The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 15, 1901, Image 1

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Weneedan Auditorium.
They want a beet sugar factory out in
Xoveland , Colorado , and this is one of
" the ways the citizens of the nervy and
ambitious little city are showing their
determination to secure it :
The selling of the first hundred pounds
of sugar to be made by the new Loveland
factory closed.last Friday evening. The
TOO pounds brought $3,286 , and Mayor
Johnson gave $14 for the privilege of
weighing out the pound packages Be-
hides , the empty sacks were bid in at $5
P ( I for the inner aiid $2 for the outside sack ,
and the string which is to tie it went for
50 cents. The highest price paid for one
-pound was by R. S. Cox. who gave $325 ;
Lee Kelim was next $300 , with Charles
Ryan third at $250 Loveland fColo. )
McCook needs an auditorium and may
well emulate Lovelaud in this matter , in
some similiar scheme. The auditorium
is worth going after , are we going to be
in the running ? It is for the citizens of
.McCook to say. Every man , woman
-und child in the city is deeply interested
'in this city having a suitable building
for public gatherings this movement
must necessarily be a popular one , be
cause all are effected by it. If all put
their shoulders to the will move
xilong smoothly to success. Will you
The "Owls" Congregate.
The Awl-Os were in regular fortnight
ly session , Tuesday evening , at the home
of Miss Nelle Gunii , and the affair was
p to the traditional notch of pleasure.
The meeting partook somewhat of a
beasouable nature , in the gift to each
member of the club of a valentine , heart-
shaped. from Miss Ellen Nordin , of
Marinette , Wisconsin
To afford amusement for the gathering ,
four leaf clovers to the number of 100
were hidden in the house , and a prize
Tell to the finder of the largest number
of these paper clovers. Miss Olive
Ritteiihouse won. There were numbers
on the back of each leaf , and the one
Sliding the leaves containing the largest
total of these numbers received a prize ,
likewise. The winner was Mrs. Walter
"Stokes. On two of the leaves were the
letters A and B. The finder of these
also received prizes , which fell to Miss
Mamie Chandler and Miss Pearl Zint.
The prizes in each case , save that of
"vliss Rittenhouse , were valentines of
Wasteful , home creation.
Refreshments were a final and not-
.iie-least feature of the
? - appreciated evening
The Important Thing
In saying is how to make your sav
ings accumulate and multiply.
There is no savings institution so safe
or which multiplies savings so rapidly as
3. good Building Association.
It is a model savings bank.
It is most economically managed.
It provides for the saving of money 1t
usually squandered. s
You get all that your money earns.
No commission paid to agents.
No preferred stock-holders to reap the
cream of the profits.
The poor man's dollar is just as good f
as the rich man's thousands. v
See the Sec'y of the McCook CoOperative o
ative Building & Savings Ass'u about tlis
the new stock. is
A Rummage Sale.
The ladies of the Au Fait club have
concluded to arrange for a Rummage
Sale in the interest of the auditorium
project. This will doubtless prove to be a a
profitable scheme , and will no doubt be
instrumental in urging other clubs and
societies to some action , similarorother-
vrise , in this behalf. The auditorium
project is on in earnest and if too many tld
schemes do not come to life and divide
the forces and energies of the city , it
* vill win. fc
Convenient Home For Sale. tc
House of 8 rooms , four closets , pantry tlw
amd. china closet , good cellar , brick
walks , No. i well and wind-mill , high-
pressure tank , stock-tank , milk-house ,
Stood barn , cow stable , granaries , buggy- cR
house , chicken-house and pens , fine R
lawn , good shade and fruit trees. Three
blocks from post-office. For price and
terms see J. H. Ludwick , furniture dealer , 1U
XfcCook , Nebraska. di
Progressive High-Five.
Mrs. Mary Mullen entertained a num of
ber of friends , Wednesday evening at olhi
High-Five , in honor of her sister , Mrs. hiB
Ella Farrell of Parsons , Kansas. Mr. it
J. H. Bennett won the first prize , and ithi
Mrs. George Beck the booby. Refresh
ments were served and the evening was
pleasantly passed withal.
Farmers Get Ready.
Get ready for the spring campaign of M
&rming. Put your stock in good con dt
dition. Your horses will need a spring
toaic. Our condition powders will pay
yea a big profit.
profit.McCoNNELi T ;
A large assortment of Stock Foods and
Pooltry Supplies at McMillen's.
Miss EDNA DIXON is spending the
week in Lincoln.
G. L. LAWS was in the city , yes-
terday. on business.
C. J. RYAN has been absent , part of
the week , in Grafton and other points.
H. P. SuTTON was a Lincoln visitor ,
going down on No. 6 , Tuesday evening ,
C. E. THRONE and family and Mrs.
Spickeluiier have gone to Hastings to
Miss SKLMA NORUN arrived home ,
Monday night , front her Lincoln-Omaha
R. Q. STBWART of the revenue service
circulated among us quietly , Tuesday ,
HALLIB DURHAM was over from
Haddam , Kansas , first of the week , on
A. G. DOLE arrived home last Satur
day , from his extended visit in Iowa and
Eastern Nebraska.
Miss JosiE HOULIHAN continues in a
condition which is causing much appre
hension among her friends.
happily surprised by the members of the
Vesta club and their husbands , Tuesday
MRS , JAMES RODNEY , Miss Lizzie
Rooney and Miss Fisher of Hastings
graced the O. R. C. ball and banquet ,
last night.
Miss MARY STEVENS and Miss Lizzie
Stevens of Lincoln were among the par
ticipants in the O. R. C. ball and ban
quet , last evening.
Miss MAUD VAN SICKLE was up from
Orleans to attend the ball and banquet ,
last night , and was the guest of her
sister , Mrs. Clarence Enlow.
MISS M. A. EVANS arrived home ,
Saturday night , from Kenesaw , whither
she was called by the illness and death
of the mother of her brother's wife.
been visiting her daughter , Mrs. Lottie
Brewer , for some months , returned to
her home in Boone , Iowa , last Friday. n
MRS. M. E. WELLS and the children
departed , Monday , for their new home
in Alliance. A warm circle of friends
regrets the leaving , but adds most hearty
wishes for their success and happiness.
taken quarters in the Meeker building ,
occupying the room just vacated by R. tl
E. Dutton , who has moved in the suite
recently vacated by W. R. Starr in the
Phillips building.
Miss SARA COOL arrived in the city ,
Thursday noon , on her way to Colorado
to < spend the rest of the winter. She
stayed over to attend the O. R. C. ball
and Jto visit her sister , Mrs. H. A. Beale ,
briefly. .
formerly < of our city , celebrated their sil ri
ver wedding anniversary on the evening
of Wednesday , February 13th , 1901 , at
their present home in Brookhaven , Miss
issippi. THE TRIBUNE sends greetings 01
on behalf of many old-time friends and 01m
self. tu
MRS. ELIZABETH FORD of Green Bay , oj
Wisconsin , Mrs. Nadab Morrell and at
daughter of Milwaukee , Wisconsin , and ta
Mrs. Edward Skinner of Chicago , Illi
nois , all of whom were summoned here
to the funeral of their aged mother , the
late Mrs. Dora Archibald , departed for \ \
their respective homes on No. 12 , Tuesday seHi
. Hi
day morning.
S. C. JOHN has sold his farm about
four miles east of the city to J. A. Skel-
ton of Indiana , who expects to move on
the place early in March. Mr. John and
wife will go back to Iowa to spend the w
remainder of the winter among relatives
and ; old home scenes ; after which their
course is not certain. Eventually , THE
TRIBUNE expects to see them back in
Red Willow county. co :
Meeker went down to Edgar , last Satur
day , to inspect the opera-house at that
place. ; Mr. Stayner did not continue
his ; trip further on account of the illness
his sister , but Mr. Meeker extended
bis journey on to Hastings and York. Tl
Both gentlemen secured many pointers
the line of auditorium and
opera- Pt
liouse construction.
Farmer's Friend.
The hen , the farmer's friend , should be inj
tvell treated make money by using Mc
Millen's Poultry Powder add Egg Pro-
incer. go ;
Don't buy Cambric Muslin or Com mi th
mon Muslins before seeing oar lines ,
rhe Thompson Dry Goods Co.
A large assortment of Stock Foods and tri
Poultry Supplies at McMillen's.
A Swell Affair.
The annual ball of Harvey division
No. 95 , Order of Railway Conductors
held in the Menard opera-house , las
evening , was one of the swellest am
most successful balls held in the city in
years. The attendance thronged the
opera-house to its capacity , and every
detail was carried out without a hitch or
mar to any feature.
The grand march was led by Con
ductor and Mrs. Frank Kendlen followed
by a number of conductors , their wives
and ladies , and it was a brilliant ant
dressy gathering that responded to thai
number of the programme.
H. P. Sutton was caller and prompter
for the occasion.
The hall was handsomely decorated
for the affair , patriotic colors being used
to produce an attractive , bright-hued
effect. Flags , large and small , bunting
and ropes formed the principal decora
tions , the effects being heightened by
the powerful rays of two headlights cast
across the hall and blending in the
center. A large O. R. C. banner of
greeting occupied the west wall ; it was
suitably lettered and colored. The
lodge charter and a picture of the grand
chief conductor , E. E. Clark , occupied
the north and south walls , each appro
priately ornamented. The total effect
was uncommonly cheery and inspiring.
In the neighborhood of 250 guests at
tended the affair , which has not been
excelled and seldom equalled in the
social history of the city.
The presence of small-pox in several
localities kept away many from outside
the city , still the list of visitors was
quite large. There was a considerable
delegation from the Imperial branch
and a delegation of eight or ten traveling
men who make their headquarters here. di
Miss Spears , Miss Knox , John Edwards ,
agent at that place , and Fred Boehner
were here from Arapahoe.
The work of the orchestra of nine
pieces was unusually effective and high
ly appreciated , with many compliments.
A base and a snare drum were the additions -
ditions to the usual number of instrual
The affair was a large success finan
cially , ( as well as socially and gastro-
nomicallyand ) no little credit is due Conat
ductor Frank Kendlen on this account
for selling 138 of the tickets alone.
The members of 95 , and in fact all "
persons connected with the occasion ,
are proper subjects for hearty congratu
Was served by the Lady Maccabees in D
the Odd Fellows hall , and a large
ber partook of the tasteful dainties and ot
elegant substantials spread so cleverly
by the ladies on this occasion. Over
fifty couples enjoyed this feature of the W
The decorations of the banquet hall se
were in red and green the order colors ,
Ihese ? colors were carried out in the lo
table decorations , which were Batten- he
burg over red and green , and cut flowers. lath
The ices , cakes and bonbons also car
ried out this idea.
Wanted !
Five hundred men who are working sic
an a salary , to invest five dollars a in
tnonth in the best paying Savings insti
tution in Nebraska The McCook Co-
aperative Building & Savings Associ- M
ition. For particulars call on the secre thW
tary at the First National Bank. W
We Are Ready I at
Our shelves full of ioi
are NEW wall-paper.
We are preparing for the best wall-paper pa
season in the history of McCook. Our
ine will be bigger , handsomer than we Mi
lave ever shown. <
Soap ! Soap !
Kirk's " " th
"Juvenile" the 25-cent kind-
ve , sell it for 15 cents.
Overcoats at DeGroff & Co.'s.
The Straight Front is the newest in Jt
orsets. You will find them at DeGroff Di )
Co.'s. of
Men's Black and White Striped Every-
lay Shirts at 250 , 390 , and 500. The
Thompson Dry Goods Co.
Rubens' Infants' Shirts and Nazareth
nit Waists for boys and girls at The
Thompson Dry Goods Co.
No substitutions allowed at our store.
'rescriptions filled as written.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth- we
idist church will give its annual Wash- Mi
ngton dinner and bazar , Feb. 22d tf. dm
If you want the best and most for your
oed money in the meat line don't do a fre
hing but go to Church & Marsh's cal
tiarket. They are it sat
WANTED : Farm of rich soil within ]
ive miles of on
McCook. Will bay. or
rade Indiana farm or business. on !
W. E. BARTER , Mexico , Indiana. ]
Brakemau O. D. Keith is on the sick
list , this week.
Conductor W. D. Beyrer is laying off
on account of a sprained back.
Brakeman L. A. Hulburt is visiting in
Kestersou , this state , this week , on busi
D. M. Taylor , a former brakenian at
this place , was in the city , part of the
Flagman F. G. Foe's brother is here
nursing him through an attack of rheuf
Dave Magner went in to Omaha , Monday -
day night on 6 , to confer with headquarters -
quarters officials.
Trainmaster Kenyon went down to
Omaha , Tuesday evening on 6 , on busi
ness at headquarters.
Sup't Campbell went east on 6 , Tues
day night , his private car 10 following
on 12 , the following morning.
Switchman Eaton , who has been with
the Rio Grande at Denver , is in the city ,
this week , looking for work.
Brakeman W. C. Kithcart , who has
been visiting in the northern part of the
state , arrived home on Saturday last.
Brakeman W. W. Webster was up
from Oxford over Sunday. He expects
to go back on the main line in the spring.
Flagman F. F. Neubauer has moved
into the dwelling-house just vacated by ,
C. E. Throne and family over on Mad
ison street.
Brakeman J. F. Aniick , J. A. Roark
and C. A. DeLoy took a short lay-off to
take in the dance and banquet , Thurs
day night.
Conductor C. W. Bronson arrived
iome from Chicago , Tuesday night on 5 ,
ind resumed his run on 12 , Wednesday
morning. n
J. E. O'Conner and Neal Beeler , who ccnt :
lave been at Akron relieving Donaldson nthi
ind Hill , returned to headquarters , hih
Flagman E. E. Saddler returned to at
York , Wednesday , after a lay-off of
ibout a week on account of effects of Itbe [
raccination. be
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Boyd came down
"roni Denver , last evening on 6 , and are
he guests of the Conductor and Mrs.
jeorge Willetts. Wi
Conductor L. E. Gilcrest
visited his CO :
jrother at Brush , Colorado , Saturday p
ifternoon and Sunday , returning home thor
n 2 , Monday morning.
Brakeman and Mrs. E. E. Stayner orM
vent ( down to Edgar , this state , Wednes- M
iay morning , being summoned by the at
erious illness of his sister. th
Byrd Shipman had the misfortune to
ese $35 , Tuesday evening. He thinks
ic lost the money , a 20 , a 10 and a 5 dol-
ca :
ar bill , in the post-office lobby.
The marriage of Brakeman Mose Col- th
er and his cousin , Miss Mary O'Leary , tic
ast ' Thursday morning , was a great sur- in
rise to Mose's many friends in and out-
ide of the service ; they all unite in wish- fa
ng them much joy. th
The next regular meeting of the Rocky
fountain Railway club will be held in
he American house , corner of i6th and CO
Vazee streets , Denver , Saturday eve-
ling , February i6th , 1901 , commencing S
7:30 o'clock. There will be a discuss-
on of J. H. Abram's paper on Train Dis-
tatching , read at the last meeting of the
lub. Reading of report of committee la.po
rlessrs English and Purvis on "Do po
ocomotives Ever Slip Their Drivers in boW
rorward Motion Without Steam in the
Cylinder ? " A vote will be taken on W
lotion of Sup't J. T. Burns to change fu
he regular night of meeting from first MI
iaturday to first Friday after the 15th Jjo
each month. Paper by C. H. Quer- jo
au , ass't sup't machinery D. & R. G. , C.EC !
"Best Use of Freight Motive Powers. " EC
Question box : "Should not Damage to Pr '
raft Rigging , Caused by the Breaking C.J. ! .
American Continuous Draft Key , be J.A.
Jwner's Defect ? " A.
A Great Man.
For men only. A talk by Arthur D. W
ifeir at the Baptist church at 3 o'clock , J-
unday afternoon. Every man come JMJ
ad bring your neighbor. MJM.
Farmer's Friend. <
The hen , the farmer's friend , should be
'ell treated make money by using Mc-
illen's Poultry Powder and Egg Pro-
If you want a suit made to measure be
ee ring up phone 165 and Diamond will vie
with a selection of 400 nobby spring me
imples to select from. ter
New Chambrays in all the newest coi
for Shirt Waists etc. , at the Thompap
Dry Goods Co. ,
For clothing go to DeGroff & Co.'s. Tb
Held Their Annual Meeting.
The stock-holders of the McCook Co
Operative Building and Savings associa
lion held their nnmml meeting , Monday
night , and elected directors to fill expirec
terms und vacancies. Directors T. B
Campbell and J. E. Kelley were reelected
ed , and C. F. Lehn was chosen to fill
vacancy. They were all wise selections
Messrs. Campbell and Kelley are old re
liables on the board , and Mr. Lehn
brings to the board of directors sound
and conservative business sense. The
board of directors is now constituted as
follows : T. B. Campbell , Emerson Han
son , J. E. Kelley , F. M. Kimniell , W. S.
Perry , W. B. Mills , J. A. Wilcox , J. J.
Garrard and C. F. Lehn. T. B. Camp
bell is the present president , F. A. Pen-
nell , secretary ; W. F. Lawson , treasurer.
The new officers and committees will be
announced as soon as the board organ
izes for the ensuing year and the select
ions are made.
THE TRIBUNE wants to add a word
about this association , which justly
stand first among the building associa
tions of the state of Nebraska :
The McCook Co-Operative Building &
Savings association was organized Janu
ary 26 , 1888 , 13 years ago. It has ma
tured seven series of stock. The A ser
es running 117 months ; B 122 months ;
C 123 months ; D 121 months ; E I2r
months ; F 119 months ; G 118 months.
Estimating 120 months to mature each
series , a member carying one share of
stock , pays into the association $120 ; at
maturity he receives $200 a profit of$8o
on an actual investment of $60 for ten JL
years , 134 per cent per annum , Can
you invest elsewhere a monthly saving
Df one dollar as safely and with as much
jrofil ? The 27th series is now open for e\
Ex-Bank Examiner Wilson claims
that no other association in Nebraska
treats its stock-holders with more hber- re
ility , and that no other association is
onducted upon more careful and busi- Oil
iess-like lines. And in this statement
lie is supported by all the examiners who
liave : inspected its conduct and plans. C
It is one of McCook's most creditable
ind successful institutions and is worthy tliD
of continued and increasing support.
ts plans are equitable and profitable lo
Doth inveslors and borrowers. th
Raised the Quarantine. Kc ;
The quarantine of the National hotel
vas raised on Monday evening , much to pi
he joy and relief of those who had been co
on fin eel therein since the case of sinall- 56
DOX was discovered in that hotel , sotne-
hing over two weeks since.
It will be remembered that there was
wasch :
nly one case , and that was a mild one , c
1 o
Mrs. Hannah Barnes being the victim ,
md that she was promptly removed to
he hospital a mile or so north-west of
he city , where she was given proper at- [
enlion and rapidly recovered.
The outbreak was confined to this one m
ase , and the National hotel , the only M
Iace in the city exposed , has been
horoughly disinfected , double the ordi- Cc
lary amount of disinfectants being used
the building. this
This closes the incident
small-pox soar
ar as McCook is concerned , and we feel
hat our city has been fortunate in this
natter. ru
The city authorities , as well , are to be f
ongratulated upon the success which liv
las attended their efforts to confine and sw
tatnp out this disagreeable plague. cit
Councii Chamber Echoes. wl
The municipal patriarchs wereinregu- ce
. session , Monday evening , and dis- du
losed of the following business , the full tei
toard being present : lai
Bills are follows were allowed and
arrants ordered drawn the
on proper no
unds ! : be
IcCook Electric'Light Co $ 84.50 wa
W. Spiker
75 Sffl
ohn : P. Eckstedt 22.75 Be
B. Gray 60 oo
Jdward Fitzgerald 50.00
'redmore Bros 3.85
L. Miller
3 50
A. Wilcox 1.88
J. Markwad 5 oo in ig
amuel Hornback 34.00
owe Smith 34-OO J
H. Wyatt 22.00 he
. , A. Brown 5.00 wo
M. Hughes 4.00 am
Irs. S. C. King 55-OO bel
C. Rider 125.00 U13
Ordinance No. 93 was read the first
ime. It establishes a fire limit , or
ither amends the old fire-limit ordi- .
ance by setting outside of the limit '
locks No. 9 and 16.
Ordinance No. 94 was passed an d will
found in full in this issue. It pro- ad
ides rules and regulations for the re-
loval of bodies from Longview ceme- 1
ry , and provides penalty for violations. to ;
Bond of City Clerk E. J. Wilcox was far
pproved and ordered placed on file. sec
see :
Best Apron Check Ginghams 50 at yoi
he Thompson Dry Goods Co. urt
Go to Lear's for pure drugs.
Whose afraid of the smallpox ?
Take your prescriptions to Lonr.
It's sure McMillen's Cough Cure.
Loar's prices are right. Try him.
Alfalfa seed for sale. C.G.GoiiEKN.
Don't fail to see the bargains in WallPaper -
Paper at Loar's.
New Curtain Swisses and Netts at The
Thompson Dry Co.
Coal hod and shovel for 15 cents at S.
M. Cochrau & . Co.'s.
You can phone your orders to S. M.
Cochran & Co. for alfalfa hay.
At night ring the door bell at I.oar's
store and the clerk will do the rest.
The smallpox quarantine has been
raised , and we can all breath freely again.
Wall-Paper ! Wall-Paper ! The great
est bargains ever offered are found at
"Better skin a carcass for pay in the
public streets than be idly dependent
on charity. "
New Embroideries of Swiss , Nainsook
and Cambric in setts and singly at The
Thompson Dry Goods Co.
Silk Zephyrs for Shirt Waists etc. , 29
nches wide , 30 cents u yard. The
Thompson Dry Goods Co.
Finest light blue Percale Prints in
ibsolutely , fast colors for SG a yard at
[ "he Thompson Dry Goods Co.
The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of
j. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of
ivery month in Odd Fellows hall.
Commencing with February i8th , the
Blue Front livery barn , phone 36 , will
espond to all calls for the city bus.
Call and get prices. Cane seed , seed
jai.s and corn at lowest prices.
F. C. KEI.LOGC & Co.
-Mualiu Underwear in Gowns , Corset
Covers < , Drnwers and Baby Dresses in
he daimiest designs at The Thompson
Dry Goods Co.
From and after the i8th , phone 36 ,
he Blue Front livery barn , for all calls
or the city bus. Meets all trains and
oes to any part of the city.
Dress Skirts to 3 our measure from any
iece of Dress Goods in stock. 50 skirts
lonstantly kept made up at from $1.25 to
6 50. The Thompson Dry Goods Co.
W. H. Ackerman has bought from R.
tl. Obborn the city bus and will take
harge of the same on next Monday , the
8th. See his announcements in this
sbiie of the paper.
James W. Monk of Hiawatha has been
ranted additional pension , $12. Fran-
is M. Duwson
of Stockvilie receives an
ncrease to $10. Increase to $12 , George
1. Fetherkile of Cambridge.
The serious illness of T. M. Scott , Mc-
look's first postmaster , a veteran of the
ivil war and one of the first residents of
he city , will be regretfully learned. He
receiving attention and care. '
Commencing with next Monday , Feb-
uary ; iSth , the city bus will be in charge
W. H. Ackerman of the Blue Front
ivery. Call up phone 36. Calls an-
wered for all trains to any part of the
Life is short and pleasure is fleeting
/hy smoke an inferior cigar when fire
ents : will buy one of those Great Capa-
uras at Bennett's ? Some people pay
en cents for a cigar inferior to this popu-
Like books , of making cigars there is
end ; but none of those recently placed
efore the public have met with such a
rarm reception from discriminating
tnokers as the Great Capadura has.
lennett sells them.
"The whole age , " said the Earl of
loseberry in his recent famous speech
rhich stirred old England from center
' circumference , "is an age of advertis-
; we are all engaged in a great and
ely war of advertisement. "
J. H. Bennett keeps lots of cigars but
sells the Great '
Capadura. There's a
orld of difference in the two words
ad about the same amount of difference
etween that famous five-cent cigar and
lany others that might be mentioned.
The beauty of the Great Majestic is
lat it is better than it is advertised to
; hence there are no disappointments
heart-aches after you have bought
and tested it in your own kitchen.
more than meets all the requirements
THE TRIBUNE can give more publicity
a wider and better constituency by
than can any paper published in this
ctiou of the state. Advertisers who
ek results will bear this in mind. If
are from Missouri we will take pleas-
in showing you.