The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 22, 1901, Image 7

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    * * - * " *
v P3v ; j
A Notedr Boston Woman Describes
its Symptoms and Terrors/ / Two
Severe Oases Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
L ,
"I am so nervous ! no one ever suffered as I do ! There
isn't a well inch in my body. I honestly believe my lungs
are diseased , my chest pains me so , but I have , no cough. I
am so weak at my stomach , and have indigestion terribly , and
palpitation of the heart ; am losing flesh ; and this headache
and backache nearly kills me , and yesterday I had hysterics.
" There is a weight in the lower part of my bowels , bearing
down all the time , with pains in my groins and thighs I
can't sleep , walk , or sit , and blue oh goodness ! I am simply
the most miserable of women. "
This is a most vivid description of a woman suffering with
nervous prostration , caused by inflammation or some other
diseased condition of the womb.
No woman should allow herself to reach such a perfection
of misery when there is no need of it. Read about Miss
Williamson's case and how she was cured.
Two Bad Gases off Nervous Prostration Curort
was suffering such tortures
from nervous prostration that
life was a burden. I could
not sleep at all , and was too
weak to walk across the floor.
My heart was affected so that
often I could not lie down at
all without almost suffocating.
I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and it
worked like magic. I feel that
your medicine has been of in
estimable benefit to me. "
196 N. Boulevard , Atlanta , Ga.
" I had nervous prostration
terribly , caused % female
weakness. I suffered every
thing ; was unable to eat ,
sleep , or work. After a while
I was induced to try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound , and I really began to
improve on taking the first
bottle. I continued to take
the medicine , and am now
better in every way , and feel
like a different person. I am
simply a well woman. "
Marienville , Pa.
KK\VAKD. Wo have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn , § 5000 ,
which will be paid to any person who can find that the ahovo testimonial letters
are not genuine , or were published before obtaining the writer's special per
Tells all about Winchester Rifles , Siiofpns , and Ammunition
Send name and address on a postal now. Don't delay if you are interested.
The real -worth of "W. I Douglas S3.00 ami S3.50
shoes compared \vith other makes is S4.00 to S5.00.
Our S4.00 Gilt Edfro ino cannot he equalled at any
price. "We make and sell more S3.00 and S3.50 shoes
than any other two manufacturers In the United States.
Tlin KEASOX more W.I , . Douglas * 3 and * 3JO shoci are sold
thananyothcrm keisbccau6cTJIKY AICKTM-K KKST. Tour
dealer should keep them ; we give one dealer exclusive sale In each town.
Tukc no mibittltiite ! Inriet on having W. I * Douglas shoes with
name and price stamped on bottom. If your dealer will not get them for
you , send direct lo factory , enclosing price and 25c. extra for carriap- .
rt tc iind of leather , size , and width , plain or cap toe. Our shoes will
re ch you anywhere. Write for catalogue thomng new Spring styles.
YTc mo Font Color IV. ! - Douclnv Shoe Co. ,
Kyelets in nil our shoes. Jlrocltton.
Three perfect instru-
menu In one , gaguet
Itself ; has been test
ed for three years ;
" " "
Humane Swine "V"
Stock Marker and
Calf Dehorncr pre-
\ cnts hoga of all ages
from rooting forever
and saves twenty-fl\
bushels of corn out
I of one hundred In
' fattening them. It
Is the only perfect
marker for all kinds
of stock ever In-
vcntcd.wates forty-eight different markes and Is the
only bumanc calf dchorner In existence.
Send for circular and t Ulmonlalp , or "end me a
One Dollar Bill In a Letter and TRY It. If
you find the above statements to be true , kindly send
inc the remaining fifty cents In stamps. If not. do
not send a cent. This Is no cheap thing and is
worth SIOO to any Farmer.
S.J. BRIGHTON , Fairfield , la.
cases ! Book Of testimonials and 10 DAYS' treatment
MIES. DR. II. II. tiUEES'S SONS. Box E. AtlirU. da.
W. N. U OMAHA. No. 12 1901
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
In tlma. Sold by crucetsts.
We are shaped and fashioned by
what we love. Goethe.
Pain relieved , sickness prevented , by
timely use of Wizard Oil. Keep it al
ways in the home.
Love and philosophy are sworn en
What Do the Children Drink ?
Don't give them tea or coiTeo. Have yon
tried the new food drink called GRAIN-O ?
It is delicious and nourishing , and takes the
place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give
the children the more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-O is made of
pure grains , and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee , but
costs about % &s much. All grocers sell it.
It is the raised stick that makes
the dog obey.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Many a married man is a silent hero.
Ask your grocer tor DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
Two Nebraska "Bank "Wreckers Eeceive
Their Punishment.
Judge Hunger of the Federal Court
rustics Upon the Case Suit on Itailrond
lioncls A Kidnaper In Court Miscel
laneous Stutc XOMB.
OMAHA , Neb. , March 1C. C. A.
Reimers , president of the defunct
First National bank of Neligh , Neb. ,
and his son , Edward O. Reimers , as
sistant cashier , were each sentenced to
five years in the Sioux Falls peniten
tiary by Judge Munger for wrecking
the institution of which they were
officers. In compliance with the re
quest of their attorneys , the judge
suspended sentence for ten days to al
low time for the filing of an appeal
This case was tried in the federal
court in December , 1899 , anti the de
fendants were found guilty. A motion
was made for a new trial , -which the
judge took under advisement until
Saturday , when he overruled it and
pronounced sentence.
The Reimers and Charles R. Allder ,
cashier , were indicted in October , 189S.
Allderwas never placed on trial , he
being a fugitive from justice some
where in Mexico.
The charge against the officers of
the Neligh bank was falsifying the
records , violating the banking laws
of the United States and making false
reports to the comptroller of the treas
ury. It is alleged that originally All
der purchased the bank from the Rei
mers and that in doing so he used the
assets and collateral in making his
payments and that they knew this.
Charges of forgery were also made
and it is understood that forged notes
were discounted and rediscounted with
other banks for the purpose of taking
up personal obligations.
When the receiver , H. J. Whitmoro ,
took charge of the affairs of the bank
he found a shortage of between $30-
000 and $40,000 and liabilities of ? 110-
000. Since then he has paid 40 per
cent in dividends and some $10,000 on
taxes and bills.
Snlcldu of a Prisoner.
CLARION , la. , March 16. Soren Pe
terson , a farmer living six miles west
of Clarion , was arrested a few days
ago on the charge of rape , and brought
here and lodged in jail to await the
action of the grand jury. Mrs. Peter
son has been an invalid for some
time , and it was necessary to employ ,
a hired girl to assist in the house
work , and it was this girl upon whom-
the crime is alleged to have been com
mitted. She is only about 15 years of !
age. Peterson was the only occupant )
of the jail at the time , and took ad
vantage of the temporary absence of-
the sheriff to kill himself by hanging. '
Suit Upon Kailroacl Bonds.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , March 1C. '
Suit was filed in the district court
by John C. Watson to recover $4,000 !
damages from John M. Clapp & Co. of !
Philadelphia. This concern is the !
holder of $40,000 worth of Missouri !
Pacific bonds upon which they have1
just secured judgment against Otoe
county. Watson alleges in his peti
tion that the bonds were placed in his
hands for collection in 1875 by Clapp
& Co. and that his fee was to be 10
per cent of the amount recovered. He
further alleges that Clapp & Co.
gained possession of the bonds by un
fair means.
Conference on Taxation.
NEW YORK , March 15. The Na
tional Civic federation , which has held
a conference on "our foreign policy"
and on the "trust question" and re
cently organized a national joint com
mittee on "conciliation and arbitra
tion , " today from this city issued a
call for a national conference on. tax
ation at Buffalo for May 23 and 24.
The governors will be invited to ap
point delegates and the various state
tax commissioners and members of
legislative committees.
National Cuard Klectioii.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 16 An elec
tion by commissioned officers of the
First regiment Nebraska National
Guard , to fill the vacancy caused by
promotion of Lieutenant Colonel
Harry L. Archer to colonel , has been
called for March 27 by Adjutant Gen
eral Killain. Permission has been
granted company K of the First regi
ment at Columbus to parade with
arms April 9 , when the veterans of
Shiloh celebrate.
Ornanl/.o Anti-Saloon League.
STROMSBURG , Neb. , March 1C.
All churches in the city met in mass
meting Sunday night to listen to an
eloquent address by Rev. Dr. Kearns
of Lincoln. After the lecture an anti-
saloon league was organized , and over
200 signed the list of membership.
This league will endeavor to knock out
the saloons here , and if they fail in
that , they will enforce the Slocum lav , '
as nearly as possible.
Dinsmore Back in Kearney .Tail.
KEARNEY , Neb. , March 16. Frank
L. Dinsmore , who has been kept at the
state penitentiary nearly a year , being
convicted of murdering Fred Lake at
Odessa over a year ago , was brought
to Kearney by Sheriff Funk and
placed in the county jail.
Alleged Kidnaper in Court.
OMAHA , Neb. , March 16. James
Callahan , known to the officers as No.
3 of the alleged kidnapers of Edward
A. Cudahy , Jr. , was taken from the
solitary cell in the county jail and
escorted to the court room , where he
was arraigned before Judge Baker ,
where he pleaded not guilty to the
three informations , one of which
charges that he falsely and unlaw
fully imprisoned Edward A. Cudahy.
Jr. , for the space of thirty hours ; an
other that he robbed Edward A. Cud
ahy of $25,000. The trial was set for
March 20th.
A man doeo not always aim at what
he means to hit.
A Month's Test Free.
If you have ntieumntUin , wrlto Dr. Blioop , Iluclnc ,
WH. , Itux 143 , for alx bottle * of Ills lUieuuiatlc Cure ,
exprcsH paid. Bund tie money. 1'ay 5.SO II cured.
Riches are often abused , but never
Home-Seekers' KxcumlotiH.
On the first and third Tuesdays of each
month the Chicago. Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway will sell round-trip excur-
nlori tickets from Chicago. Milwaukee
and other points on Its line to a great
many points In South Dakota. North
Dakota and other Western and North
western States at ahout one fare. Take
a trip west and see the wonderful crops
and what an amount of good land can
be purchased for a little money. Furth
er Information as to rates , routes , prices
of farm lands , etc. , may be obtained by
addressing I1' . A. Miller. General Pas
senger Agent. Chicago , III.
Little sorrows are loud , great ones
Try Graln-O ! Try Crain-O !
Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a
package of GRAIN-O , tbo now food drink
that takes the plnco o colFee. The children
may drink it without injury ns well as tUo
adult. All who try it , like it. GRAIN-O has
that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , but
it is made from pure grains , and the most
delicate stomach rocofvos it without dis
tress. % the price of coft'ea. 15c and 5 eta.
per package. Sold by all grocers.
What is play to the strong is death
to the weak.
FITS Permanently Cured. jTortaoriieivonsnesiartej.
Hrst day's ui e of Dr. Kline's ( Jteat Nerve Kentorer.
Snd for FKEK ! i.OO tiial bottle nrt trentixe.
Liu. li. 11. KLINK , Ltd. . 'JJ1 Arch fit. . 1'uilMlelpiii-w l' -
Under white ashes lie often glowing
There are a great many Remedies ,
but there is one CURE for a poor com
plexion : that is Garfield Tea which
cures by purifying the Blood , thus Re
moving the Cause.
He who would leap high must take
a long run.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the onb 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
A man who is not spoken of is not
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH , the only 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
It is hard to pay for bread that
has been eaten.
ZUrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrap.
"for children teething , softens the gums , reduces lp-
flammatlon , allays pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle-
A new-b rn babe has no past and its
future is uncertain.
Dyeing is as simple as washing when
Every fool thinks he is clever
Throw physic to the doss if you don't want
the dogs but if you want good digestion chew
Beeman's Pepsin Gum.
Infinite is the help man can yield
to man. Carlyle.
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of r.3
acouKli cure. J. W. O'HriiEsf , Ifcii Third A\e. ,
N. , Minneapolis , Minn. , Jan. C. 1000.
Man is the great wonder. Hermes
llrokcn lluckn ICopitlrrd.
The broken spien is occasionally
yielding to the skill of Hiirgory. A
number of cures have lately been
made of vertebrae fractures which not
long ago would have been considered
hopeless. The latest case reported is
from the University of Chicago ,
where a student broke his neck in
the gymnasium October 24 , and Is
now entirely recovered.
A Gold-Lined Goone.
A sensation was caused in Neur
Westminster , near Vancouver , the oth
er day , by the discovery of $1U worth
of fine and coarse grain go.d in the
crop of a wild goose. The goose waa
shot at Pitt Lake , which Is fed by
numerous mountain streams. The
sand bars along the shore were known
to contain gold , but had never been
Fancy Prices for Flr t Kdltlon * .
The demand for first editions of fa
mous American authors holds up well ,
as was shown at the disposal of the
Arnold collection in New York last
week , when about 700 lots realized
over $7,000. The prize of the sale
was the first edition of Hawthorne's
"Fanshawe , " one of the rarest of
American books , which went for $410.
Cut Off Six Timed.
Edward Conrad , a railroad gateman ,
of Allegheny , Pa. , suffered an injury
some years ago which made it neces
sary to amputate one of his legs. Since
then he has had five accidents , in
each of which his artificial leg was
cut off.
A " \Viirm 1'arody.
The Bookman's parodies on that
Englishwoman's love letters are rather
pat : Ownest When I woke this
morning my windows were covered
with a thick , white frost , my bathtub
was an improvised skating pond , and
the mercury in the thermometer out
side had forced a hole through the
bulb at the base of the tube and dis
appeared. I was just dangling one
timorous creamy magnolia-white foot
over the edge of the bed , into the icy
crackling void of circumambient cold ,
when the door opened and Juggins
( that housemaid , beloved , is already
pensioned against senility ! ) Juggins
brought me your letter. Ownest ,
think of it. Five hours had elapsed
since I had heard from you !
The Kaiser und the Sergeant.
Emperor William's kindness of
heart is well known and recently at
the parade at Stettin he gave proof
of it to a former sergeant of his under
whom he had served wh * n he was
crown prince. He recognized the vet
eran standing among the crowd of
spectators and summonded him. For
some minutes he chatted pleasantly
with the man and then dispatched an
orderly to bring a horse for his for
mer sergeant that the latter might be
able to ride about and see th ? review
at his ease.
The total receipts iron- the Philip
pine customs lor February ware $7. > 0-
The Remarkable success of Garfield Tea ,
the great HERB cure for constipation
and Sick Headache , is due to its health
ful action on all the digestive organs.
Celery is delicious cooked and good
for rheumatic and gouty people.
_ rp y inl IIMrrroutIl e : >
O. rllKLI-H nilUITJi , USln > J iJ. iff nbnrjb ,
PATENTS He in I iliim-rlptlonB
and vet frro opinion.
iHII.O II. MTKVKNM & < ( . , Kslsb. IWH.
DIr. 2 , HIT14th Street. WASHINGTON , I ) . U.
liranch ofticu * : t'hlcniw , Cltivolnnd and Detrolt. _
If you tnlto up .vour
homes In WcHlcrn t in-
adti. the liinil < > t plenty.
Illustrated painphlelx.
Klvln xix.'rlcMce.s of
( urinvn who liavo be-
coHID wealthy in row.
Intfhcit , ruportH of
dHctfate-s. eta. and full
Iniormaiion us to rcducc-l r.ilhvuy r.itrH cut ) bo
hud on unpllcutlon to lliu Supcrlntccdcnt of
Iriinifk'ratlun. UctuirtiiK'tit < > f Interior , Oltnwti.
Oitiadu , or 10 W V llcnnett. WU N Y. Utu
IllilK. . Oniuhu. Ncl ) Special cxcurhlouH to
Western Canada during March and April.
For i4 Gents
We utll tha followlne rare * ! UOT UI .
plf.Ulv. Illood Tnm ( o H J , 9.13
4k XorthrrB L m n H 4 > < lt .1 }
.m ' K iorlU Onion B d , .10
" farraMlirrraCacarabcrUetil , .10
' Clt/.nl.n U tfie * < l , .10
< IS'Uir Kadlih Hrml , .10
] j > X. ll > rltUi < ito8 < eJ , .11
0 IJflllitntl'loncrhttJ , .U
Worth $1.00
AtiofR 10 pu-kagts nro 1.011\tic * nt will
mall roti frro. togeilxr with our gr l
llluitratc.l tv - < i Catalog , telling all alxml
HolnTVUIIIIoii Dullur UrnM
JVlou C'hulfo Onion Nectl. * ! 0o. alb.
Toflhrr ifllh tioa > anil * < > rtrllral * ie *
tablti ami f rm ( cetlf. upon receipt of Hs.
an > l f hlnnotlor. AVIiru oncfl joa plant
fialirr'J 8rr < l j'nl will nercTiIowllhouU
The "Big Four Route"
Is a Railway System
2,500 Miles of Superb Roadway
Built and Equipped in the Most
Approved Manner of Modern
Railway Construction.
The Passenger Train Service of the
"BIG FOUR ROUTE" provides 200
Passenger Trains per day , requiring
for their operation
ISO Passenger Locomotives
450 Passenger Cars
25 Parlor Cars
20 Dining and Cafe Cars
In addition to which Sixty Pullman
Sleepers are in Continuous Service
on the "BIG FOUR" and its Through
Car Lines.
Gen. I'ass. & Tkt. Apt. Asst. G. I & T A.
Means misery on the eve of life. Nine out
of ten old people are constipated because the
muscles of their intestines have become
weak , worn out and flabby. Constipation
is the curse of old age , causes bile and
acid poisons to remain in the blood , making
the skin yellow and wrinkled , the eyes
bleary and causing the "bones to ache. "
Keep the bowels strong , healthy and regular
and old age loses all its terrors and weak
nesses. No reason why grandpa and
grandma shouldn't have bright eyes , and
clear , ruddy skin and feel lively and active ,
if they will only keep their bowels ocen and
vigorous with CASCARETS CANDY
CATHARTIC the greatest bowel tonic
ever heard of. Try them to-day a 50c
box a whole month's treatment and find
that the tortures of constipated old age are
all bowel trouble * , appendicitis , bll-
louaneu , bad breath , bad blood , wind
on the stomach , bloated bowel * , foul
* * TO * mouth , headache , Indigestion , pinipIcN ,
pains after eating , liver trouble , callow complexion
and dizziness. IVIien your bowels don't move regu
larly you arc getting ftlck. Conittpatlon kill * more
people than all other diseases together. It Is a
ntarter for the chronic ailments and long years of
Buffering that come afterwards. No matter what
ails you , etart taking CASCARETS to-day , for you
\vlll never get well and bo well all the time until
you put your bowels right. Take our advice ; utarl
with CASCARETS to-day , under on absolute guar
antee to euro or money refunded. uj
TO CT7KEr Five yrnrn ro
th - nr t box nT CA8CA1C-
TH wn , cold. Xo\v It I *
over six million boxeo A
yenr. ere : ter than any
Imllar racdlrlnc In the world. Till * 1 abinlato proof oT
creat merit , and OUTbc t testimonial. We have faith and
will icll CASCAKETS absolutely Eoarantecd to cure or
money refunded. Gobuy today , two COcboxc * . Blvothema
fiilr , Iionrit trial , un per simple directions , and Ifyou are
not satlnfled , aftrruInone 5Oc bar , return the nnnsedCOc
box and the empty box to a * by mall , or the drncglst from
whom you purchased It , and zetyoar money bacli for both
boxes. Take oar advice no mutter what nil * you t rt to
day. Health trill qalcklv follow and you trill bless the day
you flrst started the meo'CASCAKETH. Book , free by mall.
Address : STEELttG liEMEDI CO. , > E1T TOBK or CfllUiUO.