The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 12, 1901, Image 1

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    II fy
, vlrer. {
Mrs. W. H. Benjamin of Bauksville
passed to her reward , Monday evening.
Services were conducted at the home ,
Wednesday morning , by Rev. J. W.
Walker of the Christian church and the
remains were afterwards brought to Mc
Cook and buried in Riverview cemetery.
[ MAGGIE TRAVIS was born in Putnam
county , New York , July 3rd , 1839 , and
died at Banksville post-office , Red Wil
low county , Nebraska , April 8th , 1901.
Was united in marriage to W. H Ben
jamin , October aSlh , 1857 at Hornby ,
Steuben county , New York. Mrs. Ben
jamin was a consistent and faithful mem
ber of the M. E. church. An aged hus
band , postmaster at Banksville , five
VA sons and onfi daughter are surviving
mourners ; one son preceded her to the
spirit land. The deceased was loved
and respected by a large circle all who
knew her. ]
The members of the bereaved family
are remembered by many iu much sym
pathy at this time of sorrow.
KV. Mrs. Sarah 'Slierinan , whose home is
about eight miles north of the city , died
of old age , Tuesday. She was in her
Seth year. Funeral services were con
ducted at the home , Thursday about
noon , by- Elder H. H. Berry , and burial
followed in Riverview cemetery of this
[ SARAH GILBERT was born in Penn
sylvaniaMarch 13111,1822. Has lived in
Michigan , Illinois , Missouriand Nebras
ka , moving to Red Willow county about
eight years ago from Missouri. Her
husband died , May ist , 1898. Deceased
was the mother of ten children , of which
three are dead ; one daughter , Mrs. Mary
A. George , resides in our city. Mrs.
Sherman was a member of the Duukard
faith. ]
Too "Funny" by Half.
The Franklin glee club gave its enter
tainment , Tuesday evening , in the Con
gregational church , before a well-filled
house , notwithstanding the rainy , in
clement weather. With the exception
of two or three meritorious numbers , the
entertainment was rather "plunky , " and
a disappointment. The club is poorly
balanced being weak on the tenor end
and badly "listed" to the basso side.
Perhaps the most vulnerable point in the
entertainment was the excess of "fun. "
It spoiled the taste of the music which
was fairly creditable and enjoyable.
Prof. Aller's base solo , Miss Stevens'
piano solo and at least one club effort
were creditable.
Tuesday morning at ten o'clock in the
solemn and impressive service of the
Catholic church at St. Patrick's , Rev. J.
W.Hickey united John Hesterwerth and
Philomena Schmitz in marriage. The
young couple are among our excellent
and sterling young people , and they go
to house-keeping on W. S. Fitch's farm
with the best wishes of many warm
Death of Ben Mills.
Benjamin D. Mills , for many years a
banker aud real estate dealer at Republi
can City , and who was involved in the
disaster and disgrace that overtook
County Treasurer Whitney of Harlan
county , some years since , died at his
home iu Lincoln , Monday.
We are pushing wall paper sales this ;
season because , first , wall paper never
was sold for less money than this year.
Second , we have more paper and finer
colorings than we have ever carried.
We rarely fail to please a customer who
looks at our stock. Will you not come
in and see what we have whether you
wish to buy or not ?
Summer Gauze Corsets from 35 cents
to $ i , including Corset-Waists and the
straight-front Corsets , all of the cele
brated "F. C. " make , money back
after four weeks wear if dissatisGed.
For sale only at The Thompson Dry
Goods Co.
Get a Rock Island disc and disc your
corn ground well before listing your
corn , and disc your alfalfa now before it
gets too high , and after each cutting.
The Rock Island is just the thing for the :
work. S. M. Cochran & Co. sell them.
A lo-yard cut of good yard-wide
bleached muslin for 49 cents at The
Thompson Dry Goods Co.
A good ready-mixed paint in every [
color , $1.25 per gallon.
When in need of a steel range , cooker
i or gasoline stove buy of H. P. Waite.
The goods and prices are right.
Hereafter the meat-market of Church
5c Marsh will be open on Sundays from
6:30 to 9 o'clock. No delivery.
* * . ' A- - . Children's Rubbers 25 cents a pair at
- The Thompson Dry Goods Co. j '
MRS. H. C. BROWN was a Denver vis
itor , Wednesday.
MRS. ARTHUR LYMAN was a Republi
can visitor , Sunday.
MRS. D. L. BISHOP of Franklin was a
city visitor , Saturday.
MRS. J. M. TRAMMELS visited Oxford
relatives , Saturdayjast.
JOHN ROXBY was up from the farm
near Arapahoe , Tuesday.
HARRY M. PORTER of Allegan , Mich. ,
is a guest of F. S. Vahue.
MRS. A. L. KNOWLAND visited in
Lincoln , close of last week.
MRS. W. L. REYNOLDS visited Cam
bridge friends , last Saturday.
MRS. E. F. CAFFREY of Oxford is the
guest of her brother , Frank Real.
Miss NELLIE CLARK returned , Wed
nesday morning , to her home in Oxford.
Miss INEZ SHOEMAKER and Miss Dot
Davenport of Culbertson were McCook
visitors , Saturday.
MRS. Louis LOWMAN has been quite
ill and confined to bed part of the week ,
with an attack of the grip.
MRS. S. J. BINGHAM departed , last
Saturday morning , for Eastern Nebras
ka , on a visit in several counties.
Miss MAUDE McMiLLEN has been
conducting the office during the absence
of District Clerk Boat man.-this week.
MRS. RENO WALSH and children ,
who have been visiting J. W. Selby , de
parted for Plattsmouth , Saturday night
MRS. S. L. MOENCH departed , Tues
day night , for Durango , Colo. , her home.
She will visit Trenton friends for a few
days en route.
HENRY S. FARRER , local manager for
the American Beet Sugar Co. at Grand
Island , has been here , part of the week ,
on business of the company.
spent a brief while in the city , Wednes
day afternoon , on his way to Rocky
Ford , Colorado , with a car-load of dairy
ed the reception tendered Governor
Dietrich by the members of his staff at
Lincoln , Wednesday , returning home on
No. i , Thursday noon.
ed the minstrel show at Arapahoe , Tues
day evening. An old Plattsmouth
friend , Sam Patterson , ex-deputy state
treasurer , was one of the leading
' 'coons. "
E. N. BERRY arrived home from Chicago
cage , last Friday night , having a few
days previously been graduated from
Northwestern School of Pharmacy of
that city , Here's congratulating the
"doctor. "
T. J. LEWIS of Westminster , Cali
fornia , spent part of last week in the city
an business , trading some California
property , while here , for farm land in
irtciuity of McCook. He left here , Sat-
arday , for Sullivan , Illinois.
W. H. WELLS of San FrancicoCalif. ,
was in the city , Sunday , guest of W. E.
erwin , on his way to New York. Mr.
SVells is the western representative of
he American Tin Plate Co. , the great
: in plate trust. Apropos of new consoli-
lations and combinations , he has been
: alled to New York city.
C. B. HARE , who is now said to be a
; ictim of the bubonic plague at Ann
rbor , Michigan , where he is studying
jacteriology in the university , will be
emeinbered as having been formerly
: mployed in the McConnell & Berry
irug-store. It is said that he will re-
: over. It is thought that he contracted
he plague in handling germs.
MRS. J. H. LUDWICK went down to
Dmaha , last Saturday night on 6 , to
lave an operation performed for the re-
noval of a tumor. Mr. Ludwick and
Dr. A. J. Gunn accompanied her. The
> peration was performed by Dr. Davis ,
Holiday , and at this writing Mrs. Lud-
vick is progressing favorably toward re-
overy. The tumor weighed nearly forty
) ounds.
Overcoats at DeGroff& Co.'s.
Ladles' and Boys' Rubber Boots for
1.75 at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. as
E. K. Morse , painter and paper-hanger , o
nquire at Loar's and McMillen's drug-
tores. P
Passe-partout board and binding.some
iew colorings.
s ]
Wash Skirts and Worsted Dress Skirts
a your measure from any piece of goods n
i stock. All-wool ones from $250 up.
'he Thompson Dry Goods Co. ' t <
Easter Observances.
All the churches of the city celebrated
with appropriate services the solemn ,
significant and joyous day , aud the serv
ices were largely participated in in each
several instance , so befitting Christen
dom's most significant feastd-ay.
Appropriate sermons , special and elab
orate musical programmes and tasteful ,
lovely floral decorations signalized the
day at the various churches :
As is their custom , the members of St.
John commandery , Knights Templar ,
attended divine services ; assembling at
their asylum at two o'clock in the after
noon and in full uniform in a body they
marched to the Methodist church , where
the following impressive ceremonial was
rendered :
Organ recital "Prelude in D Major..Thayer
Processional Battmann
Anthem "Gloria , " Twelfth Mass Mozart
Scriptural selections
Responsive lesson Psalm 111
Scripture lesson St. John 20:1
Hymn "Coronation. " Sir Knights
Sermon * . Rev. Howard Stoy
Anthem Chadwick
"Shout , Ye High HeavenF. "
Hymn Sir Knights
"Onward , Christian Soldiers. "
Prayer Knights at Devotion
Organ recessional "Hallelujah Chorus" . . .
The altar aud pulpit were handsomely
aud elaborately decorated with palms ,
ferns , potted plants and cut flowers in
sweet perfusion of color and fragrance.
The occasion attracted a full house
and was one of the auspicious evetfts of
Easter day.
Both morning and evening services
were held , with special programmes and
music and good attendance on both oc
The morning service was that usual to
the gladsome occasion , with appropriate
sermon and music and the celebration of
the Holy Communion. It was vocal
with the welling joy of Easter-tide.
In the evening the service was appro
priately and distinctively musical , with
short responsive reading by the congre
gation and a brief address by the pastor.
The choir rendered four anthem numbers
and the service
throughout was a source
of inspiration and pleasure.
The decorations were almost exclus
ively floral , and were largely confined to
the pulpit and choir. The pulpit was
banked with a charming wealth and
variety of fragrant , beautiful potted
plants , palms and ferns , while cut
flowers in beauteous color and sweet per
fume added to the tasteful attractiveness
thereof. .
At both morning and evening services
special Psalms and Lessons were read ,
rhe Even Song was enlivened by the
Processional."Angels Roll the Stone Away"
tntroit "Jesus Lives"
Dffertory Anthem Quartette
'Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead"
Recessional. . . "I Heard the Voice of Angels" :
The sermon by Rector Howard Stoy
ivas from Col. 3:1 , on "Newness of Life.
The chapel was most effectively dec-
> rated with beautiful blooming plants
.vhich were in harmony with the joyous
Baster services.
The day the greatest festival of the
: hurch was becomingly observed.
Chere was early Mass at eight o'clock
md High Mass at 10:30 , when Leonard's :
second Mass was rendered by a special
: hoir. The sermon by RevJ. . W. Hickey
vas on the Resurrection , and was heard
jy a crowded house. The altar was
jeautifully decorated with a rich variety
> f potted plants , cut flowers and palms.
Che latter service was an especially sol-
: mn and impressive one.
There were the regular morning and
svening services , with sermons and
nusic appropriate to the day. Special
Sunday-school exercises consisted of ob-
ect lessons by the pastor and recitations
ind musical numbers by the children.
Chere was a baptismal service after the
noruing service. The altar and pulpit
vere handsomely set off by a display of
minis , ferns , potted plants and cut
There were the usual services , morn-
ng and evening , with sermons and music
ppropriate to the day , but no special
ervices were held. The pulpit was dec-
irated with blooming plants and cut r
lowers. The day was quietly and sim-
ily observed. c
Both morning and evening services ap-
iropriate to the day were held , but no
pecial effort at decoration was indulged
a. After the morning services a baptis- n
lal and a marriage ceremony were per-
armed. Both services were largely at-
Brakeman F. G. Foe was up from Red
Cloud , first of the week.
.Conductor L. C. Wolff is off duty on
account of the illness of his wife.
The pay-car is posted to be in McCook
at 5:20 , Sunday evening , by special train.
Conductor C. W. Bronson spent Sun
day with Masonic brethren in Hastings.
Braketuan G. L. Miller is still reliev
ing Brakemau W. W. Webster at Oxford.
Brakemau G. A. Brooks of Hastings is
laying off on account of sickness in his
Brakeman C. .L. Olmstead has been
transacting business in Shickley , part of
the week.
Conductor Tom Malen was called to
Nebraska City , last Friday , by the ser
ious illness of his aged father.
Steel cars will as rapidly as possible
come into general use. They are more
economical and more profitable.
There is a probability that the Burling
ton will establish sheep-shearing and
dipping pens at Guernsey , Wyo.
Edward Mullen , chief clerfc in the
Burlington auditing department , has re
signed , after a service of ten years.
Mrs. W. C. Lambert arrived ou Thurs
day of last week from Edgemont , S. D. ,
and is visiting Mrs. Jennie Carroll.
Brakeman W. W. Prall and T. D. Joy t
spent part of this week in Akron attend
ing a criminal law suit as witnesses.
Fireman and Mrs. Thomas Ortou , who
recently returned home from a visit in
Colorado , are ill , and have been placed
under quarantine regulations.
Special car "Courier , " containing , W.
A. Patton , assistant to the president of
the Pennsylvania road , passed through
McCook , Wednesday morning , attached
to regular No. 2.
The Burlington's March businessgreat-
ly exceeded that of February , the volume
being steady , however. The item of in
crease is largely California fruit , of
which about 200 cars go over the line
every week.
Engine 234 will arrive at Alliance from
McCook , next ( this ) week. This engine
is equipped with a "Talmage blow-off
cock" and will run from 5,000 to 6,000
miles without being washed out. It will
be used on the run west of Alliance.
Alliance Grip.
Yardtnaster Peter Carty and family
and Mrs. Thomas Carty and family de
parted on 6 , Saturday night last , for
Chicago , where the yardmaster and fam
ily will visit three or four weeks , and
rt'here Mrs. Thomas Carty and family
, vill remain and make their future home.
A new style of locomotive , to be known
is the "Atlantic type , " is being experi
mented with by the Chicago , Rock Is- li
and & Pacific road. One of the features
) f the engine is a device whereby almost
he entire weight of the locomotive , in-
: luding the tender , may be thrown di- a
ectly over the driving wheels when
iteep grades are to be covered. "Trac-
ion increaser" is the name given the
nechaiiisrn used in shifting the weight.
Phe machinery for doing this is air cyl-
nders placed over what are known as
'idler" wheels , directly under the cab. h
[ "he removal of a portion of the weight '
rom the idlers allows the back of the tl
ngine to sink down and thereby trans-
ers it to the drivers. Engineers have
) renounced the new device one of the
> est inventions added to locomotives in
'ears. It enables trains to climb heavy
grades easily and in long trains renders
mnecessary the work of a helping en-
jine at the rear of trains. But hill-
: limbing is not the only feature of the
veight changer. In starting a train from
i station or on level track it demon-
itrates its usefulness equally as well. It
ibviates the use of sand and assists an
ingine to "keep on her feet. " One of
hese new engines on the Rock Island
ecently made a record-breaking run
vith a "train of seven cars. The 182
uiles between Davenport and Chicago
vas covered in three hours and twenty
ninutes. The first 119 miles were run
n 122 minutes , including two stops ,
inhere were several bursts of speed , in
phich a rate of eighty-five miles per
tour was attained.
M. E. CHURCH. vi
The morning service consisted in the
eception of members and the baptism d <
f children. Two members were re-
eived on confession , one on probation ,
nd four children were baptised.
In the evening there was a special
Jaster sermon and music ,
The beautiful decorations for the after- ,
eon event served for the services of the ,
ay.No b <
No services in the South McCook M.
J. church. of
The Old and the New.
The old council met in regular session ,
Monday evening , all present.
Bills were allowed on their respective
funds as follows :
C. B.
Gray $60 oo
Fitzgerald 50 oo
John Ekstedt 29 25
McCook Electric Light Co 85 oo
Samuel Hornback i 80
J. H- Wyatt , i 80
W. C. Bullard&Co n 70
H.P. Waite 9 73
McCoy & Bowen i 40
E. J. Wilcox 6 25
M. H. Meyer 3 oo
C. A. Dixon 3 oo
] . S. LeHew 3 oo
Abner Clark ' 3 oo
J. E. Kelley . 8 oo
David Magner 3 oo
J. C. Predmore 3 oo
E. J. Mitchell . - 3 oo
E. W. Hendricks 3 oo
George Nicholson 3 oo
M. E. Homer " . 3 oo
Timothy Ilannan 50
Bill of A. F. Swart for $118.94 was al
lowed at $73.00.
Report of H. H. Berry , police judge ,
was read and ordered placed on file.
Report of C. B. Gray , chief of police ,
tvas read and ordered placed on file.
Ordinance No. 93 to establish a fire
limit etc. was passed and ordered pub
The council then proceeded to canvass
: he vote cast at the late city election ,
icting as a canvassing board , and found
ind announced the following result :
: . E. Eldred 135
5eorge W. Conner 27
S. J. Wilcox 167
\ . C. Ebert 165
L , . C. Dole 164
IV. S. Perry 103
R. M. Osboru 61
R. B. Archibald 124
S. H. Doan 74
The old council declared the result
ind adjourned.
The new council then went into session ,
ill present.
Mayor Eldred appointed W. R. Starr
is city attorney and the appointment
vas confirmed by the council.
The mayor then announced the fol-
owing standing committees :
Ordinance Moore and Coleman.
Fire Osborn and Moore.
Cemetery and Health Perry and Os-
Streets and Alleys Coleman and i
'erry. j
Electric Lights Perry and Moore.
No action was taken in regard to po
ice. Adjourned. s
Bids for Breaking.
I want bids for doing breaking on 80
cres of land on the south-east quarter
f section 34-1-30 , in Red Willow county ,
rite me at Lindell hotel , Denver ,
lolorado , at once.
Paints ! Paints !
You can secure for a short time , at ;
st year's prices , the Lincoln Absolutely
'ure Mixed Paints. Guaranteed for
liree years. Sold only by A. McMillen.
Farmer's Friend.
The hen , the farmer's friend , should be
rell treated make money by using Mc-
lillen's Poultry Powder and Egg Pro-
Wall Paper.
McMillen has a full line of best figures .
nd colorings iu wall paper at prices
tiat will surprise you.
Cheap-Terms Easy.
Seven-room dwelling for sale cheap
nd on easy terms. Fruit and shade.
Grade Herefords for Sale.
A number of grade Herefords for sale ,
At night ring the door bell at Loar's
tore and the clerk will do the rest.
Nazareth Knit Waists for Boys and
rirls. They button either before or
ehind. They are elastic and therefore
ery comfortable and also very durable ,
hey can be worn next to the body thus c ,
oing away with the usual undershirt ;
; cents a piece at The Thompson Dry Ci
oods Co. CiC !
Church & Marsh are feeding a yard of F
X ) head of steers , which in due time \ !
ill find their way onto the block in CI
icir meat market , so their many cus- CIft
> mers are assured of the best corn-fed ftT
sef that can be produced. The firm is T
ide awake to the needs and demands c <
F their trade. G
Just like Illinois !
Watch Loar's window each week.
It's sure McMillen's Cough Cure.
For clothing go to DeGroff & Co.'s.
Buy your garden and flower seeds from
H. P. Waite.
Don't fail to see Loar's line of wall
paper before you buy.
Ladies' Anchor Hose Supporters at
The Thompson Dry Goods Co.
Alfalfa seed at $4 ; extra choice at
$4-60 ; at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Loar's line of wall paper was fine last
year , but it is simply grand this.
Lawn mowers of almost every grade
and price at S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
FOR SALE A disc harrow , in good
condition. R. B. SIMMONS.
You will be sorry if you fail to see
Loar's line of wall paper before
you buy.
A lo-yard cut of fine Cambric muslin
for 85 cents at The Thompson Dry
Goods Co.
FOR SALE Two houses and lots 'in
McCook. Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge , McCook. Neb.
The Masonic brethren made W. E.
Bechtelheimer a Master Mason , Tuesday
evening. A banquet followed.
WANTED A girl for general house
work. Inquire of Mrs. II. M. Tyler ,
North Manchester street. 2ts.
The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of
G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of
every month in Odd Fellows hall.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Two binders iu
good order. 4-12-413.
GIRL WANTED To do general house
work. Inquire at home of Mrs. R. B.
Archibald , west of West school-house.
Word from Pueblo , Colorado , announ
ces the birth of a daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Williams , of regulation weight
and unusual sweetness.
H. P. Waite has just received a large
invoice of the best grades of rubber hose
which will be sold very cheap , consider
ing quality of the goods.
We are making just now a specialty of
lawn mowers , lawn hose , lawn sprink
lers , nozzles and hose repairs and lawn
rakes. S. M. Cochran & Co.
It don't pay you to buy an inferior
jrade of rubber hose , when a good qual-
ty will cost you but a trifle more. H.
? . Waite has the best for the money.
Alex Bergeron , the well-known Denver
Diano-tuner , is now in the city and will
je at your service for the next week or
wo. Leave orders at H. P. Sutton's.
Put your stock in good shape for
pring. Our condition powders and
lock foods are money-savers.
This continued moist weather is just
he thing for the Great Majestic iu fact
hey are the proper caper in any weather
he weather clerk has a mind to send us.
Lawu fence , lawn hose , lawn sprink-
ers are among the important things that
nake your home pleasant ; and a coat of
oed paint will beautify it ; all for sale by
I. M. Cochran & Co.
A customer recently remarked that
? e have the best line of stationery seen
n the west. We will show you some
landsome things in writing paper if yon
pill let us. MCCONNELL & BERRY.
The mud will soon be gone and the
ancy will then turn to thoughts of a
lew buggy. Naturally you will think of
McFarland. S. M. Cochran & Co. sell
hem. They always give complete satis-
A couple of hours work in the morn-
tig and evening for a week with a few
allons of S. M. Cochran Si Co.'s ready-
nixed paint will help the looks of your
louse wonderfully ; try it ; it will not
est one-fourth what it will be worth to
Doctor J. B. Hare , former superintend-
nt of the Iowa Sanitarium at Des
loines , conies to us highly recommend-
d , having had a large experience in
ianitarium methods for the treatment
f difficult cases both acute aud chronic ,
'he doctor has decided to locate per-
lanently in McCook and until suitable
ffice and treatment rooms are obtained
an be found at Loar's drug-store.
All-over Laces in white , black , butter-
olor and ecru. Prices range from 15
ents to 1.25 a yard. Black Silk Lace
bouncing 42 inches wide $1.25 per yard.
ralenciennes Laces in white , butter-
olor and black ; in edgings , headings
nd insertions ; by the dozen or yard ;
om 173 cents to 15 cents per yard ,
'orchon Laces from 5 cents dozen to 15
snts per yard at The Thompson Dry
roods Co.