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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1901)
* ir Library Uiiildiiig , TJni NINETEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 22 , 19OI. NUMBER 41 POST-LENTEN FESTIVITIES. HIGII-FIVE PAKTY. Miss JVIauiie Chandler was the hostess at a charming high-five party , in which a large company of young folks pnrtic- pated at the houie of her 'sister , Mrs. Arthur Barnett , Tuesday evening. The invitations were issued to the young men , and read , "At home to jourself and lady. " High-five was the social diversion of the evening , six tables engaging in the game. Mrs. W. I ) . Mills won first prize , a silver napkin ring , engraved with parly date and a hand with a " 5" on it. Mrs. Mabel Strauahan and Miss Nelle Guun cut for the boohy Mrs. Stranalian winn ing a sugar beet. The hall was iu red , and Miss Edna Dixon presided at the punch-howl there Lighted candles gave a cheery appea - ance to all the rooms. A three-course luncheon was served in a very dainty manner. A carnation and a duet of stuffed dates occupied a place beside each plate. It was an affair of most enjoyable par ticulars throughout. A CROKINOLE PARTY. Tuesday evening , Mrs. C. M. Bailey gave a crokinole party to a company of young people in honor of her brother , William Fane of Sheridan , Wyoming. Miss Olive Rittenhouse and Mr. C. C. Northrup tied for the prize and the latter won in the drawing but Miss Olive got the prize. Light refreshments were served , closing a pleasant social occas ion. ANNIVERSARY PARTY. Wednesday , Mrs. T. F. Rowell cele brated a birthday anniversary , in the afternoon , in a very happy manner with the assistance of a number of neighbors and friends. A carpet sewing bee was the chief diversion of the after noon. Refreshments were served. It n was an enjoyable little neighborhood af l fair. ENTERTAINED A FEW FRIENDS. Mrs. Anna Golfer entertained a com pany of friends , Tuesday evening , at high-five card playing. Refreshments were also served and the evening was one f marked social joy. The Vestas have been responsible for a number of social functions , this week , in "honor of Miss Delia Tartsch and Miss Sara Cool. The home of Engineer J. V. O'Connell was the happy scene of a delightful party , Tuesday evening. Youthful social devotees had parties "too numerous to mention" , this week. The Important Thing In saving is how to make your sav ings accumulate and multiply. There is no savings institution so safe or which multiplies savings so rapidly as a good Building Association. It is a model savings bank. It is most economically managed. It provides for the saving of money usually squandered. You get all that your money earns. No commission paid to agents. No preferred slock-liolders to reap the cream of the profits. The poor man's dollar is just as good as the rich man's thousands. See the Sec'y of the McCook CoOperative ative Building & Savings Ass'n about the new stock. Au Fait Rummage Sale. The ladies of the Au Fait club an nounce their Rummage Sale as follows : Sale will be held in the Workman temple building , in the room formerly occupied by McAdams , commencing on Saturday , March 2 , and continuing to Saturday , March gth. Will be held all day and each evening. Coffee and sandwiches will be served. The sale will be held in the interest of the auditorium , and it is to be hoped that the ladies will enjoy a liberal patronage. A Renter Wanted. A good practical farmer to rent farm four miles south and one mile west of McCook on shares. Call on or address , W. N. CRATTY , McCook , Neb. Farmer's Friend. The hen , the farmer's friend , should be well treated make money by using Mc- Millen's Poultry Powder and Egg Pro " ducer. The McCook Athletic club will cele brate its second anniversary in the club rooms nest Saturday evening , March and , nine o'clock. It will be a swell affair , too. The marriage of Engineer J. J. Mullen and Miss Lizzie Ritchie of Sheridan , Wyoming , was among the happenings of last week , in that burg. Leslie Lear was quite painfully burned about the face , Wednesday evening at the Christian chnrch , by an explosion of coal gas in the furnace. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. ED. PATTERSON arrived in the city Wednesday on No. I. Miss DEM A TARTSCH departed , las night , for her home in Plattsuiouth. MRS H. C. UROWN of Holdrege was the guest of Mrs. Frank Rank , Saturday Mus. FRANK KENDLEN witnessed the Fuller-Erb marriage , Wednesday , in Akron. DAVR MAGNER returned home , Satur day night from his trip to Omaha and other points east. MRS. M. M. DELHUNTY went east this morning. Mrs. E. E. Saddler will go tomorrow night. MRS. VINA WOOD and Mrs. Lottie Brewer attended the Fuller-Erb nuptials in Akron , Wednesday. A G. DOLE started out , Tuesday , on a month's drive through the western part of the state on business. MRS. JOHN REAL returned , Friday evening last , from visiting her daughter , Mrs. E. F. Caffrey , at Oxford. MAYOR BARNETT went over to Curtis , Thursday , on business connected with the purchase of another lumber yard. MRS. L. M. COPELAND of Minden ar rived in the city , Wednesday night , and is the guest of her daughter , Mrs. J. G. Schobel. W. H. JACOBS received his house hold goods from Atchison , Kansas , this week , and the family is occupying part of the C. G. Franklin home. DR. W. V. GAGE was summoned up to Benkelman in consultation with a local physician over the case of Representative Walker , who is sick with smallpox. LEWIS LUDWICK has been admitted to the Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City , and it is expected to send him to the institute about the first of March. Miss DELIA TARTSCH of Plattsmouth arrived in the city , last week , and has been the guest of her brother , H. H. Tartsch of F.J.Morgan's clothing house. MRS. IDA BRACE of Holdrege was a guest of Mrs. W. D. Burnett , part of last and the present week. Mrs. Brace is the widow of the late Engineer Sol Brace. G. H. PALLADAY of Allerton , Iowa , arrived in the city , Wednesday night , to look after the affairs of the late T. M. Scott. Mr. PalTaday is the husband of of the deceased's neice. He returned to Iowa , last night. J. B. MESERVE was up from Lincoln , early days of the week , returning home sn 12 , Wednesday morning. Mrs. Meserve came up , last Saturday noon , and is still the guest of her daughter , Mrs. F. M. Kimmell. F. A. POTTER of Sheldon , Illinois , has been operating here and thereabout with two land-seekers from Illinois. Mr. Potter is an immigration agent in the Burlington employ. He owns real estate up on the Imperial line , but is thinking jf making his home here. R. T. ELLER has been appointed gen- ; ral agent for the Self and Sex series of books for boys aud girls and men and women , for McCook , and will receive cr iers for the books from our citizens. He has also been assigned territory in other fields near McCook. A. D. Weir goes to ropeka , Kansas , as state agent for the books in Kansas. SUGAR BEET ITEMS. Parties who have not already contract- id for sugar beet seed should see C. H. Meeker at an early date. THE SUGAR BEET. 1'hat sugar beet , so large and sweet , A "Rocky Ford , " we know it. [ t is no fake , our wide-awake , Progressive farmers grow it. We have the clime , the soil and time , To grow and well mature it , With water sure , we are secure Our labor doth assure it. We're in the game no odds the name ; We have a trump we'll play it : The trick we'll take , draw in the stake- Leave those who will to pay it. Come , take a hand. Procure your land , We think you'll not regret it. Tis proper "sand" we've seen it "panned" It's "pay" now , don't forget it. Observer. Will Both Start Herds. F. S. Wilcox and James Hatfield at tended the great George J. Anstey of Wassena , Iowa , sale of Herefords in Omaha , last week , and each made pur- : hases of the top animals at the top price. Both bought two fine bulls and I start herds on their ranches near : his city. McCook is destined to become famous as a great Hereford center. Grade Herefords for Sale. A number of grade Herefords for sale. [ nquire of Witcox & FT.ITCRAFT. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. NOTICE TO PARENTS. Classes for beginners will be forme.t in the City Hall preparatory school anc in the South McCook school , Monday , March 4th , and parents who have child ren whom they wish to enter schoolthis spring , should pend them on that day These classes will be open for pupils to enter , however , during the two weeks following , or until March i8th , but it is urged upon parents for the children's good and the good of the school , not to enter them later than that date. G. H. THOMAS , Superintendent. The usual holiday , Washington's birthday. Miss Mary Powers of the Eighth grade went up to Trenton , last night , to spenc the rest of the week at home. Miss Clara Smith , formerly a teacher in the Primary department of the Mc Cook public schools , has resumed her position as teacher in the Beatrice in stitute for feeble-minded. The report of the Holdrege public schools for the month ending on Febru- 8th shows a total enrollment of 561 pupils in all grades , with an average at tendance of 48 per cent The McCook public schools for the half-month , end ing on February ist , make the following showing : Total enrollment , 694 ; aver age total daily attendance , 618. Me- Cook's enrollment exceeds that of Hol drege by'133 , and her average attendance is incomparably better. And yet the 1900 census gives Holdrege 60 more population than McCook is credited with ! Vault Broken Into. The vault in the district court clerk's office was broken into , between the nours of eight and twelve , last Thurs day night , and money in the total sum of $170' stolen from a small tin box in the vault. There were valuable papers in the box to the value of about $1,200 , but : hese were not disturbed. The thief evidently knew the money was there and was in a measure familiar with the habits of the clerk. The day combination was only on the vault , consequently it was not difficult to open the same. The clerks feel very confident that the thief will in due time be brought to justice , and in this confidence the public will sympathize with him. Retain Old Officers. The board of directors of the McCook Building aud Savings association held ts regular monthly meeting , Wednes day evening.and besides dispatching the regular business of the associations , re- jlecled officers for the ensuing year , re- aining all of the present officials , T. B. Campbell , president ; J. A. Wilcox , vicc- > resident ; F. A. Pennell , secretary ; W. ? . Lawson , treasurer. The new series of stock , Az , opened on February 2otb , met with quite a satis- actory sale ; 165 shares have already been aken , and the series will doubtless reach } ver 200 within the present month. Wanted ! Five hundred men who are working in a salary , to invest five dollars' " a month in the best paying Savings insti- ution in Nebraska The McCook Co- jperative Building & Savings Associ ation. For particulars call on the secre- ary at the First National Bank. We Are Ready ! Our shelves are full of NEW wall-pa per. We are preparing for the best wall-paper season in the history of McCook. Our ine will be bigger , handsomer than we lave ever shown. & BERRY. Farmer's Friend. The hen , the farmer's friend , should be well treated make money by using Mc- Millen's Poultry Powder and Egg Pro ducer. Soap ! Soap ! Kirk's "Juvenile" the 25-cent kind- cve sell it for 15 cents. & BERRY. Overcoats at DeGroff & Co.'s. The Straight Front is the newest in : orsets. You will find them at DeGroff & Co.'s. . No substitutions allowed at our store. Prescriptions filled as written. D. W. LOAR. Conductors Bronson , McClure , Will- : tts and Pope went down to Red Cloud , Chursday morning , to attend a com- nandery meeting there. If yon want'the beat and most for your ; oed money in the meat line don't do a hipg bnt go to Chnrch & Marsh's narket. They are it WANTED : Farm of rich soil within ive miles of McCook. Will buy , or rade Indiana farm or business. W. B. HAKTSR , Mexico , Indiana. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. The 121 is about ready to go out on the road , Machinist Peter Baukiu has retired from the service. Two new air motors have been re ceived in ihe machine-shop. Way-car 126 , damaged in the Hoi brook accident , is on the track for re pairs. Foreman F. C. Fuller spent Suudayin Havelock with the family , as is hi habit. Brakeman L. M. Best has bought fron Engineer G. A. Noren six lots in South McCook. Coal Inspector F. P. Rugh was up fron Lincoln , Tuesday , looking over the loca coal supply. Engineer J. J. Mullen and wife o Sheridan are spending a month in Chicago cage and St. Louis. William Fane came down from Sheri dan , close of last week , and has been visiting his sister , Mrs. C. M. Bailey. No. 56 , one of the new H-4 class en gines , is in the shop for an overhauling , the first of the class to be in the shop. Conductor S. E. Callen relieved Con ductor A. P. Benne , part of the week and Conductor Steve Dwyer had the 150. Engineer J. M. Trammell Das movec info the dwelling-house recently vacated by Foreman M. E. Wells over on Mon roe street. Several thousand tons of coal were stored in a pile at this place last fall , and the same is now being loaded in the coal sheds. James Barber of the store-house is visiting friends in Lincoln , this week , laving gone down to the capital city on Monday night. Machinist John Stevens has sold his jroperty on the hill to Machinist J. W. huse , who will take possession about March first. Mr. Stevens will seek em- iloyment elsewhere. * Machinist Nick Fries was summoned o Chicago , last week , by the death of lis father , who was buried on Monday of this week , after an illness of but five lays. Mrs. Fries accompanied him. Celestine Kendlen was one of" the flower girls at the wedding of Engineer fuller and Miss Erb in Akron , Wednes- lay. It is described as having been a very swell affair. Mr. Fuller is one of be oldest engineers on the west end. The wood yard is undergoing a gener al cleaning up at the hands of the section jangs. The chips are as deep as three or four feet in some places , having ac- umulated for almost twenty years. The refuse is loaded on cars and shipped out on the road for "filling-in" purposes. Ou February 14 the Burlington rail road sent an unusual valentine to the Northern Pacific railroad at Billings , Montana. It was in the form of two heavy trains carrying 556 passengers for points in the North-West. This was the first of the Tuesday excursions attracted by the low rates. Engineer Warren Fuller and Laura E. Erb were married in Akron , Colorado , Wednesday of this week , the 2oth in stant. The bride is a sister of T. A. Erb , manager of the Burlington eating-house at Akron. She formerly lived here. The groom is a well known engineer on the west end. They will make their home in Denver. The well wishes of many attend them. Trainmaster Kenyon departed , Wednesday night on 6. on a trip of obser vation over the "Q" lines over in Iowa and Illinois. Other Burlington train masters will accompany him. They will take notice of the manner of operating trains on the company's lines in those states to ascertain whether or not the service in Nebraska can be improved by any knowledge received therefrom. The old stationary engine , recently overhauled , has now been installed in the flue department of the blacksmith- shop. It has been styled "The Prairie Queen" and Mack Hughes is as proud of the "old girl" as a lord. She has per formed good service for the past 18 years , and is good for that many years more. The engine is working smoothly and they expect to have the department in operation , another week. The Burlington has placed an order with the Pullman Company for five din ing cars. The cost of each car , includ ing china , linen , silver et cetera , will be about $20,000. Each of the cars will have the new empire roof , and will seat forty passengers. The furnishing will be rich , yet severely plain. Instead of using mirrors and filigree work to en hance the appearance of the cars , the tmilders will achieve the desired result iy the liberal use of polished woods. GRIM DEATH'S HARVEST. DBATU OK "TOM" SCOTT. "Tom" Scott went the way of all flesh at an early hour , Monday morning , afte au illness of a few weeks. His last days and weeks were made as comfortable am easy as possible under the circumstances as he had neither kith nor kin to minis ter onto him in his last days , which were full to the brim of human misery. The remains were buried in Rivurview cemetery , Tuesday morning at tei o'clock , members of the local G. A. R marching to the cemetery in a body , fol lowing the remains. There were no services. The deceased was a most eccentric character , aud was knowu all over this section of the state , being a resident o this part of Nebraska for a quarter of a century , coming here from Indianola shortly after McCook was laid out as a town. He was McCook's first post master , and old citizens will recall his characteristic conduct of the post-oflice in the early days in his drug store the little building now used by C. L. De Groff& Co. for their clothing depart ment. He was a veteran and pensioner of the civil war , although concerning his war experiences as with his relatives and personal affairs he was most reticent and tactiturn. Most , if not all , of his relatives had preceded him to the grave He was a man of generous impulses , a kind heart , and his own worst enemy. Peace to his ashes. [ THOMAS M. SCOTT was born in Nau- vau , Illinois , January 26 , 1841 ; died in McCook , Nebraska , February 18 , 1901. Came to McCook in the summer of 1882 , and it is stated drove the first stake on the town-site. He was an old veteran of a good record , being captain of com pany" ' in the ySth regiment of Illi nois volunteers. His commission was signed by Governor Richard Yates , who jad a son in the same company. The deceased was the last of the Scott fain- ly- ] ONE OF OUR OLDEST CITIZENS. Tuesday noou , William G. Wilson massed away in his 8ist year , after a long llness the encroachment of years. ? uneral services were conducted at the residence on East Dennison street , Thursday morning , by Rev. J. W. Walker of the Christian church , neigh- jors aud friends attesting their sympathy and respect by attendance in numbers , interment followed in the Riverview cemetery. Mrs. J. E. Snider , a daughter rom Lincoln , attended the funeral from "Dad" Wilson numbered away. many riends among his wide acquaintance , ind all will join us expressions of sym- mthy. [ WILLIAM G. WILSON was born in Williamsport , Pennsylvania , April 25111 , 820 ; died in McCook , Nebraska , Feb- uary igth , 1901 , after a lingering illness , une I4th , 1842 , he was united in niar- iage with Mary Matilda Groom. The leceased is survived by the wife and six hildren. Deceased moved to Iowa in 855 and from there to Nebraska in 1884 , ind has been a resident of McCook for most of the time since , having lived in vincoln , a short time before coming iere. ] CARD OF THANKS. For every kindness and assistance vouchsafed during the illness and after he death of our husband and father ve are profoundly grateful. Signed : MRS. M. A. WILSON. MR. AND MRS. BENJ. STRIKE. Miss AMELIA WILSON. J. W. WILSON. MRS. J. E. SNIDER. A BUD TRANSPLANTED. Very deep and sincere sympathy goes out from all hearts to Conductor and Mrs. A. P. Benne in the death of their infant on , Alfred Lete , aged about four months , whose sweet young life went out at an early hour on Sunday morning , after an illness of but a day or t\vo with meumonia. Services were conducted at the home , Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock by lev. Father Blanderfield , after which he remains were interred in Calvary emetery. The brief services at home ind grave were attended by many neigh- > ors and friends , whose hearts have been profoundly touched by the sudden sor- ow and keen bereavement that have so uickly and unexpectedly come to this evoted home. L. L. Williams of Eau Claire , Wiscon- in , father of Mrs. Benne , Mrs. J. R. Phelan of Alliance , sister of Mr. Benne , nd Mrs. Agnes Barker of Chicago , at- ended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Benne are deeply grate- ul for eyery neighborly and friendly tindness and assistance rendered. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. ahiloh Elledge , this morning. Today is a holiday for most of the hopmen. A large assortment of Stock Foods and Poultry Supplies at McMillen's. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS , Go to Loar's for pure drugs. Take your prescriptions to Loar. It's sure McMillen's Cough Cure. Loar's prices are right. Try him. Alfalfa seed for sale. C.G.GouEEN. For clothing go to DeGroff & Co.'s. Dr. Seymour , eye specialist , here Fri day , March 8. Don't fail to see the bargains in WallPaper - Paper at Loar's. Coal hod and shovel for 15 cents at S. M. Cochran & . Co.'s. You can phone your orders to S. M. Cochran & Co. for alfalfa hay. At night ring the door bell at Loar's store aud the clerk will do the rest. William A. Kizer , who is credited to McCook , has been appointed a postal clerk. Simpson's Silk-Finished Foulards at 6c in twenty patterns at The Thompson Dry Co. Nuns' Veilings in black , in soft cream , in dainty pink , and light blue , at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Dr. Seymour , the Lincoln eye , ear , nose and throat specialist , here Friday , March 8 , at Commercial hotel. Dressy , well-made Dress Skirts to your measure from $2.50 up for all wool , at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall. Commencing with February i8th , the Blue Front livery barn , phone 36 , will respond to all calls for the city bus. Call and get prices. Cane seed , seed oats and corn at lowest prices. F. C KELLOGG & Co. Clubs contemplating assisting the auditorium committee are requested to consult and advise with Secretary Stay- ner. The Masons conferred the. Ma3ter-de- jree upon Engineer C. G. Franklin , Tuesday night , and finished up with a banquet. Albatross Dress Goods in black , in vhite and iu soft shades for Dresses and Shirt Waists , at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. i A. M. Wilson of the electric light > lant force has purchased the lot over n Melvin street , just south of F. P. Allen's home. Celebrated "F. C. " corset for sale . nly by The Thompson Dry Goods Co. loney back after four weeks' wear if ot satisfied. From and after the i8lh , phone 36 , lie Blue Front livery barn , for all calls or the city bus. Meets all trains and oes to any part of the city. It is stated that Harry Fisher , who de- arted for Denver , this week , after retiring - ' tiring from the Kellogg barber-shop , leaves behind him creditors to the ex tent ofabout $100. Commencing with next Monday , Feb ruary iSth , the city bus will be in charge of W. H. Ackerman of the Blue Front livery. Call up phone 36. Calls an swered for all trains to any part of the city. Remember the date of Drs. Seymour and William's visit here , if you wish to see them , as they will remain only one day , coming by special request , but will give free consultation to all who call at that time. C. D. Custer has purchased the F. C. Kellogg barber-shop , which has been leased by Harry Fisher , and on the first of this week moved into the same. He still occupies his old shop for sleeping purposes. Here's success to him. Dr. Seymour , the noted Lincoln eye specialist , who paid McCook a visit about a year ago , will make a one day visit here , Friday , March 8. He will be accompanied by Dr. Williams , the ear , nose and throat specialist , who was with him at the time of his last visit. They will have rooms at the Commercial hotel. E. E. Rogers , who recently sold his farm to B. C. Shelley , has decided not to leave Red Willow county , and has purchased the C. H. Meeker farm on the Oberlin road , a mile or two south of the city. The price paid is $3,200. Mr. Rogers is one of the solid men whom we ire pleased to learn will stay with us permanently. The night man at the electric light plant wanted to awake the day man at six o'clock , Wednesday morning , and as the usual alarm failed to work or produce the desired result , he tied down the ( Thistle , which caused many to tnrn out thinking it was a fire alarm. We'll ex cuse him this time , but won't be respon sible for his well-being on a repetition of the act.