ff 'try tf , % NINETEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 1O , 19OI. NUMBER 32 Elect Teachers. The board of education held its regu Jar monthly session , Monday evening , al which time most of the teachers for th < ensuing school year were elected. Tlu following members of the teacher corp : were reelected : George H. Thomas superintendent ; Miss Celia A. Gorby , principal High school ; Miss Mary Pow. ers , Mrs. Belle Hedlund , Miss Ella Leon. ard , Miss Hannah Stangland , Miss Beatrice Wibley , Miss Mabel Wilcox , Miss Elizabeth Thomson , Miss Edna Garrard , Mrs. . J. G. Schobel. J. T , Holmes , Mrs. Mary Duffey and Miss Sarah Oyster were not candidates. The vacancies will be filled in due season. The matter of providing additional school-house facilities was discussed in , souie measure at the session , and preliminary in that liminary steps were authorized direction. Affairs have been further complicated by the fact that use of the West Denuison street building cannot be secured for another year. Besides the over-crowded stateof the schools demands imperatively more room The school district owns two lots just north of J. S. LeHew's residence and the board is con sidering the advisability of erecting a frame building thereon to meet require ments until the bonds now out against the school district shall have matured which will be in about eight years. This location is under consideration for the economical reason that the contemplated building can be heated from the East brick building , whobe janitor can also have the same in charge. While the plan proposed will not be an ideal one , it will for the present relieve the conges tion. It would also remove the little children from the street schools , which have always been objectionable. Means are at hand to erect the building in mind ; and perhaps no better plan can be advanced and carried to fruition. "Hughes' Colts" Win. The game of base-ball on last Saturday between "Hughes' Colts , " the Black smiths , and the Boilermakers was a game for your whiskers and no mistake , resulting in a victory for the Colts in a -close score n to 10. The game was played on the Athletic park diamond and both clubs were well represented by enthusiastic rooters. It was the first game of the season , and all agree that it was a "lulu , " and the close score sup ports the claim. Garvey and Hannan were in the box for the Colts and the Boilermakers were represented at the points by Wentz and Traver. The Colts attribute much of their vic- \ lory to "Friday" Wescott , who was at short. S5OO For Letters About Nebraska. The Burlington has received a great many contributions of letters in response to its call for letters about Nebraska in which competition the company is offer ing $500 in prizes , but we are informed that the company can use 10,000 more letters about Nebraska. The conditions are not difficult and there should be r numerous responses at once to this call. Write J. Francis , general passenger agent at Omaha , Nebraska , for full par ticulars and conditions. Thanks. McCook Lodge No. 135 , A. F. & A. M. takes this method to express its thanks to the ladies who so generously contrib uted to the success of the magnificent banquet given by it on the evening of April 23d. By order of the lodge. G. S. BISHOP , Secretary. Workmen , Take Notice. The Burlington will run a special train from Lincoln to Nebraska City , May I3th , leaving : Lincoln at 6:45 p.m. , and arriving in Nebraska City at 8:45. : Just now our wall-paper stock is im mense , complete in all grades ; come and V see it before it is broken. We show new this-year's styles and colorings at from four cents per roll up. Our silk , stripes , and tapestry effects are superb. MCCONNELL & BERRY. "F. C' " Gauze Corsets in straight front , high bust , low bust , short French model , and the Corset Waists , 35 cents to $1. Money back after 4 week's wear if dissatisfied. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. , Exclusive Agents. The Deering , Piano , Walter A. Wood i1 and Harvester King binders and the Piano , Randolph and Harvester King * headers for sale byS. M. Cochran & Co. Prices the lowest possible. A GOOD paint for outside or inside use , $1.25 per gallon. A good roof-paint at a remarkably low price. Let us save you money. MCCONNELL & BERRY. The Russell-Everist suit is drawing a full house in County Judge Bishop's court , today. _ SCAI.B BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Miss EMMA WAYSON is visiting it Guide Rock. MRS. FRANK NBUBAUER was a Den ver visitor , Sunday. Miss GENEVIEVB FEENY spent Sun day with Hastings relatives. MRS. V. H. SOLLIDAY is visiting hei sister , Miss Millie Slaby , at Peru. L. W. MCCONNELL and E. N. Berry were Lincoln visitors , Wednesday. J. M. LOGAN has retired- from the employ of H. P. Sutton and gone to Kansas. Miss MILLIE SLABY will be graduated from the Peru normal school , May 13 next Mouday. J. VV. HUPP attended the meeting ol Group Nine , Nebraska bankers , in Ox ford , Wednesday. Miss LIZZIE STEVENS was up from Lincoln , Sunday , guest of her sister , Mrs. Frank Kendlen. Louis SuESS visited the children neat Crete , Sunday and Monday , returning home on Tuesday night. MITCHELL CLYDE returned from the east , Wednesday night. Mrs. Clyde is visiting in Lincoln at piesent. MRS. C. E. POPE arrived home from Oxford , early in the week , leaving her sister , Mrs. Lee , in a very pecarious con dition. MRS. J. F. KENDALL arrived from Wanda , Illinois , close of last week , , and is the guest of her mother , Mrs1jN'E. * * Fahuestock. w GEORGE HANLEIN arrived from Lorna Linda , California , first of the week , and may decide to remain with us in Red Willow county again. MRS. W. R. STARR and Mrs. Lottie Brewer have been absent in Plattsmoutb , part of the week , attending the state en campment , G. A. R. MISSES CLARA AND FLORENCE PUR. Vis departed on Monday morning for Fremont. Mrs. Purvis and Will's little son will follow later. THE MISSES OYSTER entertained the members of the Awl-O's club on Tues day evening. There were guessing games , refreshments and other felicitous particulars. H. W- COLE will attend the grand lodge meeting of the A. O. U. W. in Nebraska City , next Monday , he being a grand representative. He is also a member of the grand committee on ritual. I. D. MOORE , who has been living in Tacorna , Wash. , for some time , arrived in the city , Friday last , on a visit. Mrs. Moore is visiting in California , mean while. He will return via California , and they will go back to Washington together. MRS. J. A. WILCOX went to Omaha , Monday night on 6 , to attend the con vention of the O. E. S. of Nebraska , be ing the delegate and representative of Eureka chapter No. 86. The sessions were held on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday. S. R. BARTON , deputy treasurer of Hamilton county , was here from Aurora , Wednesday , conferring with the boys of No. 61. He is a candidate for grand re corder of the A. O. U. W. and made a favorable impression among the Work men who met him here. M. N. ESKEY , who has been manager of a health resort at Loma Linda , Cali fornia , for some time , arrived in the city , first of the week , to spend some time here , in a drier climate , for his health. Mr. Eskey was in business in Bartley , in the early days , and still has many friends in Red Willow county who will be pleased to greet him again and who will hope for his improvement in health while among us. MR. AND MRS. A. P. THOMSON en tertained a company of friends , last Fri day evening , at a 6:30 : dinner , in a happy and hospitable manner , in honor of Mrs. Guild of Omaha , a sister of Mrs. Thom son , and Mrs. Marsland of Lincoln , an Eastern Nebraska friend of many years standing. The table decorations were in purple and white violets in profusion providing the fragrant color. Little baskets containing stuffed dates , almonds mends and a conundrum each were be side each plate. A four-course dinner was served with every charming acces sory. A brief social season of music , conundrums and chat ensued , concluding a delightful bit of genial , generous Scotch hospitality. Each guest was the recipient of a sprig of heather from Drumtochty , Scotland , made famous by Ian MacLaren. At night ring the door bell at Loar's store and the clerk will do the rest. ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS. The run on 13 from Oxford will be swift. Mrs. R. L. Hill visited her husband here , this week. Conductor L. E. Gilcrest was an Im perial visitor , Tuesday. Brakeman R. J. Moore made a tender mission to Axtell , yesterday. Switchman J. E. O'Connor was a Hoi brook visitor , Wednesday. Machinist Nick Fries and H.C.Jacobs have moved over into East McCook. Will Cowles has been deterred from returning to work by the illness of his wife. Brakeman H. W. Conover visited his parents at Red Cloud , Wednesday and Thursday. Conductor S. E. Callen has Conductor A. L. Knowland's run during the letter's indisposition. The new brakemeu , this week , are : Clark Hedges , L. L. Cassell , H. Spalding - ing , G. L. Burney. Conductor Frank Rank and A. L. Knowland are off duty on account of slight disabilities. Conductor L. S. Watson had the bridge special over the eastern part of the Western division. Conductor J. T. Brady and crew are proud as peacocks over their overhauled No. 126. just out on the road. Brakeman R. M. Douglass , who has been visiting his parents in Bloomington - ton , arrived for duty on Monday. The pay-car , running as a special , will be in McCook on the morning of Wed nesday next , May isth , at 7 o'clock. Conductor Frank Kendleu , father and mother went down to Arapahoe , Wed nesday on 12 , returning here on 5 , last evening. Conductor C. W. Bronson went to Chicago , Saturday , on No. 2 , on Burling ton voluntary relief business. Con ductor Joe Hegenberger has his run in the mean time. Machinist George Callahan expects to leave for Chicago , next week , on an im portant visit. Indeed , it will not sur prise the shop boys , if he follows in Nick Fries's footsteps and comes back gaily trotting in double-harness. The Machinists and a combination of boilermakers , blacksmiths and other shopmen will play a game of base-ball on the Athletic park grounds , next Tues day or Wednesday afternoon. The boys promise that this will be a peach of a game. Engineer B. H. Douglass brought a special , composed of California tourists , down from Denver , this morning. The Rio Grande was too late to connect with No. 2 , hence the special. The tourists were attach to No. 12 at this place. He returned to Denver with No. 63 , this afternoon. Conductor J. F. Custer has Conductor Joe Hegenberger's way-car 128 , during the change. Conductor W. C. Cox has 150 vice Conductor Callen. Conductor C. J. Snell has the 95 while Conductor Beale is absent , and Conductor G. W. Bunting has No. 72 while Conductor Brown is in Minnesota. Sup't of Bridges Olson and Foreman of Bridges and Buildings Perry have been running over the Western division , main line and branches this week , in a special train , on a trip of inspection. They came in from the west , Wednesday afternoon , and from here started fora trip over the Cheyenne branch. With six big road engines in the ma chine-shop being overhauled , in con nection with the large amount of work , repairs of all kinds , being continually carried on , some idea may be had of the large amount of work being regularly carried on in the McCook shops , every department of which is now busy. A new time-card will go into effect on Sunday. The principal changes are the extension of No. 13 to Denver , to be known as the "St. Louis special , " and its return as No. 14. No. 5 will stop at McCook and No. 12 will be made up at this point. There are practically no changes in the running of Nos. 5 , 3 , 6 , and 2. No. 13 will arrive at McCook from the east at it , and No. 14 will ar rive here from the west at 1045. No. No. 13 will go west at 10:10 just 62 min utes ahead of No. i. No. 14 will go east at 11:05 , just 5 minutes ahead of No. 6. Nos. 13 and 14 will give St. Louis the same splendid service now enjoyed by Chicago. Dressing Sacques , Percale Wrappers , Washable Dress Skirts , Worsted Dress Skirts , Shirt Waists , Underskirts , Gauze Jnderwear in largest variety at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Helper Lynn has resigned from tlu service. Machinist J. J. Webb quit the service last week. The switch is in for the new coach-re' pairing track. Machinist John Stevens expects to lo cate in Denver. Apprentice Floyd Berry has been on the sick-list , part of the week. Engineer E. C. McKay and family have been released from quarantine. Engine 191 was in the shop for repairs to a broken driving-box , this week. Engineer Frank Westland was up from Wymore , last Friday afternoon , on a short visit. Engineer Charles Milligan gets the Oxford-Red Cloud run on 17 and 18. He will have No. 244. The diner coal-house will be moved south a short distance and that track straightened out some. Roadmaster Samuel Rogersand family have moved into the J. N. Purvis build ing over on McFarland street. A new flue-house is to be built at once. It will be in dimensions about 19x24 and will be located east of the oil-house. Gus Budig returned , Tuesday night , from attending the meeting of the Na tional Air-Brake association in Chicago. Conductor John Morris was off duty on business part of the week , and Con ductor S. E. Callen had his run mean while. Engine 345 ran into the rear end of a freight , near Fort Morgan , Colorado , first of the week , smashing up the way- car badly. Under the new time-card and the ad dition of the "St. Louis Special , " 13 and 14 , two more engines will be required on this division. Engine 244 , recently overhauled , was in the shop , this week , for repairs to one of her piston-heads. She will be on 17 and 18 , Red Cloud to Oxford. Way-car 67 came in from Fort Morgan , Colorado , this week , for repairs. It was smashed up pretty badly in a little wreck and will have to be practically rebuilt. Master Mechanic Archibald will , in a few years , have the handsomest block of real estate in the city. His trees , shrub bery etc. are all making splendid growths. Conductor J. E. Beyrer was in charge of the tourist special this morning , from Denver ; whither he returned on No. I , this noon. He reports Bert Beyrer as being permanently employed in a Den ver drug store. Trainmaster and Mrs. J. C. Birdsell arrived in the city , Monday. Mr. Bird- sell returned home , via Denver , the next day. Mrs. Birdsall will remain some time on a visit , guest of Conductor and Mrs. A. P. Bonno. Engineer Frank Westland will return to and run out of McCook on account of the changes made under the 1iew timecard - card , by which the Southern division run will stop at Red Cloud , instead of at Oxford , as at present. Engineer Sid Brown , who was killed at Thayer , Iowa , first of the week , in a wreck , was a brother to Hy Brown , who until recently lived over on the Drift wood. Hy Brown is a brother-in-law of Engineer J. H. Moore. The Burlington's new time card , ef fective , next Sunday , will make a change in No. 5 , the train running through Lin coln in the forenoon to the west. This train will not run to Denver , stopping at McCook. Its work will be taken up by No. 13 , the Denver-St. Louis train. Journal. With the first of May , James Barber became store-keeper at this place. He will have entire charge of the store house and oil-house , Master Mechanic Archibald being relieved from responsi bility in this respect. Arthur Wood will continue in the service as assistant store keeper. With the increase in work in the shops has come a corresponding increase in the business of the storehousevast ; quantities of stores are now kept here and the business transactions of that de partment will be better understood when it is considered that 1,200 miles of railroad are supplied from this point. The force of men in this department has been increased accordingly , the day and night corps now numbering six men , and they are kept busy meeting the many and constant demands. McMillen has a nice display of wall paper in his drug-store. No. 3 in a Bad Wreck. Monday afternoon , while running al high speed , the Burlington flyer , No. 3 collided with a work-train at Thayer , a small town , eighteen miles east of Cres- ton. Iowa , producing one of the most serious wrecks the Burlington has sus tained in years. The work-train was being backed onto the side-track at Thayer , and the entire train , save the engine , was safely on the siding wht n the impact occurred. Owing to a curve and a gulch at that point the approach of the flyer could not be noted until about 200 yards separated the trains. The noise of the passenger train , however , was heard , and the engineer of the work-train was making every effort to place his train in the clear , but without avail. * Both engines toppled over into the ditch at the side of the track and Engineer Sid Brown of the passenger train was buried under his engine. The baggage car , express car , smoker , day coach and two chair cars followed the engine into the ditch. Engineer Sid Brown stayed at his post , reversing the engine and setting the emergency brakes , thus going down bravely to Ins death. The work-train crew jumped when it became certain the wreck inevitable. Brown was an old-timer on the road , and has a family in Creston , Icwa. A special train with surgeons was sent from Creston , Iowa , to the scene , and the wounded were brought to that place. The list of injured is large , thirty-eight patients being cared for at the hospitals , three of them , it is rumored , having died. Fireman Mike Canuey of Ottuuiwa , Iowa , was badly bruised and cut , left arm broken twice , may result fatally. Commencement Week. Following are the events for com mencement week : Friday night , May 24th , Class Day Exercises. Sunday night , May 26th , Class Ser mon , Methodist church , by Rev. L. M. Grigsby. Monday night , May 27th , Commence ment Exercises , opera-house , address by William Hawley Smith. Tuesday evening , May 28th , Alumni Reception and Banquet , High school. Full particulars , next week. The Colson Stock Co. Will open the season in its new pavil ion theater in McCook , Monday , May 2Oth , for a.week's engagement. Mr. Colson has engaged a company of twenty people , with band and orchestra , and with the new stage and scenery the pub lic may expect a treat for the week. Season tickets for the week may be secured at the drug store of McConnell & Berry , commencing on Monday morning next. Prices 10 , 20 and 30 cents. Exhibit Day. This is Exhibit day in the McCook public schools. Are you going ? You cannot afford to miss the opportunity. Work will be exhibited by the pupils of all grades , between the hours of two and seven , this afternoon. Don't fail to at tend. The exhibits will be held open until dark , if necessary. Paints ! Paints ! A good paint for $1.25 per gallon. The Lincoln , guaranteed for three years , is better. The "Asbestine" water paint kept in stock. Call in , we can save yon money on paints. A. McMiLLEN. For Sale. Will sell household furniture , Majestic range , etc. Call at residence. HUGH W. COLE. We please every customer , or nearly every one , who looks at our new line of wall-paper. We can please you both in color and price , and you will regret it if you don't see us before you buy. MCCONNELL & . BERRY. People come to S. M. Cochran & Co. from other states to buy the Majestic range. T. A. Erb came clear down from Akron , Colorado , last week , for that purpose. He got one of the largest makes for one of his boarding cars. Children's Fancy Parasols , 10 , 25 and 50 cents , Ladies' Fancy Parasols , $ r to $4,75. Umbrellas , 65 cents for steel ribbed ones to $4,75 , at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. WANTED A girl for general house work. Inquire of Mrs. H. M. Tyler , North Manchester street. Wages , $2.50 per week. 2ts. Solendid assortment of refrigerators at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. They can please you in price and quality. E. K. Morse , painter and paper-hanger. Inquire at Loar's and McMillen's drug stores. Ice cream freezers all sizes at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Colson , May aoth. Wall paper at McMillen's. Colson Stock Co. , May 2othone week. Watch Loar's window each week. For clothing go to DeGroff& Co.'s. Sugar beet hoes at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Madame Gossip has had the right of way , this week. Screen doors and window screens at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Don't fail to see Loar's line of wall paper before you buy. McMilleu has a nice display of wall paper in his drug-store. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mundy , Wednesday. Loar's line of wall paper was fine last year , but it is simply grand this. County Attorney Starr will deliver the Memorial day address at Stockville. * Hammocks , golf plaids and fancy colors. MCCONNELL & . BERRY. Vahue & . Petty are having their store room handsomely repapered , this week. You will be sorry if you fail to see Loar's line of wall paper before you buy. The largest assortment in the city of lose and hose-fittings at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s. Celebrated Amsterdam Silk Mitts and Silk Gloves at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. FOUND A pocket-book containing small sum of money and few stamps. Call at P. O. FOR SALE Two houses and lots in McCook. Inquire of or write to Thomas Burge , McCook , Neb. Get prices on lawn uiowers and hose at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s before buying. They can save you money. Remember the Sunday hours at Church & Marsh's meat-market , 6:30 to 9 o'clock a. m. No delivery. The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall. Arrangements are being made for the usual observance of Memorial Sunday and Memorial day , and program will appear in due time. Ladies' Gauze Knee Pants in bleached and ecru , plain and lace trimmed , at 25 cents , 35 cents and 50 cents. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Every demand for a first-class , modern meat-market is fully met by Church & Marsh. Everything in season. And the prices are all reasonable. The street sprinkler went into com mission , first of the.week , all resplend ent in a new coat of yellow and red paint , with John Eckstedt on the seat. The paint on the Wickwire Bros , wire- cloth does not come off and let the wire rust. S. M. Cochran & Co. have this % vire in all widths , and it costs no more than poor cloth. A corn-fed kind that's the kind of beef Church & Marsh place on their blocks. Its the juiciest and best , every time. If you are not a regular customer , try their market. LOST On last Wednesday evening , a mink fur collarette , between Mr. Go- heen's and the railroad tracks. A suit able reward will be given for its return to McMillen's drug store. Good , tender , wholesome meats are a household necessity. Church & Marsh fill the bill in all kinds of meats. They are courteous in treatment and prompt in delivery. At the same old stand. The Cole building has been purchased by M. U. Clyde , who expects to open up a saloon therein in due time. Mr. Cole retains his private office and the offices of the Star of Jupiter in the second story until the first of the coming year. Don't forget that we carry the Simon- pure Asbestine paint , absolutely fire proof , weather-proof , just the thing for barns , sheds and fences. Costs one- sixth as much as oil paint. MCCONNELL & BERRY. Colson Stock Co. will open a week's engagement in our city in their new pavilliou theatre , Monday. May 20th. Prices , TO , 20 and 30 cents. Season tickets for the week may be secured at McConuell & Berry's , beginning next Monday morning. The remains of E. M Farnsworth and J. B. Farnsworth , buried in the cemetery at Pleasant Prairie over south-west in Grant precinct , were removed to River- view cemetery in this city , Thursday. They resided in that neighborhood in an early day. E. M. will be remembered as a claim agent , J. B. "bached" on the farm.