< OOP Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60,000 GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. VI. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL ; Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. A powerful engine c.-innot be run with a weak boiler , and we can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomach ; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot dijjest enough food to keep the body strong , such a prepara tion as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you eat and it simply can't help but do you good. McConnell & Berry. The second week her husband is sick woman looks over all her black dresses. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely digested by a prep aration called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure , which absolutely digests what you eat. As it is the only combination of all the natural digestants ever devised the demand for it has become enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief. McConnell & Berry. Kindness , tact , discretion , are the three elements of refined conversation. They aie more substantial than brilliancy or wit and , therefore , more desirable. How to Cure the Grippe. I Remain quietly at home and take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy as directed and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to re sult m pneumonia , which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thous ands who have used it for the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not re cover. For sale by McConnell & Berry. T BE FOOLED ! Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co. , Madison , Wls. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no substl- tute. Ask your druggist. Like bad dollars , all counterfeits of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve are worthless. The original quickly cures piles , sores and all skin diseases. McConnell & Berry. A woman is so constituted that when ever she doesn't smile she has to make faces. There is always danger in using counteifeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The orig inal is a safe and certain cure for piles. It is a soothing and healing salve for sores and all skin diseases. McConnell & Berry. Cook books were written to make young woman think their mothers didn't know how to cook. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles , due to the prevalence of croup , pneumonia and grippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these difficulties. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Children like it. McConnell & Berry. Probably the average mouse thinks women are the most dreadfully immodest creatures it ever saw. For the weakness and prostration following grippe there is nothing so prompt and effect ive as One Minute Cough Cure. This prepa ration is highly endorsed as an unfailing remedy for all throat and lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was made to cure quickly. McConnell & Berry. INDIANOLA. A grand ball will be given in Beardslee's hall on the evening of February 22nd , Washington's birthday. The Pythian or chestra from McCook will provide the music ; there will be eight instruments in the orches tra , and superb music may be looked for with confidence. The grand march is scheduled for 9 o'clock. It will be the social event of the winter. Tickets , $1.00. L / . Vs. ' . . fit Coloni. < Tim HIM tii > n on l-'lro One Hti'iilrt'd Your * . Newcastle , Colo. , Special to Kansas City World : A mountain , which has been on fire for more than 100 years Is situated Just west of here. So close Is it that its shadow envelopes the town at 5 p. m.-at this time of the year , and yet the people hereabouts think no more of it than the beautiful Grand river which washes the feet of the huge pile where the fire has burned so long. To the tenderfoot , however , the glit tering patches of deep r d fire , where it breaks out on the side of the moun tain , and is exposed to view , there is nothing in all this state quite its equal. The fire is fed by a big vein of coal which the mountain contains. Just how the coal became ignited is not known. The oldest resident says it was on fire when he came here , and the Ute Indians , who once lived in this sec tion , say it was burning many years before the first white man crossed the continental divide. The supposition is that the coal was ignited by a forest fire at an early date In the present cen tury. It has smouldered and steadily burned until this day. At night when the moon is dark Is the best time to see the fire. Then it is that it resembles the regions of inferno as given us in the word-painting of Dante. The earth covering the coal is loosened by the heat and falls away , exposing the sheet of fire. The escaping gas probably as sists in stripping off the rocks and dirt , and wherever the vein of coal approaches preaches the surface the fire can be seen. The first fire I &aw was fully 50 feet square. It had a peculiar red tint , while the burning gas coming up at the base of the coal vein , added a bright blue coloring to the scene. In many places the surface of the mountain has sunken , showing where the fire has burned out its course. Efforts have been made to extinguish tue fire. Some time ago a .company which owns a large amount of coal land here , con structed a ditch from a point several miles above the mountain into which it succeeded in turning the water which goes to form Elk creek. Previ ously a shaft had been sunk in the mountain , and into this shaft the water was permitted to flow. The shaft was soon filled , but the fire was above the level of the water , and the effort was a failure. Ills Itiisim-ss. Ida Who is that man we saw iii front of the cave ? May He takes tourists under ground. Ida Goodness ! he must he an un dertaker. A Bad Habit Some of the physicians are claiming 'that the 5 o'clock tea habit is a bad one. They say it induces nervous de bility. USEFUL SNOW. Moisture Stored la Wlutor for Une In Hmimior. If all the condensed moisture of the atmosphere were to fall as rain , and none of It as snow , hundreds of thou sands of square miles' of the earth's surface now yielding beautiful crops would be little better than a desert. The tremendous economic gain for the world at large which results from the difference between snow and rain Is seldom realized by the inhabitants of fertile and well-watered lowlands. It Is the extensive regions where irriga tion is a.prime necessity in agriculture that the special uses of the snow come chiefly into view. All through the winter the snow is falling upon the high mountains , and packing Itself firmly into the ravines. Thus in na ture's great ice house a supply of mois ture Is stored 'ip for the following sum mer. All through the warm months the hardened snow banks are melting gradually. In trickling streams they steadily feed the rivers , which as they flow through the valleys are utilized for Irrigation. If this moisture fell as rain it would almost immediately wash down through the rivers , which would hardly be fed at all in the sum mer , when the crops most need water. These facts are so well known as to be commonplace in the Salt Lake val ley , and in the sub-arid regions of the west generally. They are not so well understood in New Jersey or Ohio , where snow is sometimes a pictur esque , sometimes a disagreeable fea ture of winter. In all parts of the country the notion prevails that the snow is of great value as a fertilizer. Scientists , however , are inclined to attach less importance to its service in soil nutrition for some regions which have no snow are exceedingly fertile than to its worth as a blanket during the months of high winds. It prevents the blowing off of the finely pulverized richness of the top soil. This , although little perceived , would often be a very great loss. In nature's every form there is meaning. Youth's Companion Amnesty In Peru. The Peruvian legislature has passed a law granting absolute amnesty to all persons who may have been concerned in any political transgression or of fenses , with the right to fill public offices. All political prisoners con fined in Lima have been set at liberty. Tccnllar Spiral Chimney. A spiral chimney. 150 feet high , has been built near Bradford , England. The chimney is square in cross-section and each layer of brick is shifted three-sixteenths of an inch out of place , thus giving a peculiar twist to each side of the stack. iftr fW Arffa rfW-.ftr.jtr jftrJW rftrJt * < ft " 9 * " $ % t 1 Jtraftr "V tft r , JV yfcr T&T hr it tV tftrJ For Ladie's this week . Good Assortment . . . At Low Prices . . Call And SeeTHE - THE . . . C. L. DeGROFF & GO. We will offer for sale for 8 days only , regardless of value , 5,000 pairs of winter and mediurn = weighi I Shoes. This sale is FOR CASH ONLY , and will commence on Thursday , February 14 , and last until I. Saturday , February 23. Come early and get first choice. _ „ # i LOT 1 We have picked out 500 odd pairs of Men's , Worn- < en's , Boys' arid Girls' shoes worth up to $4.00 , which we will close at 99C. LOT 2 Includes our $3.50 Men's Hand-Sewed Box Calf , Russia Calf , both black and tan , Russia Calfskin and Vici $2.79 LOT 3 Our $3.00 lines of Welt-Sewed Box Calf , Coltskin and Kid , in .all styles toes , lace or congress $2.39 LOT 4 Our $2.50 lines in Kangaroo Calf , Coltskin , Don- gola , tans and blacks , any toe or style. ( When we say Kangaroo - garoo Calf we do not mean Kangaroo Grain , commonly sold for Kangaroo Calf , but genuine Calfskin. ) $1.89 LOT 5 Our $1.75 and $1.50 lines of all the popular leathers , lace or congress , in any toe $1.29 LOT 6 Our $3.50 Ladies' shoes. This lot includes our best welts and hand-turns in blacks , ox-bloods or tans , made by the well-known and tested Drew-Selby , E. P. Reed , Green-Wheeler etc $2.79 S SPECIAL FOR HEN All Oil = Grain shoes = = always sold from $1.50 to * $ i.75 = = in seamless , lace , buckle or congress , sewed , pegged or standard screw. ( It will be money saved to buy these for the coming summer , as you will need them. ) Price now $1.19 lines of Ladies' shoes in welts and ! LOT 7 Our $3.00 rr.n-- turns , made of Vici , Glazed , Kangaroo , Calf etc . $2.39 LOT 8 Our $2.75 and $2.25 lines in black and color ? , ir heavy and light soles , laces and buttons . Si. 89 irI LOT 9 Our $1.75 and $1.50 lines , made of Dongola , Yici Kid , Calf etc. , in the latest styles and shapes , tans or black = . I heavy or light soles . $1.29 4 SPECIAL FOR LADIES. w ; All our Oxfords and Slippers , in black or tan , at the astonishingly low price of Si.19 This sale is no sham or marked up prices affair-all our goods are marked in plain figures ; nor is this old stuff , it will include all our new up-to-date goods. Come and see for yourself. A GUESS = = With each purchase , which entitles the lucky one to any pair of shoes in the store ; the 1 next nearest gets any $3.00 shoe in the store. 1y f Vaft ff y I ODE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. t