windmill tower. Chis property rents for $12 per month. iVill also sell my place at the river in South McCook , consisting of 21 acres vith 5-room house , large glass-covered iod and dug-out building used for > rooder house for poultry , or can be used or conservatory , as it has a heating ) lant in it. The place is under fence , ias been well cultivated and leveled for rrigating , has engine , pump and purnp- louse at the river , good forest and fruit rees , fenced pasture with good shade ind water , alfalfa , etc. For price call m MRS. C. H. DOUGLAS , at Menard Opera House Block , McCook , Neb. Agent Hanson of Bartley came up on , yesterday , and took 6 for Omaha. Conductor S. E. Callen had Conductor ironson's run while the latter was in > enver , Conductor Bunting being in harge of 150 , meanwhile. Dispatcher L. E. Cann was in Danbury , hursday , to witness the marriage of his : ster. He will leave in a day or two for alt Lake City to be a principal in a milar scene. Tribune Clubbing List. For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB NE , we have made arrangements with the dlowing newspapers and perodicals whereby e can supply them in combination with THE RIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. 'etroit ' Free Press . $ i oo gi 50 eslie's Weekly. . 400 300 rairie Farmer . I oo 175 hicago Inter-Ocean . i oo i 35 incinnati Enquirer. . I oo i 50 ew- York Tribune . I oo 125 'emorest's ' Magazine . i oo i 75 oledo Blade . LOO 125 ebraska Farmer . i oo 150 > wa Homestead . I oo 145 incoln Journal . I oo 175 ampbell's Soil-Culture . i oo i 50 ew- York World . i oo 165 mahaBee . i oo 150 osmopoli tan Magazine . i oo i 80 t. Louis Republic . i oo 175 Kansas City Star . 25 1 15 ebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer . 50 125 iansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other apers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Way-car 33 will go into the carpenter shop next. B. W. Jones is a new member of Charlu Ward's carpenter force. Machinist J. J. Webb is back at wori after an absence of six weeks. Frank Green is a regular blacksmith instead of an apprentice or helper. Machinists George Enoch and Wil Lydgate were in Denver , Sunday. Ass't Sup't Harris was down from Denver , Saturday , on business official. Engine 221 and a switch engine frotr Denver will go into the shops in a few days. Mack Hughes' "Colts" and the "Rips" are scheduled for a game , next Saturday aweek. A flue-tester is a new improvement , added close of last week , to the flue de partment. Engines 179 , 59 and 25 are just out oi the shops and 212 and 343 go in for an overhauling. The new flue house , just east of the blacksmith-shop , is now finished , painted and stocked with new flues. Jack Lawler and Charlie Rifey , machin ists , went to work on Saturday. Lawler is an old employe at this place. Oxford Standard : Conductor Caffrey's little boy bad the misfortune to so fall as to brake one of his arms , Saturday. George Beard of the tin shop accident ally ran a file into his stomach , Tuesday morning , but did not sustain serious injury. Way-car 67 from Denver will go out of the carpenter-shop , this week , after an overhauling amounting to almost a re building. Ass't Sup't D. F. McFarland and son were down from Holyoke , Saturday last , on Cheyenne division business at head quarters. Mrs. Boyd Munsell of McCook arrived in the-city , yesterday , fora few days' visit with her mother , Mrs. P. Conover. Red Cloud Nation. The old band saw has been placed in position and after some repairs and the addition of hoods , shafting , etc. , will be placed in commission. Brakeman Mac Wayson's little girl , father and sister , Samuel and Emma Wayson , left for the mountains , Wed nesday , to become a few weeks. * r * - , * * t _ _ -J r < t ff Switch engine 179 is just out of the shops after an overhauling receiving new tires , etc. and will go to Denver , last of the week , to go into service. Conductor and Mrs. H. H. Beale , who liave been absent in the east for a few weeks , returned home on last Friday night , having had a delightful outing. Misses Mary and Bertha Kubicek of McCook arrived in the city , Sunday morning , for a few days' visit with their sister , Mrs. J. W. Moranville. Red Cloud Mation. Ass't General Sup't G. W. Rhodes and ns private secretary came up from Lin- : oln on 3 , Wednesday night , remaining icre until i , Thursday , when they con- : inued on westward. Conductor and Mrs. V. H. Solliday at- : ended the wedding of Robert J. Moore ind Miss Nellie Clark , their niece , in Dxford , Wednesday evening , returning lome on No. 3 , the same night. Ira Dye has a painful case of "lump aw. He was operating a jack under a ) ox-car.Tuesdaywhen the ratchet failing : o catch and hold , the lever flew up and struck him on the lower jaw and upper ip , with painful though not serious esults. Dr. Fahnestock of McCook , B. & M. mysician , came down , Tuesday , to at- end to the wounded shoulder received > yjohn Person , a few weeks ago. He eports that Mr. Person will not be able o resume duties in the B. & M. yards * or about two weeks. Red Cloud Nation. The waste picker has been given a borough test and has been found capa- > le of doing thorough work , rendering he old waste soft , pliable and clean , t is proposed eventually to put up a mall building , north of the blacksmith- hop , in which to locate the picker and ress , so that power can be secured from ie engine in the flue department. The enginemen have been delayed smewhat in the complete collection of le proceeds of their great ball for the enefit of the auditorium project ; but ley are able , this week , to announce lat their addition to that fund has now : ached $271.00 cash in hand , and that le few remaining dollars outstanding ill increase their splendid gift to about 275.00 the largest donation from any ne source. Brakeman Robert J. Moore of our city ad Miss Nellie , daughter of Engineer nd Mrs. Tony Clark of Oxford , were nited in marriage at the home of the ride's parents in Oxford , Wednesday srening. They left on the evening train fter the ceremony for Omaha and other Dints on a wedding trip , after which ley will return to McCook , where they ill make their home. Both are well ad favorably known here and many ell-wishers will join THE TRIBUNE in jngratulations. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m , High mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. , with choir. Sunday-school at 2:30 p. m All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. BAPTIST Services at usual hours , Morning subject : "Who is a Christian11 Evening subject : "You may become rich. " B. Y. P. U. topic : "How to en ter Christ's family , " Matt. 12:46-50 , Miss Vernice Franklin , leader. EPISCOPAL Services during summer : Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayei and sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning service , also Fridaj evening Litany , discontinued until fur ther notice. Holy communion to be an nounced. HOWARD STOY , Rector. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. Y. P. S.C.E. at 6:45. Preaching at 8:00. : Prayer- meeting on Wednesday evening at 8:00. Morning subject : "Does It Pay ? " Ev ening subject : "A Rational Service. " W. J. TURNER , Pastor. CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m. Miss Olive Griffith , state organizer of the C. W. B. M. , will speak at n a. m. Endeavor , 7:30 p. m. Preaching at 8 , subject "Cooperating with God. " C. W. B. M. meeting , Wednesday evening. All are invited. J. W. WALKER , Pastor. METHODIST Sunday-school at 10. Instead of preaching there will be Chil dren's Day service at II. At 2 p. m. will be held the annual floral service of the A. O. U.W. Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 8. Prayer meeting , Wed nesday evening S p. m. L. M. GRIGSBY , Pastor. The ladies of the Dorcas society of the Congregational church held a successful lawn social at the home of Mrs. Albert Barnett , Friday evening last , being ac corded a hearty patronage despite the coolness of the evening. Strawberries , ice-cream , cake were served , with a short , but excellent , musical programme as an appreciated side-dish. The lawn was lighted by Chinese lanterns and lo comotive headlights and the decorations were large flags , giving an attractive effect. The Missionary Field Day in the Con gregational church , last Sunday , was a delight to all present , and it is regretted that more people did not take advantage of the instructive and inspiring oppor tunity afforded in the presence and words sHtcvT'ErB. Haskell of Macedonia , who appeared in costume , Dr. Roy of Chicago , Dr. Dickinson of St. Paul , Minn. , Prin cipal A. C. Hart of Franklin , Rev. J. H. Deitel of Palisade , who together covered the world-wide missionary field. The Christian church people of this district will hold their eighth annual convention in Beaver City , Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday of next week. R.ev. J. W. Walker , Mrs. D. W. Lear , Miss Grace Lear and others will be delegates. The Baptist young people will give a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A X.ouch , Friday evening , June 7th. You ire invited. Rev. Arsene Fanquet of Wahoo has jeen chosen as assistant pastor of the Saptist church of McCook. ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS. Brakeman C. L. Olmstead is on the ick-list this week. Conductor Shinsel and crew were al leadquarters , Sunday. J. F. Custer is visiting his parents in Hue Springs , this week. Conductor T. E. McCarl was attracted o Franklin over Sunday. Sup't Campbell was in Omaha , Thurs- lay , on division business. Conductor Clell Pope was down from ) enver , yesterday , on an extra. Will Cowles moved the family up from iartley on Monday of this week. Brakeman J. E. O'Connor found Hol- Took an attractive resort , Sunday. Brakeman J. A. Roark was drawn to .eadquarters from Oxford , Sunday. Brakeman A. P. Ely is visiting partic- lar friends in Red Cloud , part of this reek. F. A. Henderson spent Thursday , be- sveen 13 and 14 , in Culbertson on a : nder mission. Conductor Frank Rank came in on /ednesday night with the pile-driver , hich is now laid up. Engineer J. G. Inglis and family ex- ect to go to Canada , next week , on a isit to the old home. Conductor H H. Miller came down orn Denver , yesterday morning , joining is wife who has been visiting relatives ere a few weeks. Switchman C. J. Hill returned from is vacation , first of the week , and his : lief , R. L. Hill , has returned from Ox- rd to McCook. Brakeman C. W. Dewey and F. D. arney are both off duty , this week. . L. Burney is on with Conductor Wil- tts vice Burney. Dispatcher R. B. Simmons has Dis- atcher L. E. Cann's "trick" during the tier's vacation. Dispatcher J.S.Cham- : rs has Simmons'"trick. " We Are Looking customers. We are hungry for JT trade. The more trade we get the X more we want , and the more we want the more we get if we go after it. And we keep right on going. We make no "catch-penny" deals , but in standard Dry Goods And Groceries E just scoop the whole works- = selling "really good goods * & cheap. " And we have the goods O and quote the prices to prove it. Come in and we will "show you. " bnest Joftti \ $ * * * * -McCOOK , NEB * 54 § / f If Produce just as good as cash. w # NATIONAL Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60OOO ooo GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. r The Puritan was the "Soul of Honor. " Selz * "R-oyeJ Blue" $3.50 shoe for men ( the Sole of Honor ) is the symbol of " Shoe Purity. " It is all that a shoe can be. You might "pay" more , you could not "buy" more at any price. All of the looks and service that can be crowded into any one shoe. Made by Selz. Schwab & Co. . Chicago , largest manufacturers of good shoes In the world. In all the kinds and shapes and styles that are right and popular - lar at the proper price , v For sale by C. L. DeGroff & Co. is a critical period. Most old people suffer from lack of Assimilation. The digestive functions being Id Aee or entirely suspended. PALMER'S STOM ACH CURE the virtue of which unequalled successes - cesses have attested to be the tonic for indigestion direct cause of weakness and debility in the aged. Just try 12 teaspoonful jfore each meal and at bedtime , and note how promptly the vital functions will spend to its powers. For sale by druggists and dealers or sent prepaid on receipt price where we have no agents. McCOXNELL & BERRY , McCooK , NEB. Hie McCook Tribune IT'S ONLY $1.00 A YEAR.