Building , „ . . . . NINETEENTH YEAR McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 1 , 19Ol. NUMBER 42 Barn and Contents Burned. Friday night about hnlf past ten o'clock , the McBrayer livery barn was discovered to be on fire , and about thirty minutes thereafter the entire structure and most of its contents had been con sumed , despite the efforts of the depart ment , which was promptly summoned to the fire and gave its best endeavors to Control the flames. Ten head of horses , two single buggies , all harnesses , robes , whips etc. , twelve tons of hay , two tons of straw , together with two complete house-moving outfits , timbers and blocking , were consumed ; five horses , several buggies and carnages were gotten out of the burning building. Mr. McBrayer places his loss at $3,000 , upon which he carried $2,000 insurance. The building was the property of J. E. Seeley of Poughkeepsie , N. Y. , and was valued at about $2,000 ; being insured for . $1,000. A car of horses owned by a Mr. McKinney - Kinney had been shipped earlier in the -evening , or the loss might have been much heavier in horse-flesh. The building was a large one , and burned in an almost incredibly short time ; making the entire city lurid with light and attracting the alarmed citizens by hundreds to witness it. The favorable direction of the wind doubtless saved other property in the neigborhood from a like destruction. A Farewell Surprise. About fifty of the neighbors and friends of John Whittaker and family over in Valley Grange precinct surprised them at their home , Monday evening , in anticipation of their departure for their new home in Lawrence , Michigan , whither they went on Thursday morn ing. The neighbors came well equipped as to their commissary and the even ing passed all too quickly for all concern ed , it being the unanimous opinion that there was nothing to mar the pleasure of the evening save the fact that it cele brated the departure of one of the oldest and most highly respected and esteemed families in Valley Grange precinct , for the Whittakers were among the van guard of the precinct's settlers and have always been active and interested in its welfare. The neighbors will all heartily join in wishing hem success and con tentment in their new home. It is now 27 years since the Whittakers crossed the river into this precinct , and it is putting it mildly to say that their departure is keenly regretted for the old settler feeling is close and lasting. The Important Thing In saving is how to make your sav ings accumulate and multiply. There is no savings institution so safe or which multiplies savings so rapidly as a good Building Association. It is a model savings bank. It is most economically managed. It provides for the saving of money usually squandered. You get all that your money earns. No commission paid to agents. No preferred stock-holders to reap the cream of the profits. The poor man's dollar is just as good as the rich man's thousands. See the Sec'y of the McCook CoOperative ative Building & Savings Ass'n about the new stock. A Clever "At Home. " Mrs. W. R. Starr was the author and finisher of a clever "at home" , Monday evening , to the ladies of the Shakespeare club to meet the ladies of the Ladies' Research club , two of the literary clubs of the city. The "worser halves" were included in both instances. Rev. W. J. Turner gave a very interesting and in structive talk on "Hamlet" , his favorite Shakespearian tragedy , and a number of readings were given by members of the two clubs. Refreshments were served , and altogether a very enjoyable evening was bad. A short but excellent musical program was also a feature of the evening. Bishop Was Delayed. An informal reception at the chapel was arranged for Bishop Graves by the parishioners of St. Alban'slast Saturday evening , but the bishop was detained down the road and could not be present , to the keen disappointment of those who had gathered at the chapel. The bishop preached on Sunday morning , however , and will be in the city , this evening. * - - - - A Renter Wanted. A good practical farmer to rent farm four miles south and one mile west of McCook on shares. Call on or address , W. N. CRATTY , McCook , Neb. Farmer's Friend. The hen , the farmer's friend , should be well treated make money by using Mc- Millen's Poultry Powder and Egg Pro ducer. | When in need of a steel range , cooker or gasoline stove buy of H. P. Waite. V The goods and prices are right. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. MAK CREASMAN has gone to Syracuse this state. H. B. BAUGHMAN has gone to Broken Box , Nebraska. CHRIS BUHNER and family have moved to Oxford. MRS. L.C. WOLFF was Hastings visitor early in the week. WILLIAM THOMAS' new address is Champion , Nebraska. Miss EVA BURGESS has been quite ill for the past two weeks. T. S. STONK departed , early in the week , for Ida Grove , Iowa. Mrs J. F. UTTER visited relatives at Bartley , first of this week. L. H. BLACKLHDGB was up from Red Cloud , Monday , on business. MRS. J. R. PHELAN departed on No 2 , Monday morning , for home. MRS. C. E. POPE went down to Ox ford , Wednesday , on a short visit. CALEB CLOTHIER was down fron Marengo , Hayes county , Saturday. MRS. H. C. BROWN of Holdrege was a guest of Mrs. Frank Rank , Monday. MRS. J. W. LINE accompanied Mrs. E. E. Saddler to St. Joe , Sunday night. MRS. W. V. GAGE was in Lincoln close of last and first of present week. MRS. O. D. KEITH and Miss Edyth Shirey went down to Hastings , today. L. L. WILLIAMS left on Sunday morn ing for his home in Eau Claire , Wiscon sin. Ex COMMISSIONER ROBINSON was over from the Beaver , Monday , on busi ness. G. L. LAWS was up from Lincoln , Mor/day , between trains , on land busi ness. MR. RALPH HAGGARD was a brief I guest in the Noren home , close of last week. MRS. M. S. PARKS went down to Red Cloud , Sunday , on a short visit to rela tives. MRS. FRANK KENDLEN is slowly im proving from a severe attack of pneu monia. MRS. H. A. BEALE went up to Den ver , Monday on No. r , on a short visit to her sister. SHAFE KAUTZMAN of the A. T. F. Co. , Kansas City , was in the city , Tuesday ol this week. MRS. MARY THOMPSON is here from Chester , this state , visiting her son , Harmon Thompson. MERTON O. BUNNELL has gone to East Las Vegas , New Mexico , where his sister , Mrs. Crawford , is living. Miss SARA COOL took her departure for Denver , Saturday on No. i. She will make her home there. A. SMITH and family departed , close of this week , for Hayes Center , where they will make their home. LOUIS SUESS departed , Sunday morn ing , for Chicago , to buy spring and sum mer goods , to be gone about ten days. REPRESENTATIVE J. E. HATHORN came up from Bartley , Monday night on No. 5 , to take No. 6 at this place for Lincoln. MRS. FRANK KENDLEN went up to Akron , last Friday. Mr. K. joined her , Saturday , and they returned home on Sunday. C. F. BABCOCK went down to Omaha , Tuesday night on 6 , to consult an oculist. He briefly looked in upon the legislature in Lincoln on his way home. MAYOR BARNETT was called toOlathe , Kansas , Saturday night , by the sudden death of his aged mother , who was 85 years of age and has been married 70 years. He is not expected home until early next week , expecting to go on east before his return. ROBERT E. FRENCH of Kearney visit ed the members of King Cyrus chapter No. 35 , last Saturday and Saturday eve ning. He is grand custodian of the R. A. M. and also of the A. , F. & A.M. , to succeed the late Dr. J. A. Tulleys. He is one of the best posted of Masons , and his visit was a delight to the craft. JOHN WHITTAKER and family of Val ley Grange precinct departed , Thursday morning , for Lawrence , Michigan , where they expect to make their home in the future. For 27 years the Whitakers have been residents of Valley Grange precinct , being among the very earliest pioneers south of the river , and have been active elements in the development of the ma terial , mental , moral and spirtual life of that section of the county. That they may be content and happy , and achieve success in their new home , is the sincere hope of many Red Willow couotians. The Goheen-Brlnton Wedding. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Erinton , just west of the city , was the scene of a happy wedding , Tuesday even ing , when their daughter Grace L. , was united in marriage with Mr. Clarence W. Goheen. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. W. J. Turner of the Con gregational church in the presence of the members of the immediate families of the contracting parties and near friends. The ring service was used. The bride was attractively gowned in white and carried a bouquet of white carnations. An elegant wedding supper followed the ceremony , the table decorations be ing in pink and white carnations. The young people were the objects of numerous handsome and useful gifts. The happy young couple went to house keeping in the McMillen farm on the South Side. Miss Ida Brinton of Des Moines , Iowa , and Wayne Brinton of Lincoln , sister and brother of the bride , were present from away. THE TRIBUNE in wishing this es timable and sterling young couple much joy and prosperity is voicing a general sentiment among a wide circle of warm friends. Mr. Swarfs Claim. THE TRIBUNE learns that A. F. Swart of the National hotel has a claim for ex penses and damages against the city on account of the quarantine maintained about the National hotel during the smallpox episode. We also learn that the total amount is quite large. This is a question in which the tax-payers of the city of McCook are deeply interested and they should evince their concern by their presence in numbers at the city hall on the evening on which this claim may be considered by the city council. It may be taken as a fact that the tax payers will oppose the payment of any sum over and above what may be found in equity to be a just and proper charge against the city , remembering that every individual citizen is expected to stand for his due share of the misfortunes inci dent to this life. On the other hand there may be due Mr. Swart some money which the city should pay. Wanted ! Five hundred men who are working on a salary , to invest five dollars a mouth in the best paying Savings insti tution in Nebraska The McCook Co operative Building & Savings Associ ation. For particulars call on the secre tary at the First National Bank. Public Sale. Mrs. Sarah J. Holbrook announces a public sale on the Holbrook farm , 5 % miles south-west of McCook , on Wednes day , March I3th , commencing at one o'clock prompt. Stock , implements and household goods offered on reasonable terms. N. J. Johnston's Sale. This sale of stock , machinery etc. will be held at his farm , ten miles south of McCook , on Thursday , March 7th , com mencing at II o'clock. Free lunch at noon. Terms usual and reasonable. See large bills. We Are Ready ! Our shelves are full of NEW wall-paper. We are preparing for the best wall-paper season in the history of McCook. Our line will be bigger , handsomer than we have ever shown. MCCONNELL & BERRY. Farmer's Friend. The hen , the farmer's friend , should be well treated make money by using Mc- Millen's Poultry Powder and Egg Pro ducer. Soap ! Soap ! Kirk's "Juvenile" the 25-cent kind we sell it for 15 cents. MCCONNELL & BERRY. Grade Herefords for Sale. A number of grade Herefords for sale. Inquire of WlLCOX & FLiTCRAFT. Overcoats atDeGroff & Co.'s. A large assortment of Stock Foods and Poultry Supplies at McMillen's. The Straight Front is the newest in corsets. You will find them at DeGroff , & Co.'s. No substitutions allowed at our store. Prescriptions filled as written. D. W. LOAR. If you want the best and most for your good money in the meat line don't do a thing but go to Church & Marsh's market. They are it. A number of Omaha sign-writers put up some large and attractive "Henry f George" and "Tom Moore" signs on the t outer walls of the Workman temple and t McNeely buildings , this week. c V WANTED : Farm of rich soil within p five miles of McCook. Will buy , or rade Indiana farm or business. W. E. HARTKR , Mczico , Indiana. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. W. H. Armstrong went up to Imperial , today. C. F. Heber , was a Lincoln visitor , Saturday. W. P. Harger is working at Akron , this week. Guy J. Bruce has gone to Braiuard , Minnesota. Apprentice Burton of Oxford is in the tool-room. Machinist Charles Stillman is on the relief with a mashed hand. Switchman C. L. Smith had his leg sprained at Oxford , Sunday. Conductor H. C. Brown spent Sunday with the family in Holdrege. Will Chlanda went up to Denver , Wednesday night , on a visit. Brakeman M. M. Fisk has gone up to Haigler to spend a ten-day lay-off. J. A. Harris and S. H. Brewington were up from Oxford , last Saturday night. Machinist A. M. Davis arrived home , Tuesday night , from his visit to Wymore. F. G. R. Ford went up to Akron , early in the week , to relieve Switchman Jami son , sick. James Barber of the store-house ar rived home , Sunday , from his visit to Lincoln. Ned Grimes visited in Blue Hill , latter part of last week , returning home on Monday night. Machinist Nick Frieze and wife ar rived in the city , yesterday noon on i , from their sad trip to Chicago. Conductor George Beck and wife spent Saturday and Sunday in Imperial , re turning home on Monday evening. Electric lights would be a great con venience and improvement at the ma chine-shop ; and they ought to have them , too. Trainmaster J. F. Kenyon arrived home on 3 , Tuesday morning , from his trip to Illinois and Iowa on railroad busi ness. William C. Browne has commenced the erection of a dwelling-house on the corner of Dodge and Monmouth streets , this week. Conductor George Beck has been trans ferred to the Oxford-St. Francis line , and Conductor Art Lyman comes to Mc Cook. Chief Clark Lawritson and family were guests of his brother , H. Lawrit son , at Cambridge , Sunday , between trains. Conductor C. J. Snell had Supply Agent Josselyn's special over the divi sion , this week , commencing at Red Cloudtoday. | The ballast train has been put on again at Woodruff , with ConductorSteve Dwyer and Brakeman H. L. Holder and E. L. Meyers in charge. Auditor Sampson was with Supply Agent Josselyn , today , in his trip over the Western division , taking notes of the supply department. The enginemen are figuring on giving a ball , about the middle of March , to help along the auditorium project. It will be a winner , if they do. Arthur and RoxieCullen visited Frank and Maggie Cullen in Omaha , going down on last Thursday and returning home on Tuesday of this week. F. D. Griffeth went down to Oxford , Sunday , to see his father , who is severely - ly ill from vaccination. The sick man's arm swelled to immense proportions and his condition was somewhat grave. Charlie Chambers came up from Kan sas City , Mo. , last Friday on a visit to his . parents , Engineer and Mrs. A. J. Chambers. Charlie is working for the Union Pacific at Kansas City , and doing well. He will return , the last of this or first of next week. S. M. Cole and family and Thomas Bennett and wife will depart on next I Tuesday for Winterset , Iowa , where Sid ney has purchased a fine stock , grain and fruit farm and will settle down to the quiet life of a substantial farmer. Their departure will be keenly regretted by all. THE TRIBUNE hopes that they may find continued prosperity. The facilities for handling driving- wheels at the shops are being continu ally improved. Yesterday , a new turn ing table for handling these immense and heavy wheels was installed , and a C force of section men is today , under Fore man James Powell , putting in a side track all along the north side of the ma chine-shop to accommodate the driving- wheel department. After the track is in place the entire space between the ma chine-shop and blacksmith-shop and an additional space east of the shop will be i is : planked. y Attempted Sulclce. The following item is taken from the Lincoln Journal. Mr. Rider but recent ly visited McCook , and while here his mental condition , ( caused by worry over the use of his farm-house as a pest-house by the city authorities and hia settle ment with the city , ) become such as to cause some uneasiness , and he was ac companied to his home , where , in an un expected time , he made the attempt which cauie so near ending his life : Fairbury , Neb. , Neb. 21. Special. ) M. C. Rider , living nine miles north of here , made a desperate effort to end his life , yesterday , by haggling his throat with a pocket knife. Several times the weapon went in very close proximity to the jugular vein but did not inflict fatal injury. Rider is a man about sixty years old , and has a wife and several grown child ren. He was in the best of spirits prior to the attempt , and he refuses to give any reason for his rash act. The phy sician stated at noon today that he was in a critical condition , but believed he would recover. It is known that Rider's family for several generations have had a suicidal mania , and one of his sons committed suicide by cutting his throat at McCook , a few years ago. A natural tendency in this direction added to an alleged do mestic trouble , is supposed to have occasioned the act. The Auditorium. The auditorium project is being quiet ly , but successfully , carried on. To the $1,600 subscribed , last week , about $1,000 has been added , this week. The total pledges now aggregate in the neighbor hood of $3,000. Those in charge feel sanguine that the entire $7,000 can be secured. Various projects for raising funds are being matured , of which more in the future. The coming visits of Drs. Seymour and Williams will offer a splendid oppor tunity to those in this city wishing to consult * an eye , ear , nose and throat specialist. Dr. Seymour has recently enlarged his business in Lincoln and now has an institution on O street in company with Dr. Thad Woodward , the noted surgeon , where they can treat many more patients than he has been able to do in the past. Consultation free ' at the Commercial hotel , Friday , March 8. Drs. Seymour and Williams , who will be here Friday , March 8 , wish to extend a special invitation to their niany friends and patients in this city who called on them during their recent visit here , to come and see them ; they also request all who wish to call on them , to drop them a card to Lincoln stating their desire as they have many appointments and will [ wish to arrange their time accordingly. There was an unsuccessful attempt at j a council meeting , Monday evening ; but the session was deferred on account of the absence of Mayor Barnett , as there is important business in connection with the late smallpox scare up for consider ation. And THE TRIBUNE would sug gest in this consideration that the mat ter is of large moment to the tax-payers of the city. ' They had a little fire scare in the rear . of Artz & Thompson's store , Wednesday afternoon. A tinner was working on thereof roof and a spark from his stove started a little blaze in some paper in the rear of the building. The fire was quickly ex tinguished , however , without damage. * It don't pay you to buy an inferior grade of rubber hose , when a good qual ity wili cost you but a trifle more. H. P. Waite has the best for the money. From and after the iSth , phone 36 , the Blue Front livery barn , for all calls for the city bus. Meets all trains and goes to any part of the city. FOR SALE. A few household goods d for light housekeeping. Enquire at a George Enoch's , oyer Mrs. M. M. Delt hunty's millinery store. Ploussard's boarding-house is being pushed along quite rapidly , this fine building weather , and it is about en closed and roofed. C. E. Pope and C. B. Gray have a new dwelling-under way , just north of Engi neer Barney Lewis' residence on North Monmouth street. " Jasper N. Purvis and William J. Purvis have bought the old Paine property , cor ner of Douglass and McDowell ; consider ation , $1,150.00. The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall. John Burtless is building a barn and otherwise preparing to open a dairy on the Whittaker farm. Frank Dobson's new dwelling-house enclosed and roofed and the inside work progressing. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Go to Loar's for pure drugs. Take your prescriptions to Lonr. It's sure McMilleu's Cough Cure. Loar's prices are right. Try him. Alfalfa seed for sale. C.G.GOUEKN. For clothing go to DeGroff & Co.'a. Dr. Seymour , eye specialist , here Fri day , March 8. Buy your garden ieeds and flower pots of II. P. Waite. The police spoiled a little poker plant , a few days since. Coal hod and shovel for 15 cents at S. M. Cochrau & . Co.'s. A few sets of second-hand harness for sale by S. M. Cochran & Co. You can phone your orders to S. M. Cochran & Co. for alfalfa hay. At night ring the door bell at Loar's store and the clerk will do the rest. We anticipate a healthy , vigorous building boom , this year of grace 1901. When you paint jour house , carriage or barn , buy the best paint from II. P. Waite. The county commissioners have again made THE TRIBUNE the official county newspaper. Dr. Seymour , the Lincoln eye , ear , nose and throat specialist , here Friday , March 8 , at Commercial hotel. Commencing with February i8th , the Blue Front livery barn , phone 36 , will respond to all calls for the city bus. Call and get prices. Cane seed , seed oats and corn at lowest prices. F. C. KKLLOGG & Co. Isn't it about time for THE TRIBUNE'S correspondents to come out of winter quarters and resume their usual work ? It is to be regretted that more "self- made men" do not "try themselves on" before appearing as finished products ; there would be less misfits. H. P. Waite has just received a large tinvoice of the best grades of rubber hose which will be sold very cheap , consider ing quality of the goods. Commencing with next Monday , Feb- 'ruary i8th , the city bus will be in charge of W. H. Ackerman of the Blue Front livery. Call up phone 36. Calls an swered for all trains to any part of the city. Remember the date of Drs. Seymour and William's visit here , if you wish to see them , as they will remain only one day , coming by special request , but will give free consultation to all who call at that time. In these days when you are introduced to a doctor you don't know whether he is a dentist , a horse doctor , a presiding elder , a spectacle doctor or just a com mon every-day doctor who saws bones and kills people. Titles are cheap. Among those up-to-date implements just received by S. M. Cochran & Co. , is a 3-wheel lister that has caused more comment among the farmers than any lister that has ever been placed on the market here. Every man who has seen it wants to sell his old one and buy one of these new and unequalled listers. Dr. Seymour , the noted Lincoln eye specialist , who paid McCook a visit about a year ago , will make a one day visit here , Friday , March 8. He will be accompanied by Dr. Williams , the ear , nose and throat specialist , who was with him at the time of bis last visit. They will have rooms at the Commercial hotel. John A. Davis , one of the earliest set tlers on Driftwood , passed out of this life on February I7th , at his home in Wellfleet , whither he moved from Red Willow county , some years ago. The deceased had many friends hereabouts as well as at Wellfleet , who regarded him highly for his character and conduct as a man and neighbor. The Great Majestic range that S. M. Cochran & Co. just placed in the Palmer house , West Dennison street , is the larg est range ever unloaded in McCook ; it looked like a box-car with lids on it. The shipping weight with steam table was over 2,600. It is larger than the Majes ties placed in the Commercial or Nation al hotels , the B. & M. eating-house or OdelPs boarding-car by this firm. Dr. Seymour advises us that it will not be possible for him to use his car on this trip for office purposes as there has been a recent ruling in the passengerde- partment of the various roads which prohibits his doing so , as there is always danger of damaging his valuable instru ments in the switching necessary in towns of this size.for which the road will not be responsible. Consequently the doctors will use their car for traveling purposes and will have their office at the Commercial hotel.