n f JUal jLine of Novelties in . . X > wvv / w * * .w wvvw ' > < > ' ' Olive Dishes , Spoon Trays , Vases , Fancy Plates , China 4-piece Sets , Decorated Glass Sets , Water Sets and many other useful articles too numerous to mention. We wish to call special attention to our line of We show them in six styles and decora tions and better than all arc the extremely 1 ly low prices. We have just the line of nice things you have been waiting to see and we shall consider it a great favor to be allowed to show you this line Will You Come ? ricCook , Nebraska Gs.xGx.-38x a V afibr iftx rSi 4' - If V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERTCASHIER. . # m OF MeCOOK , NEB. a B vlCfJ C T ( 4 Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5:000 f : B B B B a DIRECTORS = f. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , ti. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. Tribune Clubbinf ? List. For convenience of readers of THE TRIE UNE , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and perodicals whereby \ve can supply them in combination with THE TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. Detroit Free Press . Si oo $ i 50 Leslie's Weekly. . 400 300 Prairie Farmer . I oo 175 'Chicago Inter-Ocean . I oo I 35 'Cincinnati Enquirer. . I oo I 50 2sTew-York Tribune. . I oo 125 -Demorest's Magazine . I oo I 75 Toledo Blade . I oo 125 Nebraska Farmer . l oo 150 Iowa Homestead . I oo 145 'Lincoln Journal . I oo 175 'Campbell's Soil-Culture . i oo i 50 New- York World . I oo 165 OmahaBee . . . I oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magazine . I oo I So St. Louis Republic . I oo i 75 Kansas City Star . 25 115 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer . 50 125 Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 I 15 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. Does It Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all 'right , but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous re- - sults-of throat and lung troubles. What shall you fie ? Go to a warmer and more regular Climate ? Yes , if possible ; if not possible for you , then in either case take the only remedy Chat has been introduced in all civilized coun- ftries with success in severe throat and lung 'troubles , "Boschee's German Syrup. " It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to des troy the germ disease.but allays inflammation , secures easy expectoration , gives a good night's 'rest , and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Get Green's Prize Almanac. A. McMillen. As soon as a man is promoted to a fair job , his wife plans a visiting tour. Whooping Cough. A woman who has had experience with the * disease , tells how to prevent any dangerous -consequences from it. She says : "Our three children took whooping cough last summer , our baby boy being only three months old , and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , they lost none of their plump ness and came out in much better health than other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call Justily for cough syrup between whoops. lessie Pinkey Hall , Springville , Ala. This remedy is for sale by McConnell & Berry. Look out for the young man of whom it is said , "All the girls are stuck on him. " You are much more liable to disease when /our liver and bowels do not act properly. JDeWitt's Little Early Rise-s remove the eause of disease. McConnell & Berry. Question Answered. Yes , August Flower still has the larges sale of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers nevei thought of using anything else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce , and they seldom heard of appendicitis , nervous pros tration or heart failure , etc. They used Au gust Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food , regulate the he action of the liver , stimulate the nervous and sn organic action of the system , and that is all late they took when feeling dull and bad with to headaches and other aches. You only need a 5 o few doses of Green's August Flower , in liquid form , to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's Prize Almanac. A. McMillen. If a "man is making a living , and not inter fering with your affairs , let him alone. An Extensive Stock Raiser Tells How- to Cure Scours in Calves. a : Wm. Abbott , of Tyndall , S. D. , quite an ex st tensive stock raiser , has for a number of years di [ used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy for scours in calves and says he isnc has never known it to fail. He gives a teaspoonful - nc spoonful in water as directed on the bottle toWl for an adult man , after each operation of the Wl bowels more than natural. Usually one dose ar is sufficient. For sale by McConnell & Berry. in. in.ar It is called "cup of sorrow , " but it is the ar experience of most people that it is measured ov in a tub. ad Sciatic Rheumatism. Cured After Fourteen Years of Suffering. of : "I have been afflicted with sciatic rheuma- , ; ( tism for fourteen years , " says Josh Edgar , of liermantown , Ga. "I was able to be around V.'C but constantly suffered. I tried everything I V.'Ch < could hear of and at last was told to try es Chamberlain's Pain Balm , which I did and CO was immediately relieved and in a short time COhe cured , and I am happy to say it has not since returned. " Why not use this liniment and neZ get well ? It is for sale by McConnell & Berry. ) Z - - . . M cr < It is unfair ; when a man is old , and doesn't wi want birthdays , they come around twice as at t 'ast. pe Skin affections will readily disappear by be using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's you ca will get good results. It is the quick way and vV positive cure for piles. McConnell & Berry. yo 31 Do people avoid you because you are dispe agreeable ? And did you ever try to overcome ux the habit ? we Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook , N. C. , lathe says he suffered with piles for fifteen years. He tried many remedies with no results until he used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him. McConnell & Berry. for A \ It is well known that people do not like to boi hear you brag about yourself ; but they accept to : it in an advertisement. Hi IE ! For whooping cough ? asthma , bronchitis , or consumption , no medicine equa's Ballard's REA [ lorehound Syrup. Price 25 and 50 cents. A A. McMillen. PROSPECT PARK. Still windy , but no rain. Clyde Dunnio is working at Eugene Dim ham's. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Catt visited at John Sly's , Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Boatman are the proud parents of a fine girl. Don and May Thompson entertained a number of special friends , Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Anderson and daughter Gerda spent Sunday visiting friends at Tyrone. Mrs. J. H. Wade , Essie Dunham and Julia Sly are busy getting up the Child ren's day programme. The ladies of the neighborhood gath ered at the home of Mrs. E. A. Dodge and made the afternoon very pleasant for her ; refreshments were served. Mrs. J. No matter what causes facial eruptions , absolute cleanliness inside and out is the only way to cure them. Kocky Moun tain Tea taken this month \yill drive them away. 35 c. Ask your druggist. TYRONE. W. B. Murpbys are moving back onto the farm. Rev. Hopson filled his appointment here , Sunday. Mrs. O. T. Moore is expected here soon to visit a few weeks. Two men here say this would be a good country if there was more rain. A new school-house is to be built soon in the McTaggart district , 2.miles east of here. Sett P. O. on the Tyrone mail route is discontinued , and supplies , stamps , etc. were brought to the Tyrone P. O. , last Saturday. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compaie with TaNer's Buckeye Pile Oint ment as a curative and healing application for piles , fissuies , blind and bleeding , external or inteinal , itching and bleeding of rectum. The relief is immediate and cure infallible. Price , 50 cents in bottles , tubes 75 cents. A. McMillen. 1NDIANOLA. James McClung had a business call to McCook , Saturday. John and Dub McClung were visitors in the county seat , Friday last. Miss Mabel Bishop is down from Mc Cook on a visit to her aunt , Mrs. James Hetherington. | Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Mackechnie , Mrs. William McCallum and Miss Angie Quick were McCook pilgrims , last Fri day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Frank McClung and Miss Jennie McClung are McCook visitors , today , going up to the metropolis , Thursday night on 5. Unless \voman eats sufficient nourishing food she can neither gam nor keep a good complexion. Food , when digested , is the base of all health , all strength , and all beauty , Heroine will help digest what you eat , and give you the clear , bright , beautiful skin of health. Price 50 and 75 cents. A. McMillen. After a young man has gone half a dozen places with a young women he has told her verything he knows that is interesting. "I have been suffering from dyspepsia for the past twenty years and have been unable after trying all preparations and physicians to get any relief. After taking one bottle of ICodol Dyspepsia Cure I found relief and am now in better health than I have been for twenty years. I cannot praise Kodol Dys pepsia Cure too highly ; " thus writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts , North Creek. Ark. From the time a man leads his bride from the altar , there is no more speculation or cur iosity about him until his will is opened. fnto each life some ruins must fall , Wise people don't sit down and bawl ; Only fools suicide or take to flight , Smart people take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Ask your druggist. How the Filipinos will hate our teachers vhen they learn that they will have to dress hemselves before gong to school ! In constipation Herbme affords a natural , lealthful remedy , acting promptly. A few mall doses will usually be found to so regu- a ate the excretory functions that they are able operate without any aid whatever. Price cents. A. McMillen. SSUKEA BEU3&TE In good condition she is sweet and lovable , ir.d sings life's song on a joyful harmonious tring. : Out of order or unstrung , there is iscordance and unhappiness. Just as there sone key note to all music so there is one key tote to health. A woman might as well try fly without wings as to feel well and look ) /ell while the organs that make her a woman re weak or diseased. She must be healthy iside or she can't be healthy outside. There re thousands of women suffering silently all ver the country. Mistaken modesty urges seir silence. While there is nothing more dmirable than a modest woman , health is the first importance. Every other con- deration should give way before it. Brad eld's Female Regulator is a medicine fox : 'omen's ills. It is icsafestandquick- : way to cure leu- orrhea , falling of lewomb , nervous- ess , headache , ackache and gen- ral weakness. You fi 'ill be astonished the result , es- sciallyif you have iz sen experiment- ju with other so- juw alled remedies. jutt IQ are not asking outotryanuncer- tt iinty. Bradfield's egulatorhasmade V ? appy thousands of fu omen. What It done for others can do for you. T ( old in drug stores M $ a bottle. Mm free Illustrated ok will be sent hi all who write to D RAD FIELD mi EGUIATORCO. jj ini Atlanta , Ga. an ne BARTLEY. Guy Curlee spent Sunday with friends at Danbury. E. E. Smith is the proud possessor of a fine family carriage. Etta Mann is recuperating at the pa ternal home , this week. Miss Nellie Daniels has given up her trip east for this summer. Jas. A. Curlee is painting his store front with asbestine paint. G. W. Eichio and family enjoyed a fishing expedition , Saturday. Guy Curleo went up to McCook , Wednesday night , on business. Seward Flanagan hauled home a very fine spring wagon , last Saturday. Mrs. C. W. Hodgkin has a sister and family from California visiting her. Mr. Sells had the misfortune to have his last horse die , one night this week. Stephen Etherton has been very sick , but is convalescing at present writing. Burr Case was shaking hands with old schoolmates on our streets , Friday. Charles McCollum has a fina pair of Belgian hares and also ten young ones. Link Premer is up in the vicinity of Custis combining business with pleas ure. Harry Payne was a visitor at the home of Frederick Mann , last Sunday after noon. Our merchants were a busy lot , last Saturday , and are well pleased with the receipts. Guy Curlee of our town and H. E. Dole of McCook were Orleans visitors , Thursday. Mrs. A. G. Dole visited in town , Tues day , between trains , together with her son Harry. Prof. Hendee is basking , these days , in the sunshine of his brother's , Judge A. C. Hcndee , presence. The last contest for silver medal comes off , Friday night. The contestants are all boys from the High school. H. E. Dole was down from McCook , Wednesday , on a little visit. He re turned home on 5 , same evening. We hear quite a lot of talk about Bartley having a Fourth of July celebra tion. Of course that is just the thing. Anthony Dietsch lost one of his farm horses , one night last week. He found it dead in the morning when going to feed. Maurice Eeddy , our county commis sioner from this part , was advising on road matters with several interested men , Monday. James Finegan came in , Saturday , from Orleans , where he has been lately , and went Monday to Brush , Colo. He is with the water service of the B. & M. Harry Cole and his mother came down from McCook to attend the Holdrege District Ministerial Association meeting of the M. E. church , Tuesday morning , and incidentally visit old friends. The High school surprised Prof. Hen- dee , Monday night. They took cake and ice cream and left him a beautiful rocker as a token of their esteem for him. They report a very pleasant time. Our old town board adjourned sine die , Saturday night , and the new board consisting of W. P. Miller , Jno. Wolf , Wm. Lyman , Wm. Hamilton and E. S. Baker immediately convened. U. G. Etherton was elected clerk. C. W. Hodgkin died , Saturday , after very short illness with pneumonia , rhe following obituary was read by his pastor : "C. W. Hodgkin was born in Fowler , St. Lawrence county , N. Y. , May 16 , 1833. In early manhood he p. moved to Iowa , where in 1859 he was married to Miss Mary J. Koberdee. rhere was born to them a family of ihree boys and one girl ; two of the boys > preceded him to the other home. In L870 he , with his family , moved to Ida , Kansas , where he united with the M. E. jhurch and remained a faithful member f the same till his death. In 1884 they se ; emoved fo Red Willow county , Nebr. , seoi oi vhere he died. " oinc A large concourse of friends followed iu cc : aim to his grave , Sunday. co is "Our little girl was unconscious from strang- dt tli ilation during a sudden and terrible attack ot In roup. I quickly secured a bottle of One tr Minute Cough Cure , giving her three doses , ill fhe croup was mastered and our liitle darling fo peedily recovered ; " so writes A. L. Spafford , Chester , Michigan. McConnell & Berry. tic BANKSVILLE. B. W. Benjamin was .sowing cane , irst ; of the week. mi : The Sunday-school which was organ- tb zed one week ago was well attended and ( nr l.i udging from the interest manifested l.iE. E.W : W ( ill be a success. nc fo Josh Eowland was looking after id Ge ho interest of his milk route Y. rfiich he expects to start in the near Ce ' uture via thollerndon , Kansas , station. T. A. Eowland started for the Indian ] "erritory , Tuesday , going by way of sei Nc IcCook and Indianola. Tom will bo fin sa : nissed in this community , and wo wish Re Co urn success. Ja on ' Risers search the rai DeWitt's Little Early re- lotest parts of the bowels and remove the no : an npurities speedily with no discomfort. They Sn famous for their efficacy. Easy to take , Jo : ever gripe. McConnell & Berry. DANPURY. Nice showers , Wednesday and Thurs day. day.C. C. A. Gentry was on the sick-list , the fore part of the week. Fall wheat is languishing somewhat for lack of a good rain. Guy Curleo was over from Bartley , Sunday , visiting friends. E. E. Devoo of Lebanon was in our town , Wednesdrty , on business. Mrs. Anna Stilgobouer and C. A. Gentry have been among the ailing ones. Moses Young was a delegate to the grand lodge meeting , A. O. U. W. , in Nebraska City , this week. Guy Curlee , formerly of this place , was over from Bartley , Saturday and Sunday , visiting with old friends. Ed Euby is painting Mrs. Annis' mil linery store , this week , adding much to the appearance of the building. Graduating exercises will be held in the town hall , next Wednesday evening ; a good programme is being prepared. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Pennybaker mourn the loss of their infant son , who died , last week. Burial in Sherma'n cemetery. The alfalfa fields of this vicinity have made a wonderful growth , this spring , and the farmers are preparing to make hay already. Percy Bell , late barber of this place , left on last Friday for Indianola , where he will continue in the barber business at that place. Mitchell Young had a car of hogs on the St. Joseph market , last week ; and Pew Bros. & Powell two cars of sheep on the South Omaha market. J. L. Dugan , an old veteran whose farm is about ten miles south-west of here , is in a serious condition , the result of a kick in the face by a horse. Eev. Cleveland of the Congregational church preached his farewell sermon , last Sunday. The M. E. brethren joined in the church services of the day. Edward Crabtree of Zanesville , Ohio , is here , this week , on a visit with his old acquaintance , T. E. McDonald , and contemplates locating in Daiibury for a while. Eev. Cleveland , pastor of the Congre gational church of this place , left Thurs day for Naponee , this state , where he will continue in the ministerial work at that place. Mr. Cleveland aso intends taking a course in the Franklin acad emy during the summer session. Spilled the Bread-Wagdn. The big gray horse attached to John Lofvenborg's bread-wagon indulged in a quarter dash of disastrous proportion ? , Saturday morning last. John was making I ing his usual moruing delivery and the horse was standing untied in front of a patron's home up on the hill , when sev eral teams drove up behind the gray , who immediately left the vicinity. John was quite painfully hurt about the leg M and liip and the wagon was considerably damaged. Mothers of good judgment and experience give their little ones Kocky Mountain Tea this month , keeps them well. 35c. Made by Madison Medicine Co. Ask your druggists. IV When a brakeman has curly hair , his asso ciates call him "Curly. " But if he is over six feet tall , however , they always call him "Shorty. " Many a fair young child , whose pallor has puzzled the mother , until she has suspected rightly her darling was troubled with worms , has regained the rosy hue of health witha few doses of White's Lream Vermifuge. Price 25 cents. A. McMillen. ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss , At a county court , held at a county court room , in and for said county , April 26 , A. D. 1901. Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In the matter of the estate of Sarah L. Sexson , de ceased. On reajliuK and filinB the petition of E. 1 A. Sexson , praying that administration of said Bstato may bo granted to him as administrator. Ordered , that May 20th , A. D. , 1901 , at 1 o'clock , . m. , is assigned for hearing said petition , \ tvhen all persons interested in said matter may ippear at a county court to be held in and for [ said county , and show cause why the prajerof petitioner should not bo granted ; and that jotice of the pendency of said petition and the icaring thereof , bo given to all persons intorest- sd in said matter by publishing a copy of this rder in THE McCooK TRIBUNE , a weekly nows- aaper printed in said county , for three succes- live weeks , prior to said day of hearing. SEAL ] 5-3-Uts G. S. BISHOP , County Judge. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that the county com- nissioners of Red Willow county will receive ealed bids for the completion of the room for lolding district court and the office of the clerk f the district court , said rooms to be completed iccording to the plans and specifications on file the county clerk's otlice ; all bids to bo ac- ompanied by a forfeit of $100 , which sum shall to the county , if said bid is accepted and the ridder does not enter into the bond and contract required by this board. The successful bid- ler will be required to give a bond in at least lie sum of $3,000.00 , conditioned according to aw , for the faithful performance of said con- ract. The board reserves the right to reject my and all bids. All bjds to bo endorsed "Bids or completing rooms in the court house" and nust be filed with the county clerk on or before icon of the 20th day of May , 1901. 4-19-r > ts. R. A. GBEEN- , County Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , April 13th , D01. Notice is hereby given that the following- amed settler hns filed notice of his intention to iake final proof in support of his claim , and hat said proof will be made before Register nd Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , ou Satnr- ay , May 25,1901 , viz : Charles E. Werner on H. No. 11121 for the south-west y , north-west & , rest V5 , south-west M. section 21. township 4 , orth , range 29 , west Cth P. M. Ho names the allowing witnesses to prove his continuous res- lenco upon and cultivation of said land , viz : feorgo M. Mohler , John S. Modrell , William Johnson , Benjamin O , Johnson , all of Mc- 'ook , Nebraska. F. M. RATIIBCN" , 4-19-rits. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION , Land Ollico at SIcCook , Nobaska , May 1 , 1901. 'otico is hereby given that the following-named sttler has filed notice of his intention to make nal proof in support of his claim , and that lid proof will bo made before the Register or leceivor of United States Land Oflico at Mc- bok , Nob. , on Saturday , June 8 , 1901 , viz : times Ryan on II. E. No. 10963 for the south- ist quarter of section 9 , township 4 , north mgo 30 , west. Ho names the following wit- BSSOS to prove his continuous residence upon nd cultivation of said land , viz : John N tnith , Michael Covle , Robert Moore , and asoph Li. Sanders , all of McCook , Nebraska 5-3-5ts. F. M. RATHBUN , Register. INCO V 4 , No Loss of Time. r ( V I have sold Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years , and would > t rather be out of coffee and sugar than it. i sold five bottles of it yesterday to threshers i < that could no farther , and they are at work go again this morning.-H. R. Phelps , P ymouth Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above the Sf threshers were able to keep on with iheirvork without losing a single days time. . You should keep a bottle of this remedy m your home. For sale by McConnell & Berry. One of the proudest times in a girl's life is when the doctor tells her she must be careful with her voice ; that it is changing. If people only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure , it would be used in nearly every household , as there are few people ple who do not suffer from a feeling of lull- ness after eating , belching , flatulence , sour stomach or waterbrash , caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure , which , with no aid from the stomach , will digest your food , certainly can t help but do you good. McConnell & Berry. What has become of the old fashioned man who inquired when you put on a new suit of clothes : "Where was the fire ? " Ballard's Snow Liniment cures rheumatism , neuralgia , headache , sick-headache , sore throat , cuts , sprains , bruises , old sores , corns , and all pain and inflammation. The most pen etrating liniment in the world. Price , 25 and 0 cents. A. McMillen. Sf"i McCOOK ST7KGICAL HOSPITAL , D.W. V. GAGE. McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building : H. P. SUTTOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK , _ NEBRASKA JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTER McCooK , NEBRASKA. nt of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. "i J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST. Q All dental work done at our office is guar- * fj inteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. laylor , assistant. DR. J. B. FICKES k Reliable Over Mc- Coanell & Graduate Dentist Berry's. . . . KcCOOK NEB. YOUR CAN OUT U VlcCOOK - TANK = LINE S. D. McCLAIN , Prop. F. D. BFIIGESS , ///cCO NEBR. Iron. "Lead 'and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. All Calls For The Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains , and an swer all calls to any part of the city. 'PHONE 36. W. H. Ackerman , fc MeCook , Nebraska. & S S S gc Take the genuine , ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA M.MT..M. tute. '