CTS. CTS. Our Sale of Standard P F p n P Em \ * i \ \ \ v .1 0 L Li LI 0 Yesthat's the price,3c each for all flat papers. Why not buy your seed of n us ? We guarantee you strictly fresh seed , because we do not handle commission L mission goods ; our seeds are bought outright and not returned. Our prices are about one-half the regular price charged by other dealers. Don't Buy , Don't Send Away Until you have seen what we have to offer you in BULK BRED We will duplicate the price , or even do better , than any other reliable concern in the country. ARE OUT FOR THE SEED BUSINESS- * * * * BEE .MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5) aCSu&uficjiBit jJSjifflt . iKgctyf Ttyctygc-jtycvge xyL-stjafpjp yj ? V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. ICITIZENS BANK | 1 Jt OF MeCOOK , NEB. Sf % * r f" 40 Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000 | DIRECTORS jjf / . FRAHKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A. C. EBERT , if H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. Bridges rivers , tunnels mountains , builds cities , gathers up the scattered rays of one's ability. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents. Ask your druggist. NOTICK FOll PUBLICATION" . Department of the Interior. Land Oflice at McCook , Nebraska , March 14. 1901. Notice it , hereby given that the fpllowinsr-named settler has iiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that paid proof will bo made before reRifcter and receiver at McCook. Nebraska , on Saturday , April 20 , 1901 , viz : Klizabeth J. Albrecht , entry No. 10P01 for the south cast * 4 , section 20 , township 1 , north , raiiBO 29 , west , 6 P. M. He names the following vritncsw * to prove his continuous residence ui > on ami cultivation of said land , viz : Oruahlo L. Thompson , Richard A. Green , William Coleman , and William T. Coleman all of McCook , N'ebraska. F. M. RATHBUX , SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of an order of sale , issne < ltfrom the District court of Red Willow county. Nebraska , ' wilder a decree iu an action wherein T.H.Gravcs -c al. are plaintiffaud J.E. Cochraii is clefend- aut , to modirecteil and delivered , I i-hall offer at public tale and * ell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of the court house , iu Me- < 'ook. Red Willow count- , Nebraska , ou tin2:5(1 day of April , 1W1 ! , at the hour of oue o'clock , p. MI. , the following described read e-tato , to-\vit : Lots eight , ami nine in block six in the icoul ! addition Ui tin- city of McCook , Red Willow county. Nebraska. Dat l t.liis22iii day of March , 1901. G. F. KixGiionx , Sheriff. A. C. CEABTREE , Deputy. W. S. Mori. in , Attoruej . 'J-22-5t ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska , Rwl Willow county , ss. At a county court , held at the count } court room , In aud for said county. March 4th , A. D. 1901. Present , G. S. Hishop , county judge. In the matter of the estate of William Hall , deceased. Ou reading aud filing the iwtition of Morgan S. Pollard , praying that the instrument , filed on the 1st day of March , 1901. and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased , may bo proved , approved , probated , allowed , ami recorded as the last will and testament of the said William Hall , deceased , aud that the execution of said instrument may be committed aud the administration of said estate may bo granted to Morgan S. Pollard , as executor. Ordered , that March 26 , A. D. , 1901. at 1 o'clock j > . m. , is assigned for hearing said petition , when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a count } court to bo held in and for said county , aud show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be gi veu to all persons interested in said matter bypublbhiug a copy of this order in THE McCooK TKIBUNE , a weekly newspaper printed iu said county , for three successive , -\seeks. : prior to said day of hearing. G. S. BISHOP , County Judge. TriBune Ulubblnj ? List. For convenience of readers of THE TRIB UNE , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and perodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with TJni TRIBUNE at the following very low prices : PUBLICATION. PRICE. TR E Detroit Free Press Si oo $ i 50 Leslie's Weekly. 400 300 Prairie Farmer i oo 175 Chicago Inter-Ocean i oo I 35 Cincinnati Enquirer. i oo 150 New-York Tribune i oo 125 Demorest's Magazine i oo i 75 Toledo Blade i oo 125 Nebraska Farmer i oo 150 Iowa Homestead i oo 145 Lincoln Journal i oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo i ? o New-York World i oo i 65 Omaha Bee i oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magazine i oo i So St. Louis Republic i oo 175 Kansas City Star 25 115 Nebraska Dairyman and LJp- to-Date Farmer 50 125 Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 I 15 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb. Take Rocky Mountain Tea. See it exter minate poison. Feel it revitalize your blood and nerves and bring back that happy , joyous feeling of boyhood days. 35c. Ask your druggist. A Milwaukee brewing company has gone into bankruptcy , but the relatives of the beer city will not suffer. There are others. Question Answered. Yes , August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or biliousness. Doctors were scarce , and they seldom heard of appendicitis , nervous pros tration or heart failure , etc. They us > ed Au gust Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food , regulate the action of the liver , stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system , and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower , in liquid form , to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's I Prize Almanac. A. McMillen. DANPURY. Solomon Stilgebouer had business in Me Cook , Friday. G. Weyeneth had business in the county seat , Thursday. Sam Graham and Ed Lister were McCook business visitors , Wednesday. E. D. Lister and S. S. Graham transacted business in the county's capital , Thursday. George Fredrickson and F. C. Ileadley were McCook visitors , Saturday last. Danbury and vicinity are coming in for their full share of new buildings , this spring. On account of the weather , Rex Miles , Ed Ruby , Henry Butler and F. P. Eno did not get started for Oklahoma as soon as they ex pected. The party got under way , Thursday last. W. A. Minniear , J. , and bride have been warmly welcomed by many friends. Airs. Minniear was formerly Miss Belle Ray , daughter of George Ray , who resided near liere in 1884-5. She is well and favorably known here , having taught in our public schools , last year. They were married in Lincoln on the 7th instant. If troubled with rheumatism , give Cham- jerlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost u a cent if it does no good. One applica- lon will relieve the pain. It also cures prains and bruises in one-third the time re quired by any other treatment. Cuts , burns rostbites , quinsy , pains in the side and chest , glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price , 25 and 50 cents. McCon- icll & Berry. Statistics show that there are now 29,000- ooo four-legged pigs in this country. The lingering cough following grippe calls or One Minute Cough Cure. For all throat uid lung troubles this ib the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Pre ents consumption. McConnell & Berry. 0 If a Woman < G 3 wants to put out a f.re she doe.-n't c heap on oil and wood. She throws on water.know.ngthat v/a erquenches fire. When a woman warns to get well from diseases peculiar to her sex , she should not add fuel to the fire already burning her life av/ay. She should not take worthless drugs and potions composed of harmful narcot ics and opiates. They do not check the disease they do not cure it they simply add fuel to the fire. Eradfied's ! Female Regulator should be taken by every woman or girl who has the il.ghtest susp con of any of the ail ments which af flict women , 'llley will simply be wasting tur.'e until they take it. The Kej/ulator is a purifying , stren g t h c n i n g . tonic , which jjcts at the root * of the disease and cures the cause. It does not drug the pain , it eradicates it. It stops falling of the womb , letu I'rrl'ea , inflammation and periodical suffering , ir- ri'jn'.ar. scanty or pamfiU menstruation ; and by doing all this drives away the hundred and one aches and pains which drain health and beauty , happiness and Rood temper fiom many a woman's life. It is the one remedy above all others O which every woman should know about and use. O Gl.OO per bottle C ) at any ileus store. O OO S nd for our free OO illustrated book. O O Tfie < Bradfield O Regulator Co. tt O Atlanta. , Ga. ttQ ttO : Q The Celebrated GERMAN MEDICATOR AND CATARRH CURE. A safe and scientific appliance for the treatment of all diseases of the Head , Throat and Lungs. POSITIVELY CURES Catarrh , Coughs. Colds and Head ache , relieves Neuralgia , Asthma , Hay Fever , Bronchitis , LaGrippe. Clears the Voice. Restores Lost Taste and Smell. Our German Medicator Conveys highly Medicated Air or Vapor to all parts of the Mucous Membrane. Cleansing , Purifying and Healing. Easy to use. Satis faction Guaranteed. Dr. S. L. Green , Agt. McCook - - - - - Nebraska. All Calls For The H BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains , and an swer all calls to any part of the city. 'PHONE 36. W. H. Acker man , McCook , Nebraska. BARTLEY. Jacob Kerns enjoyed a Sunday's visit with his brother. K. D. Lofjnn will put in a nc\v drug-store , the first of the coming week. W. C. Wood of the Omaha World-Herald was in town , Monday , looking after the inter ests of his paper. The Curlee Bros. look grand and gay in their new department store. Ther store is a credit to any town along the valley. U. G. Etherton entertained his brother and family over Sunday , and a very pleasant re union it was , as it had been two years since the brother last visited him. Our energetic lumberman , P. S. Clayton , was greatly pleased by the arrival of his wife and boy , Saturday night. He had worked hard to have the home cozy when she should come. A. L. Cochran visited Omaha in the interest of his business , tins week , and new goods will soon be arriving. Miss Hazel improved the opportunity to visit her aunt at University Place. The schools are closing around us and our school ma'ms arereturnmg home. The Misses Nellie Daniels , Lulu Flint and May Case have all closed very successful terms. Yno Fore man also reports his school closed. The Demorest contest given by eight pupils n our school was a close contest and in the minds of many it was a tie between three. Minnie Wolf got the medal. 'Ihe brief pre sentation speech was made by Miss McCool of liulianola. J. W. Lang leaves us , this week , for his new home in Washington ; the family will follow later. Win. Blackson goes with them. We are iorry to lose Mr. Lang's family and shall miss Wm. Blackson as well. Success to them in their new home , Baitley had a very pleasant and happy wedding , last Thursday night , at the home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Oj'g , when Miss Olive Ogg and Mr. Fred Bentley were married by Rev. William Harclcastle of Cambridge , Rev. E. B. Crippen assisting. The bride was dressed in a light fawn lady's cloth with Battenberg trimming and the groom in regulation black. A six-course supper followed. Only the relatives and in- < tiiuate friends were present. Some very ele gant and useful presents were received. Like Oliver Twist , children ask for more when given One Minute Cough Cure. Moth ers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. It is a specific for grippe and asthma and has long been a well known lemedy for whooping cough. McConnell 5 : Berry. RED WILLOW. Fall uheat and rye are coming on nicely. Real estate transfers were lively in this section , March iSth. Mr. Moore of Lebanon precinct has moved onto his property in this precinct. Mrs. E. A. Sexson is in the College View sanitarium at Lincoln for treatment. t This precinct is represented in four different - t ent county papers by correspondents. c Charles Suiter and Henry Uhren will plant eighteen acres of land under irrigation on L. J. Holland's farm to sugar beets , this season. We have heard a number make the remark , if you haul out corn to put in crop in the spring you will have corn to burn in the fall. Here's hoping the prediction may prove true , the coming fall. Prof. Ivison , of Lonaconmg , Md. , suffered terribly from neuralgia of he stomach and in digestion for thi'teen years and after the doc tors failed to cure him they fed him on mor- phine. A friend advised the _ use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bottles sf it he says , "It has cured me entirely. I : an't say too much for Kodol Dyspepsia Zure. " It digests what you eat. McConnell X : Berry. PROSPECT PARK. Literary tonight with an interesting pro- jramme. Miss Mattie Shears entertained company , his week. The Miss Sly entertained a number of 'riends , Saturday. George King was in this neighborhood the 'orepart of the week. Mrs. John Sly closed a veiy successful erm of school , Friday. Miss Julia Sly expects to attend the teach- : rs' association at Indianola , Saturday. * a Gerda Anderson and Julia Sly came out A'ednesday from town to attend literary. Counterfeits ot De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve ire liable to cause blood poisoning. Leave hem alone. The original has the name De lhi's upon the box and wrapper. It is a larmless and healing salve for skin diseases. Jnequalled for piles. McConnell & Berry. LEBANON. We are ready for spring , gentle spring , now ny time , Mr. Weather Clerk. Amos Thomas , who has been at Jol i e t , llinois , has , like the cat , come back. Mrs. B. F. Bradbury is critically ill and Mrs. , S. Hale and daughter were with her , last ist week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rodwell and Ora Rod- . ell departed for Myrtle Point , Oregon , first f the week. If such weather as Monday and Tuesday Couldn't make a person swear and burn his ooks your correspondent don't know what ould. For high wind and dense dust and hilly air they were ribbon-takers. R. II. Nichols , assessor for Lebanon pre- inct , and C. A. Dickman , assessor for Tyrone recinct , were in McCook , Tuesday , in attend- nce upon the meeting of county assessors , ho convened in the county seat on that date > arrange and decide upon llie basis for the ) OI assessment. Some Meat In Xeccssary. Consul Hughes writes from Coburg , ; ermany , that in opposition to the de- jrmined vegetarians who condemn all nimal food there is a growing num- er of physiologists who insist that bstention from meat , if continued for ges and generations , is responsible > r the feebleness and intellect of cer- iln races. V * \v / " - - THE NEW PALMER Is now open and fully equipped as a First-Class Hotel. Transient Cus tom properly taken care of. Parties desiring rooms and board or table board will be given rates according to accommodation and service re quired. Come and see for yourself as we can assure you that , for the price , our table and rooms cannot be beat on earth * 0 JAHES ROONEY , Prop. JOE LOWLEY , Hgr. INDIANOLA. John McClung was a McCook visitor , Mon lay. lay.S. S. L. Miller had businessMn Lincoln , Tues Jay. Jay.II. II.V. . Keyes and A.C. Teel were McCook visitors , Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Keyes were in Me Zook , Thursday , on a short visit. William Plourd and C. Price had business n the county capital , last Friday. The tempeiance people have nominated a , trong and able city ticket , it must be ad nitted. Mr. and Mrs. lames lletherton were guests > f County Judge and Mrs. G. S. Bishop at the : ounty seat. Tuesday. Samuel Randolph is determined to get into > rint with his petty law cases if he has to 'break into" his own newspaper to secure the : heap notoriety. Does It Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all ight , but you want bometlnng that will relieve nd cure the more severe and dangerous re- ults of throat and lung troubles. What shall ou do ? Go to a warmer and more regular limate ? Yes , if possible ; if not possible for ou , then in either case take the only remedy iiat has been introduced in all civilized coun- ries with success in severe throat and lung roubles , "Boschee's German Syrup. " It not nly heals and stimulates the tissues to des- roy the germ diseasebut allays inflammation , ecures easy expectoration , gives a good night's sst. and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in le world. Get Green's Prize Almanac. A. IcMillen. The physicians say that the piece of iron uried at Emperor William struck his majesty i the zygoma. Zygoma may be the German ang word for cheek. Their promptness and their pleasant effects take DeWitt's Little Early Risers most pop lar little pills wherever they are known , hey are simply perfect for liver and bowel oubles. McConnell & Berry. Xobody knows all about it ; nd nothing , now known , will .Sways cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emul- ion of Cod Liver Oil , when icy think it is caused by im- erfect digestion of food. rou can do the same. It may or may not be caused y the failure of stomach and mvels to do their work. If i > . you will cure it ; if not , ; > u will do no harm. ' - I he way , to cure a disease - to stop its cause , and help : c body get back to its habit " health. When Scott's Emulsion of nd Liver Oil does that , it " .ires ; when it don't , it don't .ire. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it , take no other. If you have not tried it. s-end for free sample , it- > agreeable taste \ \ ill surprise ou. SCOTT & BO\VXK , Chemists. 409 Pearl St. . . X. Y. 5oc. and i.oo ; ail druggists. BALSAM CUKES 0 McCOOZ SURGICAL HOSPITAL , D. W. V. CAGE. McCook. - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Hank. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building H. P. SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS MCCOOK , NEBRASKA JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW aud BONDED ABSTRACTER McCooK , NEBRASKA. EB Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , O DENTIST , © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. DR. J B. FICKES A Reliable Over Mc Connell & Graduate Dentist Berry's. . . . SET YOUR CAN OUT THE - OIL - MAN i ? IS - COMING . McCOOK = TANK = LINE S. D. McCLAIN , Prop. i F. D. BUKGESS , team Fitter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun. Eclipse J Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. DON'T BE FOOLED ! Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison , WIs. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each packaze. Price , 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substi tute. Ask jour druggist. -IDEAL SPRAYER " J to 50 Gallons Capacity \ u hold the nozzle THE SPRAYER DOES THE REST. SeeT. F. ROWELL s > Guaranteed Salarv $900 Yearly J rdliant lines. Write at once.-9-l-l. STAFFORD 3 Church S , , , Com