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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1901)
Journal TWENTIETH YEAR McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , MAY 17 , 19OI. NUMBER 1 A Sudden Death. M. Newell Forsythe of Wauneta fell dead in his chicken yard , last Sunday afternoon. He had attended church and class in the morning , had eaten a hearty dinner and in his usual health afterwards gone out to feed the chickens. Not re turning in due season , search was made and he was discovered in the chicken yard , cold in death. Deceased was the husband of Miss Janie Fisher , au early and highly-es teemed citizen of McCook , to whom all hearts go out in profoundest sympathy in this hour of bereavement and loss. The wife and a little daughter , about two years old , are left to mourn the sudden death of a most loving and in dulgent husband and father. Funeral services were held at the home , Tuesday morning , after which the remains were taken overlaud to Ogallalu for burial. The deceased was employed in the Baruett lumber yard at Wauueta. Colts Were Too Swift. The Oberlin Second Team and Al Berry's Colts had a trial of speed ou the McCook Athletic club park , last Friday afternoon , in which the Colts proved themselves to be altogether too swift for the visiting sprinters by the oue-sided score of 15 to 4. Coldreu , Moss and Drath were in the box for the guests and Colfer and Le- Hew for the hosts. Colfer pitched an errorless game and was splendidly supported by LeHew. Last season , the Oberlin boys took two out of three games from the home boys. The return game will be played at Oberlin on Decoration day. The Oberlin boys drove over on Thursday and back on Friday night after the race. They were courteously enter tained by the home boys. Have Returned Home. The two Center Point girls who were principals in the runrway escapade , last week , were found by their fathers and arrived in this city , late last Friday night , on their way home to Frontier county. The girls had secured places to work over in Kansas. It is stated that promises were made the girls that home would in future be more pleasant for them. In Justice Court. The following cases have been tried in Squire Berry's court this week : M. E. Knipple vs E. J. Cain ; replevin. Found for defendant. A show-case sold William O'Meara by plaintiff upon which O'Meara left an unpaid balance in his transfer and departure , is the bone of contention. A Short Time Specialty. "You can see a large photograph of your residence , either the interior or exterior , if you call or phone 38 and ask us to make it for you. If the work is not as good as can be made it will cost you nothing to see a proof. FEARN , The Photographer. It Makes No Difference. , Church & Marsh are treating their many new customers just the same as though they were not "the only. " Same fine quality of meat , prompt service , and regular , reasonable prices at the old reliable shop , which is "here to stay" do you mind ? Cattle for Sale. Sixty-five head of cows and heifers and one high-bred bull , at ranch of G , H. Rowland , 12 miles south-west of Mc Cook. A. SCHULZE. McCook lodge 61 has been well repre sented at the grand lodge session in Ne braska City , this week , by the following members : Dr. W. V. Gage , grand med ical examiner , J. E. Kelley , C. A. Dixon , F. D. Burgess , C. B.Gray , J. H .Bennett , H. W. Cole , J. A. Wilcox and Dennis Cullen. Gauze Corset Waists of the "F. C. " brand in all sizes $ r. Straight-fronts , short French models , high bust , low bust from $ i down to 35 cents. Money back after four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied. For sale only at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. The next Kensington by the Dorcas society will be held at the home of Mrs. J. F. Forbes , Thursday afternoon , May 23rd , at 2:30. Members and friends are cordially invited. Come with your work and two nickels. "Ideal" brand of Shirt Waists in daintiest styles , finished and trimmed most tastily , from $2 down to 35 cents. Silk Waists from $4 to $6. Satin Waists 54.75. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. The Deering , Piano , Walter A. Wood and Harvester King binders and the Piano , Randolph and Harvester King headers for sale by S. M. Cochran & Co. Prices the lowest possible. The A. O. U. W. delegates returned home , this noon on i. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. F. M. RICKEY was up from Platts- moutb , this week. MISS TiLLiE PllILLlPPl lias gone to Seneca , Kansas , to spend the summer. DR. W. B. ELY of Ainsworth was the guest of his son , Saturday last. W. A. MINNIEAR was over from Dan- bur } ' , last Friday , business being the at traction. A. FRED COLE was in the city on Monday introducing the Vivo cigar to the local trade. MRS. F. M. KIMMELL attended the funeral of M. Newell Forsythe in Wau- neta , Tuesday. C. H. MEEKER has joined his wife in Southern California , where her parents and sister live , on a visit. Miss EDNA DIXON was a Denver visitor , close of last week , returning home on 6 , Friday night. J. W. HAHN , Nasby at Wauneta and head-push on the Breeze , was in" the city on Saturday evening last. J.V. . HUPP drove over to Lebanon , Sunday , from Indianola , to take a look at the small grain situation. J. R. ROXBY came up from Arapahoe , last Friday night , on business , returning home on Thursday morning. REV. J. W. KiMMELL was up from Lincoln , Sunday and Monday , driving from here to Bartley , Monday afternoon. SAMUEL HORNBACK wore the star during Marshal Gray's absence in Ne braska City at the A. O. U. W. conven tion. Miss CLARA PHELAN of Alliance ar rived in the city , early in the week , and is the guest of her sister , Mrs. W. V. Gage. MR. AND MRS. FRANK REAL are ex cusably proud and very happy over their first-born , a vigorous , promising son , born last Saturday morning. MRS. WILLIAM SMITH of Denver is spending the week in the city , visiting old-time friends. Her husband was a former machinist in the shops here. Miss SELMA NOREN has been at tending the Delta Gamma sorority meet ing in Lincoln , this week , going down to the university on 2 , Sunday morning. MR. AND MRS. H. B. LUSE have been absent from the city , part of the week , visiting relatives in Hendley and Hast ings. They went down on Saturday evening and returned .home on "Tues day night. H. E. DOLE arrived home , last Thurs day night , from Louisiana , via Iowa , and is spending a brief while at home before going to Steel City in the eastern part of the state to embark in the lum ber business in partnership with another party. May liberal success crown his venture. Miss NELL FISHER came down from Denver , Monday morning on 2 , in re sponse to a telegram announcing the sudden death of her brother-in-law , M. Newell Forsythe of Wauneta , whither she went on No. 175 , the same morning. She will remain with her sister , a few weeks. LITTLE MONTIE , son of W. T. Coleman - man , sustained a painful fall , Monday , * in the hose house , City hall , where he was climbing and playing , together with other members of the City hall Primary school. He fell on his head , and the re sult was severely painful , if not serious. He is about as usual. WILL S. KiMMELL , formerly a mem ber of THE TRIBUNE family , and at one time associated with Barney Hofer in the publication of the Hayes Center Times , was graduated.from the Medico- Chirurgical college of Philadelphia , this week as a doctor of medicine. He will likely practice his profession in Penna. MRS. W. H. DAVIS and Alberta of Buena Vista , Colo. , are spending a few days in the city on their way east to be gone until August. They will visit a number of far eastern parts and in Can ada. They arrived in the city on Tues day night and are guests of Mrs. G. W. Bunting. Their many old-time friends are pleased to ses them after so long an absence. JAMES WALLING , deputy United States marshal , was out from Omaha , Saturday and Sunday , on business con nected with the receivership of the Ne braska Loan and Trust Co. of Hastings- The affairs of that company are now be ing closed up by Receiver Clarke , and the deputy was serving papers on owners and lessees of property on which the company has loans. Splendid assortment of refrigerators at S , M. Cochran & Co.'s. They can please you in price and quality. Mechanical Clerks Organize. The clerks in the mechanical depart ment of the Burlington service at Mc- Cook have organized a base-ball team from among their number , and announce their eager willingness to meet any club in the state composed of Burlington clerks. The membership of the club and the positions assigned are as follows : Carlton - ton , catcher ; Mokko , pitcher ; McLean , first base ; O'Connell , second base ; Hofferber , third base ; Poh , short ; Bar ber , Wood , Stroud , field. A meeting of the team has been called for Sunday afternoon at two o'clock , sharp , for the purpose of electing a cap tain and board of directors. The call issued notes the fact that they "have a strong team outside the fielders and hope to get them in shape soon. " One Dollar and Costs. The damage suit for $1,000 for alleged assault and battery of W. O. Russell versus W. F. Everist came up in county court , last Friday morning , before Judge Bishop and a jury of six , Paul Auton.M. J. Clark , George Bongers , C. D. Custer , C. J. Ryan and D. H. Polk , for adjudica tion. There was a liberal and able showing of legal talent on both sides and the case was warmly contested , the addresses to the jury being especially warm , attracting not a few auditors at the night session. The verdict of the jury was against the defendant , who was fined $ i and costs of suit , which total $37.60. De fendant talks of appealing the case to the district court. To Union Men. Smoke the "Vivo Cigar" made and run by union cigar makers. The finest cigar in the United States. Yon can buy them at the following places : J. H. BENNETT'S. D. W. LOAR'S. Take A. C. CLYDE'S. W. M. LEWIS' . J. C. KNOX'S. other. A. MCMILLEN'S. Paints ! Paints ! A good paint for $1.25 per gallon. The Lincoln , guaranteed for three years , is better. The "Asbestine" water paint kept in stock. Call in , we can save you money on paints. A. McMlLLEN. For Sale. Will sell household furniture , Majestic range , etc. Call at residence. HUGH W. COLE. Still selling 10 yards that fine Cambric Muslin , a yard wide , for 850. 10 yards Bleached Muslin , yard wide , for 490. Best Apron check Ginghams 50 yard. Best Carpet Warp i8c and 2oc. Best light Indigo Blue Prints 50. Good cot ton Crash 30. Fine Fancy Ginghams 8c. etc. etc. , at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. McCook lodge , Knights of Pythias , was represented at the organization of Delhi lodge No. 109 , Oasis of Hastings , last Friday , by a delegation of fourteen members , all of whom joined the "Dra matic Order of the Knights of Khor- assan. " A great time and a superb banquet are reported. Nazareth Knit Waists for Children , 25 cents. Ladies' Silk Mitts 20 cents to 50 cents. Sun Bonnets , 20 and 25 cents some new arrivals. Dressing Sacques , Wrappers , Shirt Waists , Underskirts , Gauze Underwear , all in large variety at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Not a week passes but we turn out more Bed Comforts , all of our own make , 6 feet wide , 7 feet long , 6 big Cotton Batts of our special brand , well tacked and hemmed , $1.65 for Print ones , $2.25 for Silkalene , at The Tbomspon Dry Goods Co. The Colson Stock Co. pavilion arrived , Tuesday , and the canvas was promptly raised , only to discover that the manu facturers were in error as to dimensions , a fact which will delay the opening day of the company until the 22nd. Cotton Covert Dress Skirts , made to your measure , with circular set-on flar ing flounce with bias heading , for $1.35. Choice of 14 colors of the covert cloth. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Also good line of Crash Skirts. There has been the usual post-pay-day exodus , and the financial mourners go about the streets saying swear words and seeking impossible consolation. Asbestine water-proof paint , one-sixth the price of oil , MCCONNELL & BERRY. The commissioner of public lands and buildings is taking the preliminary steps in leasing state school lands. E. K. Morse , painter and paper-hanger. Inquire at Loar's and McMillen's drug stores. At night ring the door bell at Loar's store and the clerk will do the rest. Ice cream freezers all sizes at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. No. 59 is being fitted with a new set of flues. Brakeman P. E. Potter is on the sick- list , this week. Machinist Floyd Berry returned to his lathe , Monday. Fireman Alex McLean was down from Akron , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Leary have gone to Nebraska City. John Hegenberger was in Oxford , Wednesday , on business. F. A. Henderson was a Culbertson visitor , Wednesday afternoon. Machinist Thomas Mclnery expects to leave for Chicago , last of the week. C. E. Anderson entered the service , Wednesday , as a machinist's helper. Despatcher R. B. Simmons lost a valuable cow , Tuesday night , by sick ness. Way-car 93 went out of the carpenter- shop , Tuesday , and 67 went in ; she is from the west end. Lumber is on the ground for the new flue-house , work on which will probably be begun , next week. Blacksmith Mike O'Leary left the service , Tuesday evening. Also Black smith's Helper Gaskill. C. L. Winn has changed from the me chanical to the train service and is on the road as flagman again. Switchman G. A. Carter has a two- weeks' lay-off and went up to Denver on I , Wednesday , on a visit. Switchman and Mrs. I. B. West de parted on 6 , Wednesday night , to visit relatives for a week or two. Conductor L. S. Watson returned , Wednesday , from a trip over the West ern division with the bridge special. Conductor William Shinsel of the gravel-train out of Oxford , was with the family at headquarters , over Sunday. The Blacksmiths and Rip-Trackers are up for a game , Sunday a week. It will be the gsme of the season I don't think. Mike Curran's two little boys came up from Mascot , today , and will be guests in Conductor J. J. Curran's family for a week or two. The Gould railroad interests are cred ited with the purchase of 110,000 tons of new steel rails for improvement on their lines everywhere. Switchman H. L. Thompson , who has been in the McCook yard for a year or more , resigned on Wednesday , and took No. i for Denver. Lodging facilities at the eating-house are being considerably increased by the erection of a new lodging house , which is now well under way. Machinist Dennis Cullen has been attending the A. O. U. W. convention in Nebraska City , this week , and Machinist W. E. Schmidt has had his lathe. They are pushing the work on No. 59 , this week , with all speed , and expect to have her on her wheels by tomorrow. Some night work is being done to that end. Switchman J. J. Larkey of Oxford has been promoted to conductor and will run on the Oxford-St. Francis , Oxford- Red Cloud runs , relieving Brakeman W. W. Webster who will return to Mc Cook and the main line. An order has been placed for the haul ing of 600 cars of west bound stock , the first of which is expected to start about the first of next week. The stock is from Texas for Montana points and will come over the Denver-Alliance cut off. A second consignment of four en gines to be used out of Sheridan were sent from Alliance to that point this week making nine out of the twenty that are now in service on the west end. Alliance Grip. A military college that is to graduate real rough riders is the novel institution planned by Buffalo Bill and a number of retired officers of the regular army. It will be located at Cody , Wyo. , in the heart of the Big Horn Basin , which will soon be made accessible through an ex tension of the Burlington railroad. Bar racks of unhewn logs are to be built , and instruction in everything from rough riding tp hunting big game is to be pro vided. It is believed that a number of eastern families will send their sons to Buffalo Bill to be transformed into thor ough westerners. Children's ready-made wash dresses , size 3 to 12 years at 40 cents to Jr. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. McMillen has a nice display of wall paper in his drug-store. Commencement Programmes. MEMBERS OF CLASS igOJ. JOHN LEHEW GEORGE STROUD CHARLES BOI.LES NORVA WINONA JONES MARY AGNES WILLIAMS GALEITA MILDRED MILLER FLORENCE NETTLETON JOHNSTON WALTER THORGRIMSON AUDREY LEILA JONES NELLIE PEARL SMITH NAOMI C. WOOTTON ARCHIUALD TYLER GLKNN C. IIui-i- Following are in detail the programmes and other items of interest and informa tion of Commencement week : Class Day exercises will be held in the Congregational church , Friday evening , May 24th , commencing at S o'clock , and following is the PROGRAMME. Charles Belles "Electricity" Florence Nettleton Johnston "Past , Present and Future" George Stroud "The Future of China" Norva Winona " " Jones "Music" Galetta Mildred Miller "What Can a Girl Do to Earn Her Own Living ? " Walter Thorgrimson "Class History" Archibald Tyler. "The Civilizing Power of Education. " Mary Agnes Williams. . . . "Our Aim in Life" Glenn C. Hupp/'Development of Machinery" Naomi C. Wootton "Shall Women Vote ? " Audrey Leila Jones "One Today Worth Two Tomorrows. " Nellie Pearl Smith"SeIf-Made if Ever Made. " The class motto is : "Only a Com mencement. " Class colors : Blue and gold. Admission to the Class Day exercises WILL BE BY CARD. Free tickets of ad mission to the exercises are at the dis posal of the members of the graduating class , and those who desire tickets and admission to the exercises should apply to the members of the class. Only enough tickets to fill the church will be distributed. CLASS SERMON. The Class Sermon will be delivered in the Methodist Episcopal church on Sun day evening , May 26th , at eight o'clock , by Rev. L. M. Grigsby. COMMENCEMENT NIGHT. The exercises of Commencement night will be held in the Menard opera-house on Monday night , May 27th , with Wil liam Hawley Smith to deliver the ad dress. Mr. Smith is not a stranger to the people of McCook , having on two previous occasions most delightfully en tertained McCook audiences. His fame is national : As an author in the "Evo lution of Dodd ; " while as an educator and lecturer he ranks among America's talented. McCook should annually hear two or three lectures by men of promi nence and ability , and this will be one of the opportunities of a year. In order to provide funds for the pay ment of expenses incidental to the exer cises it has been wisely decided by the board of education to charge a nominal admission fee to the exercises of Monday night. The tickets have been placed at 25 cents , and the same will be on sale at McConnell & Berry's drug-store , com mencing with Tuesday noon , May 2ist. This wise and proper action of the board will doubtless meet with the popular approval it deserves. Sufficient tickets will be sold to comfortably and safely fill the opera-house and no more. The complete programme for Com mencement night is as follows : Piano Duet Mesdames W. B. Mills and Mabel Stranahan Invocation Rev. Howard Story Essay "Electricity" Charles Belles Essay "Past , Present and Future" Florence Nettleton Johnston Essay "The Future of China" George Stroud Vocal solo , "Life's Lullaby" Lane Mr. Stuart B. McLean Essay "Music" Norva Winona Jones Essay "The Negro in the South" John LeIIew Essay , "What Can a Girl do to Earn Her Own Living" Galetta Mildred Miller Vocal solo "Italian Boatman's Song , " Tito Matter Mr. Knud Stangland Essay "Class History" Walter Thorgrimson ' Essay "Self-Made if Ever Made' Nellie Pearl Smith Essay. . "The Civilizing Power of Education" Archibald Tyler Essay "Our Aim in Life" Mary Agnes Williams Quartette , "Springtime , " C. Pinsuti Mr. Stuart B. McLean , Mrs. A. P. Benne , Miss Ida McCarl , Mr. J. R. McCarl Essay "Development of Machinery" Glenn C. Hupp Essay "Shall Women Vote ? " Naomi C. Wootton Essay , "One Today , Worth Two Tomorrows" Audrey Leila Jones Instrumental solo "Rhapsodic Hongroise. No. 6 , " Liszt Miss Edna Dixon Benediction Rev. J. W. Walker ALUMNI RECEPTION AND BANQUET. On Tuesday evening , May 28th , the members of the Alumni association of the McCook High school have arranged a reception and banquet for the mem bers of the class of 1901 and a few guests , which will befittingly conclude the ex ercises and functions of Commencement week. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Wall paper at McMillen's. Watch Loar's window each week. For clothing go to DeGroff & Co.'s. A war is on against rag-time music. Sugar beet hoes at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Screen doors and window screens at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Don't fail to see Loar's line of wall paper before you buy. McMillen has a nice display of wall paper in his drug-store. Hammocks , prices from seventy-five cents up at McConnell & Berry's. Loar's line of wull paper was fine last year , but it is simply grand this. Fly'o'Curo protects stock from flies and gnats. MCCONNELL & BERRY. FOR RENT Two front rooms over meat-market. CHUKCII & MARSH. Hammocks , prices from four dollars down. MCCONNELL & BERRY. You will be sorry if you fail to see Loar's line of wall paper before you buy. Colsou Stock Co. opening has been postponed until Wednesday , May 22nd. The largest assortment in Hie city of hose and hose-fittings at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. FOR SALE Two houses and lots in McCook. Inquire of or write to Thomas Burge , McCook , Neb. Get prices on lawn mowers and hose at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s before buying. They can save you money. POSTPONED The Colson Stock Co. opening , until Wednesday , May 22iid. Observe the change of date. Remember the Sunday hours at Church & Marsh's ' ineai-liiarket , 6:30 to' 9 o'clock a. m. No delivery. Men's Fine Black Satin Striped Worsted Pantaloons$5 value for $4.75at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. The Dorcas society announces a lawn social for May 31. Strawberries , ice cream and cake , all for 25 cents. The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall. One dollar and twenty-five cents buys a gallon of good paint at MCCONNELL & BERRY'S. My horse , Clispo , and jack Dandelier , will stand at the Commercial barn dur ing the season. J. S. McBRAYER. WANTED A girl for general house work. Inquire of Mrs. R. B. Archibald , corner McFarland and Dakota. Wages , $2.50 week. per 5-17-415. Every demand for a first-class , modern meat-market is fully met by Church & Marsh. Everything in season. And the prices are all reasonable. FOR SALE Four Hereford bulls , one Polled Angus , and one red poll , on niy farm two and one-half miles west of McCook. 5-i7-tf. j. s. MCBRAYER. The paint on the Wickwire Bros , wire- cloth does not come off and let the wire rust. S. M. Cochran & Co. have this wire in all widths , and it costs no more than poor cloth. A corn-fed kind that's the kind ot beef Church & Marsh place on their blocks. Its the juiciest and best , every time. If you are not a regular customer , try their market. Good , tender , wholesome meats are a household necessity. Church & Marsh fill the bill in all kinds of meats. They are courteous in treatment and prompt in delivery. At the same old stand. No use to look elsewhere for wall paper after seeing our stock. We have all the new styles and our prices are low. We never fail to please. MCCONNELL & BERRY. ESTRAYED A branded " " cow "M" on left hip from farm of Andrew Ander son , eight miles south and two miles west of McCook. Suitable reward will be paid for information leading to its recovery. Errors by tent-makers which necessi tated changes in seating etc. make it impossible for the Colson Stock Co. to open on Monday , the 2Oth , so the open ing date has been postponed until Wed nesday , the 22nd. In connection with the resolve of the New York school authorities to abolish the vertical system of handwriting , an odd charge against the teaching of a systematic instead of individual style of writing comes from business circles. Business men say that the reducing of all hands to a uniform appearance greatly increases the difficulty of identi fying handwriting and facilitates the chances of fraudulent imitations.